Health App
Health App
Health App
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I [insert your own name] , student number [insert your UoS student number
Confirm the assignment for module HNU [Insert module number here] is my own
work and has not been submitted for any other assessed work
Digital literacy is the ability to effectively use digital tools for learning and
communication. In the context of education, students with strong digital literacy skills
can navigate online resources, critically evaluate information, and collaborate
effectively. The shift to digital learning environments necessitates students to develop
and refine these skills.The impact of digital literacy extends to professional practice.
Healthcare practitioners must navigate electronic health records, telehealth
platforms, and digital communication tools. A lack of digital literacy can lead to errors,
compromised patient care, and frustration among healthcare professionals.
Educators play a pivotal role in equipping students with the necessary digital literacy
skills to thrive in the modern healthcare landscape(Kaufmann, 1998).
Employment and economic inactivity
At the start of the pandemic, as widespread restrictions were introduced, the risk of
high unemployment became a major concern. Businesses closed and social
measures prevented some people from being able to work. Significant government
support in the form of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) or furlough
scheme helped to prevent the rise in unemployment many feared, and the
unemployment rate is now back to pre-pandemic levels. However, levels of economic
inactivity have worsened. An additional 520,000 people aged 16–64 years were
economically inactive in the 3 months to June 2022 compared with the 3 months to
February 2020, around two-thirds of the change has been for those aged 50–
64(Miller, 2002, June).
Kaufmann, G. (1998) A future for regional Australia: Escaping global misfortune. Cambridge University
Press, 1998
Jimenez, R. D., & Velasquez, A. (1989). Metropolitan Manila: a framework for its sustained development.
Environment and Urbanization, 1(1), 51-58.
Trump, D. J. (2017). National security strategy of the United States of America. Executive Office of The
President Washington DC Washington United States.
Miller, K. (2002, June). Advantages and disadvantages of local government decentralization. In Carribean
Conference on Local Government and Decentralisation (Vol. 4).
Fiksel, J., Goodman, I., & Hecht, A. (2014). Resilience: navigating toward a sustainable future. Solutions, 5(5),