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Effective Reaction of The Medical Students On Introduction of Interactive Teaching Methods

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International Journal of Microbiology and Mycology | IJMM |

pISSN: 2309-4796
Vol. 14, No. 6, p. 1-7, 2022


Effective reaction of the medical students on introduction of

interactive teaching methods

Dr. S. Kiranmai*1, Dr. T. Ashita Singh2, Dr. K. Rajashekar3, Dr. Rajive Kumar Sureka4

Department of Microbiology, MediCiti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghanpur, Medchal,

Hyderabad, India
Keywords: Didactic lectures, Feedback, Interactive teaching, Interest, Response

Publication date: June 30, 2022

Trends in education are shifting from passive to active learning, replacing the old metaphor of
“transmission of knowledge” with a new metaphor of “dialogue”. Active learning encompasses
various methodologies, with each serving the purpose of fostering an active classroom. One
method is interactive lectures. It involves an increased interchange between teachers and students
about the lecture content. Response to it needs to be elicited. In this study, Microbiology
Undergraduate students were exposed to both interactive lectures and regular lectures for a period
of three months. Various techniques used for making the lectures interactive were Quiz, puzzles
etc., Students feedback was obtained by using a structured five point Likert scale questionnaire to
elicit the perception and preferences towards the interactive teaching methods with open ended
questions seeking their suggestions. Almost 96-98% of students agreed or strongly agreed that
interactive teaching created interest and made class interesting and attentive. 90% of the students
wanted to attend more other interactive methods along with the continuation of the same in all
their classes. So, Interactive teaching methods has been evaluated more positively by the students
than didactic lectures as shown by parameters tested like keeping them attentive, creating
interest, making them active, increasing their participation in class, providing concepts clear and
easy, understand the subject better, helpful in clinical application, concentrate more etc.
Introduction of interactive teaching methods showed an effective response from students.
* Corresponding Author: Dr. S Kiranmai  kiranmai_microb@mims.edu.in

1 S. Kiranmai Rao et al.

Introduction attention wanes quickly after twenty minutes of
Undergraduate medical education, as with any attending lectures. (psychology wiki) Engagement
other education programs needs ongoing triggers are incorporated in interactive lectures to
improvement to meet changing demands of the break the monotony, thereby maintaining student
health of the population. (Chandrachood B, 2015) attention. (serc.carleton.edu) There is a lot of active
The training of highly specialists must meet strict involvement and motivation among the participants
requirements: a high level of professional leading on to more effective learning. Increased
competence, developed communication skills, the arousal and motivation are essential ingredients for
ability to predict the results of one’s own activity. learning. (Kaur D et al., 2011) For teachers, it offers
To meet this task, higher educational institutions an opportunity to learn more and to use their skills
are aiming at ensuring high quality education to listen carefully, get feedback and challenge
which a graduate would be able to quickly adapt misconceptions where possible.
to production process of the occupation selected.
In the present system, classroom studies based For students, it facilitates problem- solving and
on passive teaching methods prevail. decision making, as well as communication skills.
Performance by the medical students has been This is particularly important in medical education
deteriorating in past few years. So reviewing and where the application and use of information is as
modification of teaching methodology is important as retention and recall of facts. (Steinert
necessary. Trends in education are shifting from Y and Snell LS, 1999) It is well known that
passive to active learning, replacing the old interactive mode of learning is always preferred
metaphor of “transmission of knowledge” with a but interactive teaching is not very common in
new metaphor of “dialogue”. (Mayer and Jones, South Asia. This is because of the reasons like lack
1993) Active learning encompasses various of methodical literature, lack of practical working
methodologies, with each serving the purpose of outs and curricula, fear of a teacher in losing
fostering an active classroom. One method is control and the fear of not covering all the material
interactive lectures. along with the time constraint. (Steinert Y and
Snell LS, 1999) Formation of the student’s
In modern pedagogical science, the concept of academic process so as to enable them to get both
interactive teaching is being formed and its high quality knowledge and practical skills is vital
principles are being developed more precisely and for higher educational institutions. Interactive
in detail. (Ladousse, 1993; Nunan D, 1991; teaching promotes higher level of thinking like
Richards, 1992; Stupinina S.B) Introduction of analysis, synthesis of material and application to
these methods of teaching is directed at the other situations and evaluation of the material
formation of active personal position and presented.
improving skills of mutual cognitive activity. The
problem of development of the students’ activity Aim of the study
and their needs in self-education can be To find out the effect of interactive teaching
successfully solved within the framework of among medical students.
interactive learning. (Emelyanov, Yu.N., 1985)
Interactive lecturing involves an increased Material and methods
interchange between teachers and students about This study was conducted on second year
the lecture content. This is suggested as a means Microbiology undergraduate students (n=94)
of overcoming the disadvantages of regular
lectures. Didactic lectures are generally of one Study design
hour duration and studies have shown that A Qualitative educational interventional study

2 S. Kiranmai Rao et al.

Sample method Student’s feedback was obtained by using a
Convenient sampling structured five point Likert scale questionnaire to
elicit the perception and preferences towards the
Study tools interactive teaching methods with open ended
Predesigned and Pre-validated structured questions seeking their suggestions. Questions
feedback questionnaire were posed to elicit whether the interactive
teaching methods which were introduced kept
Planning them attentive, created interest, made them
After obtaining valuable feedback from the faculty active in the class, increased participation,
involved in medical education unit of our provided concepts clear and easy, were able to
institute, the planning of the interactive teaching understand the subject better, made learning
methods in the regular class at regular intervals better, were helpful in clinical application, could
and questionnaire of the feedback form was find areas to concentrate in the topic, had
designed. opportunity to interact with the teacher. A total of
10 items one of which was planned as a negative
Methods question to know the appropriateness of
The entire batch were exposed to both interactive answering. The questionnaire was validated and
lectures and regular lectures for a period of three tested for reliability. The students were also
months. After sensitization of the faculty to the posed the question regarding the preferred
concepts of interactive teaching, introduction of technique among the different interactive
interactive teaching methods was introduced to techniques which were used in these three
the students. months. Faculty were also questioned for their
response to interactive teaching method which

The various techniques that were used for was followed.

making the lectures interactive are:

a. Quiz Data analysis

b. Word puzzles to identify the keywords in the The data collected is analyzed for descriptive

lectures statistical analysis by using Likert scale and the

c. Listing the key words results are expressed as percentages. The data is
d. Posing question by the student about the represented in the form of tables and charts.
e. Questions by the teacher during the class in the Results
form of one word answers, multiple choice questions, Among the total number of 94 students, feedback
match the following, cross word puzzle etc was received from 93 students regarding the
f. Posing relevant case vignettes during the class interactive teaching sessions conducted for the
and discussion of them after the topic duration of 3 months.
g. Debate sessions-pro/con
h. Role playing: Students participating as different Opinion of the students on introduction of
characters and explaining the content as a play interactive teaching methods is summarized in
i. Brain storming puzzles in between the topics in Table 1.
the lecture

Almost 98% of students agreed or strongly

The students were informed about the interactive agreed that interactive teaching created interest
methods used before initiating the class. Oral and made class interesting. Almost 96% students
consent was taken from all the participants. accepted that interactive teaching kept them

3 S. Kiranmai Rao et al.

attentive. Likewise, significantly more number of learning easier and also could make clinical
students agreed or strongly agreed that application. There had been noted response for
interactive teaching methods introduced in the the increased interaction with teacher also.
classes made them active in the class, increased
their participation, could concentrate more in Among the different techniques used to make
these classes. This type of teaching made lectures interactive, the students preferred/liked
significant number of students understand the quiz, followed by puzzles, MCQs/one word
subject better with clear concepts and made their answers and case discussions. (Table 2)

Table 1. Student’s response to different interactive teaching methods used in classes.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Variables Agree Disagree
% % %
% %
1. Made class interesting 57.6 40.7 1.7 0 0
2. Kept attentive 28.8 67.8 1.7 1.7 0
3. Made students active in class 28.8 62.7 8.5 0 0
4. Increased participation 13.6 45.8 33.9 1.6 5.1
5. Provided concepts clear and easy 20.3 61 16.9 0 1.8
6. Understand subject better 20.3 62.7 10.2 1.7 5.1
7. Learning made better 16.9 61 16.9 5.1 0
8. Helpful in clinical application 20.3 55.9 16.9 1.8 5.1
9. Could concentrate more in class 45.8 39 13.6 1.6 0
10. Provided opportunity to interact with teacher 18.6 47.5 32.2 0 1.7

Table 2. Interactive teaching techniques liked by interaction during lectures help to break the
students. monotony, increased attention span promote active
Students who liked learning and helps students to retain better. Active
Interactive teaching
these methods learning allows teachers to receive feedback on
Number Percentage
Quiz 81 87.1% student’s needs and perceptions, and future learning
Puzzles 56 60.2% directions. (Jason H and West berg J, 1991).
MCQ/one word answers 21 22.6%
Case discussions 21 22.6%

We have employed a few of the interactive

It was observed that overall attendance in the
techniques during the lectures in some classes
class increased from 60 to 88%. 90% of the
along with regular didactic lectures in other
students wanted to attend more other interactive
classes as has been shown in the methodology.
methods along with the continuation of the same
The results of the present study showed effective
in all the regular classes.
reaction of the students on introduction of
interactive teaching methods in lectures. The
Faculty response on questioning was that there was
response to interactive teaching is visualized to
increased teacher student interaction, student
all the parameters like keeping them attentive,
discussion, communication and positive attitude
creating interest, making them active, increasing
towards teaching. However, limited time, lot of
their participation in class, providing concepts
planning were the big concerns raised by faculties.
clear and easy, enabling them to understand the
Discussion subject better, helpful in clinical application,
Interactive teaching involves an increased concentrate more and given opportunity to
interchange between teachers and students about interact with the teacher.
the lecture content. Interaction activities are a
motivational tool for improving teaching learning Findings of the study are in concordance with
practices. (Steinert Y and Snell LS, 1999) Overall, other studies on interactive teaching like Jennifer

4 S. Kiranmai Rao et al.

K Knight and William B Wood. In their study, they knowledge on the topic. (Anshu Gupta et al.,
have shown that interactive teaching resulted in 2015) They have also stated that case based
significantly better understanding of the scenarios in the para clinical theory classes helps
concepts. (Jennifer K Knight, William B Wood, students to learn on clinical aspects of certain
2005) Gulpinar and Yegen have shown that problems. The knowledge gained helps in
interactive lectures increased the problem solving diagnosing and providing a treatment protocol in
skills of students. (Gulpinar and Yegen, 2005) later years. In the study by Srinivasan Roopa and
Srinivasan Roopa and Bagavad Geeta M et al., Bagavad Geeta M et al., they reported that case
have shown that interactive lectures are more vignettes discussion is one of the highly
better than regular lectures in the five appreciated interactive teaching method.
parameters were tested i.e., usefulness,
overcoming monotony, keeping students Interactive teaching methods has been evaluated

attentive and interested and providing motivation more positively by the students than didactic

for self-learning. (Srinivasan Roopa and Bagavad lectures as shown by their increase in attendance

Geeta M et al., 2013) In the study by Gino for the interactive classes. Students are

Abraham Geethadevi Madhavikutty, there was interested to have more of these type of teaching

statistically significant gain in knowledge by both methods by all the faculty for all the lectures of

methodologies, but knowledge gained by the department.

interactive lectures was significantly higher than

Faculty/teacher reaction to introduction of
that gained by tutorials. (Gino Abraham and
interactive teaching methods was also positive
Geethadevi Madhavikutty, 2016) Interactive
apart from some issues like limited time, lot of
teaching will further enhance learning and
planning required for the class. These obstacles
knowledge retention among students. (Ibrahim
could have been overcome by a way of structured
M, Al-Shara O, 2007)
time table without the need of extra hours.
Conducting workshops for the faculty to
S.V. Bogdanova and V.S. Bratchikova pointed out
demonstrate good interpersonal behavior, effective
in their article, "the traditional and innovative
communication skills and using techniques which
teaching methods should be applied in a variety
foster collaboration is suggested. (Meyers SA,
of combinations, but the correct determination of
2003) In a study by Jarina Begum, Syed Irfan Ali
these combinations in each concrete case is
et al., on conducting an in-depth interview with
always essential. (Bogdanova, S.V. and V.S.
the faculties showed a positive response toward
Bratchikova, 2011) Various techniques can be
ITL although time, resources, lot of planning, fear
developed by various teachers, which suit the
of losing control, and not finishing the content in
requirements and facilities which are available.
time were the big concerns for all. (Jarina Begum,
Interactive lectures are a pleasant way of
Syed Irfan Ali et al., 2020)
increasing the students’ attention.

Thus, Lectures cannot and should not be done

Among the various methods used in the away with; instead, they should be made more
interactive lectures, Quiz was liked very much by interesting. Thus, better approach would be
the students followed by cross word puzzles and incorporation of interactivity into regular didactic
case scenarios. In a similar study by Anshu lectures, thus optimizing the outcomes. By using
Gupta, Karun Bhatti et al., Quiz was the most interactive teaching techniques and strategies,
preferred method which stimulated the students students will become more involved in the
to participate actively. Reasonable thinking is learning process, retain more information and be
promoted and helps to gain and retain deeper more satisfied. So will be the teacher.

5 S. Kiranmai Rao et al.

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