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Strut-and-Tie Models Using Mul

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Title No. 120-S90

Strut-and-Tie Models Using Multi-Material and Multi-

Volume Topology Optimization: Load Path Approach
by Tuo Zhao, Ammar A. Alshannaq, David W. Scott, and Glaucio H. Paulino

The development of strut-and-tie models (STMs) for the design C is independent of the structural layout. As a result, mini-
of reinforced concrete (RC) deep beams considering a general mizing the load path Z for a given design problem is equiv-
multi-material and multi-volume topology optimization framework alent to minimizing the volume V if the structure is fully
is presented. The general framework provides flexibility to control stressed.
the location/inclination/length scale of the ties according to prac-
A pioneering work by Kumar (1978) applies the load path
tical design requirements. Optimality conditions are applied to
theory of truss frameworks to design reinforced concrete
evaluate the performance of the optimized STM layouts. Specifi-
cally, the Michell number Z (or load path) is used as a simple and (RC) deep beams by navigating optimal load transmission.
effective criterion to quantify the STMs. The experimental results Following and building upon Kumar’s study, this work
confirm that the layout with the lowest load path Z achieves the extends Michell’s optimality conditions to understand the
highest ultimate load. Moreover, significantly reduced cracking optimal load path for STMs and uses the load path Z (or
is observed in the optimized layouts compared to the traditional the Michell number) as a criterion to quantify the efficiency
layout. This observation implies that the optimized layouts may of the STM. Compared to existing criteria (Schlaich et al.
require less crack-control reinforcement, which would lower the 1987; Xia et al. 2020; He et al. 2020), the present criterion
total volume of steel required for the deep beams. is simpler. The experimental results in the “Load-deflection
curves” section in this paper verify that the STM layout with
Keywords: load path; Michell number; multi-material topology optimiza-
tion; reinforced concrete (RC) deep beam; strut and tie. the lowest load path Z (or Michell number) achieves the
highest ultimate load.
INTRODUCTION The STMs are powerful tools for analyzing and designing
In 1904, Michell wrote the revolutionary paper “The RC structures. However, traditional STMs dramatically
Limits of Economy of Material in Frame-Structures,” which simplify the complex stress state found in deep concrete
is a landmark in the field of optimization in general and elements in compression, which greatly limits their effi-
topology optimization in particular. He derived the well- ciency in many practical design applications. More recently,
known Michell’s optimality conditions (Michell 1904), that topology optimization has been used to automatically
provide analytical ways to find optimal truss structures. The generate STMs, including the works of Liang et al. (2000,
definition of the optimal structure is the least-weight truss 2001), Leu et al. (2006), Bruggi (2010), Mozaffari et al.
with given allowable stresses, which is also known as the (2020), and Zhou and Wan (2021), which is just a small
minimal total load path theory. The load path has been quan- sample of references in the field. The optimized STM layouts
tified using the Michell number, Z, defined as follows provide deeper insight into the load paths in RC members and,
ultimately, aid in more efficient structural designs. However,
Z = ​∑e​​|​Fe​​|​Le​​ = ​ ∑ T​|​Fe​​|​Le​​+ ​ ∑ C​|​Fe​​|​Le​​​
​ (1) most topology optimization formulations for STMs use
e∈​G​ ​ e∈​G​ ​ only a single material, assuming the struts and ties have the
same linear behavior. Victoria et al. (2011) extend the single
where Le and Fe denote the length and internal axial force of material optimization using a bilinear material model with
the e-th truss member in the structure, respectively; and GT different behaviors in compression and tension to represent
and GC are the sets of tension and compression members, the struts and ties, respectively. Gaynor et al. (2013) and
respectively. For any statically determinate truss that is fully Jewett and Carstensen (2019) consider different materials
stressed (to the tensile stress limit σT and compressive stress for the struts and ties, but most are typically restricted to
limit σC), the volume of the truss can be calculated as follows a single volume constraint for both materials (that is, each
material volume cannot be constrained separately). Thus,
e∈​G​T​​|​Fe​​|​Le​​ ​∑
​∑_ e∈​G​C​​|​Fe​​|​Le​​
_ ​(​σ​C​+ ​σ​T​)​Z + ​(​σ​C​− ​σ​T​)​C
____________________ these models are limited in practical application. In many
​V = ​ ​+ ​ ​ = ​      ​ real-world RC structure design cases, restricting the location
​σ​ ​T
​σ​ ​C
 (2) of reinforcement (ties) to certain regions while controlling

ACI Structural Journal, V. 120, No. 6, November 2023.

​ = ​ ∑ T​|​Fe​​|​Le​​− ​ ∑ C|​​Fe​​|​Le​​​, which is known as the
where C MS No. S-2020-408.R3, doi: 10.14359/51739089, received March 21, 2023, and
e∈​G​ ​ e∈​G​ ​
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2023, American Concrete
Maxwell number. Maxwell (1864) states that C is a constant Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
value for given boundary and loading conditions—that is, closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.

ACI Structural Journal/November 2023 7

the allowable angle of inclination or length scale of ties vector for the i-th material, and ​Vmax
​j ​is the allowable volume
according to design requirements is essential. for the j-th volume constraint. The main feature of Eq. (3)
The aforementioned limitations can be addressed by a is that it can efficiently handle a general setting of volume
general multi-material topology optimization approach, constraints. In particular, defining material subregions will
which efficiently accommodates an arbitrary number of allow the control of locations/inclination/length scale of the
materials and constraints (Zhang et al. 2018; Sanders et al. ties according to practical design requirements.
2018). This general approach is applied to a novel STM
framework using multi-material topology optimization with Design-variable update scheme to general volume
multiple volume constraints. The present framework allows constraints for STMs
the designer to adjust the ties’ locations, inclinations, and An essential component of any topology optimiza-
scales based on practical design specifications. tion framework is a reliable and efficient design-variable
update scheme. Zhang et al. (2018) formulated a general
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE design-variable update scheme tailored for the multi-material
This work proposes a simple and efficient criterion (the topology optimization formulation that does not require a
Michell number Z in Eq. (1)) to quantify the efficiency of predefined candidate material sequence and can efficiently
the topologically optimized STMs. It is shown that the opti- and effectively handle an arbitrary number of candidate
mized STM layouts with lower Z outperformed the tradi- materials and volume constraints. Inspired by this work, the
tional layout in terms of improving load-bearing capacity current study derives a design-variable update scheme for
and ductility. The framework developed in this paper can the present strut-and-tie optimization formulation (Eq. (3)).
form the benchmark of an efficient, general, and practical The derivation of the design-variable update scheme is
STM design method for RC structures. based on sequential explicit, convex approximations. The
objective function in the formulation (Eq. (3)) is approxi-
MULTI-MATERIAL AND MULTI-VOLUME mated at optimization step k as a convex function constructed
TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION FORMULATION FOR based on the objective function gradient (Christensen and
STRUT-AND-TIE MODELS Klarbring 2008; Groenwold and Etman 2008). Introducing a
The design for an optimal STM layout consists of deter- set of intervening variable vectors yi(xi), the approximation
mining the cross-sectional areas of the truss members using of the objective function at the k-th optimization step is
the ground structure method (GSM) (for example, Dorn

[ ]
et al. [1964]). In this method, the design domain is discret- 2 _ ∂J

ized using a set of nodes that are interconnected by truss ​​J​k​(​x​1​, ​x​2​)​ = J​(​x​1k​, ​x​2k​)​+ ​∑ ​ ​ ​(​x​1k​, ​x​2k​)​ ​ ​[​y​i​(​x​i​)​− ​y​i​(​x​ik​​)​]​
i=1 ∂ ​y​i​
members to form an initial ground (that is, reference) struc-  (4)
ture (GS). Based on a tailored design update scheme, unnec-
essary members are gradually removed from the initial GS; where ​x​1k​, ​x​2k​are the values of the design variables at optimi-
the optimal STM design is then obtained. The topology opti- zation step k; and ∂J/∂yi is the gradient of J with respect to
mization formulation for STMs using the GSM is given as the intervening variable yi, which depends on the gradient of
J with respect to xi. In the following, to simplify the notation,

​m in​​J​ ​x​ ​, ​x​2​)​ = ​m
​x​1​,​x​2​ ( 1
in​​ − Π​(​x​1​, ​x​2​, u​(​x​1​, ​x​2​)​)​
​x​1​,​x​2​ bi denotes this gradient ∂J/∂yi. Having defined the approxi-
mated objective Jk, a subproblem (by neglecting the constant
terms in Jk) is formulated as
​ ∑ j​Li​T​​x​i​− ​Vmax
​j ​ ≤ 0​, j = 1,…, n, and i = 1, 2 (3)

​m in​​​∑ ​[​bi​​( ​x​1k​, ​x​2k​)​]​T​y​i​(​x​i​)​
​x​1​,​x​2​ i=1

with u(x1, x2) = a​ rg ​muin​

​ ​Π​(x1, x2, u)

where x1 and x2 are the vectors of design variables (cross-sec- s.t. ​ ∑ j​Li​T​​x​i​− ​Vmax
​j ​ ≤ 0​​, j = 1, …, nc (5)
tional areas of the truss members) for struts (concrete) and
ties (reinforcement), respectively, which can be constrained
separately, and s.t. is subject to. The objective function J ​
​x​i,L ​ ​ ≤ ​x​i​(​e)​​ ≤ ​x​i,U
​ ​, Ɐi and e

is the negative total potential energy of the system in equi-

librium, and u is the displacement vector (state variable), where ​x​i,L ​ ​and ​x​i,U
​ ​are the lower and upper bounds for the

which is obtained as the minimizer of the potential energy design variable xi determined through a user-prescribed

П; thus, general nonlinear constitutive behavior can be move limit. Introducing a set of Lagrange multipliers λj
incorporated (Sanders et al. 2020). The formulation (Eq. (3)) for each volume constraint, the Lagrangian of the previous
considers a total of n independent volume constraints and subproblem is expressed as
denotes Gj as the set of material indexes for the j-th volume
constraint. The term ​L​ i​T​​x1 indicates the total volume asso- L(x1, x2, λ1,…, λnc) =
ciated with the design variable x1, with Li being the length nc
{ [
j=1 i∈​G​​
​∑ ​ ​ ∑ j​ ​[​bi​​(​x​1k​, ​x​2k​)​]​ ​​y​i​(​x​i​)​+ ​λ​j​Li​T​​x​i​ ​− ​λ​j​Vmax }
​j ​ ​​ (6)

8 ACI Structural Journal/November 2023

The previous Lagrangian function has a clearly separable to 90 degrees and 45 degrees, respectively. The optimized
structure with respect to each volume constraint. This means results for the five scenarios are shown in Fig. 1(d), (f), (h),
that the minimizer of the Lagrangian with respect to xi, (j), and (l). From the comparison of the results, varying spec-
denoted as xi*, can be expressed in the following form ified tie regions/inclinations can significantly affect the STM
and, in turn, the behavior of the resulting RC beam.
​x​i​(​e)​*​ = ​Qi​​(​e)​​(​x​1k​, ​x​2k​, ​λ​j​)​, ∀ i ∈ ​G​j​​
​ (7) Besides specifying the tie regions/inclinations, the
present STM design framework allows engineers to control
In other words, xi* only depends on the Lagrange multi- the length scale of struts and ties either together or inde-
plier of the volume constraint associated with xi. Plugging pendently. Considering the length scale of STM designs is
xi* back into the Lagrangian gives the dual objective function important from a practical point of view because the diffi-
culties in the construction of the deep beam highly depend
D(λ1,…, λnc) = L(x1*, x2*, λ1,…, λnc) = on the design of reinforcing bars in the STM. The length
(8) control approach in the present STM design framework is
{ [
j=1 i∈​G​​
​∑ ​ ​ ∑ j​ ​[​bi​​(​x​1k​, ​x​2k​)​]​ ​y​i​(​x​i*​​)​+ ​λ​j​Vi​T​​​x​i*​​ ​− ​λ​j​Vmax }
​j ​ ​​ demonstrated using the deep beam example shown in Fig. 1.
Without any restrictions on the length scale, the layouts of
Because xi* only depends on λj if i ϵ Gj, it concludes that the initial ground structure for both struts and ties are shown
the dual objective function D also has a separable structure in Fig. 1(c). The corresponding optimized STM design is
nc shown in Fig. 1(d) (which is the same plot as the one in
with respect to λj—namely, D(λ1, …, λnc) = ​∑ ​D​j​(​λ​j​)​​. As a
j=1 Fig. 2(a)). This design can be simplified by restricting the
result, the set of maximizing Lagrange multipliers λ1*, …, length of members in the initial ground structures for both
λnc* can be computed by sequentially calculating the maxi- the struts and ties. For instance, assuming that the minimum
mizing Lagrange multiplier λj* for each Dj(λj). The general length scale is √2, the optimized design is obtained, as shown
formula of the updated design variable is then obtained in Fig. 2(b), which has a simpler topology than the design
shown in Fig. 2(a). Two alternative designs in Fig. 2(c) and
​x​i​(​e)​, k+1​ = ​Qi​​(​e)​​(​x​1k​, ​x​2k​, ​λ​*j​​)​, ∀ i ∈ ​G​j​​
​ (9) (e) are obtained considering different minimum length scales
of √5 and √10, respectively. Moreover, the length scale
Based on the previous formula, because the update of the control can be applied to ties independently. For example,
design variable depends only on the Lagrange multiplier of assuming that only ties are restricted to the minimum length
its corresponding volume constraint, the design variables scales, the optimized designs are achieved in Fig. 2(d) and
associated with each volume constraint can be updated inde- (f). These two designs have different topologies than the
pendently. The present design-variable update scheme has ones in Fig. 2(c) and (e) accounting for length scale control
been applied to the STM design example shown in the next for both struts and ties together. In summary, the flexible
section. length control approach provides a variety of alternative
STM configurations with different levels of complexity on
NUMERICAL EXAMPLES the final topology.
A practical computational tool for STMs is developed to The present STM framework generates a variety of opti-
assist engineers in better understanding and designing RC mized STM designs considering the specified tie regions,
structures using the present multi-material topology optimi- proper angles of inclination, and minimum length scale of
zation framework. The new STM framework will provide the reinforcement. Furthermore, the efficiency of those alter-
engineers with the flexibility to specify the inclination/ native designs is investigated using the unified load path
length scale of reinforcement and to control the tensile (tie) criterion in Eq. (1).
regions where reinforcement needs to be placed depending The design library in Fig. 3 collects alternative STM
on design requirements through the use of multiple volume designs for a deep beam structure. Among those designs,
constraints. Fig. 3(a) and (b) present conventional STM design layouts
A numerical study is conducted on the STMs for the suggested by ACI 318-19 (ACI Committee 318 2019). The
two-dimensional (2-D) RC deep beam, as shown in optimized designs with the present framework are shown
Fig. 1(a). In this example, both struts and ties are modeled in Fig. 3(a) to (l). As all the designs in Fig. 3 are statically
using truss elements with bilinear material models, as shown determinate for the given boundary conditions, the internal
in Fig. 1(b). Five design scenarios are considered in this forces in struts and ties can be easily calculated using static
numerical example. In the first scenario, two materials share equilibrium conditions. Consequently, the load path Z for
the entire domain (refer to Fig. 1(c)), and each material is each design is determined using Eq. (1). As the load path Z
associated with an individual volume constraint—that is,​​ decreases, the efficiency of the STM increases. For example,
the standard ACI layout in Fig. 3(a) has a larger load path Z
​ ​= 0.5Vmax, j = 1, 2. In the second and third scenarios,
than the optimized layout in Fig. 3(k). The test results in the
two materials share and split the domain (Fig. 1(e) and (g)),
“Load-deflection curves” section demonstrate that the spec-
and the tie region is constrained within two-thirds and half
imen with an optimized STM layout (Fig. 3(k)) can achieve
of the entire domain, respectively. In the last two scenarios,
a greater ultimate load than the specimen with the standard
struts and ties share and split the domain (Fig. 1(i) and (k)),
ACI layout for a given volume of tension reinforcement
and the allowable angle of inclination of ties is restricted
(Fig. 3(a)).

ACI Structural Journal/November 2023 9

Fig. 1—Optimized strut-and-tie models for reinforced deep beam considering various design scenarios: (a) geometry of
beam with highlighted design domain (that is, gray region); (b) simplified bilinear material model for both struts and ties;
(c) scenario 1: strut (red) and tie (blue) regions share design domain; (d), (f), (h), (j), and (l) corresponding optimized STM
designs for scenarios 1 to 5; (e) and (g) scenarios 2 and 3: tie region can only occupy two-thirds and half of entire domain,
respectively; and (i) and (k) scenarios 4 and 5: allowable angle of inclination of tie is 90 degrees and 45 degrees, respectively.
(Note: Full-color PDF of this paper can be accessed at www.concrete.org.)
EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF OPTIMIZED layout II. All five specimens have the same geometry as
STRUT-AND-TIE MODELS shown in Fig. 5. Regarding the reinforcement arrangements
The experimental research on RC deep beams presented of the specimens, a longitudinal reinforcement ratio ρ = 2%
in the literature focuses on the conventional STMs suggested was used for each specimen. To visualize the reinforcement
by ACI 318 (Schlaich et al. 1987; MacGregor 1997; Breña layouts in a formwork, a three-dimensional (3-D) rendering
and Roy 2009; Birrcher et al. 2009; Panjehpour et al. 2015; of the reinforcement design was generated, as shown in
Ismail 2016; Ismail et al. 2018; Martinez et al. 2017; Rezaei Fig. 6(a) to (i), with more reinforcement details for the
et al. 2019; Kondalraj and Appa Rao 2021). The present work specimens given in Appendix A. Figures 6(h) and (i) show
selects two optimized STMs (Fig. 4(b) and (c)) and compares the designs involving multiple layers of reinforcing bars.
their behavior with the most common STM (Fig. 4(a)) of Positioning those reinforcing bars inside formwork can be
ACI 318-19. The designs employed contained one signifi- challenging from a construction perspective. To overcome
cant deviation from ACI 318 guidelines: crack-control rein- this issue, customized reinforcing bar chairs were created
forcement (ACI 318-19, Section 23.5) was omitted from the using 3-D printing. Using this method, the geometry of the
beam designs to allow an evaluation of the relative crack reinforcing bar chairs can be specified for a given reinforce-
pattern development in the various beams. Five RC deep ment design. For example, the two customized reinforcing
beam specimens were constructed: two for the standard ACI bar chairs in Fig. 7 facilitated the accurate positioning of the
model, one for optimized layout I, and two for optimized reinforcing bars.

10 ACI Structural Journal/November 2023

Fig. 2—Flexible length control for optimized STM (assuming that dimension of unit square in background grid for each design
is 1): (a) optimized design without length constraints for both struts and ties; (b), (c), and (e) optimized designs with length
constraints for both struts and ties, where upper bound of length is defined as √2, √5, and √10, respectively; and (d) and (f) opti-
mized designs with length constraints on ties only, with allowable length defined as √5 and √10, respectively.

Fig. 3—Deep beam STM design library. Load path Z (that is, Eq. (1)) indicates efficiency of alternative designs in this library.
As load path Z decreases through (a) to (l), efficiency of corresponding design improves. Three highlighted layouts (that is, (a),
(d), and (k)) are selected for experimental validation in “Experimental Evaluation of Optimized Strut-and-Tie Models” section.
Experimental setup and procedure was checked according to ACI 318-19; refer to Fig. 5 for
The beams were cast with concrete having a compressive visualizations of beam and support locations and Appendix
strength of 8.5 ksi (58.6 MPa) at the time of testing and rein- A for reinforcement layouts. The steel reinforcing bars of the
forced with Grade 60 steel reinforcing bars (nominal yield five RC deep beams were instrumented with 350 Ω strain
strength of 60 ksi [414 MPa]). Reinforcing bar development gauges prior to concrete casting. The locations of the strain

ACI Structural Journal/November 2023 11

Fig. 4—Three layouts of strut-and-tie models for experimental evaluation: (a) conventional model in ACI 318-19; and (b) and
(c) two optimized strut-and-tie models. (Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.)

Fig. 5—Deep beam specimen geometry for evaluating optimized strut-and-tie models. (Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.)

Fig. 6—Schematics of STM reinforcement layouts: (a) to (c) three selected STM layouts designated as standard ACI layout,
optimized layout I, and optimized layout II, respectively; (d) to (f) front view of reinforcement designs; and (g) to (i) perspective
view of reinforcement designs.
gauges were selected to monitor the role of key reinforcing The program of testing consisted of applying an increasing
bars in the optimized layouts; these locations are labeled in load while monitoring crack initiation on the beam. Once a
the three figures of Appendix A. Figures 8(a) to (c) show crack was visually observed, the hydraulic jack valve was
the steel reinforcement used for the tested beams of the closed to hold the load constant, and the cracks and their
ACI layout, optimized layout I, and optimized layout II, corresponding load values were highlighted on the beam.
respectively. Also, the lead wires for the strain gauges are Additional load was then applied; this process was repeated
presented in Fig. 8. Moreover, two linear variable differen- until extensive cracks were observed, which prevented
tial transformers (LVDTs) were used to estimate the effec- further safe monitoring. At that point, continuous loading to
tive strain in the concrete struts. For the midspan deflection, complete failure was carried out, and the failure load was
a string potentiometer was used. A 200 kip (890 kN) load recorded.
cell connected to a hydraulic load ram was used to record
load values. The test setup and instrumentation are shown Load-deflection curves
in Fig. 9. An increasing load was applied to the specimen until
it eventually failed. The load-deflection behavior of the

12 ACI Structural Journal/November 2023

specimens is shown in Fig. 10 as solid/dashed curves. Each loads measured in the specimens) considering the three
curve represents the applied load versus the midspan deflec- different STM layouts are given in Table 1. It is observed
tion of the deep beam. The ultimate loads (that is, maximum that the optimized STM layout II (Specimen No. 5), which
has the lowest load path Z, reaches the highest ultimate load;
and the standard ACI STM layout (Specimens No. 1 and 2),
which has the largest load path Z, achieves the lowest ulti-
mate load. This indicates that the load path Z can serve as
an effective criterion to evaluate the efficiency of the STM.
Moreover, the initial stiffness values are observed to
decrease with the optimization in the reinforcement design.
This can be attributed to the fact that the optimized designs
have more reinforcement closer to the cross section’s neutral
axis, which results in a smaller moment of area for trans-
formed cross sections when determining the overall trans-
formed cross-sectional stiffness.
Furthermore, deflection values are increased with opti-
mized layouts I and II (Specimens No. 3 to 5) compared
to the standard ACI layout (Specimens No. 1 and 2). This
demonstrates the improved behavior of the optimized
designs in which more tension cracks in the central region,
more steel yielding, and, thus, more efficient load paths (Z)
were observed.

Observed failure modes

Fig. 7—Positioning reinforcement using 3-D-printed rein- The failure modes of the specimens, considering the stan-
forcing bar chairs (fused filament fabrication, with poly- dard ACI STM layout (Specimens No. 1 and 2) and opti-
lactic acid [PLA] plastic material). mized layout I (Specimen No. 3), were characterized by strut

Fig. 8—Steel reinforcement cages used for: (a) ACI layout; (b) optimized layout I; and (c) optimized layout II.

ACI Structural Journal/November 2023 13

Fig. 9—Experimental setup and testing station.

Fig. 10—Test results of deep beams considering different STM layouts. (Note: 1.0 in. = 25.4 mm; 1.0 kip = 4.45 kN.)
crushing. However, the ACI layout had larger crack widths attempt to avoid an undesirable experimental failure mode
compared to optimized layout I, which can be attributed to in the optimized layout II specimens, the bearing plate width
the more efficient load path Z introduced by more inclined was increased from 6 to 8 in. (0.15 to 0.20 m) for the load
steel reinforcing bars to mitigate large crack widths. On the test of Specimen No. 5. A higher load capacity was observed
other hand, the specimens with optimized STM layout II using the 8 in. (0.20 m) bearing plates, even though the
(Specimens No. 4 and 5) had a different failure mode charac- section still failed in bearing. This shift of the controlling
terized by bearing failure instead of strut failure, as shown in failure mode (for optimized layout II) demonstrates the
Fig. 11(f) and (h). When optimized layout II was tested with effectiveness of the novel STM layout. Future testing can
a 6 in. (0.15 m) bearing support plate (Specimen No. 4), the incorporate more robust bearing layouts, which are expected
failure mode was characterized by bearing failure, showing to result in further optimization of the proposed STM.
the improved design obtained with more inclined steel rein- Figure 11 shows how the total number of observed
forcing bars and a more optimal load path Z, which mitigates tension cracks (cracks in the midspan region of the beam)
the inclined strut failure mode of the tested specimen. To increased for optimized layouts I (Specimen No. 3) and II

14 ACI Structural Journal/November 2023

with 6 in. (0.15 m) (Specimen No. 4) and 8 in. (0.20 m) bearing schemes). In terms of first crack loads in the struts,
(Specimen No. 5) bearing schemes. Moreover, shear cracks crack initiation was observed in the ACI layout (Specimens
were observed to reduce in optimized layout I compared to No. 1 and 2) at 66 kip (294 kN). Crack initiation for opti-
the standard ACI design. No shear cracks were observed mized layout I (Specimen No. 3) was observed at 75 kip
in optimized layout II (both 6 and 8 in. [0.15 and 0.20 m] (334 kN), and crack initiation for optimized layout II with
a 6 in. (0.15 m) bearing (Specimen No. 4) was observed at
Table 1—Comparison of load path Z and ultimate 114 kip (507 kN). The strut crack initiation for optimized
load for three strut-and-tie layouts layout II with an 8 in. (0.20 m) bearing (Specimen No. 5)
Load path Ultimate load, is not included in this discussion because the test was not
STM layout (Eq. (1)) Specimen kip (kN) halted for crack inspection after 94 kip (418 kN) for safety
No. 1 (6 in. [0.15 m] reasons; however, it can be reported that no cracks were
73.5 (327)
Standard bearing plate) observed up to the 94 kip (418 kN) load. These observa-
ACI No. 2 (6 in. [0.15 m] tions indicate a definable improvement in the load-carrying
68.7 (305)
bearing plate) behavior for the optimized designs.
No. 3 (6 in. [0.15 m]
Optimized I 8.08PH 114 (506) Observed strain gauge values
bearing plate)
No. 4 (6 in. [0.15 m]
As discussed previously, strain gauges were used in
131 (583) specific locations on the internal reinforcement of the test
bearing plate)
Optimized II 7.78PH specimens to attempt to compare the strain progression of
No. 5 (8 in. [0.20 m]
bearing plate)
189 (839) the various reinforcement layouts under loading. Figure 12

Fig. 11—Failure modes of deep beams considering standard ACI layout with 6 in. (0.15 m) bearing plate, optimized layout I
with 6 in. bearing plate, optimized layout II with 6 in. bearing plate, and optimized layout II with 8 in. (0.20 m) bearing plate,

ACI Structural Journal/November 2023 15

Fig. 12—Strain gauge values with loading for: (a) optimized layout I; and (b) optimized layout II (with 8 in. [0.20 m] bearing
shows the measured strain gauge values of optimized into the effect of these layouts on the stress fields of the
layouts I (Specimen No. 3) and II (Specimen No. 5). As deep beams tested herein. The failure modes checked are
shown in Fig. 12(a), for optimized layout I, yielding was the capacity of the nodes, the capacity of the ties, and the
attained in the central region of the reinforcing bars (SG-2, capacity of the struts. Based on the failure modes observed
4, and 5), while SG-1 did not exhibit significant strain in the in the testing, it has been assumed that the nominal strength
reinforcing bar because it was near the support. However, of the strut controls the ultimate load of the beam for all
for the case of SG-3, it is interesting to note the sudden layouts to simplify the comparison.
increase in strain values after the first tension crack and the A sketch of the STMs with the standard ACI layout, opti-
increasing strain to eventual yielding with the progression of mized layout I, and optimized layout II visualizing the force
the strut crack. Figure 12(b) presents the load-strain behavior flow in the beam are shown in Fig. 13(a) to (c), respec-
for optimized layout II with an 8 in. (0.20 m) bearing plate. tively. The dashed lines, solid lines, and dimensionless
Some key observations can be summarized as follows: round circles represent the compression elements, tension
1. SG-1 and SG-5 located in the middle region demonstrated elements, and nodes (that is, the intersection of struts and
different behaviors due to the shape of the steel reinforcing ties), respectively. The results of static analysis including the
bars they are attached to. Note that any gauges that appeared relative internal force magnitudes for the ACI layout, opti-
to fail early in the loading process are omitted from the mized layout I, and optimized layout II are shown in Table 2.
reporting of data. This table also summarizes the assumed reinforcement incli-
2. SG-3 and SG-4 were attached to the same steel rein- nation angles for each of the three layouts.
forcing bar at two different inclinations; the steel in these For all the beams, the concrete compressive strength fc′ =
regions has yielded, indicating that the inclined regions of 8.5 ksi (58.6 MPa), and the dimensions of the beams are as
the steel reinforcing bar participated in resisting transverse follows:
loading in the strut. • Length of the truss L = 60 in. (1.52 m)
3. SG-6 behaved similarly to SG-3 and SG-4 but was on a • Height of the truss H = 15 in. (0.38 m)
different reinforcing bar, indicating similar behavior among • Width of the beam bw = 9 in. (0.23 m)
all inclined reinforcing bars for optimized layout II. • Width of the bearing plates b1 = b2 = 6.0 in. (0.15 m)
(Note that Specimen No. 5 with optimized layout II has
EVALUATION OF STM USING ACI 318 a different bearing plate at the supports—that is, b1 =
DESIGN CONCEPTS 8 in. [0.2 m].)
Table 1 gives the ultimate experimental load attained for • Effective height of the tie wT1 = 4 in. (0.1 m)
each specimen tested. As noted, the beams reinforced with • Effective height of the node at the applied load wT2 =
optimized layout II (Specimens No. 4 and 5) supported 2 in. (0.05 m)
a larger applied load than the others. In addition, the
controlling failure mode of the optimized II design shifted Standard ACI layout
from compression to bearing; a more robust bearing detail For the standard ACI STM layout, the standard ACI analysis
would be expected to result in an even greater ultimate load procedure is followed in a backward fashion in which the
for a beam with optimized layout II. Thus, as expected, the load is known and βs (the strut coefficient) is determined by
STM layout has a substantial impact on the load-deflection calibrating the experimental results (that is, the stress in the
behavior of deep beams. To provide a basis for comparison compression strut at the ultimate load) from testing to the
between the various beam layouts, the ultimate experimental analytical capacity of the strut in compression.
loads are compared to a novel analysis procedure inspired by First, calculate the width of the strut at Nodes 1 and 2
design guidelines in ACI 318-19. However, it is important using Eq. (10) and (11), and then take the lowest value corre-
to note that the analysis presented herein does not directly sponding to the highest stress (in this case, ​w​c2​​​).
follow the ACI design procedures (for optimized layouts).
Rather, the analysis procedure is intended to give an insight ​
​w​c1​​​= b1sinα1 + wT1cosα1 = 6.26 in. (0.16 m) (10)

16 ACI Structural Journal/November 2023

_ ​C2n

​w​c2​​= (b2/2)sinα1 + wT2cosα1 = 3.13 in. (0.08 m) (11) ​
​s ​ = ​ 2 ​= 2.82 ksi (19.4 MPa) (13)
​w​c​​bw​ ​
Then, determine the compressive force in the strut from
Using Eq. (14), the value of βs is obtained, assuming that
the known ultimate load P = 71.1 kip (316 kN), which is the
the strut and node confinement modification factor is equal
average of Specimens No. 1 and 2 (refer to Table 1)
to 1.0 (βc = 1.0)
C2n = 1.118P = 1.118 × 71.1 kip (316 kN) =
​s ​
79.5 kip (354 kN) (12) ​
​β​s​ = ​   ​ = 0.39​ (14)
0.85​β​c​fc ′​
The next step is the calculation of the effective compres-
It is noteworthy that this value is very similar to the value
sive stress in the strut at Node 2 using Eq. (13)
found in ACI 318-19 (βs = 0.4) for the case of no minimum
reinforcement for crack control. The omission of minimum
reinforcement was intended to allow a better evaluation of
the performance of the novel layouts on the overall perfor-
mance of the deep beams relative to one another. For this
reason, significant transverse cracks were observed.

Optimized layout I
For optimized layout I, the analysis procedure is the same
as that given in the previous section, except that the resultant
of the forces (CR) acting at Node 4 (refer to Fig. 13(b)) and
the corresponding αR are calculated with Eq. (15) and (16),
respectively. This resolution of forces is intended to simplify
the analytical procedure.

​ ______________________________________ ​CR​ ​ =
√​ ​(    
​C2​ ​sin​α​2​+ ​C3​ ​sin​α​3​)​2​+ ​(​C2​ ​cos​α​2​+ ​C3​ ​cos​α​3​)​2​ = 1.118P​

​ ​   (
​C2​ ​sin​α​2​+ ​C3​ ​sin​α​3​
​α​R​ = ​tan​​−1​   
​C​ ​cos​α​ ​+ ​C​ ​cos​α​ ​​ ​ = 0.46​
2 2 3 3
4​ (16)

Then, the width of the strut at Nodes 1 and 4 is calculated


​w​c1​​​= b1sinα1 + wT1cosα1 = 7.16 in. (0.18 m) (17)

​w​c4​​= (b2/2)sinαR + wT2cosαR = 3.13 in. (0.08 m) (18)

Fig. 13—Deep beam strut-and-tie models: (a) standard ACI As ​​w​c4​​ < ​w​c1​​​, then ​w
​ ​c4​​​is used for the calculation of the
STM layout; (b) optimized STM layout I; and (c) optimized effective compressive stress in the strut at Node 4. Given
STM layout II. the ultimate load P = 114 kip (507 kN) reached during the

Table 2—Relative magnitudes of internal forces (as fraction of applied load P) and angles (in radians) for
ACI layout, optimized layout I, and optimized layout II, as shown in Fig. 13(a) to (c), respectively
T C α1
ACI 1 1.118 tan (1/2)

T1 T2 T3 C1 C2 C3
1 0.2500 0.4714 0.5590 0.6067 0.5336
Optimized I
α1 α2 α3
tan–1(2) tan–1(2/7) tan–1(4/5)
T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
1 0.5590 0.6622 0.1169 0.3030 0.0958
Optimized II
α1 α2 α3 α7 α11
tan–1(2) tan–1(1) tan–1(2) tan–1(3/4) tan–1(1/5)

ACI Structural Journal/November 2023 17

corresponding experimental test (refer to Table 1), the effec-
tive compressive stress is obtained as

​β​s​ = ​ 
​s ​
__________ _
( )
​CR​ ​
 ​ = ​ ​ 13 ​ /​​(0.85​β​c​fc ′​)​ =
0.85​β​c​fc ′​ ​w​c​ ​bw​ ​

( )
1.118P (25)
_ ​CR​ ​ _
1.118P ​ ​ 13 ​ ​/​(0.85 ​β​c​​fc ′​)​ = 0.719​

​s ​ = ​ 4 ​ = ​ 4 ​= 4.52 ksi (31.2 MPa) (19) ​w​c​ ​bw​ ​
​w​c​​bw​ ​ ​w​c​​bw​ ​ 
In turn, the value of βs is calculated, assuming that the
strut and node confinement modification factor is equal to For the optimized layout II with an 8 in. bearing plate (that
1.0 (βc = 1.0) is, b1 = 8 in. [0.2 m]), the width of the strut at Nodes 1 and
13 is obtained as
​s ​

​β​s​ = ​   ​ = 0.625​ (20)
0.85​β​c​fc ′​ ​
​w​c1​​​= b1sinα1 + wT1cosα1 = 8.94 in. (0.23 m) (26)
The larger value of βs = 0.625 calculated for optimized
layout I compared to that calculated for the standard ACI
layout indicates a more efficient load path in the optimized ​
​w​c13​ ​= (b2/2)sinαR + wT2cosαR = 3.13 in. (0.08 m) (27)
layout. It should be noted that the βs value calculated for
optimized layout I is less than the value βs = 0.75, which Given the ultimate load P = 189 kip (841 kN) from the
assumes the inclusion of minimum distributed reinforce- experiment (refer to Table 1), the value of βs is obtained,
ment for crack control. assuming that the strut and node confinement modification
factor is equal to 1.0 (βc = 1.0)
Optimized layout II
Similar to the procedure shown in the previous section, the
resultant of the forces acting at Node 13 (refer to Fig. 13(c))
( )
​β​s​ = ​ ​ 13 ​ ​/​(0.85​β​c​fc ′​)​ = 1.038​

​w​c​ ​bw​ ​

is determined (CR) for optimized layout II with its corre-

sponding αR as shown in Eq. (21) and (22). All the results are summarized in Table 3. The resulting βs
for the optimized layout II with a 6 in. (0.15 m) bearing plate
CRx = C2sinα11 + C3sinα7 + C4sinα2 + C5sinα3 = 0.5P (Specimen No. 4) shows a slightly improved performance
because of the premature bearing failure, but with even more
CRy = C2cosα11 + C3cosα7 + C4cosα2 + C5cosα3 = P improvement in the ultimate load. However, βs for optimized
(21) layout II with an 8 in. (0.20 m) bearing plate (Specimen
No. 5) shows that a more desirable load path is used when
____________ premature bearing failure is suppressed. It is important to
​CR​ ​ = ​√​(  
​ ​ ​)​2​+ ​(​CRy
​CRx ​ ​)​2​ = 1.118P​
note that the calculations for both optimized layout II with 6
and 8 in. (0.15 and 0.20 m) bearing plates are based on the
( )
_ ​CRx
​ ​
​α​R​ = ​tan​​−1​ ​​C​ ​​ ​ = 0.464​​
(22) assumption that the nominal strength of the strut controls the
ultimate failure. Nonetheless, for the specific case of opti-
mized layout II, a bearing failure was observed rather than a
For the optimized layout II with a 6 in. bearing plate (that
strut failure, so the actual values of βs will be higher than the
is, b1 = 6 in. [0.15 m]), the width of the strut at Nodes 1 and
calculated value herein.
13 is calculated as

​w​c1​​​= b1sinα1 + wT1cosα1 = 7.16 in. (0.18 m) (23)
This work presents a multi-material/multi-volume
topology optimization framework to design practical strut-
and-tie model (STM) layouts for reinforced concrete (RC)

​w​c13​ ​= (b2/2)sinαR + wT2cosαR = 3.13 in. (0.08 m) (24)
structures. Inspired by Michell’s optimality conditions, the
efficiency of optimized STM layouts is quantified by the load
where the smaller value ​w​c13​ ​​is selected for calculating the path Z (or the Michell number), which serves as a simple and
effective compressive stress in the strut at Node 13. It is also efficient criterion for evaluating any STM. An experimental
known that the ultimate load P = 131 kip (583 kN) from the testing program indicated that the optimized STM layouts
experiment (refer to Table 1). Following the same procedure possess significantly improved behavior compared to the
presented in the previous section, the value of βs is calcu- traditional layout using the same overall reinforcement ratio.
lated, assuming that the strut and node confinement modifi- As such, it is expected that designs with optimized layouts
cation factor is equal to 1.0 (βc = 1.0) could result in smaller total volume of reinforcing steel
needed to resist a given set of design loads, resulting in a
more economical design. It is acknowledged that, at present,
the more complex reinforcement layouts may increase fabri-
cation costs. However, given advancements in reinforcement
layout construction using computer-aided reinforcement
fabrication, it is anticipated that reducing the total volume
of steel needed in a given deep beam design will eventually

18 ACI Structural Journal/November 2023

Table 3—Summary of analysis results for all layouts (refer to Fig. 13 for node numbering)
​w​c1​​ ​w​c2​​ C2n ​fce
​s ​ βs
Standard ACI layout 2.82 ksi
6.26 in. (0.16 m) 3.13 in. (0.08 m) 79.5 kip (354 kN) 0.390
(19.4 MPa)

​w​c1​​ ​w​c4​​ CR (equal to C4n) ​fce

​s ​ βs
Optimized layout I 4.52 ksi
7.16 in. (0.18 m) 3.13 in. (0.08 m) 128 kip (569 kN) 0.625
(35.2 MPa)

​w​c1​​ ​w​c13​ ​ CR (equal to C13n) ​fce

​s ​ βs
Optimized layout II with 6 in. bearing plate 5.20 ksi
7.16 in. (0.18 m) 3.13 in. (0.08 m) 146 kip (649 kN) 0.719
(35.9 MPa)

​w​c1​​ ​w​c13​ ​ CR (equal to C13n) ​fce

​s ​ βs
Optimized layout II with 8 in. bearing plate 7.49 ksi
8.94 in. (0.23 m) 3.13 in. (0.08 m) 211 kip (939 kN) 1.038
(51.6 MPa)

Note: 1.0 in. = 25.4 mm; 1.0 kip = 4.45 kN; 1.0 ksi = 6.89 MPa.

result in a more efficient and cost-effective design. Given REFERENCES

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Tuo Zhao is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Civil He, Z.-Q.; Liu, Z.; Wang, J.; and Ma, Z. J., 2020, “Development of Strut-
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He was the winner of the ACI Georgia Chapter LaGrit F. “Sam” Morris tural Engineering, ASCE, V. 146, No. 5, May, p. 06020004. doi: 10.1061/
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Beams,” PhD thesis, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 312 pp.
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This Appendix details the reinforcement design including
the location of strain gauges for the standard ACI STM
layout (Fig. A1), optimized layout I (Fig. A2), and optimized
layout II (Fig. A3), respectively.

Appendix B includes an example to show the calculation
of the Michell number Z for the STM layout in Fig. 3(d).
Because this truss system is statically determinate, the
internal axial force of the members can be calculated using
the equilibrium conditions—that is, N12 = N67 = –0.56P, N24 =
N46 = –0.61P, N34 = N45 = –0.53P, N13 = N57 = 0.25P, N23 =
N56 = 0.47P, and N35 = P (refer to the labeled node numbers
in Fig. B1). Moreover, the length of each truss member is
given as L12 = L67 = 0.56H, L24 = L46 = 1.82H, L34 = L45 =
1.6H, L13 = L57 = 0.75H, L23 = L56 = 0.71H, and L35 = 2.5H.
Therefore, the Michell number Z can be obtained using
Eq. (1) as Z = Σe|Fe|Le = 2|F12|L12 + 2|F24|L24 + 2|F34|L34 +
2|F13|L13 + 2|F23|L23 + F35|L35 = 8.08PH.

Fig. A1—Reinforcement details of specimen with standard

ACI STM layout. (Note: Labeled dimensions are in inches;
1.0 in. = 25.4 mm.)

20 ACI Structural Journal/November 2023

Fig. A2—Reinforcement details of specimen with the opti-
mized STM layout I. (Note: Labeled dimensions are in
inches; 1.0 in. = 25.4 mm.)

Fig. A3—Reinforcement details of specimen with optimized

STM layout II. (Note: Labeled dimensions are in inches;
1.0 in. = 25.4 mm.)

Fig. B1—Labeled node numbers for truss system in Fig. 3(d).

ACI Structural Journal/November 2023 21

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prohibited without permission.

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