Energy Science Engineering - 2022 - Ma - Numerical Simulation On Gas Liquid Separation Characteristics in A
Energy Science Engineering - 2022 - Ma - Numerical Simulation On Gas Liquid Separation Characteristics in A
Energy Science Engineering - 2022 - Ma - Numerical Simulation On Gas Liquid Separation Characteristics in A
DOI: 10.1002/ese3.1266
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,
Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, Abstract
Haidian District, China Currently, computational fluid dynamics has become the primary method for
Centre of Process Integration, analyzing the fluid flow state inside the machine. Herein, the Ansys Fluent
Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Manchester, software is used to design a more effective oil‐field device, namely, a gas–liquid
Manchester, UK cylindrical cyclone (GLCC)‐horizontal combined separator. The characteristics
Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Storage of gas–liquid mixed flow, fluid turbulence intensity, and phase volume fraction
and Transportation Safety of Shandong
distribution are analyzed, and the factors affecting the gas–liquid separation
Province, College of Pipeline and Civil
Engineering, China University of efficiency are evaluated under various working conditions. The results show
Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, China that low gas–liquid separation efficiencies are obtained at inlet liquid ratios
(liquid proportion in fluid) of both 30% and 70% in GLCC. After the fluid
Shuhao Zhang, Centre of Process enters the separator, the maximum level of turbulence in the collision area
Integration, Department of Chemical increases from 2.458 to 3.033 m2/s2 as the inlet liquid ratio is increased from
Engineering, University of Manchester,
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. 30% to 70%, with the generation of oil–water and gas–liquid stratification at
Email: the back. Furthermore, the maximum gas holdup in the liquid outlet increases
from 7% to 12% to 25% as the liquid ratio is increased from 30% to 50% to 70%.
Funding information
With throttling at a liquid ratio of 70%, the maximum gas holdup is again close
China National Funds for Distinguished
Young Scientists, Grant/Award Number: to 14%.
51925604; National Natural Science
Foundation of China, KEYWORDS
Grant/Award Number: 52106278 CFD, flow characteristics, gas–liquid ratio, GLCC‐horizontal separator, separation efficiency
1 | INTRODUCTION phase.3 After the fluid enters the separator, the stability is
poor, and it is difficult to optimize the gas–liquid
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is an important separation under various working conditions by the
tool for analyzing the complex flow state in separators, simple arrangement of the internal components of the
and for the improvement of devices. At the present time, separator.4 Therefore, a new gas–liquid separation device
CO2‐enhanced oil recovery technology is widely used in for gas‐containing crude oil is required.
many oil‐field projects.1 However, the produced fluid Due to no separation components inside the
contains much CO2,2 so it is critical to improve the gas–liquid cylindrical cyclone (GLCC), the flow state
gas–liquid separation process in the separator at the first and separator's structure mainly influence the perform-
station. In this respect, the flow characteristics of the ance. Katare et al.5 found that the increase of flowing
CO2‐containing oil–water fluid mixture in the separator velocity at the inlet of GLCC can increase separation
are complicated by the solubility of CO2 in the liquid efficiency, but it raises the pressure drop. Therefore, it is
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Energy Science & Engineering published by the Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
not recommended to increase velocity to increase stability of the fluid flow state after entering the
efficiency. To decrease the cylinder's diameter can be separator. Ghaffarkhah et al.14 used the deformable parts
used in design to improve efficiency. model to calculate the particle kinetic energy in the gas‐
Wang et al.6 clarified the fluid flow mechanism by phase region in separators with various structures. The
analyzing the velocity field, pressure field, and stream- results indicated a measurable increase in the droplet
line inside the oil–gas separator. Putra et al.7 compared distribution in the gas‐phase region when the kinetic
the CFD simulated results with the flow characteristics energy of the fluid was high, thus leading to more oil
in the swirl separator under experimental conditions. droplets at the gas outlet, and decreasing the oil‐water
The results indicated that the CFD simulation could separation efficiency.
correctly represent the gas–liquid‐phase distribution However, the latest research has mainly focused on
inside the separator, whereas the simulated bubble decay controlling the size and structure of the separator, with
process was quite different from the experimental results. the lack of CFD research on combination devices of
Zhang et al.,4 from experimental results, found that GLCC and horizontal devices, and few studies have
produced fluid entering the separator generates much focused on the change in gas–liquid separation efficiency
foam because of the decreased pressure, which leads to under various inlet and outlet conditions, even though
low separation efficiency. With more pressure drops, the this may be necessary. Hence, the present study aims to
foam volume and defoaming rate also increase. provide a reference for the control of inlet and outlet
Movafaghian et al.8 compared different flow rates of throttling of the separator to improve gas–liquid separa-
gas–liquid two‐phase fluid under different inlet sizes, tion efficiency.
fluid viscosity, and inlet pressures. The experimental
results and the simulation showed that more foam is
generated when the gas superficial velocity is low. 2 | M E T HO D O L O GY
Luo et al.9 analyzed the separation characteristics of
the swirl separator with various expansion ratios and 2.1 | CFD simulation
inclination angles. The results indicated that increasing
the expansion diameter ratio and the inclination angle The CFD‐based finite element software, Ansys Fluent,
of the inlet section is beneficial for eliminating the slug. was used. For high accuracy, the multiphase flow volume
In the cylinder, increasing the expansion diameter ratio of fluid (VOF) model, pressure‐correction solver, and
can significantly reduce the liquid holdup in the gas, but transient calculation were used.15,16 Furthermore, the
it also causes a slight increase in the gas content in the VOF model is beneficial to study the CO2's volume
liquid space. Moreover, increasing the inclination angle fraction, especially when there are bubbles in the liquid‐
will intensify the gas–liquid mixing and increase the gas collecting area, and the realizable k − ε equation was
content in the liquid.9 Ho et al.10 compared the selected as the turbulence model because the results
separation efficiency of gas–liquid entering GLCC, and match the actual turbulence characteristics.16,17
the results showed that the best inlet angle was 27°, with The default pressure value was set to 101,325 Pa.
two symmetrical square inlets, which leads to the highest The acceleration of gravity (–9.81 m/s2) was set in the
separation efficiency. Gao et al.11 proposed a new Q Y‐direction. The related material properties were tested
criterion in cyclone separators with various inlet by experiment and are listed in Table 1.
structures, and the results indicated that the isovortex
surface is distorted and does not distribute around the
central axis. With the development of flow, the equiva- 2.2 | Geometric model
lent diameter of isovortex surface decreases gradually.
The spiral inlet structure can improve the flow instability The structure of the new GLCC‐horizontal separator is
at the inlet of GLCC and eliminate some foam caused by shown in Figure 1, along with the physical dimensions of
the highly turbulent fluid. the experimental device.18
Laleh et al.12 summarized the literature about the
design and CFD simulation of the gravity separator. They
TABLE 1 Material properties
proposed the separator design standard based on the
CFD simulation results and supplied an effective evalua- Component Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (kg/(m s))
tion method. Yu et al.13 used the CFD simulation Water 998.2 0.001003
software to compare the fluid flow state after entering Oil 830 0.00332
the gravity separator under various inlet conditions, and
CO2 1.7878 1.37 × 10−5
demonstrated that the low‐hole‐box inlet increases the
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3964 | MA ET AL.
F I G U R E 3 Streamline patterns under various working conditions: (A) liquid ratio = 30%; (B) liquid ratio = 50%; (C) liquid ratio = 70%;
(D) liquid ratio = 70%, liquid outlet closed
The calculation results show that when the liquid 3.2 | Distribution of turbulence kinetic
ratio at the inlet is low, the collision between particles at energy
the intersection of two gas outlets is intense, which helps
reduce the number of droplets carried in the gas at the As an important measurement of turbulence intensity
separator outlet. Moreover, when the inlet liquid ratio is at various locations, the turbulent kinetic energy
high, the gas outlet velocity of the horizontal separator is distributions of the fluid entering the separator under
higher than that of the GLCC gas outlet, which will lead various conditions are presented in Figure 4. When the
to the gas‐reflux phenomenon in the GLCC gas outlet liquid ratio is low, such as 30%, the turbulence
pipeline. This, in turn, affects the separation efficiency intensity of the fluid in the upper region of GLCC is
and regular operation of the equipment. low, this is because the gas flow law in the region is
In conclusion, liquid ratios of 30% and 70% are not stable. With the increase in the liquid ratio, the upward
conducive to GLCC gas–liquid separation. Complex gas movement regularity becomes worse, and the fluid
streamlines inside the horizontal separator lead to high turbulence intensity in this region increases slightly.
degrees of mixing between phases and have a negative The turbulence intensity of the lower region of the
effect on the horizontal separator. By contrast, the GLCC is less affected by the change of the liquid ratio,
amount of interphase mixing can be decreased, and the and as the liquid ratio decreases, the fluid turbulence
gas–liquid separation efficiency increased, by using a intensity in this region decreases slightly, which
liquid ratio of 50% and throttling the liquid outlet. indicates that GLCC is beneficial to reducing the fluid
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MA ET AL. | 3967
F I G U R E 4 Turbulent kinetic energy distributions under various working conditions: (A) liquid ratio = 30%; (B) liquid ratio = 50%; (C)
liquid ratio = 70%; (D) liquid ratio = 70%, liquid outlet closed.
turbulence intensity after entering the separator under throttling the liquid outlet can decrease the level of
high liquid ratio, such as 70%. turbulence of the fluid.
After the fluid flows down into the horizontal In brief, increasing the liquid ratio will increase the
separator, it collides with the collected liquid and the level of turbulence at the collision area in the liquid‐
velocity direction changes. Therefore, the fluid at this collecting zone, where the fluid collides with the liquid
position has a high level of turbulence, and its instability is after entering the horizontal separator. In addition,
not conducive to efficient separation. With the increase in throttling the liquid outlet will increase the maximum
the liquid ratio from 30% to 70%, the maximum turbulence level of fluid turbulence in this region, generating
intensity in this region increases from 2.458 to 3.033 m2/s2, more foam.
which indicates that the stability of the fluid in this region
is poor. If the liquid outlet of the horizontal separator is
closed, the area of high turbulence intensity is reduced, 3.3 | Phase volume fraction
but the maximum fluid turbulence intensity near the
collision position is increased to 3.784 m2/s2. In addition, 3.3.1 | The volume fraction of CO2
the fluid has a high level of turbulence at the pipeline
junctions. As the liquid ratio increases, the level of The volume fractions of CO2 under various working
turbulence of the fluid at the gas‐phase‐pipeline junction conditions are shown in Figure 5. Here, the fluid flow
decreases. After closing the liquid outlet of the horizontal pattern in the inlet pipe is seen to change from slug flow
separator, the fluid flow state at the junction of the liquid to stratified flow as the gas ratio at the inlet is increased
outlet pipeline is stable, thereby demonstrating that from 30% to 70%. When the liquid ratio is 30%
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3968 | MA ET AL.
F I G U R E 5 The volume fraction of CO2 under various working conditions: (A) liquid ratio = 30%; (B) liquid ratio = 50%; (C) liquid
ratio = 70%; (D) liquid ratio = 70%, liquid outlet closed.
(Figure 5A), the continuity and stability of the fluid flow the liquid‐phase space of the horizontal separator from
in the low part of the GLCC cylinder are poor. As the the GLCC, the degree of mixing of the three‐phase
liquid ratio is increased to 50% and 70%, however, the CO2–oil–water fluid below the inlet is high, and rapid
liquid phase in this area flows into the horizontal separation of the oil–water and gas–liquid phases occurs
separator with a more continuous spiral motion along the direction of the separator outlet. The pressure
(Figure 5B,C). Under all four working conditions, the gradient at two positions is seen to be higher in the
liquid‐phase region below the bottom outlet of the GLCC liquid‐phase space in the horizontal separator. The high‐
has a high gas content, and the high liquid ratio at the pressure gradient interface at the upper position repre-
inlet means the liquid in this region also has a high gas sents the gas–liquid interface, and that at the lower
content. When the liquid outlet of the horizontal position represents the oil‐water interface. After entering
separator is closed, however, the gas distribution in the the liquid‐collecting area, along the fluid flow direction,
liquid‐collecting zone becomes more uniform, and the the gas–liquid interface rises slightly and tends to level
gas content in this region at the end of the separator is off, while the oil‐water interface initially falls, then rises,
decreased (Figure 5D). and finally levels off. The lower the liquid ratio, the
smaller the region of high turbulence fluid, and the
earlier the generation of the oil–water and gas–liquid
3.3.2 | The volume fraction of oil stratification (Figure 6A). Closing the liquid outlet also
leads to the location of the oil–water and gas–liquid
The volume fractions of oil under various working stratification towards the front, and the mixing degree of
conditions are shown in Figure 6. When the fluid enters the fluid in the liquid‐phase region below the GLCC
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MA ET AL. | 3969
F I G U R E 6 Volume fraction of oil along the flow direction under various working conditions: (A) liquid ratio = 30%; (B) liquid
ratio = 50%; (C) liquid ratio = 70%; (D) liquid ratio = 70%, liquid outlet closed.
becomes lower (Figure 6D). In addition, part of the low the liquid outlet. The results in Figure 7 indicate that the
gradient region remains above the gas–liquid interface, gas holdup in the liquid outlet increases from 7% to 25%
and the height of this region, along the fluid flow as the liquid ratio is increased from 30% to 70%. The
direction initially, rises and then falls. The high region higher liquid ratio at the separator inlet leads to a larger
generally represents that the component transmission maximum bubble diameter at the liquid‐phase outlet
rate between the gas and liquid is low. and, hence, a lower separation efficiency. There are two
Therefore, decreasing the liquid ratio at the inlet can underlying reasons for this phenomenon. First, the 70%
decrease the gas content in the liquid‐collecting zone, liquid ratio of the mixed fluid produces more turbulent
and increase the degree of oil–water and gas–liquid kinetic energy after entering the horizontal separator,
separation. Additionally, throttling the liquid outlet can thereby strengthening the ability of the fluid to produce
decrease the gas content in the liquid near the liquid bubbles after entering the separator. Second, the stability
outlet, and increase the oil–water and gas–liquid separa- of the liquid level inside the separator when the liquid
tion efficiency. ratio is 70% requires the liquid‐phase outlet to be widely
opened, thereby shortening the residence time of the
fluid in the separator and, thus, decreasing the separation
3.4 | Separation efficiency efficiency. In addition, closing the liquid outlet under
70% liquid ratio conditions significantly decreases the
The new separator exhibits a high gas–liquid separation maximum bubble diameter at the liquid outlet, resulting
efficiency under all four working conditions because the in only 14% gas holdup in the liquid. This is because
gas‐phase outlet contains almost no droplets. In detail, throttling the liquid outlet increases the residence time of
the separation efficiency is evaluated according to the the fluid, thereby significantly improving the gas–liquid
maximum gas content (maximum bubble diameter) in separation efficiency. Therefore, the methods for
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3970 | MA ET AL.
F I G U R E 7 Maximum gas holdup of the liquid‐phase outlet Hongtao Ma: Conceptualization, methodology, model-
segment under various working conditions. ing, simulation, experiment, formal analysis, writing
original draft, and writing review and editing. Shuhao
Zhang: Conceptualization, modeling, simulation, formal
improving the gas–liquid separation efficiency include: analysis, visualization, writing original draft, and writing
(1) reducing the liquid ratio at the inlet, and (2) throttling review and editing. Yuxing Li: Conceptualization,
the liquid outlet to prolong the residence time of the supervision, and funding.
This study is supported by The National Science Fund for
4 | CONCLUSIONS Distinguished Young Scholars through grant no.
51925604 and The Natural Science Foundation of China
Herein, the design of a device combining a GLCC and through grant no. 52106278.
horizontal separator was performed via CFD, and its
performance was analyzed under oil‐field operating ORC ID
conditions. The following conclusions were drawn by Shuhao Zhang
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