Nit Facadetender
Nit Facadetender
Nit Facadetender
Every care has been taken while preparing this document to cover all necessary
information, matters, specifications, general conditions, special conditions & provisions for
smooth and complete execution of works. However, in case of any omission in the tender/
contract document, the most recent version (as on 31st May 2017) of general conditions of
contract for CPWD Works, 2014 shall be the reference manual.
This tender is invited for the Supply and Installation of Semi Unitized Curtain wall system
for IIM Udaipur at Balicha.
Site is located along the Ahmedabad Udaipur National Highway (NH) 8 and is well
connected with the city of Udaipur. Total area of the site is approximately 300 acres
CLAUSE-4.6 91
(5) Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 5,50,000/- (Rupees Five Lakhs Fifty thousand
(6) Non- Refundable e-Tender Rs. 5000 ( Five Thousand Only)
Processing Fee
(7) Date of uploading of Tender 18th December 2017
General Information:
(13) Pre-bid meeting shall be held with the prospectrive tenderers in the office of Indian
Institute of Management Udaipur, at IIM Udaipur Permanent Campus, Behind Indo
Americal Public School, Balicha, , Udaipur, Rajasthan at 1200 hrs on 26th December 2017.
(14) Tenderers should send all their queries by email, at least three days before pre -
tender meeting, to project manager on The tenderers’ authorised
representatives are advised to attend the pre-tender meeting. In response to the queries
and clarifications sought by the tenderers during the pre-tender meeting, certain
modifications/clarification may be issued to all tenderers by the project manager, as may
be deemed necessary through an Addendum and not throu
(16) Technical tender (which essentially covers the eligibility criteria) shall be opened first on
due date and time as mentioned above. The time and date of opening of financial tender
of tenderer's qualifying the Technical tender shall be communicated to them at a later
(17) Tenderers are advised to ensure that they have submitted all requisite documents as per
the list given in the table below. A checklist in this regard as per Form K is to be
completed and signed and sealed and submitted along with the covering letter of the
tender documents.
1. Item rate tenders (in e-Publishing mode) are invited by Indian Institute of
Management Udaipur (IIMU/Owner) from the eligible contractors in two-bid
system for the Name of the Work: SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SEMI
Brief Scope of Work: The system is to be installed on the part façade of Academic
Building at the Permanent Campus of IIM Udaipur. The tender includes, in addition to
Facade installation work, Supply of facade cleaning system and Structural steel work for
facade support. All above including but not limited to the following.
A. The system is to be installed on the part façade of Academic Building at the
Permanent Campus of IIM Udaipur
B. Proposed system drawing details along with the engineering calculations in line with
the tender drawings and specification requirement.
C. Proper site survey report prior to grid module finalization and shop drawing
E. Shop drawings, engineering calculations, structural STAAD, FEM analysis for all
products and components to the satisfaction of the approving authority. QA / QC
procedures and Installation methodology.
F. Detailed project schedule. All material approval plans & Design submission plan. All
material testing and processing test reports.
G. Bracket layout marking and fixing with use of TOTAL STATION and level
instruments by qualified surveyor.
H. Cast in channel load test, Anchor bolt pull out test at site before starting of bracket
I. All stainless steel anchor bolts, fasteners and structural washers.
J. Aluminum alloy brackets with serrations and serrated washers in chromate finish.
K. Glazing materials, Silicon gaskets, EPDM gaskets, setting blocks, backer rod, sealants,
spacer tapes, and related other materials.
L. Fire stop and smoke seal to all floor levels sealing with the building interface.
M. All metal separators in nylon and GI shims. Protection tapes and films of 70-80
microns for glass and aluminum system till hand over stage.
N. All access equipment’s including gondolas, floor cranes, scaffoldings, hoisting and
O. Material certification for Green Building rating.
P. On site visual mock ups for architectural approval for all products.
Q. Completion of snag list to the satisfaction of engineer in charge or representative.
R. Complete water wash and clean one time the façade before final hand over.
2. As built drawings. All process test reports, material test certificates and product
guaranties and warranties. Operation and maintenance manuals.
(ii) Intending tenderers are advised to ensure that they meet the minimum pre-
qualification as well as technical eligibility criteria as per the detailed terms and
evaluation parameters enumerated in this document before they submit their
tender documents.
3. An agreement shall be executed by and between the IIMU and the successful
VILLAGE BALICHA, UDAIPUR” in the given format as per the terms and
conditions stipulated in the tender documents. The rates shall be quoted by the
tenderer as per various terms and conditions of this document, which shall form
part of the agreement.
4. The time allowed for carrying out the Work shall be 90 days from the date of
initiation as defined in Schedule –F or from the first date of handing over of the Site,
whichever is later.
5. The Site shall be handed over to the successful tenderer at the time of award of
contract on “as is where is” basis.
7. Intending tenderers are advised to obtain valid class-II (or appropriate) digital
signature to participate in tendering.
8. While submitting the revised tender, contractor can revise the rate of one or more
item(s) any number of times (he need not re-enter rate of all the items) but before
last time and date of submission of tender as notified
I. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall be accepted only in the form of Demand Draft
or Pay Order or Banker`s Cheque drawn in favor of Director, Indian Institute of
Management, Udaipur from any nationalized bank. The intending tenderer has to
scan and upload all the details such as Banker's name, Demand Draft/Pay Order/
Banker's Cheque/Bank Guarantee number, amount and date to the e-Tendering
website within the period of tender submission and original should be deposited at
project office of IIMU. The amount of the EMD can be paid by multiple Demand
Draft / Pay Order / Banker's Cheque / along with Bank Guarantee of any
II. Interested tenderers who wish to participate in the tender shall pay Rs. 5,000/
(Rupees Five Thousand only) as E-Tender Processing Fee drawn in favor of
Director, Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur in the form of Demand
Draft/Pay order or Banker`s Cheque of any nationalized bank, a copy of which shall
have to be scanned and uploaded to the e-Tendering website before tender
a. Scanned copy Demand Draft or Pay Order or Banker`s Cheque and Bank Guarantee
against the EMD and the e-Tender Processing Fee shall be uploaded and the
originals placed in a sealed Envelope superscripted as “Earnest Money and Cost
of e-Tender Processing Fee” with name of Work and due date of opening of the
tender also mentioned thereon.
I. EMD and e-Tender Processing Fee of which hard copies are placed in
Envelope 1;
III. Technical details of the tenderer which are uploaded, to be opened only for
the tenderers whose EMD and the e-Tender processing fee are found to be in
order as specified in this Tender document.
9. The tender submitted shall become invalid and e-Tender Processing Fee shall be
forfeited if:
(ii) The tenderers fail to upload all the documents (Including GST Registration) as
stipulated in this tender document.
(iii) If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of
submission of e-Tender and hard copies as submitted physically in the office of
the tender opening authority.
10. The tenderer whose tender is accepted, will be required to furnish performance
guarantee for an amount equal to 5% (Five Percent) of the tendered amount within
the period specified in Schedule F. The performance guarantee shall be in the form
of Guarantee Bonds/Bank Guarantee of any nationalized bank in accordance with
the format prescribed herein. In case the tenderer fails to deposit the requisite
performance guarantee within the period as indicated in Schedule F including the
extended period if any, the EMD furnished by the tenderer shall be forfeited
without any further notice to the tenderer.
11. Intending tenderers must inspect and examine the Site and its surroundings and
satisfy themselves before submitting their tenders as to the form and nature of the
Site, the means of access to the Site, the accommodation as may be required and in
general, shall obtain all necessary information as to the risks involved, contingencies
and other circumstances which may have a bearing or influence or affect the
decision of submission of tender. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full
knowledge of the Site whether or not an inspection has been undertaken by the
tenderer and no revision in the amount quoted in the tender shall be permitted on
account of not having inspected the Site or any misunderstanding thereto. The
tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining cost all materials, tools
& plants, water, electricity, access, facilities for workers and all other services
required for executing the Work unless otherwise specifically provided for in this
document and/or the agreement and/or any other letter, circular, notification
issued or document released by IIMU. Submission of a tender by a tenderer implies
that it has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made itself
aware of the scope and specifications of the Work to be executed and of conditions
and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the
Work. Tenderer shall submit the Affidavit for Site Visit in the form as prescribed in
12. Owner is not bound to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves to itself
the right to reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason
thereof. All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or any
condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the tenderer shall be
14. Owner reserves the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender and the
tenderers shall be bound to perform the same at the quoted rate.
15. The tenderer shall intimate the names of persons who are or were working in any
capacity with the tenderer or are subsequently employed by the tenderer and who
are or have been an officer in IIMU.
16. The tender for the Work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 (Ninety)
days from the date of opening of financial tender. In case any tenderer withdraws its
tender before the end of ninety days or issue of letter of acceptance, whichever is
earlier, or makes such modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which
are not acceptable to the Owner, then the Owner shall, without prejudice to any
other right or remedy available under the contract or law, be at liberty to forfeit 50%
of the EMD. Further, such tenderer shall be barred from participating in the re-
tendering process of the Work.
17. This notice-inviting Tender shall form a part of the agreement and shall be read and
construed accordingly. The successful tenderer, on acceptance of its tender by the
Owner, shall within 15 days from the stipulated date of initiation of the Work,
execute an agreement consisting of:-
The Notice Inviting Tender, all the documents including additional conditions,
specifications, drawings and minutes of pre-tender meeting, addendums and
corrigendum, if any, forming the tender as issued at the time of invitation of tender
and acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto.
(i) IIMU shall remain committed to follow the principles of transparency, equity
and competitiveness in public procurement;
(ii) The Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the
condition that the tenderer shall sign the Integrity Agreement, which is an
integral part of tender/tender documents, failing which the
tenderer/tenderer will stand disqualified from the tendering process and the
tender of the tenderer shall be liable to be rejected summarily.
(i) The tenderers agree and acknowledge that the NIT is an invitation to offer
made on the condition that the tenderers shall sign an Integrity Agreement in
the format as provided for in this document. Such Integrity Agreement shall
form an integral part of the tender documents. Any failure on the part of any
tenderer to execute the Integrity Agreement shall render such tenderer
disqualified from the tendering process. The tendered agree and
acknowledge that bidding for the Work as envisaged in this document shall
be regarded as an unconditional and absolute acceptance of the condition of
executing the Integrity Agreement.
(ii) The tenderers acknowledge, agree and confirm acceptance and compliance
with the Integrity Agreement in letter and spirit and further agree that
execution of the Integrity Agreement shall be separate and distinct from the
main agreement, which shall come into existence once tender is finally
accepted by IIMU. The tenderers acknowledge and accept the tenure of the
Integrity Agreement, which shall be in the line with Article 1 of the format of
Integrity Agreement as prescribed herein.
(iii) The tenderers acknowledge that in the event of failure to sign and accept the
Integrity Agreement, while submitting the tender/tender, IIMU shall have
unqualified, absolute and unfettered right to disqualify the tenderer and
reject the tender in accordance with terms and conditions of the tender.
In addition to other components of tender document, the Integrity Pact shall also be
signed between The Director, IIMU and successful tenderer after acceptance of tender.
Sub: NIT for the work for Supply and Installation of Semi Unitized Curtain Wall glazing
at IIMU Permanent Campus.
Dear Sir,
It is here by declared that Director on behalf of the IIMU is committed to follow the
principle of transparency, equity and competitiveness in public procurement.
The subject Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition
that the Tenderer will sign the integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of
tender/tender documents, failing which the tenderer/tenderer will stand disqualified
from the tendering process and the tender of the tenderer would be summarily rejected.
This declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Agreement and signing of the
same shall be deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Agreement on behalf of
the IIMU.
Yours faithfully
Director, IIMU
18. Sub: Submission of Tender for Supply and Installation of Semi Unitized Curtain
Wall Glazing for part Façade of Academic Building at the permanent campus of
IIMU at Balicha, Rajasthan.
Dear Sir,
I/We acknowledge that Director on behalf of the IIMU is committed to follow the
principles thereof as enumerated in the Integrity Agreement enclosed with the
tender/tender document.
I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the
condition that I/We will sign the enclosed integrity Agreement, which is an integral part
of tender documents, failing which I/We will stand disqualified from the tendering
process. I/We acknowledge that THE MAKING OF THE TENDER SHALL BE
condition of the NIT.
I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Agreement in letter and spirit
and further agree that execution of the said Integrity Agreement shall be separate and
distinct from the main contract, which will come into existence when tender is finally
accepted by IIMU. I/We acknowledge and accept the duration of the Integrity Agreement,
which shall be in the line with Article 1 of the enclosed Integrity Agreement.
I/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the Integrity
Agreement, while submitting the tender/tender, IIMU shall have unqualified, absolute
and unfettered right to disqualify the tenderer and reject the tender in accordance with
terms and conditions of the tender.
Yours faithfully
(Duly authorized signatory of the Tenderer)To be signed by each tenderer and Director,
The Director, IIMU (hereinafter called “IIMU” or “Owner” which expression shall unless
repugnant to the context or meaning thereof is deemed to include its successors &
permitted assigns) of the FIRST PART:
WHEREAS the Owner floated a tender for Supply and Installation of Semi Unitized
Curtain Wall Glazing for the part Façade of Academic Building at the permanent campus
of IIMU at Balicha, Rajasthan. (“Tender”) and intends to award, under laid down
organizational procedure, contract pursuant to issuance of such Tender (“Contract”).
AND WHEREAS the Owner values full compliance with all applicable laws of the land,
rules, regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its relation
with its tenderer(s) and contractor(s).
AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid, the Parties have agreed to enter into this
Integrity Agreement (“Integrity Pact” or “Pact”), the terms and conditions of which shall
also be read as integral part of the tender documents and Agreement between the Parties
and shall be construed accordingly.
1) The Owner commits itself to endeavor to take all measures necessary to prevent
corruption and to observe the following principles:
(a) No employee of the Owner, personally or through any of his/her family members,
shall in connection with the Tender, or the execution of the Agreement, demand,
take a promise for or accept, for self or third person, any material or immaterial
benefit which the person is not legally entitled to.
(c) The Owner shall endeavor to exclude from the tender process any person, whose
conduct in the past has involved any bias of any nature.
2) If the Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a
criminal offence under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) or Prevention of Corruption Act,
1988 or is in violation of the principles herein mentioned or if there be a substantive
suspicion in this regard, the Owner shall be at liberty to take appropriate disciplinary
action or initiate disciplinary proceedings as per its internal policies and procedures.
c) The Tenderer(s)/Contractor(s) shall forbear from committing any offence under the
Indian Penal Code (IPC) or Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. The
Tenderer(s)/Contract(s) shall not use improperly, (for the purpose of competition or
e) The Tenderer(s)/Contractor(s) shall, when presenting tender, disclose any and all
payments made, committed to make or intends to make to agents, brokers or any
other intermediaries in connection with the award of the Contract.
5) The Tenderer(s)/Contractor(s) shall not, directly or through any other person use
coercive practices including but not limited to the act of obtaining something,
compelling an action or influencing a decision through intimidation, threat or the
use of force directly or indirectly, where potential or actual injury may befall upon a
person, his/ her reputation or property to influence their participation in the
tendering process.
Without prejudice to any rights available to the Owner under law or the Contract or its
established policies and procedures, the Owner shall have the following rights in case of
breach of this Integrity Pact by the Tenderer(s)/Contractor(s) and the Tenderer/
Contractor accepts and undertakes to respect and uphold the Owner’s absolute right:
2) Upon any incorrect, false, misleading statement made or submitted by the Tenderer
in terms of 4(1) above, shall render the Tenderer disqualified from the process of
Tender or entitling the Owner to take any action for imposing a ban on any business
dealings/holiday listing of the Tenderer/Contractor at the sole discretion of the
2) The Owner shall enter into such agreements or pacts on identical terms as this
Integrity Pact with all Tenderers and Contractors.
3) The Owner shall disqualify Tenderers, who fail to submit duly executed Integrity
Pact along with the Tender or violate any of the provisions at any stage of the
Tender process.
This Pact shall become effective on the day the Owner and the Tenderer/Contractor have
signed and executed the same. The Integrity Pact shall continue to remain in force for the
Contractor till twelve (12) months after the completion of work under the contract or till
the continuation of defect liability period, whichever is later. However, the Integrity Pact
shall come to an end for unsuccessful tenderers upon award of the Contract to the
successful tenderer. If any claim is made/lodged during the time, the same shall be
binding and continue to remain valid despite the lapse of this Pact as specified above,
unless such Tenderer is discharged by the Owner.
1) The Integrity Pact shall be governed by the applicable Indian laws and the place of
performance and jurisdiction shall be the place of office of the Owner/.
4) In case any of the provisions of this Integrity Pact is rendered invalid by law or
otherwise, the remaining provisions of the Integrity Pact shall continue to remain
5) The Parties agree that any dispute or difference arising between the Parties with
respect to the terms of this Integrity Pact, any action taken by the Owner in
accordance with this Integrity Pact or any interpretation thereof shall not be subject
to arbitration.
All rights and remedies of the Parties hereto shall be in addition to all the other legal
rights and remedies available to the Parties under law or contract and the same shall be
deemed to be cumulative and not alternative to such legal rights and remedies aforesaid.
The Parties agree that this Integrity Pact shall have precedence over the Tender/Contact
documents with regard to any of the provisions covered under this Integrity Pact.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have signed and executed this Integrity Pact at the
place and date first above mentioned in the presence of following witnesses
1 ..............................................
2 ...............................................
1. If after opening of the Tender, the Contractor withdraws the Tender during the
period of validity of Tender (including extended validity of the Tender) as more
specifically mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender; or
2. If the Contractor having been notified of the acceptance of its Tender by the Owner:
a. fails or refuses to execute the Agreement in accordance with the instructions of the
Owner; or
b. fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Guarantee, in accordance with the
provisions of the Notice Inviting Tender and instructions given to the Contractor; or
c. fails or refuses to start the work, in accordance with the provisions of the Notice
Inviting Tender and instructions given to the Contractor; or
d. fails or refuses to submit fresh Bank Guarantee of an amount equivalent to this Bank
Guarantee against the Security Deposit after award of the Tender;.
we undertake to pay to the Owner, without any protest or demur, an amount equal to the
amount specified in this Bank Guarantee upon receipt of the first written demand received
from the Owner, without the Owner having to substantiate such demand, provided that
in such demand the Owner shall clearly indicate such condition or conditions entitling the
Owner to claim the amount under the present Bank Guarantee.
This Guarantee shall remain in force up to and including the date (validity period of six
months from the last date of receipt of the Tender) after the deadline for submission of
tender as such deadline is stated in the Instructions to contractor or as it may be extended
by the Owner, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in
respect of this Guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.
DATE: …………………………
SEAL: ………………………….
WITNESS: ………………………
__________________________, which expression shall mean and include its successors and
assigns (name and address of the Owner) (“
Owner”)of the FIRST PART
(name and address of the successful tenderer) (“Contractor”) of the SECOND PART
The Owner and the Contractor shall be individually referred to as the “Party” and
collectively referred to as the “Parties”
Whereas the Owner is desirous of getting the work done for supply and installation of
Semi Unitized Curtain wall system at IIMU Permanent Campus and invited tenders by
issuing Notice Inviting Tender (“Tender”) for selection of a contractor for constructing the
said campus. The Contractor has submitted its bid pursuant to the issuing of the Tender by
the Owner. WHEREAS the details of the work proposed to be excuted by the Contractor is
more particularly specified in the Tender ( name and identification number of Contract) (
“Works”) and the Owner has accepted the Tender submitted by the Contractor for the
execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein, at a
contract price of
....... (Rupees _____________________(in words))
WHEREAS the Owner has now desirous of laying down the terms and conditions
governing the execution of the Works and has therefore, requested the Contractor to
execute the present Agreement.
1. In this Agreement, words and expressions shall carry the same meanings as are ascribed
to them in the Conditions of Contract as more particularly mentioned in the Tender. The
Parties agree that the Tender shall form an integral part of this Agreement and shall be
read and constured accordingly.
3. The Owner hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and
completion of the Works and in the remedying the defects wherein the Contract Price or
such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Tender and this
Agreement at the times and in the manner prescribed under the Tender.
4. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of
this Agreement:
i) Letter of Acceptance;
ii) Notice to proceed with the Works;
iii) Contractor’s Tender;
iv) Contract Data;
v) Conditions of Contract (including Special Conditions of Contract);
vi) Specifications;
vii) Drawings;
viii) Bill of Quantities; and
ix) Any other documents listed in the Contract Data as forming part of the Contract.
In witness whereof the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the dayand
year first written above.
The Common Seal of
was hereunto affixed in the presence of:
Signed Sealed and Delivered by the said
(A) Tender for the work of:- Supply and Installation of Semi Unitized Curtain Wall
Glazing for part Façade of Academic Building at the permanent campus of IIMU at
Balicha, Rajasthan.
(i) To be submitted by the tenderers online and the EMD and Tender fees in original in the
project office of IIMU, ,Permanent Campus, behind Indo American Public School, Balicha,
Rajasthan up to 1600 hrs on 9th January 2018.
(ii) To be opened at 1640 Hrs 10th January 2018 at the project office of IIMU, Permanent
Campus, behind Indo American Public School, Balicha, , Rajasthan
I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, bill of quantity, Specifications,
Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract, clauses of
contract, Special conditions& other documents and Rules referred to in the conditions of
contract and all other contents in the tender document for the work.
I/We hereby tender to execute the work of IIMU as mentioned above and detailed in the
schedule of quantities within the time frame specified in the tender documents, and in
accordance with the specifications, designs, drawing and instructions/orders of the
engineer in charge meeting all the Conditions of Contract with such materials as are
provided for In the drawings, technical specifications or the schedule of quantities.
I/We agree to keep the tender open and valid for 90 (Ninety) days from the due date of its
opening and shall not make any modifications in its terms and conditions.
A sum of Rs. 5,50,000/- (Rupees five lakhs fifty thousand) is hereby forwarded in the form
of a demand draft of a Nationalized Bank and a bank guarantee issued by a Nationalized
Bank as earnest money. If I/We, fail to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee
within prescribed period and form, I/We agree that IIMU shall without prejudice to any
other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely. Further, if
I/We fail to commence work as specified, I/We agree that IIMU shall without prejudice
to any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest
money and the performance guarantee absolutely, otherwise the said earnest money shall
be retained by Owner towards security deposit to execute all the works referred to in the
tender documents upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to those in excess
of that limit at the rates to be determined in accordance with the provision contained in
Clause Deviations/Variations Extent and Pricing of the tender form. Further, I/We agree
that in case of forfeiture of Earnest Money & Performance Guarantee as aforesaid. I/We
shall be debarred from participating in the re-tendering process of the work.
I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got executed
through another contractor on back-to-back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes
I/We hereby declare that I/we shall treat the Tender Documents, drawings and other
records connected with the Work as confidential documents and shall not communicate
nor use any information derived there from to any persons other than a person to whom
I/we am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner
prejudicial to the interest of IIMU.
In consideration of the IIMU having offered to accept the terms and conditions of the
proposed agreement between…………………………….and
………………………(hereinafter called “the said Contractor(s)”) for the
work…………………………………………………… (herein after called “the said
agreement”) having agreed to production of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee for Rs.
………….(Rupees ………………………………… only) as a security/guarantee from the
contractor(s) for compliance of his obligations in accordance with the terms and
conditions in the said agreement.
1. We, ………………………………. (herein after referred to as “the Bank”) hereby
undertake to pay to the Owner an amount not exceeding Rs. ………………………..
(Rupees………………. Only) on demand by the Owner.
2. We, ……………………………….(indicate the name of the Bank) do hereby undertake to
pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demure, merely on a
demand from the Owner stating that the amount claimed as required to meet the
recoveries due or likely to be due from the said contractor(s). Any such demand made on
the bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the bank under
this Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an
amount not exceeding Rs. ………………….. (Rupees ……………….only)
3. We, the said bank further undertake to pay to the Owner any money so demanded
notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the contractor(s) in any suit or
proceeding pending before any court orTribunal relating thereto, our liability under this
present being absolute and unequivocal.The payment so made by us under this bond shall
be a valid discharge of our liability for payment thereunder and the Contractor(s) shall
have no claim against us for making such payment.
4. We, ……………………………. (indicate the name of the Bank) further agree that the
guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that
would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be
enforceable till all the dues of the Owner under or by virtue of the said agreement have
been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till Engineerin-Charge on behalf of
the Owner certified that the terms and conditions of the said agreement have been fully
and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly discharges this
5. We, ……………………………. (indicate the name of the Bank) further agree with the
Owner shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any
manner our obligation hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said
agreement or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor(s) from time to time or
to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Owner
Indian institute of Management Udaipur, one of the youngest IIMs, aims to set the highest
standards not only with quality education but also with its approach in sustainability. The
proposed campus of IIMU is planned to be developed on a hilly terrain. Unlike the hilly
terrains of the northeast part of the country, IIMU site is located in the arid region where
availability of water is scarce and orientation of buildings is of prime importance.
The Academic Building is nearing completion and the façade of the connecting bridge
which houses the library need to be finished from external surface. For this Semi Unitized
Curtain wall system is to be installed in the façade of the library as well as the adjoining
faculty cabin areas. The Glass Façade has to be done to the upper portion of the building
and the lower portion shall have other external finished. Total Area of the façade all
around is approximately 3100 Sqm.
1.1. Letter of transmittal and forms, terms and conditions for deciding eligibility
are given in this tender document.
1.2. All information called for in the enclosed forms should be furnished against
the relevant columns in the forms. If for any reason, information is furnished
on a separate sheet, this fact should be mentioned against the relevant column.
In case no information is to be provided in a particular column, “nil” or “no
such case” or “not available” entry should be made in that column. If any
particulars/query is not applicable in case of a tenderer, “not applicable” shall
be mentioned against such particular/query. The tenderers are cautioned that
not giving complete information called for in the application forms or not
giving it in clear terms or making any change in the prescribed forms or
deliberately suppressing the information may result in the tender being
summarily disqualified and rejected entitling the Owner to forfeit the EMD
and e-Tender Processing Fee without any further notice to the tenderer.
Tenders made by telegram or telex and including those received late shall not
be entertained and returned unaccepted.
1.3. References, information and certificates from the respective owners certifying
suitability, technical knowledge or capability of the tenderer should be attested
by the first class judicial magistrate or equivalent or Group A Gazetted officer
of Central or any State Government.
1.4. The tenderer may furnish any additional information, which it thinks is
necessary to establish its capabilities to successfully complete the envisaged
Work. Tenderers are, however, advised not to furnish any superfluous
information. No information shall be entertained after uploading of eligibility
criteria document unless it is called for by the Engineer-in-Charge.
1.6. The tenderer shall not have been black listed by any State/Central
Government Department or Public Sector Undertaking or any autonomous
body. The tenderer shall submit a duly notarized affidavit, stating on oath that
the tenderer has not been black-listed. Applications received without such
affidavit in original shall stand automatically rejected. IIMU shall be entitled to
forfeit the EMD and e-Tender Processing Fee on account of any such rejection
In this document the following words and expressions shall carry the meaning hereby
assigned to them:
2.1. “Owner/IIMU” shall mean and refer to the Indian Institute of Management,
2.3. “Project Manager” shall mean and refer to the person nominated as Project
Manager by IIMU;
2.4. “Design Consultants” shall mean and refer to the Consultants appointed by
IIMU as Design Consultant.
2.6. “Tenderer” shall mean and refer to an individual, proprietary firm, firm in
partnership, limited company (private or public) or corporation but shall not
include a joint venture and special purpose vehicle.
3.1. If the tenderer is an individual, the application for submitting tender shall be
signed by such individual above the full type written name and current
3.2. If the tenderer is a proprietary concern, the application for submitting tender
shall be signed by the proprietor above full type written name and the full
name of the proprietor firm with its current address.
3.3. If the tenderer is a partnership firm, the application for submitting tender shall
be signed by all the partners of the partnership firm above their full
The IIMU reserves the right to accept or reject any tender and to annul the process and
reject all tenders at any time without assigning any reason thereof or incurring any
liability to the tenderers.
The tenderer shall visit the Site of Work, at its own cost, and examine the Site and its
surroundings to satisfy itself and collect all information that may be considered necessary
for proper assessment of the scope of Work enumerated in the this tender document.
6.1. The eligibility criteria applicable for the tenderers for the present tender in
terms of the scope of Work shall be :
6.1.1. The tenderer should have satisfactorily completed three similar works each
costing not less than 40% of the estimated cost put to Tender or completed two
similar works each costing not less than 60% of estimated cost put to Tender or
completed one similar work costing not less than 80% of the Estimated cost put
to Tender during the last seven (7) years ending 31.03.2017; and
For the purpose of this clause, “similar work” shall mean “Specialized work of
Supply and installation of Unitized or Semi Unitized Glazing work done by a
specialized agency for any type of Institutional Building, Commercial Building or
Office Building, with Six or more stories including Aluminum Work, Glass Glazing
work and Steel work done under single work order for Façade Installation in last
five years”.
The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date
6.2. The tenderer shall furnish an affidavit as under along with Technical bid:
b. I/We agree that in case I/We are found to be in violation of (a) above
or the same comes to the notice of IIMU by any means whatsoever,
then IIMU shall be entitled to take appropriate penal and legal action
against me/us. If such a violation comes to the notice of IIMU before
the date of initiation of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to
forfeit the entire amount of EMD and the e-Tender Processing Fee .
6.3. The tenderer shall have minimum gross average annual financial turnover of
Rs. 2,75,00,000/(Rupees Two crores and seventyfive lakhs only) of Semi-
unitised curtain glazing works during the last five financial years ending 31st
March 2017. The statement showing the gross average annual financial
turnover duly audited by a chartered accountant shall be furnished by the
6.4. A certificate from a chartered accountant duly certifying that the tendered shall
not have incurred any loss in more than two (2) years during the immediate
last five financial years shall be furnished by the tenderer.
6.5. The Tendering Capacity of the tenderer shall be equal to or more than the
estimated cost of the Work put to tender. The tendering capacity shall be
calculated on the basis of following formula:
A= Maximum value of construction works executed in any one year during the
last five years taking into account the completed as well as works in progress;
N= Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which tenders have
been invited.
6.6. The tenderer shall furnish a solvency certificate as may be certified by its
bankers for a value which is not less than 40% of the Estimated cost put ot
Tender. Such certificate shall not be of a date which is more than six months
prior to the date of submission of tender.
6.8. The tenderer shall own construction equipment as per the list required for
proper and timely execution of the Work. In case the tenderer does not own
such construction equipment’s, the tenderer shall submit a letter attested by
itself that it shall be able to manage the construction equipment’s by hiring
and shall also submit the list of firms from whom it proposes to hire. The list
shall clearly specify the names of the firms from whom the equipment’s would
be hired and shall not be an indicative list of firms.
6.9. The tenderer shall have sufficient number of technical and administrative
employees for proper execution of the Work as per list. The tenderer shall
submit a list of employees working with it and clearly state the roles and
responsibilities of such employees for execution of the Work.
7.1. The documents for ascertaining the eligibility submitted by the tenderers shall
be evaluated in the following manner:
7.1.1. The criteria for eligibility prescribed in para 7.1 to 7.7 above in respect of
experience of similar class of works completed, Tendering Capacity and
financial turn over etc. shall be first scrutinized and the tenderer’s eligibility for
the work shall be determined. Only such tenderers which meet the eligibility
criteria specified in para 7.1 to 7.7 above shall be eligible to qualify for
evaluation under this section and all other applications shall automatically
stand disqualified.
7.1.4. The tenderer shall submit a self-certified self-evaluation calculation sheet for
evaluation parameters mentioned in Form J.
A Turn over 16
B Solvency 4
7.1.5. To become eligible for short-listing, the tenderer shall secure at least 50%
marks in each criteria A, B, C, D, E & F and 60% marks in aggregate as is
mentioned hereunder:
The tenderer shall furnish the Annual Financial Statements for the preceding five (5) years
in Form A and Solvency Certificate in Form B.
9.2. Particulars of completed works and performance of the tenderer duly attested
by first class judicial magistrate or equivalent or Group A gazette officer of
Central or any State Government shall be furnished separately for each work
completed or in progress in Form E.
9.3. Information in Form D shall be complete in all respects and no work shall
remain unreported.
The tenderer shall be required to submit the information in respect of its organization in
Forms F & G.
The tenderers shall furnish the list of equipment including scaffolding proposed to be
utilized in carrying out the Work in Form H. Details of any other plant & equipment
required for the Work not included in Form H and available with the tenderer may also be
The tenderer shall submit the Letter of Transmittal in the format as prescribed in this
After evaluation of the eligibility documents, a list of short listed tenderers qualified in
eligibility criterion shall be prepared. Thereafter, the financial tenders of only the qualified
and technically acceptable tenderers shall be opened at the notified time, date and place in
the presence of the qualified tenderers or their representatives. The validity of the tenders
shall be 90 (Ninety) days and shall be reckoned from the date of opening of the Financial
14.1. The Owner reserves the right, without being liable for any damages or any
obligation to inform the tenderer, to:
14.1.2. Reject any or all of the applications without assigning any reason.
14.2. Any effort on the part of the tenderer or his agent to exercise any influence
or to pressurize the Owner shall result in rejection of its tender. The Owner
clarifies that any kind of canvassing or any act of similar nature is expressly
The Director
Dear Sir,
Subject: Supply and Installation of Semi Unitized Curtain Wall Glazing for at the
Permanent campus of IIMU at Balicha, Rajasthan.
Having examined the details given in Press –Notice and Technical Tender document for
the above work in the subject hereinabove, I/we hereby submit the relevant information
as hereunder:
a. I/We hereby certify that all the statement made and information supplied in the
enclosed Forms A to K and accompanying statement are true and correct in all respects
and no information has been concealed and misrepresented.
b. I/We have furnished all information and details necessary for certifying the
eligibility and that no further pertinent information required to be shared remains
c. I/We hereby submit the requisite certified solvency certificate and authorize the
Director, IIMU to approach the bank issuing the solvency certificate to confirm the
correctness and veracity thereof. I/We also authorize Director, IIMU to approach
individuals, owners, firms and corporations to verify my/our competence and reputation.
Date of submission
S. Description Years
2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017
i) Gross
ii) Turnover
on Semi-
iii) Profit/Loss
This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information that
M/s./Shri……………………………………… having marginally noted address, a customer
of our bank are/is respectable and can be treated as good for any engagement up to a
limit of
This certificate has been issued at the specific request for limited purpose of submitting
the same to the Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur (Rajasthan) and shall not be
used for any other purpose whatsoever.
This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the bank or any of our
officers and employees.
(1) Banker’s Solvency Certificate must be on the letterhead of the bank issuing such
certificate, sealed in a cover addressed to the Director, IIMU.
(2) In case the Solvency Certificate is issued at the request of a partnership firm, such
certificate must include names of all partners as recorded with the Bank.
(3) The Solvency Certificate shall not be more than 6 months old.
Certified that the above list of works is complete and no work has been left undisclosed
and that the information furnished above is true, correct and not misleading to my/our
knowledge and belief.
Name of work/ project and
Date of commencement as
progress of work
reasons thereof
Cost of work
per contract
to whom
Certified that the above list of works is complete and no work has been left undisclosed
and that the information furnished above is true, correct and not misleading to my/our
knowledge and belief.
1 Name of work/
2 Agreement No.
3 Estimated Cost
4 Tendered Cost
5 Date of Start
6 Date of completion
9 Performance Report
A proprietary firm
A firm in partnership
A limited company or
Certified that the information mentioned above is complete and no information has been
left undisclosed and that the information furnished above is true, correct and not
misleading to my/our knowledge and belief.
Total number
carried out
Sl. No.
Certified that the information mentioned above is complete and no information has been
left undisclosed and that the information furnished above is true, correct and not
misleading to my/our knowledge and belief.
A B C D E F G H To
I/We, the undersigned, do hereby undertake that we shall deploy all plants, equipment’s
and machineries required for implementation of the project as per technical specifications.
I/We also undertake to either own or have assured access through hire or lease the key
items of the equipment’s as specified in this form.
Certified that the information mentioned above is complete and no information has been
left undisclosed and that the information furnished above is true, correct and not
misleading to my/our knowledge and belief.
2. Scanned copy of the affidavit shall be uploaded at the time of submission of the tender in soft
1. The Tenderer confirms that eligible similar works(s) have not been got executed
through another contractor on back to back basis.
2. The Tenderer confirms and agrees that, if any such violation comes to the notice of
Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur (“Owner”), then the Owner shall be at
liberty to initiate appropriate penal and legal action against the Tenderer.
3. The Tenderer confirms and agrees that if such a violation comes to the notice of the
Owner at any time before the date of start of Work, the engineer-in-charge shall be
free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.
B1 Experience in similar 30 15 (i) 60% marks for minimum eligibility criteria (ii) 100
nature of work during the minimum eligibility criteria or more In between
last seven years rata basis
* - Precise certificate given by the Owner/owner signe
below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent
along with photographic evidence to support evaluatio
in case of absence of such document Zero (0) marks s
the specific category of evaluation.
C Performance on works 20 10
(time over run)
Parameter - SCORE
Calculation for Points If TOR = 1 2 3 >3.5
2. Scanned copy of the affidavit shall be uploaded at the time of submission of the tender in soft
1. The Tenderer confirms that the Tenderer has duly undertaken the visit of the
proposed project site of Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur located at Village
Balicha, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
2. The Tenderer has inspected and examined its surroundings and has satisfied itself
about the site conditions and site logistics. The Tenderer confirms that it is aware of
the ground conditions and nature of the site, means of access to the site and the
accommodation area required for establishing the labour camp. The Tenderer
agrees and confirms it shall be solely responsible for arranging and maintaining the
afore-mentioned at its own cost including all materials, tools & plants, water,
electricity, access, facilities for workers and all other services required for executing
the Work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents.
3. The Tenderer confirms and agrees that the submission of the tender implies that the
requisite site visit has already been undertaken and that the Tenderer has
acquainted itself with the local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the
execution of the Work.
Technical Staff
The tenderer shall deploy sufficient number of technical and administrative employees for
smooth execution of the Work. The tenderer shall submit a list of employees stating
clearly the responsibility to be assigned to each of such employees. Further, the tenderer
shall have the capability and resources to arrange sufficient numbers of skilled and
unskilled Labourers per day continuously for 90 days for various stages of the Work. The
tenderer shall have to demonstrate the capability to arrange such workers and additional
numbers as per the requirement assessed by the Engineer-in-Charge for timely completion
of various stages of the Work. The capability as claimed by the tenderer shall be
supported by the past performance and an undertaking.
2 10 Technical
Engineer Representative
Iv. Foreman 2 10
iv. Supervisors 2 05
1 2 3 4 5
Power and water required for the tendered work will be provided at one point and the
Contractor shall arrange for the distribution of the same at his own cost.
1 2 3
Extra schedule for specific requirements / documents for the work if any.
The tenderer may give additional information other then sought for in the preceding
Name of Work : Supply and Installation of Semi Unitized Curtain Wall Glazing for the
Permanent Campus of IIMU at Balicha, Rajasthan.
(2) Maximum percentage for quantity of items of work to be executed beyond which
rates are to be determined in accordance with Clauses “Deviation, Extra items and
pricing & Deviation submitted items and pricing” Please refer below
Though the overall time of completion is 90 days the contractor shall complete all the
façade work, strictly conforming to the time limit specified for such items. Any delay in
achieving specified timeline given in the Milestones (as mentioned below) of these
building shall invite withholding of payments as indicated against each and every
Note: Withheld amount shall be released if and when subsequent milestone is achieved
within respective time specified.
Given in
Page 66
Given in
Page 66
4. Measure Tapes 4
5. Plumb Bobs 4
Receipts for payment made on account of completed Work, when executed by a firm,
must also be signed by all the partners, except where contractors are described in their
tender as a firm, in which case the receipts must be signed in the name of the firm by one
of the partners, or by some other person having due authority to give effectual receipts for
the firm.
1. Any person who submits a tender shall fill up the rates in the Schedule of
quantities. Tenders, which propose any alteration in the Work specified in the
Schedule of Quantities or in the time allowed for executing the Work or which
contain any other conditions of any nature, including conditional rebates, shall be
liable to be summarily rejected.
2. Being an Item Rate Tender, only rates quoted shall be considered. Rates
quoted by the contractor in item rate tender in figures and words shall be
accurately filled in so that there is no discrepancy in the rates written in figures and
words. However, if a discrepancy is found, the rates which correspond with the
amount worked out by the contractor shall unless otherwise proved be taken as
correct. If the amount of an item is not worked out by the contractor or it does not
correspond with the rates written either in figures or in words, then the rates
quoted by the contractor in words shall be taken as correct. Where the rates quoted
by the contractor in figures and in words tally, but the amount is not worked out
correctly, the rates quoted by the contractor will unless otherwise proved be taken
as correct and not the amount. In event no rate has been quoted for any item(s),
leaving space both in figure(s), word(s), and amount blank, it will be presumed that
the contractor has included the cost of this/these item(s) in other items and rate for
such item(s) shall be considered to be zero and Work shall be required to be
executed accordingly.
3. All rates shall be quoted on the tender form. The amount for each item shall
be worked out and requisite totals given specifically. Special care should be taken
to write the rates in figures as well as in words and the amount in figures only, in
such a way that interpolation is not possible. The total amount should be written
both in figures and in words. In case of figures, the word ‘Rs.’ should be written
before the figure of rupees and word ‘P’ after the decimal figures, e.g. ‘Rs 2.15 P’
and in case of words, the word, ‘Rupees’ should precede and the word ‘Paisa’
5. The IIMU will open tenders in the presence of any intending contractors who
may be present at the time, and will enter the amounts of the several tenders in a
comparative statement in a suitable form. In the event of a tender being accepted, a
receipt for the earnest money shall there upon be given to the contractor who shall
thereupon for the purpose of identification sign copies of the specifications and
other documents mentioned above. In the event of a tender being rejected, the
earnest money shall thereupon be returned to the respective tenderers without any
interest on such earnest money.
6. The IIMU shall have the right of rejecting all or any of the tenders and shall
not be bound to accept the lowest or any other tender.
7. In the case of any tender where unit rate of any item/items appear
unrealistic, such tender shall be considered as unbalanced and in case the tenderer
is unable to provide satisfactory explanation, such a tender shall be liable to be
disqualified and rejected.
8. The receipt of an accountant or clerk for any money paid by the tenderer shall
not be considered as an acknowledgment for payment to the IIMU and the tenderer
shall be responsible for ensuring that a receipt signed by the IIMU or a duly
authorized cashier is obtained for monies paid.
The tenderers shall sign a declaration under the Officials Secret Act, 1923, for
maintaining secrecy of the tender documents, drawings or other records connected
with the Work awarded to the tenderer. The unsuccessful tenderers shall return all
the drawings shared during the course of the tender process.
ii. The tenderer whose tender is accepted shall be required to furnish by way of
Security Deposit for the fulfillment of the Contract, an amount equal to 5% of the
tendered value of the work. The Security Deposit shall be collected by deductions
from the running bills of the Contractor at the rates mentioned above and the
earnest money deposited at the time of tenders, shall be treated as a part of the
iii. Security Deposit. The Security Depsoit shall also be furnished in form of bank
10. Upon acceptance of the tender, the name of the accredited representative(s)
of the tenderer, responsible for taking instructions from the Engineer-in-Charge,
shall be communicated in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge/Design Consultant
with a copy to the Owner.
11. GST applicable in respect of the Contract shall be payable by IIMU and it
shall be reimbursed by the IIMU on reccomandation of Engineer-in-Charge upon
satisfaction that the requisite GST has been actually and genuinely paid by the
12. The Tender for the Work shall not be witnessed by a tenderer (s) who are
participating in the tender for the same Work. Failure to comply with this condition
shall render the tenders of both the rendering as well as the the tenderering
witnessing liable to be summarily rejected.
13. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961, and
the rules and orders issued there under from time to time. Any failure to so shall
amount to a breach of the Contract and the Owner may in its discretion, without
prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, cancel the Contract. The
Contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account of any
violation under the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961.
The tender shall be written in English language. All other information such as documents
and drawings supplied by the tenderer shall also be in English language only. Drawings
and design shall be dimensioned according to the metric system of measurements. Tender
shall be forwarded under cover or a letter typewritten on the tenderer’s letterhead and
duly signed by the tenderer. Signature must be in long hand, executed in ink by a duly
authorized principal/representative of the tenderer. No oral, telegraphic or telephonic
tenders or subsequent modifications there to shall be entertained. If a tender is submitted
The Tenderer shall quote the rate both in words and in figures, with reference to each item
for all the items shown in the attached Schedule of Quantities. Incomplete offer under the
tender shall be liable for rejection. Quantities shown in the Sschedule of Quantities are
approximate and can increase or decrease (i.e. the rates are firm and are independent of
quantity). No claim shall be entertained for any item of work due to variation in the
The tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the tenderer or
a person(s) duly authorized to sign under a valid Power of Attorney/Board Resolution on
behalf of the Tenderer. The person or persons signing the tender shall initial at all pages of
the tender document and an initial shall be affixed at all such places where any insertions,
corrections or amendments are made by hand.
The tenderer shall sign at the bottom right hand corner of every page of the tender
documents in token of acceptance of tender conditions and for the purpose of
General instructions:
The offer shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 90 (Ninety) days from the date
of opening of the Tender.
The Contractor shall give his address for communication along with telephone/e-mail
address and all communication made by IIMU to the said address by rregistered post
acknowledgement due, speed post, courier or any other mode of service shall be deemed
to have been effected provided that communication made by mobile, telephone or e-mail
shall be followed by a written communication through courier/post. All correspondence
addressed to IIMU shall be in the name of Director, IIMU at the Permanent Campus IIM
Udaipur, Balicha,Udaipur , Rajasthan.
Submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that it has read all the terms and conditions
contained in this document and all other contract documents and has acquainted itself of
the nature, scope and specifications of the Works to be executed. The Contractor shall also
be deemed to have acquainted itself of the local conditions and other factors, which might
have a bearing on the execution of the Works. IIMU shall in no event be held liable for
Against the loss/damage/harm caused, IIMU shall not be liable for any act or omission of
the act of the Contractor in so far as any violation of any of the aforementioned act.
Unless otherwise stated, the contract shall be for the whole Work as described in the
“Schedule of items of Works” and under the drawings. The Contractor shall be bound to
complete the whole Work within such stipulated time as set out in the schedule of items of
Works and the drawings, including such additional items as may be necessary, if any, as
per drawings and instructions. The issuance of certificate of completion as issued by the
Engineer-in-Charge and Design Consultant shall be mandatory for indicating the
successful completion of work and such certificate of completion will be conclusive proof
of completion of Work.
The work to be carried out under the Ccontract shall, except as otherwise provided in
these conditions shall include all Labour, materials, tools, plants, equipment, transport
and royalties which may be required in preparation of the full and entire execution and
completion of the Works. The descriptions given in the Schedule of Quantities shall,
unless otherwise stated be held to include wastage of materials, carrying and all other
Labour necessary for the full and entire execution and completion of the Work as
aforesaid in accordance with the specifications, good practice and recognized principles.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied itself before submission of the tender as
to the correctness and sufficiency of the tender for the Works and of the rates and prices
quoted in the Schedule of Quantities, which rates and prices shall, except as otherwise
provided, cover all his obligations under the Ccontract and all matters and things
necessary for the proper completion and maintenance of the Works. Under no
circumstances shall the Contractor withdraw from the Contract once the tender is
accepted. In anevent of withdrawal or default by the Contractor, the deposit of earnest
money made by the Contractor shall stand forfeited.
No cost payable for preparing tender: The tenderer shall not be entitled to claim any costs,
charges, expenses in connection with preparation and submission and subsequent
clarification of its tender in the event of withdrawal of the invitation of tenders by IIMU.
The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961, Minimum
Wages Act, 1948, Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act, 1970, Payment of Wages Act, 1936, Owner’s Liability Act, 1938, Maternity
Benefits Act, 1961, and the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 as may be applicable and the
rules and regulations issued there under from time to time. The list of the statutes
mentioned above is an indicative list and all enactments applicable for workmen shall be
The provisions in the Tender documents shall prevail over the contents of the above
paragraphs if there is any contradiction or variation in the conditions mentioned
hereinabove and those contained in the Contract Documents.
In the contract, the following expressions shall, unless the context otherwise requires,
have the meanings, hereby respectively assigned to them:-
The expression work or works shall, mean unless there be something either in the subject
or context repugnant to such construction the context otherwise requires be construed and
taken to mean the works by or by virtue of the contract contracted to be executed whether
temporary or permanent, and whether original, altered, substituted or additional.
The Site shall mean the land, adjacent land, path, street or other places, the exclusive right
and/or the ownership of which vests with IIMU through which work is to be executed
under the contract and which may be allotted or used for the purpose of carrying out the
work(s) under the contract.
The Contractor shall mean the individual, firm or company, whether incorporated or not,
undertaking the works and shall include the legal personal representative of such
individual or the persons composing such firm or company, or the successors of such firm
or company and the permitted assignees of such individual, firm or company.
Owner/ Owner:
Owner shall mean IIMU. IIMU means Indian Institute of Management UDAIPUR.
Project Manager:
Means nominated person appointed by IIMU.
Design Consultants:
Design Consultants shall mean specialist architects, associate architects and their
authorized consultants and Engineers appointed by the IIMU to design and moniter the
Architectural and, Structural, works and also to check quality of installation of systems
and equipments in the Works and ensure that the same is done as per the drawings
Accepting Authority:
Accepting Authority shall mean the authority mentioned in Schedule ‘F’.
Excepted Risk:
Excepted Risk are risks due to riots (other than those on account of Contractor’s
employees), war (whether declared or not) invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities,
civil war, rebellion revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, any acts of Owner
damage from aircraft, acts of God, such as earthquake, lightening and unprecedented
floods and other causes over which the Contractor has no control and accepted as such by
the Accepting Authority (i.e. either the Owner or an Agency appointed by the Owner) or
causes solely due to use or occupation by Owner of the part of the Work in respect of
which a certificate of completion has been issued or a cause solely due to Owner’s faulty
design of works..
Market Rate:
Market rate shall be the rate as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge in consultation with
Design Consultant on the basis of the cost of materials and Labour at the site where the
Work is to be executed plus the percentage mentioned in Schedule ‘F’ to cover all
overheads and profits of the Contractor and approved by the IIMU.
Tendered value:
Tendered value / Contract value means the value of, the entire Work as stipulated in the
letter of award.
Nominated Sub-Contractor:
Nominated Sub-Contractor shall mean any person or agency appointed by IIMU for the
execution of any particular Work or providing any services under the Contract.
Shop drawings:
Shop drawings means those drawings or other documents which are specifically prepared
by or on behalf of the Contractor to illustrate details of construction for the purpose of
fabrication or installation or any other construction related works mentioned in the
Tender which required by the Design Consultant and are submitted to the Engineer In
charge for the approval/suggestion/verification from Design Consultant as the
Contractor’s intended method of achieving the end result required by the Contract
Drawings and Specifications.
Submittals includes progress schedules, setting out drawings, shop drawings, testing
and inspection reports, and other information required by the Contract Documents to
be submitted by the Contractor for information or approval by the Engineer in Charge.
Virtual Completion:
Virtual Completion shall mean completion of the Works as per drawings and
specifications to the entire satisfaction of Engineer in Charge/ Design Consultant/ IIMU
whose decision shall be final and binding on the parties in this regard and particularly the
act of securing by the Contractor to get the virtual completion certificate from the
Engineer in charge and submission of the same to the IIMU to start the Defect liability
period of the contract.
Final Completion:
Final Completion shall mean the completion of the Works and any necessary rectification
directed to be carried out during the Defects Liability Period and any extension thereof by
the Contractor and securing of such final completion certificate from the Engineer in
Charge/ Design Consultant/ IIMU, and also obtaining the final handing over of the
Works to the IIMU, and the acceptance of the same.
Sufficiency of Tender:
The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the
correctness and sufficiency of his tender for the works and of the rates and prices quoted
in the Schedule of Quantities and Tender Documents, which rates and prices shall, except
as otherwise provided, cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and
things necessary for the proper completion and maintenance of the works.
iii) Drawings
Any error in description, quantity or rate in Schedule of Quantities or any Omission there
from shall not vitiate the Contract or release the Contractor from the execution of the
whole or any part of the works comprised therein according to drawings and
specifications or from any of his obligations under the contract.
The earnest money is paid by each tenderer to enable the IIMU to ensure that a tenderer
does not back out of his tender before its acceptance, or refuse to execute the work after it
has been awarded to him.
The Earnest Money will be returned to the unsuccessful tenderers within a week from the
date of award of tender. Entry of Demand Draft received as earnest money with the
tenders may be kept in the Tender Opening Register, and these need not be deposited in
the bank except for the successful tenderer. The Earnest Money deposited by successful
tenderer will be converted to security deposit. The successful tenderer shall furnish the
required Performance Guarantee and attend the office of the IIMU for execution of the
contract documents and duly enters into the contract within such time as per Schedule-F .
If contractor fails to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within the prescribed
period, the earnest money is absolutely forfeited automatically without any notice.
In case the tenderer fails to commence the work specified in Schedule-F or such time
period as mentioned in letter of award, after the date on which the Engineer-in-charge
If only a part of the work as shown in the tender is awarded, and the contractor does not
commence the work, the amount of the earnest money to be forfeited should be worked
out with reference to the estimated cost of the work so awarded.
In case of forfeiture of earnest money as prescribed in above, the tenderer shall not be
allowed to participate in the retendering process of the work.
The security deposit as deducted above can be released against bank guarantee issued by
a scheduled bank, on its accumulations to a minimum of Rs.5 lac subject to the
condition that amount of such bank guarantee, except last one, shall not be less than Rs.5
lac. Provided further that the validity of bank guarantee including the on given against
the earnest money shall be inconformity with provisions contained in clause which shall
CLAUSE.4.6. Work cannot be Started Due to Reasons not Within the Control of the
In case, the work cannot be started due to reasons not within the control of the contractor
within 1/8th of the stipulated time for completion of work, either party may close the
contract. In such eventuality, the Earnest Money Deposit and the Performance Guarantee
of the contractor shall be refunded, but no payment on account of interest, loss of profit
or damages etc. shall be payable at all.
In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the Engineer-in-Charge by
Clause-(when contract can be determined) thereof, shall have become exercisable and the
same are not exercised, the non-exercise thereof shall not constitute a waiver of any of
the conditions hereof and such powers shall notwithstanding be exercisable in the event
of any future case of default by the contractor and the liability of the contractor for
compensation shall remain unaffected. In the event of the Engineer-in-Charge putting in
force all or any of the powers vested in him under the preceding clause he may, if he so
desires after giving a notice in writing to the contractor, take possession of (or at the sole
discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge which shall be final and binding on the contractor)
use as on hire (the amount of the hire money being also in the final determination of the
Engineer-in-Charge) all or any tools, plant, materials and stores, in or upon the works, or
the site thereof belonging to the contractor, or procured by the contractor and intended
Any operation incidental to or necessary for proper execution of the item included in the
Schedule of quantities or in the schedule of rates mentioned above, whether or not,
If Contractor
i. At any time makes default in processing the Work(s) or any part of the Work
with the due diligence and continues to do so after a notice in writing of 7 days
from the Owner/Engineer-in-Charge; or
ii. Commits default in complying with any of the terms and conditions of the
contract and does not remedy it or takes effective steps to remedy it within 7
days after a notice in writing is given to him in that behalf by the
Owner/Engineer-in-Charge; or
iii. Fails to complete the Work(s) or items of Work, with individual dates of
completion, on or before the date(s) of completion assigned to them, and does not
complete them within the period specified in a notice given in writing in that
behalf by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The Engineer- in-Charge without invoking action under clause (when Contract can be
determined Clause no. 4.5) may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy against
the contractor which have either accrued or accrue thereafter to Owner, by a notice in
writing to take the part work / part incomplete work of any item(s) out of his hands
and shall have powers to:
a) Take possession of the site and any materials, constructional plant, implements, stores,
etc. thereon and/or
b) Carry out the part work/ part incomplete Work of any item(s) by any means at the risk
and cost of the Contractor.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall determine the amount, if any, is recoverable from the
contractor for completion of the part work/ part incomplete work of any item(s) taken
out of his hands and execute at the risk and cost of the contractor, the liability of
contractor on account of loss or damage suffered by Owner because of action under
this clause shall not exceed 10% (Ten Percent) of the tendered value of the work.
In determining the amount, credit shall be given to the contractor with the value of
work done in all respect in the same manner and at the same rate as if it had been
carried out by the original contractor under the terms of his contract, the value of
contractor's materials taken over and incorporated in the work and use of plant and
machinery belonging to the contractor. The certificate of the Engineer-in-Charge as to
In the event of above course being adopted by the Engineer-in-Charge, the contractor
shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reason of his
having purchased or procured any materials or entered into any engagements or made
any advance on any account or with a view to the execution of the work or the
performance of the contract.
b. For proper execution of the Works or part thereof for reasons other than the default
of the Contractor; or
Child Labour:
No labour below the age of fourteen years shall be employed on the work.
Payment of wages:
(i) The contractor shall pay to labour employed by him either directly or through
subcontractors, wages not less than fair wages as defined in the Contractor’s Labour
Regulations or as per the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition)
Act, 1970 and the contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971,
wherever applicable.
(ii) The contractor shall, notwithstanding the provisions of any contract to the contrary,
cause to be paid fair wage to labour indirectly engaged on the work, including any
labour engaged by his sub-contractors in connection with the said work, as if the labour
had been immediately employed by him.
The contractor(s) shall at his/their own cost provide his/their labour with a sufficient
number of huts (hereinafter referred to as the camp) of the following specifications on a
suitable plot of land to be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(i) (a) The minimum height of each hut at the eaves level shall be 2.10m (7 ft.) and the
floor area to be provided will be at the rate of 2.7 sqm. (30 sq. ft.) For each member of the
worker’s family staying with the Labourer.
(b) The contractor(s) shall in addition construct suitable cooking places having a
minimum area of 1.80m x 1.50m (6’x5') adjacent to the hut for each family.
CLAUSE.4.33. Compensation
All sums payable by way of compensation under any of these conditions shall be
considered as reasonable compensation to be applied to the use of Owner without
reference to the actual loss or damage sustained and whether or not any damage shall
have been sustained.
The venue of arbitration shall be Udaipur or such other place as may be mutually agreed
between the parties and the language of arbitration shall be English. The award shall be
rendered in English language.
It is also a term of this contract that the Arbitrators shall adjudicate on only such disputes
as are referred to them and shall give separate award against each dispute and claim
referred to them, and in all cases where the total amount of the claims by any party
exceeds Rs.1,00,000/- the Arbitrators shall give reasons for the award so made.
It is also a term of the contract that if any fees and other expenses payable to the
Arbitrator shall be borne and paid equally by both the parties.
It is also a term of the contract that the arbitrators shall be deemed to have entered on the
reference on the date he issues notice to both the parties calling them to submit their
statement of claims and counter statement of claims. The fees, if any, of the arbitrators
CLAUSE.4.42. Electricity
The Owner shall not provide electrical power. Contractor has to arrange with necessary
permission from relevant authority if any at his own cost electrical power for construction
or for general lighting and other usage
The Contractor shall, at his own cost, provide approved temporary electrical connections,
cables, distribution boards and related equipment for construction, as required by the
(ii) The contractor shall provide and employ on the site only such technical assistants as
are skilled and experienced in their respective fields and such foremen and supervisory
staff as are competent to give proper supervision to the work.
The contractor shall provide and employ skilled, semiskilled and unskilled labour as is
necessary for proper and timely execution of the work.
(B) The Contractor shall keep necessary books of accounts and other documents for the
purpose of this condition as may be necessary and required, and shall allow
inspection of the same by a duly authorized representative of the Owner and further
shall furnish such other information/document as the Engineer-in-Charge may
require from time to time.
(C) The Contractor shall, within a period of 20 days of the imposition of any such
further tax or levy, give a written notice thereof to the Engineer-in-Charge that the
same is given pursuant to this condition, together with all necessary information
relating thereto.
Where and when the appointment of specialist Sub-Contractors is indicated, such Sub-
Contractors shall be appointed only with the prior written approval of the Owner upon
recommendation of IIMU on the following conditions:-
(A) The Contractor shall enter into written agreements with Sub-Contractors and ensure
that the Sub-Contractors perform their Work in accordance with and subject to the
terms and conditions of these Contract Documents. A copy of each such Agreement
shall be furnished to the Engineer-in-Charge and the Owner.
(B) The Contractor shall remain fully responsible to the Owner for the performance and
workmanship and all actions of all sub-Contractors and persons directly or
indirectly employed by them.
(C) The Contractor shall supply and permit all Sub-Contractors to avail of site facilities
and services to enable them to complete their Work safely and without hindrance or
delay and conducive to produce the highest quality of Work required.
(D) The Contractor shall upon receipt of instruction from the Engineer-in-Charge,
terminate and remove from site forthwith such Sub-Contractor or their person
who’s Work may be considered unsatisfactory.
(E) The Contractor shall make regular and prompt payment to each Sub-Contractor not
later than one week after receipt of payment from Owner for their measured Works
certified by the Engineer-in-Charge. If the Contractor fails to make payments to Sub-
Contractors as aforesaid, the Owner may, without any obligation or prejudice to its
rights and with prior intimation to the Contractor may make direct payments to
Sub-Contractors for and on behalf and from the account of the Contractor and
recover such sums from the account of the Contractor out of the amounts due and
payable under the bills raised by the Contractor. Such direct payments to Sub-
Contractors shall be on behalf of the Contractor and shall in no way relieve the
Contractor of his responsibilities or create a contractual relationship between the
Owner and Sub-Contractor.
(F) Any Subcontractor that has been approved by the Owner shall neither be removed
nor replaced without the prior written consent of the Owner.
The Owner shall be entitled to nominate to the Contractor selected Sub-Contractors for
carrying out certain sections of the Work or to replace terminated Sub-Contractors. Such
nominated Sub-Contractors shall receive the same assistance and co-operation from the
Contractor as other Sub-Contractors appointed by the Contractor, and the Contractor shall
Nothing shall absolve the Contractor, including the approval/ termination/ nomination
of Sub-Contractors by the Owner of his overall responsibility under the Contract to closely
supervise the Work of the Sub-Contractor whether on or off the site and to ensure
adherence to the Specifications and Schedules.
The Contractor shall at his cost provide a watertight, air-conditioned, lockable site office
with necessary communication facilities at a suitable location as approved by the
Engineer-in-charge for his employees deployed for this project purpose.
CLAUSE.5.4. Fossils:
CLAUSE.5.5. Insurance
The Contractor shall at his own expense arrange for all insurance policies, including
workmen compensation policy and Contractor’s All Risk policy (CAR Policy) in the
amount of the Contract effective from the date of commencement of Work(s) and until
final completion of the Work(s) also taking into consideration the defects liability period,
against all of the following risks.
(A) Injuries and damage of persons, property, machinery, equipment, vehicles, animals or things,
within or outside the site, arising out of his operations or of any sub-Contractors, nominated
or otherwise, or out of any actions of his employees, agents or representatives, limited to Rs.
20,00,000 (Rupees Twenty Lakhs) per accident
(B) Injuries to his or any Sub-Contractor’s employees.
(C) Damage to or loss of the property, equipment, and materials at site, of the Owner, Contractor
and all Sub-Contractors, as a result of natural causes such as lightning, storm, flood, rain,
fire, earthquake, explosion, landslide, etc.
(D) Damage and injuries to persons, property and materials arising out of riot and civil
commotion, theft, sabotage malicious acts, terrorist activities, flood, water logging etc.
The insurance policy or policies to cover risks of every nature shall be in the joint names of
the Owner and Contractor, and the original of such policy/ policies shall be lodged with
Protection of Property
Utilities and improvements:
1. The Contractor shall protect from damage and have all existing improvements and
utilities at or near the Work site and on adjacent property of a third party, the
locations of which are made known to or should be known by the Contractor. The
Contractor shall be liable to repair any damage caused to those facilities, including
those that are the property of a third party, resulting from failure to comply with the
requirements of this contract or failure to exercise reasonable care in performing the
Work. If the Contractor fails or refuses to repair the damage promptly, the Engineer-
in-Charge may have the necessary Work performed and charge the cost to the
Contractor or reduce such amounts from the bills of the Contractor due and payable
by the Owner.
2. Contractor shall be required to work within specified areas and they shall be
allowed to use only those areas around the works under their scope, for storage of
their materials, construction of site offices, erection of batching plant etc. at
predetermined locations as shown on the plans. The area so demarcated, shall be
The Contractor shall be deemed to be in possession of the Works site and shall be
responsible for its total security, and shall ensure that all materials, sheds, equipment,
plant, tools, etc; whether his own or belonging to any Sub-Contractor, are well protected.
(A) The Contractor shall at his own cost install and maintain sufficient security fences
and gates and employ full time round-the-clock security personnel to prevent the
Works site from and against the intrusion of the public or any other unauthorized
persons or vehicles.
(B) Total security of the site, property, and materials shall be the sole responsibility of
the Contractor. The presence of his consultants representatives, or the IIMU’s
security personnel shall in no way relieve or absolve the Contractor of his
responsibilities in ensuring the security and protection of the site and everything
stored or lying thereon
CLAUSE.5.8. Warranty/Guarantee
The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper performance of the Work(s), including
installations and systems, as specified under the Contract Documents.
Subject to Clause the Contractor shall, at his own cost and in the shortest possible time,
repair and remove any defect or deficiency in the Works, which may appear prior to or
during the defect liability period, to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
A guarantee will be given by the Contractor for the complete installation of the Works
including its functioning, replacement of parts etc. as specified under the Contract
All the Guarantees referred above shall commence from the date of Completion
Action on Submittals
The Engineer-in-Charge will indicate an approval or disapproval of the Submittals for and
on behalf of the Owner requiring approval by the Owner and if not approved as
submitted shall indicate the Owner’s reasons thereof. Approval by the Engineer-in-Charge
shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for any errors or omissions in his
submittals, nor from responsibility for complying with the requirements of this contract,
except with respect to variations described by the Contractor and approved in accordance
with "Variations in Submittals" Clause. The approval of the Engineer-in-Charge on the
submittals will be for general compliance with the intent of the Contract Documents and
with the information given therein, and shall not be construed
(A) As permitting any departure from the contract requirements
(B) As relieving the Contractor of responsibilities for any error including details,
dimensions, materials, etc and
(i) The design consultant appointed by IIMU shall be inspecting the works frequently
to ensure that the works are in general being executed according to the design,
drawings and specifications laid down in the contract.
(ii) The design consultant appointed by IIMU shall certify on completion of particular
building that it has been constructed according to the approved drawings design
and specifications.
The following items shall not be included in the price adjustment calculation:
(D) The value of any additional or varied work valued at current prices:
In the case of any class of work for which there is no such specifications as referred to in
detailed specification, such work shall be carried out in accordance with the Bureau of
Indian Standards Specifications. In case there are no such specifications in Bureau of
Indian Standards, the work shall be carried out as per manufacturers’ specifications, if not
available then as per C.P.W.D./District/ state P.W.D. / Specifications. In case there are no
such specifications as required above, the work shall be carried out in all respects in
accordance with the instructions and requirements of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Specifications for a type of work are not covered by the detailed specifications/State
P.W.D. specifications/I.S.I specifications or particular specifications, the same shall be
decided by the engineer-in-charge and shall be binding on the contractor.
The engineer-in-charge shall have the power to insist upon the contractor to purchase and
use such materials of particular approved make which may in this opinion be necessary
for proper and reasonable compliance with the specifications and execution of work.
In the event of any variation/discrepancy in the drawings, specification and tender
documents, the decision of the Engineer In charge shall be final, binding and conclusive
on the contractor.
(A) As required by the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall provide all facilities at site
or at manufactures work or an approved Laboratory for testing of materials and/or workmanship,
all the expenditure in respect of this shall be borne by the contractor unless specified otherwise in
the contract. The contractor shall when required to do so by the engineer-in-charge submit that the
materials have been tested in accordance with requirements of the specifications.
(B) Neither the confirmation by the engineer-in-charge not to test the materials nor the
production of manufacturer(s) certificate etc. as aforesaid shall affect the right of the engineer-in-
charge to reject, after delivery; the materials found not in accordance with the specifications.
The Contractor shall be entirely and exclusively responsible for the horizontal, vertical
and other alignments, the level and correctness of every part of the work and shall rectify
effectively any errors or imperfections therein. Such rectifications shall be carried out by
the Contractor at his own cost to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
5.19.1 The proposed project is a prestigious project and quality of work is of paramount
importance. Contractor shall have to engage well-experienced skilled labour and
deploy modern T&P and other equipment to execute the work.
5.19.2 The contractor shall ensure quality construction in a planned and time bound
manner. Any sub-standard material / work beyond set out tolerance limit shall
be summarily rejected by the Engineer-in-charge & contractor shall be bound to
replace / remove such sub-standard / defective work immediately. If any
material, even though approved by Engineer-In-Charge is found defective or not
conforming to specifications shall be replaced / removed by the contractor at his
own risk & cost.
5.19.3 The Contractor shall submit, within 10 days after the date of award of work, a
detailed and complete method statement for the execution, testing and Quality
Assurance, of such items of works, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. All the
materials to be used in the work, to give the finished work complete in all
respects, shall comply with the requirements of the
Specifications and shall pass all the tests required as per specifications as
applicable or such specifications / standards as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge. However, keeping the Quality Assurance in mind, the Contractor shall
submit, on request from the Engineer-in- Charge, his own Quality Assurance
procedures for basic materials and such items, to be followed during the
execution of the work, for approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
5.19.4 The Contractor shall procure and provide all the materials from the
manufacturers / suppliers as per the list attached with the tender documents, as
per the item description and particular specifications for the work. The
equivalent brand for any item shall be permitted to be used in the work, only
when the specified make is not available. This is, however, subject to
documentary evidence produced by the contactor for non-availability of the
brand specified and also subject to independent verification by the Engineer-in-
Charge. In exceptional cases, where such approval is required, the decision of
Engineer-in-Charge as regards equivalent make of the material shall be final and
binding on the Contractor. No claim, whatsoever, of any kind shall be entertained
from the Contractor on this account. Nothing extra shall be payable on this
account. Also, the material shall be procured only after written approval of the
Engineer-in-Charge. All materials shall be got checked by the Engineer-in-Charge
or his authorized supervisory staff on receipt of the same at site before use.
5.19.8 All the hidden items such as water supply lines, drainage pipes, conduits, sewers
etc. are to be properly tested as per the design conditions before covering and
their measurements in computerized measurement book duly test checked shall
be deposited with Engineer in charge or his authorized representative, prior to
hiding these items.
5.19.9 The contractor shall give performance test of the entire installation(s) as per the
standing specifications before the work is finally accepted and nothing extra
whatsoever shall be payable to the contractor for the test.
5.19.10 The Contractor shall maintain all the work in good condition till the completion
of entire work. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall make good, all
damages and repairs, rendered necessary due to fire, rain, traffic, floods or any
other causes. The Engineer-in- Charge shall not be responsible for any claims for
injuries to person/workmen or for structural damage to property happening
from any neglect, default, want of proper care or misconduct on the part of the
Contractor or of any other of his representatives, in his employment during the
b. Shop Drawings shall be submitted by the Contractor for approval at least two
(2) weeks in advance of planned material order or Main Works and/or each
of the Provisional Works Packages, as the case may be, execution to allow the
Project Manager/ Architect /Consultant /DESIGN CONSULTANT's
Representative ample time for scrutiny. No claims for extension of time shall
be entertained because of any delay in the Main Works and/or each of the
Provisional Works Packages, as the case may be, due to Contractor's failure to
produce Shop Drawings at the right time, in accordance with the Approved
Program issued by the Client/PMC's Representative.
f. Where the Main Works and/or each of the Provisional Works Packages, as
the case may be, have to be installed in close proximity to, or shall interfere
with work of other trades, the Contractor shall assist in working out space
conditions to make a satisfactory adjustment. If so directed by the Project
Manager/DESIGN CONSULTANT, the Contractor shall prepare composite
working drawings and sections at a suitable scale not less than 1:50, clearly
showing how the Main Works and/or each of the Provisional Works
Packages, as the case may be, are to be installed in relation to the work of
other trades. If the Contractor installs its Main Works and/or each of the
Provisional Works Packages, as the case may be, before coordinating with
other trades, or so as to cause any interference with work of other trades, the
Contractor shall make all the necessary changes without extra cost to the
g. Within two (2) weeks of approval of all the relevant Shop Drawings, the
Contractor shall submit four copies of any comprehensive variation in
contracted quantities/amount provided in the Bill of Quantities to the Project
Manager/PMC. The Contractor shall make recommendation to Project
Manager/PMC for acceptance of anticipated variation in contracted
quantities/amounts mentioned in the Bill of Quantities, if required.
6.2.1 The contractor shall prepare scheme for the approval of Engineer-in-charge for
obtaining GRIHA rating in the criteria relevant to the execution of work.
6.2.2 The contractor shall plan and execute the work in a manner to preserve and protect
the landscape during construction and shall arrange the materials/equipment and follow
the procedure as per criterion 2 of the GRIHA rating as applicable.
The contractor shall preserve the top soil layer for supporting vegetative growth as per the
guidelines given in chapter 4, Section 1, Part 10, NBC 2005.
The contractor shall comply with NBC norms on construction safety, health and sanitation
as per criterion.
The construction activity shall be done in a befitting manner and the contractor shall
adopt measures to prevent air pollution at site in compliance with criterion 9 of GRIHA
rating as applicable.
The contractor shall comply with all the instructions and schemes for execution of green
Nothing shall be paid extra for fulfilment of all these conditions except for the items
existing in the schedule of quantities. For such items work done shall be paid on the basis
of the agreement rates.
All vehicles, equipment and machinery to be procured for construction shall conform to
the relevant Bureau of India Standard (BIS) norms.
Dust produced from the vehicular movement and other site activities is to be mitigated by
sprinkling of water. Noise limits for construction equipment shall not exceed 75 dB(A),
measured at one meter from the edge of the equipment in free area, as specified in the
The pre-identified dump locations will be a part of solid waste management plan OR
construction waste management plan or safe handling, storage and recycling of
construction waste to be prepared by the Contractor in consultation with Engineer-in-
charge. Contractor needs to designate the area for construction waste storage. Inert and
hazardous waste should be collected and stored separately on site.
The other construction waste should be either reused on site or safely dispose them off to
designed agencies for recycling. The procedure of waste disposal either on-site reuse or
selling for recycling purpose should be documented by photographs / log books / receipt
copies and evidences needs to be submitted to the Engineer In charge. Contractor shall get
approved the location of disposal site prior to commencement of the excavation on any
section of the project location.
Contractor shall ensure that any spoils of material will not be disposed of in any
municipality solid waste collection bins.
Contractor shall ensure that all vehicles, equipment and machinery used for construction
are regularly maintained and confirm that emission levels comply with environmental
emission standards/norms.
For controlling the noise from Vehicles, Plants and Equipment, the Contractor shall
confirm the following:
All vehicles and equipment used in construction will be fitted with exhaust silencers.
Servicing of all construction vehicles and machinery will be done regularly and during
routine servicing operations, the effectiveness of exhaust silencers will be checked and if
found defective will be replaced.
Noise emission from compactors (rollers) front loaders, concrete mixers, cranes (movable),
vibrators and saws should be less than 75 dB(A).
As per the standards/guidelines for control of Noise Pollution from Stationary Diesel
Generator (DG) sets, noise emission in dB(A) from DG Set (15-500 KVA) should be less
than 94+10 log 10 (KVA). The standards also suggest construction of acoustic enclosure
around the DG Set and provision of proper exhaust muffler with insertion loss of
minimum 25 dB (A) as mandatory.
Documents to be uploaded
Financial Bid