H, N
H, N
H, N
longitudinal Innervation - hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Action - retracts and broadens tongue, lowers apex of tongue
Vertical muscle
Innervation - hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Action - broadens and elongates tongue
Genioglossus Origin - Superior mental spine of mandible
Insertion - entire length of dorsum of tongue, lingual
aponeurosis, body of hyoid bone
Innervation - hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Extrinsic muscles of
Action - depresses and protrudes tongue (bilateral
contraction); deviates tongue contralaterally (unilateral
the tongue
Hyoglossus Origin - body and greater horn of hyoid bone
Insertion - inferior/ventral parts of lateral tongue
Innervation - hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Action - depresses and retracts tongue
1- Incisive foramen.
2- Greater palatine
3- Lesser palatine foramina.
Soft palate