Onboarding Notes
Onboarding Notes
Onboarding Notes
Onboarding - NOTES
This is tocertify that MR. ADITYA CHAUHAN is a bonafide student of MASTER OF BUSINESS
ADMINISTRATION (MBA) programme of this institute for the academic year 2013-2015.
He has successfully completed the project work towards partial fulfillment of Master Of Business
Administratin degree course on the topic
I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide Mr. Hemant
Sir for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this
thesis. The blessing, help and guidance given by him time to time shall carry me a long way in the
journey of life on which I am about to embark.
I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Rohit Anand Associate
Partner, KNOWLEDGE VENTURES, for her cordial support, valuable information and guidance, which
helped me in completing this task through various stages.
Aditya Chauhan
Everyone knows that starting a new job can be overwhelming and frightening. From trying to
decide what to wear, to getting to the new office on time, to finding a parking space and then Trying to
figure out where to go, that first day can be filled with uncertainty and anxiety. None Of this uncertainty
or anxiety experienced is even including the fact that you now need training For your new job. At least if
there is a solid employee Onboarding program in place to train the New employee, that area of anxiety is
covered and addressed for the new employee.
“The joys of job hunting are nothing compared with the fun of starting work at a new firm. For
many people, self-confidence and enthusiasm about a new job give way on the first day to anxiety and
confusion. (What am I doing here? What do they expect of me? Who can I go to for help?)
How long that mental mayhem lasts--an hour or a few months--can depend a great deal on the
quality of the employee Onboarding.
Onboarding is a process, not an event. It is part of the overall integration of new employees into An
organization, by which it helps new employees adapt to the work environment and their jobs.
Onboarding is, in fact, a training opportunity to promote organizational effectiveness from the start of a
person's employment.
Successful Onboarding speeds up the adaptation process by helping new employees feel
comfortable in the organization and by making them more productive on the job. The process approach
to Onboarding also results in reduced employee turnover.”
For many years employee Onboarding has “applied to the narrow range of corporate activities
related to sign-up’s and providing basic information. The goals of traditional Onboarding are relatively
narrow: to get new hires on the payroll, signed up for benefits, and to provide a brief overview of the
company’s culture, products and values.”
In today’s world most companies are recognizing that this type of simple generic Onboarding is not
enough, a more complex employee Onboarding or Onboarding process is required. In order to be the
most effective this process must be started immediately on the first day, and continue over a period of
months. I see the employee Onboarding process as a way to start new employees off on the right foot.
“Onboarding, also known as organizational socialization, refers to the mechanism through which
new employees acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become effective
organizational members and insiders.”
Many companies still have a one day Onboarding process, where the new employee is bombarded
with policies and procedures and tons of dry, boring and tedious information. And at the end of the first
day they are left feeling overwhelmed. “If a company’s Onboarding program stops at that point,
tremendous opportunities are missed to build commitment, relationships, productivity, sales potential,
and so much more. Rather than viewing new employee Onboarding as a paper work session, more and
more companies are learning about the power of a well-designed, comprehensive program that works to
train and retain employees in a competitive economy”
Most organizations focus on the recruiting and hiring process and seem to forget about the Onboarding
process itself. The first few days on the job will set the tone for motivating and retaining new employees.
Organizations, must begin to realize that the hiring process is only the first half of the process, and the
second equally important half of the process is the employee Onboarding. Effective employee
Onboarding saves employers money, by reducing employee turn over.
First impressions are important! An effective employee Onboarding provides new employees with a
positive impression of employment with Belmont and greatly impacts the new employee’s motivation,
productivity and job satisfaction. An employee who gets off on the right foot is more likely to have
better job performance and to want to stay on the job longer. Recruiting and training a new employee
involves considerable staff time and effort and you want the investment to be a long-term one.
Fast Facts:
“On average, the time for new external hires to achieve full productivity ranged from eight weeks for
clerical jobs to 20 weeks for professionals to more than 26 weeks for executives.”
R. Williams, 2003
“New employees decide whether they feel at home or not in the first three weeks in a company and 4%
of new employees leave a job after a disastrous first day.”
The Wynhurst Group, 2007
“The cost of losing an employee in the first year is estimated to be at least three times salary.”
The Wynhurst Group, 2007
It is important to prepare for a new employee before his/her start date. The last thing you want a new
employee to say on the first day is " “Nobody knew I was coming!” Starting a new job is very stressful
and at the end of that first day you want your new employee to feel good about the decision come to
Antecedents of success
New employee characteristics are individual differences across incoming workers, ranging from
personality traits to previous work experiences. New employee behaviors refer to the specific actions
carried out by newcomers as they take an active role in the socialization process. Finally, organizational
efforts help facilitate the process of acclimating a new worker to an establishment through activities such
as Onboarding or mentoring programs.
graduate starting his or her first job. This is because seasoned employees can draw from past experiences
to help them adjust to their new work settings and therefore may be less affected by specific
socialization efforts because they have:-
(a) A better understanding of their own needs and requirements at work and
(b) Are more familiar with what is acceptable in the work context. Additionally, veteran workers may
have used their past experiences to seek out organizations in which they will be a better fit, giving them
an immediate advantage in adapting to their new jobs.
3. Organization Efforts
Organizations also invest a great amount of time and resources into the training and Onboarding of
new company hires. Organizations differ in the variety of socialization/Onboarding activities they offer
in order to integrate productive new workers. Possible activities include their socialization tactics, formal
Onboarding programs, recruitment strategies, and mentorship opportunities.
Socialization tactics
Socialization tactics, or Onboarding tactics, are designed based on an organization's needs, values, and
structural policies. Some organizations favor a more systematic approach to socialization, while others
follow a more "sink or swim" approach in which new employees are challenged to figure out existing
norms and company expectations without guidance.
• Formal Onboardings
Regardless of the socialization tactics utilized, formal Onboarding programs can facilitate
understanding of company culture, and introduces new employees to their work roles and the
organizational social environment. Formal Onboarding programs may consist of lectures, videotapes,
and written material, while other organizations may rely on more usual approaches. More recent
approaches such as computer-based Onboardings and Internets have been used by organizations to
standardize training programs across branch locations. A review of the literature indicates that
Onboarding programs are successful in communicating the company's goals, history, and power
• Recruitment events
Recruitment events play a key role in identifying which prospective employees are a good fit with
an organization. Recruiting events allow employees to gather initial information about an organization's
expectations and company culture. By providing a realistic job preview of what life inside the
organization is like, companies can weed out potential employees who are clearly a misfit to an
organization and individuals can identify which employment agencies are the most suitable match for
their own personal values, goals, and expectations. Research has shown that new employees who receive
a great amount of accurate information about the job and the company tend to adjust
better. Organizations can also provide realistic job previews by offering internship opportunities.
• Mentorship
Mentorship has demonstrated importance in the socialization of new employees.Ostroff and
Kozlowski (1993) discovered that newcomers with mentors become more knowledgeable about the
organization than did newcomers without mentors. Mentors can help newcomers better manage their
expectations and feel comfortable with their new environment through advice-giving and social
support. Chatman (1991) found that newcomers are more likely to have internalized the key values of
their organization's culture if they had spent time with an assigned mentor and attended company social
events. Literature has also suggested the importance of demographic matching between organizational
mentors and protégés.Enscher& Murphy (1997) examined the effects of similarity (race and gender) on
the amount of contact and quality of mentor relationships. Results indicate that liking, satisfaction, and
contact were higher in conditions of perceived mentor-protégé similarity. But what often separates rapid
on-boarders from their slower counterparts is not the availability of a mentor but the presence of a
"buddy," someone of whom the newcomer can comfortably ask questions that are either trivial ("How do
I order office supplies?") or politically sensitive ("Whose opinion really matters here?"). Like mentors,
buddies can be people who are officially assigned by a manager or who simply emerge informally (a
nearby co-worker, for instance) as an easily accessible resource and confidant. Furthermore, buddies can
help establish relationships with co-workers in ways that can't always be facilitated by a newcomer's
manager or mentor.
Definition of Onboarding
“ Onboarding is a part of socialization process which enables the new recruit to adapt themselves to
their respective organization and their cultures.”
To study the effectiveness of “Onboarding program” at various organization for the new employees.
Secondary objectives:
• To know the coordination between the newly hired employee, who pass through the
Onboarding And Onboarding program.
Review of literature
Placement Onboarding
Onbording is the task of introducing the new employees to the organization and its policies,
procedures and rules. A typical formal Onboarding program may last a day or less in most organization.
During this time, the new employee is provided with information about the company, its history, its
current position, the benefits for which he is eligible, leaves rules, rest periods etc. Also covered are the
more routine things a new comer must learn, such as the location of the rest rooms, break rooms, parking
space, cafeteria etc. In some organization, all this is done informally by attaching the new employees to
their seniors who provide guidance on the above matters. Lectures, handbooks, films, groups, seminars
are also provided to new employees so that they can settle down quickly and resume their work.
Objectives of Onboarding:
Advantage of Onboarding
1. Removes fears: A newcomer steps into an organization as a stranger. He is new to the people,
workplace and work environment. He is not very sure about what he is supposed to do. Onboarding
helps a new employee overcome such fears and perform better on the job.
2. Creates a good impression: Another purpose of Onboarding is to make the newcomer feel at home
and develop a sense of pride in the organization.
Through Onboarding, a new recruit is able to see more clearly as to what he is supposed to do, how
good the colleagues are, how important is the job, etc. He can pose questions and seek clarifications
on issues relating to his job. Onboarding is a positive step, in the sense; it leaves a good impression
about the company and the people working there in the minds of new recruits. They begin to take
pride in their work and are more committed to their jobs.
Role clarity
Role clarity describes a new employee's understanding of his or her job responsibilities and
organizational role. One of the goals of an Onboarding process is to aid newcomers in reducing
ambiguity and uncertainty so that it is easier for them to get their jobs done correctly and efficiently.
Because there often is a disconnect between the chief responsibilities listed in a job description and the
specific, repeatable tasks that employees must complete to be successful in their roles, it's vital that
managers are trained to discuss exactly what they expect from their employees.A poor Onboarding
program, for example, may produce employees who exhibit sub-par productivity because they are unsure
of their exact roles and responsibilities. On the other hand, a strong Onboarding program would produce
employees who are especially productive because they know exactly what is expected of them in their
job tasks and their organizational role. Given this information, it is easy to see why an organization
would benefit substantially from increasing role clarity for a new employee. Not only does role clarity
imply greater productivity, but it has also been linked to both job satisfaction and organizational
Self-efficacy is the degree to which new employees feel capable of successfully completing their
assigned job tasks and fulfilling their responsibilities. It makes logical sense that employees who feel as
though they can get the job done would fare better than those who feel overwhelmed in their new
positions, and unsurprisingly, researchers have found that job satisfaction, organizational commitment,
and turnover are all correlated with feelings of self-efficacy.
Social acceptance
Social acceptance gives new employees the support needed to be successful. While role clarity and
self-efficacy are important to a newcomer's ability to meet the requirements of a job, the feeling of
"fitting in" can do a lot for one's perception of the work environment and has been demonstrated to
increase commitment to an organization and decrease turnover. If an employee feels well received by his
or her peers, a personal investment in the organization develops, and leaving becomes less likely.
• Compliance is the lowest level and includes teaching employees basic legal and policy-related
rules and regulations.
• Clarification refers to ensuring that employees understand their new jobs and all related
• Connection refers to the vital interpersonal relationships and information networks that new
employees must establish.
The building blocks of successful Onboarding are often called the Four C’s.
The degree to which each organization leverages these four building blocks determines its overall
Onboarding strategy, with most firms falling into one of three levels.
Almost all organizations naturally cover compliance as part of formal Onboarding. For firms that
engage in Passive Onboarding, or Level 1, some role clarification may be given, but neither Culture nor
Connection is addressed. Some informal ways of guiding new employees in terms of Culture and
Connection may have developed over time, but no one—including HR staff— is coordinating the task to
maximize Onboarding success. If your firm is engaged in Passive Onboarding, you are likely to view
Onboarding as a checklist of unrelated tasks to be completed. Research shows that approximately 30
percent of organizations—large, medium and small—work at this level. Passive Onboarding can be
functional, but it is certainly unsystematic.
When compliance and clarification are well covered by a firm’s formal Onboarding practices and
some culture and connection mechanisms are in place, Level 2—High Potential Onboarding—has been
reached. In these organizations—about 50 percent of all firms—the complete process has not yet been
established in a systematic way across the organization.
Research methodology.
Redman and Mory define research as a “systemized effort to gain new knowledge.” Some
people consider research as a movement, a movement from the known to the unknown.
Research is an academic activity and as such the term should be used in a technical sense.
According to Clifford Woody, research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating
hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions
and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit
the formulating hypothesis.
Data Source
It is collected directly from people and organization via questionnaires or surveys before being
analyzed to reach conclusions concerning the issues covered in the questionnaire or survey.
Various Sources:-
Various Sources:-
a) Newspapers
b) Internet
c) Prospectous
Who is to be surveyed? The marketing researcher must define the target population that will be
The sample unit taken by me: General public of different age group, different gender and different
In the Project sampling is done on basis of Simple Random sampling. In statistics, a simple random
sample is a subset of individuals (a sample) chosen from a larger set (a population). Each individual
is chosen randomly and entirely by chance, such that each individual has the same probability of
being chosen at any stage during the sampling process, and each subset of the population has the
same probability of being chosen for the sample as any other subset of the population. A simple
random sample is an unbiased surveying technique.
The number of population items selected when a sample is drawn from a population. For causal-
comparative, correlation research 30 in each group, and 15 in experimental research are generally
recommended as minimum sample size.
Table 1.1
10.00% 8.57%
22.86% 58.57%
From the above table it can be inferred that 32% of the respondents are below 25 yrs of age, 54% of the
respondents are between 25yrs-35 yrs of age and the remaining 14% of the respondents are above 35 yrs.
Male 45 90
Female 5 10
Total 50 100
Female; 10
Male; 90
From the above table it is observed that 90% of the respondents are male and 10% of the respondents are
female. Hence, majority of the respondents are male.
Initial Welcome
From the above table it is observed that 40% of the respondents are highly satisfied, 46% are satisfied,
and the remaining 14% are dissatisfied regarding the initial welcome to the organization. Hence,
majority of the respondents are satisfied he initial welcome to the organization.
Table 1.4
Putting At Ease
To a great extent To some extent To a little extent
From the above table it is inferred that 68% of the respondents are put at ease to a great extent, 26% of
them to some extent and the remaining 6% to a little extent. Hence, majority of the respondents are put
at ease to a great extent.
Table 1.5
From the above table, it is inferred that 96% of the respondents have been personally introduced
to their Managers and New colleagues and the remaining 4% of the respondents have not been
personally introduced. Hence, majority of them have been personally introduced to their Managers and
New colleagues.
Table 1.6
40 Sales
To a great extent To some extent To a little extent
From the above table it can be inferred that 62% of the respondents have felt that the Onboarding
program has created a good impression about the organization to great extent,28% of the respondents to
some extent and the remaining 10% to a little extent on the above said matter. Hence, majority of the
respondents have felt that the Onboarding program has created a good impression about the organization
to a great extent.
Table 1.7
From the above table, it is inferred that 82% of the respondents were able to understand their
job,responsibilities and work standards and the remaining 10% of the respondents were unable to
understand. Hence,majority of the respondents were able to understand their job,responsibilities and
work standards.
Table 1.8
From the above table it can be noticed that 78% of he respondents were given information regarding the
policies, rule and regulation of the organization and the remaining 22% of the respondents were not
given such information. Hence, majority of the respondents were given information in the Onboarding
Table 1.9
NO; 22.00%
YES; 78.00%
From the above table it can be noticed that 78% of the respondents were given information about the
Information Regarding Pay, Benefits, holidays And Leaves and the remaining 22% of the respondents
were not given such information. Hence, majority of the respondents were given information about the
Information Regarding Pay, Benefits, holidays And Leaves.
Table 1.10
NO; 34.00%
YES; 66.00%
From the above table it can be notice that 66% of the respondents were given information about training
opportunities and remaining 34% of the respondents were not given such information. Hence, majority
of the respondents were given information about the training opportunities.
Table 1.11
From the above table , it is inferred that 96% of the respondents were given information about the
safety needs in their working environment and the remaining 4% were not given such information.
Hence, majority of them were given information about the safety needs in their working environment.
Table 1.12
No Confidence
Little Confidence
Some Confidence
Very Confident
From the above table, it is inferred that 24% of the respondents are very confident, 38% of the
respondent are confident and 16% of the respondent have some confidence and the remaining 22% of the
respondents have little confidence with computers. Hence,majority of the respondents are confident with
Table 1.13
Presentation AIDS
From the abpve table,it is inferred that 28% of the respondents feel that the presentation AIDS used for
Onboarding are very poor, 58% of the respondents feel that they are good , and the remaining 14% of
them feel that they are adequate. Hence, majority of the respondents feel that t6he presentation AIDS
being used are good.
Table 1.14
Sufficient Insufficient
From the above table, it is inferred that 785 of the respondents feels that the duration of Onboarding
program is sufficient and the remaining 22% feel that it is not sufficient. Hence, majority of them feel
that the duration of the Onboarding program is sufficient.
Table 1.15
Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied
From the above table, it is inferred that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied about the
socialization process during Onboarding, 58% of the respondent are satisfied, and the remaining 6% of
the respondent are dissatisfied. Hence, majority of the respondents are satisfied about the socialization
process during Onboarding.
Table 1.16
Fvrom the above table, it is inferred that 46% of the respondent feel that Onboarding helped them to
perform better in their job to a great extent, 44%of them felt the above said to some extent and the
remaining 10% of the respondents of them felt the above said to a little extent. Hence,majority of the
respondent feel that Onboarding helped them to perform better in their job to a great extent.
Table 1.17
Poor; 8
Very good; 38
Good; 54
From the above table, it is inferred that 38% of the respondents feel that the Onboarding is very good,
54% of the respondents feel that it is good and the remaining 8% feel that it is poor. Hece, majority
of the respondents have rated the Onboarding program to be good.
We could conclude from the research that the rating of the Onboarding programme in the organization,
given by the employees is reasonably good. However, if the above said suggestions are taken into
consideration, the Onboarding programme would be even more productive. It would also help in
increasing the satisfaction level, moral and performance of the new recruits.
• Since the joining formalities are conducted at the same time as the Onboarding program, some
respondents felt that they were unable to focus on the Onboarding part.
• A few respondents highlighted the fact that the Onboarding programme did not cover certain
important areas such as financial results, career progression etc.
• As most of the new recruits did not possess the knowledge for navigating through the HR
portal, they were unable to access information regarding promotion, gtransfer, pay ,leaves etc.
• Few new recruits pointed out that information regarding training opportunities and self
development programmes could be made available during the Onboarding program.
• Few employees highlighted that the duration of Onboarding programme to be extended for few
days in order to obtain detail information about the organization.
• Majority of the respondents felt that interactive sessions with seniors/experts would help them
to perform better in their job.
• Top management feels that it is necessary to include a mega site visit as a part of
the Onboarding program.
• Slide show of the facilities available for the employees at the working site to be shown to the
new recruits.
• Inspirational stories about employees who joines organization at a lower level and have risen to
the top management needs to be shared with the new recruits in order to motivate them.
The company takes its new entrants through a structured Onboarding training program. The one day program
includes a briefing on the company’s market position, the business it is in, its functioning style, its organizational
structure and its HR policies. The entrants are also familiarized with what others do, before being deputed to their
own departments. A six month behavioral training is also offered in team building, self development customer
sensitivity etc. Finally, the recruits are put through an appraisal process to gauge fitment and progress.
The company customizes its initiation programs to suit the new recruit. For engineers the program is offered in
four parts: (1) familiarize with various functions and meet division heads (2) work on shop floor (3) work at
various other departments (4) work finally in departments for about 2 months where they will eventually work.
The management trainees are picked from premium B schools and undergo Onboarding training for about 6
months. During this period, the trainees spend time in the various divisions of the bank to get a holistic view of
the bank operations and get a chance to meet each of the bank’s business leads. A two day session dedicated to
team building is also conducted thereafter. After taking charge of the job, the new recruits have to attend a review
session about the job itself.
At Citibank, trainees spend the first two and a half weeks learning about the bank’s three major levels of
business- the corporate bank servicing institutional clients, the consumer bank serving individual customers and
personalized service besides the functional divisions within each. The business head, thereafter, will make a
presentation (question answer session, discussions, case studies film, etc used) offering general information about
the services offered by the bank. Simulation exercises follow this presentation. Trainees for instance are made to
role play the clearance of an overdraft cheque. Through interaction with peers, trainees learn about the processes
and methods followed at Citibank. The trainees are assigned a specific job in the third week. A mentor will help
the trainee discharge the given responsibilities in a proper way. The trainee is now given freedom to carry out the
task as per his understanding. During this period, the inductees are neither given fixed hours nor a time to sign in
KPMG follows different standards for new entrants on the basis of their past experience. The managers who join
with experience in consulting are expected to start performing immediately, and hit the ground running whereas
people who come from related sectors — where KPMG is working – are given enough leeway to understand what
consulting business is all about and then start performing. However, all newcomers are on probation for six
months. This is the time when both the stakeholders – the employee and the employer – get an opportunity to
understand each other. The individuals are expected to have technical finesse, show adaptability, a sense of team
play and display ability to handle the given volume of work.
We asked what respondents would change about their Onboarding programs, and
• Face-to-face interaction.
Organizations need to continually refine and test their Onboarding programs and can learn valuable
information by asking leaders who joined the organization in the last two to three years questions such
as, “What did you wish you had known when you began?”
Here are nine critical actions for the organization to take to ensure successful assimilation:
1. Develop, implement and manage an Onboarding plan. Daniel asserts that if there isn’t
a plan, there is a 50 percent chance of failure. According to an article published in the
Harvard Business Review in May 2004 called “The Risky Business of Hiring Stars,”
only companies with a detailed plan were able to effectively assimilate new leaders.
2. Facilitate introductions with senior leaders who model the culture. It is important to
expose the new leader to others who embody the culture. This is done more often in
social settings outside of the workplace, helping to provide a more objective perspective
of the organization.
3. Help the new leader achieve early wins. Identify ways the new leader can make quick,
meaningful contributions. Look for opportunities to add value with key stakeholders in
other functional areas as a way to build credibility and trust.
4. Provide feedback. Constructive feedback is critical to the new leader’s success. For
example, Sonesta Hotels “re-recruits” new hires at 30, 60, and 90 days with a two-way
dialogue. This dialogue enables the manager and new leader to assess strengths and
weaknesses, acknowledge unforeseen challenges, identify learning and development
opportunities, reassess goals and expectations and ensure the Onboarding program is on
5. Assign a mentor. Assigning a mentor for a new leader is highly important in the
Onboarding process. A mentor can play a key role in ensuring successful assimilation by
acting as a guide and influencer. This helps the new leader navigate the organization
and adapt to the culture. It is important to involve the new leader’s manager in the
mentor selection process so that there is alignment on key objectives and focus.
7. Direct the new leader to resources. Ensuring the new leader knows where to find key
information and resources, as well as how to access them can help decrease the time to
the breakeven point. At Johnson & Johnson, they make many of their standard on-
8. Provide training for the steepest learning curves. Determine what skills and
competencies are most critical to brining the new leaders to the breakeven point
quicker. Once identified, provide developmental training in those areas as part of the
Onboarding process.
9. Communicate the cultural. Many new leaders are not aware of the
informal rules that guide behavior until one is broken. Avoid
unnecessary missteps by clearly communication organizational norms.
Onboarding is not a passive activity. The new leader plays an active part in the process and is
ultimately accountable for his or her success. In her report “Clearing the 90-Day Hurdle”, based on
research conducted with executives from top companies, Sue Edwards lists ten factors that are critical
for the new leader to be successful. These include:
1. Listen, observe, and ask questions. Set up introductory meetings with key stakeholders to
learn about their roles, what’s important to them, common goals, what they will be
expecting from you and how your role contributes to achieving objectives. These first
impressions are critical to establishing productive, collaborative relationships. There is a
lot to learn and any perceptions of arrogance can undermine your efforts to fit in.
2. Build relationships. First impressions are critical. Reach out and establish connections.
Through one-on-one meetings and informal calls, begin to develop relationships.
3. Respect the existing culture. Recognize that things will be done differently at your new
organization. Avoid referencing how things may have been done at your previous
company. Take a step back before charging in too quickly. Position recommendations for
change in ways that reinforce strengths instead of pointing out the weaknesses.
4. Be visible and approachable. Don’t disappear after the first few weeks. It can be easy to
hide in your work. Look for opportunities to connect with other leaders and teams on a
regular basis.
5. Get clarity on expectations. Know what’s expected in the first 30 days, 60 days and 90 days.
Avoid making assumptions and get specific so that you are aligned with your boss on
what’s most important and where you need to focus your attention.
6. Be authentic. People perceived as inauthentic will most likely also be viewed as
untrustworthy. Be genuine and enthusiastic.
8. Make early decisions and achieve quick wins. Identify short-term goals to build confidence,
establish credibility and demonstrate value.
9. assess and build the team. Quickly assess the strength and weekness of
the team members. This allow the new leaders to mak the change
necessary to built a more effective team.
10.Built the vision collaboratively. Rather than just bringing in your own
vision and ideas, the new leaders should seek feedback and inputs
from the team, giving them a real stake in the game.
The benefits
To avoid lengthy meetings and paper handouts, online Onboarding:
• Brings new hires up to speed quickly on the history of the organisation, the company’s vision and
its values
• Can be delivered in bite-size, digestible chunks
• Will prepare the new starter to start their role straight away
Potential drawbacks
You might feel it’s important that all communications take place face-to-face or over the phone, but
online Onboarding can involve personal touches if that’s more in line with your organisation’s culture.
You might also be worried about the cost of designing an online Onboarding process. This will
differ from organization to organization, but many employers now feel that the initial cost of creation is
more than made up for in productivity.
The results
Your employees are your best brand ambassadors, so making their first encounter of your business a
positive impression is vital.
Many candidates feel that during the gap between their offer and start date they have lost touch of
what the organisation and role is about, mainly due to a lack of communication. Onboarding processes
• The majority of respondents (49%) are currently updating their Onboarding programs.
• 22% continually update their program.
• 19% updated within the last 2 years.
• For 10%, it has been more than 3 years since their Onboarding program has been
• Nearly half of survey respondents (47%) categorize the updates to their program as
• 39% categorize them us moderate.
• 11% categorize them as minor.
4. Which departments / business partners are involved in the development and updating of
your Onboarding program?
• The majority of respondents indicated that Human Resources (87%) and Learning &
Development (72%) are the departments most involved in the development of updating
their Onboarding programs.
• 37% of respondent’s individual business units have involvement.
• Less than 26% stated that the IT, Marketing, Vendors and Legal have involvement
in updates to their Onboarding programs.
• The majority of respondents (46%) indicated that Learning & Development has allinclusive
responsibilities in the Onboarding Program updates.
• 31% of respondent’s learning & development departments are responsible for the
design and development of core Onboarding programs.
• A combined 23% of learning & development departments are not actively involved in
their organizations’ Onboarding programs.
• The majority of respondents (62%) use a company-wide intranet for their technologybased
solution for Onboarding, with E-learning coming in second at 55%.
• 40% of our respondents utilize a dedicated Onboarding portal.
• Video, Webinars and Survey Tools are amongst the middle of technology-
based solutions for Onboarding ranging from 39% - 27% of respondents usage.
• Less than 13% utilize enterprise social networks, video conferencing and
mobile performance support tools.
Some of the trends that emerged is the need for buy-in, support and enforcement from the
leadership teams across business units, the need to increase consistency and departmental
accountability for longer-term Onboarding programs and the opportunity to create a resource
center and tracking capabilities in online portals.
When we drill down into some of the specific results, here is what we saw:
• A combined 71% of survey respondents are currently in the process of updating their
Onboarding programs.
• Over 73% of respondents indicated that the largest catalysts driving change to their
Onboarding programs are to accelerate new employees’ performance and improve
employee retention and loyalty.
• When it comes to technology, a combined 67% of respondents deliver less than 40% of
their Onboarding through technology-based solutions. However, 16% deliver more
than 61% of their Onboarding programs through technology-based solutions.
• The majority of respondents (62%) use a company-wide intranet for their technology based
solution for Onboarding, with E-learning coming in second at 55%.
• The majority of respondents indicated that Human Resources (87%) and Learning &
Development (72%) are the departments most involved in developing and updating their
Onboarding programs. Only 37% of respondent’s individual business units have
• The majority of respondents (46%) indicated that Learning & Development has allinclusive
responsibilities in the Onboarding Program updates.
• It is suggested that the joining formalities be completed before the Onboarding programme.
• It is suggested that the Onboarding programme covers the following areas,
- Financial results of the past.
- Business plan for the next 5 years.
• HR Officer to guide the new recruits on how to navigate through the HR portal in order
to obtain information related to employees.
• An employee’s handbook with the following contents is required to be given to the new recruits.
- Information regarding organization.
- Information regarding employment.
- Organization chart.
- List of training programmes.
- Information about awards and function.
- Guidelines of how to use the portal.
• Onboading programme be made interactive with senior and experts addressing the recruitees.
This will enable the new recruits to clarify doubts regarding their job and will result in better
level of motivation.
• A slide show of facilities that is available at the work site like
- Transport facilities.
- Accommodation facilities
- Recreation facilities.
- Education of children.
- Programs involving the families of the new employees.
- Corporate social responsibility activities of the organization.
• Inspirational stories of employees who have grown from the lower level to the higher level in
the organization with the new recruits.
• Inspirational feedback from satisfied clients of the organization can also be shared with the
new recruits.
❖ Please comment on the way you were initially welcomed to the company.
• Highly satisfied
• Satisfied
• Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
• Dissatisfied
• Highly dissatisfied
❖ Please comment on the way you were initially welcomed to the company.
• Highly satisfied
• Satisfied
• Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
• Dissatisfied
• Highly dissatisfied
❖ Were you personally introduced to your new colleagues, managers, and other appropriate
people during your first few days?
• Yes
• No
❖ Did the Onboarding program creat a good impression and developed a sense of pride in the
❖ Has your Onboarding helped you to understand your job, responsibilities, work standards?
• Yes
• No
❖ Were you given the basic information about the pay, benefits, holidays and leaves during
the Onboarding.
• Yes
• No
❖ Were you given information about training opportunities and career prospects in the organization?
• Yes
• No
❖ Were you given information about safety needs in the working environment?
• Yes
• No
❖ To what extent did the Onboarding program helped you to perform better on your job?
• To a great extent
• To some extent
• To a little extent
Any suggestions:
1. Efficient-Client-Onboarding banksfiancial
2. Onboarding EPG- FINAL
3. Onboarding guidelines – Belmont
4. on-boarding-orienting-to-success full day by date report
5. retaining_employees_onboarding
6. SOL_1210_Improving_current_Client_Onboarding_Processes_BAM_HAA