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C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 1 (37)


E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
2 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 3 (37)


1.1. Fault codes of engine control (PLD--MR) via SAE J1939

Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions
codes. codes.
J1939 MR
45/12 16409D) heater flange open circuit- The heating flange becomes af-
fault (heater ter Kl. 15 uniquely briefly
flange defec- switched on. Here if no break--
tive) down of the battery voltage is
recognized, the heating flange is
classified as defective. Error
threshold and cyclic duration are
deposited in the data record
94/0 11715 fuel pressure measuring If a fuel pressure sensor or a
sensor or fuel range exceed- combination sensor fuel pres-
pressure & ed or short cir- sure & temperature is fitted to
temperature cuit to terminal the engine depends on the en-
sensor 30 / terminal 15 gine make
94/1 11716 combination in- remains under
put (FPS, P-- measuring
DK) range or short
circuit to
94/2 11717 combination in- signal not plau-
put (FPS, P-- sible
94/3 13015 combination in- open circuit
put (FPS, P--
94/4 13016 combination in- short circuit to
put (FPS, P-- ground
94/14 11917 Fuel line signal measured val-
not plausible * ue not plausi-
98/2 02026 engine oil cir- fluid level too -- message via CAN:
culation* high / too low warning oil level too high (=98/0)
or advance warning (=98/1) or
warning oil level too low (=98/1)

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
4 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
02517 oil level sensor measured val- -- check oil level, correct if nec-
(up to diagno- ue not plausi- essary.
sis version 4) ble -- check wire for short circuit to
battery, repair or replace if
-- check oil level sensor, replace
if necessary. nominal value:
20--25 Ohm
-- perform functional check.

98/4 02515 oil level sensor measuring -- check oil level, correct if nec-
** range exceed- essary.
ed -- check wire for short circuit to
ground, repair or replace if
-- check oil level sensor, replace
if necessary. nominal value:
20--25 Ohm
-- perform functional check.
98/3 02516 oil level sensor measured val- -- check oil level, correct if ne-
** ue not plausi- cessary.
ble -- check wire for short circuit to
ground, repair or replace if
-- check oil level sensor, replace
if necessary. nominal value:
20--25 Ohm
-- perform functional check.
98/5 02509 oil level sensor open circuit -- check oil level sensor , re-
** fault place if necessary.
-- check wire for open circuit
fault, repair or replace if nec-
-- perform functional check

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 5 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
100/2 11617 oil pressure signal not plau- -- check oil level, correct if ne-
sensor sible cessary.
-- check wire for open circuit
fault, repair or replace if nec-
-- check oil pressure sensor, re-
place if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
100/3 11615 oil pressure measuring -- check oil pressure sensor, re-
sensor range exceed- place if necessary.
ed -- check wire for open circuit
fault or if shortened to battery-
voltage, repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
100/4 11616 oil pressure remains under -- check oil pressure sensor, re-
sensor measuring place if necessary.
range -- check wire for short circuit to
ground, repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
100/14 02020 engine oil cir- pressure too -- message via CAN: oil pres-
culation ** low sure advance warning or
102/0 11820 booster path * boost pressure -- if fault codes 11415 or11417
too high are also present, process
them first.
-- boost pressure system (boost
air tubes, boost air cooler)
visual check.
-- perform functional check.
102/1 11818 booster path* booster path -- check tubes and connections
defective between turbocharger, boost
air cooler and the
boost air tubes for leakage.
-- check boost air cooler.
-- perform functional check.

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
6 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
102/2 11417 boost pressure measured val- -- check wire for open circuit
sensor ue not plausi- fault, repair if necessary.
ble -- check boost pressure sensor,
replace if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
-- if fault code 01315 or 01316
also actual: replace and cali-
brate ECU engine control
(e.g. MR--PLD).
102/3 11415 boost pressure measuring -- check boost pressure, re-
sensor range exceed- place if necessary.
ed -- check wire for open circuit
fault and if shorted to battery
voltage, repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
102/4 11416 boost pressure remains under -- unplug the connector from
sensor measuring combination sensor. fault
range codes 01215 and 11415 actu-
al: replace combination sen-
-- check wire for short circuit to
ground, repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
102/13 11873 booster path / max. output of
boost pressure booster speed
control ** balancing gov-
102/13 11874 booster path / set value devi- (with power reduction)
order boost pressure ation too high -- check booster path fault
01874 control codes 11874* , 01874**
102/13 11875 booster path / boost pressure
boost pressure deviation too
control* high
102/13 11876 booster path / braking power
boost pressure too low
control *

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 7 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
102/13 12415 scavenging (boost pres- -- check sensor, replace if nec-
gradient sensor sure ) measur- essary.
(P2S--P3)** ing range ex- -- check wire for open circuit
102/13 12416 scavenging (boost pres- -- check sensor, replace if nec-
gradient sensor sure ) remains essary.
(P2S--P3)** under measur- -- check wire for open circuit
ing range
103/7 12612 no speed no engine
booster 1** speed
103/14 12712 no speed no engine
booster 2** speed
105/0 01822 booster path ** temperature to -- temperature of boost pres-
high sure too high
105/3 11215 boost tempera- measuring -- check temperature sensor,
ture sensor range exceed- replace if necessary.
ed -- nominal value: 2.4 k Ohm
(corresponds to 21°C)
-- check wire if connected to bat-
tery voltage and if open circuit
fault, repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
105/4 11216 boost tempera- remains under -- check temperature sensor,
ture sensor measuring replace if necessary.
range -- nominal value: 2.4 kOhm
(corresponds to 21°C)
-- check wire for short circuit to
ground, repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
110/0 02122 coolant tem- temperature
perature sen- too high
sor *

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
8 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
110/3 11515 coolant tem- measuring -- check sensor, repair or re-
perature sen- range exceed- place if necessary.
sor ed -- nominal value: 2.4 kOhm
(corresponds to 21°C)
-- check wire for open circuit
fault or if shortened to battery
voltage, repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
110/4 11516 coolant tem- remains under -- check sensor, repair or re-
perature sen- measuring place if necessary.
sor range -- nominal value: 2.4 kOhm
(corresponds to 21°C)
-- check wire for open circuit
fault, repair or replace if nec-
-- perform functional check.
158/2 12219 terminal 15 inconsistency -- check fuse, replace if neces-
detection * MR<-->FR ter- sary.
minal 15 -- check wires and plug connec-
tors for open circuit fault, re-
pair or replace if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
158/2 12319 terminal 50 inconsistency -- check wires and plug connec-
detection* MR<-->FR ter- tors for open circuit fault, re-
minal 50 pair if necessary.
-- check wires and plug connec-
tors for open circuit fault, re-
pair if necessary.
168/3 07542 terminal 30, nominal range -- 24 V--Mode: 30 V, 12 V--
battery voltage exceeded Mode: 16 V
-- alternator or governer defect

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 9 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
168/4 07543 terminal 30, remains below -- 24 V--Mode: 22 V, 12 V--
battery voltage nominal range Mode: 10 V
-- battery defect
-- alternator, governor or fuse
174/3 11115 fuel tempera- measuring -- check wire, repair or replace if
ture sensor range exceed- necessary.
ed -- nominal value: 2.4 kOhm
(corresponds to 21°C).
-- check wire if shortened to bat-
tery voltage and if open circuit
fault, repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check
174/4 11116 fuel tempera- remains under -- check sensor, repair or re-
ture sensor measuring place if necessary.
range -- nominal value: 2.4 kOhm
(corresponds to 21°C).
-- check wire for short circuit to
ground, repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check
175/3 01015 oil temperature measuring -- check oil temperature sensor
sensor range exceed- and replace if necessary.
ed -- nominal value: 2.4 kOhm
(corresponds to 21°C).
-- check wire for ground short,
repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
175/4 01016 oil temperature remains under -- check oil temperature sensor
sensor measuring B11 and replace if necessary.
range -- nominal value: 2.4 kOhm
(corresponds to 21°C).
-- check wire for ground short,
repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
10 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
190/0 10530 engine speed engine speed -- inform about authorized en-
too high gine speed
-- delete fault memory
609/11 04056 internal fault* backup control -- check all affected connectors,
defective* plug connections and electri-
cal components for damage,
loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- if fault code is still present, re-
new and program control unit.
-- perform functional check.
609/12 01315 ambient pres- measuring -- if fault codes 11415 or 11416
sure sensor range exceed- are present, remove them
ed first.
-- fault code 01315 remains
present: read out actual val-
ues 014 and 015 and
compare with each other.
-- actual value should be inside
tolerance band (+/-- 10%)
while engine stops.
609/12 01316 ambient pres- remains under -- if fault codes 11415 or 11416
sure sensor measuring are present, remove them
range first.
-- fault code 01316 remains
present: read out actual val-
ues 014 and 015 and
compare with each other.
-- actual value inside tolerance
band (+/-- 10%) while engine
stops: replace and
program ECU engine control
(e.g. MR--PLD).

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 11 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
609/12 04024 internal fault auxiliary con- -- check all affected connectors,
troller defective plug connections and electri-
cal components for damage,
loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- if fault code is still present, re-
new and program control unit.
-- perform functional check.
609/12 14034D) internal fault** HS--transistor -- Change control unit
PVB1 high--re-
sistance High-
609/12 14035D) internal fault** HS--transistor -- Change control unit**
PVB2 high--re-
609/12 14036D) internal fault HS--transistor -- Change control unit**
PV5 high--re-
609/12 04038 internal fault* high resistance present, remove this fault
starter driver code first.
(redundant--/ -- check all affected connectors,
auxiliary path) plug connections and electri-
cal components for damage,
loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
609/12 14038 internal fault** starter driver -- check all affected plugs, plug
high--resist- connectors and electrical
ance (main components for damage,
path) loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check.

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
12 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
609/12 14039 internal fault* 14039 starter -- check all affected plugs, plug
driver low--re- connectors and electrical
sistance (main components for damage,
path or auxilia- loose contact, corrosion etc.
ry path) and repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check
609/12 04040 internal fault level detection -- check all affected plugs, plug
starter defec-- connectors and electrical
tive components for damage,
loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- perform functional.
609/12 14041 internal fault PV-- Highside-- -- check all affected plugs, plug
(till diagnosis transistor de- connectors and electrical
version 4) fective components for damage,
loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- perform functional check.
609/12 14054 internal fault CAN--data area -- check all affected plugs, plug
defective connectors and electrical
components for damage,
loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- if fault code is still present, re-
place and program control
-- --perform functional check.

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 13 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
609/12 18039 internal fault** Starter output Main branch:
stage with low During the controller initializa-
impedance tion the two transistors of the
(main branch main branch are
or branch of alternating switched on briefly.
emergency) or The level at the starter output
load changes thereby on
(relay) also to ”High”, the main branch is
high resistance classified as low impedance.
and/or to high
inductance. Backup branch:
If that changes for clamp 50
signal on ”High” and follows
this level change a
change of the level at the start-
er output before the starter
output stage was
activated, the backup branch
is classified as low imped-
609/14 04037 internal fault cylinder num- -- check all affected connectors,
ber implausible plug connections and electri-
cal components for damage,
loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- --perform functional check.
609/14 04047 internal fault characteristic -- check all affected connectors,
data map de-- plug connections and electri-
fective cal components for damage,
loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- --perform functional check.

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
14 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
609/14 04048 internal fault cylinder num- -- check all affected connectors,
ber implausible plug connections and electri-
cal components for damage,
loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- --perform functional check.
609/14 14049 internal fault ** parametrization -- check all affected plugs, plug
fault connectors and electrical
components for damage,
loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- --perform functional check.
609/14 04050 internal fault incorrect hard- -- check all affected connectors,
ware detection plug connections and electri-
cal components for damage,
loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- --perform functional check.
609/14 04051 internal fault EEPROM: -- check all affected connectors,
Checksum fail- plug connections and electri-
ure1 (memory cal components for damage,
fault) loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- if fault code is still present, re-
new and program control unit.
-- --perform functional check.
609/14 14052 internal fault EEPROM: -- check all affected plugs, plug
CKS-- fault 2 connectors and electrical
(groups vehicle components for damage,
parameters) loose contact, corrosion etc.
and repair if necessary.
-- if fault code is still present, re-
place and program control
-- --perform functional check.

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 15 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
609/14 24053 internal fault ** EEPROM: -- check all affected connectors,
Checksum-- plug connections and electric
fault 3 (block components for damage,
production or loose contact, corrosion etc.,
immobilizer). and repair if necessary.
-- if fault code still present, re-
new and calibrate control unit.
-- --perform functional check .
611/4 06506 oil separator* short circuit to
ground diag-
nostic line.
611/12 06564 oil separator* oil separator
625/2 10102 CAN connec- CAN data not -- work off actual faults of SG
tion plausible FRE apart from CAN data bus
fault codes 10201, 00202 and
-- perform functional check.
625/2 10104 CAN connec- no connection -- check CAN connection to SG
tion to CAN FRE.
-- check cables, connectors,
plug connectors and electrical
components for damage, cor-
rect connection, loose contact
and corrosion, repair if neces-
-- remove engine CAN bus fault
in the SG FRE.
-- perform functional check
-- communication with the ECU
engine control (e.g. MR--PLD)
restored: check calibration of
ECU engine control (e.g. MR--
PLD) for one wire capability.

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
16 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
625/14 10100 CAN connec- CAN--High de- -- check for open circuit fault, re-
tion fective pair or replace if necessary.
-- switch on ignition.
-- delete fault memory in ECU
engine control (e.g. MR--PLD).
-- delete fault memory in SG
-- --perform functional check .
625/14 10101 CAN connec- CAN--Low de- -- check wire for open circuit
tion fective fault, repair of replace if neces-
-- switch on ignition.
-- delete fault memory in ECU
engine control (e.g. MR--PLD).
-- delete fault memory in SG
-- perform functional.
625/14 10149 CAN connec- parameter fault -- check parameters and
tion CAN -- perform functional check
636/1 10310 crankshaft crankshaft lev- -- pull out position sensor while
position sensor el too low engine is stopped and perform
visual check.
-- remove metal pieces/shav-
ings if necessary.
-- replace position sensor in the
case of mechanical damage
(clear stress marks).
-- replace clamping sleeve of the
position sensor if necessary.
-- press--in speed (position) sen-
sor during engine standstill un-
til mechanical limit stop.
-- --perform functional check

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 17 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
636/3 10309 crankshaft crankshaft sen- -- check wire and position sen-
position sor open circuit sor for open circuit fault, re-
fault place if necessary.
-- --nominal value 1.2 kOhm.
636/4 10308 crankshaft crankshaft sen- -- check wire and position sen-
position sor ground sor for ground short, replace if
-- --nominal value 1.2 kOhm.
636/7 10311 crankshaft crankshaft/ -- pull out position sensor during
position sensor camshaft sig- engine standstill and perform
nal assignment visual check.
not plausible -- replace position sensor in the
case of mechanical damage
(clear stress marks).
-- check crankshaft-- and cam-
shaft position sensor for tight
fitting, replace clamping
sleeve if necessary.
-- check wires at plug connec-
tion for damage, correct con-
nection and
corrosion, repair if necessary.
-- --check crankshaft-- and cam-
shaft position sensor at plug
for interchanging.
636/8 10312 crankshaft crankshaft -- press in speed (position) sen-
position timeout -- no- sor during engine standstill
crankshaft sig- until mechanical limit stop.
nal Timeout -- fault code 10309 actual: work
off this fault code.
-- fault code 10312 actual:
check crankshaft position
sensor, replace if necessary.
-- --nominal value 1.2 kOhm

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
18 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
636/14 10313 crankshaft crankshaft sen- -- connect the position sensor
position sor wrong po- correctly.
larity -- --perform functional check.
651/3 24805 control sole- shortened to -- shortened to battery voltage-
noid valve** battery voltage- Highside bank 1
Highside bank
651/3 24905 control sole- shortened to -- switch off solenoid valves
noid valve** battery voltage- bank 2
Highside bank
651/3 24905 control sole- shortened to -- switch off solenoid valves
noid valve** battery voltage- bank 2
Highside bank
651/4 24806 control sole- ground short -- switch off solenoid valves
noid valve** Low side bank bank 1
651/4 24906 control sole- ground short -- switch off solenoid valves
noid valve** Lowside bank2 bank 2
651/5 15027 control failure control cylinder important note:
injector--/sole- 1 disturbed -- upon removing mechanical or
noid valve electrical faults at the injector
valves, the engine--smooth-
ness control has to be set to
651/6 25028 solenoid valve short circuit in- important note:
cylinder 1** jector solenoid -- upon removing mechanical or
valve cylinder 1 electrical faults at the injector
valves, the engine smooth-
ness control has to be set to

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 19 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
651/7 15026 contact recog- no contact cyl- important note:
nition injector--/ inder 1 -- upon removing mechanical or
solenoid valve electrical faults at the injector
valves, the engine smooth-
ness control has to be set to
651/12 09044 engine-- LRR--limitation important note:
smoothness cylinder 1 -- upon removing mechanical or
cylinder 1 electrical faults at the injector
valves, the engine smooth-
ness control has to be set to
651/14 09045 individual cylin- EZA--limitation important note:
der adaption cylinder 1 -- upon removing mechanical or
electrical faults at the injector
valves, the engine smooth-
ness control has to be set to
652/5 15127 injector--/sole- control cylinder -- upon removing mechanical or
noid valve cyl- 2 disturbed / electrical faults at the injector
inder 2 failure valves, the engine--smooth-
ness control has to be set to
-- the engine--smoothness con-
trol can be set to zero in the
menu ”controls” at the menu
level ”check engine--smooth-
ness control”.
652/6 25128 solenoid valve short circuit in- -- check electrical screw con-
cylinder 2** jector--/ nections of the affected injec-
tor valve for short circuit.
-- disconnect electrical screw
connections of the affected in-
jector valve.

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
20 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
652/7 15126 contact recog- no contact cyl- -- upon removing mechanical or
nition injector--/ inder 2 electrical faults at the injector
solenoid valve valves, the engine--smooth-
cylinder 2 ness control has to be set to
-- the engine--smoothness con-
trol can be set to zero in the
menu ”controls” at the menu
level ”check engine--smooth-
ness control”.
652/12 09144 injector--/sole- engine-- important note:
noid valve cyl- smoothness -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 2 control: LRR-- electrical faults at the injector
limitation cylin- valves, the engine smooth-
der ness control has to be set to
652/14 09145 injector--/sole- individual cylin- important note:
noid valve cyl- der adaptation: -- upon removing mechanical or
inder EZA--limitation electrical faults at the injector
cylinder valves, the engine smooth-
ness control has to be set to
653/5 15227 injector--/sole- control cylinder important note:
noid valve cyl- 3 disturbed / -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 3 failure electrical faults at the injector
valves, the engine--smooth-
ness control has to be set to
653/6 25228 injector--/sole- short circuit in- -- check electrical screw con-
noid valve cyl- jector--/ sole- nections of the affected injec-
inder 3** noid valve cyl- tor valve for short circuit.
inder 3 -- disconnect electrical screw
connections of the affected in-
jector valve.

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 21 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
653/7 15226 injector--/sole- contact recog- important note:
noid valve cyl- nition -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 3 injector--/sole- electrical faults at the injector
noid valve: no valves, the engine smooth-
contact cylin- ness control has to be set to
der 3 zero.
653/12 09244 injector--/sole- engine-- important note:
noid valve: cyl- smoothness -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 3 control: LRR-- electrical faults at the injector
limitation cylin- valves, the engine smooth-
der ness control has to be set to
653/14 09245 injector--/sole- individual cylin- important note:
noid valve: cyl- der adaptation: -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 3 EZA--limitation electrical faults at the injector
cylinder 3 valves, the engine smooth-
ness control has to be set to
654/5 15327 control failure contact recog- important note:
injector--/sole- nition injector--/ -- upon removing mechanical or
noid valve solenoid valve: electrical faults at the injector
no contact cyl- valves, the engine smooth-
inder 4 ness control has to be set to
654/6 25328 injector--/sole- short circuit in- -- check electrical screw con-
noid valve cyl- jector--/ sole- nections of the affected injec-
inder 4** noid valve cyl- tor valve for short circuit.
inder 4 -- disconnect electrical screw
connections of the affected in-
jector valve.
654/7 15326 injector--/sole- contact recog- important note:
noid valve cyl- nition injector--/ -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 4 solenoid valve: electrical faults at the injector
no contact cyl- valves, the engine smooth-
inder 4 ness control has to be set to

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
22 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
654/12 09344 injector--/sole- engine-- important note:
noid valve cyl- smoothness -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 4 control: LRR-- electrical faults at the injector
limitation cylin- valves, the engine smooth-
der 4 ness control has to be set to
654/14 09345 injector--/sole- individual cylin- important note:
noid valve cyl- der adaption: -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 4 EZA--limitation electrical faults at the injector
cylinder 4 valves, the engine smooth-
ness control has to be set to
655/5 15427 injector--/sole- contact recog- important note:
noid valve cyl- nition injector--/ -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 5 solenoid valve: electrical faults at the injector
no contact cyl- valves, the engine smooth-
inder 5 ness control has to be set to
655/6 25428 injector--/sole- short circuit in- -- check electrical screw con-
noid valve cyl- jector--/ sole- nections of the affected injec-
inder 5 ** noid valve cyl- tor valve for short circuit.
inder 5 -- disconnect electrical screw
connections of the affected in-
jector valve.
655/7 15426 injector--/sole- contact recog- important note:
noid valve cyl- nition injector--/ -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 5 solenoid valve: electrical faults at the injector
no contact cyl- valves, the engine smooth-
inder 5 ness control has to be set to
655/12 09444 injector--/sole- engine-- important note:
noid valve cyl- smoothness -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 5 control: LRR-- electrical faults at the injector
limitation cylin- valves, the engine smooth-
der 5 ness control has to be set to

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 23 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
655/14 09445 injector--/sole- individual cylin- important note:
noid valve cyl- der adaptation: -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 5 EZA--limitation electrical faults at the injector
cylinder 5 valves, the engine smooth-
ness control has to be set to
656/5 15527 injector--/sole- control failure important note:
noid valve cyl- injector--/sole- -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 6 noid valve: electrical faults at the injector
control cylinder valves, the engine smooth-
6 disturbed ness control has to be set to
656/6 25528 injector--/sole- short circuit in- -- check electrical screw con-
noid valve cyl- jector--/ sole- nections of the affected injec-
inder 6** noid valve cyl- tor valve for short circuit.
inder 6 -- disconnect electrical screw
connections of the affected in-
jector valve.
656/7 15526 injector--/sole- contact recog- important note:
noid valve cyl- nition injector--/ -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 6 solenoid valve: electrical faults at the injector
no contact cyl- valves, the engine smooth-
inder 6 ness control has to be set to
656/12 09544 injector--/sole- engine-- important note:
noid valve cyl- smoothness -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 6 control: LRR-- electrical faults at the injector
limitation cylin- valves, the engine smooth-
der 6 ness control has to be set to
656/14 09545 injector--/sole- individual cylin- important note:
noid valve cyl- der adaption: -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 6 EZA--limitation electrical faults at the injector
cylinder 6 valves, the engine smooth-
ness control has to be set to

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
24 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
657/5 15627 injector--/sole- control failure important note:
noid valve cyl- injector--/sole- -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 7 noid valve electrical faults at the injector
valves, the engine smooth-
ness control has to be set to
657/6 25628 injector--/sole- short circuit in- -- check electrical screw con-
noid valve cyl- jector--/ sole- nections of the affected injec-
inder 7** noid valve cyl- tor valve for short circuit.
inder 7 -- disconnect electrical screw
connections of the affected in-
jector valve.
657/7 15626 injector--/sole- contact recog- important note:
noid valve cyl- nition injector--/ -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 7 solenoid valve: electrical faults at the injector
no contact cyl- valves, the engine smooth-
inder 7 ness control has to be set to
657/12 09644 injector--/sole- engine-- important note:
noid valve cyl- smoothness -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 7 control: LRR-- electrical faults at the injector
limitation cylin- valves, the engine smooth-
der 7 ness control has to be set to
657/14 09645 injector--/sole- individual cylin- important note:
noid valve cyl- der adaptation: -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 7 EZA--limitation electrical faults at the injector
cylinder 7 valves, the engine smooth-
ness control has to be set to
658/5 15727 injector--/sole- control failure important note:
noid valve cyl- injector--/sole- -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 8 noid valve: electrical faults at the injector
control cylinder valves, the engine smooth-
8 disturbed ness control has to be set to

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 25 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
658/6 25728 injector--/sole- short circuit in- -- check electrical screw con-
noid valve cyl- jector--/ sole- nections of the affected injec-
inder 8** noid valve cyl- tor valve for short circuit.
inder 8 -- disconnect electrical screw
connections of the affected in-
jector valve.
658/7 15726 injector--/sole- contact recog- important note:
noid valve cyl- nition injector--/ -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 8 solenoid valve: electrical faults at the injector
no contact cyl- valves, the engine smooth-
inder 8 ness control has to be set to
658/12 09744 injector--/sole- engine-- important note:
noid valve cyl- smoothness -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 8 control: LRR-- electrical faults at the injector
limitation cylin- valves, the engine smooth-
der 8 ness control has to be set to
658/14 09745 injector--/sole- individual cylin- important note:
noid valve cyl- der adaptation: -- upon removing mechanical or
inder 8 EZA--limitation electrical faults at the injector
cylinder 8 valves, the engine smooth-
ness control has to be set to
677/3 18005 starter control starter relay -- check wire -- terminal 50 input
(PLD--MR)** external cur- of starter relay if shortened to
rent supply battery voltage, repair or re-
place if necessary.
-- check starter relay, replace if
-- restore electrical connec-

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
26 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
677/5 18009 starter control starter relay -- check of starter relay if short-
(PLD--MR)** external cur- ened to battery voltage, repair
rent supply or replace if necessary.
-- check starter relay, replace if
-- restore electrical connec-
677/6 18008 starter control short circuit to -- check wire -- terminal 50 input
(PLD--MR)** ground of the starter relay for short
circuit to ground, repair or re-
place if necessary.
-- check starter relay, replace if
677/7 18086 starter control starter does -- check starter electrically and
(PLD--MR)** not engage mechanically.
-- perform functional check.
677/14 18033 starter control starter relay -- check starter relay, replace if
Starter relay is fixed in closed necessary.
(PLD--MR)** position -- perform functional
697/3 17007D) proportional shortened to -- set output off
valve (MBR-- battery voltage
BK) (--lead)
17705 proportional shortened to -- set output off 1 2 3 4
valve bank battery voltage
1PVB (+lead)*
697/4 17708 proportional short circuit to -- set output off 1 2 3 4
valve bank 1 ground
(PVB 1) (+lead)**

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 27 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
697/5 17009 proportional open circuit -- check parametrization.
valve 1 (MBR-- fault** ECU en- -- parameter 06 has to be set to
BK) gine control NOT ACTIVE
(e.g. MR--PLD)
wrong calibra- -- if not, then the data set of ECU
tion. engine control (e.g. MR--PLD)
is wrong
-- replace and program ECU en-
gine control (e.g. MR--PLD).
-- --perform functional check.
697/6 17006 proportional short circuit to -- check parametrization.
valve 1 (MBR-- ground (--lead) -- parameter 06 has to be set to
control (e.g.
MR--PLD) -- if not, then the data set of ECU
wrong calibra- engine control (e.g. MR--PLD)
tion. is wrong
-- replace and program ECU en-
gine control (e.g. MR--PLD).
-- perform functional check.
698/3 17305C) proportional shortened to -- set output off
17307D) valve 2 (MBR-- battery voltage
KD) (--lead) High
698/5 17317C) proportional open circuit -- set output off
17309D) valve 2 (MBR-- fault Low Side
698/6 17306 proportional short circuit to -- check calibration, correct if
valve 2 Activa- ground (--lead) necessary. Parameter 007
tion: engine High Side has to be set to NOT ACTIVE.
brake reecom- wrong calibra- -- if not, then the data set of the
pression valve tion control unit MR is wrong.
-- replace and program ECU en-
gine control (e.g. MR--PLD).
-- perform functional check.

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
28 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
699/3 17107D) proportional shortened to -- set output off
valve 3 battery voltage
699/5 17109 proportional open circuit -- check calibration, correct if
valve 3 fault wrong cal- necessary. Parameter 008
ibration has to be set to NOT ACTIVE.
-- if a Linig--fan is installed, the
following calibration applies:
a) parameters 8 and 9 have to
be set to ACTIVE.
b) parameter 14 has to be set
to ”Type 0”.
699/6 17106 proportional short circuit to -- check calibration, correct if
valve 3 ground (--lead) necessary. Parameter 008
ECU engine has to be set to NOT ACTIVE.
control (e.g. -- if the calibration is OK, check
MR--PLD) wire for short circuit to ground,
wrong calibra- repair or replace if necessary.
tion / short cir-
cuit to ground -- if still no fault can be detected,
replace and program ECU en-
gine control (e.g. MR--PLD).
-- perform functional check.
700/3 17207** proportional shortened to -- set output off
valve 4 battery voltage

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 29 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
700/5 17209 proportional open circuit note: ECU engine control (e.g.
valve 4 fault MR--PLD) wrong calibration /
open circuit fault
-- check calibration, correct if
necessary. Parameter 009
has to be set to NOT ACTIVE.
-- if a Linnig--fan is installed, the
following calibration applies:
a) parameters 8 and 9 have to
be set to ACTIVE.
b) parameter 14 has to be set
to ”Type 0”.
-- fault code17209 remains ac-
tual: check wires for open cir-
cuit fault, repair or replace if
-- if no fault can be detected, re-
place and program ECU en-
gine control (e.g. MR--PLD)
-- --perform functional check.
-- set output off

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
30 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
700/6 17206 proportional short circuit to note: ECU engine control (e.g.
valve 4 ground (--lead) MR--PLD) wrong calibration /
short circuit to ground
-- check calibration, correct if
necessary. Parameter 009
has to be set to NOT ACTIVE.
-- check calibration, correct if
necessary. Parameter 009
has to be set to NOT ACTIVE.
if the calibration is OK, check
wire for short circuit to ground,
repair or replace if necessary.
-- if still no fault can be detected,
replace and program ECU en-
gine control (e.g. MR--PLD).
-- perform functional check.
705/3 17405 proportional shortened to -- set output off
valve 5 battery voltage
705/4 17408 proportional short circuit to -- set output off for valve 6 and 5.
valve 5 ground (+lead)*
705/11 17805 proportional shortened to -- set output off for valve 6 and 5.
valve bank 2 battery voltage
PVB 2 (+lead)*
705/11 17808 proportional short circuit to -- set output off for valve 6 and 5.
valve bank 2 ground (+lead)*
706/3 17609 proportional open circuit -- set output off for valve 6
valve 6 fault *
723/3 10409 camshaft posi- camshaft sen- -- check wire for open circuit, re-
tion sor open circuit place if necessary.
fault -- nominal value: 1.2 kOhm

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 31 (37)


Fault-- Fault-- Description Repair instructions

codes. codes.
J1939 MR
723/4 10408 camshaft posi- camshaft sen- -- check wire and position sen-
tion sensor sor ground sor for ground short, replace if
short necessary.
-- nominal value: 1.2 kOhm nec-
723/8 10412 camshaft posi- camshaft time-- -- if fault codes 10408 and
tion sensor out (no cam 10409 are current, remove
shaft signal) them first
Timeout -- pull out position sensor during
engine standstill and perform
visual check
-- remove metal pieces/shav-
ings if necessary.
-- replace position sensor in the
case of mechanical damage
(clear stress marks).
-- press in speed (position) sen-
sor during engine standstill
until mechanical limit stop.
-- perform functional check.
723/14 10413 camshaft posi- camshaft sen- -- position sensor correctly with
tion sor wrong po- pin of the ECU engine control
larity Sensor (e.g. MR--PLD)
verpolt -- perform functional check
986/8 17112 fan speed no signal (time- currently not fan speed detec-
out) Timeout tion installed.
-- check calibration, correct if
necessary. Parameter 14 has
to be set to ”Type 0”.

* diagnosis version 5 D)=only for the D--Model of PLD--MR control units (diagnosis
version 6)
**diagnosis version 6 and newer
*** Minidiag 2 Diagnostic unit
**** Driving panel master gauge (P1)

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
32 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


1.2. Fault codes of vechile control (ADM2) via SAE J1939

ADM2 ADM2 Description Remedial action Pin
fault fault
codes codes
(J1939) (k--line)
45/3 10003 decom-- open circuit -- check wiring 15/10
pression -- check solenoid valve
45/4 10004 decom-- shorted to -- check wiring 15/10
pression ground -- check solenoid valve
84/3 10103 vehicle open circuit -- check wiring 15/03
speed -- check parameter 08/01
signal C3
84/4 10104 vehicle shorted to -- check wiring 15/03
speed ground
signal C3
84/14 10114 vehicle value not -- check parameter 08/01 15/03
speed plausible
signal C3
91/0 10200 analog accelerator -- restart accelerator pedal 21/11
accelerator pedal not ad- adjustment routine
pedal justed -- check wiring
-- Limit value idle operation
position: 5,0 V
-- Limit value kick down
position: 4,9 V
91/2 10202 analog voltage not -- Pedal unit exchange, if
accelerator plausible defective
pedal -- check wiring
-- Limit value idle operation
position: 5,0 V
-- Limit value kickdown
position: 4,9 V

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 33 (37)


ADM2 ADM2 Description Remedial action Pin

fault fault
codes codes
(J1939) (k--
SPN/FMI line)
**** ***
91/3 10203 analog voltage too -- Pedal unit exchange, if de- 21/11
accelerator high or fective
pedal shorted to -- check wiring
battery volt-
age -- Limit value idle operation
position: 5,0 V
-- Limit value kickdown posi-
tion: 4,9 V
91/4 10204 analog voltage too -- Pedal unit exchange, if de- 21/11
accelerator low or fective
pedal AFPS shorted to -- check wiring
-- Limit value idle operation
position: 5,0 V
-- Limit value kickdown posi-
tion: 4,9 V
98/0 10400 oil level oil level to -- Oil discharge with to PLD--
high strong overstocking. MR
-- remark: This problem can
occur also if in PLD--MR
the false type of oil pan
were programmed.
98/1 10401 oil level low oil level -- refill oil PLD--
98/14 10414 oil level oil level too -- refill oil PLD--
low -- remark: This problem can MR
occur also if in PLD--MR
the false type of oil pan
were programmed.
100/1 10501 oil pressure low oil pres- -- check oil pump and oil cir- PLD--
sensor sure cuit MR
100/14 10514 oil pressure oil pressure -- check oil pump and oil cir- PLD--
sensor too low cuit. MR
107/0 10800 air filter air pressure -- check wiring. 15/08
sensor too high
107/3 10803 air filter open circuit -- check wiring. 15/08

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
34 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


ADM2 ADM2 Description Remedial action Pin

fault fault
codes codes
(J1939) (k--
SPN/FMI line)
**** ***
107/4 10804 air filter shorted to -- check wiring. 15/08
sensor ground
110/0 10900 coolant high coolant -- cooling--water level and PLD--
temperature temperature cooling circuit check. MR
110/14 10914 coolant coolant -- cooling--water level and PLD--
temperature temperature cooling circuit check. MR
too high
111/1 11001 coolant low coolant -- refill coolant 15/07
level level -- check wiring
111/3 11003 coolant open circuit -- check wiring 15/07
level -- Voltage must be larger
than 2,0 V.
111/4 11004 coolant shorted to -- check wiring. 15/07
level ground
158/0 11100 terminal 15 over voltage -- check battery voltage 21/02
(ignition) -- check parameter 2/08
(24V/12V selection)
158/1 11101 terminal 15 under voltage -- check battery voltage 21/02
(ignition) -- check parameter 2/08
(24V/12V selection)
558/1 11701 idle switch Wiring idle -- check wiring 21/12
(analog ped- validation -- Pedal unit exchange, if de- and
al) switch GAS1 fective 21/13
and GAS2 or
twisted or 21/14
open circuit at
ground FP--
558/5 11705 idle switch both switches -- check wiring 21/12
(analog ped- open circuit -- Pedal unit exchange, if de- and
al) (GAS2 + fective 21/13
GAS1 open)
558/12 11712 idle switch both switches -- check wiring 21/12
(analog ped- closed -- Pedal unit exchange, if de- and
al) (GAS2 + fective 21/13
GAS1 closed)

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 35 (37)


ADM2 ADM2 Description Remedial action Pin

fault fault
codes codes
(J1939) (k--
SPN/FMI line)
**** ***
599/12 11812 cruise control both switches -- check wiring 18/04
switch closed -- check cruise control switch and
CC+ and CC-- 18/05
601/12 11912 cruise control both switches -- check wiring 18/04
switch closed -- check cruise control switch and
CC+ and CC-- 18/05
620/3 12103 power supply voltage too -- supply voltage > 5,2 V. 21/09
analog pedal high
620/4 12104 power supply voltage too -- supply voltage < 4,8 V. 21/09
analog pedal low
625/2 12202 CAN link no commu- -- check wiring (engine CAN)
ADM2 -- MR nication with -- check configuration:
MR parameter (../..) and
ADM2 parameter 1/01
to be set to equal function-
(0ne wire capability)
625/14 12214 CAN link one wire -- check wiring (engine CAN)
ADM2 -- MR mode -- check configuration:
MR parameter (../..) and
ADM2 parameter 1/01
to be set to equal function-
ality (One wire capability)
629/12 12312 ADM2 internal error
677/5 13305 output relay 1 open circuit -- check wiring 15/12
-- check relay 1
677/6 13306 output relay 1 shorted to -- check wiring 15/12
ground -- check relay 1
730/0 13900 output relay 2 grid heater: -- check wiring 15/09
no increasing -- check relay 2
boost temper-
-- check grid heater
ature after ac-

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
36 (37) C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO


ADM2 ADM2 Description Remedial action Pin

fault fault
codes codes
(J1939) (k--
SPN/FMI line)
**** ***
730/1 13901 output relay 2 grid heater: -- check wiring 15/09
relay perma- -- check relay 2
nently closed
730/2 13902 output relay 2 grid heater: -- check wiring 15/09
relay perma- -- check relay 2
nently closed
730/3 13903 output relay 2 voltage too -- check wiring 15/09
high or
shorted to
battery volt-
730/4 13904 output relay 2 voltage too -- check wiring 15/09
low or shorted -- check relay 2
to ground
974/2 14202 remote pedal supply volt- -- limit values for the supply 18/17
HFG age out of voltage of the HFG:
Minimum value: 4,8 V and
maximum value: 5,2 V.
974/3 14203 remote pedal voltage too -- check wiring 18/18
HFG high or -- check remote pedal
shorted to
battery volt-
974/4 14204 remote pedal voltage too -- check wiring 18/18
HFG low or shorted -- check remote pedal
to ground
1004/3 14403 output relay 4 open circuit -- check wiring 18/01
-- check relay 4
1004/4 14404 output relay 4 shorted to -- check wiring 18/01
ground -- check relay 4
1005/3 14503 output PWM open circuit -- check wiring. 15/05
or transmissi-
1005/4 14504 output PWM shorted -- check wiring. 15/05
pedalsupply to ground
or transmissi-

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120
C 16060 - 1 en 0906 / ANKO 37 (37)


ADM2 ADM2 Description Remedial action Pin

fault fault
codes codes
(J1939) (k--
SPN/FMI line)
**** ***
1006/3 14603 exhaust brake open circuit -- check wiring 15/06
valve -- check exhaust brake valve
1006/4 14604 exhaust brake shorted to -- check wiring 15/06
valve ground -- check exhaust brake valve
639/2 14902 J1939 CAN-- CAN identifi- -- PGN ETC1 was received
interface ers ETC#1 or only once and did not dis-
ACC#1 miss- appear.
1015/1 15001 PWM acceler- no supply -- check wiring 15/05
ator pedal voltage
1015/2 15002 PWM acceler- both signals -- check wiring
ator pedal missing -- Pins 21/13, 21/12, 15/05 ,
(GAS1 and 21/14.
1015/3 15003 PWM acceler- signal GAS2, -- check wiring
ator pedal not available -- Pins 21/13, 15/05 , 21/14.
1015/4 15004 PWM acceler- signal GAS1, -- check wiring
ator pedal not available -- Pins 21/12, 15/05 , 21/14.
1015/5 15005 PWM acceler- accelerator -- restart accelerator pedal
ator pedal pedal not ad- adjustment routine
1015/6 15006 PWM acceler- idle position -- restart accelerator pedal
ator pedal out of ad- adjustment routine
justed range
1015/7 15007 PWM acceler- accelerator -- restart accelerator pedal
ator pedal pedal out of adjustment routine

* diagnosis version 5 D)=only for the D--Model of PLD--MR control units (diagnosis
version 6)

** diagnosis version 6 and newer

*** Minidiag 2 Diagnostic unit

**** Driving panel master gauge (P1)

E 2006 SANDVIK TAMROCK CORP., Tampere Plant

P.O. Box 100
FI--33311 TAMPERE, Finland
Tel.: +358 205 44 121
FAX: +358 205 44 120

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