DK2874 CH4
DK2874 CH4
DK2874 CH4
Matthew A. Tarr
University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
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166 Tarr
named after him, subsequent research has indicated the following net reaction
as the predominant process:
Fe2þ þ H2 O2 ! Fe3þ þ HO þ OH ð1Þ
2+ 3+ 2+
where Fe and Fe represent the hydrated species, Fe(H2O)6 and
Fe(H2O)63+, respectively.* Reaction (1) is often referred to as the Fenton
reaction, although many other reactions occur in Fenton systems. The
primary utility of the Fenton reagent in the degradation of pollutants is the
formation of hydroxyl radical. Hydroxyl radical is a very strong, nonselective
oxidant capable of degrading a wide array of pollutants. Numerous studies
have addressed the applicability of Fenton reagent to pollutant degradation
and remediation.
Although formation of hydroxyl radical is a key step in the Fenton
reagent, other important reactions also occur. In fact, the overall process is
dramatically affected by the conditions under which the reaction occurs. Ad-
ditional important reactions occurring in aqueous mixtures of iron and hy-
drogen peroxide include the following:
Fe3þ þ H2 O2 ! Fe2þ þ Hþ þ HO2 ð2Þ
Fe 3þ
þ HO2 ! Fe 2þ þ
þ H þ O2 ð3Þ
Fe 2þ
þ HO2 i 6Fe 3þ
þ HO
2 ð4Þ
Fe 2þ
þ HO ! Fe 3þ
þ HO
H2 O2 þ HO ! H2 O þ HO2 ð6Þ
Reactions (2) and (3) indicate processes that regenerate Fe2+ in the catalytic
cycle. As long as peroxide is available in the system, the iron species
continually cycle between Fe2+ and Fe3+, unless additional reactions result
in formation of insoluble iron oxides and hydroxides. The rate of formation
of hydroxyl radical can be expressed as:
* Throughout this chapter, waters of coordination are omitted for clarity. However, the reader
should be aware that any open coordination site on iron will be occupied by water. Iron typ-
ically has six coordination sites.
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Fenton and Modified Fenton Methods for Pollutant Degradation 167
of the iron. For example, Fe2+ in pure aqueous solution may exist as the
hexaaqua species, which has a rate constant different from that of iron bound
by other ligands such as phosphate. Therefore, the presence of both inorganic
and organic iron ligands in natural systems or waste streams can have a
dramatic influence on the Fenton reaction. Not only can the rate of reaction
(1) be influenced by other species present, but the lifetime of free radicals can
also be altered, resulting in changes in the Fe2+ concentration, again
influencing hydroxyl radical formation rate. Additional species can also affect
the efficiency of hydroxyl radical formation by providing competing sinks for
hydrogen peroxide. For example, manganese reacts with hydrogen peroxide
to form products that do not include hydroxyl radical. Such reactions
represent a waste of reagent, ultimately resulting in higher costs or ineffective
pollutant degradation.
Perhaps the biggest limitation of Fenton reagent for subsurface reme-
diation is the difficulty of delivering the reagent to the pollutant. In addition to
physical limitations in reagent injection efficiency, there are also limitations
on a molecular scale. Nonpollutant species act as hydroxyl radical scavengers,
consuming the radical before it can reach the pollutant. Furthermore, hydro-
phobic pollutants typically sorb to nonpolar sites within the soil. These sites
are not easily accessed by polar reagents such as iron and peroxide and,
therefore, pollutant molecules trapped in inaccessible hydrophobic sites are
likely to remain undegraded even under aggressive remediation conditions. A
thorough understanding of how hydroxyl radical is formed, its reactions with
nonpollutant species, and the interactions between pollutants and nonpollu-
tant species is necessary in order to effectively design pollutant degradation
protocols using Fenton reagent.
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168 Tarr
B. Scavengers
The presence of hydroxyl radical scavengers also plays a key role in the overall
fate of the peroxide. Scavenging of hydroxyl radical minimizes the occurrence
of reactions (5), (6), and (11). Organic scavengers generally react with hy-
droxyl radical in one of the two following types of reactions:
HO þ RH ! H2 O þ R ð13Þ
HO þ R ! ROH ð14Þ
Reaction (13) is typical of aliphatics and alcohols, whereas reaction (14) is
common for double bonds, especially in conjugated and aromatic systems. To
form the final products, the radicals R and ROH undergo additional
reactions. Free radical scavengers are a very important component of Fenton
systems, and their importance in pollutant degradation will be discussed
further in Secs. III and IV.
C. Haber–Weiss Reaction
Although Fenton did not observe hydroxyl radical-mediated reactions for
mixtures of Fe3+ and hydrogen peroxide, more recent work has illustrated
that such systems can produce hydroxyl radical. Haber and Weiss [5]
originally proposed a free radical mechanism for the Fe3+-catalyzed decom-
position of hydrogen peroxide. These reactions include [3]:
Fe3þ þ H2 O2 ! Fe2þ þ Hþ þ HO2
Fe2þ þ H2O2 ! Fe3þ þ HO þ OH
H2 O2 þ HO ! H2 O þ HO2
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Fenton and Modified Fenton Methods for Pollutant Degradation 171
E. Photo–Fenton
In the presence of light, additional reactions that produce hydroxyl radical or
increase the production rate of hydroxyl radical can occur [18]:
H2 O2 þ hm ! 2HO ð22Þ
FeðOHÞ 2þ
þ hv ! Fe 2þ
þ HO ð23Þ
Fe ðL Þ þ hv ! Fe
3þ 2þ
þ L ð24Þ
where L is an organic ligand. Often called the photo–Fenton system, ir-
radiation of iron-peroxide solutions can result in more effective pollutant
degradation than dark Fenton systems. Although reactions (22) and (23) can
be important, the photochemical cycling of Fe3+ back to Fe2+ is perhaps the
most important aspect of the photo–Fenton process. Recalling that the rate of
hydroxyl radical formation is governed by the Fe2+ concentration (Eq. (7)), it
is clear that any additional route for reducing iron to the 2+ state will en-
hance the production rate of hydroxyl radical.
Photochemical reduction of Fe3+ has been observed in many systems,
including raindrops [19], water and wastewater [20–24], and natural surface
waters [25]. Concentrations of Fe3+ lower than 108 M are reportedly capable
of catalyzing the photo–Fenton reaction [26].
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172 Tarr
anism that does not involve hydroxyl radical has also been proposed [4].
In this mechanism, instead of reaction (8), the following rate-limiting step
HOOH þ Fe2þ ! FeO2þ þ H2 O ð25Þ
The importance of FeO2+ (the ferryl ion) as an alternate oxidant, instead of
hydroxyl radical, has been extensively debated. Much of the debate exists due
to difficulty in definitively detecting the ferryl ion and the hydroxyl radical.
Because of their low concentrations and short lifetimes, these species are
detected through indirect methods.
Fe(IV) has been observed for iron porphyrins reacting with tert-butyl
hydroperoxide in toluene solution [27], and Pignatello et al. [18] have re-
ported the existence of ferryl species in photo–Fenton systems under certain
conditions. Additional evidence using 17O-labeled H2O2 and water indicates
that all of the hydroxyl radical oxygen molecules originate from H2O2,
indicating that any ferryl ion formed must have its oxygen derived from
H2O2 [28]. Shen et al. [29] observed chemiluminescence upon the addition of
H2O2 to aqueous solutions of Fe(II). They postulated that an excited ferryl
species may be the source of the chemiluminescence, but also suggested that
the ferryl species resulted from the reaction of initially formed HO with
Fe3+. Bossmann et al. [30] observed degradation products of 2,4-dimethy-
laniline in Fenton systems, photo–Fenton systems, and with hydroxyl radical
generated by the photolysis of H2O2 in the absence of iron. Because different
products were observed in the absence and presence of iron, the authors
concluded that a different mechanism must occur in the iron-containing
system. An Fe4+ species was suggested to be the electron transfer agent that
oxidized 2,4-dimethylaniline to 2,4-dimethylphenol, whereas hydroxyl rad-
ical is not expected to form this product. Although this report provides
evidence for a nonhydroxyl radical mechanism for the oxidation of 2,4-
dimethylaniline, the nature of the oxidant was still not directly elucidated.
One important factor not considered in this study is the possible importance
of direct coordination of the amine to the iron. Such coordination would
likely alter the kinetics and mechanisms of oxidation.
In contrast to the results of Bossmann et al., Lindsey and Tarr [31,32]
observed equivalent rate constants for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
(PAH) degradation with Fenton systems as had been previously observed
for PAH reaction with hydroxyl radicals as generated by pulse radiolysis
techniques [33]. Such kinetic agreement suggests, but does not confirm,
equivalent mechanisms. PAHs, unlike 2,4-dimethylaniline, are not expected
to directly coordinate iron in aqueous solutions.
Whereas only a few examples have been discussed here, it is obvious that
the exact kinetics and mechanisms for Fenton oxidations are highly depen-
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Fenton and Modified Fenton Methods for Pollutant Degradation 173
dent on conditions ([Fe2+], [Fe3+], [H2O2], iron chelators, nature, and con-
centration of the species being oxidized, etc.) Consequently, generalized ki-
netic and mechanistic predictions cannot be made to Fenton systems; rather,
a strong knowledge of the system under study is needed before kinetic models
can be applied. Nevertheless, in most practical applications, hydroxyl radical
appears to be the major oxidative species [18].
G. Other Metals
A number of other transition metal ions can also participate in Fenton-type
cycles to produce hydroxyl radical. Examples include Cu+, VO2+, Ti3+, Cr2+,
and Co2+ [4], although other reducing metals are also active in the formation
of hydroxyl radical from peroxide.
A. General Mechanisms
For the reaction of hydroxyl radical with organic species, there are three
common reaction pathways: (a) hydroxyl radical addition to unsaturated
systems (e.g., double bonds), (b) hydrogen abstraction (typically from alkyl or
hydroxyl groups), and (c) direct electron transfer. These generic mechanisms
are illustrated in Figure 1. For nonradical reactants, all three mechanisms
result in initial products that are radicals. Subsequent reactions follow to yield
nonradical products. Additional reactants are necessary to complete these
subsequent reactions. Common reactants include Fe2+, Fe3+, O2, H2O, H+,
HO, other metals, other organics, and other radicals present in the system.
Dimerization can also occur if the initially formed radical species reacts with
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174 Tarr
B. Mechanistic Examples
The reaction of hydroxyl radical with unsaturated compounds often results
in the addition of the radical to the double bond to produce an unsaturated
alcohol. This reaction is quite common for aromatic systems. A number of
proposed reaction pathways are depicted in Figure 2. These reactions can
yield several products including hydroxylated species, dimers, and polyoxy-
genated products. Stable products, such as phenols and dihydroxybenzenes,
can react further to yield additional degradation products. Ring opening
products are the typical result of subsequent oxidation. The further oxidation
of dihydroxybenzenes by multiple hydroxyl radical attack is illustrated in
Figure 3. Whereas Figures 2 and 3 illustrate some of the possible reactions
occurring in Fenton systems, other pathways are also possible.
The reactivity of initial products will have a dramatic effect on their
buildup during oxidation. Those that react rapidly (e.g., benzoquinones) will
be seen only in minor amounts, whereas less reactive initial or subsequent
products will tend to accumulate. One weakness of in situ remediation
applications, using Fenton or other biochemical or chemical degradation
methods, is a failure to monitor potentially harmful degradation products.
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Fenton and Modified Fenton Methods for Pollutant Degradation 175
Figure 2 Proposed reaction pathways for hydroxyl radical reaction with benzene.
(From Refs. 3, 4, 105, and 106.)
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176 Tarr
Figure 3 Proposed reaction pathways for hydroxyl radical reaction with hydroxyl-
ated aromatics. (From Refs. 3, 4, and 107.)
other radicals, including those produced from the Fenton cycle (e.g., HO2),
can provide alternate reaction pathways and thereby affect the distribution of
products. Under certain conditions (e.g., high peroxide concentration), sub-
stantial amounts of reducing species (HO2, O2) are present in high-enough
quantity that reductive pathways become important [34,35].
If hydroxyl radical availability is high enough, the pollutants present
will be degraded to CO2 and other mineralized products. However, if a species
of low reactivity is produced, this species may become a major degradation
product, and complete mineralization will not be observed. For example, ox-
alic acid has a relatively low rate constant for reaction with hydroxyl radical
(1.4 106 M1 sec1, about three to four orders of magnitude lower than
aromatics). Such highly oxygenated compounds, however, are likely to be
biodegradable. Consequently, such species can be acceptable end points for
remediation or waste stream treatment.
C. Kinetics
Hydroxyl radical reacts rapidly with a wide array of species. Typically, re-
actions follow second-order kinetics. In many cases, aqueous reactions with
hydroxyl radical are diffusion-limited. Two comprehensive sources of sec-
ond-order rate constants for reactions with hydroxyl radical are available
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Fenton and Modified Fenton Methods for Pollutant Degradation 177
[33,36]. Most compounds that have been studied have rate constants between
107 and 1010 M1 sec1, but a few compounds with lower rate constants
have been observed. These few examples include compounds with strong
electron-withdrawing groups or without C-H bonds [4]. Electron-donating
groups are believed to increase reactivity with hydroxyl radical [4]. In general,
alkenes and aromatics react rapidly with hydroxyl radical (k=109–1010 M1
sec1), whereas alkanes react somewhat more slowly (k=107–109 M1 sec1).
A few examples of rate constants are given in Table 1.
Urea 7.910 5
Oxalic acid 1.4106 36
Benzene 7.8109 33
Phenanthrene 1.91010 32
Pyrene 1.51010 32
2-Methyl-2-(methylthio)propanal, 8.1109 36
Aniline 1.41010 33
Hexachlorocyclohexane (Lindane) 9.1108 36
Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 2.6109 33
Dichloromethane 6107 33
Carbon tetrachloride Unreactive 104
Ethanol 2.2109 36
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178 Tarr
A. Typical In Situ Applications
Fenton oxidation has been applied at many sites for in situ remediation of
contaminated soils. Typical applications have involved the degradation of
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Fenton and Modified Fenton Methods for Pollutant Degradation 181
quite distinct from the sand system that Ravikumar and Gurol used, the work
on coal raises the possibility that noniron soil minerals or organic matter
could also serve as catalysts for hydroxyl radical formation.
In other laboratory studies, Watts et al. [48] found that iron oxyhy-
droxides yielded a better stoichiometric efficiency (mole of H2O2 consumed
per mole of pollutant degraded) than soluble iron. This observation may be
related to inefficiencies in hydroxyl radical utilization if it is formed too rap-
idly, as in the system with dissolved Fe2+.
Watts et al. [49] have also studied the hydrogen peroxide-induced deg-
radation of several chlorinated aromatics sorbed to hematite (a-Fe2O3) with
no other source of iron. 1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobenzene,
pentachlorobenzene, and hexachlorobenzene were all degraded by sufficient
concentrations of added peroxide (0.1–5%). Hydroxyl radical concentration
was found to be independent of hydrogen peroxide concentration, indicating
that the catalytic sites were peroxide-saturated at the concentrations used.
As with other reports by Watts et al., at high peroxide concentration, deg-
radation rates exceeded desorption rates. This result has been interpreted as
evidence of direct oxidation of sorbed species, although alternate explana-
tions are possible.
Goethite (a-FeOOH) has also been studied as a potential Fenton-like
catalyst [50]. Hydrogen peroxide decay over goethite exhibited second-order
kinetics according to:
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182 Tarr
Fe2+. Because peroxide decomposition was slowest under the same con-
ditions at which benzoic acid decomposition was highest, it is important to
consider the efficiency of hydroxyl radical formation from peroxide decom-
position. With the surface catalyst, either hydroxyl radical is not readily
available to benzoic acid and is scavenged by other species, or the mineral-
catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide involves additional, non-
hydroxyl radical-forming pathways for peroxide decomposition.
This last point emphasizes a weakness in the Fenton literature pointed
out previously. Often, the rate of peroxide decomposition is assumed to be
proportional to the hydroxyl radical formation rate. However, nonhydroxyl
radical-forming pathways and the formation of radicals that are not ac-
cessible to pollutants may significantly decrease the yield of useable hydroxyl
Hematite has been studied as a Fenton catalyst [55,56]. Catalytic
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by hematite was found to be slower
than that for ferrihydrite or goethite, although hematite had the highest
activity for 2-chlorophenol degradation [55]. The degradation efficiency of 2-
chlorophenol was correlated with the inverse sequence of specific area and
point-of-zero charge of the Fe oxides. Furthermore, particle size and porosity
characteristics played important roles in governing the degradation kinetics.
Unlike magnetite, hematite was not observed to catalyze the disproportion-
ation of hydrogen peroxide, which, if it occurs, is a source of inefficiency [56].
The release of free iron was observed in these systems, but the use of ferrozine
and desferrioxamine, strong iron chelators, prevented the activity of dissolved
iron with respect to peroxide.
Ferrihydrite catalysis of hydroxyl radical formation from peroxide has
also shown experimental results consistent with a surface reaction [57]. The
yield of hydroxyl radical formation was lower for ferrihydrite than for dis-
solved iron, resulting in a higher peroxide demand to degrade a given amount
of pollutant. As mentioned above, although ferrihydrite exhibited a faster
rate of peroxide decomposition than goethite or hematite, the rate of 2-
chlorophenol degradation with these catalysts was fastest for hematite [55].
In other studies, quinoline oxidation by peroxide was not observed when
ferrihydrite was used as catalyst [53].
Mixed element oxides such as Fe–Si–O, Fe–Mg–O, and Fe–Mg–Si–O
complex oxides have also been used as catalysts for Fenton-like oxidations
[58]. Some of these catalysts exhibited selectivity for phenol hydroxylation.
Whereas these catalysts are unlikely to be useful for in situ applications, they
may be valuable for waste stream treatment, especially when a well-defined
waste stream with specific pollutants exists.
Other iron species have also been evaluated as potential Fenton
catalysts. These include magnetite [59], pyrite [60], and basic oxygen furnace
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Fenton and Modified Fenton Methods for Pollutant Degradation 183
slag [43]. As with other studies, these solids were able to catalyze pollutant
degradation in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, but at a slower rate than
for dissolved iron. Furthermore, the presence of Fe2+ (aq) dissolved from the
solids may be the key catalyst in some systems.
Because of the slower kinetics for hydroxyl radical formation with
mineral catalysts, most applications of Fenton oxidation for in situ re-
mediation or waste stream treatment involve the addition of dissolved
C. Iron Chelators
Iron speciation is a major factor in Fenton chemistry. As previously dis-
cussed, iron solubility, redox potentials, and concentrations of Fe2+ and
Fe3+ are all dependent on the ligands that coordinate iron. In order to pro-
duce hydroxyl radical, there must be a readily accessible coordination site for
H2O2 to bind to [9,10]. Very strong iron chelators, therefore, inhibit the
formation of hydroxyl radical. Iron ligands can also act as hydroxyl radical
scavengers. Because the radical is always formed in close proximity to these
ligands, they are more likely to react with hydroxyl radical than pollutants
that are not in close proximity to the iron.
In many in situ applications, phosphate or other peroxide stabilizers are
added. These species are likely the dominant iron ligands; however, natural
ligands and chelating agents may coordinate some of the iron. Such coordi-
nation will alter the kinetics of hydroxyl radical formation as well as the
dynamics of hydroxyl radical interaction with pollutants.
Several studies have investigated the effect of chelators on the Fenton
reaction. Addition of chelators to Fe(III)–H2O2 systems allows for effective
degradation at near-neutral pH values [17,23,61]. Much of the influence of the
iron chelators stems from increased solubility of iron species at higher pH
values. These chelators were also effective for combined Fenton bioremedia-
tion treatment because they eliminate the need for low pH, which can harm
useful bacteria.
Many phosphates have been observed to inactivate iron as a catalyst for
the formation of hydroxyl radical [17]. Included in those studied are pyro-
phosphate, phytate, adenosine 5V-triphosphate, and others. Of the 50 com-
pounds tested in one study, those having the highest activity in terms of 2,
4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid degradation were: nitrilotriacetic acid, hydroxy-
etheliminodiacetic acid, picolinic acid, gallic acid, rhodizonic acid, tetrahy-
droxy-1,4-quinone, and hexaketocyclohexane [17]. Additional studies
indicated that several of these iron chelators were effective in Fenton degra-
dation of other pollutants at near-neutral pH, including 2,4,5-trichlorophe-
noxyacetic acid, atrazine, picloram, baygon, and carbaryl [23].
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184 Tarr
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Fenton and Modified Fenton Methods for Pollutant Degradation 185
reaction. Although tannic acid is a good hydroxyl radical scavenger, its scav-
enging effects appeared to be secondary in this study. Tannic acid is also
capable of reducing Fe3+ to Fe2+, but because the Fe(II)–tannic acid is
Fenton-inactive, the reduction of tannic-bound iron does not contribute to
the catalytic cycle. Tannic acid is able to compete with EDTA for complex-
ation of iron. Therefore, in soil systems with significant levels of tannic acid,
addition of beneficial iron chelators may not be completely effective.
Numerous studies have evaluated the effects of chelators [8,12,15,66–
71]. However, the effects of natural chelators have not been thoroughly
studied, especially as related to in situ remediation. Consequently, in situ
applications may suffer from decreased efficiency caused by interferences
from natural chelators present in the site.
D. Photo–Fenton
As previously discussed, the concentration of Fe2+ is an important factor in
the rate of hydroxyl radical formation from hydrogen peroxide. Consequent-
ly, any process that can speed the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ will increase
the formation rate of hydroxyl radical. UV or visible radiation can play
this role by photoreducing iron. However, the photo–Fenton process in-
volves three additional mechanisms that can contribute to pollutant degra-
dation: (a) direct photolysis of H2O2 to yield two hydroxyl radicals (Eq. (22));
(b) photolysis of Fe(OH)2+ to form hydroxyl radical (Eq. (23)); and (c)
degradation of pollutants by direct photolysis (i.e., absorption of a photon
by the pollutant molecule followed by decomposition of the photoexcited
pollutant molecule).
Photo–Fenton systems have been studied for the degradation of a wide
range of pollutants. Chlorophenoxy herbicide degradation by Fenton pro-
cesses was found to be significantly enhanced by UV radiation [23,72].
Additional compounds that were effectively degraded using photo–Fenton
systems include metolachlor and methyl parathion [73], organophosphorous
compounds [74], PCBs [75], polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, and dibenzo-
furans [76]. Dyes found in textile wastewater have also been degraded using
photo–Fenton techniques; Orange II (an azo dye) [77] and the reactive
dyestuff, R94H [78], were degraded. Whereas Orange II was effectively
mineralized, R94H was decolorized, but not mineralized. Interference from
polyvinyl alcohol, a common component of textile wastewaters, was cited as
interfering with R94H degradation. As discussed before, the presence of
hydroxyl radical scavengers can be a major impediment to the degradation of
targeted pollutants. In contrast, the photo–Fenton degradation of penta-
chlorophenol was found to be enhanced by the presence of humic acid [79].
Although humic acid is a good scavenger of hydroxyl radical, the phenolic
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186 Tarr
acid groups of humic acid were believed to play a major role in Fe3+ photo-
reduction, thereby significantly enhancing the PCP degradation.
Lignin, a major structural component of wood, was also degraded by a
photo–Fenton technique [80]. Although this report demonstrated the ability
of the method to degrade lignin, the study did not elaborate on potential
applications in the pulp-and-paper industry. The treatment of kraft mill
bleaching effluent by Fenton and photo–Fenton methods has been studied,
and was reportedly more effective and more economical than several other
techniques [81].
Attempts have been made to immobilize iron in photo–Fenton systems.
Iron immobilized in NafionR was successfully used to degrade 4-chlorophe-
nol [82] and Orange II [83]. In both studies, the authors indicated that the
NafionR-bound iron was resistant to aging or fouling.
Efforts to develop large-scale or prototype photo–Fenton reactors have
also been reported [84–86]. As with any photocatalytic method, the ability of
the photons to reach the catalyst is a key design issue.
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Fenton and Modified Fenton Methods for Pollutant Degradation 187
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188 Tarr
Figure 4 Design of hydrogen peroxide and iron injector used for remediation of
contaminated sites. (From GeoCleanse International, Inc., U.S. Patents 5,525,008
and 5,611,642.)
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Fenton and Modified Fenton Methods for Pollutant Degradation 189
5-day period with injection rates of each reagent of between 0.2 and 1.4 gal/
min per injector. Air was also injected at rates of up to 3 ft3/min to facilitate
reagent distribution. Groundwater pH, alkalinity, total iron, hydrogen perox-
ide concentration, chloride concentration, headspace VOCs, oxidation–re-
duction potential, and conductivity were monitored. pH values of less than 6
were needed, and total iron levels of z5 mg/L in groundwater were optimal.
Offgas production was monitored in order to follow the progress of the
degradation. Carbon dioxide was indicative of pollutant (or at least organic
compound) degradation. Oxygen was taken as an indicator of Fenton re-
action occurring in the absence of organic compounds (see reaction (3)).
After the first phase of treatment, the site was recharacterized to deter-
mine the extent of degradation and the new distribution of pollutants. A
second phase of reagent injection was carried out (6038 gal of each reagent)
over a 5-day period approximately 5 months after the first phase of in-
jections. This phase of treatment was also accompanied by site monitoring.
After the first phase of treatment, VOC concentration decreased in one
monitoring well, but remained relatively unchanged in the remaining wells.
After the second phase of treatment, which utilized phosphoric acid as a
peroxide stabilizer to increase its radius of influence, VOC concentrations
were substantially decreased, on the order of 96–100%. In a 30-day posttreat-
ment sampling, levels of VOCs were found to be the same as immediately after
treatment, indicating successful treatment of the site. Chromium(III) present
in the site was not oxidized to Cr(VI) to any detectable level during the
treatment. The formation of Cr(VI) in oxidizing treatment technologies is
always a concern in any site that has substantial levels of Cr(III).
In another study, bench-scale and field pilot tests were conducted to
assess the applicability of in situ Fenton treatment of explosives (nitro-
aromatic compounds) dissolved in groundwater at the Pueblo Chemical
Depot (PCD), CO [92]. The soil in the site consisted of eolian, alluvial, and
colluvial deposits over a layer of shale bedrock. Groundwater concentrations
of 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TNB) and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) were 18,000
and 3000 Ag/L, respectively. Additional nitroaromatic compounds were pre-
sent at lower concentrations. The pilot program was designed to test the abil-
ity of Fenton reagent to degrade these contaminants under the site geological
and hydrological conditions, as well as to determine the optimum design
parameters for delivery of the reagents (e.g., injector spacing, reagent com-
position, and injection rate). The effect of treatment on nitrate production,
soil pH, and heavy metal mobility was also assessed.
Bench-scale tests revealed several important conclusions. First, the
groundwater buffering capacity was found to be relatively high. This is a key
issue because Fenton treatment is often ineffective at high pH due to iron
precipitation. Bench tests also indicated that from some field-collected soil
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190 Tarr
samples, explosives were leached from soil by application of iron and lowered
pH. Other sites did not exhibit increased mobility of the pollutants. Increased
mobility of pollutants may be beneficial because they are more easily de-
graded in the desorbed state. However, the mobility of undegraded pollutant
must be carefully monitored. Lack of pollutant desorption from soils in-
dicates the potential that some of the pollutants may be difficult to degrade if
sorbed in inaccessible pores. Bench-scale oxidation trials did indicate some
degradation of the pollutants upon Fenton treatment. However, interfer-
ences were observed when using the EPA Method 8330, and an alternate
analysis method was required (Method 8321A). No significant increase in
nitrate concentration was observed in these trials. Hexavalent chromium,
total chromium, cadmium, lead, silver, and mercury showed no changes after
treatment, whereas arsenic and barium levels increased slightly. The concen-
tration of these latter two species remained below regulatory levels. The
concentration of manganese showed a dramatic increase from 160 Ag/L be-
fore treatment to 6400 Ag/L after treatment.
The pilot-scale study involved the injection of 1975 gal of 50% H2O2
and 7964 gal of acidic ferrous solution into the site over a 7-day period.
Injection wells were found to have a radius of influence of 20–24 ft. The
groundwater concentrations of the minor contaminants were substantially
reduced after treatment, although the major contaminant (TNB and TNT)
groundwater concentrations increased. These increases were believed to be
due to desorption. The observed increase of nitrate, over 100 times beyond
that expected from dissolved pollutants, suggested that sorbed explosives
were degraded in this treatment. Microbial activity was reduced but not
eliminated after treatment. Metal desorption was noted during treatment, but
subsided as ambient conditions returned. No oxidation of chromium to
Cr(VI) was observed. Based on the results of this pilot study, Fenton treat-
ment was considered to be a viable method for treating ‘‘hot spots’’ (i.e., high
concentration areas) of explosives-contaminated soils.
A. Complexing Agents to Improve Fenton Selectivity
and Efficiency
Recent work at the University of New Orleans has focused on methods of
bringing pollutants and hydroxyl radical together to improve selectivity and
to enhance the rate and efficiency of pollutant degradation. As previously
discussed, sorption of pollutants into hydrophobic sites substantially inhibits
their degradation because hydroxyl radicals are less likely to penetrate into
these sites. Because the catalyst for hydroxyl radical formation (Fe2+) is
hydrophilic, it is unlikely that the pollutant will be near the formation site of
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B. Reductive Degradation
As can be seen from reactions (2), (6), (16), and (17), the reducing species
HO2 (hydroperoxyl radical) and O2 (superoxide) are formed in Fenton
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Fenton and Modified Fenton Methods for Pollutant Degradation 193
Pollutant k/koa (no NOM) k/ko (with NOM) k/ko (with NOM)
Naphthalene 2.3
Phenanthrene 1.9 0.44
Pyrene 1.3 1.3 0.8
TNT 7.3 (pH=3) 2.5 (pH=3)
9.3 (pHf7)
2,4,5-T 1.2 0.5
PCB-54 13b
(sorbed to glass)
k/ko=ratio of observed rate constant with additives (k) to observed rate constant without
additives (ko). Additives were either CMCD or NOM.
Ratio of total amount of PCB degraded with CMCD to total amount of PCB degraded
without CMCD.
systems. Whereas the concentrations of these species are generally low, under
high peroxide concentrations, substantial amounts of these reducing species
can be produced. Under such conditions, reductive degradation can become
an important pathway for the removal of pollutants. Furthermore, reductive
pathways have been suggested as potential mechanisms for the desorption of
pollutants from soil sites.
Enhanced desorption of chlorinated aliphatic compounds from a sandy
loam soil was observed in Fenton systems with peroxide concentrations
greater than 0.3 M [34]. Observed degradation of hexachloroethane, which
does not react with hydroxyl radical, was provided as evidence of alternate
degradation pathways other than hydroxyl radical or other strongly oxidizing
species. Addition of a reductant scavenger (chloroform) resulted in a com-
plete inhibition of hexachloroethane degradation, again providing evidence
for a reductive pathway. Furthermore, the appearance of a reduced product,
pentachloroethane, also suggested a reductive pathway. A report written in
Korean also detailed the degradation of CCl4, presumably through reaction
with superoxide and hydroperoxide [103].
Studies of CCl4-containing systems treated with Fenton reagents with
high peroxide concentrations have led to the conclusion that a reductive
pathway is involved [104]. Carbon tetrachloride was unreactive with hydroxyl
radical, but was degraded in high-peroxide-concentration Fenton systems to
yield free chloride. Hexachloroethane, bromotrichloromethane, and tetrani-
tromethane, additional compounds that are difficult to degrade with hydroxyl
Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
194 Tarr
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