Preprints202205 0387 v1
Preprints202205 0387 v1
Preprints202205 0387 v1
1 State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Acad-
emy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China;
2 Progoo Research Institute, Tianjin Progoo Information Technology Co., Ltd, Tianjin 300380, China;
3 Key Laboratory of Oasis Eco-agriculture, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Shihezi University,
5 National Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Information and Imagery Analyzing Technology, Beijing Re-
Abstract: The effective integration of aerial remote sensing data and ground multi-source data has
always been one of the difficulties of quantitative remote sensing. A new monitoring mode is de-
signed which installs the hyperspectral imager on the UAV and places a buoy spectrometer on the
river. Water samples are collected simultaneously to obtain in situ assay data of total phosphorus,
total nitrogen, COD, turbidity and chlorophyll during data collection. The cross correlogram spec-
tral matching (CCSM) algorithm is used to match the data of the buoy spectrometer with the UAV
spectral data to reduce the UAV data noise significantly. An absorption characteristics recognition
algorithm (ACR) is designed to realize a new method for comparing UAV data with laboratory data.
This method takes into account the spectral characteristics and the correlation characteristics of test
data synchronously. It is concluded that the most accurate water quality parameters can be calcu-
lated by using the regression method under five scales after the regression tests of multiple linear
regression method (MLR), support vector machine method (SVM) and neural network (NN)
method. This new working mode of integrating spectral imager data with point spectrometer data
will become a trend in water quality monitoring.
Keywords: hyperspectral imager; UAV remote sensing; water quality monitoring; space-ground
data; buoy spectrometer; water eutrophication; absorption characteristics
0. Introduction
With the agricultural, industrial and commercial utilization of water resources, a
large amount of sewage is produced. The premise of controlling water pollution is to mon-
itor the changes of water quality. It can be divided into contact technology and non-con-
tact technology from the instrument principle. The former includes water probe method,
assay method and biological method; The latter includes remote sensing spectroscopy,
laser method and transmission method. Each method has its scope of application and
shortcomings [1]. For example, the water inlet probe needs to wipe the sensor regularly,
the chemical method will produce secondary pollution, the biological method basically
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has no quantitative ability, the processing process of remote sensing spectroscopy is com-
plex, the laser method lacks mechanism basis, and the transmission method can only play
a better effect indoors.
It can be divided into satellite, airborne, UAV and water surface from the perspective
of data acquisition platform. Common satellite data include Sentinel [2], Landsat8 [3], Hy-
perion [4], MODIS [5], IKONOS [6], MERIS [7], AHSI [8], PRISMA [9]; Airborne and UAV
airborne data include HyMap [10], HIS [11], Spectral Evolution [12], VNIR [13], Hyper-
spectral Imager [14], Ocean Optics [15], Headwall [16], Gaia Sky-mini [17]; There are a
large number of micro sensors represented by ASD [16] for water surface data. The data
of different platforms have obvious advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to carry
out integrated application in order to further improve the accuracy of water quality mon-
The collaborative work of data has always been a potential breakthrough in the ac-
curacy of water quality calculation. Scholars have gradually developed from hardware
integration and platform integration to data integration. The core idea is to realize the
mutual calibration of the original data and the mutual verification of the result data. The
initial steps begin with sensor hardware integration. For example, build a set of autono-
mous robots to realize long-distance data transmission [18]; a variety of satellite data are
analyzed synchronously to remove noise [3, 19]; a set of multi parameter monitoring sta-
tions are built to comprehensively monitor seismicity, geomagnetic field change, water
temperature, pressure, salinity, chemistry, ocean current and gas generation [20]; a set of
software and hardware is designed, which can be applied to the construction of monitor-
ing stations in marine and continental waters [21]. Further, high-precision monitoring of
water composition can be realized by cooperating with ground and satellite data with the
help of the integrated application of sensors on different platforms [22]. The temperature
field information of AVHRR data is studied by taking buoy and ship measurements as
reference [23]; the band ratio algorithm of in-situ data and sentinel-2 image is scientifically
integrated [24]; the joint calculation of satellite data and monitoring station data is realized
[25]; the model of UAV hyperspectral and ground measured data is used to realize water
quality monitoring [17]; a set of collaborative image processing flow is designed [26].
Nowadays, data integration, which can comprehensively consider the effects of time
and space, is becoming a research hotspot. A general idea of spatio-temporal fusion of
multi-source remote sensing data is designed [27,28]. Space stations, air stations, field or
ground hyperspectral systems have been built one after another [29]. A working mode
combining small UAV system and small sensors is designed. It is considered that this new
observation mode will become a common tool for water resources management in the
future [15]. If the data with different spectral resolution, spatial resolution and temporal
resolution can be analyzed uniformly, the reliability of the results will be further im-
proved [30]. The collaborative working mode of MODIS, Landsat, hydrological data and
DEM ScienceDirect is studied and discussed [31]. In short, the opening and application of
data is the key to water environment monitoring [32].
Great requirements are put forward for the algorithm efficiency with the increase of
the data volume. It is obviously the simplest and most efficient method to analyze the
correlation between some ground test data and sensor data. The designed semi empirical
algorithm has a good extraction effect for chlorophyll-a and phycocyanin concentrations
[33]. Hyperspectral technology can play a role in the identification of crop nitrogen stress
and water stress, and establish the relationship between crop state indexes and spectral
data [34]. The characteristic band of chlorophyll a in hyperspectral imager of coastal ocean
(HICO) image is extracted by neural network [14]. The prediction ability of partial least
squares regression for hyperspectral remote sensing and in-situ chlorophyll a concentra-
tion is tested [35]. With the support of 52 sampling point data, the machine learning
method is selected, and the technology of combining in-situ assay data with hyperspectral
data is studied for the urban inland water, and it is considered that this technology can
overcome the limitations of traditional band selection methods [36].
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A large number of more difficult and better algorithms have been designed on the
basis of mastering the transmission mechanism of water quality spectral data [37]. Artifi-
cial neural network (ANN) and wavelet neural network (WNN) models are used to cal-
culate the daily and hourly values of salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen in the
bay water [38]. The accuracy of pixel based a pixel-based deep neural network regression
(pixel_DNNR) model and a patch-based deep neural network regression (patch_DNNR)
model are compared, and the content information difficult to be extracted by conventional
methods such as permanganate index, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, ammonia nitro-
gen and heavy metals is obtained by using aerial VNIR hyperspectral data [13]. The R2
coefficient of the designed neural network algorithm can exceed 0.9 through the calcula-
tion of phosphorus, nitrogen, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand and
chlorophyll a [17].
Some new ideas have also been recognized based on the gradual maturity of the
above methods. A hybrid bayesian back-propagation neural network approach to multi-
variate modelling [39] and a three-step semi analytical algorithm [40] to calculate the in-
herent optical properties of ocean, coastal and inland waters. These studies are a good
attempt. Multi algorithm index and look-up table (MAIN-LUT) technology can avoid the
defect of the algorithm falling into the local optimal solution, which has been verified in
the calculation of chlorophyll a [41]. A matching pixel by pixel algorithm is designed to
establish the linear regression model of chlorophyll a, depth and turbidity [42]. Convolu-
tion recurrent neural network (convRNN) and other depth learning methods have
achieved good results in crop information extraction [43]. Chlorophyll a content in inland
and coastal waters is calculated by fluorescence analysis technique [44].
Analysis of existing water quality parameters, mainly focusing on chlorophyll a
[4,14,22,28,45–48]; Suspended particulate matter [9,22,47,49]; dissolved organic matter
[22,49]; transparency [50], total phosphorus [6] total nitrogen [51], ammonia nitrogen [13],
biochemical oxygen demand [52], water color, colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM),
dissolved organic carbon [24], transparency [17], pH [10], turbidity [53], water depth [42].
In addition, some regional parameters also have preliminary conclusions, including salin-
ity, temperature and dissolved oxygen [38], water temperature, pressure, salinity, chem-
istry, ocean current [20] and heavy metals [13]. It can be concluded that the above indica-
tors gradually change from small watershed research to regional research, and finally to
global scale exploration. This will undoubtedly lead the expansion of technology bound-
In this paper, we explored the core technology of spectral collaborative processing
by deploying buoy spectrometer, UAV hyperspectral image data acquisition and river in-
situ sampling and testing on a river that has attracted much attention from the local gov-
ernment. The research contents include the matching method of spectral data, the selec-
tion technology of water quality characteristic bands, and the calculation accuracy of wa-
ter quality parameters at different scales. A new algorithm (Absorbance Characteristics
Recognition, ACR) is designed, which can take into account the advantages of supervised
method and unsupervised method. The relatively optimal calculation models for total
phosphorus, total nitrogen, COD, turbidity and chlorophyll are established respectively
by comparing various regression methods. The results provide a scientific basis for local
analysis of water pollution sources and environmental treatment.
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waterway, this area is the most densely populated area in the city. The river is mainly
polluted by the domestic drainage of residents and the drainage of commercial places. At
the same time, some small processing plants are distributed on both banks to discharge
industrial sewage.
Figure 1. Geographic location of the study area and the selected sampling positions. (a) Map show-
ing the location of the study area, Foshan, Guangdong province, China. (b) 36 water quality sam-
pling points are distributed along the river. During the acquisition of hyperspectral data by UAV,
two buoy hyperspectral sensors were set up simultaneously in the middle and downstream of the
river. (c) The first buoy hyperspectral sensor, No. A. There is some shadow interference in this po-
sition (d) The second buoy hyperspectral sensor, No. B. There are no shadows in this position.
The hyperspectral data of UAV with a total area of 0.92 km2 were obtained, and the
laboratory data of 36 points were collected simultaneously on the river. The collection of
water sample points and storage of samples in accordance with the Chinese Environmen-
tal Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002). The turbidity, total phosphorus,
total nitrogen, COD and chlorophyll contents of each sampling point were obtained
within 12 hours. The local government and residents are very concerned about the water
quality of this river. As a test water system for controlling river pollution, they believe
that the water quality of such an important river directly reflects the basic situation of the
local environment.
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398.7nm-1000.46nm, the number of bands is 272, and the spatial bandwidth is 640. The
data is stored on the built-in SSD disk with a maximum frame rate of 350Hz. The sensor
is mounted on the DJI M600PRO, which can work continuously for 35 minutes with a load
of 6kg and a flight speed of 18 m/s.
The spectrometer is calibrated by integrating sphere to ensure that its wavelength
position is accurate before flight. According to the field survey of the study area, there are
many buildings with a height of nearly 100m on both banks of the river. Therefore, in
order to ensure safety, the design navigation height is 120m. The acquisition dates were
August 16, 2021, and August 17, 2021, and 10 strips data with a spatial resolution of
0.075m were generated in total. Geometric correction is completed according to UAV at-
titude and navigation POS data. POS data has 7 parameters, including longitude, latitude,
altitude, rolling, pitching, heading and time. Atmospheric correction is achieved by laying
calibration cloth with reflectivity of 11%, 32% and 56% simultaneously during UAV oper-
ation, and by linear fitting according to the actual reflectivity of the calibration cloth (Fig-
ure 2). The flight direction is along the river and the reflectivity uncertainty caused by
water flow can be ignored due to the slow velocity of the river.
Figure 2. Distribution of 10 strips and the information of radiometric calibration cloth. (a) The radi-
ation calibration cloth is laid for each strip, and 3 reflectivity calibration cloth are laid respectively.
The cloth is laid in a flat and unobstructed place with an area of 3×3m. (b) This is the standard
reflectance of the calibration cloth. They are 11%, 32% and 56% respectively. In the later calibration,
they are selectively used according to the field illumination.
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The calibration cloth can radiometrically calibrate the UAV image and convert the
DN value into water reflectance [54], which can be expressed as:
where ρwater and DNwater are the water reflectance and DN value; ρcloth and DNcloth are the
calibration cloth reflectance measured under the same solar illumination and DN value;
ρcalibrationplate and DNcalibrationplate are the calibrated reference board under the same solar illumi-
nation and DN value respectively.
1.2.2. Water surface hyperspectral data acquisition
The author's team has developed a buoy spectrometer water quality detection system
that can be applied to rivers, lakes, ponds and other waters. The system consists of Hyscan
micro intelligent spectrometer, fixed buoy and water quality data cloud service platform.
The instrument control and data return are completed in the cloud. The spectral range is
400 nm to 1000 nm and the instrument weighs 20kg. The power supply of the instrument
is solar energy plus rechargeable battery pack, which can automatically collect a group
(10 spectra) of spectral data in 30 minutes. It can work continuously for more than 3
months in good daylighting conditions places (Figure 3 a). It can automatically retrieve a
variety of water quality parameters, realize real-time data transmission, and support
cloud data storage, real-time display and statistical analysis. The data can be transmitted
to the screen, iPad and mobile terminal in real time, and the water quality can be viewed
anytime and anywhere (Figure 3 b). The buoy spectrometer collects spectral data while
the UAV is flying. A total of 200 water spectral data were obtained in two days (Qu et al.,
2008). The significance of these data is that, on the one hand, they can calibrate UAV data
to reduce the data uncertainty caused by atmosphere, shadow, light intensity, etc. On the
other hand, collecting water samples around the buoy spectrometer can directly build the
relationship between various water quality parameters and spectra, find out the charac-
teristic bands, and help establish a more accurate model of hyperspectral images.
Figure 3. The system is composed of intelligent water quality spectrometer and data analysis cloud
service platform. (a) The water quality spectrometer is fixed on the water surface, collects spectral
data regularly, and transmits it to the cloud service in real time through 4G / 5G network. (b) The
system supports cloud data storage, statistical analysis, and supports real-time viewing on the user's
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adding 2ml potassium nitrate to the water sample and heating it to 105 ℃ for digestion
for 30 minutes, with an precision of 0.1mg/ L; (3) the reagent added for COD is potassium
hydrogen phthalate. After adding 2ml, it is heated and digested at 150 ℃ for 2 hours to
obtain the test value with an precision of 0.1mg/L; (4) The turbidity test value is obtained
by TSS portable instrument. Place the probe in the water sample for 2 hours to obtain a
continuous set of values. After averaging, the test value with an accuracy of 0.1mg/l is
obtained; (5) Using a similar measurement method, with the support of HQ40d instru-
ment, the chlorophyll value can be obtained, and the precision can reach 0.01 μg/L.
Table 1. Statistical values of water quality parameters of different strips consisting of 45 sampling
test data.
2. Methodogy
2.1. Workflow
A set of technical process of water quality parameter extraction is designed for buoy
spectrometer, UAV hyperspectral image data and test data at sampling points (Figure 4).
The cross correlogram spectral matching (CCSM) algorithm can effectively match space
and ground data (Section 2.2) and further improve the accuracy of UAV data (Section 3.1).
A new absorbance characteristics recognition algorithm (ACR) (Section 2.3) is designed to
compare the ground test data with the UAV data. This method can combine the ad-
vantages of supervised method and unsupervised method to select the overlapping band
as the potential effective band for modeling (Section3.2). Four scale amplification tests
(Section 2.4) are carried out at the sampling points in addition to the in-situ scale in order
to verify the scale effect, and the sensitive bands of water quality parameters at different
scales are further studied. Using two band cluster analysis (Section 2.4) and three regres-
sion algorithms (refer to Section 2.5 for the algorithm and Section 3.3 for the result), the
accuracy evaluation results of five types of water quality parameters are obtained (refer
to Section 2.6 for the algorithm and Section 3.4 for the result). The prediction results of
five water quality parameters at modeling points are drawn, and the distribution law of
water quality parameters in the upstream, midstream and downstream of Lingnan Ave-
nue River (Section 3.5) are analyzed based on these.
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Figure 4. Workflow of the new method for calculating water quality parameters by integrating
space-ground hyperspectral image data and spectral-in situ assay data.
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Where RMS is the root mean square difference of cross-correlation coefficient; Rm is the
cross-correlation coefficient curve of the buoy spectrum itself; rm is the cross-correlation
coefficient curve of buoy spectral and UAV pixel spectral; k is the calculation coefficient,
and the value is 2m + 1.
Where, Ai is the absorbance value of band i; Ri is the reflectance value of band i. The ab-
sorbance calculation results are brought into a new absorbance characteristic extraction
algorithm for feature band extraction. The formula is:
Where, yi is the chemical tests data of each sampling point; X is the spectral reflectance
value of the corresponding test point, β is the band coefficient value and ε is the intercept
value. The correlation coefficients are sorted, and the first 30 bands are also selected as the
result of another characteristic band.
Comparing the results of unsupervised and supervised band selection methods, the
overlapping bands are selected. These overlapping bands have an indicative relationship
with the main indicators of water quality (Figure 5).
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Figure 5. The flow of a recognition algorithm of absorbance characteristics. The characteristic bands
selected by supervised method and unsupervised method are obtained through direct and indirect
methods, and the overlapping bands are used as the effective bands.
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Where, n is the sample size; is the assay value of content of point i; is the content
prediction value of spectral method of point i; is the mean of the assay value of the
RMSE is the root mean square error in the same unit as the true value, which values
range from 0 to infinity. For example, RMSE = 1 indicates that the average difference be-
tween the predicted value and the real value is 1. When the predicted value is completely
consistent with the real value, it is equal to 0, that is, the perfect model; The greater the
error, the greater the RMSE value, and the worse the model. The calculation formula is as
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Where, n is the sample size; is the assay value of content of point i; is the content
prediction value of spectral method of point i.
Figure 7. Comparison of mean reflectance between the data of two buoy spectrometers and 10 strips
of UAV.
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(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 9. The spectral data, the absorbance data, the absorbance characteristics data and the total
absorbance characteristics data of sampling points on each of the 10 strips and the spectral data of
buoy A, B spectrometers. (a) The spectral data of sampling points; (b) The absorbance data of sam-
pling points; (c) The absorbance characteristics data of sampling points; (d) The numerical ranking
of 272 bands after passing the recognition algorithm of absorbance characteristics.
Analyze the correlation between the contents of five water quality parameters and
the full wavelength to obtain the band number of the top 30 in positive correlation and
negative correlation (Figure 10 a). Remove the first 10 bands (400nm to 420nm) and the
last 30 bands (920nm to 1000nm) when selecting the characteristic band due to the inter-
ference of instrument noise. In general, the correlation coefficient of COD and chlorophyll
is high, which reflects that the extraction accuracy may be higher. (1) There was a negative
correlation between total phosphorus and all bands, and the correlation coefficient ranged
from -0.116 to -0.460; (2) There was a negative correlation between total nitrogen and all
bands, and the correlation coefficient ranged from -0.116 to -0.460; (3) COD showed a pos-
itive correlation with all bands, and the correlation coefficient ranged from 0.303 to 0.416;
(4) Turbidity has a negative correlation with 420 nm to 700 nm, and a positive correlation
with subsequent bands, with correlation coefficients ranging from -0.282 to 0.094; (5) Chlo-
rophyll showed a positive correlation with all bands, and the correlation coefficient
ranged from 0.078 to 0.384.
Overlay the characteristic bands selected by the correlation coefficient method with
the characteristic bands selected by the unsupervised method (Figure 10 b). It is consid-
ered that the overlapping wavelength region can improve the calculation accuracy of wa-
ter quality parameters to the greatest extent because it is selected by both supervised and
unsupervised methods. The characteristic band sets of total phosphorus are 425nm to
434nm, with a total of 5 bands; The characteristic band sets of total nitrogen are 671nm-
682nm and 694nm-711nm, with a total of 15 bands; The characteristic band set of COD is:
700nm, 722nm-736nm, 765nm-771nm, with a total of 12 bands; The characteristic band set
of turbidity is: 427nm-434nm, 773nm-778nm, with a total of 7 bands; The characteristic
bands of chlorophyll are 425nm-434nm, with a total of 3 bands.
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(a) (b)
Figure 10. The water quality parameters characterization band set. (a) The absolute value of corre-
lation coefficient between five water quality parameters and all bands; (b) The comparison chart of
characteristic bands selected by supervised method and unsupervised method.
Figure 11. Clustering results of hierarchical clustering method and fuzzy clustering method at 5
scales. The same color in the figure indicates that the cluster is the same class and there are 5 cate-
gories in total.
The relatively best regression methods of different water quality indicators appear
on different scales (Table 2). (1) ACR method has the highest R2 value (0.6142) only in the
calculation of total phosphorus although ACR method combines the characteristic bands
selected by supervised and unsupervised methods. The RMSE value of ACR method is
the smallest in chlorophyll calculation, but considering that R2 is only 0.1431, it cannot be
selected as the final calculation model. (2) Surprisingly, the MLR, SVM and NN methods
did not reach the highest R2 and lowest RMSE when calculating all water quality indica-
tors at scale 1 after comparing the regression results of all five scales. On the one hand, it
shows that only one pixel is selected in the quantitative calculation of hyperspectral data,
which cannot represent the real situation of water environment; On the other hand, it is
impossible to calculate the accurate water quality index because the selected pixel is not
necessarily the point of collecting water samples due to the inherent error of GPS posi-
tioning (0.5-1m). (3) Scale 8 is a relatively balanced amount of data relative to the other
four scales. The highest R2 is reached in the calculation of total nitrogen, COD and turbid-
ity, which is 0.7949, 0.6249 and 0.7105 respectively, and RMSE is also the lowest in all
results, which shows a good calculation effect under this scale. (4) The calculation results
of scale 16 and scale 24 are similar to that of scale 1. There are no higher R2 and lower
RMSE in the calculation results of the other three methods except that the RMSE of total
phosphorus in scale 24 is 0.1741 (ranking first, but R2 is only 0.3845) and the R2 of total
nitrogen in scale 16 is 0.7868 (ranking second). However, the reason for this phenomenon
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is significantly different from scale 1. It is more because the typical characteristic position
of reflectance is not significant, which is caused by excessive spectral averaging. (5) The
R2 of chlorophyll reached 0.6289, which was significantly higher than that of ACR and
other four scales with the scale enlarged to 32. In addition, the R2 of TN is also as high as
0.7662 (ranking third). The reason for this phenomenon is that chlorophyll is evenly dis-
persed and fully mixed in the water body. Similarly, TN is the collection of various nitro-
gen elements such as ammonia nitrogen, nitrogen and nitrogen oxide in water. With the
scale enlargement, it can also extract more accurate results.
Scale Method Accuracy TP TN COD Turbidity
1* ACR RMSE 0.2113 3.4244 3.9972 7.0520 0.0062
R2 0.6142 0.3201 0.1673 0.3054 0.1431
1 MLR RMSE 0.1799 2.5217 3.7454 5.5209 0.6104
R2 0.3698 0.4276 0.2688 0.5742 0.0900
SVM RMSE 0.1858 2.9075 3.3585 7.5495 0.5614
R 2 0.3684 0.2532 0.4274 0.2139 0.2638
NN RMSE 0.2024 2.9117 4.0375 6.7541 0.4725
R 2 0.2026 0.2369 0.1502 0.3628 0.4546
8 MLR RMSE 0.1820 1.0607 3.7279 3.9585 0.4787
R 2 0.3277 0.7949 0.2866 0.7105 0.4431
SVM RMSE 0.1762 2.0915 3.5193 5.6504 0.4778
R 2 0.4400 0.2078 0.3837 0.4796 0.4648
NN RMSE 0.2223 3.2793 2.6825 8.4609 0.5512
R2 0.0381 0.0320 0.6249 0.1279 0.2578
16 MLR RMSE 0.1767 1.0815 3.8211 6.1119 0.4391
R2 0.3657 0.7868 0.2504 0.3100 0.5313
SVM RMSE 0.1867 1.9938 3.6679 6.3852 0.4730
R2 0.3241 0.2857 0.3376 0.3467 0.4798
NN RMSE 0.2218 3.2981 3.9968 8.4518 0.6190
R 2 0.0422 0.0208 0.1673 0.0022 0.0640
24 MLR RMSE 0.1741 2.3017 3.7519 5.3045 0.4488
R 2 0.3845 0.0341 0.2774 0.4802 0.5104
SVM RMSE 0.1912 1.9701 3.6856 6.3527 0.4832
R 2 0.2775 0.3201 0.3299 0.3429 0.4607
NN RMSE 0.2055 3.3055 4.0253 7.1815 0.5828
R 2 0.1776 0.0165 0.1554 0.2796 0.1705
32 MLR RMSE 0.1772 1.1327 3.8439 5.1770 0.3907
R2 0.3624 0.7662 0.2415 0.5049 0.6289
SVM RMSE 0.1866 1.9808 3.6631 6.4209 0.4725
R2 0.3215 0.2941 0.3408 0.3434 0.4813
NN RMSE 0.2189 3.3162 4.0816 8.4297 0.6094
R2 0.0673 0.0101 0.1316 0.0074 0.0929
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accuracy of total phosphorus, total nitrogen and chlorophyll are 0.6925 (Figure 13 c),
0.7291 (Figure 13 d) and 0.7658 (Figure 13 e) respectively, which is acceptable.
(d) (e)
Figure 13. Comparison between the measured and predicted values of each water quality parameter
in the modeling dataset. (a) Comparison between predicted and measured values of total phospho-
rus; (b) Comparison between predicted and measured values of total nitrogen; (c) Comparison be-
tween predicted value and measured value of COD; (d) Comparison between predicted value and
measured value of Turbidity; (e) Comparison between predicted value and measured value of Chlo-
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stream state of hundreds of meters, and the concentration of pollutants decreases signifi-
cantly at the direct current. A pollutant strip appears in the west of the center of the river
due to the action of water flow. Moreover, two circular high-value areas of pollutants can
be seen, and it can be inferred that there are underwater sewage outlets at these two loca-
tions. It is speculated that there are two underwater sewage outlets, because two circular
high-value areas of pollutants can be seen; (4) Various pollutants are fully diluted and
reduced at the end of the river. On the one hand, there is a large area of open water in the
downstream, which has a significant scouring effect. At the same time, the relative con-
centration of pollutants is significantly reduced after a certain distance of flow due to the
river's degradation ability.
(a) (b)
Figure 14. Calculation results of water quality parameters in the whole river and spatial distribution
of five parameters in typical areas. (a) Calculation results of total phosphorus and content in four
typical areas; (b) Contents of total nitrogen, COD, turbidity and chlorophyll in four typical areas.
The river hyperspectral image data are divided into downstream, midstream and
upstream according to the distribution of 10 bands (Figure 15). The calculation shows that
the content of total phosphorus in the upstream and midstream is low, ranging from
0.4061 mg/L to 1.6528 mg/L, and there is a high value in the upstream, reaching 2.0605
mg/L (Figure 16 a). The distribution of total nitrogen in the three river sections is close
(Figure 16 b). The minimum value is 0.1323 mg/L in the downstream and the maximum
value is 109.834 mg/L in the midstream. The COD content in the downstream reaches is
significantly higher than that in the upstream and midstream, up to 48.327mg/l (Figure 16
c). The three river sections show a trend of gradual reduction of COD, which is in line
with the objective law of COD. The turbidity in the midstream is significantly higher than
that in the upstream and downstream, with a peak of 3248.68 (Figure 16 d). This river
section combines all kinds of pollutants from the upstream. At the same time, the purifi-
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cation capacity of the river has not played a significant role, resulting in such high turbid-
ity. There is no significant watershed difference in the distribution of chlorophyll, but it
has a great correlation with the content of total phosphorus and total nitrogen, reflecting
the promotion effect on aquatic algae due to water eutrophication (Figure 16 e).
Figure 15. The prediction results of five water quality parameters at modeling points.
(d) (e)
Figure 16. Distribution law of water quality parameters in the upstream, midstream and down-
stream of Lingnan Avenue River.
4. Conclusion
The future water environment monitoring work will show the characteristics of high
data fusion of multiple platforms. In this paper, a new remote sensing monitoring mode
of water quality is designed and implemented, that is, a buoy spectrometer with continu-
ous working ability on the water surface and a flight platform for large-area synchronous
monitoring in the air. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the data of the flight platform is
limited by atmospheric interference, shadow and pixel resolution, which needs the cali-
bration of the water surface spectrometer. The airborne spectral data will be more real
through simple coefficient conversion, which is the fundamental guarantee for the calcu-
lation accuracy of water quality; (2) The traditional characteristic band selection method
is based on the correlation between reflectivity and content. Although a large number of
algorithm tests have been carried out, the applicability has been questioned due to the
inherent limitations of water optical model. A band selection algorithm (ACR algorithm)
with reflectivity related to content and strong absorbance characteristics is proposed,
which improves the accuracy of calculation results to a certain extent, especially in the
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