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School BLAT IS Grade Level 12


Time & Dates WEEK 4 Quarter 3RD QUARTER

Demonstrates understanding of dance in optimizing one’s health; as
A. Content
requisite for physical activity assessment performance, and as a career
B. Performance Leads dance events with proficiency and confidence resulting in
Standards independent pursuit and in influencing others positively.
Differentiates types of eating (fueling for performance, emotional eating,
C. Learning social eating, eating while watching tv or dance events)
Competencies/ Code: PEH12FH-Ie-4
Objectives (Write a. Differentiate types of eating (fueling for performance, emotional eating,
the code for each social eating, eating while watching tv or sports events)
LC) b. Create a poster/slogan about the Importance of the types of eating
c. Discuss the importance of being responsible through eating properly.
A. Subject Matter Recreational Activities: Aquatics
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide NA
2. Learner’s NA
Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages NA
4. Additional
Materials from
LR Portal
B. Other Learning NA
Learner’s Expected
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies
A. Reviewing What did we discuss last
previous lesson or meeting? Last meeting we discussed about
presenting the new sleep management.
lesson How important is sleeping in our
health? Sleeping is important to allow our
body to take a rest and
What are the bad sleeping habits
or teenagers nowadays?
1. Staying up all night
2. Internet Addiction
3. Eating before sleeping

As what we have discussed

yesterday these bad habits of
sleeping can affect our health and
also to our daily activities, am I
right? Yes maam.

Why do you say so? Because if we continue this kind

of scenario our body will become
weak and we always feel tired.
Aside from that, there are other
instances that can affect our
health and can hinder us from
enjoying our free time like
swimming or any other
recreational activities.

This morning I want everyone to

listen because at the end of the
lesson you are expected to do the
following objectives:

a. Differentiate types of eating

(fueling for performance, emotional
eating, social eating, eating while
watching tv or sports events)
b. Create a poster/slogan about the
Importance of the types of eating
c. Discuss the importance of
being responsible through eating
Do you know that in every food we
eat there is an equivalent nutrient? Yes maam.

B. Establishing a Can you give me an example? Rice is an example of

purpose for the carbohydrates and gives us
lesson energy.
So if we have energy can we now
enjoy our leisure time despite of our
busy days? Yes maam.

What do you see in the picture?

C. Presenting
examples/ Who among of you here have tried
instances of the eating like these? The girl is eating unhealthy foods.
new lesson
Some of you eat a lot when they are
emotional right? Students possible answer.

Our emotions can affect our eating

styles. Yes maam.

D. Discussing new You mention earlier that the food we

concepts and eat has its own corresponding
practicing new nutrients that will help our body from
skills #1 functioning well.

Do you think eating too much is good

for our health? Why? No, because eating too much will
lead to obesity.
Are there any bad effects to our
health? Give example. High blood pressure, stroke,
heart disease and many more.
So here are different types of eating
for us to be aware.

1. Fueling for Performance -

Athletes follow a structured
diet for good body
composition, athletic
performance, and recovery.
They eat a balanced diet of
carbohydrates, protein, fats,
minerals, and vitamins to be
effective in their performance
2. Emotional Eating - It is
habitually consuming large
amount of food in response to
emotions instead of hunger.
Food is seen as a source of
comfort, stress reliever, or
reward to make one feel
3. Social Eating - This is eating
with peers just for the sake of
being sociable. Peer pressure
is the main reason why one
feels compelled to consume
more calories than what is
4. Distracted Eating – People
who spend more time eating
while watching TV is prone to
being overweight, obese, and
increased risks to diseases
like diabetes and
hypertension. Too much TV-
watching and making it part
of one’s lifestyle is unhealthy
because it makes a person
spend less time in doing
physical activities.

E. Discussing new Activity 1: “Unpuzzle me” Guide Questions:

concepts and Mechanics: 1. What basic stroke is
practicing new 1. The class will be divided
shown in the picture?
skills #2 into 4 groups.
2. Each group will be given 2. How can that particular
pictures that are cut into activity affect the person’s
pieces. performance if he/she has
3. Assemble the cut pictures those types of eating?
to know what the picture is
3. What will you do in order
all about and answer the
guide question. to prevent that problem?
Criteria: Group 1
Content - 10
Delivery - 5
Teamwork - 5
TOTAL 20pts
Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Breast, butterfly, freestyle and

back stroke.
What are the basic strokes shown in
every group?

What if we have those different types

of eating do you think we can
perform properly those recreational
activities like swimming? No maam.

Why do you say so? We perform properly those

recreational activities like
swimming because we are lack of
nutrients that our body needs. So
our body will become weak and
we always feel tired.

Our body needs nutrient for it to

function properly and one thing our
body can get nutrient is from the
food that we eat. That is why we
need to eat properly for us to be able
to enjoy those recreational activities.
“I am an ARTIST”
F. Developing Mechanics:
mastery 1. The class will be divided into Students do as told.
5 groups.
2. Each group will create a
poster-slogan about the
importance of proper eating
3. You will be given 5 minutes to
finish your output.
4. Choose 1 or 2 representative
to report your work in the

Content - 10
Creativity - 10
Neatness - 5
TOTAL 20 pts.

Did you know that if you will

continue to practice these different
types of eating you will have a
sedentary lifestyle? Why? Yes teacher, because these
types of eating makes our body
fat, weak and unhealthy. This
only means it will hinder us from
enjoying our free time such as
going out with friends or families,
playing games and many more
recreational activities.
G. Finding practical
applications of
Who among of you here love to eat
concepts and skills
while watching television? Students possible answer.
in daily living
So what do you feel afterwards? I feel tired and sleepy.

So always remember that we should

use properly our free time not just by
always eating, watching television or
too much of sleeping. We can have
different activities to do during our
free time like swimming. You will
enjoy and at the same time your
body will be moving and exercising.
H. Making Do you want to become obese
generalization and someday? No teacher.
abstractions about
the lesson So what should you do to avoid
obesity? We need proper nutrition and eat
on time.

What do you think is the value we We should be responsible to

need to possess? every food we intake because
every food we eat gives nutrient
to our body that can give us the
power to move every day and do
all of our daily activities and also
be able to enjoy different
recreational activities like
Since we are the owner of our body
we are the ones who are responsible
in taking good care of it and for us to
be able to enjoy the things in life. We
are enjoying what we do and at the
same time we are keeping it healthy
and fit.
Directions: on a ½ crosswise,
answer the following question.

1. Differentiate the types of

eating. Student’s possible answer.
I. Evaluating learning
2. What should you do in order
to prevent yourself from
having the types of eating
(emotional, social, fueling for
performance and distracted
J. Additional activities Each student will make a weekly
for application or meal plan for athletes in swimming.



A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

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