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Anaconda Project Documentation

Release 0.8.0rc5

Anaconda, Inc

Aug 09, 2022


1 Quick Start 3

2 Benefits of Project 5

3 How Project works 7

4 Stability 9

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

Reproducible and executable project directories

Anaconda Project encapsulates data science projects and makes them easily portable. Project automates setup steps
such as installing the right packages, downloading files, setting environment variables and running commands.
Project makes it easy to reproduce your work, share projects with others and run them on different platforms. It also
simplifies deployment to servers. Anaconda projects run the same way on your machine, on another user’s machine
or when deployed to a server.
Traditional build scripts such as setup.py automate building the project—going from source code to something
runnable—while Project automates running the project—taking build artifacts and doing any necessary setup before
executing them.
You can use Project on Windows, macOS and Linux.
Project is supported and offered by Anaconda, Inc® and contributors under a 3-clause BSD license.

Contents 1
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

2 Contents

Quick Start

Check out the Getting started guide

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

4 Chapter 1. Quick Start


Benefits of Project

• A README file that contains setup steps can become outdated, or users might not read it and then you have to
help them diagnose problems. Project automates the setup steps so that the README file need only say “Type
anaconda-project run.”
• Project facilitates collaboration by ensuring that all users working on a project have the same dependencies in
their Conda environments. Project automates environment creation and verifies that environments have the right
versions of packages.
• You can run os.getenv("DB_PASSWORD") and configure Project to prompt the user for any missing cre-
dentials. This allows you to avoid including your personal passwords or secret keys in your code.
• Project improves reproducibility. Someone who wants to reproduce your analysis can ensure that they have the
same setup that you have on your machine.
• Project simplifies deployment of your analysis as a web application. The configuration in
anaconda-project.yml tells hosting providers how to run your project, so no special setup is needed
when you move from your local machine to the web.

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

6 Chapter 2. Benefits of Project


How Project works

By adding an anaconda-project.yml configuration file to your project directory, a single

anaconda-project run command can set up all dependencies and then launch the project. Running an
Anaconda project executes a command specified in the anaconda-project.yml file, where you can also
configure any arbitrary commands.
Project automates project setup by establishing all prerequisite conditions for the project’s commands to execute
successfully. These conditions could include:
• Creating a Conda environment that includes certain packages.
• Prompting the user for passwords or other configuration.
• Downloading data files.
• Starting extra processes such as a database server.

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

8 Chapter 3. How Project works



Currently, the Project API and command-line syntax are subject to change in future releases. A project created with
the current beta version of Project may always need to be run with that version of Project and not Project 1.0. When
we think things are solid, we will switch from beta to version 1.0, and you will be able to rely on long-term interface

4.1 Installation

Anaconda Project is included in Anaconda® versions 4.3.1 and later.

To check that you have anaconda-project:
1. Open a terminal window.
• (Windows) Open your start menu, type in “cmd”, and click the Command Prompt application.
• (macOS) Open Launchpad and click the Terminal application.
• (Linux) Search for a Terminal in your Activities or Applications or (in most systems) enter Ctrl-Alt-T.
2. Enter conda list. Your terminal window should looks something like the following:

(base) ~ conda list

# packages in environment at /Users/jdoe/opt/anaconda3:
# Name Version Build Channel
_ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf 0.1.0 py39hecd8cb5_0
anaconda 2021.11 py39_0
anaconda-client 1.9.0 py39hecd8cb5_0
anaconda-navigator 2.1.1 py39_0
anaconda-project 0.10.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0

3. If for some reason your package list doesn’t contain anaconda-project, see the section below for instruc-
tions on how to install it manually.

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

4.1.1 Installing Anaconda Project Manually

If you don’t have access to conda yet, installing Miniconda is the simplest way to obtain it.
You can install Anaconda Project manually using the install command in your terminal window.

(base) ~ conda install anaconda-project

Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done

## Package Plan ##

environment location: /Users/jdoe/opt/anaconda3

added / updated specs:

- anaconda-project

The following packages will be downloaded:

package | build
anaconda-project-0.10.2 | pyhd3eb1b0_0 218 KB
Total: 218 KB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

anaconda-project pkgs/main/noarch::anaconda-project-0.10.2-pyhd3eb1b0_0
conda-pack pkgs/main/noarch::conda-pack-0.6.0-pyhd3eb1b0_0

Proceed ([y]/n)?

Enter ‘y’ to proceed.

Downloading and Extracting Packages

anaconda-project-0.1 | 218 KB | ##################################### | 100%
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done

Test your installation by running anaconda-project with the version option:

anaconda-project --version

A successful installation reports the version number.

4.2 Getting started

This getting started guide walks you through using Anaconda Project for the first time.
After completing this guide, you will be able to:
• Create a new reproducible project.
• Run the project with a single command.

10 Chapter 4. Stability
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

• Package and share the project.

If you have not yet installed and started Project, follow the Installation instructions.

4.2.1 Create a new project

The following steps will create a project called “demo_app”:

1. Open a Command Prompt or terminal window.
2. Initialize the project in a new directory:
$ anaconda-project init -y --directory demo_app

3. Navigate into your project directory:

$ cd demo_app

4. Add the package dependencies:

$ anaconda-project add-packages python=3.8 notebook hvplot=0.7.3 panel=0.12.6
˓→xarray=0.20 pooch=1.4 netCDF4

4.2.2 Create an example notebook-based Panel app

In this section, we will create a new notebook called Interactive.ipynb via either of the following methods:
• Download this quickstart example:
– Right-click the link and “Save As”, naming the file Interactive.ipynb and saving it into your new
demo_app folder, or
– Use the curl command below. This can be used on a unix-like platform.
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anaconda-Platform/anaconda-project/
˓→master/examples/quickstart/Interactive.ipynb -o Interactive.ipynb

Note: This example is taken from a larger, more full-featured hvPlot interactive, one that will work as
well, if you would prefer to download that.

• Alternatively, you can launch a Jupyter notebook session with:

$ anaconda-project run jupyter notebook

Click the New button and choose the Python3 option. Paste the following contents into a cell and click
File|Save as. . . , naming the file Interactive.
import xarray as xr, hvplot.xarray, hvplot.pandas, panel as pn, panel.
˓→widgets as pnw

ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset('air_temperature')
diff = ds.air.interactive.sel(time=pnw.DiscreteSlider) - ds.air.mean('time

kind = pnw.Select(options=['contourf', 'contour', 'image'], value='image')

plot = diff.hvplot(cmap='RdBu_r', clim=(-20, 20), kind=kind)
(continues on next page)

4.2. Getting started 11

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

(continued from previous page)

hvlogo = pn.panel("https://hvplot.holoviz.org/assets/hvplot-wm.png",

pnlogo = pn.panel("https://panel.holoviz.org/_static/logo_stacked.png",

text = pn.panel("## Select a time and type of plot", width=400)

pn.Row(hvlogo, pn.Spacer(width=20), pn.Column(text, plot.widgets()),


You can exit the running Jupyter Notebook program using CTRL+C in your terminal or command line.

4.2.3 Run your project

1. Register a new command to launch the notebook as a Panel app:

$ anaconda-project add-command --type unix dashboard "panel serve Interactive.

Note: The unix command type may be used for linux & macOS. For Windows, replace --type unix
with --type windows

2. Run your new project:

$ anaconda-project run dashboard --show

Your application should now be running and available at http://localhost:5006/Interactive. Once you’re finished
with it, you can close the running program using CTRL+C in your terminal or command line.

4.2.4 Sharing your project

To share this project with a colleague:

1. Archive the project:
$ anaconda-project archive interactive.zip

2. Send the archive file to your colleague.

You can also share a project by uploading it to Anaconda Cloud. For more information, see Sharing a project.
Anyone with Project—your colleague or someone who downloads your project from Cloud—can run your project by
unzipping the project archive file and then running a single command, without having to do any setup:
$ anaconda-project unarchive interactive.zip
$ cd demo_app
$ anaconda-project run

Note: If your project contains more than one command, the person using your project will need to specify which
command to run. For more information, see Running a project.

12 Chapter 4. Stability
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

Project downloads the data, installs the necessary packages and runs the command.

4.2.5 Next steps

• Learn more about what you can do in Project, including how to download data with your project and how to
configure your project with environment variables.
• Learn more about the anaconda-project.yml format.

4.3 Configuration

4.3.1 Environment variables

Anaconda Project has modifiable configuration settings, which are currently controlled exclusively by environment
ANACONDA_PROJECT_DISABLE_OVERRIDE_CHANNELS Starting in version 0.11.0 Anaconda Project ignores
any CondaRC configuration settings for channels: by default. Packages will only be installed from channels
listed in the anaconda-project.yml file. Set this environment variable to a true value (1, or 'True')
to disable the override and allow the user or global CondaRC configuration to control channels from which
Anaconda Project can install packages.
ANACONDA_PROJECT_ENVS_PATH This variable provides a list of directories to search for environments to use in
projects, and where to build them when needed. The format is identical to a standard PATH variable on the host
operating system—a list of directories separated by : on Unix systems and ; on Windows—except that empty
entries are permitted. The paths are interpreted as follows:
• If a path is empty, it is interpreted as the default value envs.
• If a path is relative, it is interpreted relative to the root directory of the project itself (PROJECT_DIR). For
example, a path entry envs is interpreted as
– $PROJECT_DIR/envs (Unix)
– %PROJECT_DIR%\envs (Windows)
• When searching for an environment, the directories are searched in left-to-right order.
• If an environment with the requested name is found nowhere in the path, one will be created as a subdirec-
tory of the first entry in the path.
For example, given a Unix machine with


Then Anaconda Project will look for an environment named default in the following locations:
• /opt/envs/default
• $PROJECT_DIR/envs/default
• $PROJECT_DIR/envs2/default
• /home/user/conda/envs/default
If no such environment exists, one will be created as /opt/envs/default, instead of the default location
of $PROJECT_DIR/envs/default.

4.3. Configuration 13
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

ANACONDA_PROJECT_READONLY_ENVS_POLICY When an anaconda-project.yml specifies the use of

an existing environment, but that environment is missing one or more of the requested packages, Ana-
conda Project attempts to remedy the deficiency by installing the missing packages. If the specified en-
vironment is read-only, however, such an installation would fail. The value of the environment variable
ANACONDA_PROJECT_READONLY_ENVS_POLICY governs what action should be taken in such a case.
fail The attempt will fail, and a message returned indicating that the requested changes could not be made.
clone A clone of the read-only environment will be made, and additional packages will be installed into this
cloned environment. Note that a clone will occur only if additional packages are required.
replace An entirely new environment will be created.
If this environment variable is empty or contains any other value than these, the fail behavior will be assumed.
Note that for clone or replace to succeed, a writable environment location must exist somewhere in the

4.3.2 Read-only environments

On some systems, it is desirable to provide Anaconda Project access to one or more read-only environments. These
environments can be centrally managed by administrators, and will speed up environment preparation for users that
elect to use them.
On Unix, a read-only environment is quite easy to enforce with standard POSIX permissions settings. Unfortunately,
our experience on Windows systems suggests it is more challenging to enforce. For this reason, we have adopted a
simple approach that allows environments to be explicitly marked as read-only with a flag file:
• If a file called .readonly is found in the root of an environment, that environment will be considered read-
• If a file called .readonly is found in the parent of an environment directory, the environment will be consid-
ered read-only.
• An attempt is made to write a file var/cache/anaconda-project/status within the environment,
creating the subdirectories as needed. If successful, the environment is considered read-write; otherwise, it is
considered read-only.
This second test is particularly useful when centrally managing and entire directory of environments. With a single
.readonly flag file, all new environments created within that directory will be treated as read-only. Of course, for
the best protection, POSIX or Windows read-only permissions should be applied nevertheless.

4.4 User guide

4.4.1 Concepts

• Project
• Configuration files
• Environment variables
• Comparing Project to conda env and environment.yml

14 Chapter 4. Stability
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5


A project is a folder that contains an anaconda-project.yml configuration file together with scripts, notebooks
and other files.
You can make any folder into a project by adding a configuration file named anaconda-project.yml to the
folder. The configuration file can include the following sections:
• commands
• variables
• services
• downloads
• packages or dependencies
• channels
• env_specs
Data scientists use projects to encapsulate data science projects and make them easily portable. A project is usually
compressed into a .tar.bz2 file for sharing and storing.
Anaconda Project automates setup steps, so that data scientists that you share projects with can run your project with
a single command—anaconda-project run.

Configuration files

Projects are affected by 3 configuration files:

• anaconda-project.yml—Contains information about a project to be shared across users and machines.
If you use source control, put anaconda-project.yml into your system.
• anaconda-project-local.yml—Contains your local configuration state, which you do not want to
share with others. Put this file into .gitignore, .svnignore or the equivalent in your source control system.
• anaconda-project-lock.yml—Optional. Contains information needed to lock your package dependen-
cies at specific versions. Put this file into source control along with anaconda-project.yml. For more
information on anaconda-project-lock.yml, see Reference.
To modify these files, use Project commands, Anaconda Navigator, or any text editor.

Environment variables

Anything in the “variables” section of an anaconda-project.yml file is considered to be an environment variable

needed by your project.
EXAMPLE: The variables section of an anaconda-project.yml file that specifies 2 variables:


When a user runs your project, Project asks them for values to assign to these variables.
In your script, you can use os.getenv() to obtain these variables. This is a much better option than hardcoding
passwords into your script, which can be a security risk.

4.4. User guide 15

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

Comparing Project to conda env and environment.yml

Project has similar functionality to the conda env command and the environment.yml file, but it may be more
convenient. The advantage of Project for environment handling is that it performs conda operations and records them
in a configuration file for reproducibility, all in one step.
EXAMPLE: The following command uses conda to install Bokeh and adds bokeh=0.11 to an environment spec in

anaconda-project add-packages bokeh=0.11

The effect is comparable to adding the environment spec to environment.yml. In this way, the state of your
current conda environment and your configuration to be shared with others will not get out of sync.
Project also automatically sets up environments for other users when they type anaconda-project run on their
machines. They do not have to separately create, update or activate environments before they run the code. This may
be especially useful when you change the required dependencies. With conda env, users may forget to rerun it and
update their packages, while anaconda-project run automatically adds missing packages every time.
In addition to creating environments, Project can perform other kinds of setup, such as adding data files and running a
database server. In that sense, it is a superset of conda env.

4.4.2 Tasks

Creating a project

1. Create a project directory:

anaconda-project init --directory directory-name

NOTE: Replace directory-name with the name of your project directory.

EXAMPLE: To create a project directory called “iris”:

$ cd /home/alice/mystuff
$ anaconda-project init --directory iris
Create directory '/home/alice/mystuff/iris'? y
Project configuration is in /home/alice/mystuff/iris/anaconda-project.yml

You can also turn any existing directory into a project by switching to the directory and then running
anaconda-project init without options or arguments.
2. OPTIONAL: In a text editor, open anaconda-project.yml to see what the file looks like for an empty
project. As you work with your project, the anaconda-project commands you use will modify this file.
As of version 0.10.0 anaconda-project init will initialize an empty environment. No packages will be listed
in the pakcages: key. To replicate this behavior on older versions run:

anaconda-project init --empty-environment

Working with packages

The anaconda-project.yml file enables specification of required packages and multiple Conda environments,
referred to as env_specs.

16 Chapter 4. Stability
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

For example the following anaconda-project.yml file will install python version 3.8, and latest version
pandas and notebook into the default environment when you execute anaconda-project prepare on the
command line.

name: ExampleProject

- python=3.8
- notebook
- pandas

default: {}

When anaconda-project prepare is run a new environment is created called default in the envs subdi-
rectory of your project. See Configuration to change the default location of the Conda environments.

Adding packages

To add packages to your project that are not yet in your packages: list there are two approaches.
1. From within your project directory, run:

anaconda-project add-packages package1 package2

NOTE: Replace package1 and package2 with the names of the packages that you want to include. You can
specify as many packages as you want.
EXAMPLE: To add the packages hvplot=0.7 and dask:

$ anaconda-project add-packages hvplot=0.7 dask

Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): ...working... done
Solving environment: ...working... done
Executing transaction: ...working... done
Using Conda environment /Users/adefusco/Desktop/iris/envs/default.
Added packages to project file: hvplot=0.7, dask.

2. Instead of using the add-packages command you can edit the anaconda-project.yml file directly
using any text editor and add package names to the packages: list. To complete the installation of these new
packages into your activate environment run anaconda-project prepare on the command line after
saving the file.
In addition to adding Conda packages as shown above Pip packages can be specified using the --pip flag:

anaconda-project add-packages --pip package1 package2

NOTE: Replace package1 and package2 with the names of the packages that you want to include. You can specify
as many packages as you want.
EXAMPLE: To add the requests package to the default environment:

$ anaconda-project add-packages --pip requests

Collecting requests
Using cached requests-2.25.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (61 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in ./envs/default/lib/python3.8/
˓→site-packages (from requests) (2020.12.5)

(continues on next page)

4.4. User guide 17

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

(continued from previous page)

Collecting idna<3,>=2.5
Using cached idna-2.10-py2.py3-none-any.whl (58 kB)
Collecting chardet<5,>=3.0.2
Using cached chardet-4.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (178 kB)
Collecting urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1
Using cached urllib3-1.26.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (153 kB)
Installing collected packages: urllib3, idna, chardet, requests
Successfully installed chardet-4.0.0 idna-2.10 requests-2.25.1 urllib3-1.26.4
Using Conda environment /Users/adefusco/Desktop/testproj/envs/default.
Added packages to project file: requests.

Optionally, you can edit the anaconda-project.yml file to add packages using the pip: key within the
packages: list. For example,
name: ExampleProject

- python=3.8
- notebook
- pandas
- pip:
- requests

default: {}

Then run anaconda-project prepare to install the new packages into the environment.

Package Channels

Note: Breaking Change in version 0.11.0. All channels you wish to search through for packages must be supplied
on the CLI or in the project YAML file. To support reproducible projects that build the same way for different users,
Anaconda Project will not respect channels declared in your .condarc file.

Note: Backwards compatibility fix in version 0.11.1. The defaults channel is always appended to the list of
channels even if it is not specified in the channels: list in the project file or with the -c flag using the CLI. If the
defaults channel is specified no change is made. To avoid including the defaults channel add the channel name

Up till now we have not instructed Conda to install packages from specific channels, so all packages are installed
from the Conda default channels. If no channels are speicified in the project file or on the command line then the
defaults channel is used.
name: ExampleProject

- python=3.8
- notebook
- pandas
- pip:
- requests
(continues on next page)

18 Chapter 4. Stability
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

(continued from previous page)

default: {}

To install packages from one or more channels use the -c <channel-name> flag, just like conda install. To
specify multiple channels add more -c <channel-name> flags. The order in which the flags appear is the order
that Conda will check for available packages. Equivalently, you can edit the anaconda-project.yml to supply
a list of channels in the channels: key.
For example:

anaconda-project add-packages -c defaults -c conda-forge fastapi

The resulting anaconda-project.yml file is now

name: ExampleProject

- python=3.8
- notebook
- pandas
- pip:
- requests

- defaults
- conda-forge

default: {}

If you wish to avoid using the defaults channel you must add the channel nodefaults. This will instruct
Anaconda Project to not append the defaults channel automatically. The order in which nodefaults appears
does not matter.
For example to install packages only from the conda-forge channel:

anaconda-project add-packages -c conda-forge -c nodefaults fastapi

The resulting anaconda-project.yml file is now

name: ExampleProject

- python=3.8
- notebook
- pandas
- pip:
- requests

- conda-forge
- nodefaults

default: {}

4.4. User guide 19

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

Removing packages

To remove packages from the packages: list run:

anaconda-project remove-packages package1 package2

NOTE: Replace package1 and package2 with the names of the packages that you want to include. You can specify
as many packages as you want.
EXAMPLE: To remove the package hvplot:

$ anaconda-project remove-packages hvplot

Using Conda environment /Users/adefusco/Desktop/testproj/envs/default.
Removed packages from project file: hvplot.

EXAMPLE: To remove the requests pip package from the default environment:

$ anaconda-project remove-packages --pip requests

Found existing installation: requests 2.25.1
Uninstalling requests-2.25.1:
Successfully uninstalled requests-2.25.1
Using Conda environment /Users/adefusco/Desktop/testproj/envs/default.
Removed packages from project file: requests.

Pip package specifications

Pip packages can specified in a number of ways.

• From PyPI (or other indexes)
• Direct URL to the package archive
• Revision Control services (for example git and svn)
To install a package from a revision control service:

anaconda-project add-packages --pip git+<protocol>://<revision-control-domain>/


• <protocol> is the web protocol of the domain: i.e, http or https
• <revision-control-domain> is the URL of the service: i.e. github.com
• <repository.git> is the name of the revision control repository, you can include the branch name or
release tag here.
• [version-branch] optionally install a specific version or branch of the repository
• <package> is the name of the package as declared in setup.py
NOTE: It is required that you use #egg=<package> to install a revision control hosted package. This is considered
best practice by pip and allows the pip dependency solver to correctly identify the package if it is a dependency of
another package in your project.
EXAMPLE: Add the tranquilizer package to your project directly from Github:

20 Chapter 4. Stability
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

$ anaconda-project add-packages --pip git+https://github.com/continuumio/tranquilizer.


Collecting tranquilizer
Cloning https://github.com/continuumio/tranquilizer.git (to revision 0.5.0) to /


Using Conda environment /Users/adefusco/Desktop/testproj/envs/default.

Added packages to project file: git+https://github.com/continuumio/tranquilizer.git@0.

Alternatively for github you can use the URL of the repository archive. For example, to install from the master branch
of tranquilizer:
$ anaconda-project add-packages --pip https://github.com/continuumio/tranquilizer/

Collecting tranquilizer
Downloading https://github.com/continuumio/tranquilizer/archive/master.zip
Using Conda environment /Users/adefusco/Desktop/testproj/envs/default.
Added packages to project file: https://github.com/continuumio/tranquilizer/archive/

Downloading data into a project

Often data sets are too large to keep locally, so you may want to download them on demand.
To set up your project to download data:
1. From within your project directory, run:
anaconda-project add-download env_var URL

NOTE: Replace env_var with a name for an environment variable that Anaconda Project will create to store
the path to your downloaded data file. Replace URL with the URL for the data to be downloaded.
Anaconda Project downloads the data file to your project directory.
EXAMPLE: The following command downloads the iris.csv data file from a GitHub repository into the
“iris” project, and stores its new path in the environment variable IRIS_CSV:
$ anaconda-project add-download IRIS_CSV https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bokeh/

File downloaded to /home/alice/mystuff/iris/iris.csv

Added https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bokeh/bokeh/
˓→f9aa6a8caae8c7c12efd32be95ec7b0216f62203/bokeh/sampledata/iris.csv to the

˓→project file.

2. OPTIONAL: In a text editor, open anaconda-project.yml to see the new entry in the downloads section.

Working with commands

• Adding a command to a project

• Specifying multi-line commands
• Using commands that need different environments

4.4. User guide 21

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

• Using commands to automatically start processes

• Viewing a list of commands in a project
• Running a project command

Run all of the commands on this page from within the project directory.

Adding a command to a project

A project contains some sort of code, such as Python files, which have a .py extension.
You could run your Python code with the command:

python file.py

NOTE: Replace file with the name of your file.

However, to gain the benefits of Anaconda Project, use Project to add code files to your project:
1. Put the code file, application file, or notebook file into your project directory.
2. Add a command to run your file:

anaconda-project add-command name "command"

NOTE: Replace name with a name of your choosing for the command. Replace command with the command
EXAMPLE:: To add a command called “notebook” that runs the IPython notebook mynotebook.ipynb:

anaconda-project add-command notebook mynotebook.ipynb

EXAMPLE: To add a command called “plot” that runs a Bokeh app located outside of your project directory:

anaconda-project add-command plot app-path-filename

NOTE: Replace app-path-filename with the path and filename of the Bokeh app. By default, Bokeh looks
for the file main.py, so if your app is called main.py, you do not need to include the filename.
3. When prompted for the type of command, type:
• B if the command string is a Bokeh app to run.
• N if the command string is a Notebook to run.
• C if the command string is a Command line instruction to run, such as using Python to run a Python .py
EXAMPLE: To add a command called “hello” that runs python hello.py:

$ anaconda-project add-command hello "python hello.py"

Is `hello` a (B)okeh app, (N)otebook, or (C)ommand line? C
Added a command 'hello' to the project. Run it with
`anaconda-project run hello`.

4. OPTIONAL: In a text editor, open anaconda-project.yml to see the new command listed in the com-
mands section.

22 Chapter 4. Stability
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Specifying multi-line commands

Commands added to the anaconda-project.yml file can span multiple lines of execution by using the YAML |
string specifier. For example a single command can be defined in the anaconda-project.yml file to run multiple
linting tools.

unix: |
yapf --in-place

Using commands that need different environments

You can have multiple conda environment specifications in a project, which is useful if some of your commands
use a different version of Python or otherwise have distinct dependencies. Add these environment specs with
anaconda-project add-env-spec.

Using commands to automatically start processes

Project can automatically start processes that your commands depend on. Currently it only supports starting Redis, for
demonstration purposes.
To see Project automatically start the Redis process:

anaconda-project add-service redis

More types of services will be supported soon. If there are particular services that you would find useful, let us know.

Viewing a list of commands in a project

To list all of the commands in a project:

anaconda-project list-commands


$ anaconda-project list-commands
Commands for project: /home/alice/mystuff/iris

Name Description
==== ===========
hello python hello.py
plot Bokeh app iris_plot
showdata python showdata.py

Running a project command

Running a project command is the same as Running a project.

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Working with environment variables

• Using variables in scripts

• Adding a variable
• Adding an encrypted variable
• Adding a variable with a default value
• Changing a variable’s value
• Removing a variable’s value
• Removing a variable

Run all of the commands on this page from within the project directory.
Anaconda Project sets some environment variables automatically:
• PROJECT_DIR specifies the location of your project directory.
• CONDA_ENV_PATH is set to the file system location of the current conda environment.
• PATH includes the binary directory from the current conda environment.
These variables always exist and can always be used in your Python code.

Using variables in scripts

Use Python’s os.getenv() function to obtain variables from within your scripts.
EXAMPLE: The following script, called showdata.py, prints out data:

import os
import pandas as pd

project_dir = os.getenv("PROJECT_DIR")
env = os.getenv("CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV")
iris_csv = os.getenv("IRIS_CSV")

flowers = pd.read_csv(iris_csv)

print("My project directory is {} and my conda environment is {}".format(project_dir,

If you tried to run this example script with python showdata.py, it would not work if pandas was not installed
and the environment variables were not set.

Adding a variable

If a command needs a user-supplied parameter, you can require—or just allow—users to provide values for these
before the command runs.
NOTE: Encrypted variables such as passwords are treated differently from other custom variables. See Adding an
encrypted variable.

24 Chapter 4. Stability
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1. Add the unencrypted variable to your project:

anaconda-project add-variable VARIABLE

NOTE: Replace VARIABLE with the name of the variable that you want to add.
EXAMPLE: To add a variable called COLUMN_TO_SHOW:

anaconda-project add-variable COLUMN_TO_SHOW

2. OPTIONAL: In a text editor, open anaconda-project.yml to see the new variable listed in the variables
3. OPTIONAL: Use the command anaconda-project list-variables to see the new variables listed.
4. Include the new variable in your script in the same way as you would for any other variable.
The first time a user runs your project, they are prompted to provide a value for your custom variable. On subsequent
runs, the user will not be prompted.
All environment variables are available for jinja2 templating as shown in the HTTP Commands section.

Adding an encrypted variable

Use variables for passwords and other secret information so that each user can input their own private information.
Encrypted variable values are kept in the system keychain, while other variable values are kept in the
anaconda-project-local.yml file. In all other respects, working with encrypted variables is the same as
for unencrypted variables.
Any variable ending in _PASSWORD, _SECRET, or _SECRET_KEY is automatically encrypted.
To create an encrypted variable:

anaconda-project add-variable VARIABLE_encrypt-flag

NOTE: Replace VARIABLE with the name of the variable that you want to add. Replace _encrypt-flag with
EXAMPLE: To create an encrypted variable called DB_PASSWORD:

anaconda-project add-variable DB_PASSWORD

Adding a variable with a default value

You can set a default value for a variable, which is stored with the variable in anaconda-project.yml. If you
set a default, users are not prompted to provide a value, but they can override the default value if they want to.
To add a variable with a default value:

anaconda-project add-variable --default=default_value VARIABLE

NOTE: Replace default_value with the default value to be set and VARIABLE with the name of the variable to
EXAMPLE: To add the variable COLUMN_TO_SHOW with the default value petal_width:

4.4. User guide 25

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anaconda-project add-variable --default=petal_width COLUMN_TO_SHOW

If you or a user sets the variable in anaconda-project-local.yml, the default is ignored. However, you can
unset the local override so that the default is used:

anaconda-project unset-variable VARIABLE

NOTE: Replace VARIABLE with the variable name.

EXAMPLE: To unset the COLUMN_TO_SHOW variable:

anaconda-project unset-variable COLUMN_TO_SHOW

Changing a variable’s value

The variable values entered by a user are stored in the user’s anaconda-project-local.yml file. To change a
variable’s value in the user’s file:

anaconda-project set-variable VARIABLE=value

NOTE: Replace VARIABLE with the variable name and value with the new value for that variable.
EXAMPLE: To set COLUMN_TO_SHOW to petal_length:

anaconda-project set-variable COLUMN_TO_SHOW=petal_length

Removing a variable’s value

Use the unset-variable command to remove the value that has been set for a variable. Only the value is removed.
The project still requires a value for the variable in order to run.

Removing a variable

Use the remove-variable command to remove the variable from anaconda-project.yml so that the project
no longer requires the variable value in order to run.

Running a project

Run all of the commands on this page from within the project directory.
To run a project:
1. If necessary, extract the files from the project archive file—.zip, .tar.gz or .tar.bz2.
2. If you do not know the exact name of the command you want to run, list the commands in the project.
3. If there is only one command in the project, run:

anaconda-project run

4. If there are multiple commands in the project, include the command name:

26 Chapter 4. Stability
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anaconda-project run command-name

NOTE: Replace command-name with the actual command name.

EXAMPLE: To run a command called “showdata”, which could download data, install needed packages and
run the command:

anaconda-project run showdata

5. For a command that runs a Bokeh app, you can include options for bokeh serve in the run command.
EXAMPLE: The following command passes the --show option to the bokeh serve command, to tell Bokeh
to open a browser window:

anaconda-project run plot --show

When you run a project for the first time, there is a short delay as the new dedicated project is created, and then the
command is executed. The command will run much faster on subsequent runs because the dedicated project is already
In your project directory, you now have an envs subdirectory. By default every project has its own packages in its
own sandbox to ensure that projects do not interfere with one another.

Cleaning a project

Your projects contain files that Anaconda Project creates automatically, such as any downloaded data and the envs/
default directory.
Use the clean command to remove such files and make a clean, reproducible project.
Run the following command from within the project directory:

anaconda-project clean

Project removes automatically created files and downloaded data.

To restore these files:
• Prepare the project.
• Run the project.

Preparing a project

When you run a project, Anaconda Project automatically generates certain files and downloads necessary data. The
prepare command allows you to initiate that process without running the project.
To prepare a project, run the prepare command from within your project directory:

anaconda-project prepare

Creating a project archive

To share a project with others, you likely want to put it into an archive file, such as a .zip file. Anaconda Project can
create .zip, .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 archives. The archive format matches the file extension that you provide.

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Excluding files from the archive

The anaconda-project archive command automatically omits the files that Project can reproduce automat-
ically, which includes the envs/ directory and any downloaded data files defined in the downloads section of the
anaconda-project.yml file.
See Packagaging Environments below to bundle Conda environments in the archive.
The archive also excludes anaconda-project-local.yml, which is intended to hold local configuration state
To manually exclude any other files that you do not want to be in the archive, create a .projectignore file or a
.gitignore file.

Note: If you anticipate that this project will be managed as a Git repository, use of .gitignore is preferred over
.projectignore. However, use of .gitignore outside of a Git repository is not supported.

Creating the archive file

To create a project archive, run the following command from within your project directory:

anaconda-project archive filename.zip

NOTE: Replace filename with the name for your archive file. If you want to create a .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 archive
instead of a zip archive, replace zip with the appropriate file extension.
EXAMPLE: To create a zip archive called “iris”:

anaconda-project archive iris.zip

Project creates the archive file.

If you list the files in the archive, you will see that automatically generated files are not listed.

$ unzip -l iris.zip
Archive: iris.zip
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
16 06-10-2016 10:04 iris/hello.py
281 06-10-2016 10:22 iris/showdata.py
222 06-10-2016 09:46 iris/.projectignore
4927 06-10-2016 10:31 iris/anaconda-project.yml
557 06-10-2016 10:33 iris/iris_plot/main.py
--------- -------
6003 5 files

Extracting the archive file

Anaconda Project archives can be extracted using packages provided by the OS or using the anaconda-project
unarchive command.
The unarchive command can extract bundles in any of the supported formats (.zip, .tar.gz, and .tar.bz2):

28 Chapter 4. Stability
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

anaconda-project unarchive <bundle>

Experimental: Packaging environments

Available since version 0.10.0

There are cases where it may be preferable to package the Conda environments directly into the archive. For example,
you may want to support uses where the target system cannot connect to the repository to download and install
To bundle the environments into the archive use the --pack-envs flag. This will utilize conda-pack to add each
env_spec to the Anaconda Project bundle.
With the --pack-envs the prepare command is run automatically to ensure that all env_specs are up-to-date
before building the bundle.

Note: When using --pack-envs your Anaconda Project bundles may be very large.

The bundle can be extracted using either anaconda-project unarchive or OS packages for Zip, tar.gz,
and tar.bz2 files.
If a pack-envs bundle is extracted on a platform (Mac, Linux, Windows) that does not match the platform used
to create the bundle the env_specs will be re-created when you run anaconda-project prepare or
anaconda-project run.

Sharing a project

To share a project with other people:

1. Archive the project.
2. Send the file to another user—for example, by email, by copying the file to a shared network location, and so
Upload the file to Anaconda Cloud by running the following command from within the project directory:

anaconda-project upload

NOTE: You need a free Cloud account to upload projects to Cloud.

3. The user retrieves the archive file and runs the project.

Creating Docker Images

Available since version 0.10.0

Use the dockerize command to create a Docker image from the project. Images created from Anaconda Projects
are configured to execute a single defined command in the anaconda-project.yml file chosen at build time.
The dockerize command uses source-to-image (s2i) to build Docker images using the s2i-anaconda-project builder
images that have been uploaded to Docker Hub.
Images built with dockerize will have a fully prepared env_spec for the desired command and expose port 8086
if the command listens for HTTP requests.

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In order to utilize the dockerize command you will need to have Docker and source-to-image (s2i) installed.
• Docker
• source-to-image
You can install s2i using Conda

conda install -c ctools source-to-image


1. Build a docker image to run a supplied command

anaconda-project dockerize --command <command-name> -t <image name>

2. Run the Docker image and publish port 8086

docker run -p 8086:8086 <image name>

It is necessary to add -p 8086:8086 in order to publish port 8086 from the anaconda-project container out to the
host. The second entry in the -p flag must be 8086 while the first entry can be any valid unused port on the host. See
the Docker container networking docs for more details.

Build Docker images

By default running the dockerize command will create a Docker image to execute the default command.
The default command is determined in the following order
1. The command named default
2. The first command listed in the project file if no command is named default
The s2i-anaconda-project builder images have Miniconda and anaconda-project installed. When the
dockerize command is run the following steps are performed.
1. The project is archived to a temporary directory to ensure that files listed in your .projectignore (including
the local envs directory) are not copied into the Docker image.
2. The s2i build command is run from the temporary directory to construct a new Docker image from the
builder image.
The steps in the s2i build process are
1. The temporary project directory is added to the image.
2. The s2i assemble script is run to prepare the env_spec for the desired command.
3. Conda clean is run to reduce the size of the output Docker image.


The dockerize command accepts several optional arguments

30 Chapter 4. Stability
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

--command The named command to execute in the RUN layer of the Docker image. Default: default See the
HTTP commands section below.
-t or --tag The name of the output Docker image in the format name:tag. By default Default: “<project-
name>:latest”, where <project-name> is taken from the name tag in the anaconda-project.yml file.
--builder-image The s2i builder image name to use. Default: conda/s2i-anaconda-project-ubi8
By default this is image is pulled from DockerHub when dockerize is run. See the Custom Builder Image
section below to construct your own builder images.
s2i build arguments Any further arguments or those supplied after -- will be given to the s2i build command.
See the s2i build documentation for available build flags.

Builder images

The default builder image for anaconda-project dockerize is conda/

s2i-anaconda-project-ubi8. To see other available builder images on DockerHub click here.

HTTP options

When the docker image is run the s2i run script is executed with the supplied command. The full run command is

anaconda-project run $CMD --anaconda-project-port 8086 --anaconda-project-address 0.0.

˓→0.0 --anaconda-project-no-browser --anaconda-project-use-xheaders

This ensures that the command communicates over port 8086 if it supports the HTTP Commands.
If your desired command is not an HTTP command or you wish not to use the Jinja2 template features you must
add supports_http_options: false to the command specification in the anaconda-project.yml
file. When supports_http_options is set to false the HTTP arguments are completely ignored when the
command is executed.

Configuring Conda

In addition to the channel configuration available in the anaconda-project.yml file you may need to supply
custom Conda configuration parameters in order to build the Docker image.
To provide a custom Conda configuration, place a .condarc file at the top-level of your project directory.
For example, you can use the .condarc to configure access to Anaconda Team Edition or Anaconda Commercial

Custom builder images

If you want to customize the builder images you can clone the s2i-anaconda-project repository, build the images. The
custom builder images can be provided to anaconda-project dockerize using the --builder-image

4.4.3 Reference

The anaconda-project command works with project directories, which can contain scripts, notebooks, data files,
and anything that is related to your project.

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Any directory can be made into a project by adding a configuration file named anaconda-project.yml.
.yml files are in the YAML format and follow the YAML syntax.
TIP: Read more about YAML syntax at http://yaml.org/start.html
TIP: You may want to go through the anaconda-project tutorial before digging into the details in this document.

anaconda-project.yml, anaconda-project-local.yml, anaconda-project-lock.yml

Anaconda projects are affected by three configuration files, anaconda-project.yml,

anaconda-project-local.yml, and anaconda-project-lock.yml.
The file anaconda-project.yml contains information about a project that is intended to be shared across users
and machines. If you use source control, the file anaconda-project.yml should probably be put in source
The file anaconda-project-local.yml, on the other hand, goes in .gitignore (or .svnignore or equiv-
alent), because it contains your local configuration state that you do not want to share with others.
The file anaconda-project-lock.yml is optional and contains information needed to lock your package de-
pendencies at specific versions. This “lock file” should go in source control along with anaconda-project.yml.
These files can be manipulated with anaconda-project commands, or with Anaconda Navigator, or you can edit
them with any text editor.

Commands and Requirements

In the anaconda-project.yml file you can define commands and requirements that the commands need in order
to run.
For example, let’s say you have a script named analyze.py in your project directory along with a file


The file anaconda-project.yml tells conda how to run your project:

unix: "python analyze.py"
windows: "python analyze.py"

There are separate command lines for Unix shells (Linux and macOS) and for Windows. You may target only one
platform, and are not required to provide command lines for other platforms.
When you send your project to someone else, they can type anaconda-project run to run your script. The best
part is that anaconda-project run makes sure that all prerequisites are set up before it runs the script.
Let’s say your script requires a certain conda package to be installed. Add the redis-py package to
anaconda-project.yml as a dependency using either the packages or dependencies key:

- redis-py

32 Chapter 4. Stability
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Now when someone runs anaconda-project run the script is automatically run in a conda environment that
has redis-py installed.
Here’s another example. Let’s say your script requires a huge data file that you don’t want to put in source control and
you don’t want to email. You can add a requirement that the file will be downloaded locally:

url: http://example.com/bigdatafile
sha1: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709

Now when someone runs anaconda-project run, the file is downloaded if it hasn’t been downloaded already,
and the environment variable MYDATAFILE is set to the local filename of the data. In your analyze.py file you
can write something like this:

import os
filename = os.getenv('MYDATAFILE')
if filename is None:
raise Exception("Please use 'anaconda-project run' to start this script")
with open(filename, 'r') as input:
data = input.read()
# and so on

anaconda-project supports many other requirements, too. Instead of writing long documentation about how to
set up your script before others can run it, simply put the requirements in a anaconda-project.yml file and let
anaconda-project check and execute the setup automatically.

Multiple Commands

An anaconda-project.yml can list multiple commands. Each command has a name, and
anaconda-project run COMMAND_NAME runs the command named COMMAND_NAME.
anaconda-project list-commands lists commands, along with a description of each command. To cus-
tomize a command’s description, add a description: field in anaconda-project.yml, like this:

unix: "python analyze.py"
windows: "python analyze.py"
description: "This command runs the analysis"

Special command types

Bokeh apps and notebooks have a shorthand syntax:

bokeh_app: foo
description: "Runs the bokeh app in the foo subdirectory"
notebook: bar.ipynb
description: "Opens the notebook bar.ipynb"

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Notebook-specific options

Notebook commands can annotate that they contain a function registered with Anaconda Fusion:

notebook: bar.ipynb
description: "Notebook exporting an Anaconda Fusion function."
registers_fusion_function: true

If your notebook contains @fusion.register when you anaconda-project init or

anaconda-project add-command, registers_fusion_function: true will be added auto-

HTTP Commands

anaconda-project can be used to pack up web applications and run them on a server. Web applications include
Bokeh applications, notebooks, APIs, and anything else that communicates with HTTP.
To make an anaconda-project command into a deployable web application, it has to support a list of command-
line options.
Any command with notebook: or bokeh_app: automatically supports these options, because
anaconda-project translates them into the native options supplied by the Bokeh and Jupyter command lines.
Shell commands (those with unix: or windows:) must support the semantics of these command-line options
appropriately. They do not have to support the exact command line syntax used by anaconda project run as
shell commands support jinja2 templating. For instance:

unix: launch_flask_app.py --port {{port}} --host {{host}} --address {{address}}
description: "Launches a Flask web app"

Here, {{port}}, {{host}} and {{address}} are jinja2 variables that are templated into the --port,
--host and --address arguments of a hypothetical launch_flask_app.py script. These arguments are
just a few of the variables made available from the --anaconda-project- flags you can use when executing
anaconda-project run:
• --anaconda-project-host=HOST:PORT can be specified multiple times and indicates a permit-
ted value for the HTTP Host header. The value may include a port as well. There will be one
--anaconda-project-host option for each host that browsers can connect to. This option specifies
the application’s public hostname:port and does not affect the address or port the application listens on. The last
host specified is made available as the host jinja2 variable while the full list of hosts is available as the hosts
• --anaconda-project-port=PORT indicates the local port the application should listen on; unlike the
port which may be included in the --anaconda-project-host option, this port will not always be the
one that browsers connect to. In a typical deployment, applications listen on a local-only port while a reverse
proxy such as nginx listens on a public port and forwards traffic to the local port. In this scenario, the public port
is part of --anaconda-project-host and the local port is provided as --anaconda-project-port.
This setting is available for templating as the port jinja2 variable.}
• --anaconda-project-address=IP indicates the IP address the application should listen on. Unlike the
host which may be included in the --anaconda-project-host option, this address may not be the one
that browsers connect to. This setting is available for templating as the address jinja2 variable.

34 Chapter 4. Stability
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• --anaconda-project-url-prefix=PREFIX gives a path prefix that should be the first part of the paths
to all routes in your application. For example, if you usually have a page /foo.html, and the prefix is /bar,
you would now have a page /bar/foo.html. This setting is available for templating as the url_prefix
jinja2 variable.
• --anaconda-project-no-browser means “don’t open a web browser when the command is run.” If
your command never opens a web browser anyway, you should accept but ignore this option. This setting
is available for templating as the no_browser jinja2 variable. When this switch is present, the value of
no_browser is True.
• --anaconda-project-iframe-hosts=HOST:PORT gives a value to be included in the
Content-Security-Policy header as a value for frame-ancestors when you serve an HTTP
response. The effect of this is to allow the page to be embedded in an iframe by the supplied HOST:PORT. This
setting is available for templating as the iframe-hosts jinja2 variable.
• --anaconda-project-use-xheaders tells your application that it’s behind a reverse proxy and can
trust “X-” headers, such as X-Forwarded-For or X-Host. This setting is available for templating as the
use_xheaders jinja2 variable. When this switch is present, the value of use_xheaders is True.
As an alternative to the templating approach, you may choose to write launch_flask_app.py in such a
way that it supports the above command line flags and switches directly. In this case, you need to specify
supports_http_options: true:
unix: {{PROJECT_DIR}}/launch_flask_app.py
supports_http_options: true
description: "Launches a Flask web app"

This example illustrates that in addition to the jinja2 variables described above, all environment variables are also
available for templating, including PROJECT_DIR and conda related environment variables such as CONDA_PREFIX

Environments and Channels

You can configure packages in a top level packages or dependencies section of the anaconda-project.
yml file, as we discussed earlier:
- redis-py

You can also add specific conda channels to be searched for packages:
- conda-forge

anaconda-project creates an environment in envs/default by default. But if you prefer, you can have
multiple named environments available in the envs directory. To do that, specify an env_specs: section of your
anaconda-project.yml file:
- foo
- bar
- conda-forge
(continues on next page)

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(continued from previous page)

description: "Uses Python 2 instead of 3"
- python < 3
- https://example.com/somechannel

An environment specification or “env spec” is a description of an environment, describing the packages that the project
requires to run. By default, env specs are instantiated as actual Conda environments in the envs directory inside your
In the above example we create two env specs, which will be instantiated as two environments, envs/default and
To run a project using a specific env spec, use the --env-spec option:

anaconda-project run --env-spec myenvname

If you have top level channels or packages sections in your anaconda-project.yml file (not in the
env_specs: section), those channels and packages are added to all env specs.
The default env spec can be specified for each command, like this:

unix: "python ${PROJECT_DIR}/analyze.py"
windows: "python %PROJECT_DIR%\analyze.py"
env_spec: my_env_spec_name

Env specs can also inherit from one another. List a single env spec or a list of env specs to inherit from, something
like this:

description: "Packages used for testing"
- pytest
- pytest-cov
description: "Packages used by my app"
- bokeh
description: "Packages used to test my app"
inherit_from: [test_packages, app_dependencies]

unix: start_my_app.py
env_spec: app_dependencies
unix: python -m pytest myapp/tests
env_spec: app_test_dependencies

36 Chapter 4. Stability
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

pip packages

Underneath any packages: or dependencies: section, you can add a pip: section with a list of pip requirement speci-

- condapackage1
- pip:
- pippackage1
- pippackage2

Locking package versions

Any env spec can be “locked”, which means it specifies exact versions of all packages to be installed, kept in
Hand-creating anaconda-project-lock.yml isn’t recommended. Instead, create it with the
anaconda-project lock command, and update the versions in the configuration file with
anaconda-project update.
Locked versions are distinct from the “logical” versions in anaconda-project.yml. For example, your
anaconda-project.yml might list that you require bokeh=0.12. The anaconda-project lock com-
mand expands that to an exact version of Bokeh such as bokeh=0.12.4=py27_0. It will also list exact versions of
all Bokeh’s dependencies transitively, so you’ll have a longer list of packages in anaconda-project-lock.yml.
For example:

locking_enabled: true

locked: true
env_spec_hash: eb23ad7bd050fb6383fcb71958ff03db074b0525
- linux-64
- win-64
- backports=1.0=py27_0
- backports_abc=0.5=py27_0
- bokeh=0.12.4=py27_0
- futures=3.0.5=py27_0
- jinja2=2.9.5=py27_0
- markupsafe=0.23=py27_2
- mkl=2017.0.1=0
- numpy=1.12.1=py27_0
- pandas=0.19.2=np112py27_1
- pip=9.0.1=py27_1
- python-dateutil=2.6.0=py27_0
- python=2.7.13=0
- pytz=2016.10=py27_0
- pyyaml=3.12=py27_0
- requests=2.13.0=py27_0
- singledispatch=
- six=1.10.0=py27_0
- ssl_match_hostname=
- tornado=4.4.2=py27_0
(continues on next page)

4.4. User guide 37

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

(continued from previous page)

- wheel=0.29.0=py27_0
- openssl=1.0.2k=1
- readline=6.2=2
- setuptools=27.2.0=py27_0
- sqlite=3.13.0=0
- tk=8.5.18=0
- yaml=0.1.6=0
- zlib=1.2.8=3
- setuptools=27.2.0=py27_1
- vs2008_runtime=9.00.30729.5054=0

By locking your versions, you can make your project more portable. When you share it with someone else or deploy
it on a server or try to use it yourself in a few months, you’ll get the same package versions you’ve already used
for testing. If you don’t lock your versions, you may find that your project stops working due to changes in its
When you’re ready to test the latest versions of your dependencies, run anaconda-project update to update
the versions in anaconda-project-lock.yml to the latest available.
If you check anaconda-project-lock.yml into revision control (such as git), then when you check out old
versions of your project you’ll also get the dependencies those versions were tested with. And you’ll be able to see
changes in your dependencies over time in your revision control history.
Additionally, all pip packages added to the anaconda-project.yml file or installed as dependencies will be
added to the anaconda-project-lock.yml file similar to the output of pip freeze. For example, see the
following anaconda-project-lock.yml file that matches the following package specification.
- python=3.8
- pip:
- requests

locking_enabled: true

locked: true
env_spec_hash: 292a009a194f1ca1d3432c824df6ff51a7aef388
- linux-64
- osx-64
- win-64
- wheel=0.36.2=pyhd3eb1b0_0
- _libgcc_mutex=0.1=main
- ca-certificates=2021.4.13=h06a4308_1
- certifi=2020.12.5=py38h06a4308_0
- ld_impl_linux-64=2.33.1=h53a641e_7
- libffi=3.3=he6710b0_2
- libgcc-ng=9.1.0=hdf63c60_0
- libstdcxx-ng=9.1.0=hdf63c60_0
- ncurses=6.2=he6710b0_1
- openssl=1.1.1k=h27cfd23_0
(continues on next page)

38 Chapter 4. Stability
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

(continued from previous page)

- pip=21.0.1=py38h06a4308_0
- python=3.8.8=hdb3f193_5
- readline=8.1=h27cfd23_0
- setuptools=52.0.0=py38h06a4308_0
- sqlite=3.35.4=hdfb4753_0
- tk=8.6.10=hbc83047_0
- xz=5.2.5=h7b6447c_0
- zlib=1.2.11=h7b6447c_3
- ca-certificates=2021.4.13=hecd8cb5_1
- certifi=2020.12.5=py38hecd8cb5_0
- libcxx=10.0.0=1
- libffi=3.3=hb1e8313_2
- ncurses=6.2=h0a44026_1
- openssl=1.1.1k=h9ed2024_0
- pip=21.0.1=py38hecd8cb5_0
- python=3.8.8=h88f2d9e_5
- readline=8.1=h9ed2024_0
- setuptools=52.0.0=py38hecd8cb5_0
- sqlite=3.35.4=hce871da_0
- tk=8.6.10=hb0a8c7a_0
- xz=5.2.5=h1de35cc_0
- zlib=1.2.11=h1de35cc_3
- ca-certificates=2021.4.13=haa95532_1
- certifi=2020.12.5=py38haa95532_0
- openssl=1.1.1k=h2bbff1b_0
- pip=21.0.1=py38haa95532_0
- python=3.8.8=hdbf39b2_5
- setuptools=52.0.0=py38haa95532_0
- sqlite=3.35.4=h2bbff1b_0
- vc=14.2=h21ff451_1
- vs2015_runtime=14.27.29016=h5e58377_2
- wincertstore=0.2=py38_0
- chardet==4.0.0
- idna==2.10
- requests==2.25.1
- urllib3==1.26.4

Specifying supported platforms

Whenever you lock or update a project, dependencies are resolved for all platforms that the project supports. This
allows you to do your work on Windows and deploy to Linux, for example.
anaconda-project lock by default adds a platforms: [linux-64,osx-64,win-64] line to
anaconda-project.yml. If you don’t need to support these three platforms, or want different ones, change
this line. Updates will be faster if you support fewer platforms. Also, some projects only work on certain platforms.
The platforms: line does nothing when a project is unlocked.
Platform names are the same ones used by conda. Possible values in platforms: include linux-64,
linux-32, win-64, win-32, osx-64, osx-32, linux-armv6l, linux-armv7l, linux-ppc64le, and
so on.
In anaconda-project.yml a platforms: list at the root of the file will be inherited by all env specs, and then
each env spec can add (but not subtract) additional platforms. It works the same way as the channels: list in this

4.4. User guide 39

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

respect. inherit_from: will also cause platforms to be inherited.

Enabling and disabling locked versions

If you delete anaconda-project-lock.yml, the project will become “unlocked.”

If you have an anaconda-project-lock.yml, the locking_enabled: field indicates whether env specs are
locked by default. Individual env spec sections in anaconda-project-lock.yml can then specify locked:
true or locked: false to override the default on a per-env-spec basis.
anaconda-project unlock turns off locking for all env specs and anaconda-project lock turns on
locking for all env specs.

Updating locked versions after editing an env spec

If you use commands such as anaconda-project add-packages or anaconda-project

add-env-spec to edit your anaconda-project.yml, then anaconda-project-lock.yml will
automatically be kept updated.
However, if you edit anaconda-project.yml by hand and change an env spec, you’ll need to run
anaconda-project update to update anaconda-project-lock.yml to match.
If locking isn’t enabled for the project or for the env spec, there’s no need to anaconda-project update after
editing your env spec.

Requiring environment variables to be set

Anything in the variables: section of a anaconda-project.yml file is considered an environment variable

needed by your project. When someone runs your project, anaconda-project asks them to set these variables.
For example:


Now in your script, you can use os.getenv() to get these variables.
NOTE: This is a much better option than hardcoding passwords into your script, which can be a security risk.

Variables that contain credentials

Variables that end in _PASSWORD, _ENCRYPTED, _SECRET_KEY, or _SECRET are treated sensitively by
default. This means that if anaconda-project stores a value for them in anaconda-project.
yml or anaconda-project-local.yml or elsewhere, that value is encrypted. NOTE:
anaconda-project-local.yml stores and encrypts the value that you enter when prompted.
To force a variable to be encrypted or not encrypted, add the encrypted option to it in anaconda-project.
yml, like this:

# let's encrypt the password but not the username
AMAZON_EC2_USERNAME: { encrypted: false }
AMAZON_EC2_PASSWORD: { encrypted: true }

40 Chapter 4. Stability
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

NOTE: The value of the environment variable is NOT encrypted when passed to your script; the encryption happens
only when we save the value to a config file.

Variables with default values

If you make the variables: section a dictionary instead of a list, you can give your variables default values.
Anything in the environment or in anaconda-project-local.yml overrides these defaults. To omit a default
for a variable, set its value to either null or {}.
For example:
ALPHA: "default_value_of_alpha"
BRAVO: null # no default for BRAVO
CHARLIE: {} # no default for CHARLIE
# default as part of options dict, needed if you also
# want to set some options such as 'encrypted: true'
DELTA: { default: "default_value_of_delta" }
ECHO: { default: "default_value_of_echo", encrypted: true }

Variables can have custom description strings

A variable can have a ‘description’ field, which will be used in UIs which display the variable.
For example:
description: "The password for the sales database. Ask jim@example.com if you don
˓→'t have one."

Variables that are always set

anaconda-project ensures that the following variables are always set:

• PROJECT_DIR is set to the top level directory of your project
• CONDA_ENV_PATH is set to the filesystem location of the current conda environment
• PATH includes the binary directory from the current conda environment
These variables always exist and can always be used in your Python code. For example, to get a file from your project
directory, try this in your Python code (notebook or script):
import os
project_dir = os.getenv("PROJECT_DIR")
my_file = os.path.join(project_dir, "my/file.txt")


TIP: Services are a proof-of-concept demo feature for now.

Services can be automatically started, and their address can be provided to your code by using an environment variable.
For example, you can add a services section to your anaconda-project.yml file:

4.4. User guide 41

Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

REDIS_URL: redis

Now when someone else runs your project, anaconda-project offers to start a local instance of redis-server
There is also a long form of the above service configuration:

REDIS_URL: { type: redis }

and you can set a default and any options a service may have:

type: redis
default: "redis://localhost:5895"

Right now there is only one supported service (Redis) as a demo. We expect to support more soon.

File Downloads

The downloads: section of the anaconda-project.yml file lets you define environment variables that point
to downloaded files. For example:

url: http://example.com/bigdatafile
sha1: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709

Rather than sha1, you can use whatever integrity hash you have; supported hashes are md5, sha1, sha224, sha256,
sha384, sha512.
NOTE: The download is checked for integrity ONLY if you specify a hash.
You can also specify a filename to download to, relative to your project directory. For example:

url: http://example.com/bigdatafile
filename: myfile.csv

This downloads to myfile.csv, so if your project is in /home/mystuff/foo and the download succeeds,
MYDATAFILE is set to /home/mystuff/foo/myfile.csv.
If you do not specify a filename, anaconda-project picks a reasonable default based on the URL.
To avoid the automated download, it’s also possible for someone to run your project with an existing file path in the
environment. On Linux or Mac, that looks like:

MYDATAFILE=/my/already/downloaded/file.csv anaconda-project run

Conda can auto-unzip a zip file as it is downloaded. This is the default if the URL path ends in “.zip” unless the
filename also ends in “.zip”. For URLs that do not end in “.zip”, or to change the default, you can specify the “unzip”

42 Chapter 4. Stability
Anaconda Project Documentation, Release 0.8.0rc5

url: http://example.com/bigdatafile
unzip: true

The filename is used as a directory and the zip file is unpacked into the same directory, unless the zip contains a
single file or directory with the same name as filename. In that case, then the two are consolidated.
EXAMPLE: If your zip file contains a single directory foo with file bar inside that, and you specify downloading to
filename foo, then you’ll get PROJECT_DIR/foo/bar, not PROJECT_DIR/foo/foo/bar.

Describing the Project

By default, anaconda-project names your project with the same name as the directory in which it is located.
You can give it a different name in anaconda-project.yml:
name: myproject

You can also have an icon file, relative to the project directory:
icon: images/myicon.png

No need to edit anaconda-project.yml directly

You can edit anaconda-project.yml with the anaconda-project command.

To add a download to anaconda-project.yml:
anaconda-project add-download MYFILE http://example.com/myfile

To add a package:
anaconda-project add-packages redis-py

To ask for a running Redis instance:

anaconda-project add-service redis

4.5 Help and support

To ask questions or submit bug reports, use the Github Issue Tracker.

4.5.1 Paid support

Anaconda Project is an open source project that originated at Anaconda, Inc. Continuum offers paid training and

4.5.2 Send feedback

Help us make this documentation better. Send feedback about the Project documentation to documenta-

4.5. Help and support 43

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