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Case Study in Indonesia

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Case Study in Indonesia

Free Restaurant, The Story of the Pioneer Aditya Prayoga

Reporter: Edy Haryadi

Monday, 11 April 2022 18:00

Rumah Makan Gratis, Kisah Sang Pemula Aditya Prayoga

Atmosphere of Aidtya Prayoga Free Restaurant (Private collection)

He was not a well-off person when he started a free restaurant.

The line of those people moved slowly. Among those in line, there were those wearing green Gojek
and Grab uniforms. There is also a grandmother whose hair has turned white. But there are also
children. All age groups are seen lining up regularly.
They gathered that afternoon at the end of March 2022 at Jalan Cilangkap Baru Number 9 A, RT 1 RW
1, Cilangkap, Cipayung District, East Jakarta. In front of the fence of the house was a large banner that
read "Free Restaurant, Free Eating and Drinking Every Day Without Conditions."
One by one, those in line then advanced to the table. On the left are two large rice basins. They took
wicker wicker plates coated in waterproof brown paper. By the officer, on the plate was placed rice,
fried tempeh, vegetable soup, chicken, chili sauce and finally balado eggs. That's the menu served that
afternoon before entering Ramadan.
After that they choose a place to eat well. There are not many seats available. So that more people sit
lesehan on the floor that is large enough. They are not exposed to the scorching sun, because they are
shaded by a fairly large tent.
Here anyone can eat for free. Regardless of their tribe, religion, race. Or even if they come by driving
a luxury car. They can all eat here unconditionally.
After they finished eating, some went straight to the handwashing station. There they wash their hands
and wash the plastic cups they wear. One or two people even want to add. And they then joined the
line again to add food.
That's the daily atmosphere of Cilangkap free restaurant before Ramadhan. Every day Cilangkap free
restaurant provides 300 portions of food. In less than an hour, usually the amount is immediately sold
For the month of Ramadan, this free restaurant provides rice boxes and takjil that can be taken before
breaking the fast starting at 16.00 WIB. And at dawn also provides boxed rice from 3 am to Imsak.
The founder of the free restaurant is Aditya Prayoga, 29 years old. He started opening the first free
restaurant in Indonesia since 2016 or six years ago. You could say he is the beginner from the free
house which has now spread throughout the archipelago.
"I just want to share," said Aditya Prayoga or familiarly called Adit when contacted by Dream.co.id last
week. In fact, he is arguably not a rich man. He can even be said to come from a mediocre family.
Aditya Prayoga or commonly called Adit was born in Palembang on July 7, 1992. In Palembang, he lives
in Bukit Besar.
He studied at SD 6 Bukit Besar. Then continued his education at SMPN 17. But he only sat until the first
grade of junior high school. He was forced to drop out of junior high school because his parents'
economy was mediocre and could not afford him to continue his education.
(Aditya Prayoga, founder of the first free restaurant/private collection)
He was the first of five children. His father is of Javanese descent who works as an angkot driver in the
city of Palembang, while his mother who is originally from Palembang is just an ordinary housekeeper.
He admitted that since childhood he has worked as a city bus driver. He has been doing this since
elementary school to earn pocket money and help the family economy.
In 2006, because he could not continue his studies, at the age of 14, he had migrated to Jakarta. In
Jakarta he lived in limbo before finally returning to Palembang in 2009.
In 2009, due to misassociation, he fell into the criminal valley. He was in Palembang prison from 2009
to 2011 for fighting and robbery. At that time, he was desperate to rob because he was squeezed
After he got out of prison in 2011, he felt devastated and regretful. For this reason, he decided to
migrate back to Jakarta. In Jakarta he lived a stagnation and became a gembel. He slept in the Istiqlal
Mosque. Under the bridge. Or sleep on the street. He made a living by being a parking attendant or
construction porter.
In 2014, he moved to Ciangsana, Bogor. At that time he had got a job as a supervisor and driver at
Sport Mall Kelapa Gading. There he worked for 10 months.
In Ciangsana, he became close to religion. He began learning Quran in the mosque because the
religious environment there was quite strong. He also changed completely. "I kind of got hidayah," he
He also saw his past which had fallen into the criminal world due to environmental factors. In
Palembang, many of his friends smoked marijuana, got drunk, fought and robbed, so he joined in. But
when moving to Ciangsana, the religious aroma was thick. So he also enjoyed spending time in the
mosque and learning to recite.
In 2015, she got word her father was ill. Finally, her mother decided to divorce when her father fell ill.
He also brought his sick father and younger siblings from Palembang to his rented place in Ciangsana.
After quitting his job from Sport Mall, he decided to work as a murottal salesman. Murottal is a cassette
recording of the sound of the Qur'an sung by a reciter. He sold them from mosque to mosque.
Because his father was sick with diabetes, glaucoma and other complications of the disease, he often
drove his father to the hospital. That's where he started to go into debt. His debt had reached Rp 20
million and he had difficulty paying.

In 2016, because he was used to selling in mosques, he met his future wife, Astie Luhur Fitriyani or
commonly called Astie. He then married his wife even though he lived a mediocre life. Shortly after
they got married, Adit's father passed away.
One day, after Fajr prayers in the mosque, Adit met a scavenger grandmother. He saw the grandmother
walking with limping steps. Out of curiosity, he asked why the grandmother was limping.

The grandmother replied that she was sick. Out of curiosity, Adit turned on his cellphone to see the
grandmother's feet because it was still dark. How surprised he was to see that grandma's legs were
hollow and there were caterpillars inside. He then drove the grandmother home by motorcycle taxi.

When he arrived at the grandmother's residence, Adit asked the neighbor who was drying clothes,
who did the grandmother live with. It turned out that the grandmother lived alone. So the
grandmother had to work every day to find food. If it doesn't work, the grandmother doesn't eat. From
there, Aditya's heart was touched. He then told his grandmother to rest at home. He bePromise to
bring food to the grandmother every day.

"After that, I went home and I told my wife, and my wife asked to meet and at the grandmother's place
I said to my wife, 'Dik starting today you cook a lot and starting today we deliver food to the
grandmother's house so that grandma doesn't have to scavenge anymore,'" said Aditya.
Once because he had no money, Adit could only bring bananas and white rice to the grandmother's
house. Adit's heart felt sad because he could only feed the grandmother with white rice with banana
side dishes. He also prayed that his fortune would be opened by God so that he could buy the
grandmother delicious food.
While delivering food to the grandmother's place, one by one the magic in her life began to be felt. At
that time, slowly the murottal merchandise was sold by buyers.
"Every time I gave food until the grandmother died, my sales were sold. Usually sold only one or two
units, suddenly someone ordered up to 10 to 100 units. Since then I have been surprised to get
unexpected sustenance," he explained.
Not only that, the miracle experienced by Aidt. At the time of marriage, he was once sentenced to
infertility because his genitals had been crushed by two sacks of cement when he fell while working as
a construction porter. He had a descending hernia. Eventually he couldn't get an erection. He was
sentenced not to be able to have children.
He married because Adit's parents, who were sick at the time, asked their son to marry before his
father died. Adit said his father did not know his illness.
Adit's free restaurant is now not only in Ciangsana, but then expanded to Cilangkap, Depok, Pasar
Minggu and Duren Tiga Jakarta. So there are five locations. And each branch provides 300 portions of
food every day which are delivered from the headquarters of the free restaurant in Cilangkap where
Adit lives now.

The Adit movement has also inspired many people to open similar free restaurants in various regions
such as in Purwokerto, Bandung, Ciwidey, Gresik, Lumajang, Madiun, Pati, Solo, Singkawang, Bone,
Jember, Lombok, Palembang and Bengkulu. It also moved celebrities like Baim Wong to open free
Adit now claims to have 40 employees. They are given a salary of Rp 500 thousand-Rp 800 thousand
which is given every Friday. So their salary is around Rp 2 million-Rp 3 million a month. If there are 40
people, Adit has spent Rp 120 million to pay for the salary.
Meanwhile, for the purposes of buying groceries, transportation and operational costs, Adit spent Rp
180 million. Or Adit's total expenses a month of Rp 300 million. This is to provide 1,500 servings of
food each day which are distributed to five branches.
Then where does it all cost? " From God. Because we don't use a fixed donor system. This is not an
orphan foundation that has regular donors."
"The important thing is to be patient, just live it, lilahi taala," he said. He has the concept of SSI or an
acronym of the words Patience, Gratitude and Sincerity. And the proof is that after six years the free
restaurant can still run.
"Just intend what we do solely to build a palace in heaven," he said of his sincere secret.
"How can we be afraid of poverty when we want to give alms, when we are created by Allah, the Most
Rich Substance," he said.
Adit admitted, if in terms of logic it doesn't make sense. But the proof is always that there is a fortune
given by God that keeps this free restaurant running after six years, even bigger. "In terms of logic, it
doesn't make sense," he said.
But indeed, not long ago, in a video on Youtube Rumah Makan Gratis, Adit showed off the contents of
a free restaurant account when the money in the account was only Rp 280 thousand. But that didn't
make Adit complain. He was sure God would give him a way out.
At least, that's what he's proven over the past six years. At a young age, Adit has set an example as a
free restaurant beginner. The spirit of sharing is extraordinary. It is precisely when he is not from a
wealthy person. (eha)
"Mine is not alive. Peeing is also not normal. Never alternative medicine, herbs. Told to take strong
medicine but that's not the case. I'm normal, I lust after women but that's me not living. Adit said.
He also said that he finally met his wife, Astie, after being introduced by his friend. With a capital of
Rp 500 thousand from selling TVs, Adit ventured to marry Astie.
"Capital of IDR 500 thousand for marriage. A buy ring of 30 thousand, a dolphin ring, not gold. Until
now the ring is still worn by my wife. But when my wife found out that I was not alive, three months
of marriage she asked for a divorce," Adit continued. But this was undone because Adit asked his wife
to be patient while continuing to try to find treatment.
"So confused, this therapy has been done, acupuncture, cupping but it can't be either," he said. Until
finally he met the scavenger grandmother during morning prayers. Adit continued to care for the
grandmother and feed her until she died three months later.
Because her income increased after helping the grandmother, she was able to buy a new mattress.
One night while asleep, he dreamed of running in the desert. "I ran away in a dream and finally fell out
of bed. Under the mattress is a wooden toy car. Hit my stomach, want to pee, finally it was me alive.
My wife immediately took me to the hotel. Two weeks later my wife tested positive for pregnancy,
Alhamdulillah," explained Adit.

After his strength recovered, Adit now has three children. The first child was named David, 5 years old.
Ja'ronah's second child is 3 years old. And the last one Who is Ibrahim, 9 months.
From the sustenance that is dapAs a result of helping the scavenger grandmother, he finally tried to
set up a free restaurant in October 2016. Initially, the idea was rejected by the wife. However, finally
Aditya was able to seduce his wife and established Ciangsana Free Restaurant.
After moving around, finally the Ciangsana free restaurant that he founded stood on Jalan Raya
Ciangsana, Gunung Putri, Bogor Regency, West Java

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