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Nav Jagriti Timesheet - December'2023

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NAME: Pay Period: Dec-23

DATE/DAY 1 Friday 2 Saturday 3 Sunday
Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in
Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out
Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs
Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done

Meeting with Comissioner

topic of meeting was
Visit Dalsinghsarai Block
quantity of waste processes
and meeting with block
in MRF centre indailywise
Development officer to Sunday
they also instructed to
convergence of waste from
completeion of wet
small MRF to District MRF
composting plant as soon
as possible

DATE/DAY 4 Monday 5 Tuesday 6 Wednesday 7 Thursday 8 Friday 9 Saturday 10 Sunday

Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in
Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out
Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs
Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done

Visit with Mr vivek kumar


swachta officer newly

Visit Patori Block and Visit Dalsinghsarai Block Visit Patori Block and appointed in municipal
Review meeting By DM sir Reporting at MRF centre
meeting with block and meeting with SDO to meeting with SDO to Corporation they cameto
to collection of waste from Office of all activity which
Development officer to convergence of waste from convergence of waste from our centre and try to
block to District MRF and was done in field and Sunday
convergence of waste small MRF to District MRF small MRF to District MRF understand process of
they also advise us please school visit for awareness
from small MRF to District and they instructed to and they instructed to make waste process and they
make a profitable model purpose among children
MRF make profitable business profitable business take interest in combine
setup in dry and wet waste
DATE/DAY 11 Monday 12 Tuesday 13 Wednesday 14 Thursday 15 Friday 16 Saturday 17 Sunday
Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in
Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out
Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs
Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done

Visit with a female officer


Visit with a swachta

swachta officer newly Visit Morwa Block and
officer newly appointed in
appointed in municipal meeting with block visit Warisnagar Block and
city council Musrigharari
Corporation samastipur delvelopment officer to meeting with BDO to
they cameto our centre Reporting at MRF centre Reporting at MRF centre
they cameto our centre convergence of waste convergence of waste from
and try to understand Office of all activity which Office of all activity which Sunday
and try to understand from small MRF to District small MRF to District MRF
process of waste process was done in field was done in field
process of waste process MRF and they instructed and they instructed to
and they take interest in
and they take interest in to make profitable make profitable business
combine setup in dry and
combine setup in dry and business
wet waste management
wet waste management

DATE/DAY 18 Monday 19 Tuesday 20 Wednesday 21 Thursday 22 Friday 23 Saturday 24 Sunday

Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in Time in Time in Time in
Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out Time out Time out Time out
Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs Total Hrs Total Hrs Total Hrs
Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done Tasks Done Tasks Done Tasks Done

Visit with a swachta

Meeting with Comissioner
officer newly appointed in
topic of meeting was
Review meeting By DM sir city council Tajpur they
quantity of waste
to collection of waste from cameto our centre and try
processes in MRF centre
block to District MRF and to understand process of Leave Leave Leave Sunday
indailywise they also
they also advise us please waste process and they
instructed to completeion
make a profitable model take interest in combine
of wet composting plant as
setup in dry and wet waste
soon as possible
Staff Monthly Review Meeting in Nj Office Bela
DATE/DAY 25 Monday 26 Tuesday 27 Wednesday 28 Thursday 29 Friday 30 Saturday 31 Sunday
Time in Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in 9.00.00 AM Time in
Time out Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out 5.00.00 PM Time out
Total Hrs Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs 8:00 Total Hrs
Tasks Done Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done YES Tasks Done

Visit warisnagar Block Visit kalyanpur Block and Meeting with Comissioner
and meeting with block meeting with block topic of meeting was
Review meeting By DM sir
delvelopment officer to delvelopment officer to quantity of waste processes
to collection of waste from Reporting at MRF centre
convergence of waste convergence of waste in MRF centre indailywise
Holiday block to District MRF and Office of all activity which Sunday
from small MRF to District from small MRF to District they also instructed to
they also advise us please was done in field
MRF and they instructed MRF and they instructed completeion of wet
make a profitable model
to make profitable to make profitable composting plant as soon
business business as possible

Summary: Details
Total No of Days Present:
Total Hours of Work:
Total No of Leaves:
Total No of Weekly Off:


Prepared by: Nikhil Kumar Approved by:

Signature: Date: 31.12.2023 Signature: Date:

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