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Iris Rieff Thesis Article

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Systematically Applying Gamification to Cyber Security Awareness

Trainings ...

A framework and case study approach


Iris Rieff [1517503]

Faculty of TPM, Delft University of Technology

March 2018

Abstract— Internet-enabled interconnectivity of ICT ICT systems are unaware of proper behavior or lack
assets is increasingly adopted in organizations worldwide. the required knowledge and skills in order to do this.
Despite the benefits, threats to organizational assets are Raising cyber security awareness seems easier said
just around the corner. An organization’s vulnerability to than done considering the vast amount of cyber related
such threats is increased when employees working with
incidents, for example severe data leaks of privacy
ICT systems are unaware of cyber security. There are
several ways to raise cyber security awareness, but the
sensitive information, ransomware that interrupts entire
increasing number of cyber security incidents suggests business processes, and successful hacks targeting var-
that these methods lack effectiveness. Gamification ious corporations or critical infrastructures (McGrath,
offers promising results due to its ability to counter 2016; NOS, 2018).All these incidents contained a hu-
several weaknesses of existing trainings, for example man error that could have been prevented by sufficient
related to motivation and engagement. It is presumed cyber security awareness.
that incorporating gamification in cyber security Following Lohrmann, there are several ways to raise
awareness trainings could increase their effectiveness. A cyber security awareness, for example by implement-
framework is designed to guide developers in gamifying
ing cyber security awareness programs or trainings.
cyber security awareness trainings. An empirical case
study proved the usability of the framework through However, cyber security awareness is still an issue in
gamifying an existing cyber security awareness training many organizations and society as a whole (Franke &
and comparing participant experiences of the existing Brynielsson, 2014; Joshi et al., 2012). This suggests
training and the gamified training. In sum, the cyber that current programs that focus on raising cyber secu-
security awareness training was successfully gamified rity awareness are lacking effectiveness.
and its perceived effectiveness was proven. Many commonly applied cyber security awareness
training techniques, like online trainings or e-learnings,
Keywords gamification, cyber security awareness, face issues inter alia due to participant perceptions. For
training context, framework design, case study
example, such trainings are often perceived as time-
consuming, non-inviting, or intimidating (Patten, 2015).
Gamification is proposed as a promising and emergent
Information, communication, and technology (ICT) technique that can be incorporated in cyber security
is one of the most fast-paced fields in current soci- awareness trainings to tackle such issues. Gamification
eties all over the world. Organizations are increasingly can be defined as the application of game design
connecting their key ICT assets to the internet, which principles in non-gaming contexts (Robson, Plangger,
has several benefits. Business processes can be auto- Kietzmann, McCarthy, & Pitt, 2015).
mated, communication is quicker, and information can A particular benefit of applying gamification in
be stored more effectively (Sheahan, 2017). However, training or education contexts is that it stimulates
the interconnectivity poses increased or new risks, for the motivation and engagement of participants. It is
example due to the introduced remote access. These presumed that this increases the chances of a successful
risks is increased when employees who work with the program. For example, information might be conveyed

more easily or the retention of information might access, disruption, or destruction of electronic com-
be improved due to the application of gamification. puting systems (hardware, software, and networks), the
However, research regarding a systemic application data and information they hold (Ani, He, & Tiwari,
of gamification in existing cyber security awareness 2016). Thus, the triad of cyber security consists of
training contexts is missing. Therefore, this research people, processes and technologies. Properly aligning
project aims to answer the following main research and strengthening the three underlying parts of this triad
question. contributes to the cyber security of organizations.
Research question How can gamification be applied Another definition of cyber security is all the ap-
to a training context that aims to affect cyber security proaches taken to protect data, systems, and net-
awareness? works from deliberate attack as well as accidental
compromise, ranging from preparedness to recovery
Answering this research question involves formulat- (Kassicieh, Lipinski, & Seazzu, 2015). This definition
ing answers to the following sub-questions. complements previous definition by illustrating that
1) What constitutes and influences cyber security there are several approaches that an organization can
awareness? adopt to increase its cyber security. For example, differ-
2) What gamification concepts are applicable to cy- ent approaches might affect different parts of the cyber
ber security awareness trainings? security triad of people, processes and technologies.
3) What framework can be designed to gamify exist- Many of the approaches that are currently adopted
ing cyber security awareness trainings? focus primarily on the technologies side of cyber se-
4) What is the perceived effectiveness of an applica- curity (Howarth, 2014). By neglecting the people and
tion of the designed framework? processes aspects of cyber security awareness, these
For this purpose, section II addresses the back- approaches might not be adequate for tackling the prob-
ground and related work regarding gamification and lem of lacking cyber security. Some authors state that
cyber security awareness. Next, section III elaborates cyber security awareness is the most important factor
on the methodologies that are applied to answer the considering cyber security of organizations (Jiemei,
research questions. Afterwards, section IV contains the Xuewei, Dongxia, & Lan, 2014). In other words, ad-
execution of the research project. Section V discusses dressing cyber security awareness through approaches
the results of this research. Conclusions are drawn focusing on the people aspect might effectively improve
in section VI. Next, limitations of this research are the cyber security of organizations.
addressed in section VII. Finally, section VIII regards Cyber security awareness can be defined as thought-
directions for future research based on this research fulness on security, enabling individuals (workforce
project. employees and managers) to recognize security con-
cerns and respond accordingly (Ani et al., 2016). As
II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK such, cyber security awareness is a subset of situational
awareness that is regarding a cyber context (Franke &
One of the key reasons behind lacking cyber security Brynielsson, 2014). An additional definition of cyber
awareness in many organizations is the severe shortage security awareness is assessing the level of vulnera-
of specialists regarding cyber security (Assante & To- bilities in an entity, while providing participants with
bey, 2011). Next, it is often difficult for organizations general knowledge in detecting and avoiding successful
to distinguish what knowledge and skills are relevant penetration attempts (Adams & Makramalla, 2015).
to raise cyber security awareness of its employees and This definition differs from previous definition due
how to do this effectively by training (Caldwell, 2013). to its adversarial perspective. A definition of cyber
This section addresses the fields of cyber security security awareness that widens this perspective is the
awareness and gamification as a promising technique ability of the user to recognize or avoid behaviors that
to raise cyber security awareness. would compromise cyber security; practice of good
behaviors that will increase cyber security; and act
A. Cyber Security Awareness wisely and cautiously, where judgment is needed, to
Cyber security can be described as the harmonization increase cyber security (Toth & Klein, 2013). Through
of capabilities in people, processes, and technologies; previous definitions it can be presumed that recogni-
to secure and control both authorized and/or unlawful tion regarding cyber security awareness can only be

fostered if participants of a cyber context are provided gamification can also be incorporated in a tabletop
with sufficient knowledge regarding cyber security. context as well, for example by including elements
Additionally, next to understanding the importance and from a card game or a board game (Gondree, Peterson,
possible implications of cyber security awareness, the & Denning, 2013). In the end, several studies concluded
extent to which people behave in accordance with this that gamified environments are often preferred over
understanding might be equally important (Parsons et non-gamified environments by participants (Baxter,
al., 2017). Holderness Jr, & Wood, 2015). However, research that
There are several training techniques that are adopted concerns how to properly apply gamification in existing
by organizations to influence the cyber security aware- cyber security awareness contexts to benefit from such
ness of their employees, for example annual presen- advantages is lacking.
tations or e-learnings. An upcoming and promising
technique that can be incorporated in a cyber security III. METHODOLOGY
awareness training context to potentially increase their First, literature studies are performed regarding cyber
effectiveness is gamification. security awareness, gamification concepts, and the pro-
cess of applying gamification. These literature studies
B. Gamification consist of journal papers, as well as conference papers
Gamification is a concept that started peaking inter- and dissertations due to the preliminary research. Based
est around 2010 (Zichermann & Cunningham, 2011). on the insights of these literature studies, a framework
The phenomenon is often described as the applica- is designed that provides a systematic approach to
tion of game design principles in non-gaming con- gamify cyber security awareness trainings. This frame-
texts (Robson et al., 2015; Werbach & Hunter, 2012). work is evaluated based on expert interviews. Next, an
Elaborating on these design principles leads to an- existing cyber security awareness training is selected
other definition of gamification as the use of game and gamified using this framework, illustrating the
thinking including progress mechanics (such as points usability of the framework. Finally, an empirical case
systems), player control (such as avatar use), rewards, study is performed in which the gamified training is
collaborative problem solving, stories, and competition executed by participants and compared to the existing
in non-game situations (Deterding, Dixon, Khaled, & training as executed by other participants. Based on the
Nacke, 2011; Kapp, 2012). This definition comple- results of pre-training and post-training questionnaires,
ments previous definition through providing concrete the perceived effectiveness of the trainings can be
examples of design elements, but lacks an explanation (statistically) evaluated.
of the purpose behind the application of gamification.
There are literary sources that address this aspect of
gamification, for example by describing gamification as This section addresses the knowledge gap regarding
a transformative socio-technical systems design prac- the systematic application of gamification in cyber
tice for motivational affordances in the service of security awareness contexts.
human flourishing (Deterding, 2014). By combining
insights and previous definitions, it can be derived A. Constructs of Cyber Security Awareness
that gamification is often applied to stimulate behavior Research that considers what actually constitutes
changes through increased engagement and motivation and influences cyber security awareness is lacking
of participants. (Alotaibi, Furnell, Stengel, & Papadaki, 2016). Aware-
Reviewing literature and recent studies provides nu- ness is often point of discussion, opinions are not really
merous examples where contexts that included compet- converging, and it seems hard to characterize(Dodge Jr,
itive elements successfully encouraged and stimulated Carver, & Ferguson, 2007).
participants to change their behavior (Gavas, Memon, An initial foundation for the constructs of cyber
& Britton, 2012). Including competitive and/or cooper- security awareness is statements regarding ‘skills’ and
ative elements in a non-game context is an example of ‘capabilities’ regarding cyber security. Here, the rela-
incorporating gamification. Gamified contexts provide tion between ‘skills’ and ‘capability’ can be elaborated;
a safe environment for participants to practice their some authors describe capability as the product of
behavior or skills under pressure. Despite the numerous knowledge, skills, and tools (Johnson, 2015). There are
examples of digital or online gamified environments, additional authors that regard knowledge and skills, but

they consider tools only to describe capability on a should be a balance of these drives in order to ac-
generic context (Ani et al., 2016). complish a successful gamification. Next, gamification
Next to capability, knowledge and skills, many au- mechanics should be balanced with the objectives of the
thors address behavior as a construct of cyber security training and they should fit with the sense or purpose of
awareness. For example, while employees might pos- participants (Tinati, Luczak-Roesch, Simperl, & Hall,
sess adequate capabilities, knowledge and skills, it is 2017).
not guaranteed that they act accordingly (Alotaibi et A framework that concretely addresses specific
al., 2016). An underlying reason might be that there gamification elements is the MDA framework (da
is often a trade-off between convenience and behaving Rocha Seixas, Gomes, & de Melo Filho, 2016; Zicher-
in a cyber security aware manner (Calic, Pattinson, mann & Cunningham, 2011). This framework includes
Parsons, Butavicius, & McCormac, 2016; Manke & mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics as concepts of
Winkler, 2012). Some authors state that it is more likely gamification. These concepts can be further elaborated
to affect behavior through attitude changes (Thomson into specific components like points, levels, and re-
& von Solms, 1998). wards. A variant of the MDA framework is the MDE
In addition to the discussed constructs, there appears framework, which includes multi-directional relation-
to be additional factors that constitute and influence ships between the different gamification components
cyber security awareness or the individual constructs (Robson et al., 2015). Next, the aesthetics concept
itself. Cyber security awareness can be regarded inter- is replaced with an emotions concepts. This is in
nally and externally. For example, there can be several line with various authors who state that aesthetics are
individual, organizational, or intervention factors that more applicable in a full-blown game context, whereas
affect the (constructs of) cyber security awareness of emotions are more applicable in a gamification context
employees (Parsons et al., 2017). (Landsell & Hägglund, 2016).
Another framework that is valuable when study-
B. Gamification Concepts for Cyber Security Aware- ing gamification concepts is the framework from
ness Marczewski. This framework complements previous
Common cyber security awareness training tech- frameworks and models by incorporating both mo-
niques such as e-learnings or regular presentations tivations and gamification components and relating
are often considered intimidating, time-consuming, and these to six different player types; socializers, philan-
non-inviting (Patten, 2015). A training technique that thropists, disruptors, free spirits, players, and achievers
can be incorporated in cyber security training contexts (Marczewski, 2015). Next, some authors state that
to challenge these negative perceptions is called gam- the implementation of gamification concepts that are
ification. Gamification is often related to promising beneficial for a specific target might have an opposite
results regarding attention, feedback, and motivation effect on other individuals (Mohamad, Salam, & Bakar,
(Kassicieh et al., 2015). Literature shows that the ma- 2017; Thiel & Lehner, 2015). As such, incorporating
jority of gameful cyber security awareness trainings are a balance of gamification elements in gamified cyber
actual games instead of applications of gamification. security awareness trainings might avoid or limit such
Since the body of knowledge that addresses gamifi- unanticipated effects.
cation in cyber security awareness trainings is scarce,
C. Designing and Evaluating a Framework
gamification in educational contexts is also regarded.
Following some authors it is of utter importance An often cited source that addresses the process of
for the success of a gamified environment to select applying gamification is the 6D framework (Werbach
the appropriate gamification concepts (Kapp, 2012). & Hunter, 2015). Following these authors, there are
However, research that adequately addresses such con- six steps to follow when applying gamification as
cepts is scarce (Hamari, Koivisto, & Sarsa, 2014). An illustrated below.
exemplar framework is the Octalysis framework. This 1) Define business objectives.
framework illustrates eight motivational drives that can 2) Delineate target behaviors.
be invoked in order to motivate people to perform 3) Describe your players.
activities; meaning, empowerment, social influence, 4) Devise activity loops.
unpredictability, avoidance, scarcity, ownership, and 5) Don’t forget the fun.
accomplishment (Chou, 2015). Chou states that there 6) Deploy the appropriate tools.

Executing step one to five ensures a fit between 4) Research Contributions: Effective design-science
the selected methods, the envisioned environment, and research must provide clear and verifiable contri-
its purpose. Next, step six regards actual gamification butions in the areas of the design artifact, design
elements as addressed previously. foundations, and/or design methodologies.
Other research that regards the process of applying 5) Research Rigor: Design-science research relies
gamification is the study from Huang and Soman. upon the application of rigorous methods in both
These authors established five steps when regarding the the construction and evaluation of the design arti-
application of gamification in the field of education. fact.
1) Understanding the target audience and the context. 6) Design as a Search Process: The search for an
2) Defining learning objectives. effective artifact requires utilizing available means
3) Structuring the experience. to reach desired ends while satisfying laws in the
4) Identifying resources. problem environment.
5) Applying gamification elements. 7) Communication of Research: Design-science re-
search must be presented effectively both to
Interestingly, both the steps from Huang and Soman
technology-oriented as well as management-
and the 6D framework from Werbach and Hunter regard
oriented audiences.
gamification elements last.
Since all these frameworks, models and guidelines
An additional model that describes the process of
are not tailored to a cyber security awareness context,
gamification is the Sustainable Gamification Design
the results of the previous literature studies will be used
(SGD) model (Raftopoulos, 2014). The seven steps as
towards designing a framework for guiding developers
derived from this model are displayed below.
of a gamified cyber security awareness training.
1) Establish project needs and objectives, and ethical Since the initial framework design is primarily based
foundations. on theoretical knowledge, the framework is evaluated
2) Map project motivations, methods and outcomes. by consulting cyber security awareness and gamifica-
3) Stakeholder mapping and user or player personas. tion experts. Comments and feedback are collected re-
4) Creative problem-solving and ideation through garding their expertise and practical experience and the
participatory/co-design. initial framework design is adjusted accordingly. The
5) Exploring suitable gamification technology op- results section of this article illustrates and discusses
tions. the resulting framework.
6) Selecting appropriate gameplay and game me-
chanics. D. Illustrating the Usability of the Framework
7) Prototype, pilot, test, iterate and launch the gami- After evaluating and adjusting the framework, its
fied application. usability is illustrated. For this purpose, an online
In order to construct a framework design, the seven Deloitte cyber security awareness training is gamified.
guidelines from Hevner concerning design science are The existing training is selected based on duration,
regarded (Hevner, March, Park, & Ram, 2004). These expected prior knowledge, addressed cyber security
guidelines, as illustrated below, aid developers of an awareness topics, target participants, and the general-
artifact to acquire an understanding of the specific izable applicability of the training. The cyber security
design problem and its solution (Hevner et al., 2004). awareness related content was extracted along with the
objectives of the training.
1) Design as an Artifact: Design-science research
must produce a viable artifact in the form of a E. Perceived Effectiveness of Cyber Security Awareness
construct, a model, a method, or an instantiation. Trainings
2) Problem Relevance: The objective of design- The existing cyber security awareness training and
science research is to develop technology-based the gamified training are compared in order to evaluate
solutions to important and relevant business prob- their perceived effectiveness. A comparative study is
lems. performed that involves eight participants which exe-
3) Design Evaluation: The utility, quality, and ef- cute the non-gamified cyber security awareness training
ficacy of a design artifact must be rigorously and eight participants which execute the gamified train-
demonstrated via well-executed evaluation meth- ing. Each participant fills in a pre-training question-
ods. naire and a post-training questionnaire with questions

regarding (perceived effects on) their level of cyber
security awareness. The results are used to discuss
the perceived effectiveness of raising cyber security
awareness through this particular gamified training that
resulted from applying the framework.
This section discusses the results from the performed
literature studies and the executed case study.
A. Cyber Security Awareness Constructs
The literature study towards constructs of cyber
security awareness led to the newly developed model
as visualized in 1 regarding what constitutes and influ-
ences cyber security awareness. As such, cyber security
awareness is affected by capability and behavior. In
turn, capability consists of two constructs; knowledge
and skills. Besides, the behavior construct encompasses
actions and attitude. Capability and behavior do not
directly influence each other. However, there might be
indirect influences at play. Finally, the yellow hexagon
illustrates contextual factors that might affect cyber
security awareness in general or its constructs. These
factors might be individual, organizational or related to Fig. 1. Constructs of Cyber Security Awareness
intervention (Parsons et al., 2017). Note, there might
be other factors and these might differ per situation,
organization or employee. TABLE I
B. Gamification Mechanics for Cyber Security Aware-
ness Trainings Categories Gamification Mechanics
Table I provides a newly categorized overview of Social
gamification mechanics as applicable for cyber security Cooperation / Guilds
awareness trainings that resulted from the performed Competition Roles
literature study. Avatars
Following this literature study, mechanics are the Virtual Goods
more practical and design oriented gamification con- Badges / Medals
cepts. In other words, these are the primary elements Trophies
that a developer can incorporate in a gamified cyber se- Achievements
curity awareness training. Note that some gamification Awards, Trading & Gifting / Rewards
mechanics can fit several categories. Challenges
C. Design and Evaluation of a Framework Adventures
Quest / Goal / Mission
From literature it became apparent that a framework Boss Battles
for gamifying cyber security awareness trainings should Progress Bar / Status
incorporate the fact that relevant content for every Points / XP
participant should be provided by the training. Next, Levels
the framework should reflect the fact that cyber security Feedback / Reports
Unlockable Content
awareness trainings must include up to date content,
Easter Eggs
for example regarding current and future trends. Such Surprises
Lottery / Game of Chance
trends can either be internal, e.g. demands or policies of
organizations, or external, e.g. potential cyber threats.

Additional insight comprises the impression that the
framework should consider multiple forms of com-
munication. For one, different types of cyber security
awareness content might call for different types of Categories Requirements
communication. For example, as discussed earlier, com- - Establish business targets and learning
plex content might better be provided in print, while objectives
- Distinguish relevant topics and content
less complex content can be transferred verbally. Next,
regarding learning objectives
the framework for gamifying cyber security awareness CSA
- Make sure the content is recognizable
trainings should reflect the derived insight regarding
and relevant for participants
the length of such trainings. As mentioned, it can be
- Perform continuous monitoring; check
assumed that shorter, repeated trainings provide more content’s relevance and up to date
advantages than long, singular trainings. For one, these -Identify motivations of participants
short and repeated sessions promise improved retention and align gamification tactics (ARCS+G)
and lower the barrier for employees to participate in - Apply different gamification concepts to
such trainings. Finally, a gamified cyber security aware- Gamification
appeal to different participants
ness training should be gamified via the framework in - Make sure the gamification concepts
such a way that there are game elements in place that align with the objectives
can appeal to every participant. In other words, each - Perform an analysis of cultural and
participant should be able to feel positively affected lifestyle differences that might affect
through at least one game element as implemented training experiences and results
in the gamified cyber security training. The resulting - Adopt a flexible approach; possibilities
framework requirements can be seen in Table II. to change or adjust particular modules
Three frameworks and models regarding the process Additional -Enable customization, e.g. to different
of applying gamification are analyzed and the resulting users, message to be delivered, or content
- Offer different delivery methods, e.g.
steps as derived from analyzing previous research from
print for complex information
Huang and Soman (2013), Raftopoulos (2014), and
Provide short sessions on regular basis to
Werbach and Hunter (2015) are displayed below.
improve retention
1) Objectives
2) Context
3) Structure 3) Design Evaluation: The artifact is evaluated by
4) Resources performing observed expert interviews. The use of
5) Diverge the artifact is demonstrated through its application
6) Converge to an existing cyber security awareness training.
7) Build 4) Research Contributions: A key research contribu-
8) Evaluate tions is the design artifact itself as a possible solu-
These steps form the initial structure of the frame- tion to the identified organizational problem. Next,
work for guiding developers of a gamified cyber se- the cyber security awareness constructs model
curity awareness training. In order to develop the contributes metrics to be used in cyber security
framework design, the seven design-science research awareness research and practice.
guidelines from Hevnes, as addressed in Section IV, are 5) Research Rigor: Literature studies concerning cy-
also regarded and applied to the context of gamification ber security awareness and gamification are per-
and cyber security awareness trainings. formed to construct the framework. The frame-
1) Design as an Artifact: Visual representation of work is evaluated through expert interviews and
process of gamifying existing cyber security its usability is illustrated through a case study.
awareness trainings. A framework is designed, 6) Design as a Search Process: The research is con-
visualizing the different steps of this process. ducted in an iterative way regarding both theory
2) Problem Relevance: The underlying organizational and practice. Literature studies towards an initial
problem is a lack of cyber security awareness and framework design is followed by expert interviews
how to raise this effectively through the use of and a case study. These means result in an adjusted
gamification in training contexts. framework and a gamified training.

Fig. 2. Framework

7) Communication of Research: The research is com- D. Evaluated Application of the Framework
municated and presented through a framework The usability of the framework is illustrated through
with two layers of abstraction. One layer for a gamifying an existing cyber security awareness training
quick overview, one layer with in-depth informa- by using the designed framework. Next, pre-training
tion regarding the underlying processes. and post-training questionnaires are performed with
eight participants for the existing digital training and
eight participants for the gamified table-top training.
The designed framework is evaluated through ex-
Cyber security awareness and its four constructs, par-
pert interviews and adjusted accordingly. The resulting
ticipation, and interaction are key questioned aspects.
framework is displayed in figure 2. As indicated by the
The averaged quantitative results of the four different
different colors, the framework consists of three phases:
questionnaires of the non-gamed, existing training and
fundamentals, blueprint, and design. The steps of these
gamified training are presented in tables III and IV.
phases correspond to the steps for gamifying trainings
Here, CSA means cyber security awareness.
as discussed previously.
The fundamentals phase comprises two steps; ob-
jectives and context. These steps consider an analysis
of the objectives of the training and its context. The Pre-Training Post-Training (Effect)
blueprint phase consists of the resources and structure CSA 4.06 2.50
steps. These steps guide developers of gamified cyber Attitude 4.13 2.25
security awareness trainings to a training structure Knowledge 3.38 2.50
while taking into consideration the available resources. Skills 3.63 2.25
The design phase encompasses the diverge, converge, Actions 4.00 2.00
and build steps. The diverge step includes the gen- Participation N/A 2.88
eration of ideas. In the converge step, these ideas Interaction N/A 2.38
are evaluated and selected based on criteria like KPIs
related to the objectives of the training. These can TABLE IV
also be based on the constructs of the cyber security AVERAGED R ESULTS (G AMIFIED T RAINING )
awareness model as established earlier. During the final Pre-Training Post-Training (Effect)
step, build, prototypes are built in order to test the CSA 3.88 2.81
developed cyber security awareness training. Attitude 4.00 2.75
Knowledge 3.56 2.63
The yellow circles in the framework illustrate (in-
Skills 3.69 2.25
terim) results; these illustrate the aim of each phase.
Actions 4.06 2.63
Here, training scope addresses an analysis of existing
Participation N/A 3.88
cyber security awareness training and the objectives Interaction N/A 4.13
of the current training. Next, blueprint & toolbox
encompasses an overview of content from the analyzed The results suggest that on average the participants
trainings and possible options and the initial structure perceived their level of cyber security already quite
of the current training. Finally, training roll-out is the high prior to the training. This might affect the score of
final deliverable; a training that is ready to be rolled- ‘affected cyber security awareness’ of the post-training
out. Next to these (interim) results, feedback loops questionnaires. Next, every aspect (besides skills)
are present. The improve feedback loop is activated received a higher averaged score in the gamified
when test runs with the prototype illustrate room for cyber security awareness training, when comparing
improvement. As such, iterations within the design, the results of both post-training questionnaires.
converge, or build step can result. The other feedback Additionally, both participation and interaction aspects
loop, re-evaluate, is activated when the training is scored higher on average in the gamified training when
rolled-out. This feedback loop includes regular checks, compared to the post-training results of the existing
for example whether the training still aligns with the training. Finally, 75% of the participants would
context or objectives of the training and whether the recommend the gamified cyber security awareness
contents of the training are still up-to-date and relevant. training, whereas 50% would recommend the existing,

non-gamified training. In the end, when comparing the results of the ques-
tionnaires, it should be noted that the expectations of
The results of Tables III and IV suggest that the the participants should be aligned with the goal of the
participants of the gamified training perceived a greater (gamified) training. Furthermore, it can be presumed
effectiveness of the training than the participants of the that this particular application of the framework results
existing training. In order to assess the significance of in a successful gamification of the existing cyber secu-
these results, a one-tailed t-test is applied with the null rity awareness training.
hypothesis H0 that the scores of the gamified training
are samples from the score distribution of the non- VI. CONCLUSIONS
gamified training. The chosen level of significance is Few literature exists on the application of gami-
0.05. fication on cyber security awareness trainings. Here,
One participant in the gamified training stood out capability, behavior and contextual factors are de-
in scoring (very low) perceived effectiveness in all as- scribed as key parts of cyber security awareness. In this
pects of the training. This participant noted that he/she sense, capability consists of the constructs knowledge
expected a full-blown game and more fun. As such, and skills. Next, behavior encompasses the constructs
the gamified training did not meet his/her expectations. knowledge and skills. Here, a construct is described as
Therefore, the same null hypothesis is assessed twice; a characteristic that constitutes and influences specific
once using all results of the questionnaires and once aspects of cyber security awareness. Finally, next to
while excluding the results of this particular participant these constructs, contextual factors play a role in cyber
of the gamified training. security awareness contexts. These factors could be
explained through individual, organizational or inter-
vention factors. A model is developed which displays
these factors along with the constructs of cyber security
awareness and visualizes the relations. As such, the
model can be used towards identifying or prioritizing
p-value using p-value excluding one
specific aspects of cyber security awareness that can be
all results set of results
improved through training. In this way, cyber security
CSA 0.304 0.170
awareness might be raised more effectively.
Attitude 0.203 0.171
Secondly, gamification concepts for the purpose of
Knowledge 0.422 0.288
raising cyber security awareness through training are
Skills 0.500 0.369
established. Several frameworks address characteristics
Actions 0.098 0.033
Participation 0.096 0.024
like motivational drives, mechanics, and player types.
Interaction 0.006 0.000
Regarding the applicability of the identified gamifi-
cation concepts to cyber security awareness, research
The results of the null hypothesis can be seen shows that there is little information regarding applied
in Table V. In case of regarding all results of the gamification concepts in specific cyber security aware-
questionnaires, it can be concluded that the null ness contexts. Studies regarding different applications
hypothesis can be rejected only for the interaction of gamification concepts suggest that leaderboards,
aspect (< 0.05) and thus that only the perceived badges/medals, points, quest/goal/mission and feedback
increase in the interaction aspect is significant. The are key gamification mechanisms. In the end, there are
perceived effect on cyber security awareness or on any no reasons to assume that such gamification concepts
of the constructs attitude, knowledge, skills and actions are not applicable to cyber security awareness contexts.
is not significantly increased by the gamification. In Thirdly, a framework for gamifying cyber security
case of excluding the results of a notable low-scoring awareness trainings is established. The described steps
participant, it can be concluded that the null hypothesis for this structure are: objectives, context, structure,
for the actions, participation and interaction aspects resources, diverge, converge, build, and evaluate. Next,
can be rejected (< 0.05) and thus that only the previous insights regarding cyber security awareness
perceived increase in the actions, participation and and its constructs are integrated with these steps to
interaction aspects is significant. provide a framework design for gamifying cyber secu-
rity awareness trainings. The usability of this frame-

work is evaluated by performing several interviews expectation that the gamified training would be a full-
with experts in the field of cyber security awareness blown game. In sum, this particular application of the
and gamification. Next, the framework was adjusted framework resulted in a successful gamification of an
according to their comments and feedback. The re- existing cyber security awareness training.
sulting framework consists of the following phases: Finally, combining previous insights provides an
fundamentals, blueprint, and design. The fundamentals answer to the presented research question.
phase encompasses the steps objectives and context,
Research question How can gamification be applied
as derived from the frameworks and models analyses.
to a training context that aims to affect cyber security
Next, the blueprint phase consists of the structure and
resources steps. Finally, design includes the diverge,
converge, and build steps. Next to the phases and the Firstly, cyber security awareness is constituted and
associated steps; (interim) results, feedback loops, and influenced by the four constructs knowledge, skills,
coherence between cyber security awareness aspects are action and attitude and contextual factors. Secondly,
visualized. This framework guides developers towards five categories of gamification concepts (coopera-
successfully gamifying cyber security awareness train- tive/competitive, prices, adventures, progression, and
ings. surprises) are established that are applicable to cyber
Fourthly, the usability of the framework and the per- security awareness contexts. This led to a framework,
ceived effectiveness of a resulting training is assessed evaluated by expert interviews, for gamifying cyber
by following a two-step approach. First, gamifying an security awareness trainings. The usability of the frame-
existing cyber security awareness training by using the work is illustrated through applying the framework, i.e.
designed framework. Secondly, a comparative study developing a gamified cyber security awareness train-
regarding the results of pre-training and post-training ing. This study also included an empirical case study
questionnaires of eight participants of the existing with pre-training and post-training questionnaires. Re-
training and eight participants of the gamified training. sults show a higher perceived increase in cyber security
The training selected for gamification was executed awareness in the gamified training when compared to
and analyzed in order to derive cyber security aware- the existing training, although not significantly higher.
ness content and to identify the key objectives of the In the end, the evaluated framework provides a suc-
training. The resulting gamified table-top training uses cessful tool for gamifying cyber security awareness
the cyber security awareness constructs model as KPIs. trainings.
Gamifying this specific training by using the designed
framework illustrates its usability. Next, the question-
naires aim to show to what extent the gamification has There are several limitations that can be identified
been successful and include questions regarding cyber from performing this research. First, since research in
security awareness (change), the four KPIs; knowledge, the field of gamification and cyber security awareness
skills, actions, and attitude, and aspects like participa- is quite preliminary, additional sources were consulted,
tion and interaction. The results of the questionnaires e.g. conference papers, white papers, and dissertations.
show that each KPI scores higher in the gamified Using these sources as references might have affected
training, with skills receiving an equal score. Also the results or conclusions of this research.
participation and interaction receive a higher average Next, since the dynamic field of gamification and
score in the gamified training when compared to the cyber security awareness, the theories as derived from
existing training. Additionally, 75% of the participants literature studies might not always reflect current prac-
of the gamified training would recommend the training, tices or recent trends. In turn, this might affect the
compared to 50% of the participants of the existing practical appropriateness of the designed framework.
training who would recommend the training. However, Additionally, there are assumptions underlying the
the scores are not significantly higher for the gamified identified gamification concepts as applicable to cyber
training except for the interaction aspect. If one notable security awareness. However, these assumptions might
low-scoring participant is excluded, the aspects actions, need to be researched and validated, i.e. to what extent
participation and interaction are significantly higher for is each gamification concept applicable to specific cy-
the gamified training. The low scores of this particu- ber security awareness topics or trainings? For example,
lar participant can (partially) be explained by his/her some concepts might be more appropriate in an ‘offline’

setting whereas other gamification concepts are more just content when developing a gamified cyber security
appropriate in e-learning contexts. awareness training. Moreover, the limited number of
For the purpose of providing a clear overview, the participants of the existing and the gamified training is
designed framework is a simplification of the gamifi- a limitation of this research. With an increased number
cation process of cyber security awareness trainings. of participants, the null hypothesis would more likely
For example, some phases or steps might be executed be rejected and an extrapolation or generalization of
concurrent instead of purely sequential. Besides, some the results is more reliable. Finally, the case study only
steps or phases might be iteratively executed. regarded the perceived effectiveness of the trainings and
The performed empirical case study might suffers this might differ from the actual effectiveness.
from limitations. For example, by providing the experts VIII. FUTURE RESEARCH
the initial design of the framework might have affected
An initial recommendation for future research re-
their creativity or perspective on gamification as a
gards quantifying the influence of the different con-
process regarding cyber security awareness. In other
structs (knowledge, skills, attitude and actions) on
words, the framework might have turned out very
cyber security awareness. Next, the contextual factors
differently if it was co-designed from scratch with these
can be elaborated or researched on their influence on
experts. Next, the framework as adjusted according
specific constructs of cyber security awareness.
to expert consultation was not evaluated. This might
Future research could also encompass the applica-
affect (the results of) developed gamified cyber security
bility of the identified gamification concepts in specific
awareness trainings.
training settings. For example, some concepts might be
Next, since the case study is based on a single
more applicable in competitive cyber security aware-
case, this might affect the drawn conclusions regarding
ness environments, whereas other are more applicable
the usability of the framework. For example, select-
in cooperative environments. Also the impact of par-
ing multiple existing trainings or developing multiple
ticular gamification elements on raising cyber security
gamified trainings might lead to different results and
awareness or its constructs can be studied.
conclusions. In this case, the framework has not been
Next, future research could focus on tailoring the
evaluated for online or digital gamified cyber security
framework to specific topics of cyber security aware-
awareness trainings, since the current gamified training
ness. Furthermore, a new or existing framework that
was developed as a table-top training.
regards gamification can be (quantitatively) compared
Finally, there are limitations regarding the compara- to the current framework.
tive study of the existing and the gamified cyber secu- Future research could also extend this research by ap-
rity awareness training. For one, next to the parameters plying the framework in different settings, with differ-
under investigation, additional aspects differed between ent player types, with more participants, or in a longer
these trainings. For example, the existing training is time frame. For example, developing different gamified
provided in a digital, online format whereas the gam- cyber security awareness trainings and comparing them
ified training is provided in a paper-based, tabletop in their effectiveness of raising (constructs of) cyber
format. Next, the existing training is executed by in- security awareness.
dividuals, whereas the gamified training is executed Finally, since organizations can differ greatly in their
in duos. This could have affected the results from the focus and priorities regarding important cyber security
questionnaires since participants might have influenced awareness themes and topics, this might affect the
each other. Besides the differences, the content of the designed framework or the resulting gamified trainings.
trainings is as equal as possible, since this was not up Future research could study the effects of (organiza-
to investigation. A possible limitation here is that the tional) cultures on gamified cyber security awareness
content might not be adequate, up to date, or suit for the trainings or how to incorporate such aspects in the
type of gamification. Taking the content as a starting designed framework.
point, the resulting gamified cyber security awareness
training might be unsatisfactory. This limitation exist R EFERENCES
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