This mini project is about a classic word guessing game called "HANGMAN'
where the user is given a word by the system and he has to guess it within the
given number of chances. If he does it then the user wins the game and he can go
to the next levels. The main objective of our mini project is it provides
entertainment for the user without the help of internet. The interesting aspect is
that it has pictorial output for the easy go of the user. The coding goes as follows.
The system gives the word to be guessed from the set of pre defined words by
using the randomize function and asks for the guess of the user and takes it as a
string and stores. the length of the original word that has been given and checks
the word entered by the user with the given word. The mistakes made by the user
in guessing the word can be counted and incremented using the variable mistakes.
If the number of mistakes reaches the MAXGUESS then the user losses the game
after the respective pictorial output for each mistake done. All this is done in the
module PRINTMISTAKES. The user can decide to continue the game or not in
the PLAYGAME module.
The Aim of the project is to provide entertainment for the user without the
help of internet.
This program is created in such a manner that the user of this program feels free
to access it.
With the help of this game a person can often practice spelling, vocabulary or
just can have fun.
Users have the legal authority to fully access the program.And can develop
their own strategy of guessing the word.
The SKRIBBL HANGMAN game illustrate “ how much with discretion one can
make the best choice at each stage”.
This software can be used by anyone and one can have varied application in
the context of word formations and puzzles.Its knowledge can be valuable to
many other games like CROSSWORD and SCRABBLE.IO
The aim of this project is to provide a open source platform where people come
and play against computer and can relax out.(for entertainment purpose only)
And different strategies can used by the players for their strives to win.
For this particular game, their will not be any specific test case except that, i
will have to check whether the code works correctly or not for the words which
are to be guessed.Also by giving wrong letters more than the numbers of
chances, the user is declared the loser.
This program has been created by keeping "Ease of Access" in mind so that a
person can easily access the program.
Our code will generate a random word which has to be guessed by the player. So,at the
output screen will exist marked out blanks (short lines) for each letter of a word.Then
the player will guess a letter. If that letter is in the word(s) then the project will write
the letter at everyplace it appears, and cross out that letter in the alphabet. If the letter
isn't in the word then we cross out the lifelines (which are usually a finite no. of
chances) from the list. The player will continue guessing the letters until he can either
solve the word (or phrase) or he will end up losing all the lifelines and he will be
declared a LOSER.
So, it is basically a TWO PLAYER game.But in my project a single player plays the
game and the rules are strictly followed by the programme.
In this programming assignment I intend to implement the user interface by which the
code takes input as letters of the word and checks for its presence. Also another task is
to reduce the no. of chances (lifelines) one by one as the user keeps on guessing
incorrect letters.
The gaming code will mainly contain the class Hangman which will provide the list of
good letters as well as the no. of chances given to a user. The user can proceed in the
game with no confusion. The overall architechture can be thought of having three
main parts which consist of the following functionalities:-
1) Formulating a word list (with or without a hint) and store them in a data structure
with the list of all 26 alphabets of English Language.
2) The actual method which does the logical reasoning , whether the letter exists or
not , if yes , write it down at all the places else strike off a lifeline. This forms the
main part of the code.
3)Final word to be displayed if guessed wrongly else, interactive message saying that
"The Player is the winner"
Minimum Hardware and Software requirement
Hardware Requirement-
Processor : Pentium 4
RAM : 512 MB RAM
Harddisk : 80GB or more
Monitor : 15” CRT, or LCD monitor
Keyboard : Normal or Multimedia
Mouse : Any Compatible mouse
I give thanks to my Project Co-ordinator Mr. Anurag Gupta and my friends followed by:
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