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Republic of the Philippines


PUP Alfonso Branch
Alfonso, Cavite

The Metacognitive Knowledge and Its Effects on the Learning Style in Mathematics of
the Selected Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics Students of the
Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Alfonso Campus A.Y. 2023-2024

Statement of the Problem

Generally, the main objective of this study is to determine the effects of

metacognitive knowledge on the learning style in Mathematics of the selected Bachelor

of Secondary Education, Major in Mathematics students of the Polytechnic University of

the Philippines, Alfonso Campus, A.Y. 2023-2024.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the learning style commonly used by the participants?

1.1. Visual Learning Style

1.2. Auditory Learning Style

1.3. Kinesthetic Learning Style

2. What is the level of metacognitive knowledge of the participants in terms of the


2.1 Knowing what was important to learn

2.2 Knowing what strategies to use

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2.3 Knowing when to use a specific strategy

3. Is there any significant relationship between metacognitive knowledge and the

learning style of the participants in Mathematics which metacognitive knowledge

significantly affect students’ learning style in mathematics?

Chapter 1



Metacognition is the capacity to recognize and analyze one's thought processes and

manage one's education based on comprehension and contemplation of one's thinking

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(1994 Shaw & Dennison). In 1976, Flavell examined metacognition as remembering to

remember. Cross and Steadman (1996) believe that, though a person knows their

strengths and weaknesses, s/he needs to take the metacognitive steps—of planning

how to approach a problem, checking for understanding, and testing for learning.

Metacognitive knowledge refers to acquired knowledge about cognitive processes,

knowledge that can be used to control cognitive processes. Metacognitive knowledge

was divided into three categories: declarative knowledge (knowing what was important

to learn), procedural knowledge (knowing what strategies to use), and conditional

knowledge (knowing when to use a specific method) (Flavell, 1979).

According to the idea of self-regulated study, a student keeps track of what they are

learning as they study by applying a range of metacognitive assessments (such as

Ease-of-Learning (EOL), Feeling of Knowing (FOK) and Judgments of Learning (JOL)

(Dunlosky et al., 2007). The learner makes use of controls to carry on studying in light of

the conclusions that were produced. According to Theide and Dunlocky's (1999)

hierarchical model, pupils control their planning and goal-setting to enhance their

learning. Students use this strategy to set high and modest goals regarding the amount

they believe they must master and schedule their study time in advance to achieve their

objectives. Metcalfe and Kornell's Region of Proximal Learning (2004) is another

paradigm. Students control their learning by first deciding whatever material to study
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and then stopping when they believe they are not learning anything new when studying

a subject.

Other researchers have determined that only some students use metacognitive

knowledge to control their learning (Son & Metcalfe, 2000) or that the metacognitive

expertise may not be consciously used to enhance learning (Reder & Schunn, 1996;

Siegler & Shipley, 1995). Moreover, according to some studies, pupils who exhibit

higher academic success are "metacognitively aware learners."

The purpose of this study is to measure the level of metacognitive knowledge of the

Selected Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics Students of

Polytechnic University of the Philippines Alfonso Campus S.Y. 2023-2024, in terms of

declarative knowledge (knowing what was important to learn), procedural knowledge

(knowing what strategies to use), and conditional knowledge (knowing when to use

specific method), and how this affects their learning styles in mathematics.

There are 3 types of learning styles; the visual, auditory, and the kinesthetic.

Visual learning style is a learning style in which students employ charts, graphs,

maps, and diagrams. Sight plays a role as well, with an emphasis on seeing, observing,

and sketching. Think in pictures and absorb information better when presented with

imagery, according to Bethel-Eke and Eremie (2017). They rely on nonverbal cues from

the facilitator or instructor, such body language, to help them understand. Sometimes

students who are visual learners prefer to sit in front of the class. They also take
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thorough notes regarding other things that are provided. These pupils prefer visual aids

for their education. Visual aids that stimulate the sense of sight, such as maps, graphs,

charts, and diagrams, are essential in the educational setting. It is necessary to use

PowerPoint presentations, videos, and other media. According to Murphy, Gray, Straja,

and Bogert (2004), individuals or students with a visual learning style are drawn to

objects that are visible or observable, including maps, diagrams, displays, graphs,

charts, photos, word pictures, flow charts, brochures, movies, and different colors. They

emphasized that the phrase "visual learning style" describes a way of learning where

ideas, details, and other data are connected to visual aids and cues. The phrases "let

me have a look at it," "show me," and similar expressions will be used by visual

learners, and they will perform well after observing someone else do it first. In other

words, example and description are likely to be given to students who are predisposed

to a visual learning style.

Auditory learning style is a learning style that relies on the sense of hearing to

process and retain information. For individuals with an auditory learning style, spoken

language, music, and other sounds are powerful tools for learning and understanding. It

is different from other learning styles, and some learners may face challenges and

require specific learning strategies to maximize their potential. This refers to the

preference for hearing and listening to absorb and process new information. People with

an auditory learning style remember information better when it’s delivered through

sound or speech rather than in written form. Auditory learners learn best through
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lectures, discussions, and other forms of oral communication (Simplek12 staff, 2023) ~

Kinesthetic or physical and palpable learners want to use their good judgment,

intelligence and logic about the situation on which they are working. Learners having

physical preference are inclined towards touching instead of much seeing and talking.

Even where discussion or the written materials are not much helpful to kinesthetic or

physical learner, they plan to prolong lesson planning and get help from pictorial forms

and labs. So, these types of learners cannot prosper and flourish in conventional

classroom settings (Conner, 1996).

Theoretical Framework

Theories of Learning in Educational Psychology

The term "metamemory" was first used by Flavell (1971) to describe a person's

capacity to control and observe the input, store, look through, and retrieve his own

memory's contents. Flavell called on the scholarly community to present more

metamemory research, and over thirty years later, this metacognitive research theme is

still being explored. In his remarks, he suggested that metacognition is deliberate,

aware, anticipatory, intentional, and focused on reaching a target or result.

In addition, Flavell (1976) distinguished three "metas" that kids progressively pick

up in the context of information storage and recovery. These were: (a) The child gains

the ability to recognize circumstances in which deliberate, conscious storage of specific

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information might come in handy later on; (b) the youngster learns to stay up to date on

any information that might maintain it available for retrieval when necessary, about

active problem-solving; and (c) the child learns how to make purposeful, systematic

searches for data that could be useful in resolving an issue, even when the need for it

has not anticipated.

Four classes of phenomena are included in the formal model of metacognitive

monitoring that Flavell proposed. And their connections. The four courses covered

tasks, metacognitive experiences, and metacognitive knowledge or objectives, and

tactics or actions. Further details on Flavell's 1979 model will be provided in the section

on the theories of metacognition.

Depending on how a given cognitive endeavor relates to interests, skills, and

objectives, metacognitive knowledge can influence an individual's decision to pursue it

or not. These knowledge factors fall into three categories, which Flavell described: 1)

person variables, 2) task variables, and 3) strategy variables. According to Flavell,

people fall into one of these three categories regarding metacognitive knowledge. The

knowledge in the person category comprises the person's understanding and

convictions regarding what he thinks about other people's thought processes and how

he feels or learns. Flavell provided knowledge examples, such as the idea that

someone can learn more effectively by listening than by reading or how someone views

her friend as possessing greater social awareness than herself.

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Identification of objectives and sub-goals and the choice of cognitive processes

to achieve them comprise the strategy category of metacognitive knowledge (Flavell,

1979). Additionally, Flavell noted that these kinds of variables overlap, and in reality, the

person manipulates the interactions and combinations of the metacognitive knowledge

available at that specific moment. Additionally, he said that although the goal of

metacognitive expertise is different, it is not inherently different from other types of

knowledge. Further, he noted that metacognitive knowledge could be deliberately

engaged or unconsciously by the individual. Subsequently, metacognition researchers

disagreed with this consciousness question.

Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic Learning Styles Theory

According to Sreenidhi (2017), since everyone naturally has a preferred method for

absorbing and disseminating information, this is primarily inherited from our genes. It is

also subject to change and development, especially in our early years when our neural

pathways are still forming. Preferred processing modes can be identified in various

ways, and once we are aware of them, we can improve communication effectiveness in

a few easy ways.

He also added that learning styles categorize the various ways in which

individuals approach and learn information. To put it more technically, experts define

some different learning styles as the preferred methods students use to understand,
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and some people think that student's specific learning styles are fixed in contrast to

intelligence. Put differently, learners will discover that learning in if the circumstances

are right for them to use their preferred learning style, they will learn more quickly.

Fleming's VARK is one of the most popular and extensively used classifications

of different learning styles. model (sometimes abbreviated as VAK, which stands for

visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic sensory modalities) which gives the students a profile

of their learning preferences based on the participating sensory modalities in absorbing

data. This model improved upon previous Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) models.

The three categories of senses—visual, auditory, and kinesthetic—that make up NLP

are representational systems (rep systems). This phrase refers to the idea that the brain

constructs our internal representation, or model, of the environment around us using the


Individuals frequently have a preferred method of learning that combines all three

senses. Some folks have an extreme preference, whereas others mix two or three

styles. When people are aware of their preferred learning style(s), they can determine

the most appropriate learning method. This makes it possible for them to select the

most effective learning methods.

Specific individuals learn best by doing; others learn best by seeing (visual);

others learn best by hearing (auditory). (Tactile/Kinesthetic). Everybody progresses

through different stages of each style during childhood. Small children are all kinesthetic
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learners. Preferences for sound and vision develop later. Every individual has innate

tendencies toward one main style. In various contexts, the dominant style might

sometimes be different. It could change or be combined with others based on the

specifics of the task.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Dependent

Metacognitive knowledge Learning style in mathematics


This conceptual paradigm explicitly shows the independent variable referring to

the metacognitive knowledge, and the dependent variable refers to the students’

learning style of mathematics students. This diagram led the researchers to identify if

there is a significant relationship between the independent and the dependent variables.
Republic of the Philippines
PUP Alfonso Branch
Alfonso, Cavite

Statement of the Problem

Generally, the main objective of this study is to determine the effect of

metacognitive knowledge on the learning style in mathematics of the selected Bachelor

of Secondary Education, Major in Mathematics students of the Polytechnic University of

the Philippines, Alfonso Branch, S.Y. 2023-2024.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What do students use the most common learning style?

2. What is the level of students' metacognitive knowledge in terms of the following:

2.1 Knowing what was important to learn

2.2 Knowing what strategies to use

2.3 Knowing when to use a specific strategy

3. Which metacognitive knowledge significantly affect students’ learning style in


Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research focuses on the effects of metacognitive knowledge on the learning

style in mathematics of the selected Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in

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PUP Alfonso Branch
Alfonso, Cavite

Mathematics students of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines—Alfonso Branch,

S.Y. 2023-2024. The independent variable is the metacognitive knowledge, while the

dependent variable is the student's learning style in mathematics. The study will

specifically target 100 Bachelor of Secondary Education majoring in Mathematics

students from each year level at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Alfonso

Branch, during the academic year 2023-2024. This study will also find out the most

common learning style used by the students and the level of students' metacognitive

knowledge in terms of the following: (1) knowing what is essential to learn, (2) knowing

what strategies to use, (3) knowing when to use a specific strategy; as well as which

metacognitive knowledge significantly affects students' learning styles in mathematics.

This study will use a survey questionnaire as the research instrument to determine the

impact of metacognitive knowledge on students' learning styles in mathematics.

However, it is essential to note the limitations of this study. Firstly, the findings of

this research will only apply to the selected Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in

Mathematics students of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Alfonso Branch.

Additionally, the study focuses on metacognitive knowledge. However, it does not

consider other potential factors that may influence students' learning styles, such as

personal interests, parental influence, or societal factors. Finally, the study's time frame

is limited to the academic year 2023-2024, which may restrict the ability to capture long-

term changes in students' learning styles in mathematics.

Republic of the Philippines
PUP Alfonso Branch
Alfonso, Cavite

Significance of the Study

The generalization of this study will significantly contribute to the vast knowledge

about metacognitive knowledge and learning styles of the students in Mathematics.

Furthermore, the results of this study could be highly significant and beneficial to the


Mathematics Teachers. The findings of this study can provide valuable insight

for mathematics teachers about the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and

learning styles in mathematics among students. This study can also help teachers

understand the importance of designing and implementing instructional strategies that

cater to their students' diverse learning needs, styles, and preferences. By incorporating

awareness of students' metacognitive knowledge into students' learning styles, teachers

can enhance student engagement, motivation, and overall academic performance in


Students. The study can empower students by highlighting the significance of being

aware of their learning style and developing metacognitive knowledge. Using this

study's findings, students can employ effective learning strategies that align with their

learning style, leading to improved comprehension and retention in mathematics.

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Alfonso, Cavite

Future Researchers. Future researchers who might need to conduct similar studies

may find this study helpful as reference material and a basis. This study can serve as a

foundation for future research in the field of metacognition and learning styles in

mathematics education.
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PUP Alfonso Branch
Alfonso, Cavite

Chapter 2


This chapter presents and discusses related literature and studies taken from

different sources and data that could substantiate the theoretical bases and information

that assisted in the conceptualization of the study.

Metacognitive Knowledge and Students Learning in Mathematics

Metacognitive knowledge is the portion of knowledge that an individual has

gained via engagement with others as cognitive entities with distinct tasks, objectives,

behaviors, and cognitive experiences. The majority of metacognitive knowledge is

knowledge or belief about what variables or factors play a part, interact, and have an

impact on the course and result of cognitive activity. This level of understanding is

another name for cognitive awareness. Three primary components or variables make

up metacognitive knowledge, namely: task, individual, and strategy (Lai, 2018).

Declarative, procedural, and conditional metacognitive knowledge are the three

categories into which Brown (2018) divides metacognitive knowledge according to an

individual's awareness of it. In order to use their metacognitive competencies, pupils

must be aware of and have three types of declarative, procedural, and conditional

content knowledge. Declarative knowledge of problem solving is known as

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metacognitive knowledge. Methodical knowledge, and an individual's conditional

knowledge regarding the resolution of issues.

According to study of Vlastimil Chytry (2020), in order to fulfill and satisfy the

needs of the 21st century society based on the actual knowledge and information for the

informed citizens to be able to think critically, the problem-solving should become an

integral part of current mathematics education practice. Mathematical intelligence and

metacognitive knowledge are considered as important predictors of the ability to solve

mathematical problems. Moreover, there is general agreement among researchers

involved in the field of mathematics education that the main constitutes of metacognitive

knowledge, i.e., knowledge of cognition, and control and regulation of cognition fit with

the demands of fast-changing world of the contemporary society for the ability to learn

independently and adapt to new learning tasks. Evidently, critical thinking is strongly

influenced by factors such as conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and

metacognitive knowledge.

Perry et al. (2019) provided strong evidence that effective teaching of

metacognition would result in better achievements and outcomes of pupils. On the other

hand, there is only little research done in the field of relations between metacognition

and pupils’ wellbeing, however a few existing studies report some very positive impacts

of metacognitive knowledge as such. Even though the relation between metacognition

and ability to solve mathematical problems is well-documented by now, we are not

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aware of any research evaluating the dependency between metacognitive knowledge

and the preconditions for solving mathematical problems, i.e., sensitivity to the basic

aspects such causality, patterns, existence and uniqueness of solution, geometric

imagination, functional thinking, and perception of infinity covered in general by the term

mathematical intelligence. In this study we would like to shed more light on the

interesting link between metacognitive knowledge and the preconditions for solving

mathematical problems from the psychological point of view, considering the fluid

intelligence as well.

In mathematics learning, teachers must focus on the thinking process as

students are expected to develop their problem-solving abilities. Mathematics has a

clear structure and linked concepts that make it possible for learners to become

competent in solving problems. To obtain the optimal result in problem-solving, one

should use a well-organized problem-solving procedure, which includes understanding

the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back. In order to

achieve the right problem-solving approach, an individual's awareness and use of

strategy and control are vital, which is linked to the role of metacognitive knowledge.

Metacognitive knowledge is the knowledge of oneself and others as cognitive beings.

Solving problems requires advanced cognitive abilities. It involves a systematic

approach to critical thinking and following a specific sequence of steps. In the context of

mathematics learning, teachers should emphasize the thinking process as students are

expected to develop their problem-solving skills. Mathematics has a clear structure and
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linked concepts, which enables learners to become competent in solving every problem.

To achieve optimal results in problem-solving, it is essential to follow a well-organized

set of steps, as explained by Polya. These steps include understanding the problem,

devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back. Awareness and proper

strategies are crucial in overcoming challenges and reaching the right solution.

Metacognitive knowledge plays a vital role in individual awareness and control of the

problem-solving process. According to Flavell, metacognitive knowledge refers to the

understanding of one's own and others' cognitive processes.

Learning Style of Students in Mathematics

According to Kurniawan and Hartono (2020), strong cognitive abilities are

necessary for learning mathematics so that students are capable of grasping and

mastering mathematical ideas. Distinctly, when learning mathematics, different learning

styles are recognized. Three exist. Varieties of learning approaches that students

frequently employ when studying are the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (VAK) learning

style in mathematics.
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Alfonso, Cavite

This is a result of VAK education. Learning styles are more well-known and

simple to apply to determine a person's learning style (Febriani et al., 2018).

Accordingly, students who have the right learning style for mathematics are better able

to comprehend mathematical concepts (Cimermanová, 2018). Additionally, because it is

more interactive, it promotes a more enjoyable environment for learning mathematics.

(Osman et al., 2019).

When learning mathematics, it is possible to identify the characteristics of each

student's learning style. Mathematical concepts are taught to students who learn best

visually, for example, by drawing formulas (Machromah et al., 2021). Students with a

visual learning style, for instance, use pictures to analyze geometric shapes when

studying geometry. In the meantime, auditory learners pay attention to the teacher's

explanation of the current mathematical subject (Rahman and Ahmar, 2017), and in

order to help them remember mathematical formulas, they constantly repeat

mathematical concepts, such as saying mathematical formulas aloud. Lastly, learners

who engage in a kinesthetic learners frequently apply mathematical concepts to real-

world situations or life (Irvine, 2019). For instance, in algebraic subjects, students

receive algebraic expressions using real-world scenarios (Indraswari et al., 2018).

The traditional approach of teaching mathematics in the classroom, which

involves providing explanations, is still prioritized by many teachers (Voon and Amran,

2021). This style of instruction is ideal for learners who practice your auditory and visual
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Alfonso, Cavite

learning preferences. This is because discussions and explanations of mathematical

concepts are conveyed to students who learn best through auditory means. On the

other hand, pupils who learn best visually are more likely to learn by seeing by

examining the graphs, symbols, or mathematical solutions displayed by using a

blackboard, the instructor (Zulkipli et al., 2019). But this is really challenging for

kinesthetic learners who require hands-on activities or manipulable objects to

comprehend abstract mathematical ideas that are challenging to describe (Nurrahmah

et al., 2021).

The term "learning styles" describes how pupils pick up information and abilities.

In addition to reacting to the surroundings to process and interpret data (Ahmad, 2020).

Moreover, learning styles describe how students pay attention, retain information, and

process it (Mohd Zamri et al., 2022). Planning one's learning allows students to process

information in system, like how to finish assignments and revise lessons (Hassan and

Mohammed, 2021). Different students have different learning styles. based on their

individual preferences, which include visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Thus, learning

styles in this study relate to the student tendencies when processing mathematical

information via kinesthetic, auditory, or visual learning methods.

According to Apipah (2018), kinesthetic, auditory, and visual learners, learning

mathematics can be characterized by certain traits. Learners record the steps needed to

solve mathematical problems if you have a visual learning style. The challenges in an
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Alfonso, Cavite

organized and understandable way. They also consider a lot by prior to resolving

mathematical puzzles, describing solutions (Machromah et al., 2021). Meanwhile,

learners who possess an auditory learning style can also write down the steps needed

to solve math problems. But they struggle to write in-depth or comprehensive

descriptions. Lastly, learners who have a kinesthetic learning style are more prone to

motions or contact, like gripping objects or while studying mathematics, moving your

body (Irvine, 2019), making students less meticulous when tackling mathematical


The effectiveness of learning styles has been a topic of debate among trainers

and researchers. Some studies have suggested that catering to different learning styles

can improve learning outcomes, while others have found no significant impact. One

issue with the concept of learning styles is that there is no clear consensus on how to

define or measure them. There are many different models and theories of learning

styles, and they often lack empirical support. Another thing to note is that some studies

have found that learners can benefit from exposure to a variety of teaching methods,

regardless of their preferred learning style. This suggests that rather than focusing

exclusively on catering to specific learning styles, trainers should aim to offer a range of

teaching methods that can appeal to different learners. Despite these debates, it’s still

important to recognize that learners do have different preferences and needs when it

comes to learning. Instructional designers should strive to create a learning environment

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Alfonso, Cavite

that is inclusive and caters to the diversity of learners in their classrooms (Stephanie

Escuadro, 2023).

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