Nav Jagriti Timesheet - December'2023
Nav Jagriti Timesheet - December'2023
Nav Jagriti Timesheet - December'2023
Visit warisnagar Block Visit kalyanpur Block and Meeting with Comissioner
and meeting with block meeting with block topic of meeting was
Review meeting By DM sir
delvelopment officer to delvelopment officer to quantity of waste processes
to collection of waste from Reporting at MRF centre
convergence of waste convergence of waste in MRF centre indailywise
Holiday block to District MRF and Office of all activity which Sunday
from small MRF to District from small MRF to District they also instructed to
they also advise us please was done in field
MRF and they instructed MRF and they instructed completeion of wet
make a profitable model
to make profitable to make profitable composting plant as soon
business business as possible
Summary: Details
Total No of Days Present:
Total Hours of Work:
Total No of Leaves:
Total No of Weekly Off: