Something About You
Something About You
Something About You
It's Monday are you ready? Insert will be dropped at
10a.m on the dot.
I hope we all enjoy this one, it's a heavy one, emotions you
probably never thought could be wrecked shall be brought
out to play. It will also our longest book, this is for those
who when things are heated or not going the way they
imagined, they want be to end it. Don't be that person this
time around, management team will be there ready to
escort you to blockvile land. I don't want anyone there so
just behave, when it gets too much, you pause then come
I also hope you have joined the group for the removed
scenes, they will not be posted at our main group so I
created a group specifically for removed scenes. Group
discussions will remain at our main group.
At the bus rank in Maun, Nomsa walked inside the bus
carrying a dish with cool time and Niknaks.
“Coop time! Cool time for P2. Cool time! Buy 2 for P3. Cool
Nomsa smiled walking over then took the P5 and gave her
P1 change. The lady took the 4 Cool times as the
conductor of the bus jumped in.
She took out the coins she had made and started counting
them. She smiled as it reached 50. At least today she
could go home early… it would be a peaceful night.
She smiled just as a man walked past her. He looked
around then snatched the coins from her hand running
while others fell.
The guy ran even faster as she tried to run after him.
The boys ran off while everyone else in the rank laughed at
Every step she took weighed heavy on her heart that she
wanted to just stop and cry.
Today he’d kill her. She looked at the cool time that was
left, it would barely give her much. She stopped under a
shade trying to hold in her tears, the bruises from last
night were still painful. She couldn’t imagine more
She paused and broke down crying for minutes then finally
gathered herself together, she walked around selling the
rest of the cool time.
Nomsa looked at her her, Nono held her breath hoping that
would make her happy.
“Have you cleaned the house?”
Nomsa sighed. “Go to the room and stay there. Take your
“Modiri there-“
“Modiri please –“
Modiri continued hitting her with the pan till it broke then
started kicking her.
In the next room, Nono held her sister tightly sitting on the
floor hoping her elder brother would arrive soon from
school. Her mother was still screaming. Seconds she was
“Ng… shh…”
“I will kill you, your mother, your brother and your sister! Is
that what you want?!”
Nono tried pushing him off her but he pressed her down
on the bed pulling out her underwear.
She still recalled the first time he had done it to her. The
pain never left her.
Sessy cried listening to her sister crying then ran out ot the
room and out of the yard going to her older brother’s
school. She looked at him a distance away and screamed
“Kaene! Kaene!”
Kaene looked at their house and ran over carrying his bag
full of books. He threw it down and ran even faster. He ran
inside the yard hearing his sister’s screams. He ran even
faster pushing open the door. He looked at his step father
on top of his sister.
Kaene pulled him off angrily then looked at his dic. Kaene
punched him angrily.
“Not my sister!”
Nono put her hand over her mouth shaking. Kaene looked
at him then swallowed..
Kaene looked at her and shook his head. “No. No… you are
not.” He hugged her. “Did he hurt you?”
“I am sorry..”
“I am going to jail.”
“Don’t cry… don’t cry. You are not going to jail. You are
going to go to school and continue doing well so that you
can go to university ok? You need to pass Nono.. then you
will be able to take care of Sessy. I am not letting you go
to jail. I will tell the police I did it. He was hurting you. He
hurt mama.”
“You will go to Aunty’s house Nono.. beg her if you have to.
You will behave when you get there ok? You will do like
she says. You will listen to her. Always stay with Sessy..
you will go with her after Mama’s funeral. I am going to the
police. I am going to tell them I did it. I am not going to let
you go to jail. You are smart.” Tears filled Kaene’s eyes. He
hugged his sister’s tighter as they both cried in his arms.
We are back and we are starting, don’t read alone, tag your
[08/26, 8:26 am] #o: Something About You
He pulled her to the big tree along the street looking at her
innocent face.
She opened the box then looked at the brand new watch.
“Its yours. I didn’t know what to get you but my mom told
me that you were the best student last term. Apparently
you are the first form 5 student to the break record of
getting A’s in all her subjects every single time. This is a
congratulations type of gift. I could have given it to you
yesterday when you were playing in the streets but you ran
away before I could approach.”
Nono looked at it. Cal smiled then took it and put it on her.
Nono looked at the black watch, it was so beautiful.
“I hope you don’t think that giving me this watch will make
you like me. I don’t and I don’t like that you are always
harassing me.”
Her school head’s car pulled over at the gate. She rolled
down her window as Nono panicked grabbing her umbrella
from Cal.
She quickly walked away before her school head could say
anything else. Cal watched her rush off then sighed
turning walking back inside the yard. His mother looked at
“Calvin can you leave her alone? Kante can’t you find your
age mates to date? You are too old for her. Are there no
woman in Gaborone? She’s a child and you will be arrested
for defilement do you hear me?! She has a bright future
and you are not going to ruin it for her! That’s my best
student, you are a 24 year old man! Look for your age
“Stay away from Nonofo or else I will call the police and
you will explain to them what you want to do with a child.”
Nono walked inside her aunt’s yard and inside the house
then looked at the Senior Reverend from church inside the
house together with two more pastors.
Her aunt smiled making her smile. Besides her aunt being
strict, Nono loved her. At least she made her feel cared for
on most days..
“I am keeping it.”
“You are not! Give it back!”
“Because if aunty finds out she will be angry. You want her
to kick us out?”
Sessy sighed. “I am sorry I took the sweets.”
[08/26, 8:26 am] #o: Something About You
Later that day, Nono finished cooking while Sessy did the
dishes. She closed the pots as Sessy took the bin to the
She looked at the car parked across the street. Cal jumped
out of his father’s 4x4 white Hilux. He walked over to her
as she smiled.
Cal laughed. “I will give you P10 if you call out Nono for
“Ok.. P20.”
Cal laughed then gave her the P20 note. Sessy smiled
taking it then hurried back in the house. She looked at her
aunt and her husband.
“Its Masego.”
“I am scared, my aunt-“
He took her hand leading her to the car then opened the
car door for her. She looked at him then got it scared.
Cal jumped in the car and looked at her. She had tied a
head wrap in her head now. He reached over and took it
off then smiled.
Cal laughed. “Do I look like a boy to you? Gape she doesn’t
have to know.”
“I know I am ugly.”
“You are not ugly. You are beautiful. More than just
beautiful and you are thick.. there’s nothing wrong with it.”
She laughed. “You are lying… you don’t sleep on the floor.”
“What? Singing?”
“Sessy sings for me but it’s just a normal day for me.
Nothing special. I have never had cake or this for my
birthday. Thank you.”
She took off the candle then started eating the chocolate
muffin. She looked at him.
“You want?”
“It’s ok..I am good.”
She took another bite then gave him what was left.
Cal wiped the chocolate off the corner of her lips. She
looked at him nervously. He got closer.
“Happy birthday..”
She nodded. Cal got even closer then kissed her, Nono’s
heart skipping. He could taste the chocolate in her mouth
as he kissed her even more. He released her lips and
smiled as she looked at him scared.
Cal pulled her closer deepening the kiss then pulled away.
“You keep it safe. Your aunt’s evil kids are all gone right?”
She looked at it. It was cracked but it was still a phone. Cal
gave her a plastic with the charger.
She took the plastic then jumped off the car. She quickly
walked back to the house then threw the plastic and
phone through the window into the room they used. Nono
walked inside the house just as Cal drove off.
“Cal gave-“
Nono took the phone from her then pressed it. She smiled
happily looking at the screen.
“Yes aunty.”
Her aunt walked out. Nono took out the phone and texted
Cal back.
The following morning, Nono stepped out of the house
just after 3 then hurried to the gate. She ran over to the car
and got in breathing heavily.
Maybe that had been his plan all along because all that he
was doing had been too good to be true either way.
Cal finally parked the car then stepped out with her. He
looked at her terrified face and kissed her.
He took out the keys from his pocket and unlocked the
door then switched on the lights in the house.
Cal led her in then took her to the back of the house where
the river passed through. The moonlight reflected the river
that she could see it clearly. Cal led her to the hammock
then got in with her.
Cal rubbed her back till she was relaxed. Nono looked at
the stars.
“My mom was killed five years ago. My father just left us…
then it was my brother and I. We woke up and he was gone.
He found another woman and moved away. Years went by,
it was hard then my mom met a man. He loved her at first
till he turned into an animal. He would beat her and
sometimes us. Sessy was born in that marriage..”
Cal moved them a bit then kissed her. Nono closed her
eyes kissing him back catching the hung of it. Cal smiled.
Nono looked into his eyes. “Do you really like me or you
want to sleep with me?”
Cal caressed her cheek. “I more than just like you. I used
to only like you but then it got even worse that I started
falling in love with you. I have been waiting for you to be
legal. Your aunt looks like the type to have me arrested for
He kissed her.
He kissed her one last time then she stepped out and
rushed back in the house.
She slowly opened the door and walked inside. The light
switched on as she jumped startled.
[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
Nono took a deep breath.
“I went to check on my plot at school because I know I
won’t get a chance to do it today.”
“No aunty.”
“Go and take a bath. We are going to leave a bit early today.
The reverend wants to introduce us to his son. You know
he’s soon going to be made pastor right?”
“Yes. You are a good girl Nono. The reverend says there’s
no one better than you in our church who can be with his
“So? You know your uncle is 8 years older than me? The
reverend is 15 years older than his wife. Age is just a
number, gape a woman should marry an older man. That’s
what we are destined for.”
Nono looked at her. “Then I will leave. Why don’t you marry
off your own daughters?”
Her aunt slapped her hard across the face. Nono moved
back as her aunt breathed heavily.
“What happened?”
Nono smiled.
Nono: Yes.
Cal: You have exams, how about after? I will send you
money and you can come.
Cal: Ok, I will have the money ready. You are serious
Nono: Yes.
At the rank, Cal looked at his father who had been driving.
“Your mother tells me you are still eyeing Nono.”
“I love you.”
“Bye Cal.”
“I will.”
[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
Seven Weeks Later…
“I will. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She’s
my wife. The mother of my children.”
“Noted, thanks.”
“Outside. Come…”
“Me too.”
Nono got up then picked her shoes. She slowly stepped
out then tiptoed to the sitting room grabbing the keys
behind the TV.
He let her go and kissed her. Nono closed her eyes kissing
him back then looked down shyly.
“Thank you.”
Nono looked at his bare chest then looked away all shy.
He sat with her on the bed.
“I found a bachelor pad, it’s big enough for all three of us.
You are going to love it. I am excited for this, I love you.”
Nono looked in his eyes. “I think I love you too because
you all I think about all day. You make me happy.”
Every touch made set her ablaze. Cal moved his lips to her
neck, Nono closed her eyes as an involuntary moan
escaped her lips.
“Shh.. it’s ok. I don’t want a baby too. It’s too early.”
He kissed her taking her hands off her breast. Cal
squeezed them then leaned over sucking each nipple as if
he were a baby.
Nono closed her eyes curling her toes then gently touched
his head, her breathing even heavier.
Over and over again till she was moaning in her ear
grabbing him. The more he rubbed, the more it felt even
more good and the more she got wetter.
“I won’t…”
[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
Cal parked the car across the street that same night then
stepped out with her as got out.
Nono smiled standing out in the dark with him. For the
first time she actually didn’t care who was watching.
“I love you too. You will have the emergency pills when we
meet right?”
Nono hugged him then turned and walked back to the gate.
Cal watched her till she was inside the house then drove
Inside the house, Nono joined her sister in bed then laid
down smiling. She turned to sleep but sleep seemed have
deserted her.
Her mind took her back to him on top of her. She blushed
smiling, it had felt like heaven at the end. The second time
felt much better… more nicer.
“And today you think you can embarrass me? I know about
your little relationship with your school head’s son! I saw
you last night, busy kissing him in the streets. You think I
don’t know?”
She slapped Nono hard across her face then snatched the
Her aunt slammed her head against the wall again then
pulled her hair that Nono screamed crying.
She pulled Nono into the wardrobe then tried closing but
Nono put her hands crying, the wardrobe door slamming
on her fingers. She quickly pulled away screaming then her
aunt closed the wardrobe doors locking her inside.
Her aunt grabbed the stick and started whipping her, each
whip harder than the previous. Sessy tried to get away her
aunt’s husband held her as her aunt continued whipping
Minutes passed and she was still not there. Over thirty
minutes later Cal called her.
[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
Cal drove down Nono’s street slowing down. He looked at
the cars parked and the tent inside the yard. He parked his
brother’s car and stepped out of the car.
“Sure ntwana!”
“Uh our brother from church is paying bride price for his
girlfriend today. Today is such a wonderful day.”
The ladies sang even more while some ululated. Her aunt
handed her over to a man who smiled hugging Nono.
Cal rubbed his eyes, there was no way this was happening.
Tears filled her eyes then she looked away. Nono’s aunt
walked over to him.
“Calvin! How is your mother? She’s going to be upset but
Nono and Theo couldn’t wait anymore. Either way it’s just
one subject, it really doesn’t matter. I tried to refuse but
they both wanted it to happen. When God has said yes, no
one can say no.”
Cal shook his head then smiled. “How long was she with
“A year now. They were just good at hiding it. I have never
seen Nono this sure before. I think she was scared most
of the time thinking I will beat her but Theo is a good man.
He’s a church man. Spiritually aggressive. One day he will
be taking over his father’s church with Nono right by his
“Her aunt says she long started dating the preacher dude.
All along… all along..” He swallowed a painful lump on his
throat. Tears burnt his eyes. “All along…”
“Are you serious? Cut her done slack. Poor thing was
probably forced into all this. You said you loved her… you
should be taking her and running off right now. Call her..”
Cal took out his phone and called her. The phone rang for
a while then she picked.
She hung up. He quickly called her back but she cut the
call. Cal breathed heavily calling her again and this time
the phone was off.
Nono aunt took her phone and sighed. “Lets go. We are
going to drop you off at his house then leave you there.”
[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
At Theo’s house, Nono sat in her aunt’s car at the
backseat looking at Theo’s relatives in the yard, others
were married church ladies.
She couldn’t even bring herself to cry as she sat in the car.
Her aunt stepped out of her car while some of their
relatives who had come to drop her off also got out of
their cars.
Nono thought of her sister who had left behind, her heart
getting even heavier. The future she had envisioned…
everything seemed to be shuttering and there was nothing
she could do.
Inside the yard, Theo looked at her smiling, she was young
and beautiful. Her uncle looked over.
“Of cause it’s scary and sad. She’s leaving behind her
family and she’s going to stay with you here. I have no
doubt when your father said God showed him that Nono
was the one. I think you two are going to be the happiest.
Don’t forget to take it easy. They are going to advice you
on all sorts but I need you to understand that she’s still
young and she obviously doesn’t know most things. Don’t
be too hard on her. She will learn and love you right.”
His uncle smiled. “Mme gone you know what you are
supposed to do right? I know you were raised under strict
rules and regulations.”
“O sure?”
Mmagwe Theo hugged her tightly then led her out. Nono
turned to her aunt who smiled faking tears.
She walked out closing the door behind her. Nono walked
in the bathroom then closed the door and cried. She cried
till she was just gasping sitting on the floor.
She looked at him then tried to speak but she cried instead.
Theo hugged her..
The brothers stepped out then Cal rang the intercom while
looking at the black Fortuner parked in the yard.
“Her boyfriend!”
“Ng Ng… this guy is serious. Let’s go, he’d definitely not a
push over. We will get Nono, don’t worry.”
Nono shook her head trying to hold her tears. “You need to
go..I told you we need to stop.”
“Nonofo I love you.”
“We can’t . It’s too late.” She moved back crying. “Go.
Move on.”
“Please leave.”
Theo dished for her while Nono sat in the sitting room lost
in her own thoughts. He walked with her plate over to her
and sat next to her.
She could leave, get Sessy from school and run away
forever. She thought of Cal… he had said he’d take of her
and her sister.. her sister was an extra load. How long
would he love her enough to be able to take care of her
Before he got tired. And what if he left her. Over thirty
minutes of standing by the door later, Nono slowly turned
and walked to the bedroom freezing. She looked at him
sleeping then slowly got in under blankets at the edge
leaving a huge gap between them. She forced her eyes to
close and remained still till she fell asleep.
He got up and fixed his tie. “Bye. Pin is 9345. Oh… and I
got you a phone. With a sim card. You will call me if.. you
need anything. I registered the sim card for you, my
number is in there.”
Theo walked out. Nono looked at the card then at the
plastic with her phone. She reached for it and took out the
iphone, her heart skipping.
She swallowed opening the box and took out the brand
new phone.
An hour later..
Nono got in the cab then the cab driver smiled driving off.
“Good morning Mam.”
She sighed looking out the window, the card and phone in
her hand. The cab took her to the mall, Nono walked in the
shops getting her sister clothes and a new school uniform.
She got her school books as well and shoes.
Nono walked in Clicks last then looked at all the nice skin
care products. She picked a couple of things then walked
to the till and paid then walked out. It felt nice swiping. She
bumped into Cal who looked behind her waiting to see him.
“I know but what would happen when you and I break up? I
was desperate to get out that’s all. I am sorry but I am not
going to just run off. I can’t take Sessy and run off. Aunty
can always get her if she prove to the court I am not
financially stable to take care of my sister. I need a proper
plan… not to run off. I am sad this has happened but I am
not leaving. Not yet anyway. Move on. There’s nothing I
can give you. I am sorry but this is life… we can’t away get
what we want in life. I long leant that at a young age.”
At the church, Theo stepped out of the premises looking at
Nono as she stepped out of the cab holding shopping
Bonno turned to Nono and smiled. “Oh… hi.. Who knew you
could be married today? I always thought you were just a
fat child. Anyways, I will tell them you are coming.”
Bonno turned cat walking away. Theo opened the door for
Nono then she got in.
“I will be quick.”
“No..I didn’t. I never did, you were just hitting on me. Stay
in your lane. Disrespect my wife and you disrespect me.”
[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
Two Months Later…
Nono sat in her bedroom while Sessy watched the
hairdresser pin her sister’s hair turning her into a real bride.
“Do you two kiss? He seems more like your friend than…”
“Thank you.”
The church lady opened the shopping bag with the lingerie.
Sessy smiled watching as they dressed her sister.
Her phone rang distracting her then she turned and looked
at Theo calling.
The two ladies walked out with Sessy as Nono picked the
He sighed. “If you feel you can’t do it… it’s ok to say so.
After this there’s no going back.”
“I know…”
“Thank you.”
Her aunt walked over to her and smiled. “You see now? I
was looking out for you.”
“No you were not. You wanted money and you got it. You
sold me off. It could have been anyone. Theo and I are
discussing taking Sessy but she said she wants to go to a
boarding school so she will be going next term.”
“You are very ungrateful Nonofo! Today you think you can
talk to me anyhow just because –“
Mmagwe Theo smiled taking Nono’s hand and led her out
to the waiting car.
“O ready?”
Her friend looked at her frown. “Smile, you look like you
are going to kill her.”
“So you are really coming to create drama? I just got a call
from your friend.”
“Stop this. I know you love her. I know you had imagined a
future with her but she doesn’t want you. Not anymore.
Leave her alone.”
Cal cut his brother’s call and minutes later parked a the
church. He ran over to the entrance then opened the doors
budging inside. Everyone turned to him. Cal looked at
Nono who was wearing a white gown… she looked
[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
The reverend looked at Cal. Theo turned to Nono then got
Cal tearfully looked at him. “You are lying… you know it.”
“She doesn’t love you. She probably will never love you.
You can go ahead with the wedding if you want but you
will never have her heart. And sooner or later, she will
“That’s ok. I will wait for her to leave. But what do know is
that should you bother my wife again, I will make you pay
for it. I am actually not scared to put God aside and put
you in your place.”
Theo walked back in the church. He looked at Nono who
looked more than embarrassed then held her hands.
Theo smiled then leaned over and kissed her. Nono closed
her eyes and shyly kissed him back and quickly looked
down while everyone cheered.
Later that day in the evening, Cal finished his beer then
opened another can.
Cal rubbed his tearful eyes and gulped down the beer.
Pako snatched it from him.
That same evening, Theo carried his wife inside the hotel
that overlooked the Okavango river. He put her down
Theo smiled then kissed her. Nono closed her eyes putting
her hands on his chest. He unzipped her gown then moved
back taking it off then looked at the white lingerie she had
[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
#removed (removed scenes has been posted at the
private group, do join)
She threw her head back p*ssy clenched, tears filled her
eyes as the pleasure increased.
Pleasure ran through her entire body till she vibrated, her
orgasm running through her body making her shake
uncontrollably like she was having a seizure.
Nono blinked. “I… I got burnt while I was cooking. The pot
full of rice fell, it was too hot and I couldn’t hold it… aunty
got angry and burnt me by mistake.”
Theo kissed her guiding his dic in her p*ssy. He slid future
inside as she let out a soft moan caressing his shoulders.
The following morning, Nono stood by the sliding door
looking at the Okavango river. She turned picking her
phone and took a picture of view.
“You are lying. You and I both know you are lying. I love
you more than anything. I know you love me too. We had a
plan, I just wish you had fought for us more. There’s
nothing I wouldn’t haven’t done for you. I am hurting
babe… all this is breaking my heart.”
“Is it the money? What is it that he gives you that you think
I can’t give you?”
“Stop. Please.”
Nono hung up, the door opened then Theo walked in.
Nono smiled as he kissed her.
“It would make you happy… wouldn’t it? I want to keep the
one we made last night.”
[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
At Cal’s house, Cal gave Sessy back her phone.
“And I am sorry.”
“All done.”
“No. I am way older than you and… don’t do that again. You
are a child!”
“Go home!”
She got closer and touched him. Cal pushed her back.
“No. She’s a baby. I don’t even look at her like that. She
just went naked on me.”
“You will get better… let me be with her church boy. The
fact that he’s richer than you doesn’t make anything
easier so forget winning her over. The guy has the money
and resources to make her stay.”
Sessy slowly walked home, now that she was thinking of it,
chances of him telling Nono were high.
She swallowed, the left thing she wanted was hurting her
She took out her phone and called Nono but she didn’t
Sessy sighed, her phone vibrated letting her know she only
had 3% of battery left. Sessy walked even faster but her
rang slowing her down. She quickly picked.
“Hi, don’t tell Nono about it..I won’t tell her anything. I am
leaving right now so let’s just pretend it didn’t happen.”
“Its ok.”
“What’s wrong?”
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[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
Nono’s heart pounded, Theo looked at her face then took
her phone. He looked at the message reading through.
“Are you ok? What were you even doing at Calvin’s house
“Nono listen-“
“I am coming, we are going to report him!”
“Sessy you-“
“I was going to tell her before you told me not tell her..I
deleted the WhatsApp message and I didn’t tell anyone.”
“Shit! You can get those messages back if you really want
to! Fuvk what did you say in that message?”
“What did you say?!”
“I am scared.”
“You need to tell her the truth! Do you realize what this can
“Ng Ng.. I am going to tell her to forget it. Then we can all
just move on.”
Sessy’s phone rang, she cut Cal’s call picking her sister’s
“I am coming.”
Over an hour later, Theo parked his car. Nono stepped out
of the car and hurried inside her aunt’s house, she walked
in and looked at her aunt who was watching TV holding a
cup of tea.
“We are doing it! I am not going to let anyone molest you
and get away with it!”
“Did she tell you the truth? She kissed me! I see a child
when I look at her! I love you, why would I kiss your baby
sister when I love you? You should know me better than
At the police station, Nono stepped out with Sessy. Sessy
pulled her hand.
“I am reporting it!”
“She is coming.”
Theo kissed her then they walked back inside the police
“Nono please…”
“Yes. I think she was just scared but no one will stop to
think she might be lying.”
“Thank you.”
“Let’s go.. you will tell the truth of what really happened. I
wish you had just stayed away from Nonofo and
everything that is connected to her. Should this blow over,
can you just stay away from her? This woman is not the
woman for you. I understand you love her but she doesn’t
love you and never did. Right now you are still drunk, you
stink..go and take a shower while I call the lawyer. O
ntenela gore gao retse! (You piss me off because you
don’t listen! Mama was right, you should have just stayed
away from Nonofo.”
“Dumelang… I am Calvin.”
“So is the man you are married to! Is it wrong to like him?
He is a good man. I also want to be like you..I want to
marry a good man. I kissed him thinking he liked me the
way I like him. He didn’t do anything.”
Nono looked at her. “You purposely went after the man I
was with because you wanted him too?”
“So you think sleeping with him will make him like you?”
“I am sorry.”
“You are 13. Do you understand that? You are way too
young to be thinking about men! I can’t believe you would
do this. I don’t even know who you are, I would have never
thought that my own sister can be chasing after my ex
boyfriends. Who knows, maybe you were targeting him
right from the get go.”
“Nono I wasn’t –“
“We spoke to him and his story matches your sister’s
seems your sister is the one who harassed him. We
listened to their call after the incident. He recorded it.”
Nono walked out. Cal followed her and grabbed her hand.
“Nono.. wait…”
“I didn’t want to tell you and come between you and your
sister. I am sorry… you already know the kind of man I am
babe… I am the kind of man that loves you and is willing to
do anything for you. That’s the kind of man I am. I hate
that I feel so weak before you. I feel helpless. What hurts
more is that I can’t seem to find the switch to stop loving
you. I can’t stop and it hurts so bad babe.”
“You will one day stop.” She looked at her sister. “Aunty
will take you home. I am going.”
“Nono I am sorry.”
“So am I.”
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[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
Seven Months Later…
Nono smiled. “You will be gone for only two days. I will be
“I will.”
He hugged her kissing her neck then got in his car and
reversed out headed to Shakawe.
Nono hurried back inside the house then pulled out her
bag from the wardrobe. She threw in a few clothes in the
bag then took one of the bags with the baby’s clothes.
She took the bags to her car outside and threw it in the
boot before jumping in.
She took a deep breath, she had never driven such a long
distance since she got the license and the car. She closed
her eyes trying to calm down then drove out of the yard
closing the gate with remote.
“Hi, you are speaking to Nonofo Motsodi. Seetsele-“
“I am serious.”
Nono hung up then adjusted her seat headed to Gaborone
calling Theo.
“I can’t talk and drive at the same time. Go to Shakawe. I
will be fine. You got me this car because you trust me, I
can drive. I will call you should anything happen.”
“You are letting her control you too much. Nonofo needs
to understand that things won’t just stop because her
sister is sick. You should be coming with her this side. If
her sister is not dying then I see no reason why you
shouldn’t come.”
“I have spoken. You need to put your foot down. You got
married for a reason! Be the man in the relationship! I
expect to see you in the next 4 hours!”
His father hung up. Theo called Nono but she still at didn’t
pick. He sighed swaying the car headed to Shakawe.
“Nono I am sorry –“
“I am not angry anymore. I wish you can see how much I
love you. If you weren’t there, I would have long killed
myself. You are my entire world and there’s nothing I
wouldn’t do for you. I want you to go far in life. Last year
was primary school… now you are in Junior school. There
is a lot of influence from your peers… don’t forget what
you promised Kaene.”
“Good. I bought you a few things. They are at the car. One
of your teachers said you can take them.”
“Hey, just got your message. Are you ok?”
“I don’t like his you just left, gape driving in your condition.
It’s a risk babe.”
“It will be fine. I promise… I love you. I will get your flight
tickets for tomorrow morning.”
Nono closed the boot and got in her car. She rubbed her
bump aw the slight pain from earlier came back. She
started the car minutes later and drove off headed to GPH
calking her doctor.
“Mild pain.”
“Are there chances that this baby will look like his father?”
At GPH, Nono parked the car and stepped. She frowned
feeling something run down her legs. She looked down
and frowned at the water. She swallowed tearfully then
grabbed her bags from the car and walked inside the
“Ng Ng..”
“I will be fine. You said you will write a report to say baby is
“I am fine.”
“I am coming.”
“No! You heard what your father said. You can’t always
want to protect me Theo. I know you are worried but I am
going to be ok.”
“I love you.”
He smiled. “I love you too. By the way I scheduled an
appointment with the doctor I told you about for Monday. I
want to go with you. I want to hear what the doctor says.”
“Pastor –“
“Oh ok.”
“He’s ready…”
His phone rang, he reached for it and picked with his eyes
on his laptop.
“Hi. It’s Nono.”
“I am at GPH.”
“I am scared.”
“Where is Theo?”
“In Maun.”
“Is it mine? Tell me. We dill find a way to handle it… we will
handle it together. I know you are scared but.. if it’s mine
we can handle it together I promise.”
“Its mine?”
“Yes. My marriage –“
Just got home, I got busy upon knocking off, I will post
another one.
[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
Cal rushed inside the hospital. He went over to the
“I will deal with that when I cross that bridge. Right now
she and my baby need me.”
“She was obviously scared. I know you don’t like her but I
love her and if this is my chance to get her and our baby
then I am going for it.”
“She’s left?”
“Oh ok. What time did she say she will be back to pick up
“No. Uh Sessy is not scheduled to get picked up.. her
sister just came to see her.”
“No… I just arrived. Nono was worried about you. Are you
“Ng Ng…”
“Thank you!”
She hugged him then hurried off. Theo walked out of the
offices then got in his car calling a number.
Theo started his car and drove. His phone vibrated ringing
minutes later.
“Uh… Calvin?”
“Yes.. yes!”
Cal looked at Nono then kissed her and walked out with
the nurse to where his son was. Cal ‘s heart skipped as he
looked at the baby crying, the nurse reached inside the
small bed and took the baby.
He cried even more. Cal rocked him in his arms till he kept
Nono slowly turned her head. Cal smiled.
“Where did you go? Theo you know you can’t just up and
leave right?”
[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
The receptionist looked at him, this one had a ring on his
finger. She swallowed nervously.
“Nonofo Motsodi.”
“Where is my wife?”
“She is resting.”
She led him to where the baby was. She frowned at the
empty bed.
Theo followed after her and walked inside the room. The
doctor took a deep breath looking at Cal who was holding
the baby seating on the chair.
The doctor walked over and took the baby from Calvin.
Cal sighed calmly. “He is mine. And you are not going to
have him.”
Nono moved her head at the noise. Theo closed the door.
“And what makes you so sure that he’s yours? Koteng
wena wa ntwaela!”
“She called me and told me. Before you there was me. And
this boy is mine ebile if you want DNA tests we can do it
but he’s mine and soon she will also be mine. Nna ga ke
lwe mister, I am telling you facts.”
Theo could almost hear his heart beating hard against his
The doctor walked out with the baby. Theo looked her
Nono slowly got off bed crying, the pain of the C-section
slowly kicking in. She slowly walked over and touched him.
Theo angrily slapped her across the face losing it. Nono
screamed moving back falling. The pain of her fresh
wound weakened her body as she cried on the floor.
He angrily looked at her, his father had been right all along.
He had given her way too much freedom.
“I am sorry.”
“You are going to tell him it’s not his! I will handle the DNA
tests, I won’t let you make me a fool Nonofo.”
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[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
Theo released her neck pushing her. She fell gasping. He
stepped on her fresh wound hard that she screamed
crying then he kicked sending pain waves throughout her
“We are going to do DNA tests, you tell him it’s not his.”
“I don’t give a fuvk about your stitches! I said you are going
to tell him it’s not his.”
She looked at him crying. “I will tell him it’s not his baby.”
“You are making noise, why are you crying? I will give you
a reason to cry, o seka wa bata go mpefomela Nonofo! Wa
She nodded trying not to cry..
“I am sorry.”
“You are going to tell him it’s not his and that we want to
do DNA tests. If you don’t I will hurt you where it hurts the
most. Your brother will die in prison and forget your sister
being anything in life. Do you hear me?!”
“Papa do you still have that guy’s number from the lab?”
“Yes why?”
“They better.”
“What is it?”
“A boy.”
“I need a favor.”
“Ok, but this time around I want you to say the baby is
actually mine. He’s not..”
“Its complicated.”
“You can come. Is your father coming?”
“He wants to do DNA tests but he’s mine. Did you see that
picture I sent you? It looks like me.”
Pako laughed. “You gave the baby your ugly ears. Fuck this
is insane, he looks just like you.”
Cal stepped out of his car with the food and a shopping
bag with the baby clothes he had just bought..
“Take it easy.”
“What happened?”
“I fell.”
“We are going to put you on the bed so I can see what’s
going on.”
They lifted her and put her on the bed while she cried in
pain. The doctor quickly took off the bandage and
swallowed at the undone stitches.
Beauty pageant target reached, let's do 10k+ likes and
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[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
Calvin walked inside the hospital going to Nono’s room.
He stopped smiling watching as the doctor pushed Nono
out with the nurse.
A tear fell down from the corner of her eye going to her ear.
“Please step aside.”
“What’s wrong?”
“She’s bleeding. Her stitches came off. Just wait for her.”
“I think her phone is in her bag. She’s fine. Don’t worry ok?
I think now that she has seen you, she’s much better.”
“Ok. Bye.”
Cal stood up. “I am here for my son and his mother. Stop
provoking me, we are not in your church!”
Theo wiped the blood on his nose just as the lab guy
walked in.
“If the DNA results come back saying he’s mine then I
catch you talking to my wife, I am going to kill you.”
The lab guy walked past them going to the reception just
Theo’s phone vibrated. He picked the call.
“I am in the hospital.”
Theo hurried off leaving Cal standing with the security guy.
“I don’t think, I know. But you will explain the rest to the
“Ng Ng …”
“Babe… who hit you? Because I would never hurt you. It’s
common for her to assume it’s me but tell me who hit
“Step away from wife. I don’t trust you as her doctor and I
want to transfer her and our son.”
[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
Cal looked at the lab guy taking the swab.
The man from the lab turned and looked at Theo walking
“Are you here for the DNA?”
Theo opened his mouth then the man took a swab with a
cotton bud and put it into a little plastic.
“Thank you.”
Cal clicked his tongue then walked away. He got in the car
calling Nono.
“You fell?”
“I was trying to get on the bed. The baby is not yours. The
doctor just did a recalculation.”
“Who are you lying to? You can’t lie to me baby… at least
not me. I know you are scared and for many reasons I
understand. You have had to put your siblings before you
your entire life, especially your sister. Just like your brother.
He had to put you guys first. But there’s just much you can
take. Sessy can always go to a government school here in
Gabs. You-“
“Do you need anything?”
“There are colleges in Maun gape when will you find time
for school when you have a baby? This baby is going to
need you. We will see about school in about two years or
so. When the baby is a bit old.”
She looked at him tearfully. “That’s not what you said last
“And then you lied to me! And now all of a sudden you
want to come to Gaborone for school so you can be with
your little boyfriend? You are not coming here. There’s
nothing I can’t give you back at home. You are not coming
here and that’s it. Don’t piss me off!”
His voice got firmer and deeper. She kept quiet fearfully.
The nurse handed the baby to Nono who was lying on her
side. Nono swallowed trying not to move too much feeling
the injection she had been good given at GPH begin to
wear off.
She pulled her baby closer and looked at him tearfully. She
could instantly see Calvin on her son. She closed her eyes
briefly then took out her breast and put it in his mouth.
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[08/26, 8:27 am] #o: Something About You
In Nono’s room, Theo walked in and looked at her as she
breastfed her baby.
He swallowed. “Reign?”
“Ng Ng, it’s too basic. That will be his second name. His
first name is Reign.”
The new doctor walked in and smiled. “Hi.. how are you
“Yeah you can. Motheo is also nice. I will give you guys
She walked out. Theo took the baby and held him in his
arms staring at him. The baby remained still in his arms
sleeping peacefully.
“So did the nurse try formula on him?”
“No. I will just pump the milk for him. He doesn’t need
formula. You can throw away that milk . it’s not important.
I think I will manage just fine.”
He took the bottle with the formula and put it on his mouth.
“No no…” she whispered. “Don’t give him formula yet.. let’s
see how it goes with breast milk. If Nono is unable to cater
to the baby’s needs then you two can consider formula.”
“Thank you..”
Cal hung up and smiled thinking of his son. His phone rang,
he reached for it and picked.
Minutes later a car drove in the yard. Cal opened the door
and looked at Lemogang as she walked inside his house
still in her work formal wear. She looked at him smiling.
Lemo stood on her toes kissing him putting her hand in his
pants. She stroked his dic sucking his tongue.
Cal got hard in her hand. Lemp slowly went down on her
knees dropping kisses down the pulled out his dic. She
licked her lips leaning over sucking the tip like a lolipop.
Cal threw his head back touching her head. Lemo swirled
her tongue taking him a bit deeper. He grunted flexing his
toes then she started moving her head letting him hit the
back of her throat. Her p*ssy clenched as she listened to
those groans and moans.
“Ahh shit!”
Lemo took his dic out of her mouth and stroked him with
her head while sucking his balls. She tightened her grip on
his dic going a bit faster then slowed down and sucked the
tip again, her tongue circling it.
Her p*ssy got even wetter as his grunts got louder. She
looked at him moving her head taking then got up just as
he got closer.
Lemo kissed him. Cal picked her up and held her against
the wall lowering her down on it. Her warm p*ssy opened
up for him taking him all in. Shr moaned sucking on his
neck then he #removed.
She hit her lower lip moaning. Cal curved his back
thrusting deeper and harder. Lemo screamed standing on
her toes but Cal pushed her down and #removed.
In the early hours of the morning, Cal turned in his sleep
then woke up feeling a body against him.
He sat down calling her. Her phone rang for a while then
she finally picked at the end.
“I am fine.”
“It does that’s why you called. I am sorry about what you
heard. It wasn’t my intention but you couldn’t have
expected me to have just been sitting waiting for you. It’s
just sex with her.”
She cut the call. Lemo kissed his shoulder then picked her
clothes smiling.
Theo kissed her. “You can call him and ask for him to
Nono cried even more putting her hand over her mouth.
“I am fine.”
“Me too.”
“I gave birth.”
Nono sniffed. “I know but you should see him Kaene. He’s
“No. I don’t want you feeling you owe him in the future
because he got me out. Let’s give it five more years and I
promise you… I will be out. Just he patient. I have to go..I
will call you.”
“We had written my name but you are right, we will fix it.
Your names should be on the birth certificate.”
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Two Months Later…
“It’s for my son. I don’t like how you are always busy when
I want to see him. If I can’t see him at your house then I
can take him.”
“Let me talk to Theo.”
“How is he?”
“He is fine.”
“And you? Are you ok? You know your doctor from GPH
told me something last week. I bumped into her. Is he
abusing you?”
“Really? She said he’s the reason why you hot re-stitched.”
“I fell-“
“He just woke up. When Theo was this young, he used to
cry a lot. Reign doesn’t cry much.”
Nono smiled reaching for her son then sat down taking out
her breast. He opened his mouth as she put the nipple in
his mouth.
“He’s quiet. Mama used to say I was a quiet baby.”
“My son is light skinned. This baby is dark. Where did you
get this baby? I have never seen a premature baby that is
so perfect like this. This is not my son’s baby. Who’s the
father? I can’t even say he’s not yours because he’s fat like
you but he’s not my son’s baby.”
“Bring my son!”
Nono took her son and pushed mmagwe Theo holding her
baby in her arms. Theo walked in and frowned.
“Do you blame her? We should have left this baby with his
father but you refused! What do you expect to happen
Nonofo? That you will get a standing ovation for bringing
him home?! And now you can push my mother.”
“Couldn’t you have just let her be? It’s not like she was
going to kill him.”
She started crying. “You are not listening. She was hurting
him. I was trying to protect him. I didn’t push her
“Why are you crying?”
She put her hand over her mouth shaking her head.
The man smiled and led her to the black Jeep Cherokee.
He turned to Calvin. “How long will you be paying this loan
“Did you think about it? Look I know it’s scary but no one
will get caught.”
“I am in.”
“Fuvk thank God! I was worried. Let’s meet now, are you
“Yeah sure.”
Calvin hung up and called Pako.
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
“No one is going to jail.”
“Why are you really doing this? Is it for Nonofo? She’s
worth you going to jail?”
“Do you think if I had money she would have still chosen
Theo? The good guys always finish last. This is an
opportunity to live comfortably, I am not going to jail
because as far as I am concerned, I am just an auditor. It
ends there. This account is not under my name or your
name. Or Ace’s. Should the truth come out, it will be a lost
case because the guy who’s name is going under the
account is in prison. We are not the ones printing the
counterfeit money and neither are we the ones depositing
it into the bank.”
Later that day in the evening, Nono finished cooking while
mmagwe Theo watched TV. She dished for her then
walked with the plate over.
“That’s perfect but like I said, we register you first then you
get chosen. You will be required to take a test for the
administration at the University, you pay for this test. The
NGO responsible for the sponsorship will then approve
your sponsorship after that. Registering for the
sponsorship does not mean you will get in. It simply
means you are on the waiting list and by luck you can get
chosen. Have you applied at UB yet?”
“You can’t.”
“Try me..”
“Ok. When you want to talk I am here. But for now we can
just register for the Australia sponsorship.”
“Thank you.”
“Thank you.”
“Ok bye.”
Botho hung up. Nono leaned over and kissed his cheek.
Her phone rang , she turned and looked at Theo calling.
He hung up. Nono got off bed and quickly packed his
clothes. A while later Theo walked in. She turned to him as
he walked past her smelling the female sent on him. He
walked to the bathroom leaving the strong perfume
hovering in the air.
“Yes why?”
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Theo looked at the message re-reading and put his phone
away. Bonno looked at him.
“Are you ok?”
“I am parked outside.”
“I am coming.”
Nono picked Reign and walked out with him pressing the
gate remote. She looked at the black Jeep by the gate.
Calvin stepped out looking at her.
“He’s growing.”
“Thank you.”
He carefully looked at her right cheek and tilted her chin.
“Calvin please –“
“No. I… can you not ruin this… we are having a nice talk.”
“Nice talk when you are getting beaten? Is this the
environment you are trying to raise my son under?”
“This… it’s not love know it. I know it. There’s
no love like this. You saw it with your mother.. it’s not love.
It’s abuse.”
“Where do I go?”
“She’s for sex. I see nothing but sex when I look at her. I
will end it.”
Reign cried in his arms. Calvin looked at him and rocked
him. Reign opened his mouth leaning to his side looking
for the nipple.
“I got it today.”
“Where is he?”
She stepped out with her bag and rushed inside. Theo
picked his phone and looked at Nono’s message, all the
excitement he had earlier on disappearing.
“I have left. My wife and son need me. Get a cab back to
your house.”
“You heard me. I lost interest. You are too easy to get
which makes me wonder who else you sleep with. You are
loose, I can’t be with you. Why is it so easy for you to say
yes to me?”
At the Cal ‘s grandfather’s farm, Cal laid his son on the bed
then turned to Nono. He walked over to her and kissed her
wrapping his arms around her. She kissed him back as he
unbuttoned her dress.
“No one else is here… just you and I. You don’t have to
pretend to not love me.”
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Nono laid underneath him, as much as she knew it was
wrong, she still found herself hoping he wouldn’t stop..
Cal lifted his head and kissed her taking out his dic. He
took her hand and made her touch it. Nono stroked him
gently feeling him get even harder. He grunted in her
mouth and slid his dic on her wet slit then pressed at her
Nono closed her eyes as he pushed in. Cal kissed her.
She opened her eyes holding her breath. Cal looked at her
pushing the tip in. She gasped moaning as the tip slipped
Cal closed his eyes with a grunt then pushed the rest of
his dic in. Her p*ssy narrowing itself around her then he
begun thrusting, slowly easing her into it.
“I am clean. I am sure you are too, you had to test the time
you gave birth and if you haven’t had sex since then, it
means you are good.”
Cal slid out. “I have been using one. I didn’t some time
back but we went and tested after that. It was a reckless
move on my side.”
He took her hand and took off her ring then kissed her
caressing her thick thigh.
“I know this this the only place she could bring a baby to..”
“No. She didn’t come here. She’s not here. I don’t have any
reason to lie to you.”
Theo frowned getting worried. “Oh..”
Meanwhile Nono’s phone rang inside the brand new Jeep
at the farm.
Inside the house, Cal started the fire in the fireplace inside
the house so to make it warm. He walked to the couch and
laid with Nono who was under a warm fleece. He pulled
her in his arms spooning her.
The following morning, Nono nervously sat in the Jeep
with Reign on her lap. Cal looked at her.
“Perfect. Call Phatsimo and tell her that you are coming.
Does she know what happens in your marriage?”
“Tell her you and Theo had a fight, you left the house and
slept at a neighbor’s. Ask her if you can come to her house
right now so Theo can pick you up.”
Cal parked at Phatsimo’s gate. “Ok. You can go. I will call
“Maybe you can think for you but I want him. I don’t feel
he’s safe. Your husband may try to kill him so he doesn’t
deal with the humiliation of his wife giving birth to another
man’s child. A lot can happen. Right now I am not even
happy with leaving him with you. I will talk to a lawyer
because seems your husband is a problem.”
She slowly stepped out with Reign and walked inside the
yard. Phatsimo opened the door as Cal drove off.
Phatsimo led her inside the house. Nono sat down calling
Theo parked his car in front of the yard then watched as
Nono walked over carrying the baby. She got in the car and
“I did hug someone, her perfume was strong but that’s all.”
“She also understands I am married. You ruined my trip
yesterday with your message. No one abuses you, you
push me into it.”
“Ok. I am sorry.”
Theo frowned. “Why do you call him that when you are
with me? Isn’t his name Calvin?”
Theo kissed her. “We can wait till your body is ready.”
“Thank you.”
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Cal parked his car at his brother’s house, Pako walked out
as Cal jumped out of the car.
“Hi Cal..”
Cal turned to her. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I am ok you?”
“Ke sharp.”
“Mmagwe Reign..”
“Hi, I spoke to Theo and he agrees you should take Reign.
We can sort out the birth certificate tomorrow then.”
“Is he around?”
“Just now.”
“Tell him you are meeting Phatsimo later. I want to take
you somewhere.”
“I miss you.”
“Me too.”
“Tomorrow then.”
“I love you.”
“You were with her last night weren’t you? What does this
woman give you that other women can’t give you? She’s a
married woman.”
“If I go to jail-“
“It’s fake?”
Pako carefully looked at it, he took out the real one from
his pocket and compared the two. They looked exactly the
“Babe can Cal give me a lift to the mall? Akere he’s going?
Can he drop me off?”
“It’s too short. You can’t go dressed like the. You can’t
even bend wearing that.”
“I don’t know. Things have been shaky. Last week she was
upset that I couldn’t take her to Kasane because her
friend’s boyfriend was taking the friend. She likes the
flashy life but can’t afford it herself. I am not even sure of
the future and I think she’s cheating too. You can drop her
off then we will talk later.”
Cal got in his car and started the car then reversed out.
Kele looked at him.
“Pako said you got a new job. I guess it comes with the
new title..”
She softly laughed touching his thigh. “But still. You are so
determined and you are a hard worker too. It’s sexy…”
Cal looked at her. Kele smiled. “I hear you are still after
that chubby girl… I don’t know why she’s blind and can’t
see all this you are. If I were her… I’d treat you like God.”
She rubbed his thigh crossing her leg that her dress rolled
up exposing her thighs.
She pushed her hand further up his thigh. Cal pushed her
“Stop it.”
“Go. Pako knows me better than that. I’d never hit on dirt
like you, and try wearing a bra too ka mabele a
lepeletsing( with your saggy boobs.)”
Kele angrily got out of his car and banged the door. Cal
drove off calling his brother.
Nono took the milkshake smiling. “Thank you. I will mix his
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Nono paused about to take the third sip of the cold
milkshake as Reign woke up. She got up picking her son
and walked to the kitchen. She walked inside the kitchen
just as Theo poured something inside her son’s bottle.
“What’s that?”
“Let me see.”
“Aunty just called, she’s saying she fell and she’s in pain.
Can we go and pick her up?”
“She fell from what?”
“Yeah… uh you can give him the milk. And finish your
milkshake because it comes watery.”
“Yes. Go..”
“Hi, we need to meet. I am going to the hospital. I am
leaving him. I am leaving the house right now.”
“He’s back, he’s trying to kill me. Come and take your son.
He’s going to hurt him. I think he poisoned me with
coolant. I saw him pour it in Reign’s milk. Thank God I saw
“Come now!”
“I forgot my phone.”
“No.. I think you should stay behind. Just stay behind with
Reign. Come…”
He opened the door for her. Nono took Reign and smiled
“Ok hurry. She’s in pain.”
She looked at him. He looked at Reign then walked over
and took him from her. She got closer trying to get him
back but he pushed her.
“You are going to call him and tell him that you were just
lying to him, you just wanted to see his reaction or I am
going to kill Reign right in front of you.”
“I know you are planning a little get away with Calvin. All
along I have been watching you talk to him behind my
back. You think I am ok with that? That I am ok with
raising a bastard child you got because you are a loose
whore?! Nono kea itse! You can’t fuvken fool me! This
could have been easy for the both of us. He would have
died and we would have continued with our son but you
think you are smart huh?”
“Bring my baby!”
Theo held him with tiny legs turning him upside down.
Reign gasped crying.
“Bring my baby!”
“You are going to call him and tell him that you were
pulling his leg. And that he should come and take his child.
I don’t want to hurt him. You are not going anywhere
Nonofo, you don’t know the influence my family has. I’d
rather have you dead. Come to think of it, suicide sounds
nice… may we can say you killed yourself because you felt
guilty for cheating on me though I was prepared to forgive
you. Call him and tell him not to bring the police here. If
the police comes Nono then you and this baby will die.”
“He’s making you say all that isn’t he? Why is Reign crying?
I’d anything happens to my son I am going to kill him!”
“Ok cool.”
“I can kill you, your sister and this baby. Drown him and
say it was you. I will kill you then hang you, say it was
suicide. Your sister will just go missing then letter get
found hanging too.”
Nono cried silently. “Its my ex isn’t he? He’s bitter that I got
married. I am happily married and he’s trying to ruin things
for me. I am ok.”
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Theo handed her the baby.
Nono held her baby in her arms. She sniffed walking out
with him. Cal walked inside. Theo kissed Nono ‘s cheek
then looked at him.
Cal turned and walked to the car with Reign then laid him
down at the backseat. He walked back.
“Cal stop!”
He punched him one last time then looked at Nonofo.
“Let’s go.”
“My sister –“
“So what?!”
“Reign is still under my names. I will call the police and say
you kidnapped him, that you came to my house and
forcefully took him from my wife and I.”
Cal looked at Nonofo. “Let’s go. He’s probably said it all to
scare you but he won’t do anything. He’s weak and
pathetic, hides behind his father for everything. If you don’t
come with me today then I am done with you Nonofo. I
love you guys I can’t keep doing this. I can’t save you if you
don’t want to be saved, it’s emotionally draining for me.
You know what’s best for you, if you feel staying here and
letting him abuse you is what you prefer then there’s
nothing I can do. I hope you know with the coolant you
ingested, your body has started to break it down, in a
couple of hours your body organs will start giving in, your
kidneys, your brain.. it’s a slow poison and no one will
know what happened to you.. that’s just how dangerous it
Nonofo tearfully looked at him. She took off her ring and
threw it down.
“I don’t love you, I am not going to die. I told you… I will not
stay with you forever.”
Cal took her hand and led her to his car. Nono grabbed her
baby’s bag from her car together with the documents she
had taken. She got in the car with Cal then he drove away.
“He and his girlfriend are going to pick him up from school.
You can call the school and give them the go ahead to
release her.”
Nono nodded and called the school while Cal drove to the
hospital. She briefly spoke to the school then ended the
Calvin handed him over the nurse walked with him to the
bed and examined him. She touched his swollen leg, Reign
started crying.
She put him on her chest calming him down. “He is ok, just
a bit bruised and swollen, it must be painful for our little
guy but he’s fine.”
“Ijo, take your son. He’s looking for milk from me. We have
some milk here in hospital. Let me see what I can do for
She walked out and came back minutes later.
Cal walked out with the tin of formula milk. He called his
“Cal, is everything ok?”
“Is he ok?”
“I am coming.”
“Don’t let her slip from your hands again. I am happy she’s
leaving him, something is wrong with that family right
from the father. Growing up everyone knew he used to
abuse his wife. She had multiple miscarriages before she
had Theo and his older brother who was found dead years
ago. That old man people worship so much is evil and
good thing Nono is getting out.”
“What ex?”
“Shut up! I am talking to this thing you gave birth to. How
much more should I do? No matter how much I try to
make him a man, he always disappoints me. I should have
let them lock you in jail the time they caught you with that
little boy! You are an idiot! How will you lead the church if
you can’t control a 19 year old. That girl thinks way better
than you. Now I have to do damage control! As usual! Just
no amount of vagina will ever make you a man. No matter
how much you sleep with womem or impregnate them,
you will forever be a weakling!”
At the hospital later that day, Cal walked inside the ward
Nono was in. He walked to her bed and smiled looking at
Cal kissed her. “Its ok.. we can start over. I love you. I will
handle Sessy’s fees moving forward.”
“No… Kaene said he was going to take over that..I will call
him and tell him I have left Theo.”
Nono looked at him, the huge smile on his face made her
smile too.
“I love you.”
He kissed her touching his chest. Cal’s phone rang, he
baby kissed her then took out his phone picking.
“Hey, it’s me. Where are you? I need a place to crush for a
few days. I had a fight with that girl I was sharing with.”
“She will be staying with me. You and her won’t work under
the same roof.”
“Why? You fear you don’t control yourself with two women
around? Relax, I will behave. It will be fine two days only.”
“That I will run it with you first. If you are not comfortable
with it we can say no.”
“She’s harmless.”
Theo tried calling Nono but her phone was not going
through. He looked around the house, somehow he
missed her presence.
“She will! Her aunt will make her. I spoke to her and she
said Nonofo will come back. What she did, to leave you for
an ex boyfriend is a disgrace. After she comes back she
needs a proper lesson. She will never try it ever again. She
needs to respect you who you are. You are her husband,
that house is yours and what you say goes. You need to be
a man!”
“She will come back. Her aunt has confirmed it. I paid her
more money. She said she will drag Nonofo back to the
He hung up and sat down. Bonno’s message came
through. He ignored it calling a number.
“If you are not ready to choose me then I don’t want you. I
have other men who want me, don’t you know gay men are
most wanted? Yes papi, I drive men crazy, well known men,
rich men, men in power. O seka wa nyatsa mister! Don’t
play with my feelings, I will switch sides real quick and
fight you.”
The doctor discharged Nono then she walked out with Cal.
He helped inside the car then gave her her phone.
“Aunty, is-“
“Can you come home right now? Gatwe you are with Calvin?
Nonofo don’t you know you are a married woman? You
can’t run off with ex boyfriends every chance you get!”
“Kill you for what? Come home, you are going to go back
to your house after we resolve this matter. Challenges are
what makes a relationship, you are a woman and as a
woman you need to ensure that your marriage works. You
need to pray for your marriage –“
“I am not going back to him. I am moving away with my
son. I hope you didn’t promise those people anything
because I am done with Theo and I am divorcing him.”
“So you think Calvin will love you? You are too fat to
compete with the woman he probably dates in Gaborone.
Maybe the only reason he wanted you was because at
least he wouldn’t have to fight for you with anything.”
Nonofo’s aunty looked at her phone in shock then looked
at her husband.
“Eish, what will you tell the reverend then? He’s going to
want his money back. I suggest we use it before he can
take it back.”
The following morning, Cal drove from Maun while Nono
sat next to him at the front seat, their son sleeping on his
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Two Years Later…
“You are such a life saver, thank you. I love your braids
mma, waitse you are always changing hairstyles every
week. Your boyfriend really takes care of you mma.”
“I know but I know most of the things it’s your men who
does them. I don’t even blame him because le wena mma
o kare bo Brown Bombo. Is he coming to pick you up today?
Ke kopa lift. (Can I get a lift?)”
Nono got in the car then smiled as Cal leaned over kissing
her, she kissed him back then he slightly moved back
looking in her eyes.
“We will soon get married. That’s all I have been thinking
lately. That we finally get married.” He took a turn towards
their son’s school then parked at the gate. “I already
spoke to papa. Once this divorce is out of the way then we
can finalize things. I want to get married. I want us to do
things together as a family, with you as my wife.
Cohabitating is nice but I want more. Don’t you?”
Nono smiled. “I do. I just… marriage is a big step. I thought
maybe we’d wait till I finish school and graduate then get a
“Hi Rei..”
Nono laughed then sat properly. Cal got in and drove off.
She looked at him as he drove then took a deep breath.
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Nono walked inside the house carrying her school bag and
sent straight to the bedroom. She put her bag down then
opened her emails and looked at the email from the
University Of Sydney. She started typing a rejection letter
but paused wondering if she was really willing to let such a
dream go.
The way she had dreamt of this day for the past two years.
It was finally happening. She turned looking at a picture
frame of herself with Cal and their son. Tears burnt her
eyes as she sent on Facebook and looked at the other
student who had already arrived.
She didn’t know how much more she had to sacrifice for
other people and the circle never seemed to end.
Cal wrapped his arms around her and kissed her sliding
his hands underneath her dress. Nono kissed him back
then pulled away.
“Reign has you Calvin. I can’t take him. But maybe after I
settle you two can visit.”
“Yeah ke sharp.”
She smiled. “You are not ok.”
“I am fine.”
“I want to.”
“I still love her. I never knew I loved her till she was gone.”
“Why are you talking to the women you were once sleeping
with? Do you now want her? Just because I said I want to
go to school you are now talking to women you were once
fucking? You are weak and I am not going to pray you to
love me Calvin. Of you can’t support me when I need you
to then I don’t need you at all. You will just be like Theo, a
thing of the past. All you will remain as is rragwe Reign
and no woman can ever replace what I am to my son. I am
going to Australia. Feel free to move on, I can already see
you are already doing it. I will not stop you. I am still young,
I am yet to grow to become what I am destined to be. If
you thought this drama will have me changing my mind
forget about it. I am going papa and I am going to make it.
I choose Australia. You are not the only dic in the world. I
will find bigger and better. You can continue talking to your
Nono fixed her seatbelt then leaned back closing her eyes.
In Francistown later that evening, Cal parked the car at a
hotel and stepped out with their bags in silence. Nono
followed behind him then slowed down as her phone rang.
“Not yet.”
“Yes. Today.”
“I am choosing myself.”
“Bought already.”
He walked out with his car keys. Nonofo went after him.
He walked away. Cal got in his car and drove off picking
Pako’s call.
“Kele is here.”
“If she is not ready for that step then she’s not the woman
for me.”
“Calvin you will regret this. I am telling you, you will regret
this. Don’t do this… not after how much you fought for
“Once she gets there she will find better. I am not going to
sit around and wait to be made a fool.. Nonofo had a
choice to make. Either me or Australia.”
“You are going to regret this. At this point you will marry
anyone who says yes. There’s no rush in this. You need to
think this through.”
“You didn’t have to sleep in the car last night. You paid for
this room so you can sleep inside.”
“I am about to go to court.”
“And Cal?”
“But do you think it’s fair on him? Just leaving him after he
waited for you for that long? I don’t think you should go.
He fought for you when you were with Theo. He’s made
you happy for the past two years taking care of you. You
can’t just leave him. I don’t think you should go. Why can’t
you do this one thing for him?”
“And you are already divorcing? What the fuvk are you
doing with men at your age?”
Maybe he was right. What was she doing with men at her
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
At the Francistown high court, Theo parked his car at the
parking lot and stepped out wearing his suit. Somehow he
knew she was going to show up with him and it bothered
Bonno got out of the car in her beautiful dress and smiled
at him.
“Let’s go in.”
He nodded just as Calvin’s Jeep parked. He looked over
and swallowed as she got out of the car. She pulled down
her dress as Calvin jumped out. Nono turned to where he
was, Theo sighed, she still looked as thick but beautiful
than the last time he had seen her.
She walked inside the court and sat down. The judge
walked in minutes later and they all stood up. Theo looked
over at Nono catching her staring right at the judge.
In Gaborone, Pako spoke to his father walking inside his
She turned and walked out leaving him with a smile on his
face. He sipped the coffee opening his laptop.
“Both parties will walk away with what they each brought
in their marriage. Court adjourned.”
“Thank you.”
“I just wanted to say you could keep the car I got for you.
Our relationship may have ended on a bad note but it
wasn’t always like that.”
“At least you have a back up plan if you and I don’t work
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[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Nono watched as Calvin finished putting on his suit in the
morning trying to hold her tears but emotions
overwhelmed her.
He picked his wallet. She held his arm. “I don’t think you
should go to Jwaneng today. Please stay..”
“Don’t do this.”
“Half two.”
“I will try and make it at the airport. I will always love you.
You know that.”
He picked his car keys and walked out. Nono put her
hands on her face crying as it sank in. Cal walked past his
mother who was holding his son. She stood up.
“I will see you later.”
“I love him.”
“You are yet to love. You haven’t started yet. I love you so
much and as much as I want you with Calvin, I also want
you to be the best version of yourself.”
“How is Reign!”
Nono hung up. Sessy gave back the phone crying silently.”
Her friend walked over and hugged her while she cried.
Hours later, Nono looked at the time and called Cal. His
phone rang unanswered again. She looked at the time
again. She sent him a message.
Twenty minutes later…
Nono breathed out unable to handle his eyes then looked
away. “Hi.”
Ace picked her bag and threw it in his boot. He opened the
door for her. She got in silently then watched him as he
walked round the car and jumped in. He drove off in
silence playing his music. Nono looked at her phone then
tried calling Cal but his phone just rang unanswered. A
tear rolled down her cheek then she wiped it off.
“Why are you crying? Because those are not tears of joy.”
“O findile out?”
“You won’t but he’s insecure and will be the one to cheat.
The moment he gave you an ultimatum you should have
left him. He’s not worth it. Didn’t you just get a divorce last
week? How many men have you been with?”
“Just two?”
“You have kissed two men too?”
Ace smiled. “You are still young. There’s better out there,
trust me.”
He wiped away her tears. “Get in the car, you will miss your
Nono got back in the car sniffing. Ace jumped back in and
sped off.
She nodded.
“Ok.. now you can say you have kissed three man. It’s a
better number.”
She blinked speechless then watched him as he walked
“She’s gone?”
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Pako sighed.
“I had work.”
Calvin slowly walked out and got in his car. The fact that
she had chosen to go over then hurt him more than
anything. He put away his phone starting his car. Pako
stood on his window.
“Yeah ke sharp.”
“How old?”
“There you go. You have been standing here for a while
He smiled. “Hi.”
“I wanted to say thank you but you ran off before I could.”
“Ok he’s mine but he’s cute. That’s got to win us points.”
“His mother and broke up. She doesn’t even stay here. She
left so it’s only us but… I thought we could just be friends
before anything else.”
“No. Bye.”
In Dubai, Nono looked at the time, she still had time till her
connecting flight to Australia.
She scrolled on her phone looking at her messages. There
was non from Calvin yet, just his mother and a few
classmates. She responded then answered a WhatsApp
call from Ace came.
“I will be fine.”
“By the way is that how you kiss?”
Ace burst into laughter. “What the fuvk? What’s that? You
kissed me back. If he never taught you how to kiss then
he’s not for you. How can you cry for someone who
allowed you to do those things?”
“I am hanging up!”
Nono: I ate.
She left their chat then looked at Cal typing. She sighed
then the typing sign disappeared.
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
A Year Later…
They walked out and got in the car. Pako looked at his
brother and drove off.
“He will.”
“They are well off gape they are a lot. Rragwe Cal has 6
brothers and three sisters. His cousins are a lot.”
“No. He will stay with us. He loves his son and I found him
there. He’s a loving dad which I love. What I will not
tolerate is disrespect. From now on I will be handling his
baby mama. All along I have let him handle her but after
this she will gave to come into terms that he has a wife.”
“I know what I want and it’s you. It’s been a year, come
“Who said I was turned off? I was just surprised but that
doesn’t mean that I am unable to love your children.”
He smiled excitedly.
Later that morning, Neo smiled looking at Cal as they sat
in the tent together.
She kissed him. “Let me handle it. Akere from now on I will
be talking to her. Let me just talk to her.”
“Cal and I are still busy right now but how can I help you?”
“Uhh… it’s ok. I will call later. I want to discuss a few things
for our son. I actually want to send him money. Just tell
him I called.”
“You can talk to me about your son… Cal and I are married.
We are actually celebrating our magadi negotiations right
now. I am Mrs Calvin and I am officially in the picture.”
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Nono held her phone while her heart raced. She called
mmagwe Cal while her heart pounded.
“Hi my girl..”
“I am sorry.”
She hung up and put her hand over her mouth crying. Him
telling her about her had hurt but not to this level. It felt
like someone was reaping her heart out from her chest.
Every breath she took felt too painful to take. She sobbed
loudly unable to hold it.
In Gaborone, Cal looked at Neo.
“I don’t like how you treat Nonofo. I hate how you feel you
could have it all. I hope after this she sees you were never
worth it. The least you could have done was tell her. Now
she suddenly has to be ok with another woman being that
close with her son.”
“I wanted to send you some money for Reign but I spoke
to your wife.” She paused then sighed. “I don’t know how
much I would need to pay monthly for his maintenance
but… can’t he stay with your mother? I don’t want him
standing in the way of your marriage neither do I want your
wife to feel burdened. I can make an arrangement with
your mom.”
“Yes. I never doubted that before but now you have a wife.
I am sorry but I am not comfortable with discussing my
son with a stranger. I am so sad that this has happened
while I am still trying to find my feet because I just started
working but I can take him. I will make a plan. If your
mother can’t, I can take him.”
“That’s not –“
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[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Cal walked with Neo to the car as soon as they were done
eating. His mother walked over to them.
“Why didn’t you tell Nonofo you were getting married? Just
for the respect of it. To at least alert her that you are
marrying someone who will be staying with your son. Why
was that so hard?”
“I made a mistake.”
Cal got in his car and drove off. Neo looked at him.
“Nothing is wrong.”
“Yeah it was.”
“Hi, You can now swipe $250 per day. You don’t have to
work if it’s messing with your school schedule.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I am fine.”
“I am not going to ask you again. Gorileng?”
“At least now you can move on. He doesn’t have to have
his bread buttered on both sides anymore. I know you are
worried about Reign but if your ex has been a good father
to him all this while and truly loves his son then he would
never let anyone mistreat him. How much maintenance do
they want?”
“I don’t know, she said she will tell me. She said she has
some ground rules for me so I don’t step on her toes.”
“She is just insecure, don’t let her get to you. When last did
you have sex?”
“You are not supposed to. They are for sex. Mainly sex.
Your problem is that instead of exploring, you are thinking
of getting married.”
“Teach me.”
“I am coming there.”
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Cal walked inside his house with Neo and looked at the
nanny who was watching TV.
“The new one. I told him he could with the other toys he
refused and wanted me to call his mother. I didn’t have
airtime so I told him daddy will call her.”
“You are angry, you are not talking to me. It seems I ruined
your mood by talking to her. If that’s the case let me go. I
am not scared to start over. I can leave you. You found me
in my peaceful era. I told you my fears and you said you
understood but today you are angry with me.”
“Because I don’t want you to stay where you are not happy.
If this is not working or-“
Cal tried pushing her back so she could put her chest flat
on the bed but she got even more tense and stiff then he
let go. He fucked her a while till she spasmed, her entire
body shaking. Cal carried on, the friction of his dic against
her walls now turning into a burning sensation. Her body
stiffened, Cal went for a couple more seconds and
He slid out and turned her around kissing her. She smiled.
“You are done? Did you cum?”
“I love you too. I don’t want you to leave but I would have
preferred to talk to Nono first before you did and alert her
of the new changes. She still need to come into terms with
having you around her son. How would you feel if you were
her right? She probably feels attacked or feels her son is
standing in your way. I can’t dismiss she’s the mother and
I do t want her stressing about Reign because I am
capable of taking care of him. Let’s not out doubts in her
In Sydney, Nono looked at her phone wanting to call him
go confirm if he was really coming but then that would
make her seem desperate. He hadn’t said anything since
that call.
Nono closed her eyes wondering why she had said him but
he had been the first thing that came into her mind.
[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Cal put in his sweatpants and walked out of the bedroom.
He looked at Neo cooking then walked over to her and
kissed her.
She turned to him and smiled. “It’s ok. I hope you don’t
think I am trying to stir up problems. I just think we could
do things better.”
He walked out. He jumped in his car and drove off picking
his ringing phone.
“I am ok.”
“You can talk to me. I will not judge you. Gatwe you hadn’t
told Nono about this.”
“You are now a married woman so the chats with Nono are
going to have stop. You are someone’s husband now. You
are happy right?”
“Gape you teach her how you like your things. She seems
“Yeah… papa wee… you know how they are going to sit me
down, the uncles and all when we have the white
wedding… akere Neo will have that too?”
“Yes, why?”
“Loosen up where?”
“Hi, are you busy?”
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah why?”
“No. He’s black, tall and light skinned. Not too much… he’s
coffee with milk. He’s very handsome too.”
“Ng Ng .. this will be the first time. And it’s been a while. I
think he’s packed because he’s tall. I am excited…”
“So you are just sleeping with… can’t you focus on school?
Just focus on school? Isn’t that why you went there?”
She hung up. He swallowed and called her back but she
didn’t pick. This was not the first time she said something
about his dic. He tried calling her again but she cut the call
before it could ring.
“I was just saying hi, I will talk to her properly but I think
she’s gotten the memo.”
“Then let him eat on his own. You have to knock off right?
He will eat on his own. He’s a big boy.”
“He will eat on his own aunty. Thank you. You can knock
off. I will handle him. I will help him eat. He also needs to
get used to me.”
The nanny nodded then put him down. She walked to the
sitting room, Reign followed him.
The nanny looked at him then but her lower lip borrowing
airtime and finally called Nono.
“Hi mmagwe Reign. It’s Letty. Reign is crying for you… take
Reign. It’s mama.”
A huge smile covered his face. Neo watched from the
kitchen as Reign spoke to his mother for a while. She
sighed folding her arms.
Letty sighed then gave Reign his tablet and walked out.
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[08/26, 8:28 am] #o: Something About You
Pako parked his car at Yamasa’s house then stepped out
with two plastics full with grocery.
“Are you home?”
“Can you believe what Nono said? That she’s going to get
fucked, waitse Nono wa ntwaela.”
“She is very smart. You are just jealous yet you got married.
You chose which side of your bread is buttered. Let her
move on.”
“So you support her sleeping around? Her telling about this
guy’s dic and the fact that he’s bigger than me?”
She let him in with a smile. “The kids are not around.”
She took the plastics and looked inside with a smile then
put them in the kitchen.
“And work?”
“No one has to know.”
“And you?”
“Was he crying?”
“When he woke up, I told the nanny I would stay with him
and she could knock off. She said something about
helping him eat and I told her I will handle it and he will eat
by himself. He was still crying, she took her phone and
called his mother instead. I didn’t like it. I know Reign is
not used to me but that doesn’t mean I am incapable. He’s
a good boy, he’s gentle and I love him. I didn’t like it.”
She walked to the kitchen and dished for him. Cal walked
outside and called Nono.
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Nono swallowed then turned as someone knocked on the
door. She walked to the door, her heart racing. She slowly
opened the door and swallowed looking at him, her throat
immediately drying.
Nono blinked speechless. Ace looked at her, her
complexion had gotten clear, it was pretty obvious
whatever she was using was working for her. She was still
as thick though her figure was more accentuated. He
looked at her cute innocent face having second thoughts
but then he had travelled all the way for it, also to check on
that offshore account but still… the fact that she was part
of the plan made it all worth it.
Her lips were partly parted making want to kiss her more.
She blinked, he got closer and gently kissed her, more like
feathery kiss igniting her entire body.
Ace smiled. “Let me in babe..”
Had this man traveled all the way to her so he could just
fuck her?
Ace looked at her smile that lit her entire face. She
chuckled walking over and pointed at her TV.
He sat down and pulled her hand making her seat on his
lap. Nono swallowed shyly feeling as if she was floating.
“Kiss me.”
Her heart pounded even more. She looked at his lips then
leaned over bravely kissing him.
Ace pulled her closer kissing her back so damn good her
p*ssy throbbed. She put her hand on his shoulder as he
kissed even more.
For that she could forget just how straight forward he was,
no filter and maybe rude. His phone rang, he pulled away
and kissed her neck making her shiver, her p*ssy muscles
“No one.”
“Hang up.”
“Switch it off. You will talk to him when I am gone. Till then
you are mine and mine only autwa baby?”
Ace dropped her towel leaving her naked then kissed her
running his hands all over her body. He picked her up laid
her on her bed getting on top of her, his weight cutting off
her oxygen intake.
She moved her waist underneath craving for that rub. Ace
unzipped his pants taking his dic out and rubbed it up and
down her wet p*ssy. The feeling was too good he breathed
heavily squeezing her breast.
Nono held her breath at the intrusion biting into his lower
lip hard.
“Just a second..”
“Please call her and tell her to stop. She will listen to you.”
His voice broke. “Please… I feel like I’m dying. Call her and
tell her I’m dying.”
“Call her.”
In Australia…
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
In Australia, Ace held her other leg while she stood on her
toe with the other as he hammered her. She tried to put
her other leg down but he picked her up and fucked her in
the middle of the room, their bodies slamming against one
Nono looked at the ceiling feeling the urge to pee while her
skin itched with pleasure. It felt too good she wanted to
close her legs for a second.
“No. Cal this is tiring. I know right now what’s making you
do all this is jealousy. I know our love ended when I got
into that plane. I also know you love your wife that’s why
you married her. She makes you feel a certain way, I
understand. I was hurt to find out you married her but at
the same time I understood why. I am remaining quiet
because I know you are never going to be mine. I can’t say
I don’t love you because I do but I don’t want this… what
you are doing. Neo will be staying with my son and I don’t
want to step on her toes. It’s not love… it’s just jealousy
that’s driving you crazy. I think we shouldn’t discuss
anything that has nothing to do with Reign. Let me heal
and move on the same way you did. It’s only fair.”
“I slept with no one. I was lying. You are a good man. Don’t
turn into this kind of Cal. I know it’s not you.”
He sighed. “Ok.. I just… I don’t want anyone taking
advantage of you.”
“Tell Neo we will talk tomorrow. She had great points the
other day. I think I was just in shock but she was right. If I
have to discuss our son with her then that’s ok.”
She closed her eyes. “Don’t get attached. It’s just sex
Nono… just good sex. Nothing else.”
Also the calling hours… she could adjust a bit. Maybe talk
to her son in-between work. She would see what work best.
So sex only worked better. That way she could always find
the rightful guy for herself. Yes he was all that but only
physically. She doubted he could really be the man she
desired to be with. Matter of fact, he didn’t have the
qualities she needed so yeah… just sex.
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
In Gaborone, Pako parked his car behind his brother’s and
rushed inside the house. He looked at Cal as he watched
“She said she didn’t sleep with him, just said it to hurt me.”
“She what?”
“The guy she was talking about… she just said it to hurt
“Yeah I just… I know it’s crazy but I felt like I was dying the
more I thought of her with another man. It’s not fair I know
but I couldn’t help it.”
“Let the ladies handle each other. You focus on your wife.
She’s a good woman. Maybe a bit uptight but still… she’s
“I know.”
Pako sat with him and reached for a can of beer. “I was
about to get a taste. O mborile.”
Pako opened his beer and took a sip smiling. “Yes. She’s
“That’s good.”
“Sure o marete!”
“It’s ok Pako.”
“Sure…whoever this new guy is… you did didn’t you? I won’t
tell him.”
Cal parked the car at church then Neo got in with Reign.
She smiled leaning over to kiss him.
Neo raised her hand and slapped him hard. “You think I am
stupid?” She hit him again angrily.
“Stop it!”
Neo hit him even more getting angrier. “Don’t tell me to
stop anything. Why were you crying for Nonofo?” She
pushed him hitting him pissed off then threw his phone
against the wall breaking it.
“I leave you here kante wena you are crying for Nonofo?!”
Later that evening in Australia, Nono opened the door then
Ace smiled at her making it difficult for her not to smile
He kissed her neck sliding his hand between her legs them
touched her. Nono breathed heavily. Ace took off her night
dress then dropped kisses till he hurried his head between
her legs muffing her. Nono threw her head back moaning
as he sucked on her swollen p*ssy, his tongue rubbing
over her sensitive clit.
“I am sorry babe.”
“What makes you think I really was crying for her? Why
didn’t you let me explain myself first?”
She kissed him then put his laptop on the side and got on
top of him.
Neo unzipped his pants then took out his dic and stroked
Cal looked at her then she knelt down on the floor sucking
him. He threw his head back grunting. She carried for a
while then finally got on top of him pushing her panty to
her side and slid down on him.
She bit her lower lip moaning then stopped halfway but he
pushed her down with a grunt. Neo tried to get
comfortable but Cal held her waist thrusting from
underneath. She closed her eyes feeling like he was hitting
her cervix. She tried to relax her body like she had read.
Cal #removed.
“The next time you raise your hands on me, you will wake
up in the hospital do you hear me?”
She filled the bathtub with water and slowly sat inside
Most of this insert was the removed scenes, they will all,
including the one yesterday get posted tonight at the other
group. Hope you are in it.
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
The following day, Nono stood on her toes holding on to
the wall as Ace fucked her from behind. His curved his
back fuvking her harder. She slowly staggered to the door
trying to rescue her poor p*ssy but he put his hand on her
neck pulling back.
Nono held his arm convulsing creaming his dic. He slid out
and turned her around kissing her as her limbs gave in. He
wrapped his arms around her catching her.
Ace picked her up and put her on her bed. “I need to
handle something. I am leaving this afternoon so I need to
sort that out.”
Ace smiled. “I will be back another time. This was just the
She looked at him sleepy though she still wanted to keep
her eyes open.
“Don’t go..”
He laid on his back and let him get on top of him, her head
on his chest.
She was so warm and her soft skin felt nice on top of him.
He kissed her forehead and waited till she had fallen
asleep. He tried to move her but she held on deep in her
“I didn’t have the money she wanted then, the last stroll
was her hitting on my brother. I broke up with her
“Fuvk no…”
“Whatever you need because I didn’t wait all this while for
bad sex.”
Pako got off her and hurried out with his car keys while
packing his package in his pants.
“Ke sharp.”
“What are you thinking?”
He pushed her braids back looking into her eyes. “It was
more than worth it ok?”
“If you don’t let anyone else have you I will come.”
He chuckled. “Good.”
Ace kissed her one last time then walked out. Nono put
her hands on her face still sitting on her bed then threw
herself on it giggling like a teenager.
Tumediso is now at 4380 votes, target is 4500 votes, let's
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[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Three Years Later…
She raised her head looking over while pulling her bag then
He smiled. “I sold the other one. You can have this one. I
also figured you deserved it after all that I put you
He opened the door for her. She smiled getting in. Theo
closed the door and threw the bag in the boot then jumped
and drove off.
“Where is Bonno?”
“And you?”
“And you?”
Nono smiled then took out her phone. “Can you pass by
airport junction. Ke bata sim card.”
“Should we go?”
“Keng ne o sa mpolele?”
“My ex husband.”
“O tsele go lela Nonofo. So you can call him but can’t call
“O kae?”
“Nonofo o kae?”
“I will call you. Gape we do need to end this, it was nice but
I am in a serious relationship now. Max and I-“
“Max a dithala!”
“Babe wee se ire yalo. Where are you? I want to see you.
Why are you talking about this white boy do much?”
Over thirty minutes later, she walked out and jumped in the
car. She looked at Theo.
“What delivery?”
“Let’s go.”
Ace took it and took her hand leading her to his car. He put
it in his boot as she got in silently. He got in and looked at
her. Ace got closer and kissed her. She put her hand on his
She looked at him and looked away. Ace started the car
and drove off.
Theo watched in shock trying to understand what had just
Pako sighed. “Last week you had a cut lip. Are you ok?”
“Stop it.”
She walked over. “So what now? You push my buttons and
go and badmouth me to your family?”
“Neo stop!”
She threw the gift bag on his desk and walked out pissed
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Pako watched as Neo walked out going to her car. He
followed after her to the parking lot.
She smiled. “Boxing. I long told him to stop going there but
your brother is stubborn.”
“I don’t know.”
“You may love him but who knows what you are doing
behind closed doors?”
“I am not abusive –“
“I said nothing.”
She sighed. “I am really sorry about last night. I don’t
understand why you had to change your password without
telling me. You were supposed to tell me first.”
He chuckled. “Not yet. It’s Cal… don’t you ever think he’s
“I asked him the time he had that whiplash on his back and
he said no.”
“Men get abused too! They are afraid to talk but they get
She sighed. “You are the one who said our personal lives
are not part of the deal.”
“In Australia?”
Ace looked at her and bit his lower lip. “And you think I
can’t be that for you?”
“You… the sex is amazing. More than just amazing. But I
need more than that. I don’t like how after you are done
with me you up and go. Most of the times I feel like a
prostitute but then I agreed to this. You have other women
too. I want someone who’s ready to settle down. Someone
who’s …” She sighed. “I just need more and Max is that. I
don’t want to be fighting for a man with other women. I
have a son.”
Ace pulled her closer and kissed her. He picked her up and
walked with her to the bedroom getting on top of her.
Nono breathed heavily underneath him. He undressed her
and caressed her skin igniting her as usual. He kissed her
neck weakening her further while rubbing his dic on her.
Nono reached over taking out his weapon. She swallowed
stroking him. Ace kissed her pushing her thong to one side.
Ace kissed her pushing her other leg on her shoulder
sliding deeper. Nono tried to move but he held her tightly
pushing more inside and thoroughly fucked her till her
body slipped into shock while she gushed out wetting his
She nodded. “Ok. Can you drop me off at the hotel please.
My sister is coming there.”
Cal parked his car at his house later that day. He walked
inside his house holding a toy for Reign.
“Hi, it’s me. I am back, can I pick up Reign tomorrow.”
“Nonofo is back?”
An extra bonus sponsored by Mangogola, she wants a
boost on her comment. Click the link and where it says
‘Most Relevant choose Newest ‘ the competition might
end anytime soon. She's at 2 .1 k likes, target is 3.1k likes.
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Cal screamed as the hot water touched his body. Neo
moved back while Cal screamed in agony.
“You are not going anywhere!”
“No! What will you tell them? I don’t want anyone labeling
me. I will pour cold water on your back.”
She got in her car calling her cousin and followed him.
“I had a fight with Cal… I took the kettle thinking the water
was still cold but it had boiled.”
“Jesus Neo you burnt him?!”
“It was a mistake. I thought the water was still cold. I just
wanted him to… God he was going back to his ex.”
“You knew that water was hot! I hope this time he reports
you to the police or leaves you because one day you are
going to kill him and claim it was a mistake.”
She took his hand and hurried away with him while other
patients looked in horror.
“What’s wrong?”
“Just tell me. I know it’s crazy to say you are abusing Cal.
There’s no way a man like him can get abused. Are you
two fighting physically? You can tell me. I know everyone
is suspecting you are abusive but I’m finding it hard to
believe that.”
“He goes to the gym and comes back like that. I feel so
sad because I am being labeled as a bad person. I don’t
even know how to fight now imagine me beating my
husband. I know Pako thinks I am hurting his brother. I’d
never do that. If I tried Cal would probably hurt me even
“I missed you so much.” Sessy looked at her and started
crying emotionally. Nono held her sister tightly.
Sessy shook her head. “No you were crying. I know you.
What’s wrong? You didn’t get the job here?”
Nono smiled. “I don’t know… I think I lost the plot along the
way. I have always known I would always remain a sexual
partner to him but I don’t know… he says he can’t give me
At the hospital, Nono parked the Ford Ranger double cab
and looked at her sister.
“Really now?”
“I am here.”
“My God…”
“I missed you.”
“I got into a fight with Neo. She lost it and grabbed the
electric kettle.”
“But I am ok.”
Nono shook her head. “You did nothing wrong. You just
married an abusive woman. That’s all. You need to walk
away. Remember what you said to me when I was with
Theo? That you couldn’t save me if I didn’t want to be
“I am not sure.”
Nono took her phone as Cal slowly got off the bed. Neo
snatched the phone from her and threw it down then
slapped Nono.
Neo tried to grab Nono by her wig but Nono punched her
again then kicked her.
“I will beat you! I can right you back you whore built like a
man. O kile wa ipona tota? You look like Terry Crews with
a wig!”
Neo wiped her nose. Cal got between them. “Its enough.”
Nono fixed her top. “I attended boxing and karate jou shit!
Gao swabe? You are an abuser and ke ta go nyedisa.”
“Now I understand why you don’t enjoy sex with this thing,
she already looks stiff from my eyes.”
“I should leave?”
“Yes, go.”
“No I am fine.”
“No…not now.”
“Me more.”
Neo sat in her car at Pako’s house. She stepped out and
knocked on the door.
Pako opened the door a minute later. Neo smiled. “Hi, Cal
asked me to come and pick Reign up.”
Pako walked back in the house then came back with him.
Neo smiled at Reign.
Reign smiled. “Can I sleep here?”
“A road trip?!”
Neo smiled and nodded. Reign took his bag from his uncle
and hurried to the car. Neo looked at Pako.
“Thank you.”
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Cal’s pounded as he thought of her son then called her.
He sighed. “This is frustrating babe… is there a way we can
live without fighting?”
“No. I just… you told Nonofo you don’t enjoy our sex. Why?”
“You and had fought. I was angry and said that out of
“Nono is back. I know you don’t want me. You let her talk
to me like that. Even kicked me out to remain with her.”
Her voice shook. “She even hit me.”
“I more than want you. I love you. You just frustrate me. Do
you need a break from me because obviously I am turning
you into this person you always said you are not.”
“I know. Go and take him. Nono will pick him up from you
“She is around?”
“Just get my son. Don’t leave without him. I will handle the
rest after.”
“I am bored.”
“Should I come?”
“Where to?”
“I am not a child anymore. You did a great job raising me
but I’m grown now.”
“No one…”
“So what now?”
She put her phone down. She looked at her laptop trying
not to think about him. She had detach… even though it
was hard
“Ok. I am coming.”
“O kae Reign?”
“What did I tell you would happen if I find out that you gave
been putting your hands on him?”
“The fuvk?”
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
“She is not moving.”
“Shit Pako, why the fuvk are you calling me for? Just bury
the body.”
“Pour her with water, she probably just passed out. Cold
“Who is she?”
“No one.”
“Don’t let your anger take you that far next time. You will
go to jail!”
Pako hung up and leaned back while his heart raced still.
“Yeah I know.”
Neo washed her face and sniffed in her bathroom. Tears
burnt her eyes, as much as she tried not to let what had
just happened get to her but she still found herself crying.
She put her hands on her face sobbing then finally walked
out. She got in her car calling Cal.
“And Nonofo?”
“What about her? She’s not here for me. She has moved
on too with a white man. She knows her worth, she will
never take me back.”
“Yes. She doesn’t want me. She’s never going to want me.
Not after everything that happened.”
“We will see how it goes. The nurse is here. We dill talk.”
He hung up. Neo sniffed wiping her tears. She touched her
neck looking at herself on the mirror. She could see his
hand imprinted. She walked out of the bathroom
She walked back to Ace’s car and got in. He looked at her.
“For what? I told you I don’t want to keep doing this. Allow
me to focus on my relationship.”
“She died in a fire. Her house caught on fire the next day.”
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Ace parked at a filling station then smiled.
“You can use my car for your stay, I am sorry. Don’t hate
She looked at him. “I don’t.” She sighed. “I am shocked but
at the same time I just want to understand one thing…”
“I love you.”
“I can see.”
She put him down smiling then hugged him tightly, tears
stinging her eyes. “I missed you so so much.
“Me too.”
She knelt before him cupping his face and kissed him.
Nono laughed. “Thank you. You are also pretty. You don’t
know how Reign can’t stop talking about you ebile at some
point I was so jealous kere bathong, my son can have a full
conversation with me filled with him talking about the
other mommy.”
Nono gave her a side eye laughing. “You are starting. I’m
only a baby mama mma.”
Pako looked at the car she was using. “You rented that?
Isn’t it expensive?”
“No. It belongs to a friend.”
“Let’s go buddy.”
“No it’s ok. I just rented a fully furnished house. I will stay
“It would be nice if that sibling shared the same father with
Nono slowed down looking at Reign who was trying to clip
the seatbelt
“Buddy… wait..”
She stopped the car and put the phone down. She leaned
over and helped him with the seatbelt then rejoined the
road picking her phone.
“I won’t.”
At GPH, Cal took his medication then his nurse walked out.
Minutes later the door slowly opened. He looked over and
smiled looking at Sessy.
She walked over with the paperbag smiling. “See why you
should have never gotten married?”
“Ng… eat.”
“Ng… but she will tell you at her own time. Don’t confront
Cal looked at her. Sessy hot closer kissing him. Cal gently
“Yes. And I don’t but o bona o dira sente? Calvin is not just
anyone you pick off the streets. He’s the father of my
child. You want to have sex with a man that used to have
sex with me? At this point what can stop you from wanting
whoever I am currently with? I just want to understand.”
“I love you. I want you. I don’t mind moving with you this
time around. I don’t mind following you wherever you will
be. All you need is to say the word.”
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Nono looked at him and smiled.
“If you said this three years ago… I would have been the
happiest woman alive. If you said this to me then, I
wouldn’t have hesitated saying yes.” She held his hand
looking at Reign who was playing with his phone.
“No.. you regret it because you got the wrong woman but I
swear if Neo was good you wouldn’t regret nothing. If Neo
was that perfect wife you always said she was, you
wouldn’t regret anything. You regret it because you are
back to zero now.”
“I know but it was never enough for you to wait for me. I
can’t. I am grateful I listened to your mom. If I didn’t I
would have probably chosen you instead and I would be
regretting it now. Tota there’s nothing left for us expect
“Bye daddy!”
Nono turned and walked swaying her hips. Cal out his
hands on his face trying to get himself in order.
The door opened then Sessy walked in. She looked at him
closing the door.
“I am sorry.”
“I know you don’t want me, it’s fine. But I can make you
feel better.”
She touched his hard dic. Cal tried pushing her off roughly
but the pain on his back had him pausing.
She put her hand inside and took it out stroking him hard
and fast weakening him further.
“It’s ok. You don’t need to feel guilty. You did nothing
“Get out.”
“Calvin relax. See how much you just came? You needed
“Get out!”
“Get out!”
She took out a tissue from her handbag then wiped herself
and walked out calling Nono.
“Where? I am coming.”
“I am sorry. You are right, Cal is not just any man. He’s
rragwe Reign. I need to respect that. I am sorry.”
“I am coming.”
She put her phone down and rushed out. Nono’s phone
vibrated again, Sessy curiously picked it up and tapped the
screen before it could lock. She looked at her sister’s chat
with Max. She read the messages then a message from
Ace appeared on the screen.
Her sister had never showed her any picture of the guy.
She tapped it going to their chat. Sessy but her lower lip as
she read through the steamy chats then froze as she
opened a picture Ace had sent her a while back of his
weapon. She swallowed swiping the screen and next was
a video of him stroking it.
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Sessy parked her car at the mall then relaxed tapping his
number. She looked at his Whatsapp user name then went
on Facebook and searched him. Sessy’s heart skipped as
his account came out at the top. She clicked it and went
through his timeline. He didn’t post much.
“Honestly no.”
“Are you busy today? I have been thinking about you. Can I
take you out for lunch? On me. Maybe seeing me will
juggle your memory. Or you have a girlfriend?”
“Ke eta.”
He hung up. Sessy stepped out and walked inside the mall.
She walked back to the car a while later then jumped in.
She quickly undressed and put on the dress she had just
bought. She did a quick touch of her makeup then frowned
as Nono called her.
“I don’t know Sessy but you can tell me you know that
“You did but I am ok. You have made it. It worked out for
Nono swallowed. “I wanted better. For me, for you. For my
son. I just wanted better.”
She giggled and leaked her lips. “Its ok. Either way we
didn’t talk for long that day.”
Ace smiled. “I don’t remember anything but it’s nice to
meet you. You look young, how old are you?”
“Noted mama.”
She smiled hanging up. Nono breathed out then smiled at
“Pizza is coming.”
At GPH, Pako looked at his brother is sadly.
“I can’t believe you stayed that long. You should have long
walked away. She’s not the one for you. I qww2 sorry this
is happening to you but I told you so!”
. Let's do 10k likes and 500+ comments for the next one
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Ace walked out of the fast food restaurant holding a box
of pizza. His phone rang as he jumped in the car.
“I am coming.”
He hung up. Ace put down his phone and reversed. His
phone rang again.
“You do? When are you bringing her? I promise I will love
She hung up. Ace drove off looking at the pin location
Nono had sent.
Ace laughed. “Its huge. And I got your drink. You got my
Ace laughed then took it and handed him his drink. Nono
walked out and looked at Reign.
Ace got closer. “I could put a baby inside you right now.”
He took out his wallet and gave him P5. Reign put it his
pocket with a smile.
Nono smiled. “Go and put your juice inside Reign.”
“He’s smart.”
Ace looked in her eyes and tilted her chin. Nono looked
He got closer. Nono turned giving him her back. Ace held
her from behind, his hands on her waist.
“Look at me.”
“No. Bye.”
She walked away and closed the door behind her without
turning to look at him. She sighed then walked to the
window and moved the curtain. He smiled and waved.
Nono closed the curtain smiling. Reign looked at her.
She dished for Reign and gave him his plate then opened
the door. His car was gone. She pressed the gate remote
with a sigh.
“Do you have the cup you drank the coffee in?”
“You are going to jail. Women go to jail for rape too. How
could you? What’s wrong with you? What happened to you?
Because this is not my sister.”
“And you won’t even stop to think that maybe he’s the one
who raped me instead? Huh?”
“Because it wouldn’t be the first time you tried to get to
“I grew up. That’s what happened! You are not the only
woman in the world Nonofo.”
“You left. You left and everyone knew I had no one. You
put me to boarding school to leave me, it wasn’t safe there
Nonofo because after you left my Maths teacher violated
me. I told Aunty and you know what she said? That I
started it and you know that same night I told her what
was happening at school her husband raped me. He said I
was whore just like my sister. I called you that holiday but
you were always too busy. My Maths teacher is my sugar
daddy. He slept with me till I wanted it. He groomed me,
he’snot 25 years older than me but 20 years older. You
turned me into this and you tell me you went to Australia
for me. Which part of you going there benefited me? I
haven’t been to Maun in almost three years Nonofo
because aunty found out and her dirty husband turned
everything on me. That’s what happened to me Nonofo. I
hate you so much. I hate it when you talk about your
stupid degree and your stupid job and your stupid house
and your stupid men! I hate you!”
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Nono leaned against the kitchen counters.
Tears filled her eyes. “I went for us. You should have told
me. You should have told me! I would have come back. All
I ever wanted was fir you to have the best..”
“You left me! Didn’t you leave me? And now you want to
tell me about your fancy job, your fancy house… I should
be happy… I am going to show how it hurts. I am going to
take away that one person you love and let’s see how you
are going to feel about that.”
“I am sorry.”
“Waaka! You would have blamed me. The same way you
away said you married Theo for me.”
She hung up. Nono turned crying. She put her hand over
her mouth to keep it down.
She sniffed washing her face then called Sessy but she
didn’t pick.
“Gorileng Nonofo?!”
“You could have told me. You know I would have come
back. You were supposed to tell me. How was I supposed
to know? You gave me the impression that you were ok. I
am sorry that you got hurt, had I known I would have been
there. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Do you think I
would have just stayed back while you got abused? I love
you. You hate me because for the first time ever I put
myself first. That’s why you hate me, sleeping with Cal
doesn’t hurt me. Stop doing this to yourself!”
“I slept with that one for my own reasons. Don’t think that
was for you. I have always wanted to fuck him.”
Nono sniffed. “If hurting me will give you joy, go ahead and
do it.”
Cal slowly stepped out if his car at his house then walked
inside the house. Neo smiled wearing her maroon
sparkling dress that had a slit.
Cal looked around the house. There were roses all over.
She walked over.
“I made dinner.”
Neo smiled. “I know but can’t you just stay? For a minute.”
Neo smiled then reached for a gift bag. “I got you this
Rolex watch.”
“I am sorry babe.”
“The only person that needs help is you not us. Get help.”
“This time if you want to kill yourself, go ahead. Don’t
bother calling me. Just do it.”
“I am pregnant.”
“I don’t want anything connecting me to you. I will be back
tomorrow. You are going to get an abortion.”
From his tone she could tell there was no hope for them
Later that night, Sessy put on her lingerie then stood in
front of the mirror taking a selfie. She thoughtfully sent the
pictures to Ace and sat down waiting for him to open them.
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Ace looked at the time driving in the A1 road. His phone
flashed. He reached for it and opened the picture Amo had
sent. He started typing but Nono sent him a picture. He
tapped it opening it then smiled looking at Reign eating
pizza smiling.
“What’s wrong?”
“Why do you sound like you have been crying? I know you,
don’t bother lying to me.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I failed. I failed.”
“Tomorrow I might get busy. I will call you. Don’t call me. I
might be with my girlfriend then and I don’t want funny
“Noted daddy!”
Nono opened the door for him, he opened his arms, she
walked over hugging him.
She closed her eyes, her head on his chest. Ace squeezed
her body holding her tightly.
“Its not your fault. You may have been around and the
same could have happened. There was no way you would
have known if she didn’t day anything. Don’t feel guilty for
chasing after your dreams. What happened to her was
unfortunate but you didn’t send anyone to rape her.”
“I am coming.”
“Who’s here?”
“Who’s where!”
“Who’s here? The owner of that t-shirt. The owner of that
“Who’s here?”
“So what do you want from me? You and Sessy discuss
my personal life and next thing she’s raping you?”
“The type to sleep with the man I love? You are hurt
because it’s not you who’s on top of me. It will never be
you. Thank you for the clothes.”
Nono took the bag and walked back in the yard closing the
She walked to her bedroom and looked at Ace who was
still sleeping.
“God noo…”
Ace walked from the bathroom and kissed her. Nono
looked at him and showed him his screen.
“Who’s this?”
“Who is that? The one you are sleeping with on your side?
God I can’t believe I am sleeping with you without
“Ace please tell me the truth.” Her voice shook as she got
emotional. “Please.”
Tears burnt her eyes. “What does this one want? This new
“To fuvk?”
“Call her and tell her no and she shouldn’t call her ever
A tear rolled down. “Please… call her and say no and block
He sighed then called the number.
“What? Wait –“
Tears filled Nono’s eyes. She nodded. “You won’t ever talk
to her?”
“You promise?”
He kissed her. “Yes. I will you later. Should I pick you up so
we can go and pick him up together?”
“Yes please.”
Ace jumped in his car and reversed out as the gate slid
open then drove off. He looked at his rearview mirror
looking at the car behind him. He drove for a while but it
was still on his tale.
Ace stopped at the next bus stop trying to see what would
happen but the car drove past him.
Ace rejoined the road and sped off picking his ringing
“Amo wee-“
“I lost him.”
Later that morning, Nono walked out of the house with her
son. Ace junked out and opened the door for him then
helped him in.
“Hi buddy..”
Reign smiled. Ace helped him inside the car them opened
the door for Nono.
“Hi. I am going.”
“I don’t have a car today. I will call a cab.”
“I am going.”
Nono pulled her. “What will sleeping with him give you?
You are pathetic Sessy. Stupid. You want to hurt me by
opening your legs for people I sleep with? Do you need a
list so you can go and try to be me?”
“I am going to get him.”
“Try… you should have told me you are getting raped but
instead you thought you’d use that to hate me? Turning
yourself into a loose panty is not going to help anything
Sessy, you need –“
Sessy raised her hand slapping her sister. Ace stepped out.
“You are the lose panty! The kind of woman who sleeps
around. I wonder what Max will do after finding out he’s
with the biggest whore ever show started opening her legs
at the age of 8!”
“Stop it!”
10k+ likes and 500+ comments for the next one before I
head to work.
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Sessy watched as Ace pulled her sister away. Tears filled
her eyes then turned walking back inside her house.
“I thought I was over it. And I was but seeing her got me
angry. She has it all perfect.”
“We discussed this didn’t we? You can’t blame your sister
for what happened to you. It could have been anyone.”
“It could have been anyone but me!”
“I will handle it.”
“You are not turning into something you are not. Don’t let
anger change who you are.”
She jumped in the car and drove off headed to the police
“I am fine.”
“I panicked.”
“Middle name. Why didn’t Kaene ask you to care of her like
he did with me?”
“Because she had you and either way your brother never
asked me to take care of you. He doesn’t even know I still
talk to you. He really thinks we stopped the time you left
for Australia. He doesn’t trust anyone around his sisters. I
didn’t even know what your younger sister looks like.”
Tears burnt her eyes. She sniffed rubbing her eyes before
Reign could see. Ace touched her hand and kissed it.
“I am sorry.”
Sessy lifted her top showing the police officer the bruise
on her stomach from the kick.
Nono’s phone rang as Ace slowed down at a traffic light.
She looked at the landline calling.
Ace took a turn by the next traffic lights and sped to the
police station.
At the police station, Nono walked in while Ace looked for
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
Nono looked at the police officer.
“All the things I did for you… they amount to nothing today
Sessy? Do they? I have always done everything for you-“
“Its ok. I handled it. The police officer saw right through
He kissed her then reversed.
“I am fine now.”
“Can you kiss my daddy then? He’s sad because he’s not
with me.”
He frowned, his heart skipping. “Men don’t kiss other men.
You will hug him when you see him.”
“But in TV I saw that two men were kissing. Like this! Like
this look!”
Cal drove in his yard and walked inside his house that
same morning.
“Staying here will give me hope for the future and I don’t
think you still see me in your future so it’s just best if I
didn’t bother being hopeful.”
“I don’t want you to hate me. Have the house, you bought it,
it’s yours.”
He took out the juice from the fridge then poured in two
cups. He spilled crushed pills in one of the glasses and
walked back to the sitting room with them. He handed her
“Ok. I hear you. If that’s what you want then it’s ok.”
If this was her last time getting dic then she wouldn’t to
stop it.”
Cal looked at the time. “I need to call my mother regarding
Reign. I can lock up.”
“What happened?”
Neo drove out trying to brush off the pain that came with
rejection. She rubbed her teary eyes and continued driving.
“I am just asking.”
Nono took her phone and called her aunt stepping out of
the car. Her phone rang twice then she picked.
“Aunty ke Nonofo.”
“My girl! I am so happy to hear from you. I wanted to ask
you send me money. Your uncle hadn’t been well.”
“You are the liar. You are the most evil person I know and I
hope he dies a slow painful death!”
Kaene hugged her tightly as she cried.
Nono cupped his face and smiled crying. “You are out…”
He laughed. “Yeah.”
“Look at you!”
Ace laughed. “Who can talk non stop. O dire o nyale mister
“Sure, anytime.”
He smiled. “Nothing.”
Nono stepped out of the car with her son and walked
inside the house. Kaene followed seconds later.
“This is nice.”
“Hello daddy..”
“Me too.”
“He kisses her lips. She was sad and had missed her to
make her feel better. He’s really cool!”
“Yes. Because she was sad. I don’t know why she was
Ace smiled pulling her closer then kissed her. She touched
his chest standing on her toes then he pulled her in his
arms hugging her.
He looked at her and smiled. “If your brother finds out I
have sleeping with you, he’s going to kill me.”
“Mphe chocolate.”
She took the money then gave him the chocolate together
with his change. Ace handed it to her.
“Go home!”
She smiled then turned and walked away. She turned and
found him still staring at her.
She hurried off smiling then walked inside the house and
looked at Reign showing Kaene something on the TV.
“We both know he isn’t and that you are cheating on your
white boyfriend with him. I never knew you to be the one to
cheat. And what if one day you want to introduce Reign to
him and he talks about this guy because Reign is a
chatterbox. He doesn’t stop talking. I long leant to not do
anything in front of him cause he’s a little shitty kid
“Cool. Why are you with this one if you have white boy on
the side?”
Nono sighed. “Max is your ideal kind of guy. He’s loving,
caring. He’s kind. He loves me more than I do and makes
me feel special. The type to do anything for you. I really
like him.”
“I already like him. It’s not setting. I just don’t want to lose
a good thing over something I am not sure about. I want to
go with my brain…”
“Ok. Sharp.”
“Sharp laitaka.”
Nono laughed. “Bye.”
Sessy sent him her number and seconds later her phone
“I feel so bad for doing this but I can’t just watch in silence.
I love my sister so much and I know you are right guy for
“What’s wrong?”
“You do?”
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
“So you are ok with the fact that your girlfriend is cheating
on you?”
“It’s not cheating if you know about it. I know about him.”
“If she has to sleep with him to get him out of her system
then it’s ok. When she comes we are starting afresh. Are
you ok?”
He laughed. “I am good.”
“In a month.”
“I am proud of you.”
“She went and drugged then slept with rragwe Reign. All
this spite me. It was only yesterday that I found out. I have
never looked at her any different but today she told me I
did because she’s my step sister. I don’t know where she
gets that. She wants to cause havoc in my life.”
Over 45 minutes later, Neo staggered out of the house and
got in her car as the pain intensified. She started her car
slowly reversed out.
“What’s wrong?”
Cal looked at the blood between her legs then carried her
out walking with her to his car.
He put her inside the car then went back to hers and drove
back in the yard. He locked it and walked to his then drove
off while Neo hissed in pain besides him.
Cal joined the road and took the route with the traffic.
Neo looked at the traffic ahead crying.
[08/26, 8:29 am] #o: Something About You
At the hospital, Cal waited for two hours while Neo got
attendant to. He scrolled through his Facebook then
paused at Nono’s new profile picture of herself with Reign.
“I am sorry.”
Tears filled her eyes instantly then she put her hands on
her face crying. Cal hugged her.
“I am sorry.”
Cal rubbed her tears. “Its not you. You didn’t fail anything.
You will have your baby when the time is right.”
He hugged her again.
“O batang Nonofo?”
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at 9p.m
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
At Sessy’s house, Sessy swallowed as Nono spoke.
“Instead of trying to chase after men I fuvk, focus on
school. This is why your grades will always remain low. I
am done with you. I have always tried to please you but I
am done. If this means I no longer have a sister anymore
then so be it!”
She hung up. Sessy looked at her phone tearfully then tried
calling her. Nono cut the call. Sessy sent her a long
message fuming but it bounced.
Sessy: I know you just blocked me, it’s fine but that still
doesn’t change the fact that you are a w.h.o.r.e. I am
ashamed to call you my sister. I am not surprised you are
sleeping with two men at the same time, you long started
doing it when you were eight. You did the same when you
were married two years ago, even lied to your then
husband saying the baby was hers knowing very well you
were cheating.
The person hung up. Sessy opened the post again and
read the comments.
Comment: You are so evil. Gape this post looks like a lie.
Comment: Bathong wena! How do you say an eight year
old was having sex? That is rape!
“You are very evil wena and tota I have been waiting for
this, I am going to expose you about how you are sleeping
with a married man driving his car mo Gaborone mo. You
think we don’t know that you are prostitute?! The whole
country is going to know what a sl*t you are. Sfebe sa
Sessy put her hands on her face crying. Kaene pulled her
hands off her face.
“There was only much she could have done. You getting
raped hurts me more than anything but it could have still
happened even if she were there. If you want to hate
anyone hate me! If there’s anyone you should hate it’s me.
You and Nono were my responsibility so hate me. You are
allowed to be angry. It’s allowed but you are angry at the
wrong person.”
“It is but I always knew the baby was not mine. Nono was
honest with me. I don’t know why her sister would post
such knowing very well that for Nono to marry me, it was
for her. She stayed mostly for her because I could give her
sister a better life. That post is very concerning because
there’s no one Nono loves more than her sister. She lives
for that girl.”
“Still. I have never really liked her. She’s pretty and all tota I
have never really liked her.”
“Yeah… but why are you defending her do much? You still
want her?”
“I don’t have to still want her to see the good in her. She’s
a good woman, that’s all. I want her to be happy. It’s not
about wanting her. She’s been through enough. She
deserves being happy. That’s all.”
“Thank you for your love. By the way I think you shouldn’t
come to my house. I don’t want you confusing my son
anymore. I spoke to his dad and we agreed to only
introduce him to our serious partners and that’s not you. I
saw your message about you wanting to take me
somewhere tomorrow, I can’t. Rragwe Reign and I are
going out. We want to do something for our son together.
“Nonofo wee-“
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
Four Weeks Later…
Nono stared at the email of a job offer on her phone from
the company in Gaborone for a while then finally walked
outside to the cab with her bags. Her phone rang.
She jumped in the cab. She looked at her phone and called
her brother.
“No. Why?”
“Is there?”
He cried even more that tears filled her eyes. Cal touched
Reign sniffed and kissed her lips. “You feel better now?”
“Thank you.”
He moved back and smiled. “Tell that white boy that here
in Botswana he pays bride price.”
Nono looked behind him hopefully but her flight got called.
She swallowed. She forced a smile and hugged her son
one last time and walked to check in while they watched.
“At the airport. Should I give you her number so you call?”
She unlocked her phone and nodded. Ace called out her
“Or you can call her and you give me my phone by the
filling station. Therra don’t steal my phone. I am giving it to
you because I love such love stories, I’m Tshepo.”
She joined the road. Ace drove behind her calling Nono.
“I am about to.”
Nono sniffed and cried over the phone. “Why wait till
“I will tell you how I feel when you get here. Come to me.”
She hung up. A huge smile covered his face. The phone
vibrated as he approached the turn to the filling station, he
turned clicking on the message Nono had just sent turning.
“Thank you.”
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
At the airport, Nono held her phone tightly.
“What happened?!”
“He drove from the fuvking station to join the road, I don’t
think he checked if there was an oncoming car. A truck
came hitting him from the side. I am following the
“I am coming now.”
Nono dragged her bag out and minutes later the plane
took off.
“I am sad.”
“I know my boy. I am sad too. We are going to visit her.”
“That it didn’t work out or you just tell them you are
abusive. You choose.”
“He just traveled out of the country. His work has been
“Ehee… ok.”
“I admit I need help but I love your son. I love him more
than anything.”
“What help? I hope you meet a man that will beat you so
hard. Wa ntwaela wena! Where do you even get the liver to
call me? Nxla!”
Mmagwe Calvin hung up. Neo laid down on the bed and
covered her face with the duvet crying silently.
Nono hung up and blocked the new number she had called
her with as a tear rolled down her cheek. More tears filled
her eyes. She pressed her lips together but found herself
Tshepo helped Nono up. “Don’t cry. I believe in God, do you?
I believe God is on top of this. Don’t cry. He’s not dead.
There is no need to cry Nonofo. Let’s pray..”
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
“I am afraid I can tell you anything to avoid fake stories
The doctor held her hand. “Do you someone we can call on
your side? To-“
“Tell her. I spoke to him! I know you are not allowed to tell
me anything but I just want to know he’s ok. That’s all. I
promise I will wait till his parents get here.”
“He is gone…”
“No! No! No! Pleased pray… please pray… pray that God
returns him to me.”
Tshepo sniffed crying too. Nono slowly slid to the floor
sobbing. The doctor sadly looked at Tshepo.
Sessy got out of her car calling Nono but the call didn’t go
through. She had probably blocked her.
Sessy smiled then locked the car holding her handbag.
Another car parked behind her then a woman stepped out
from the passenger seat.
He hung up. Sessy frowned then tried to call him again but
he hung up at the first ring.
Cal watched as Reign played with the kid from next door in
front of the yard while he made him something to eat.
“Where are you?”
“At work.”
“Stop lying. I called your office earlier on, gatwe you are
not well.”
Two Weeks Later…
Nono stood with her brother, it still hadn’t hit yet. She
badly wanted to see him. To confirm one more time.
She touched his head. “Come back to me… you can’t leave
Nono sobbed so much that even the neighbors helping
with the funeral looked down with tears in their eyes.
Nono turned to his father. “He can’t die… tell him he can’t!”
“He can’t die. I don’t accept it! I don’t accept it!” She
sobbed in his arms till she was wizling. Her brother walked
over and pulled her.
Her sister’s cried pieced through her heart, Nono had never
cried like that before. Even on their mother’s funeral and
she could still remember that day so well.
“Eh Voetsek!”
She raised her voice bit. The lady walked away before a lot
people could turn.
Cal watched from his car, his eyes on Nono. Pako sighed.
The more his coffin got lowered, the more the pain
increased. Kaene held her even tighter as she stomped her
feet crying.
The men started filling the grave with soil. Nono threw
herself to the ground in defeat, the little hope of him
somehow waking up withering into thin air.
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
The burial ended and everyone begun walking back to their
cars. Others grouped up cutting while others asked for lifts.
Kaene walked with Nono to the car.
“Excuse me?”
“You like attention! I don’t know what you think that drama
was for but you just embarrassed yourself. You are
pathetic. His parents feeling sorry for you doesn’t make
you any special. You are still the whore he used to fuck on
the side. You were only for sex mama.”
“Who’s that?”
Nono shook her head. “His cousin. What was Cal saying?”
“Maybe you and him can fix things. You said you are not
going back now.”
Cal drove off with his brother. Pako pressed his phone
“Do you hear me? Exactly why I beat you. O maaka selo ke
wena. You are not going to give that house to Nonofo o
mokima! I am going to deal with you. O ntwaela masepa
selo ke wena!”
He hung up.
Pako shook his head. “How you stayed so long with this
woman still beats me.”
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[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
Nono respectfully bid goodbye to Ace’s parents. Mmagwe
Ace smiled.
“Oh ok.”
“Thank you my girl. You can stay to eat something.”
She sat in the car unlocking her phone and opened her
sister’s Whatsapp. Her profile picture was her with Ace.
She stared at it for a while remembering just how her
sister had cried today.
“I was angry but I could have still been raped even if she
was there. I was just angry she left. I didn’t want her to
leave..” Sessy sighed tearfully. “I feel so guilty for even
sleeping with her baby daddy. I bet he hates me more than
anything. I might have just ruined his chances of him ever
getting back with her.”
Nono grabbed his bag and out his lunch box inside as he
ran out. She followed him out and pressed the gate remote.
Cal drove in and parked his car as Reign opened the door
and got in. Nono gave him his bag and helped him with the
seatbelt and closed the door.
She nodded. He let go then got in his car and drive off.
Nono closed the gate walking in the house then sat in
front of her laptop looking for a proper house now that she
was moving back.
“I understand.”
Later that day, Pako called Yamasa driving from the house.
“Hi… I am in labor.”
“Yes! Finally!”
She laughed. “Yeah. Will you be coming tonight?”
“You sure?”
The hits chose the movie while Nono dished then she
walked back to the sitting room and looked at the action
movie beginning.
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
Seven Months Later…
“Where is she?”
“You are supposed to knock then wait till I say come in.”
“Tshepo and I are going out tonight so take Reign with you
to your house. I think I need the weekend to myself.
Yesterday your ex sent me a long message on Facebook. I
didn’t read it after seeing the first word.”
“Show me.”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t think your dress is too short? Gape aren’t you
still mourning?”
“I am a big girl.”
She kissed him then opened the door for the both of them.
Reign walked out with his father. Nono locked the door
and got in her new grey BMW. She waited for him to drive
out then finally drove out and sped off headed to work.
“Please don’t hang up. Kaene told me that you and could
sell Mama’s house.”
“No. I will get a buyer and we will split the 150k in half.”
“Can I get a bit more and I will pay it back once I get my
“Thank you.”
She took a sip trying to locate Tshepo but she could hardly
see anything. She moved back to a less crowded area
calling Tshepo.
“I am sorry! I am sorry!”
She looked at the man’s t-shirt that was soaked with her
“I am sorry… please forgive me.”
“I am sorry too.”
“Yeah sure.”
Nono texted Tshepo then walked with him inside the hotel.
The hotel lighting enabled him to see her properly.
“Or we can dry it by the drier in the bathrooms.”
“How is it going?”
In this club!’
The DJ played after hit, the lights went dimmer though you
could still hear the crowd singing with every song.
Kabelo leaned over kissing her hard at the far back where
it was almost dark.
“Let’s go.”
She walked with him to his car. They got in at the backseat,
Nono kissed him and leaned over taking out his hard
black dic sucking it. Kabelo threw his head back grunting
as she gagged on his dic relentlessly.
“Shit wait!”
His body trembled. Nono lifted her head and kissed him
straddling him.
She took out the condom from her handbag and bit her
lower lip then tore it with her teeth.
She moved her waist riding him, taking it all in with every
thrust. Kabelo squeezed her breast then slid his havds to
her butt as her p*ssy got warmer and wetter, he could feel
everything. The pleasure itself doubled. He could feel her
meet around his dic. Nono continued bouncing on him
feeling him skin on her.
Nono blinked satisfied then slowly got off him. She took a
wiper from her handbag then wiped herself and kissed him.
“Thanks for that. I am clean but go and get pep if you have
“I am clean too.”
Nono smiled. “Sorry I made your pants wet. You will find
me inside.”
She stepped out fixing her dress then walked inside the
club calking Tshepo.
“I am coming.”
“About time..”
“What’s wrong?”
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
That same evening at Sessy’s house, Sessy looked at the
court order and sniffed. She went on Facebook then
posted her on one of groups attaching the pictures.
More tears filled her eyes. All her savings were gone, she
wasn’t even sure how she was going to pay rent come
month end. Allowance money was not enough to cover her
alone, let alone with a baby.
She sat down crying with her big bump. She laid down on
the couch crying.
“I don’t know but this dark skinned man, that man is fine!”
“We had sex. That’s all. Why would he be looking for me?”
Tshepo laughed. “You are wild. I have never done a hit and
run before. I away catch feelings.”
“You don’t have to like everyone you sleep with. You just
need to find them attractive enough gape he had been
rubbing that dic on my butt the whole night. I just ended
the game. He needs to move on.”
“No offense but you were not married to Ace. You weren’t
even in a relationship with him. You just happened to have
caught feelings for him and somehow ended up loving him.
He was a season in your life. A lesson to be leant. It’s
completely fine to move on.”
“Be honest.”
“Where is Reign?”
“At home. At the home I bought for us. For you… for us.”
“I hear you. But can’t you try… we can always learn to can’t
we? Can’t you open your heart and try!”
Nono hung up and turned to Cal. She sighed.
Cal smiled. “Eemma. I will see you when you get back from
“I have HIV.”
“Did she cum? If your dic game was good, if you fucked
her good, she will come back.”
“I am sick.”
“Kabelo people have bet on your ass! I hope you cross the
boarder in the next two hours!”
“I was sober.”
“She’s thick.”
“What kind of thick? Big thick or wide hips, big ass typa
Later that day, Sessy stood at the boys stop waiting for a
combi lost in her thoughts. There was no way she was
going to keep the baby. She found herself wondering if she
could just sell it.
“I am pregnant.”
“I am pregnant.”
“This was all on purpose wasn’t it? Gape what makes you
think it’s mine?”
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
Nono parked at Sessy’s house later that morning and
called her.
“Hi, I am outside. I found a buyer for the plot. I am here
with the documents for the house, you need to sign a few
things. I am transferring your share to your account. It will
report on Monday.”
“I just saw your curtain move. If you don’t sign then I will
have to cancel payment.”
“I am not feeling well. You can slip them through the door.
I can sign then give them back.”
“I am sorry… I miss you.”
“You should have told me! So what was your plan all
“Calvin I am sorry.”
“Nono can’t know. You kept this baby for a reason. I don’t
believe the bullshit that you failed to abort it. You kept it
for a reason. Should Nono find out then forget me being
part of this baby’s life, you might as well give it up for
The doctor stepped out. Sessy sat upright.
Nono took out her ringing phone and picked Tshepo’s call.
“What’s up?”
“Do it now!”
“I can’t say, they will take her from me.. nna ke iponetsi
mosadi. I swear yesterday felt like a dream. The way we
bumped into each other till the very end.”
Nono turned off the radio. Her phone rang minutes later.
She looked at a South African number calling..
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
“Go ahead and I will tell them how you were crying and
“You are never going to see me. This is not cute. Stop it.
You are demonstrating obsessive behavior.”
“Is this what you always do? Thamma you are hurting me.
It’s one thing to have had me on the hook like that. But to
do what you did to me and just disappear. I am beginning
to wonder if it really happened or I am losing my shit.”
“Forget me. And move on.”
“What if I can’t?”
“It’s not even 24 hours yet, days will go by and you will
forget about me the same way I have already forgotten
about you.”
“You are gorgeous. I couldn’t even tell you the party was
mine, a crazy cousin of mine threw it but I think it was
more for him than me. I feared losing you within a couple
of minutes of meeting you. Maybe I sound crazy but that’s
the truth.”
“My intention was to have sex last night and I did. That’s
all. Maybe if you told me the party was yours I would have
fucked you sooner.”
“You are evil! O ngwana waga Satan Nono.”
She dropped the call then paid and drove off putting on her
glasses. She turned on the radio again and smiled as the
radio presenter spoke.
“Or maybe she’s just not for you. I can arrange someone
for you.”
“Ng Ng. I just want her. Her only.”
He joined the road and drove off, he could almost see that
beautiful smile she had. Her laughter…her voice.
“Thank you.”
“I think it’s mine. She knows what Reign looks like so she
knows if it’s mine the baby will look like me.”
“What now?”
“Your brother?”
“Yaya –“
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
Yamasa looked at the time breastfeeding her baby while
her other kids played outside. She stared at her baby
wondering if history was repeating itself again.
There was no way her friend would have said she saw him
if she really didn’t. Yamasa thoughtfully picked her phone
to call her but a car drove in outside followed by her kids
screaming outside. She sat upright and minutes later Pako
walked in holding flowers.
Pako took the baby away then then came back and knelt
before her.
She broke down crying nodding. Pako slid the ring on her
finger and hugged her. Yaya cried in his arms with the ring
on her finger.
Pako got the baby as his phone rang. He took it out and
“No I-“
“Remain in your lane.”
“Hey, have you arrived safely?”
“I love you.” His voice got even sadder. “Maybe that’s why
it bothers me that much. No one makes me feel the way
you make me feel. I am scared you might meet someone
new. The thought hurts already. I wish there was a way to
go back and make things right. It wouldn’t have hurt to
have waited for you. Anyways, I am sorry for asking.”
“Ok. Bye.”
He hung up. Nono took off her shoes humming to the
song Kabelo had dedicated for her. She paused catching
herself then took her phone and sat down searching him
on Facebook. She typed Kabelo driver then read the
through the posts he was featured on.
Two Days Later…
The lawyer dropped the call. Sessy smiled with relief and
called Nono.
“A colleague.”
“Oh ok. Thank you for not refusing the idea of selling it.”
“I am not sure.”
His voice got even firmer. “Everyone has had enough time
to cook down. I didn’t come to Gaborone today to go back
without resolving this. We are all going to talk today. We
will talk here later on. I better find you here. And when I
come be prepared to tell me who’s the baby daddy
because you are going to give birth to a fatherless child.
Whoever it is going to have to deal with me. Do you
understand me?!”
Sessy locked her door and got in the car with him. Kaene
reversed and drove off.
“How is Jwaneng?”
“Its ok.”
“He is still going to pay for what he did to you. You were
just a child.”
“Come in!”
“What are you doing here? How did you find out that I work
Kabelo looked at her moving lips and cut her off kissing
her hard. She touched his chest as he picked her up and
place her on her desk deepening the kiss. Kabelo pulled
away and smiled lazily drawn to her.
He tilted her chin and spoke against her lips. “And what is
that I think is going to happen?”
“Did you really get satisfied from that car sex? How about
we do it properly… in a more say ..” He kissed the corner of
her lips. “Conducive environment. After that I will gladly
take my loss and keep it moving. I think it’s only fair that
He slid his hand under her flared dress touching her thigh.
He kissed her sliding his hand further.
Kabelo pulled her so she could sit up then pulled her to the
edge of the desk unzipping his pants, his lips finding hers.
She moaned holding on to him. She sank her teeth into his
lip making him groan in her mouth going deeper.
He thrust into her hard and deep not giving her a chance to
adjust and take it in. She put her hand on his chest to get
him to slow down he went ever deeper and faster.
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
Nono looked at her laptop during the virtual meeting, her
thoughts drifting to those deep unapologetic thrusts. She
shifted on her chair and looked at the white man speaking.
Nono chuckled. “Makes sense. Did you pay for the. School
trip to the game reserve? I thought of doing it in the
morning but didn’t want to double pay. I can sort it out
now then you can do the clothes his teacher said we
should buy.”
“Yeah… why?”
Cal got the piece of paper and smiled. “You drew this?!”
They did a high five. Cal leaned over putting the seatbelt
on him and drove off. At Nono’s house, he hooted then the
gate slid open. He drove in the house and stepped out with
his son. He walked inside the house as Reign to his
mother’s bedroom. Cal sat down.
“I am proud of you.”
Cal laughed. “Hey… don’t feel bad. Maybe I need to get hurt
to be able to get over you. I know you are probably turned
off by my actions. Just give me time… once I move on, I
promise you, the next woman I get will everything and
more. Right now I learning the hard way. It’s a painful
lesson trust me because I can see it in your eyes that you
don’t love me. At least not in the way I want you to. Once I
stop loving you, I won’t get hurt moving forward.”
“Yes sweety.”
Nono waited till they were out and closed the gate. She
went to her bedroom where she undressed and got in the
bathtub naked holding a dildo and her phone.
Kabelo: Wear the dress you wore at the party and the heels
too. No panty, same perfume.
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
Sessy waited by the bus stop at Botswana Accounting
College holding an umbrella to her head. Her feet had
already started to ache.
Her phone rang from her handbag. She took it out and
picked Cal’s call.
“Not yet.”
Cal parked at her house then stepped out with herm he got
the shopping bags and walked with her inside the house.
Sessy finished her drink and smiled taking the shopping
bags. She slowly sat down opening and took out the baby
“They are nice.” She took out a romper and smiled even
“Thank you.”
She took out the rest of the clothes excitedly. She laughed
as her baby moved.
Cal sat with her, Sessy put his hand over her belly making
him feel the kicking baby. Cal smiled. “Shit!”
She laughed. Cal looked at her.
“Does it hurt?”
“Can’t you just say you don’t know who the father is?”
“Then it’s fine. I don’t think your sister will take me back
so maybe I won’t have to hide her.”
Sessy looked at him. “I can help you get her. I know what
my sister likes.”
Cal looked at her. “How?”
“We need a proper plan but first we can identify what will
soften her heart.”
She closed her laptop and looked at her TV. There was no
way she was going to let him command her like that.
“I have to go back to Jwaneng. Can you fix things with
Sessy. When I come back I want to find you two ok. She’s
pregnant. She only has us. She made a mistake and you
are right to have been upset but can we let the past go?”
“Sessy hurt me. I might not cry about it but her sleeping
with rragwe Reign hurt me more than anything. I will never
forget how she called me to gloat when Ace died. You
should have heard her, she was the most happiest. I will
never forget it and I will never trust her. She even went
behind my back to try and ruin my relationship with Max
then. I am not going to allow her back into my life. I don’t
hate her but I don’t want her close to me because she
showed me how dangerous she is.”
Over two hours later at the hotel, Kabelo looked at the time
losing hope of her coming. He unlocked his phone going
through her pictures again. His cousin called.
His cousin laughed. “O jumpetsing? Calm down. Is she
“I know but non has ever made me feel alive like this. I will
call you.”
He looked at the time getting closer to her. “You are
twenty minutes late.”
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
At the hotel at CBD, Nono looked around the room then
turned to him wondering if he had just paid over a
thousand for the room to have sex with her.
Kabelo stood before her and caressed her cheek. “Why are
you late?”
Kabelo smiled. “No. I was about to beg you and get you to
come then lock you in here and destroy your p*ssy
because you are stressing me.”
Nono smiled looking at him. He leaned over kissing her
softly, his big hand finding her throat then he squeezed
deepening the kiss.
He slid his hand Inside the dress touching her bare skin,
his fingers going over her smooth p*ssy. He slid his finger
between her p*ssy lips touching her wetness, baby girl
was dripping wet. He rubbed her clit then slowly slipped a
finger inside and tapped her upper plates hitting her gspot.
He got up and pulled her dress off her off her chest and
squeezed both breast with a grunt and leaned over
sucking her nipples.
Nono held him head shaking, Kabelo raised his hand and
kissed her lips lifting her leg and put it on his shoulder
exposing her entire p*ssy. He took out his dic that was
already oozing with precum and rubbed the tip on her wet
She was so wet that him rubbing over her made a sound
making the veins of his black weapon all stick out. Nono
breathed heavily desperate to have it inside.
He picked up and put on the bed with her dress and heels
still on.
He looked at her leaking p*ssy as she tried to catch her
breath, she could hardly feel her body.
“O sharp babe?”
He kissed her hard and pushed both her legs to her chest
like he was changing a baby’s diaper.
Cal finished helping his son with his homework that same
Cal pulled his son closer. “I want but I can’t because long
ago when you still a baby I hurt mama. I made her cry and I
know it wasn’t nice but now I can’t be with her because I
hurt her before.”
“Then say sorry. I hurt my other friend, I said sorry and she
forgave me. She lets me eat her apples. She bought me a
sweet and said sorry. Buy mama lotss of sweets too.”
Cal swallowed. “I will. Go and out your books away and we
can watch your show.”
He slid pulled her with her braids and kissed her neck.
“Call your office and tell them you are going to be late.”
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
Later that morning, Nono walked out of the hotel unlocking
her car. Kabelo opened the door for her and looked at her.
“Are you ok?” He tilted her chin and kissed her. “I am sorry
if I hurt you.”
She responded with a faint voice. “I am fine.”
“Ke sharp.”
She started her car and drove off while her p*ssy throbbed
in pain. Her phone vibrated ringing, she reached for it and
“Hi, Reign’s teacher just called me about a collage home
work Reign had last week.”
“Just a headache.”
“O jele?”
He hung up.
“I am outside.”
Nono laughed. “We had throw away his. It was not make
“Yeah sure.”
Cal walked back to his car. Nono turned to walk back in
her house but staggered getting even dizzier.
Cal picked her up and walked with her inside the house. He
laid her on her bed.
She tried opening her eyes but her eyelids had gotten
heavier, she could feel herself slip out of it.
She was going to be angry, maybe even hate him but they
would work it out when the baby arrived.
He held her waist hurrying his entire dic inside and started
thrusting grunting. Every thrust felt so good he could
himself lose control.
That same morning, Yamasa put on her heels for her job
interview. She turned looking at herself on the mirror then
smiled picking her handbag.
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
Yamasa hung up then took a deep breath. She swallowed
staring at her phone and called Pako.
“Hey babe..”
“I don’t want to talk too much Pako. You know I don’t like
to talk too much akere?”
She got in her car and drove out holding her tears while her
phone rang. She ignored it heading to her interview. She
drove for a while having a mental conversation with
herself. She was a grown woman. She had been hurt
before. She could still start over
Tears filled her eyes.
“You are not going to cry Yamasa. You will not cry. It’s ok.
You will pick up yourself. It’s fine.”
“Babe I –“
Later that day Nono slowly opened her eyes. She blinked
then slowly sat upright, her head still spinning. Cal walked
in and smiled seeming relieved.
“Hey… finally. I was about to take you to the hospital.”
“What happened?”
“You just passed out. I called a doctor and she said it’s
exhaustion and dehydration but you are ok.”
He walked out. She slowly got off bed and staggered in her
bedroom. She went to the bathroom and washed her face.
She swallowed rubbing her eyes.
“I feel weird.”
“Drink water.”
He took it out from his pocket. Nono took her phone and
looked a the missed calls from Kabelo. He started calling
again. Nono walked back in the bathroom picking.
He sighed. “Hey..”
“No. I… do you feel ok? I don’t feel so good. You did drink
the juice I had at the hotel didn’t you?”
“Yeah what’s wrong?”
“Thank you.”
Kabelo walked out of his house and got in his car picking
managers call.
“KB, how far are you? Our sponsors have started to arrive.”
“Keep those guys entertained till I arrive.”
“Ke Nonofo?”
“She came?”
At Nono’s house, Nono walked out in a dress. He got out
of his car and smiled looking at her as she got closer.
“I feel better.”
He looked in her eyes and smiled. “Are you and your baby
daddy still together?”
“Is there a chance of you two fixing things and raising your
son together?”
“How did you know she called me? Whoever it is? Akere
ware you don’t even know her meaning someone just tried
it on me so wena how did you know she called me?”
“Why would you assume she called? Did you talk to her?”
“Why would you assume she called if you didn’t know the
person I was talking about? You sound dull and very
She got off bed and walked out. He followed her to the
“Who’s Kamo? Lie and I will sell your testicles under black
“Hey Voetsek o marete! Kare Kamo ke mang? Wa ntwaela
wena! Lie and see what I will do to you!”
[08/26, 8:30 am] #o: Something About You
At Pako’s house, Yamasa looked at him pissed off.
“Who’s she?”
“Fuvk I don’t know! Babe let go come on.”
“I will call you for the blood results tomorrow but from
what I am picking, I suspecting you may have ingested a
sedative maybe in food, drink or water unknowingly.”
Nono shook her head. “I drank juice at the hotel and also
ate. I was fine the whole drive back home, I didn’t even eat
that food at the hotel alone and the person I ate it with is
ok. I went home and had a sip of coffee and that was it.”
“My baby daddy bought it. It was still warm when he gave
it to me.”
“She is going to run some blood tests and we will find out
what happened.”
He took her hand and led her out. He opened the door for
her then watched her as she shifted on the seat till she sat
at an angle.
He smiled knowingly closing the door. Nono watched his
smile as he got in the car.
He turned her face and smiled. “This time if you think you
can disappear on me, I am taking you to court.”
“What are you grieving for sente sente? Sex? Or your love
for him?”
“I am sorry.”
“Nah, I’m good. Don’t deny yourself love because you once
got fucked up in the past. Maybe this time it will be
different. Say yes. Let’s to Kasane.”
“Where did you go?”
“Oh ok. Why didn’t you tell me? I would have taken you.”
“Who’s that?”
“A friend.”
“Sure ntwana!”
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
Cal bumped fists with him.
“Direng ntwana?”
“Sepe laitaka. Ke dropa tsala yame, you must be the baby
“Yeah, Calvin.”
Reign got out of the car and hugged his mother. Kabelo
Calvin laughed. “Tell me about it. He’s smart like her too.”
Calvin walked back to Nono and smiled.
“I just don’t think it makes sense for you to claim you loved
Ace then open your legs for another man a few months
after his death. How much is your body count by now?
Can’t you just focus on mothering Reign better instead of
jumping from one dic to another?”
“I have never seen someone who loves sex like you. Don’t
you just get tired of having fix inside of you? Koore your
vagina doesn’t get tired?”
She put the bag down and walked out laughing going to
the kitchen.
Nono turned to him. “Go and sit down. I will bring your
“Why are you still angry at daddy?”
“I am ok.”
He looked at her. “I am sorry. It was just a fling and it
meant nothing. I love you. I wouldn’t have proposed to you
if I didn’t love you.”
“I am sorry… I am so sorry.”
She closed her door and started reversing glad the gate
was open. She drove off and joined the main road calling
her mother.
“I didn’t know they had already come. I found out that Pako
has been cheating yesterday. I am waiting to get feed back
from my job interview and I will be leaving him.”
“Men cheat all the time Yamasa! Akere ebile you have
been nursing and I am sure you have not been giving him
satisfying sex. Men can only cheat for sex. If we all left our
men because he was cheating we would all be single.”
“Ele gore you leave and now you have how many kids you
have? Who’s going to take you seriously? No one will ever
marry you with 100 children all with different fathers. Do
you like having million kids? Who will ever marry you?”
“Men cheat, it’s normal. Can you just sit down and fix your
home and stop running every time someone cheats? You
will die alone with all your children. You should be grateful
he’s even choosing to stay with you and marry you with
your smarties! Wa lapisa Yamasa. If you leave him you are
going to die alone and don’t ever think you can bring your
children to me. Ga ke bate crèche yeo ya gago.”
Yamasa swallowed.
She hung up. Yamasa put down her phone holding her
tears. She drove for a while then finally parked, emotions
overwhelming her.
“My girl…”
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
That same morning, Cal parked his car at Nono’s gate just
as the gate slid open. He drove in as she stepped out in a
black bondage dress. She paused looking at him while
Reign ran over to his father. Nono unlocked her car.
Cal smiled hugging his son. “Get in the car. Wait there.”
She ignored him walking past him. Cal grabbed her arm.
“Calvin please…”
“I said hi.”
“Leave my arm.”
Cal slapped her hard across her face. “What did I tell you
about that attitude?!”
Cal pulled her hands from her face slapping her several
times then he grabbed her throat strangling her.
“I said you are making noise. Why are you crying? Because
you are a cheap whore? Next time you call my mother I am
going to mix you with this wall. Do you hear me?”
She tried to push him but Calvin pulled her braids even
more making her scream in agony bending. Cal lifted her
dress and looked at her bare skin.
Nono bended biting his finger hard. Cal hit her head so
hard twice that Nono let go getting dizzy. Cal pushed her
to the couch and forced his fingers inside her p*ssy.
Cal let go of Nonofo standing upright. Nono got up pulling
down her dress.
Reign smiled.
“Let’s go!”
Nono smiled. “He’s right. You guys should get going. I will
see you later Reign.”
“Don’t let him forget it. Also when you pick him up later.”
Reign tried going to the car but Nono pulled him so Calvin
could walk out first.
She hung up. Minutes later Cal dropped Reign off then
drove off picking his mother’s call.
Cal drove off calling Nono but her phone just rang. He sent
her a message.
At bus rank, the brother’s walked to the Main buses. Their
mother stood up from where she was seated and walked
over to them meeting them halfway. Cal took a deep
breath waiting for her to say something but rather she put
her bag down opening it.
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
Cal looked at his brother struggling to get up then went
behind his mother and held her from behind. Mmagwe
Pako screamed stomping her feet.
“Ijoweee! Calvin you are beating me? You are fighting me?”
She dropped the shambok screaming dramatically. “Calvin
you are fighting me? I am calling your uncles and I am
going to tell them how you are now fighting me mo
“Mama people are staring. Let’s go.”
Cal remained silent walking with her to the car. She got in
the car calling her brother.
Cal read the message and put the phone away driving in
Later that morning, Nono looked at the lawyer sue had just
consulted with. She sniffed rubbing her eyes.
“He has never done that before or gotten violent with me. I
just forgot everything I have ever leant about self defense.
I am so angry at myself. It means I can’t even protect my
son when I am alone with him.”
Nono sniffed crying. “Reign loves his father. What will I tell
him when his father is not there.”
“What if he denies?”
“He can’t. Your face is evidence enough.”
Cal walked out calling Nono but she didn’t pick, he sent
Pako a message then called Sessy instead.
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[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
At the police station, Nonofo swallowed.
“You are what?”
“Punish you for what? I am cutting you off, that’s all I can
do. To even think I was starting to believe you have
“It’s him?”
He nodded. “I understand.”
The detective looked at him. “We are going to put you in a
cell then you will go to court. From there you will go to first
offenders. I am happy she is not dropping the charges.
You are going to prison where you will meet people like
you, you will have all the freedom to fight them, they are
your size.”
Kabelo walked round her desk and turned her with her
A tear rolled down her cheek. She tried to turn away but
he cupped her face looking at her worriedly.
“What’s wrong?”
“What happened?”
Nono shook her head trying to push him away but he
wouldn’t back up.
He sat down and pulled her on his lap pushing her braids
back. He kissed her softly.
“Nono is evil. I told her that I would suffer with the baby
should you go to jail. I am going to her office.”
“Yes. But-“
“Who told you to tell her? Why would you tell her when I
told you not to?”
“I am sorry but-“
“Forget me. From now on forget about me. I told you what
would happen if you told her akere?”
“I never asked for your help! You are going to parent that
child alone, nxla!”
He cut the cal leaving her speechless.
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
At Nono’s office, Kabelo looked at Nono caressing her
cheek gently. Nono looked at him.
“You should go.” She tried to get up but he held her tightly
kissing her.
“I handled it.”
“Tell me.”
At the police station that afternoon, Pako looked at his
“I am going to try and talk go her but I don’t think she will
drop the charges. Especially now that she knows Sessy is
pregnant. I bet that’s what angered her even more. She
could understand Sessy sleeping with you but chances are
that the issue still hurts her. Now Sessy is pregnant…
“I know.”
Cal rubbed his eyes. “I can’t help it. I wish I had just
They got in the car them Yamasa drove them home. Pako
looked at her as she walked laughing with his mother.
They walked past him chatting going to the guest room.
“Babe.. can we talk?”
“You shouldn’t have. Where are you going to get sex now?
Ijo ke mathata.”
That evening, Nono carried Reign who had slept on her lap
to his bed. She bit her lower lip putting him on his bed then
covered him and walked to the sitting room. She picked
her ringing phone.
“Nono we both know that this man is more than just fine.
What do you have to lose by being with him?”
“Thank you.”
She hurried inside the house to put away the bag. Pako
walked back to Kabelo.
“I don’t know you but I just thought you should know that
this is my brother’s family.. should anything happen to
Reign or Nono… you will have me to deal with.”
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
Nono walked out of the house. She looked at both men
glaring at one another. Pako turned to her and smiled.
“Sharp Nono.”
Kabelo kissed her. “He is looking out for his nephew. Don’t
worry about it. It wasn’t anything serious.”
She looked at him making him smile. “Ware keng o sa
apara panty? Ebe o bata go ntirisa botatswa akere? (Why
aren’t you wearing a panty? You want to use me right?) I
am not like that anymore mmawe!”
“You should have thought about that when you were busy
riding dics. Go. Go and tell Kaene who’s baby this belongs
“Who’s that?”
Nono sighed. “She is not important.” Nono kissed him.
“Good night.”
Sessy looked over then got in the car. She looked at him.
“Thank you.”
“You are?”
“Sessy..her sister.”
Sessy sighed. “She’s going to hate me more for this but
Nono is never with one man. Months ago she was jiggling
three men at the same time. A white boyfriend from
Australia, the dead guy and her baby daddy too. Sleeping
with men has always been her specialty. She used to sleep
with her to step father. My father. Ruined her mother’s
marriage. Did she tell you she’s already been married
before? If Reign didn’t come out looking so much like his
father, Nono would have just kept the lie that he belonged
to her then husband.” Sessy looked at him. “Don’t let this
scare you though. She’s a good person.”
Kabelo smiled. “Makes sense why you two are not close.
Do you do this with everyone your sister meets?”
“Where is Yaya?”
“Mama please…”
“I have to go.”
“You are very stupid and I am glad you did what you did. It
showed me what kind of a person you are, you are the
worst mistake I have ever made. I don’t even know what I
saw in you, nxla!”
Nono parked her car and stepped out. She walked to the
entrance but her phone rang making her slow down.
“Hi Nonofo.. the blood results are back. What caused you
to pass out wasn’t dehydration. We found a drug in your
blood. It’s an illegal sedative, it was taken out of the
market due to the effects it had on the patients. You
ingested it.”
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
Nono turned and walked back to her car. She got in and
sped off headed to the police station receiving a call from.
Nono angrily looked at him. “The doctor found drugs in my
system. From that day. What did you do? If you don’t tell
me I am going to add another charge.”
“Mmagwe Reign-“
“I wanted to know where you were. That’s all. And who you
were talking to. I am sorry.”
Nono shook her head. “I hope you saw what you wanted.”
“He is fine.”
He hung up. Nono blushed alone then started her car and
“Wareng babe?”
“You smell nice. How close are you with your sister?”
“Kea tsamaya.”
He smiled as walked away. Nono answered Pako’s call.
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
Two Weeks Later…
Pako swallowed as the cab drove away with her then put
his hands on his face. He walked back in the house for his
ringing phone.
“Not yet.”
“We are almost there. Come, let’s get this over and come
with. What did the lawyer say again?”
“I don’t understand what that girl did to push him like that.
Calvin is not violent. Even when that man of a wife he had
was abusing him, he never hit her back.”
“It was jealousy.. kana papa Cal thought since Nono lost
the man she loved, she would come back to him. They
would raise their son together. I thought so too because
there is no doubt that they both love each other but Nono
found someone else.”
“I just saying –“
“No I-“
“No wa eng? What are you even doing here? You are very
evil, very evil. First you rape him then next you decide it
would be nice to get pregnant. What kind of a woman are
you that sleeps with her sisters baby daddy? Huh? I will
never like you. O pelo he maswe. I see right through your
evil heart.”
The police officers walked with him to the front. Cal turned
looking at his family smiling. The judge soon walked in
then sat down. Everyone followed sitting down then he
read out the case. The judge looked at Calvin.
“That’s fine.”
Nono hugged mmagwe Pako then walked out. Pako
followed behind and watched her as she got into a double
She closed the car door then Kabelo drove off. Cal sat
down, tears filling his eyes. The prison security closed the
doors of the vans while he sniffed looking down, his hands
chained together.
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
Five Months Later..
The nurse looked at her. “Are you eating? You need to eat
to produce milk. Tswa mo di Instagram body and eat! This
child is too skinny! Can’t you see you are killing her with
hunger? Look at what she’s wearing yet it’s cold. Why do
you have kids when you know you can’t care for them?
Huh? You think it’s ok to just bring a child into poverty?!”
“Two is for the baby, one is for you. You were having mice
time when you were having unprotected sex now look at
you! How old are you? Bring the baby’s card.”
The nurse wrote a few things down then gave her back the
baby. She stood up and walked out. Sessy broke down
crying pulling her t-shirt over her face. The door opened
minutes later then the nurse walked in.
“Stop the baby from crying! Wena why are you crying? La
tena waitse! Motho will have unprotected sex then cry
when you realize that the vagina doesn’t pay bills. Your
age mates are at UB right now!”
A while later she stopped It then got out and crossed the
road headed to the mall.
“I will go.”
“Who? You know what, let’s get the pants and go.”
They walked over to the pants. Nono took the takeaway as
the shop staff have him the pants.
The shop staff smiled. “Come and try them this side.”
“I tried.”
“Mrs Kabelo..”
“I am scared.”
“Drop off Reign. I will pick you up from your house. I want
to take you somewhere.”
“You can’t because you are not God. I really like KB more
than Ace.. he was cool but KB is cooler and I know he’s
your boyfriend because I saw you kissing him like this…”
He demonstrated. “When you thought I was sleeping. Can I
get two of this mama? If you don’t want I am telling uncle
KB what you said about his feet.”
Meanwhile Sessy walked inside the shop..she turned at
Reign’s voice then looked at her sister. She walked over
as Reign got back in the dressing room.
Nono looked at her. Seetsele moved back as her baby
cried. She sighed.
“Ng Ng. Pako helps here and there but sometimes le ene
he says he doesn’t have money.”
“The money Cal pays me is through his lawyer. I will talk to
Pako or his mom.”
“I don’t either.”
Sessy took the baby off her back and put her on her chest.
Nono looked at the small clothes Larona was wearing and
she looked so tiny.”
“She is thin.”
“Grab a few things for the baby. Clothes, it’s cold. I will
pay, some for you too.”
Sessy rubbed her tears then moved around the shop
picking clothes for her baby. Nono opened the changing
room and looked at Reign as he tied his shoe laces.”
Nono walked out with Reign as Sessy filled the basket with
baby clothes and a blanket. Nono walked to the adult
section where she picked a few things and some shoes
then walked to the till and paid for everything.
“On Monday.”
“I don’t want to give him any false hopes. Can you talk to
him about Seetsele? Why is she not getting the support I
am getting?”
“Ok. But I do try and help her. I just sent her money today.
“Thank you. I missed you. I wish I can undo the things I did.
I miss my sister. I miss talking to you. I miss gossiping
with you. I am lonely. Kaene is there but since he found a
new girlfriend, he’s mostly occupied. I wanted to throw
away the baby when I gave birth but realized that was the
only thing I had. I want to make things right.. please
forgive me.”
Sessy made the formula for her daughter then fed her
while she scrolled on Facebook properly searching for
Yamasa moaned softly underneath a man as he stilled
inside her offloading his cum inside her. He slid out then
got off bed.
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
Sessy went through Kabelo’s picture. She paused at the
picture he had posted of a woman’s back.. Sessy looked at
her sister’s back and continued scrolling. She zoomed in
his pictures then picked her friend’s call.
“I sent you something. Kante why don’t you take the baby
to your aunt..waitse you are missing out tsala.”
“You poison her then after she’s dead you inherit her
things and comfort her man..I am joking mma!”
Kabelo walked over to her fixing his cap then pulled her in
his arms hugging her tightly, his warm breath hitting her
“Let’s go.”
Nono sighed.
“It’s her, she’s just apologizing for the things she said
about me..”
Yamasa got in her car over a while later. She reversed and
drove off picking Pako’s call.
She dropped the car. Pako looked at the kids playing and
sat down sadly. He knew she was cheating, he could feel it
and it hurt more than anything. He typed her a long
message but then stopped and deleted it all.
“Ke mathata.”
An hour later..
“And as usual you dill defend him. His mother spoils him
too much. I can’t do this anymore. I am done. This
relationship is not working!”
“Leave me! Bring Kamo, maybe she will handle all this
“I will call his mother. You are right, I should have told you
Pako held her hand. “If you want go break up with me, do it
properly. Reign never breaks things. Your kids break things
and they are kids, such is bound to happen. Reign didn’t do
it on purpose neither is he spoilt. Besides being a loud
mouth, he’s well behaved. And it’s not like you take care of
him. I always do it.. break up with me properly.”
“You are not going, this is your house and aunty was
wrong to hit you. She’s not happy with me so she’s going.
We are going to remain with the baby.”
“Why did you break up with him today? Look nna I never
said I was ready to house you and your kids. It’s too early
for me to even meet them or for you to move in with me. I
think you need space to handle your breakup too. All this
is happening too fast too. I have to go. I will call you.”
He hung up.
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
Yamasa frowned then called him again but he didn’t pick.
She drove to his house and parked at the gate. She
stepped out and looked inside the yard and his car was
still there. She rang the intercom calling him again.
She walked with their bags inside the house while they
followed behind.
Her aunt walked from the kitchen and looked at the bags.
“Pako and I broke up. Can my children stay here while I try
to look for a house? Please..”
“He kicked you out? We are going there, he can’t kick you
out just like that.”
“Too soon for what? Akere you have been sleeping with
him all along? He knows about your kids?”
“Yes but-“
“I can’t help you Yamasa. I have a tea party later on, a few
church ladies are coming. I need to prepare for that. Your
kids are noisy and they will be running after each other.
Just go to your new boyfriend’s house..he needs to
understand gore you have a lot of kids and he needs to
accept them. Let me finish preparing, bye!”
Kabelo slowed down later that day and looked next to him.
Nono had fallen asleep, her lips slightly parted while she
breathed softly.
Kabelo smiled then stepped out and walked round the car
and helped her out. Nono looked at the sun setting.
He took her hand and led her inside the lodge. He opened
the door to their room and led her in. Nono gasped looking
at the set up. It was as of she was walking into a movie
scene with candles lighting up the room just enough her to
see the flowers together with the rest of the set up while
soft music played at the background.
“Thank you for this… I can never thank you enough. I love
“Well I know.”
Kabelo pulled her closer and slid his veined dic up and
down her wet slit then pressed down sliding in her warm
Kabelo kissed her. “That’s the last thing I ever want to do.”
“Let’s go in.”
Her kids followed her inside, Yaya tried opening the door
but it was locked.
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
Pako looked at her.
“I’d love that but I just want to understand that you are
saying you want to leave the kids here and go.”
“To cheat in peace? Your aunt called me. I know you have
brought them back because you are stranded. You actually
don’t want me, you just want to leave the kids here. Most
probably your boyfriend didn’t like the idea of having the
kids around.”
“So you rather have the kids sleep outside in the cold?”
“Go ahead and do it. If you are going to refuse with one
child then take them all. Why are you separating them?”
“Because they are not mine! Take them to their fathers. I
remained with my child.”
The gate slid open then she drove in. Odirile looked at her
as she walked inside the house.
“Thank you.”
“She has changed. I also want to tell her about us. This
hide and sick game is childish. I am tired of it. I am not a
child and it’s not like you and Nono have been friends for
that long. Know your priorities.”
“I did it.”
“Who’s it?”
He walked out. Nono brushed off the feeling she had and
put on a beautiful summer dress and a sunhat.
“Hi.. Sessy just got evicted with the baby. Can she crush
with you while I make a plan for her.”
“She will get the spare keys from Reign’s nanny. I will send
her the number.”
our morning insert, please forgive me, we are preparing for
inspection at work, it's hectic.
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
Odirile swallowed. “Babe-“
“We can all calm down. Poloko… babe he’s the cleaner.
Her clothes got wet, I bottled her my shirt while her clothes
Poloko laughed. “Can you take the boys away. Nna le Mme
o need to discuss a few things.”
Poloko took off her heel and threw it at Yamasa hitting her
forehead. She took off other heel and pulled Yamasa by
the shirt dye was wearing punching her.
Yamasa put her arm on her face. Poloko pulled her hair
hard dragging her to the kitchen and kicked her. Yamasa
scratched that Poloko let go. She picked the pan on the
drove spilling the hot contents on Yamasa sending her
screaming then hit her with it.
“In my house!”
Yamasa tried picking her car keys but Poloko ran over
snatching them scratching her.
“My clothes –“
“I am sorry babe…”
“Hi.. uh is Yamasa there?”
“Her car is here and her phone. I would sue but I don’t
want to be embarrassed. I am going to sort her out real
nice. I am going to teach her that married men are no go
He silently put the baby in the car and gave her the P40.
She walked to the gate then walked back in the yard.
“It’s the fact that you can’t even cheat properly. You cheat
with married men who have HIV. His wife says she’s going
to teach you a lesson you will never forget. I don’t want
this anymore. Who knows what else that man has.
Somehow I am happy you haven’t been sleeping with me
but I am going go test just go be sure.”
“And go where?!”
“I am sorry.”
“Yeah why?”
“Does she look any different? Like has she gained weight.
Does she look pregnant?”
“You sure?”
Two Days Later…
“Not yet. You look happy. Thank you for giving me your old
“Oh thanks.”
Nono took it and walked out. She got in her car and drove
Nono walked inside her office and sat down picking a call.
“I miss you.”
“Thank God! I thought you were going to be hurt.”
“Thank you.”
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
Three Months Later…
“You ok?”
Nono looked at him and smiled. “I am fine sir, thanks.”
“Your feet are swollen. Are you sure you are still supposed
to be coming to work? I am going go talk with HR. I don’t
expect you to still be here.”
Chawa smiled. “We can always tell him you are stuck in a
meeting. Something, anything.”
“I am ok..thank you.”
Nono pulled away her hand and walked to her office. Her
heart skipped as she looked at Kabelo sitting on her chair
wearing a suite.
“I missed you.”
The firmness in his voice silenced her about the issue. She
kissed him gently.
“I missed you.”
“You don’t know Thando! You don’t know me! You think
whores like you scare me? You don’t scare me! He is mine!
Mine! You think you can come and get between us? I have
been here for 6 years and nothing will come between my
“Thando stop!”
More tears filled her eyes rolling down her cheeks. Kabelo
looked at the pain in her eyes..
“You are lying! You are lying!” She shoved him screaming.
Nono looked at him. It was the lies that got to her… him
making up stories.
Nono looked at him and put her hand over her mouth
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
At the hospital, Kabelo walked inside the room Nono was
in with the baby’s bag together with hers. He put them
down looking at her. She was now wearing a hospital
“I am sorry babe…”
“Thank you.”
“They were really cool guys. Every time I called I was using
one of their phones. I need haircut and go freshen up. I
want to see Nono.”
“Can you avoid her? Talk to her over the phone. You got
released early for good behavior, don’t fuvk this up.”
“Its not like they were hidden. I hope you are over it..”
Later that day, Nono paced in her room as pain struck her
over and over again. She slowly say down on the chair in
the room but it only made the pain worse.
“I am coming.”
Kabelo parked the car and rushed out with Reign. Reign
looked at him.
“She can’t get tired. This baby needs to come out. Nonofo,
the baby is going to come out my girl. Push!”
“Uhu! Ke di twins?”
“When are you going to bring that girl so we can meet her?
Now you want to marry her without introducing her to us.”
“Thank you.”
“Well… mama really likes you..she says she loves you and
you make her happy. Would that make you my new dad?”
“Yes. But you will have two daddies. Your other daddy and
me. You don’t have to call me dad. I can just be your friend
like now. Nothing has to change between us.”
“But I want to call you dad. You know my other friend has
two daddies. I want to have two daddies.”
The midwife cut the umbilical cord and pressed her chest
with her fingers. She held her upside down and slapped
her little butt but she still didn’t cry.
Nono’s heart raced. “What’s going on?!”
Nono closed her eyes putting her hands on her face crying.
A while later, a nurse pushed Nono back to her room. In
less than twenty minutes, they brought her babies.
The nurse smiled. “She was hiding all along behind him.
That’s why she’s so tiny but a doctor has examined her
and she’s find, just small.”
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
At the hospital Nono looked at her daughter. From her hair,
her face. The nurse smiled.
“She’s beautiful.”
“She looks so much like Reign… and he looked like his dad.
My ex… she looks like him. I don’t know if I am crazy but…
“ She looked at her son. “He looks like Kabelo. I can almost
see his father on him but her… she is looks exactly like my
first born. She looks like my ex…”
“She is only a few hours old. Right now she just looks like
a baby. Unless you slept with your ex.”
“I haven’t slept with that man in years now. Not even kiss
each other.”
“Then it’s in your head. She looks like a baby. That’s all.
Feed them.”
The nurse helped take out her nipples then made her hold
each child on each arm. The babies both latched at her
nipples sucking.
He gently took the girl and looked at her. Tears filled his
eyes instantly.
“I am father babe…”
He took the other one with the other hand and held both
the babies in his arms.
The nurse smiled. “I think he’s hungry.. let the mother feed
Nono smiled getting him back. She gave him the nipple
silencing him immediately.
Kabelo looked at the girl then her. “I can’t believe this
The nurse was probably right, she was just lighter than the
She took a deep breath then her friend hurried over and
“Akere wena you have never tried. You will always remain
a slave to your sister Seetsele. Should anything happen to
her, you will have to take over. Who’s better to love her
kids than her? And no man can ever say no to sex,
especially one that is grieving. Anyways, continue mma.”
Her friend walked away leaving Sessy lost in her thoughts.
Maybe her friend was right. She also doubted Nono would
keep helping her financially now that she had twins.
Sessy sighed. She could never kill her sister. But maybe
she could have her going crazy.
The man lowered his voice. “You can’t take that shit, it’s a
Later that evening, Nono slowly walked from the bathroom
still nursing her stitches. She looked at her babies.
He smiled. “Hi.”
Cal looked at her. “I can never thank you enough for this.”
“Where is he?”
[08/26, 8:31 am] #o: Something About You
Nono frowned looking at Calvin.
Cal looked over at the kids again and walked out while
Kabelo followed behind. Nono looked at her babies, her
eyes on the Oratile. She picked her up and looked at her
Nono put her on the bed then grabbed her phone and
opened Reign’s pictures from when he was a baby. She
looked at it then at Oratile, the resemblance was scarier
though she couldn’t understand how.
“You mean rape me? Calvin is not like that. He’d never do
that to me.”
“Gongwe one twin is his and the other is Cal’s. Eish friend,
gongwe it’s fraternal twins with different daddies. You
slept with Kabelo right? Then a few hours later it was Cal.
It happens. Right?”
“I know you are confused right now but that’s the only
explanation.. it’s either that or they are both his or both
“O bua masepa!”
“I didn’t sleep with him. He’s lying. They are not his and if
they are then he must have raped me!”
“The time I got drugged that time… I was wet when I woke
up but I just thought it was you. Maybe it was then
because I didn’t sleep with him.”
“Your sister said you weren’t sure about Reign too .. you
said your then husband was the father nut it wasn’t.”
“Don’t go. Please don’t go. I will get him to confess.. I still
press charges.”
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
The door opened, Nono quickly took off the pillow as a
nurse walked in.
“Fine. What are the chances of having twins but each with
a different father?”
“I gave birth.”
Nono sniffed. “No. Calvin is out and he says the kids are
his. I didn’t sleep with him. I haven’t slept with him since
the time I went to Australia, he’s saying I did. Oratile looks
like him Kaene. I don’t know how. Kabelo doesn’t believe
“She looks exactly like Reign. I can see it. I can see Calvin
on her. He must have done something that time I told you
he drugged me. I know how this sounds but I didn’t sleep
with him. Kaene ke heletswi.”
“I do. I more than just do. If Kabelo walks away it’s fine. I
will help raise them.”
“I am coming.”
She put her down then called Kabelo but he didn’t pick. A
tear rolled down Nono’s cheek as she typed a message.
Kabelo parked his car at his house and put his head on the
steering as his phone rang. He tried to ignore it but it rang
again. He reached for it and picked.
Pako shook his head. “How? I know Nono never slept with
you so how?”
“I made a way.”
“Yes. Right now I just need to get that guy out of the
picture. Out of our lives then I will handle the rest. I am
going to get my woman back. I know I was wrong to
impregnate her and as much as I am sorry, I am also not. I
love Nonofo. So much. I have for the longest time and that
love is not going anywhere. I tried to get over it but failed.
She’s going to hate me first, she’s going to be angry… I am
prepared for what’s coming. He can never love her the way
I do and I am not going go let her slip from my hands.”
“Yaya… please.”
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
“A lot has happened. Trust between us was lost..I doubt
we will ever get that back.”
She sniffed then turned and walked to her car. She got in
and drove away. Pako walked back in the house and
looked at Cal.
“Ahh shit!”
She leaned over sucking him while stroking the base with
her other hand. She took him deeper gagging as he
moaned thrusting from underneath.
Nono carried on till his abdomen muscles tensed. She
looked at him going faster monitoring him. Kabelo curled
his toes letting it out. Nono sucked it all out then
swallowed and put it back in his pants. She put her head
on his chest as he breathed heavily feeling sleepy.
“They are not rape products. You are too angry right now
so I am going to leave.”
“Why Calvin? Why? What have I ever done to you? Why are
you torturing me like this?”
“I am at the hospital.”
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Mmagwe Kabelo walked in, her eyes landing on Kaene. It
had been so many years but she still remembered.
A tear rolled down her cheek as she recalled that very day.
The way she had walked in on them having sex. The way
Nomsa had spilled all the vile words to her. She could
almost hear it, almost feel her heart breaking then she
found out about the two kids and how her husband had
been living a double life.
The pain almost felt fresh… like it had just happened.
“I told you this would happen! I told you! When will it stop?
You see what you have done? Do you see what you have
done? Now your children are sleeping together? Are you
happy now? Are you happy?”
Kabelo shook his head. “What the fuvk is going on? Papa
what’s mama saying?”
“I made a mistake.”
“Nono.. babe..”
“I don’t care what you want to call it but Nonofo and I are
not breaking up.”
Nono cried for a while till her head was aching. Rona
moved crying.
“Don’t cry..”
“I have spoken. Kabelo is not marrying that evil woman’s
“She is dead-“
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Three Days Later…
“I don’t care. I am not walking away from her and our kids.”
“The kids will always be yours but you continuing with her
is wrong. I understand you are the victim in all these but
you continuing with it is you victimizing her even more.”
“We will never be ready for you to marry your own sibling.
It won’t happen. This is what I am trying to tell you. We are
going to accept Nonofo as our daughter not as your wife.
You need to end that relationship. There’s no future in it,
it’s doomed.”
Kabelo finally put down the documents and put his hands
on his face.
“Ms Bekete, the results are ready. We have sent them via
“Thank you.”
She started her car and drove off headed to Reign’s school.
“Reign’s mother…”
“Hi. There’s an emergency and I am here to pick Reign.”
Nono started her car and drove off. She reached for her
phone and took out her sim card. She sat properly driving
“That’s possible?”
Over thirty minutes later Cal stepped out and walked to the
class but there was no one but the teacher.
Cal got in his car and drove off headed to Nono’s house.
He parked at the gate and stepped out but he couldn’t see
her car. He rang the intercom but there was no response.
He looked at the time and called her office just in case but
there was no answer.
Kabelo walked out of his offices calling Nono for the tenth
time but her phone was still not going through frustrating
him even more.
“The one you raped? Huh?” Kabelo got closer angrily just
as a police car stopped behind them.
Dear Kabelo…
Love, Nono.
“No why?”
Hours Later…
“We will find her. She’s going to cash out money when the
one she has is finished. She’s going to want to do a bank
transaction. We will find her.”
Kabelo put down his phone driving in the night.
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Two Years Later…
“Do you think I should offer a reward for anyone who sees
her? I feel I am not doing enough to find her.”
“I have tracked people before and I don’t think she wants
to be found. She’s not lost.”
“Hey angel…”
“Why can’t you see what’s right in front of you nerra? What
do Lala and I lack? Why is she not enough for you?”
Cal walked out with his daughter then walked back in the
office closing the door.
“Ok thanks.”
In Jwaneng, Kabelo stepped out of his car wearing his
racing gear. He paused for pictures with the sponsors then
walked back to his Toyota Hilux. His cousin walked over.
“I know.”
His cousin frowned. “How long will you cry for Nonofo
“You do know that even if she didn’t run off to God knows
where, you two wouldn’t be together still. You are siblings.
See how you have bonded with Kaene? That’s because
he’s your brother isn’t it?”
“If she was here I’d still be fucking her, hard. I want to
move on when I am sure I don’t love her anymore. I don’t
want to hurt anyone.”
“You need good sex. With all the ladies that always throw
themselves at you, there must be one who can have your
feet tingling.”
“Ok KB..”
“I was playing.”
“You don’t play with others like that. The pencil was not
yours. You don’t push other kids. You are not bully. There
are no bullies in my house. Do you hear me?”
“It’s alright.”
“I want my real dad! I want to go to him.”
“Why won’t you let me go? Why? I hate it here, I hate it!”
“Hey, I arrived.”
“You can’t hide forever babe. Sooner or later you will have
to come out from your hiding spot. We will handle your
baby daddies together. The racer is not an issue. I know
him. He’s a cool guy. I am sure your happiness comes
first to you. Whatever happens happens. We are married,
you are my wife and we are a team. We can do it together.”
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Nono so seated her car just as rragwe Gofaone walked
“It’s ok. They were just bring boys gape he was attacked
first. He acted out of anger. It’s really ok. Are you
Rragwe Gofaone smiled. “Ok. Do you want to go for lunch
sometime? There’s a new restaurant open. Apparently it’s
really nice. The kids can come do they can bond better.”
“Maybe but then he paid 80k for magadi. His shit will be
“Yes. Bye.”
Nono started her car and drove back up work. She parked
her car at NGO company and walked inside. The
receptionist smiled at her.
“Mrs Raymond. There was a delivery for you.”
‘I love you…’
She set the flowers on her desk and sent him a message.
“At last.”
“I am scared. I don’t want any drama. The past two years
have been the most peaceful and happiest. I fear it’s all
about to end. Especially when people find out who I am
married to.”
“What’s wrong?”
Cal sighed. “I wonder where she is. Has she moved on. I
wonder if Kabelo is still searching, somehow I am hoping
he stopped and had moved on.”
“Where is Tsone?”
“You are the one blocking that future. I do t see why you
are still hoping Nonofo will get back with you. Your plan
clearly failed, you caused her pain. Can you let her be? It’s
not like she is denying you anything because you get to
see Reign on holidays. And stop harassing your son
whenever he’s visiting. He is not going to tell you where
his mother is. You are traumatizing him. This is why my
mama won’t leave you alone with him.”
“Your lawyer gave you an option. The only way you are
going to be part of her life is by you admitting to have
raped Nono. Do you want to go to jail? This time you are
going for years. You have a daughter. She’s right here
where you access her. You have Reign. You can surely
make more kids if you want. I feel sad because how many
more years do you need to get over Nonofo? I get you love
her and that will never fade but… can’t we are least try
other women? Give Tsone a real chance.”
“Shit sorry..”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
She handed the kids the phone and leaned back wondering
how she was going to break the news to everyone.
“Him too.”
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
That same evening, Cal watched as his brother chatted
with his work friends while looking at the ladies swimming
in the pool. His eyes landed on the lady from earlier on
standing with another woman hiding a glass of wine.
He walked over.
He smiled. “Yet you are gate crushing my party. I’d say you
love strangers very much.”
Kelly got closer and kissed him hard sliding her hand
inside his pants and touched his dic. She stroked him
letting him get hard in her hand then smiled.
She gave him her number then he did pay to cell. Kelly
smiled looking at the message reporting.
He jumped in his car and drove off with him behind her.
At his house, Cal kissed her walking inside the house. Kelly
helped him take off his t-shirt. Cal picked her up and put
her on the couch then took out her jeans and panties
“Stop being bitter and be happy that your child is loved and
properly cared for.”
“Where is she?”
“I was just dropping her off. I went home after that, gape
Tatenda was calling. She didn’t like the idea of a bachelor
Cal took out his vibrating phone. His brother looked at him.
“Today is fine.”
Yamasa parked her car with the other cars and stepped
out fixing her dress. She could hear cheering from inside
the church then she hurried inside.
“Hi. I didn’t know you were coming. You are strong. Nna I
wouldn’t be able to.”
She walked out. Yamasa waited till everyone was out then
finally walked to her car and drove back to her house
crying silently.
At 5p.m, Cal parked at the lawyer’s premises. He took a
deep breath walking inside nervously. He knocked on the
door then walked in.
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Cal laughed. “What?”
“I am married. That’s not what we are here to discuss.”
“So fast?”
Nono: Yes.”
She put her phone down raising her head and looked at
Kabelo who was looking at her.
Cal shook his head. “Just how quickly do you move on? I
mean it’s only been two years. Do you ever get the time to
raise your children?”
“Where is Reign?”
“What’s this?”
She put her hand over her mouth crying. Calvin banged on
the door.
Kabelo hugged her as she sobbed in his arms.
The lawyer chimed In. “You both need to leave this very
moment or else –“
“Or else what?” His was so stern she kept quiet caught by
surprise. “Kea bua go ha! (I am talking!) Don’t talk when I
am talking, I am not talking to you.”
“Stop! Stop!”
“We will have a proper meeting when you are ready to talk.
Maybe this time with the husband.”
“What happened?”
“I am sorry. For assuming you were ok. I will take over the
situation from now moving on. I am going to drop off
Reign. I am sorry.”
She sniffed. “Ng…”
Cal started his car and drove off headed to his house. He
parked his car and walked inside the house holding the
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
“So it’s you?”
“And I should care about what you think of me? What did
you think was going to happen?”
“You are sick! Do you also sleep with your mother? You are
delusional if you think this will last. It won’t last for long,
this entire marriage is going to end. No one is going to
accept the two of you. Was Nonofo that desperate for a
man? No one will accept this sham of a marriage!”
“It was about time I do. Reign is growing and do are the
twins. I don’t want to deny my kids their father. Just
because I grew up without one doesn’t mean my kids
should suffer the same fate.”
“I don’t know. I would have but not him..not in the long run.
We could have tried but would have failed. I was already
falling at the beginning of that relationship. Him taking me
to the radio… the way he chased after me from there… the
way he begged for a chance. My heart already knew Kaene.
By the way thanks for taking the twins for the weekend.”
“Its all good. Plus they are grown little humans. I will call
Nono called Kabelo again but he didn’t pick. She sat down
wondering what was happening.
Pako put away his phone and picked her up kissing her.
He kissed her pushing her thing go the side and slid in with
a grunt while she closed her eyes moaning in his ear.
“Hi Nono my girl, how are you?”
Later that evening, Nono tried calling her husband again
but now his phone was not even going through. She
thoughtfully called Reign’s phone.
“I don’t know.”
“Oh ok. Uh who’s with you?”
“Daddy’s cousin.”
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Nono closed her eyes worriedly as all sorts of scenarios
filled her head. A car drove in outside. She walked out and
sighed looking at him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Your mother –“
“It was already too late. Would you have rather had her
raise the children as a single mother and live the rest of
her life miserable? These things happen Kaene. A lot
people are in relationships with their relatives and it’s not
their faults. Nonofo loves him. She’s happier with him.
The truth coming out is actually not a bad thing. Now they
can stop lying and live their lives freely. Nono long got a
promotion, she can now accept it and move back this side.
Kabelo can now live his life freely not pretending to be
single to his friends and family.”
“Granny told me. Mama said you didn’t but I know you hurt
her because she used to cry before KB came.”
“Granny said you were always hurting her that’s why she
had to move from you.”
Cal sat down. “I hurt her but I didn’t mean to. I wanted us
to be a family again. You, me and her. I love mama, I
wanted to bring us together. I hurt her in the process but I
didn’t mean to.”
Reign blinked. “You really hurt her.”
“Ng.. she wore a really nice white dress and did her hair
“KB…I call him daddy. He’s a really nice dad. I love him. He
loves mama too and he’s Rona and Oratile’s real dad.”
“She is married?”
“He has been living a double life. One where everyone
thinks he’s not over Nono and the other where he is
married to her.”
“Eish… I am sorry.”
“Your mom is not going to like this one bit though I still
can’t believe you married your own sister. That’s gangster
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Kabelo walked inside his uncle’s house where most of his
family was. His mother smiled looking at him while
everyone else waited to hear what he had to say.
They greeted him back then he pulled a stool and sat in
front of everyone. His uncle stood up.
“Finish what?”
Kabelo carried on. “She gave birth to twins and when that
happened I brought mama and papa to meet her. Upon
meeting her, that’s when we found out that my father
once had an affair with her mother years ago.”
“You what?”
“I married her.”
“It doesn’t matter, the bottom line is that it’s her sister and
what they did was wrong!”
One of his aunt’s stood up. “Uh Kabelo can we just discuss
“It’s better for you to keep quiet. You can’t tell me anything
till you tell us who is the father of all your children Your
husband is as dark as they can ever be but your children
look colored. Explain that first before you think you can
say anything to me.”
Nono put the plate of snacks before her kids in the sitting
room then moved back picking a call.
“I mean just that. Are you happy with the fact that you
married him?”
“I am hanging up.”
“According to you yes but to me it’s not. It’s the same way
you found raping me right.”
“Don’t you worry that one day Reign will think it’s ok to
sleep with his sister.”
“My son knows wrong and right. You don’t have to teach
me how to parent.”
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Cal sighed. “You find it right to raise our children with your
brother who is your husband and you sleep with him?”
He laughed. “I still want you to explain to me why you are
married to your brother.”
“Tsek! I am dropping.”
“Mxm bye!”
Kabelo parted her thick butt curving his back and slid in
his veined weapon inside her warm walls. Nono closed her
eyes as her swollen p*ssy hugged his dic. He went deeper,
she stood on her toes wincing.
Kabelo bended her sinking his entire dic inside her.
Nono tried moving but Kabelo held her waist keeping her
still and drilled her p*ssy hard and fast for minutes till
every thrust begun feeling so good that p*ssy clenched on
his dic.
He grunted then looked over and the sitting room and the
twins were still eating.
Kabelo slid out then turned her around and lifted her leg.
Nono stood on one leg and watched as he pushed his dic
through and slid out. She grabbed his biceps standing on
her toes moaning.
“Breathe baby…”
Kabelo fixed his pants whike Nono pulled down her dress.
“She is back.”
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Kabelo parked his car and walked inside the house. He
looked at Nono.
“When did he leave?”
“Minutes ago.”
“Did he do anything else expect kiss you? You can tell me.
I never introduced you to him so I wouldn’t blame you for
He sighed. “I am coming.”
“Wa kae?”
“I am sorry.”
He turned and walked out. Nono looked at the chocolate
inside the plastic. Her phone rang, she turned then walked
over to it and picked.
“Cal I am sorry but I can’t accept the gift. Let’s just stick to
co-parenting. I shouldn’t even be talking to you like this.
We are supposed to talk through the lawyer.”
“The same way I used to talk with Neo about Reign is the
same way this will go. I am not asking you, I am telling you.
If not him then through the lawyer but bottom line is that
Kabelo will always be part of the puzzle. He will always be
Reign’s father whether you like it or you don’t. This is the
last time we are having a discussion like this. Anything
further, feel free to talk with Kabelo.”
“Mrs Ray…”
He chuckled. “What?”
“You will feel better after. The kids are sleeping, come and
fuck me back in line.”
“Do it.”
“Let this be the last time you come to my house, you talk
to my wife, you go anywhere near my family!”
Kabelo snatched the gun and cocked then then shot in
between his brother’s legs the bucket hitting the tile.
The lady stood still frozen to her spot. Kabelo threw the
gun and walked out picking a call.
“If you don’t call off that meeting and tell everyone you
accept Nono and I, I will tell the entire family the truth.
Should I tell you what’s going to happen after or you
“Are we on the same page? You know what the truth will
do akere?”
“The same way you accepted your dirty deeds and let
everyone live in your lie.”
She sighed then hung up. He closed his eyes and switched
off the phone and hid it before following after his
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
At University Of Botswana later that morning, Nono walked
out from an office after her interview. She smiled holding
her contract in her hand feeling like jumping screaming but
two students where coming from the direction she was
headed to.
“Good morning Mrs Raymond, it’s Thato, Mr Tsheola’s PA.
Uh… Mr T has made a booking for you at a beauty spa.
They are waiting for you there.”
“New what?”
“A new car.”
“Uh you need to the spa thing first and do your hair. From
there your makeup follows then you need to dress up and
collect the car. The rest of the instructions are in the car,
nna I would be done then. He also asked you don’t call
Nono got in the car and drove off calling him but he didn’t
pick. She smiled opening the pin location to the spa.
“Mrs Raymond.”
Later that morning at Cal’s office, Cal slowly slid out and
took off the condom while Kelly laid flat on the couch.
“And you love her. You are hurting.” She touched his chest.
“And you are using sex to get over the pain. It doesn’t work
like that. After you cum, it all comes back.”
Kelly caressed his face. “I don’t know you but I can tell this
.. this roughness is not you.”
Sessy walked out going to the parking lot where Kelly was
unlocking her car.
“Wait… you are sisters with his other baby mama? The one
he loves.” Kelly laughed. “Let me guess, you were jealous
of your sister then you drugged and raped your sister’s
man. You ruined their relationship thinking that he’d be
with you but it didn’t play out like that… tell me I am
wrong… I think I got it. Le baloi bathong! Who needs
enemies when you have sisters.”
“He doesn’t want you for anything else than sex. Don’t say
I didn’t tell you.”
Kelly smiled. “And who told you I need anything more than
dic and pleasure? It’s casual fucking. It’s a shame that he
couldn’t choose you while waiting for the one he loves to
take him back. I also wouldn’t want you if I were him. You
sound dumb too. Don’t ever talk to me, stay in your lane
babe. I am not in your league.”
Kelly got in her car and drove off.
Later that day, Nono put on the red silky dress with a
backless back and the heels Thato had brought. She
looked at herself on the mirror then walked out of the
“Yes. It’s not me, it’s him. We can go and collect the car.”
Nono walked out with her and got in the car. Thato sat on
the passenger seat then Nono drove off.
Nono smiled then pulled the black sheet. Tears filled her
eyes as she looked at the brand new Benz. Nono tried not
to cry but tears rolled down her cheeks betraying her.
She emotionally got inside the car while Thato put the
flowers at the backseat.
“The rest of the instructions are inside there. Don’t cry, you
will ruin your makeup. He asked I make this day perfect for
Nono sniffed. “I am so happy.”
“Ok sharp.”
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Sessy walked out of the supermarket talking to her friend.
“How do you get hopeful with your sister’s ex? What is the
reason for that? Can’t you just find your own man? This is
what derails you from making it in life. If I were you I’d just
move on. Imagine you have been at the same position
since you got employed. Tota it’s hard for God to bless
you when your heart is full of envy and jealousness.”
“I am sorry.”
“Yeah sure.”
“Thank you. By the way I hope things end well for you and
Nonofo.” She touched his thigh. “It will be hard when the
entire nation finds. Out that siblings are married.”
Kabelo chuckled. “How would they find out? You will tell?”
She looked at his zip. “What if you can have both sisters?”
Sessy slowly put her hand on his zip waiting for him to
throw her out of his car but looked at her instead.
“Akere she doesn’t to know… you don’t tell her and I won’t
tell her. I promise I won’t tell.”
She leaned over and kissed him. He looked at the time
then pulled her closer kissing her back turning off the
Kabelo pushed her down hurrying his entire dic in her that
she leaped hitting the car’s roof with her head.
He held her waist and fucked her hard from the bottom bit
giving her chance to adjust and seat properly.
Sessy bit her lower closing her eyes. She could feel it
stretch her out with every thrust and every thrust felt so
nice. He pressed her clit with his thumb and gently
massaged. Her body begun stiffening as he carried on
thrusting into while stimulating her clit. Sessy screamed
She slowly got off him exhausted. He took off the condom.
She looked at it. “Ket me throw it out for you.”
Now she understood why her sister wouldn’t let him go.
She walked to her bedroom and laid on the bed squeezing
her thighs together.
“Thank you.”
“You want to get the pharmacy world but your wife will be
the one managing that?”
He smiled.
She started her car then drove off playing music loudly.
“You want to see how crazy I can be? I will show you just
how much crazy I am Kabelo. If you have not gotten me
the car by the end of the day, I am going to have the whole
world know.”
Let's do 10k+ likes and 500+ comments for the next one. I
have scheduled two more inserts that will be posted
before 6pm.
Kabelo laughed. “I am not buying a car. O tetsi bohema
semata ke wena. If you think you think I will fall for that
bullshit then think again. Go and tell whoever you want to
tell and see if I give two fucks! Never call me!”
“O kae Nono? Kana the time she came back from Australia,
I picked her up from the airport. She had a job interview.
As I dropped her off, her thug boyfriend she was seeing
came. I have never been happier about someone’s death
than I was with his death. I haven’t spoken to Nono since
that day when he threatened my life.”
Cal bumped fists with him and walked away with his kids.
He called Nono as the cab he had hired pulled up in front
of them.
“You don’t have to say husband every time you refer to him.
I know who he is akere.”
“Motho wa ga go wa mbora!”
“That’s not my problem. I will ask him to pick him.”
“I met someone.”
Cal hung up annoyed then got put the bag in the boot
before getting in the car.
She sat down giggling then took out her ringing phone.
“Who’s this?”
“You don’t need to know that. How good are with secret
keeping? Especially if someone’s life depended on it.”
Later that day, Sessy looked at the time and called him but
it didn’t go through. She took a deep breath holding her
phone then tried calling him again but it was still not going
She called her sister. It rang for a while till it cut. She called
her again with the new sim card.
Nono sighed. “What do you want? How many sim cards for
you have?”
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Nono sighed holding her phone.
“Ok bye.”
He turned her around and kissed her lips. His phone rang
in his hand.
“Morena, you will tell us that once you are here. Just come
and let’s discuss it but I hope you know that rape is
serious. Before you have sex with a woman, I always
advice you get a written consent because someone can
always claim to have been raped. Just come.”
“I have never seen her since the time she tried to seduce
me in my office. She even went as far as sending her
nudes. I would never sleep with my wife’s sister. What
kind of a man would that make me?”
“Kabelo stop lying. You are the one who said you’d buy me
a car if I kept quiet. I would never accuse anyone of rape
unless they did it. I have been raped before… maybe it’s
bad luck following me. You knew Nono would never
believe me when you did it. You knew no one would
believe me. You knew no one would believe me when you
raped me Kabelo… I can’t breathe… kea hupela..”
“I am not lying.”
“I didn’t look.”
“All black.”
“Did you tell the police how you have made it your mission
to sleep with everyone who’s ever been with me? Did you
tell him how you raped my son’s father and impregnated
yourself thinking he’d want you. How you approached my
late ex boyfriend when I was with him to sleep with him?
Did you tell him how you have been trying to destroy my
family? She called me saying she slept with him. I have the
call recorded. She said she slept with him and wanted me
to know. Now you have changed to rape?”
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Kabelo cupped Nono’s face and smiled.
“That’s fine.”
The police officer looked at Sessy. “I hope you understand
that once you have laid charges there’s no going back.
Lying to the police is a crime and you will be arrested for
that because should this be a lie, this man may sue and
the government will be required to pay that money. You
will be locked away for a year. That’s the least sentence.”
“I am not lying.”
Nono sat in her car waiting. A while later Sessy walked out
of the police station. Nono looked at her and sighed rolling
down her window.
Nono put her hands on her face crying. Sessy sighed and
got in the car. She hugged her.
Nono started the car and reversed out then drove off.
Nono looked at her.
“I went to the mall to buy a few things for the house after
dropping off Larona at Cal’s house. When I walked out of
the mall, I saw Kabelo walking to his car then I stopped
him and apologized for everything. Tota I was ashamed. I
then asked for a lift.”
“I don’t believe the rape story Sessy. Just tell me the truth.
I am going to file for divorce. I know you two slept with
each other. No one forced you. You two have probably
wanted each other for a while. Just tell me the truth. I am
leaving him.”
“I started it but I was just testing him. He’s the one who
pulled me to his lap. He even had condoms in his car.”
“And then you got angry when he didn’t get you the car and
opened a case ya rape?”
“Ok. Do it fast so that when the case start, you are not
dragged into it.”
Sessy directed her to her house. Nono parked at the yard
then took her phone and went on Facebook. She quickly
searched and opened a picture. She showed her sister.
“Just leave him. He’s not worth it. Gape he’s your sibling.”
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Sessy laid on her bed later that evening scrolling on her
Facebook. She thoughtfully posted.
“Friend –“
“And you think it’s easy as that? You are destroying your
sister’s family!”
Nono walked from the bathroom and picked her phone
from the bed. She answered the incoming call.
“She just posted saying she was raped. That Kabelo raped
her. It’s only a matter of time till people figure it out. You
believe her?”
“Ko police. I hope the police don’t solve this case quickly..I
want that girl to dig herself deeper in her grave. I have had
it with her. She’s gone too far now.”
Nono hung up picking an incoming call from the lawyer.
She walked over and hugged him. Kabelo kissed her neck
holding her in his arms.
Tears rolled down her cheeks then she sniffed. “What did
they say?”
Nono rubbed her eyes. “She thinks she’s smart. She slept
with your brother though, she’s not lying about that. She
saw him at the mall, she did ask for a lift and he seemed
to have gone with the flow of her conversation. She threw
herself at him then they had sex in his car. He used a
“I figured that was the case at the police station. She
doesn’t know I am a twin and Karabo and I don’t share the
same DNA even though we are identical twins. Should they
find anything on her, it won’t match mine.”
“I want her arrested for lying to the police, for accusing you
of rape then we are going to sue her. I am tired of Seetsele.
By tomorrow evening, she should be locked up.”
Kabelo looked at her thighs and kissed her picking her up.
Cal handed her the bag.
“I asked you if you can tell the difference between blue and
The police officer looked at her. “You are the one who sent
that message right? Before you deny it, I hope you know
your friend also forwarded us your voice recordings and
yesterday’s phone call recording from your friend.”
The police officer went on. “Also the confession you made
with your sister. Think carefully before you lie again.
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
At the police station, Sessy swallowed then stood up..
“You were just playing with them using the police? I don’t
think I am hearing you well. You were testing him using the
police? You came here crying. You cried didn’t you? Huh?”
“I am sorry.”
“You came here crying rape. This man was called. You
cried even more explaining the details of your rape. You
call that playing? Huh? You call that playing?”
“I… I –“
“I am sorry.”
“The same way she found her ex baby daddy and you slept
with him?”
“She was cheating with him. She was hurting another man
in the process.”
“Nono is selfish!”
“Which is why you tried to sleep with him months ago? He
refused and today you decide to make up a lie.”
“I made a mistake.”
“Help with what? With getting you out so you can destroy
my happiness?”
“The only witch I am seeing is you. You are going to jail for
a very long time. And all for what? Jealousy? All for what
Sessy? I am still trying to figure out what I ever did to you. I
don’t know what kind of a sister feels the need to sleep
with everyone I sleep with. Anywho mma, don’t forget to
make friends in prison. Gatwe it gets a little rough in
“Kaene is going to get me out!”
“Thank you.”
Kabelo put his hand on his wife’s waist and walked out
with her. Sessy swallowed turning back to the police
“You are going to get punished for your actions. The judge
is going to see that Facebook post and realize it was
posted with malicious intentions and that it’s all lies. He’s
going to see just how vicious you are. We have enough
evidence to send you away for lying.”
Kabelo parked the car at the house and kissed her.
“What did they say at the police station?”
She hung taking off her shoes feeling thirsty Nono walked
to the kitchen and opened the fridge reaching inside.
She took out a bottle of water then closed the fridge the
door. She dropped the bottle screaming seeing a ghost.
“Hey.. hey-“
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Ace walked with her to the couch and placed her down. He
looked at her and smiled. Baby girl still looked as beautiful.
He looked at her lips recalling how it felt kissing her.
Nono touched her face then looked at him. She jumped off
the couch yelling.
“Fire! Fire in the name of Jesus! Holy ghost fire! I didn’t kill
you! Go back to your grave! I say back to the sender in the
name of Jesus! Back to the sender you devil!”
“Nono –“
“Shandarara! Shondoro!”
“I buried you.”
“I know.”
Tears filled her eyes. “No… you are lying. You are a clone….
A twin. Yes! You are a doppelganger!”
He walked over and helped her off the couch and hugged
her tightly.
Tears rolled down her cheeks. Ace tried holding back his
own tears but they stung his eyes that he buried his face
on her neck.
“You are dead….”
“You are dead… I saw you go..I saw them cover your
coffin….I saw them go.”
“I know. I don’t like him but he’s a good man. And he loves
you. And he does it better than me.”
She shook her head crying. Ace wiped away her tears.
He leaned over kissing her. His dic jerked filling his pants
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Two Years Later…
At Reign’s school, Nono parked her car at the parking lot
and stepped out just as Cal parked next to her. She fixed
her top watching him step out in his suit.
“At work.”
“And it’s not the first time it has happened.” Cal clenched
his jaws looking at the principal. “It’s not the second time
for the third time my son gets bullied for being the only
black kid in school. Are you fucken racist? Because how
do you say another kid being racist to my child is a game?”
“How is a white kid calling my son a darkie and it’s not the
first time too, how is that a game? Do you know where you
are? This is Botswana! You do that shit wherever the fuvk
you are from! This a black people’s country and I am
going to report this little school of yours at the ministry of
education. I have other black parents who will stand with
me because you allow for these little white shits to bully
them because they are white. You seem to be confused
geographically. Remo Botswana and I don’t pay thousands
every term to have my child mistreated. We are enough
Batswana parents and we are going to have this school
closed. Trust me on that, you have messed with the wrong
She called Kabelo looking at the time but the call didn’t go
through. Nono walked to her bedroom calling her makeup
“What’s wrong?”
“Get that dream car you want. I know you want to keep
making money for your kids but don’t forget to thank
yourself while in the process.”
“Thank you.”
“Anytime. Start it let’s see.”
Yamasa got back in the car and started the engine. She
“I will come with. But just to help you getting the car.”
She smiled. “I am joking. You can go. You don’t have told
worry about cheating on me Cal. When you met me I didn’t
want any of this. You convinced me otherwise and here I
am with you. Loving you doesn’t make me an idiot, if you
cheat, I will cheat back better than you.”
“His phone is off. I don’t know where he is. Let me try and
call him again. I am going to my office.”
Nono: Hi, I have been calling. Where are you? The launch
has started.
Her phone rang, Nono quickly picked.
“I can’t answer –“
“You are back. I thought they killed you for real this time.”
“Behind you.”
“Nice office.”
“I didn’t know about that till I was dead. I met her in a bar.
The condom burst. I got her emergency pills. I saw her
drink them. I don’t know how that baby happened.”
He rubbed his lips on hers and kissed her. The kiss got so
steamy that Ace picked her up and placed her on the table
getting between her legs as her p*ssy pooled.
Kabelo jumped off the truck that had given him a lift..
He hurried to her office then open the door walking in.
[08/26, 8:32 am] #o: Something About You
Kabelo opened her door walking in. The bathroom door
opened and Nono walked out. She locked eyes with him,
her heart skipping as she panicked.
“Its manly.”
He slid his hand inside her panty and paused touching her
soaking wet p*ssy.
Nono turned looking at him. “What’s wrong?”
She looked at his soft dic and touched him. “What is it?”
“You tell me. You smell funny… it feels like… I don’t know
like I am dipping my dic in someone else’s cum.”
“That is insane!”
“Is it? When you saw me panicked. You smell… funny and
your p*ssy smells like sex.”
“I don’t cheat!”
“No one is walking out of here till you tell me what’s going
on. Tell me the truth. We will work it out. I promise… we
can move on past this. I was running late, you were
worried… I wouldn’t blame you. Whoever it is took
advantage of your worry.”
“I don’t –“
Kabelo gave her a thunder like backslap that she fell. She
squeezed her legs together trying to hold her pee as the
pain numbed her cheek traveling all the way to her heart.
“Who was here Mrs Raymond? Lie and babe trust me… I
will kill you. Do you hear me? I will kill you then kill myself. I
told you I will kill for you and I was serious. I would kill for
you. Who was here? Talk to me babe.”
“I didn’t do anything….”
“Ready to talk?”
“Ace! It was Ace!”
“It is… I love you. I stopped him. I love you. I love you so
[08/26, 8:33 am] #o: Something About You
At Premium Medicare, Kabelo walked to the conference
room where the launch was taking place just as the last
speech ended. The MC took over.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s now time to introduce the
woman that had made all this happen. The woman who
has in one year four months opened such a big company
that is making big moves in the country. Ladies and
gentlemen, help me welcome the woman o the moment,
Mrs Nonofo K. Raymond.”
Nono hurried off after him. She took off her heels running.
“You are going to call my husband and tell him the truth.
That we kissed and… that was it.”
“I cried –“
“What’s wrong?”
“I have to go home.”
“I need to go home.”
Ace disposed the phone together with the sim card seated
in the car. His colleague looked at him.
“We can take him out. Make sure he never tells anyone.”
“The same way she loved you yet she moved on right?
This guy can rat your ass out. It’s either him or you.
Remember the rules Ace, you are dead. Should anyone
find out about you… I should have never let you get in
contact with her.. we need to get rid of him. There’s no
other way around it.”
[08/26, 8:33 am] #o: Something About You
Kabelo swallowed as she remained still. He pulled her
head out of the water and laid her on the bathroom floor.
“I am fine.”
Kabelo jumped in his car and drove off recalling just how
wet she had been. He started the car and reversed out
trying to block his thoughts.
“Yes sir.”
Cal walked out and jumped in his car then drove off
headed to Yamasa’s house. His brother called him as he
“Are you busy this weekend?”
“She is ok.”
He drove off.
At a hotel, Kabelo opened the door for room services but it
was Nono. He frowned looking at her makeup. She didn’t
look like the woman he had almost drowned yesterday.
She looked very pretty. His eyes went down to her short
flared dress that showed her think thighs. Nono sighed.
She pushed the door open forcing her way inside. Nono
looked around then looked at him.
“I found out two years ago that he was alive. He said him
dying and everything that had happened was a plan to
make everyone believe he was dead. He said something
about going somewhere and not coming back. I didn’t tell
you because I thought it was nothing to worry about. I
didn’t want him. Of cause seeing him brought back
memories but there were just that because I knew the only
man I was in love with was you. I hadn’t spoken nor seen
him since till yesterday in my office. He appeared out of
nowhere. He kissed me and my body reacted and that
doesn’t mean I love him or want him. My body just reacted.
I pushed him away and told him I was happy with you and
that I wasn’t going to just destroy it fir a dead man. He left,
I took off my panty and walked to the bathroom to wipe
myself. Walking out I found you there. That’s the truth.”
She sighed. “I understand you are hurt and disappointed
but please don’t question what we have. I more than love
you Kabelo. I have never thought of any man other than
you since I met you. He caught me by surprise, it doesn’t
make what happened right but I love you and I never
meant to hurt you. I-“
She looked at her husband. “What are you doing with her?”
“She is leaving. It’s not what you think.”
“She wants you. Why would you let her come here?”
Nono walked out trying to hold her tears but they still
rolled down her cheeks either way.
[08/26, 8:33 am] #o: Something About You
Sessy tearfully looked at Nono.
“It was just wine Nonofo.” She sniffed. “That’s all it was.”
She sniffed. “I am moving back to Maun. I am sorry for
everything. I wasn’t trying to poison you. I just want to see
my daughter sober.”
Sessy got in the car with the driver. Nono got in her car
and reversed out. The Demio drove off then Nono drove in
her yard.
Yamasa looked at Cal as he drove now distracted.
“If Nono said yes come, would you have turned and went
“If she opens her heart to you, you would leave Kelly?”
“I wish I could say this to your face… I understand I can’t
and… I vowed to make your life less miserable but I am
sorry. Words can never make what I did right or erase it. I
wish there was a reset button Nono. I would press it and
start again. This time differently because in all the years I
have grown to love more than before. I am happy to move
on with Kelly but I know I will never love her like you. It’s
something I have to live with and I have accepted it.. I just
wish things were different. I know it’s pointless to wish
but… I am sorry. I will hang up. I am sorry I called.”
She sniffed holding her phone. “He raped me. I didn’t want
to have sex with him. He was supposed to be a father…. I
don’t know maybe 8 year olds have sex with men thrice
their age willingly.” Her chest got heavier as her voice
shook. “Maybe to you and everyone else it’s normal… it
wasn’t to me. I don’t want to sleep next to a man who
thinks I slept with my step father willingly.” She pressed
her lips together trying not to cry. “I have only slept with
you since I met you. I never knew I was a sex addict but
thank you for the insight. When I met you all I wanted was
sex. I wanted nothing more. I didn’t have sex with you for a
relationship. I wanted to have fun months after Ace had
passed on. I am not sorry for it. I am leaving the house,
you can have it. You have stayed in it more than I have.”
[08/26, 8:33 am] #o: Something About You
Ace walked in. “I think we should talk.” He closed the door
with his foot.
“If I wanted to kill you…I would have long done it. I don’t
need to be close to you to blow out your brains. I wouldn’t
do that .. that would break Nono’s heart.”
Kabelo swung his fist punching him. Ace put his gun away
punching him back, his punch coming stronger and
heavier that Kabelo staggered back, blood filling his mouth.
He spat out and swung his first but Ace dodged and
moved back kicking him.
“I spoke to him.”
“A little fight?”
“Nono, you said I should talk to him. I did that for you
“Do you really love this guy? Be honest.. do you love him?
You didn’t just settle right?”
“Wa kae?”
“And what? You die if you have to. You should have faked
death. We never confess to cheating because we don’t
cheat, do you hear me? You think in the 30 years of my
marriage I have never done anything? Sometimes things
happen but you deny! Do you hear me?”
“Good, get back in the house!”
[08/26, 8:33 am] #o: Something About You
Nono pushed her bag back in the house. The aunt looked
at her.
“He had left by then. Kabelo…I was wet and he could tell
something had happened. He slapped me and smothered
me with a cushion. I was scared. I thought he was going to
kill me.”
Nono swallowed.
The aunt tilted her chin and looked in her teary eyes. She
hugged her.
“I am sorry.”
“You are hurt… he is hurt. You are both hurt and you can’t
see past the pain right now but think of where you are
coming from Nono. The fight you have fought to be here.
No one is perfect. We mess up sometimes, we hurt one
another in the process. The question is are you willing to
forgive and work it out. Before I was married I always said
I’d leave if my man does so and so, I’d walk away… people
say all sorts till they are in the situation my girl. I know you
love him. You love him so much otherwise you would have
left the moment you found out that there is was likelihood
of you two being related. You were not sat down properly
but most of what they advice is garbage. Nono marriage is
forgiveness… it’s love, it’s compromise. It’s pain
sometimes but it’s also happiness. It’s honesty…devotion
and many more. They don’t tell you that. Right now you
have two options, either walk away and be with someone
who never messes up. Or you can work it out.”
Yamasa’s sister looked at her. “So you wanted to sleep
with your baby daddy’s brother?”
“I just wanted dic, that’s all. Tota I just wanted dic but
hearing him talk about loving another woman go mborile
“It was just going to be this one weekend. Can’t a girl have
fun? Nna to me it was just going to be sex but hearing him
go on about this other woman got me drier than the
Kalahari desert.”
“Cal is a good guy. You know the type you would want to
get married to. The kind you want to settle with.
Sometimes I wish I had met him before Pako. Gape the
way he’s so innocent is a turn on. I wanted to get a piece
of it.”
“Why would I do that? Stop being bitter, next you know you
are old, still holding on to bitterness. There are lots of men
out there, leave that family alone!”
“We don’t have enough hands today. All these people you
see here are in critical conditions as well. Go and buy
charcoal and milk.”
“Mme kana you are going to die if it’s your day to die."
[08/26, 8:33 am] #o: Something About You
Later that day, Kelly walked inside Cal’s house then smiled
looking at him watching TV. She walked over and kissed
He looked at her. She was pretty, had the skin figure, pecky
round breast. Her complexion was perfect. Kelly took off
her vest and he looked at her smooth skin.
She had no single stretch mark… she was perfect but still
he couldn’t seem to get Nono out of his mind. Somehow
her stretch marks were always a turn on.. every flaw of her
body was perfect in a certain way he couldn’t even explain.
Kelly smiled. “Are you ok? Gorileng?”
“You are lying. Ke Nonofo? It can only be her. The last you
were like this.. you had spoken to her.” Kelly smiled. “It’s
her isn’t it?”
“I know it’s her. You will never not love her. I think it’s best
I don’t keep wasting my time. It’s been two years, I am
competing with a woman who doesn’t even know she’s in
a competition.”
“That’s not true.”
“Its true.. I love you. But I can’t keep doing this. I think you
just need to e or something, I don’t know but I am tired.”
“Have you?”
“You what? I thought you said you weren’t ready for that
step as yet.”
“Maybe it’s time I settle down. I can’t be moving from one
woman to the other. I have kids. My age mates are
married..maybe once I am married Nono will let me have
Oratile longer than a day.”
He sighed. “I wish you can see how you ruined your life.”
Kabelo wiped a tear that had rolled down her cheek. She
held his hand emotionally.
“I am sorry, I –“
[08/26, 8:33 am] #o: Something About You
Nono’s phone vibrated ringing. She stood up and picked.
Nono laughed. “Let her run that one. She came with that
wine and tried to gift it to me… thank God I just knew that
she was out to hurt me.”
“Let her go. I don’t know why she would write me as her of
kin after trying to kill me.”
“I hear you. She should be fine, I am sure she can handle
some pain and running stomach.”
“I am sorry…”
She moved and stood in front of him as the water wet her
“I am sorry. There is nothing I can say that will justify what
I allowed. I love you. I don’t want him, I stopped when I
buried him. I made a mistake and I will forever regret it. I
will do anything to earn your trust and forgiveness. I can
make this right if you give me a chance to. The kiss meant
nothing to me. Maybe we should see someone if you want
but I take full responsibility for what I did and what I
pushed you to do.”
“Turn around…”
She breathed as he kissed her neck, his hands all over her
body. He spanked her butt hard making it shack then
crouched putting her one leg on his shoulder and leaned
over exploring her outer labia with his tongue and
proceeded to the inner one. Nono gasped trying to move
her hands but there was nothing she could do.
Kabelo carried on and slid out just before she could cum.
“Babe please…”
Tears rolled her cheeks as she tried pulling her hands. Her
p*ssy contracted, Kabelo pulled her hair pushing deeper.
Her body stiffened getting ready to explode. Her orgasm
built up taking her right to edge of cloud 9.
Kabelo slid out just before she could melt into that peak of
pleasure. Nono moved her butt breathing heavily confused.
She broke down crying looking at his dic, hard, erect and
covered with her juices.
“I understand. I won’t do it again.”
“Should I stop?”
She swallowed and shook her head. He picked her up, her
hands still tied to the shower head. Kabelo lowered her
down on his waiting erection filling her up.
[08/26, 8:33 am] #o: Something About You
Other passengers looked over in shock. Sessy looked
away crying. The bus driver stepped out and walked to the
boot where he took out the 25 litter bottle of water and
grabbed a bucket. He carried them over to Sessy.
“Here is water. Are you ok?”
“We are all grown here! She’s not feeling well, stop looking
at her as if this doesn’t happen!”
He got back in the bus and drove off. Sessy stood up and
walked to the tree with the water and bucket. She
undressed and cleaned herself crying. Minutes later she
opened the driver’s bag and put on the tracksuit. She
washed her pants with the remaining water then shoved
them in the plastic that was in the bag.
Twenty minutes later she saw the bus driving back. The
conductor stepped out then opened the front door for her.
He took a u-turn.
“Where is Kelly?”
Kelly kissed him and jumped in the car. She watched him
as he walked round the car wondering if this was the
perfect time to tell him he was going to be working for his
baby mama.
Cal got in the car and kissed her before starting the car.
Nono frowned.
“Right, uh when he’s done tell him Abbie called ok? Abale.
And that he should call me back. I had brought him
“Ok. Thanks.”
“We were together this morning!”
He called Abale.
“Kabelo she-“
“I said never call me. I won’t tell you again. Stay out of my
business, if I hear you are busy spreading my business I
will kill you I promise. O seka wa bata go tshamekela
mogo nna with your community p*ssy. Know where to play.
I hope I never have to repeat myself.”
He hung up and blocked her then made a call.
[08/26, 8:33 am] #o: Something About You
The man at the other end of the call listened as Kabelo
“Yes we did.”
“Good. Marriages have their own ups and downs. It’s not
always nice. Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say.”
“Thank you.”
His uncle dropped the call. He fried a few things for Nono
then dished in a plate and made her coffee. He walked
back to the bedroom and paused looking at her sleeping.
She turned in her sleep pulling the duvet over her body
breathing steadily deep in her sleep.
He kissed her and walked out with the food.
“Makes sense..”
“It’s fine.”
Later that day, Nono woke up as someone rang the
intercom. She blinked sitting upright on the bed, every part
of her body aching. Her eyes fell on the red roses on the
bedside. She smiled reaching for them. The intercom rang
again. Nono quickly dressed then walked outside.
[08/26, 8:33 am] #o: Something About You
Nono frowned.
“What is it?”
“Thank you.”
Nono walked back in the house. She picked her phone and
opened her Facebook. She paused at the picture Cal had
posted then tapped it looking at him and Kelly, the ring on
her finger showing. She smiled and heart reacted on the
“Its ok. But now that you are getting married maybe you
shouldn’t make those calls anymore.”
“Hey buddy, what’s up? O bata ice pop? ( You want an ice
The little boy smiled. “Yes!”
[08/26, 8:33 am] #o: Something About You
“Don’t do this, come on. Ke utule… (I heard you.) I won’t
bother your family.”
“I just said I don’t know what you are talking about. If you
call me again, you will talk to the police not me.”
She smiled. “You kiss me when you come back home. You
didn’t do it now.”
She blushed. “More than.”
“I love you.”
“Hey… Is he there?”
“Ace you –“
Ace hung up. Nono swallowed holding her phone. She put
down the phone and walked to the children’s room. She
looked at them talking on his phone but he wasn’t there.
Nono walked to their bedroom where Kabelo was
She looked into his eyes. The more she looked at him, the
more he became capable of doing it. She pushed him to
the bed and sat on his lap. “I am sorry I have turned you
into something you are not. My husband… the man I fell in
love with and married is not the man before me right now.
I have pushed you to doing things that are not you and I
am sorry. Ke go utusitse bothoko and I can make it right.”
She cupped his face and kissed him. “Please don’t let what
happened change you. I know things will not be fine today
or tomorrow, it’s going to take time for you to heal and I
will help you… just don’t allow this to turn you into
something you are not.. please.”
“Did he call you?”
“Yes.. but-“
She looked at him. “No I just… I want to make sure that you
do not get into any trouble. I wouldn’t forgive myself if
something happened to you.”
“So it wasn’t –“
He kissed her lips. “I will see you in two hours. I don’t want
to have tension around the kids.”
Nono swallowed. Kabelo jumped in the car and started the
engine then drove off. Nono walked back in the house and
grabbed his car keys then got in his car. She started the
engine and drove off following after them.
“It’s done. Her car left first then the double cab followed.
The breaks have been tempered with. If he doesn’t die
today then he will never die.”
Nono joined the main road picking Tshepo’s call.
“Are you sure? You didn’t even stay for your own event.
You were almost in tears when you left. And your PA told
me that she found you crying in your office, that Kabelo
had locked the door and it seemed he hit you.”
“Why would he hit me? She wants to get fired I see! Ele
gore what gives that girl the right to spread my personal
business and now adding her own lies on top?”
“She is fired. I can’t trust her because she will go and run
her mouth!”
“What’s going on?”
“The breaks are not working Tshepo, the car won’t slow
“Where are you?”
“Nono! Nono!”
The double cab went right through the red traffic light,
Nono turned her head and looked at a truck coming from
the other side as he hooted also trying to slow down but it
was already too late.
The truck hit her on the side hard, the double cab’s tires
screeched but the impact sent it rolling then it stopped a
distance away, glasses shattered with a huge smoke
coming from it.
The truck driver stepped on the accelerator and parked on
the side of the road and ran over shaking. He looked at the
deformed car. He approached it and looked inside, his
eyes falling on the driver, her head on the airbag as she
bled from her head.
“Hi! Hi!”
“Is she alive? The ambulance and police are being called.
My wife is doing it.”
He swallowed. “Hi…”
“Don’t move! The police is coming, they will cut the car and
get you out!”
“I have three kids, I can’t die! Help me! Help me! Please
help me!”
Nono got out of breath as the pain numbed her body till
she couldn’t feel it anymore. The truck driver held her hand.
“Call my husband…”
He quickly took out his phone. Nono called out his number
struggling to breathe. The police arrived speeding and
rushed over just as fire department truck pulled up with
fire fighters. The police looked at the woman in the car
and swallowed moving to the side as the fire fighters
approached. One looked at Nono.
“Ng Ng..”
“She’s alive!”
He opened the door for him and helped him out the kids
inside. Kabelo smiled.
Kabelo got in the car and took out his ringing phone.
“Please come.”
At GPH later that evening, Kabelo looked at Nono’s doctor
as he explained.
“We are waiting for her to wake up. Thanks for taking the
kids. Are they not bothering you?”
“How is she?”
“She is stable.”
“Nonofo was still talking to this guy even today. Even after
promising that she would cut him off… she was still talking
to him. Nna tota ke heletswi malome. I feel I am fighting a
loosing battle. I came just at the rightful time to be her
painkiller. She loved this guy, his passing hurt her. I was a
painkiller and now he’s back. She will always love him and
that’s the truth. I was a rebound.”
“Come. You must be tired and so are the kids. Let them be.
Come and bath.”
[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Tshepo opened her eyes the following morning as Nono
moved her hand. She quickly got up and looked at Nono.
“Hey… hey..”
Tears filled her Nono’s eyes. She looked around the room.
“Where is Kabelo?”
Tears filled Tshepo’s eyes. The doctor took her pen and
pressed Nono’s feet.
“Feel that?”
“Yes. And blood circulation was cut for some time before
the fire fighters managed to get you out.”
“We are going to run more tests… you are going to recover
“Abale, she’s been wanting him and now… she’s with him
and my kids!”
At Abale’s house, Kabelo walked out of the bathroom as
his phone rang. Abale handed it to him.
“It’s Nono.”
“I just did…” Her voice shook. “What are you doing with
“Where are you? Are you with her? Are you at home?”
“No. Look, I will talk to you when I come there but I think
we need a break. We need to separate and…” He closed
his eyes biting his lower lip as she stroked him good.
Abale let go with a smile.
“Kabelo –“
“I need a break from all this. Don’t pull the elders into this
again because it’s only going to embarrass you. I need a
break and maybe in the meantime you can make up your
mind. I am not going to stay to be second best Nono.
That’s not going to work with me.”
“You should have thought of our kids and family the time
you were kissing him. I still don’t believe you were that wet
from just a kiss doesn’t make sense. I love you
but I now know I was just a rebound for you. Maybe to a
certain extent you loved me but his return just showed me
everything I needed to know. By the way, he tempered with
the breaks to try and kill me. Maybe the plan was that from
there you two will be together but instead he almost killed
you. I need a break..I need space from this marriage. I feel
“I am moving out.”
[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Kabelo hung up and dressed up then walked out. He
looked at Abale as she finished feeding the twins. Rona
looked at him.
“Daddy, mama!”
“Hey princess…”
“So you took my kids to her house and you slept there?”
“To be honest, you are beginning to bore me.”
“You are hurting me.” Her voice broke. “Can you come to
the hospital? I want to see my kids.”
He sighed. “Ok.”
He hung up and started reversing. Abale rushed over.
“What’s going?”
“Don’t tell anyone but Ace is not dead.”
“I knew it!”
“You messed up, he got hurt. You can’t undo it so you need
to give him time. Le wena mma stop throwing your weight
around, just be humble. Stop yelling and commanding him.
You are giving the other woman power. Yaanong you look
crazy and next thing you two are always fighting and she’s
the peaceful one. When he comes don’t ask about her.
Don’t talk about her. Don’t even bring anything about her
“Good. You are beautiful, he loves you. He loves you so
much. You need to be careful on how you deal with certain
matters Nono because the way you react to certain
matters can break or make a relationship.”
She kissed his cheek then stepped out of the car. Cal
waited till she was inside the yard then drove off calling
“My phone was off. Kelly and I just wanted the weekend to
ourselves. I want to do this. I am 100% sure.”
“I am sorry for how I spoke to you earlier on. And also for
your car. It’s a total wreck.”
“I love you. I fell in love with you long after Ace. You were
not a rebound. I was thinking we start counseling as soon
as I am discharged.”
“How? I don’t even know if I can still trust you. I don’t trust
you anymore.”
“Hey KB, I have parked under the shade. The kids were
burning up.”
Abale laughed. “Sweetie, can you give our man his phone?
Your problem is that you think the world revolves around
your fatness! It doesn’t. I am going to take him, you can
count on that but continue making yourself a fool. Ok?
Now be a good girl and give him his phone. I am going to
enjoy taking him, I haven’t had this kind of excitement in
my life in a long time.”
Nono tearfully looked at him. “She wants you. Why did you
bring her here?”
“She wants you. Please tell her to go. Tell her to go.”
“I am coming.”
“I have to go.”
“Babe please don’t do this… please…. Please don’t do this.”
He pulled his hand from her. “And by the way Abale is not
a whore. No one called you that when you were kissing
another man with a ring on your finger. She is better than
[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Nono gasped lying on the hospital bed, her heart pounding
so much she could feel her ribcage shake.
She sat upright and took off the sheets covering her legs.
She reached over and but her lower lip trying to move her
legs so she could get off the bed.
She pulled herself together and cupped Reign’s face. “I am
“I was so scared.”
Pako looked at her. “Uh Reign, don’t you want to and grab
mama’s gift in the car. Take.”
He handed her the car keys. Reign hurried out then Pako
looked at him.
She jumped out of the car and walked inside the gate. She
turned and waved before closing the gate. Kabelo sighed
driving away.
“She does. Tell me the truth. Have you slept with her?”
“But you want to. You obviously want to and that’s why
you sound like this. If you want to sleep with her, do it.
Don’t tear down your family because of it.”
“It’s ok. I just hope you understand what you are doing.”
“No. Just me and the twins. We are the only ones moving.
Mmagwe Reign and Reign will remain here.”
The nanny looked at him confused but he seemed serious.
She slowly walked back in the house.
She hung up. He looked the nudes again and sighed. She
had that petite body with his and ass. Not too big but just
fine. He took a deep breath looking at her flawless skin,
her flat stomach. So flat it was as if he was looking at a
super model’s stomach. She had no cellulite, just
smoothness. He looked at her p*ssy sweating then closed
his eyes briefly trying to stop thinking about it but that’s all
he could now think.
"Nonofo give me break! Stop calling me, I told you I need
space, stop calling me every moment to remind me you
cheated. I am getting annoyed now. I am tired, I don't want
this marriage. You are suffocating me with your calls."
[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Two Weeks Later..
He hugged his son them Reign jumped off the car. Cal
took a deep breath then reversed and drove off. He looked
at the time and drove to GHP.
At GPH, Cal knocked gently on Nono’s door before he
walked in carrying a paperbag of food. She looked up from
her laptop and smiled.
“Thank you.”
“Ok. Cal…”
“She is fine.”
His father hung up. He looked at his phone thoughtfully
and made a call.
“Yes, thanks.”
“We spoke about this. Don’t think about her. Wena focus
on fixing your family and getting healthy.”
Nono laughed. “I said I was sorry but le wena mma you are
always telling my brother my business.”
“I don’t care whether you fear jail or not. You will sleep
there tonight. I am not ghetto lala, as you can see I am
headed to my office. Kabelo gave me this car to drive.
Tota I really want you to hit me and he will divorce her
even quicker. See I have nothing to lose.”
“You have already lost… bye! I hope you get better soon.
Being confined to a wheelchair is going to be hard but
good luck. Bye!”
“She needs a car. I have one I’m not using so what’s the
problem? I am in a meeting. I cut your call the first time.
That should tell you something. Use your brain Nonofo. I’m
Nono looked at her phone and swallowed. Tshepo looked
at her and hugged her.
She had never seen a man look that good in a suit before.
She looked at the ring on his finger then walked over with
a box of pizza and put it on his desk. She unzipped her
dress as he looked at her then slowly took off her dress
remaining in her lingerie.
Kabelo kissed her hard picking her up. He walked with her
to the couch and laid her down.
He kissed her getting between her legs as his dic filled his
Kabelo smiled. She took her phone and walked out. Abale
smiled looking at the video then went on WhatsApp and
searched for Nono’s number.
“My chest…”
She tried to talk but she couldn’t seem to get anything out.
Her chest tightened even more that she begun panting, her
eyes widening.
“Mu chest…”
She dropped the phone at the sharp pain on her chest. She
hit her chest countless times trying to get it to loosen up
but it tightened even more as the pain weakened her.
Kaene picked her up and hurried euth her to the car while
she struggled to breathe.
[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Two men pulled Kaene back. Kaene threw the laptop at
him. Kabelo bended dodging.
“Hey! Hey!”
“Call a doctor.”
“I am fine.”
“I am sorry.”
She giggled then hung up. Thato looked at her boss then
walked out. She took a deep breath sitting by her desk. Her
phone rang. She reached for it.
“My sister…”
“Hey, so? Did you talk to your boss about the raise?”
“Not yet. Waitse mma I feel so sad. Remember I told you
how my boss’s wife was no nice to me? I have never seen
such a humble soul before. Koore she’s beautiful, she is
smart, she is kind. She doesn’t deserve getting cheated
“Mma after God fear men. I long leant that nothing can
ever keep a man. You can be beautiful but he will still
cheat of he wants to, you could be smart but he will cheat
with a woman who failed form 5. You can have all the
money in the world and he will cheat with someone who
sleeps under the bridge. There is no formula to this.”
“Its life. Tota that’s just life. Nna mma we leant the hard
way. A man will promise you heaven on earth kante the
heaven he promised you is hell. Ke life.”
“You heard the doctor akere? Let’s try and focus on other
things. He says he’s coming with your discharge forms.”
“I feel like I have lost it. He’s not even using a condoms.
He was muffing her. It’s only been two weeks. Just two
weeks. This can’t be happening.”
“My girl…”
“Aunty Kabelo…” Pain chocked her. Nono closed her eyes
“What’s this?”
“I can explain.”
He wiped away her tears and kissed her. He took off her
dress. Abale helped undress him. He picked her up and
placed her on the kitchen counters. He took out his dic and
slid in.
Kabelo’s uncle bit his lower lip picking Nono and put her
on the wheelchair as another uncle parked behind them.
Kabelo quickly slid out turning away as Abale got off the
kitchen counters picking her dress.
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[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Aunty punched Abale. Kabelo fixed his pants then pulled
his uncle’s wife back and pushed Abale back.
His uncle shook his head. “Is this Karabo? This must be
Karabo. There is no way this is you.”
“I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. Can’t you see
what you are doing to us? To our family…”
“Sit down.”
He sat down. “I think I am done.”
“I don’t know but I know this… us it’s not working for me.”
“Its me. This has always been me. I don’t think I am able to
figure you and go on with life like nothing happened. You
still can’t tell me why you kissed him. You love him and if I
can’t have all of you then I don’t want you at all.”
She looked at him for a moment as a tear rolled down. She
turned her head looking at a set of heels on the floor. She
turned with her wheelchair then put her hands on her face
crying. She cried for a while then turned to him.
She breathed out. “Ok.” She wiped her tears with her top
but they wouldn’t stop rolling down her cheeks. She
sniffed. “Ok.”
She bit her lower lip hard then signed. She laughed in
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[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Kabelo’s uncles looked at him then his older uncle sighed.
The older uncle shook his head. “It was not.. Marriage is
a…” He sighed. “Its not always nice. Things happen but we
have to learn forgiveness. There’s is no one who is perfect.
Your wife hurt you, she messed up but you forgive and you
try and move on. You just don’t walk away. Especially not
like this. You have kids with this woman and the first thing
she’s always going to think about when it comes to you is
how you were making sex tapes and how she walked in on
you having sex..I hope that girl is worth it.”
The older uncle walked out with his wife. They helped
Nono into the car and drove off.
Kabelo slowly sat down with his hands on his face. A car
drove in outside. Abale walked inside seconds later. She
walked over to him.
He looked at her as she knelt before him and kissed him.
“Let me stay with you for the night. Please.”
“I know you are feeling guilty right now. But don’t forget
what happened. She hurt you first. You did nothing but
love her and she chose to hurt you. You are not the bad
guy. She is, she played a role in all this. A big role. It’s
unfair for everyone to expect you to forgive and forget.
You are human too. Nonofo broke your heart. Nothing
anyone says can undo that.”
She sat on his lap and kissed him. “Don’t beat yourself up
for all this. You are a victim too. She hurt you. Don’t push
me away. I want to be there for you.”
She straddled him and pulled down his pants taking out
his soft dic. She stroked him then slid down on it.
He slid out then looked at her flaps then pushed his dic
back inside and swallowed watching them hugging his dic.
She squeezed her breast as his dic pumped out his cum
inside her.
His wife sadly looked at her. “If you need anything, call us.
I will bring the kids tomorrow in the morning.”
“Thank you.”
“I am sorry.”
“My kids could have died Ace. I don’t know why you did
what you did but I am glad you did. I know we can’t
together but now I know for sure you are not meant for me.
I am 100% sure it’s not you. My marriage has been
destroyed. For what I don’t know. Don’t call me, never call
me. I am saying this for the last time and I mean it. I didn’t
know then but you leaving my life was for the best. You
have taught me one good lesson. Thank you, bye.”
“I am sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Six Months Later…
The therapist got closer. “Hey. . You can do this! You can
walk. Nothing can stop you. Take a step forward.”
“That’s it! You are stronger than you know it, you are the
strongest person I have ever came across you are
determined so walk!”
“Good job!”
“See? Done.”
Nono closed the door then started the engine and drove
off. She looked at her phone ringing then reached over.
At Cal’s house, Cal looked around looking for Rona. He
spotted him in the kitchen.
“What do you mean? These kids are fine here. You didn’t
have to call Nonofo.”
The kids rushed out. Cal walked his relatives walking over
to Nonofo.
She smiled opening her door. The kids ran over to her.
Oratile slid down her father’s arms and ran over. Nono
hugged them.
“I missed you too guys.”
Reign shook his head. “She won’t be able to bath Rona and
Rati. I think you should come with daddy.”
She smiled and drove off. Cal turned and frowned looking
at his brother.
“You said you wanted to get married, what are you trying
to do?”
[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Abale frowned.
Kabelo pushed her hand. “I don’t feel like sex. I just need
to think.”
“I am sorry.”
“O seka ware I am sorry. I am tired of this. I don’t want to
have sex every single time. I need you to bring something
else to the table expect sex. Sex doesn’t pay bills. I don’t
even understand why you left your job. Since when is
getting pregnant a disability. Nono carried twins and still
maintained her job. I am going out. I am tired of having
fruitless conversations with you. Ke lapile. (I am tired.)”
“Those twins were born together, the other one might not
be his blood but it’s his child and he obviously loves them
equally. You shouldn’t have gotten pregnant. If I were I’d
abort that baby. Once that baby is here, thamma he’s
going to leave you trust me.”
Nono switched off the stove and put the pot on the side
then slowly sat down on the wheelchair.
“Please talk to Reign. I don’t know what he heard you say
but explain to your son why we can’t be together.”
“Yes. I have ben holding on with hope that… you will come
back and we will fix things.”
[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Kabelo looked at her.
“Don’t you think we both messed up? You opened room for
this. We were ok till he happened. Don’t you think you are
at fault here?”
Nono looked at her kids. “Guys. Get inside.”
“Isn’t this what you wanted? Didn’t you say I was a whore
and Abale was better?”
Tears filled her eyes. “You were parading with that woman
in Gaborone driving my car, giving my kids to her it talking
to me as if I was someone you picked from the streets,
misusing money that we worked for together.”
Her voice shook. “You came to see me once at the
hospital, I needed you then. I needed you more than
anything. You walked away to go and sleep with that girl! I
don’t want you. I want a divorce, feel free to fight me but
you won’t win. Get out! I hate you and you stink rotten
vaginas. Go back to Abale and have sex. Akere you are
king at that department! Get out! O mbora mogo maswe.
You disgust me do you hear me? O nkga leswe la
mabelete a gago!”
“For what?”
“Mmagwe Reign…”
She hung up
[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Abale swallowed.
She walked to the kitchen and walked back with his plate.
“O sure?”
“You did mess up… but if what you have with her is strong
then there’s still a chance. First get that girl out of your
house. You need to be humble yaanong. Going to bo
malome is going to be tricky because the time they tried
advising you, you were deep in that p*ssy. You need to
apologize and set things right. After that you need to start
working on at least getting Nono to see that you were not
yourself. I mean if you want, I can get a confession out of
Abale. Once Nono knows you were bewitched, it will make
things a little easier.”
“Nothing, I just-“
Kabelo angrily slapped her hard that her face went numb.
She moved to the corner of the room shaking.
She scratched him hard. He let go. “Talk! What was that?
If you don’t talk I am going kill you.”
She looked at him crying shaking like a leaf. “I… my friend
gave it to me.”
She cried even more. He locked the door. She ran to her
phone on the bed and unlocked it. Kabelo slapped it out of
her hand and took out his belt.
She cried even more fearfully, per running down her legs.
“You are going to hurt the baby..”
“If you don’t talk, I am going to strangle you with this belt
and kill you..I will hang you on the tree behind the house
and everyone will think you killed yourself. Sit down and
start talking.”
“Today when I saw him, all I could see was him muffing
her. Him sleeping with her even though he knew I had just
watched his sex tape..he didn’t care. Kabelo destroyed
“Ok bye.”
[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Nono looked behind her then turned to him.
“Are you drunk?”
She blinked. “Calvin if I say don’t do it, will you cancel your
Nono took a deep breath then slowly stood up. She slowly
held his hand.
She smiled and hugged him. “Stop thinking you are doing
it for other people… do it for you.”
“Ok. This is the last time I bring us up. After this I will never
bring it up. I promise.”
Kabelo walked over glaring at Calvin. Nono sat down.
[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
The following morning, Nono parked her car at Cal’s house.
She looked at the relatives in the yard and cars parked in.
Everyone was dressed beautifully. Nono called Cal but his
phone just rang. She looked back at the kids chatting
between themselves, she looked at Reign seated on the
passenger seat realizing just how quiet he was.
“We are a real family. What makes you think we are not? I
don’t have to be with your dad for us to be a real family.
We both love you all. We are a family. We are one big and
happy family. Sometimes things just don’t happen the way
we want them to. It’s life. We don’t always get what we
want. Please don’t cry, you are making me sad. Ok? I love
you. I love you all and today it’s a happy day. Please be
“My girl…”
“You too.”
“Let me go.”
“Me too.”
Nono smiled then slowly walked back to her car while
other relatives looked at her.
Inside the house, Pako look at his brother in the suit and
Pako pulled his brother. “Let her go. Seeing her won’t do
you any good. Let’s just focus on this day.”
“What’s this?”
“When you were busy with that girl, you didn’t care for
family and today you go and call your family on me?”
“Babe akere gake gane molato. (I am not denying my
wrongs.) Please come inside.”
One of the aunts looked at her. “We hear you Nono but
marriage is all about forgiveness. We all get hurt but we
forgive and move on. Isn’t this the first time something like
this has happened? He has been good hasn’t he? You both
wronged one another, all this can be fixed.”
“No I-“
“She not a tree nor a mountain, she can move. She can
move on. If you want out of this marriage, tell me now and
I will stand with you till the very end. Do you want out? Tell
[08/26, 8:36 am] #o: Something About You
Nono looked at Kabelo who was desperately looking at her.
The fear in his eyes speaking volumes. She swallowed a
lump as their memories flooded in her mind right from the
time they had met.
She still didn’t know how he had gotten her to fall in love
with him. Tears filled her eyes as she remembered just
how he had stood with her, even the time she couldn’t
explain how Oratile could be Cal’s.
She thought of that day she had left with her kids, the plan
had been to start afresh elsewhere but he found her within
a day and he never left her side.
A tear rolled down as she tried to think of where they
would be if Ace hadn’t come back. Another tear fell as she
thought of Abale.
Of cause she was thinner than her, maybe it was that drew
Kabelo to her. The slender body…
“I know.”
“Can’t you file for divorce after the six months? How are
we supposed to fix things if the divorce is on going
“You will make a plan. My legs are aching, you can go.”
He sniffed tearfully.
Cal rubbed off a tear that had fallen looking at his new
wife. He looked over at his brother who was looking at him.
She got the money and put it in her little purse smiling.
“Yes, I am sorry.”
“Thank you!”
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Six months Later....
Kabelo touched her hand. “Can I please take you out this
weekend, a weekend away from everything else. Please…”
“We can go for one day, I will return you the following day.
“Shouldn’t you be preparing for our divorce to be finalized
on Monday?”
She tried not to think much about it and opened her laptop.
Nono looked at her phone ringing.
“I hope you understand what you are doing and I hope you
will be ready for him moving on.”
“Ele gore nna I can’t move on? If I could watch him with
Abale then I am fine. I will be fine.”
Later that day Kabelo walked out with a small bag from his
house. He double checked everything inside then put it in
the boot. He jumped in his car calling his lawyer.
“I am sorry.”
“Don’t think like that. You will meet someone took in the
future and this time you will do things rightfully.”
Nono walked out of her house as Kabelo hooted. She
jumped in the car and looked at him.
“Lets go.”
Kabelo took out a gun from his bag and cocked it.
“No one is leaving alive in this room. You are going to tell
Nono exactly what you did to me, after that I am going to
kill you because you have destroyed my family. From there
I am going to kill you.” He looked at Nonofo and
swallowed tearfully. “I am going to kill you because we
both swore only death was going to do us apart. Then I am
going to kill myself. I have already sorted my will. Our kids
will be well taken care of. We are far from everything and
everyone. We are going to die and they will only find us
Sunday morning.”
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
That same day, Kelly walked in the house and looked at
Larona eating rice. She looked at Reign as he walked with
his own plate as well holding the bottom of tomato sauce
on the other hand.
“Hey babe..”
“Therra you should see just how dirty my kitchen is. Reign
has made a huge mess, he was cooking and I don’t know
why he would cook knowing he never cooks. He says he
was hungry but I pack him more than enough everyday.”
“I told you to not get rid of the nanny. Reign eats a lot and
the food you pack for him in the morning is just snacks.
You can’t expect him to be fine till you come back. Even
Lala gets hungry. I am not even happy that Reign has to
babysit his sister after school.”
“Reign can take care of his siblings but he’s also a child
and I don’t what to put the burden of taking care of his
sister on him. She was probably hungry too and that’s why
he cooked. If there was a nanny, all this wouldn’t have
“I don’t know what you mean by you loving your own space.
My kids come first to me, they were there before you. If
you can’t handle it say so now. I will be very disappointed
if that’s the case. I don’t know what you expected marrying
me, was I supposed to throw away my kids?”
He sighed. “Ok.”
“I love you.”
“Me too.”
He hung up. Kelly took a deep breath and bit her lower lip
regrettably wondering why she had to say anything about
loving her own space. She undressed slowly thinking of
how she was going to explain herself later.
“You don’t mean it. We are going to go home and you will
find a way to leave. I know, I have thought everything
through. I am sorry it’s happening like this.”
He shook his head rubbing off a tea that had rolled down.
She cupped his face and kissed him. “No one has to know.
I love you. Let’s burry the body. I am not going anywhere… I
promise I am not going anywhere. I wasn’t even going to
divorce you, I wanted you to sweat for my forgiveness. I
just wanted you to do more than what you were doing. You
can call my lawyer and ask her. Please…”
She hugged him crying. Kabelo put his head on her neck
emotionally. Somehow he wanted to believe her but it all
sounded too good to be true.
Kabeko opened the door running after her. Nono ran out of
the gate, he fired behind her missing her by an inch. Nono
ran into the bushes with him behind her.
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Nono’s heart pounded running further into the bushes. Her
chest begun burning as her leg muscles pulled. She turned
and looked and him coming after her then screamed
She tried running faster but every step she took got
heavier she could hear him closing the distance between
them. She slowed down and picked a stone and turned
throwing it at him. Kabelo dodged and dropped the gun.
“Move back!”
He moved back. She ran over picking the gun and pointed
it at him.
“Its ok. You can do it. You will say it was self defense. You
were trying to protect yourself. You will say that.. it’s ok
babe. You can do it. If you don’t I am just going to do it
She looked a him shaking then tears rolled down her
Nono moved back crying. His own tears rolled down his
“Go home. I have sorted out my will. You will be fine. You
and the kids will be fine.”
She shook her head crying. “I don’t want you to die. You
can say she was trying to kill you and you killed her
instead in self defense. I can be your witness. We can say
we went to Jwaneng for a weekend away and found her
there. She was angry because we are fixing things. She
was expecting to be with you. You will go to jail for murder
and you can go for counseling. You can get help.”
“They deserve better. Not this. Not someone who just tried
to kill their mother.”
“It you kill yourself I will never forgive you. Your kids will
never forgive you. Don’t rob them of their father. You can
get help in prison. You will come back reformed.”
He laughed tearfully. “Ebe o kare reformed.”
Nono smiled wiping her tears. “Yes. Look at Cal. Prison did
him good. I am not losing you to death. You are going to
get help and you will be fine. We are going to the police
and we are going to go to report him what happened.”
“Walk in front.”
Nono wiped the gun and threw it a distance away. She got
in the car and dialed his cousin as he walked inside the
Kabelo waited till she was gone then walked out and took
the gun. His phone rang as he walked back in the house.
Kabelo closed his eyes tearfully hoking the gun to his hand.
Let's do 10k + likes and 500+ comments for the next one
in an hour. Happy Saturday.
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Nonofo joined the main road and stepped on the
accelerator headed back to Gaborone. She swallowed
rolling down the windows then laughed alone unable to
believe what she had just witnessed.
“Ke sharp!”
“You are not ok but I will drop him off. Can I please drop
him off with Lala if that’s not too much.”
“Yes. Now.”
He jumped then took Larona’s hand and led her to her
room. Kelly looked at him.
“Why didn’t you discuss it with me? And why would you
take the kids there at this time of the night?”
“I am sorry.”
He walked out.
Nono drove in her yard and walked inside her house. Her
nanny looked at her.
The nanny got her bag and walked out already calling her
boyfriend who was close by. She walked to her children’s
room and smiled watching them coloring their books. She
tried to hold her tears but they still fell. She sniffed walking
back to the sitting room and sat down.
“Nono my girl, where are you? I just got a phone call that
Kabelo has been shot in Jwaneng. He’s getting transferred
to Gaborone but the situation is not looking good.”
“I know.”
“This is not the right time for this, he may die. He needs
“If it has nothing to do with the kids, please don’t call me. I
don’t want to be disrespectful.”
Nono dropped the call just as Cal hooted at the gate. She
walked out pressing the gate remote. He drove in and
stepped out with the kids who ran over to her. Nono
smiled sniffing hugging them.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t look ok.”
She nodded.
Nono watched him as he got in his car and drove off
surprised at just how he didn’t try hard to get her to talk or
even try to comfort her.
“Mmagwe Reign.”
“You can come back. I…” She started crying. “Can you stay
the night? I…”
“I am getting a divorce.”
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
At GPH later that night, rragwe Kabelo chatted with his
brother and nephew, the lawyer walked over to them.
“Any word?”
“I am fine.”
“Did you see the flowers I sent you when you got into an
accident? I didn’t call because I didn’t want you to think I
am calling to rejoice.”
“You tried to kill me with poison. I know that the wine you
wanted to give me was poisoned. The nurse told me.”
“Did he kill her?”
“Is he alive?”
“I don’t know.”
“Yes. I am sorry.”
“Ok. I can take the kids while you deal with everything
that’s going on. You are not alone.”
“Thank you.”
“Did… is he ok?”
“It’s better than him dead. I just need to find away to tell
the kids.”
“They are all mine. What do you mean? Or you mean Rona
remains with his mother and we take the three?”
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Five Years Later…
“Its today?!”
‘Dear daddy
Yours, Reign.’
“Time KB…”
“It’s been five years. Chances are that she is dating. She is
also doing well in business so there’s nothing stopping her
from moving on.”
“No I didn’t.”
Kabelo smiled at his kids and waved. Oratile blew him a
kiss. He smiled catching it. Kabelo watched as his kids
walked then walked back to the cells.
“Mama! Mama!”
Her heart sank then she put him down. Abale’s oldest
sister walked out and looked at Nonofo.
“Ele gore Nonofo you think this house vomits out food?
Huh? That it pays it’s own bills? I bought grocery and paid
“That was not what we agreed on. That money is for him!”
“Try stopping me and see what I will do. I will call the
police on you!”
Nono walked with him to the car. She opened the door for
Bame got in and sat at the corner of the car seat. Nono
smiled. “Sit properly, it’s fine. I am taking you home so
that you can bath then we can go and see Reign at
“Hey, I am coming with my son. I need you to take him
home to the nanny so she can clean him up while I attend
to that meeting. Hopefully it doesn’t long so that I can still
catch Reign still playing. I need you to drop him off at
Reign’s school. I will send Cal a message. I will be at the
office in at least 40 minutes.”
" I really need to take Bame. I don’t care what it has to cost
me. We can offer Sadi money to sign over the rights to
Kabelo then I can take him. Sadi is abusing him. I am not
happy about how his life is. I don’t want him to grow up
resenting me, his father or his siblings. He is growing and
soon he will understand that bo Rona live a different life
from his. I want to raise him with his siblings. I want him
to have a good life. Sadi’s boyfriend is abusive. They fight
in front of him. I can’t have that being his life.”
“I hear you Nono. Maybe we can offer her money. Let’s talk
about it later.”
‘Happy birthday,
Your man.’
Nono’s hands shook. She put down the flowers and looked
at both cars parked next to each other.
Nono got out of the Jeep and got in the Benz shaking with
She started it too and laughed stepping out. She took her
phone and took pictures giggling like a kid with sweets.
She smiled then posted the two cars with a caption saying.
‘When you have the best baby daddies in the world! Thank
you bo rragwe bana, you both are simply the best. I
appreciate the push presents!’
In London, Kelly opened the blinds in her office and sat
down on her desk.
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Kelly waited as his phone rang.
“You he’s me! If you. Take it back then let’s divorce. You
are not going to buy your baby mama a car and expect me
to be fine with it! Take back that car!”
“Babe calm down.”
Her voice shook. “Calvin take back that car! If you don’t
then we are done. Take back that car. You didn’t even
consult with me. You are a married man Calvin. Why would
you buy your ex a car? Go and take back that right now! Ke
lapile Calvin, I have had it! If you don’t take that car I am
filing for divorce.”
She hung up then opened her face and searched for Nono.
Kelly swallowed looking at her post that now had over 10k
likes. She looked at the GLE and the Jeep. She took a deep
breath and sent Calvin a long message.
She sniffed.
Reign kicked the ball hard that it flew over and fell into the
net. Cal jumped celebrating together with other parents.
He looked at the time and look around wondering where
Nono was.
“Yes, we can.”
“You can still return akere? Return it and delete that post
on Facebook.”
“You just like the attention don’t you Nonofo? You enjoy it
akere? All this attention you get from your exes. It doesn’t
get old for you akere?”
“Excuse me?”
“Hi, did you tell her? Nna rra I don’t want to be sued for
marriage wreckage should your wife decide to come
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
At Reign’s school, Nono walked over to where Cal was
with the kids. She smiled looking at Rona and Oratile
playing with Bame.
Nono smiled. “Hi. What time did the kids get dropped off?”
Reign fist bumped all his siblings and ran off. Nono’s
phone rang.
“Rafael I-“
“15 minutes.”
Rafael got closer. “Why are you rejecting me? Give me two
reasons that don’t involve your kids, if not I am going to
kiss you.”
“O sure?”
“I am up for it.”
Kehlia ran over and hugged her mother. Kelly hugged her
and kissed her pushing her silky blond hair back.
Let's do 10k+ likes and 500+ comments for the next insert
at 1030a.m.
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Kelly took a deep breath then kissed her daughter an
looked over at the nanny.
She touched his hand. “You will eat as much as you like.
Don’t be sad. I am going to take you and you will live with
all of us.”
“Then I better make this call worth it. Happy birthday Mrs
“Thank you.”
“I know what it’s like not being loved. I need you to give
him some shares too like the rest of the kids.”
“Scored twice.”
“That’s my boy.”
He hung up. She started the car putting her phone away
and drove off headed to Cal’s house.
“Kill her for what? When your man is the one cheating.”
“Nono nna I will beat a side chick that the next time she
sees a married man, she runs faster than Usain Bolt. Nono
I need a job. Being a house wife is not working out for me.”
“I will try and find something for you just that I don’t like
hiring friends and family. Boundaries are crossed.”
“But still Nono… how would you feel if you were her? I am
not blaming you or anything I am just saying imagine if
you were Kelly.”
“Waitse I could have sworn you and Cal would have found
your way back to each other after the divorce and after
Kelly left. Koore at least for sex.”
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
That same morning, Tshepo finished cooking breakfast.
Kaene walked in the kitchen and hugged her from behind
kissing her neck.
“Nothing. Why?”
She looked at him. “Its not that. I… I don’t like having sex
because it’s tiring gape for me sex is not something I like
doing. It has nothing to do with anyone. You are good but I
don’t want to have sex everyday. That’s just me. You said
you understood.”
“We will find away to put you in the mood. How do you feel
about Viagra.”
She pulled down his shorts throbbing and took out his dic.
She squeezed it wanting it inside. She pulled it over. Kaene
squeezed her breast rubbing his weapon on her wetness
then slid through grunting. Her p*ssy immediately hugged
him welcoming him.
He hooked her one leg with his arm opening her up and
filled her up with his dic as she moaned in his ear sending
all sorts of senses throughout his body.
He kissed her and begun thrusting going deeper with each
thrust while she clung on to him in pleasure.
She sighed then got out of the car with her bag. Nono
locked her car and walked inside the lodge.
The cab driver put her bag in the boot while she held her
pale skinned daughter.
Kehlia looked around and held on to her mother feeling
They got in the cab. Kelly directed him to the house the he
drove off.
She stepped out with her daughter as the cab driver took
out their bags.
She rang the intercom and paid him waiting for the gate to
“Thank you.”
He got in the cab and drove off while the gate slid open.
“We are home sweety. You are going to meet your dad.”
She walked inside the yard while she followed behind. She
could the kids screaming at the backyard. Kelly walked to
the door and opened it bumping into the nanny.
“Ahhh Kelly!”
“What a surprise!”
The nanny looked at the white girl. “This is your friend’s
Kelly laughed. “Hey Reign… she’s not white. It’s just the
weather she grew up in. It makes her pale. Gape I am light
in complexion. She took after me.”
“No… just lenses so she can fit in better. She is not white.
Ebile she almost looks like Rati.”
Cal looked at the white child and laughed but Kelly didn’t
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Cal smiled.. “Is she albino? But shouldn’t she have gold
yellow hair?”
Cal nodded. “Reign go and play. Don’t let your siblings get
Kelly followed him to their bedroom with her daughter. Cal
looked at her.
She wiped her forehead. “It was for us. If I didn’t I wouldn’t
have survived in London. It was once off. By the time I
found out I had missed my period it was already too late.
She uses your surname Cal. She may not be biologically
yours but she’s yours. She knows only you as her father.”
“Is that why you have voted only twice since you left? You
wouldn’t even let me do the visiting. Let me save you the
embarrassment babe. This can be a peaceful divorce. You
can move to London and actually give your daughter a
chance to be with her real father because I am not going
to father a white baby.”
“So you won’t even try and at least make it work? You are
walking away just like that?”
“You can’t cheat on me, come back with a white baby that
you have been lying to me about and think things will be ok
because you are apologizing for it. I am sad because I
wanted this to work so badly that even overlooked most of
the things you were doing. I can’t stay. I don’t want to hurt
you or exchange words with you but I want a divorce..”
Nono put her bag down. He walked over closing the gap
between them and smiled holding her waist.
Rafael took her bag and put it down then pulled her by her
“O sure?”
Rafael pulled her to the edge of the bed and took out his
hard dic.
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Kelly sighed. “Are you going to go back to Nonofo?”
“Calvin, hi.”
“Hi. Your sister is here. Can you please come and pick her
“Kelly is there?”
The nanny out the bags in the car the walked back in the
yard closing the gate. Kelly got in the car with her sister.
Kelly rubbed her eyes not wanting her daughter to see her
Her sister laughed even more. “You are funny, how do you
have a relationship with an American man and get
pregnant for him when you knew he wasn’t in London to
stay. Today you can’t even find him anywhere.” Kelly’s
sister looked at Kehlia. “Hi lekgowa.”
“Sure, no worries.”
“Same woman?”
“Let me pick.”
“Yes, at first she came hard with that story saying it’s the
weather making her look white. She then changed her
story seeing I wasn’t buying it saying Rona and this white
baby are the same.”
Pako gave back the phone laughing. “From the time she
moved out from your house, I knew it was going to end in
tears. Who needs space when you are married? I am not
surprised she has brought back a white baby.”
“I have tried to make it work. Go padile. I really tried.”
Two Months Later...
“This court has heard all the arguments from the defense
and prosecution. We are going to go and deliberate. Court
continues at 2pm, court adjourned!”
“Hey D..”
Lina laughed. “I like what you did there. I hope you know I
am going to let him go off easy.”
“Ok..I am coming.”
He hung up. Sessy took out her lipstick and reapplied it.
She looked at herself and smiled waiting.
In her office later that after, Nono waited for Court to start.
The journalist taking the live video had already started
She walked out. Nono took a deep breath as the judge
walked in. Everyone sat down. She increased the volume
on her laptop.
“Oh… maybe while he bonds with his kids, you and I can go
to Namibia. I know your weekend is open and free. I have
bought our flight tickets. We are going to the beach.”
“Yeah, but you two are divorced. What? You want to get
back with him?”
“It wouldn’t matter if I want to or not. I don’t think I can
continue with this. I am sorry. I am late for a meeting. It
was great while it lasted but it ends here. You were
awesome.” She kissed his cheek. “Bye.”
“Themonna when are you leaving for Namibia? I need your
“I know but her ex has been released. She says she wants
to spend time with him.”
“I am sorry. I’m just looking out for you. You are taking
them right?”
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Later that day, Kabelo smiled walking out of prison. He
smiled looking at his mother with Lame then walked over.
“I thought you-“
His mother hugged him. “I wanted to come and get you. I
missed you so much. Your cousin told me that you and
this pretty doctor are close friends so I thought I’d bring
her with. She is such a good woman. I had even forgotten
she is the one who performed your surgery the time you
shot yourself. She saved your life. Waitse we will always
be indebted to her.”
“Its ok.”
“Kabelo has one child. Rona.. very smart boy. You need to
meet him.”
Nono walked out of the salon and got in her car. She
started her car she drove off calling Kabelo’s cousin.
“Hey, has Kabelo already been released from prison?”
“Yes, why? Do you want to take the kids there? I can pick
them up.”
“Who’s he with?”
Nono slowed down turning by his street, she took out the
gate keys and pressed then turning by the gate. She
pressed the gate remote and drove in parking lot. She
looked at the car parked then took a deep breath stepping
out of her car with a brown envelope. She walked to the
door and opened walking in.
Lame laughed. “Don’t you think you think you lost that
privilege the time you divorced him?”
“She left.”
She put down the dishcloth and walked out. Nono pressed
the gate remote. Seconds later Lame drove off. Nono
looked at Kabelo.
Nono looked at him. Kabelo put down the papers
emotionally. The more he fought to hold everything in, the
more it got harder. He stood up and turned away lifting the
bottom of his t-shirt and covered his face.
She stared at him for a while, his tearful eyes making her
blink. She tried to think for a different answer but she
couldn’t bring herself to deny the truth
Nono moved right into his arms hugging him. Kabelo held
her tightly, for a moment he just held her in silence not
wanting to let go. She felt so warm, so soft and smelt
really good.
Nono rubbed her tears but they still rolled down. “I know
the pastor you were seeing in prison said you have
changed, that you acted out of emotions but what will
happen the next time we have a fall out? I can’t get over
the fact that you wanted to kill me together with your side
chick. I would have just been another woman who was
killed by a man.”
“I can’t reverse that. I don’t know what exactly pushed me
to that decision at that moment. I attended therapy
enough to tell you that will never happen again. I am
willing to do anything to prove that to you.”
He leaned over. “It always has been you. Just you. Besides
the witchcraft and everything else… it has been you since
that night of my party. It still is you today. It will still be you
tomorrow. I am willing to risk it all for us. For you. I don’t
mind being anywhere as long as there is you. I regret
hurting you. I regret allowing doubt to blind me from
seeing what we worked hard for. I am sorry.”
Damn he still had it in him, that power over her. She kissed
him back reaching for the back of his neck.
Nono sniffed moving her head. “What were you doing with
that other woman?”
“My mother likes her. I don’t want her. She will never step
foot in this house again. I won’t talk talk to her. My mother
brought her here. I am not going to make the same
mistake twice.”
Kabelo looked at her hurt but she was right there with him
giving him a second chance. If there was a chance to start
afresh them he was willing to take it.
“And put on your ring. If you don’t have it with you, go and
get it.”
“He tried to kill you! What are you doing with him Nonofo?
He’s not good for you!”
She hung up then took out her ring from her handbag and
put it on. Nono took off her heels and paused thoughtfully
taking off her panty then hurried to the bedroom closing
the bedroom door behind her leaving everything behind.
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Kabelo looked at her as she walked in the bedroom with
her ring on her finger. Kabelo pulled her by her waist, his
lips finding hers. Nono’s body shivered as hubby kissed
even more.
He put his hand under her dress touching her thighs and
went up till he touched her p*ssy.
“Where are you going? He’s all yours… run and I will catch
you still then fuvk you even harder. Autwa baby?”
The pleasure took over her body as she rolled her eyes to
the back curling her toes sinking her nails into his back.
Her p*ssy gushed, Kabelo dug deeper into her, his duck
pulsating offloading his seeds inside her. He thrust into
her riding her wave then stilled deep inside letting her have
every drop of his cum.
She weakly touched his chest. He kissed her and slid out.
Cal sat in his car looking at Kelly’s new post. He looked at
the white man she was standing with together with her
“I saw it first.”
She angrily looked at him. “You can have it. I hope you trip
and fall with it.”
“I don’t-“
“Don't worry, only two baby mamas. The one you could
have possibly worried about if you and I met before this
new chapter of my life would rather fuvk a tree every night
than be with me. If has to choose between me and death, I
wouldn’t be surprised if chooses death.”
“I wonder why.”
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Cal walked out of the supermarket pushing the trolley.
Refilwe unlocked her car then opened the boot. Cal
offloaded her grocery for her and smiled at her.
“Aunty mma I just met this man. He’s taller than me, soft
spoken and very intelligent. He has 4 kids but sounds very
down to earth. He is annoying but at the same time
charming. I thought he was going to ask for my number
like every other man but he didn’t . He’s my type, I am
scared but for the first –“
“So you are just going to leave him? Go and ask for his
He smiled biting his lower lip. “See? You didn’t die. Tsisa
She handed him her phone. Cal paged himself then saved
his number.
“Akere it was self defense? Let her be. She’s happy with
him. Kante wena one day you want her to be with then
next you have changed. Let them be.”
“Do you really think things between them will ever go back
to normal?”
She tried to push him but he wrapped his arms around her.
Tshepo closed her legs.
She sat on the bed fixing her dress trying to hold her tears.
Kaene walked out minutes later. She stood up wanting to
say something but he walked out of their bedroom.
“I couldn’t be better.”
“I am with my husband.”
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
“I don’t care but you will not escape the embarrassment
and humiliation that comes with it. The entire country is
going to look at you and judge you. You are going to get
ridiculed. You won’t be able to go anywhere without people
side eyeing you. Some of the business investors are going
to pull out because they don’t want to be associated with
this kind of drama and as much as your husband or
whatever it is won’t leave you, he will never have sex with
you and not think about it. You have an hour.”
“Now that you are out I need you to look around yourself
and see the people around you. You need to let go of
some people Kabelo. Those people could be your parents
or aunts. I am so happy you and Nonofo are fixing things. I
don’t know her enough but I know she’s a good woman.
She reminds of her mom when I first met her. Kind and
soft. I finally understood that pain can change a person.
Don’t bring that into your home.”
“I know.”
“I hear you.”
His father jumped in his car and drove off. Kabelo walked
back in the house.
“It was the helper. She wants to knock off and go home.
Can I go and get the keys? I will be back.”
Kabelo cupped her face. “Why are you lying to me?”
“Of what?”
“Videos? Pictures?”
“I think at my house.”
He quickly cut the call and started his car watching her
drive in her yard. He drove in behind her and looked at her
car but it seemed she was already in the house.
He followed inside.
“I am sorry for…”
Rafael smiled. “Did she show you the video? She’s quite
Kabelo threw a punch, Rafael dodged punching him back
but Kabelo didn’t even flinch hitting him harder angrily.
He locked the house then got in the car and drove off
calling his cousin.
“I need a favor.”
“What’s up?”
Kabelo smiled. “Now I will make sure you never think of it.”
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
That evening Refilwe looked at her phone nervously. She
was so used to be getting the call not vice versa. She took
me a deep breath in and called him.
“Ke Refilwe.”
“Dentist. You?”
She breathed out. “If you don’t like me you will tell me
“Mrs Ray..”
“Sit down.”
“I love you. I could have easily left when you went to prison.
I could have left you then because you had hurt me. I could
have left you long back because nothing can make me
stay where I don’t want to stay unless I am being held
“Pick it.”
“Lets go to sleep.”
He picked the chair that Rafael had kicked and climbed it.
He cut the rope. Rafael’s body fell on the floor. His
neighbor quickly jumped down and knelt trying to feel for
his pulse but there was nothing.
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
The following morning, Tshepo woke up and looked at
Kaene as he finished dressing up.
“Wa kae?”
He looked at her. “I am going for a work trip. Tell Nonofo
to come and collect her crèche.”
“We have tried, that failed. You even cried rape. I told them
everything. I paid magadi for you, married you. I don’t
know what you thought happens in marriage, maybe they
didn’t tell you or advice you. Whatever it is, I want to find it
sorted out. Sharp.”
“I was still riding dic. Why are you denying him sex? He
obviously doesn’t understand you not liking sex. Nna I
wouldn’t survive that kind of marriage. Imagine waking up
with it, it’s veins popping gape ele black with that light tip
because he’s circumcised and not getting it? Ng Ng… can’t
be me. Ebile part of the reason I can never think of
divorcing this man is dic. No one has ever satisfied me like
him. Not even Ace. Kabelo is a beast at this. Every stroke…
every thrust… ijooo mma ware how do you do it?”
“So what do you expect Kaene to do? You are lucky he’s
not cheating waitse Tshepo. If it were another man he’d be
cheating. Wena wa tshameka. If you don’t want to have
sex then well second wife is coming to help you in that
“I am fine yourself?”
The gate slid open then a pretty lady walked out wearing a
summer dress holding her handbag.
The lady got in the car. Kaene leaned over kissing her.
“Ok I hear you. I will be back next week. I will monitor the
He hung up. The lady smiled excitedly. “Babe are you sure
she’s going to say yes?”
Nono: 😂😂 7 months.
Cal: I’d haunt you if I were him.
‘Am I wrong for thinking out the box from where I stay?
Am I wrong for saying that I’ll choose another way?’
“Babe sing!”
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
In Gaborone, Rafael’s brother swallowed sitting in his
brother’s house. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around it.
“Yeah snacks.”
He walked with the boys to the toilet. Nono took her phone.
“Thank you.”
“No. I am married.”
“And being married means you can’t have friends?”
Nono opened the door for Oratile who immediately got in.
Dan jumped out of his car and smiled. “It will be innocent I
swear. Where is your husband? What be doesn’t know
doesn’t have to hurt him kana yang?”
“Sure mister!”
Kabelo got in the car and looked at his wife. Nono kissed
and smiled.
Kabelo looked at her curiously. “What?”
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Five Months Later…
“Aow mma.”
Tshepo sniffed. “Sego might be there. She will play the
role of your sister in law. I don’t want to look out of place
and have people laugh at me.” Her voice shook as she
spoke. “I know he is bringing her. There was no need for
him to go two days ago but then I heard he went with her.”
“Thank you.”
Nono hung up then Tshepo called her tailor.
“Your phone. Tshepo is calling.”
Kaene looked in her eyes. “I hear you. I will fix it. I will call
Sego got in the car and drove off calling her cousin.
“It’s fine, it’s beautiful mma. Not like Gaborone but it’s
nice. Koore Gaborone is busy.”
“They are ok with it but his uncles wives don’t really like
me. Not that it matters, if Tshepo accepts me then the rest
don’t matter. His sister hasn’t officially met me but I
understand she’s Tshepo’s friend and they were friends
before Kaene married her so I don’t expect her to like me.”
Cal parked in front of Sessy’s house that same morning
then hooted.
“A what?”
“A push present like you got Nono a car. When are you
getting me a car kana Larona is not that important? You
got Nono a Jeep, when are you getting me a car? Nono is
just a baby mama like me. When will you get me my push
[08/26, 8:37 am] #o: Something About You
Cal laughed. “That was not a push present. I got her that
car because it’s something I long meant to do.”
“How many houses have you built for Nono and hid behind
the children? More than 3 houses!”
“Nonofo built those houses for her kids. She had a plan
and she executed it. I contributed to it but that was all her
because she is someone who likes thinking outside the
box. She has even built one for your child! She’s made
sure that all kids have the same thing. You have three
branches of your restaurant, fourth one here in Gaborone.
You are doing well for yourself, you don’t need anything
from me.”
He started his car and drove off. Sessy rolled her eyes and
walked back to her house. Her phone rang, she looked at
her neighbor calling.”
Cal drove off and looked at Larona. She noticed her father
looking at her and shyly looked away.
“Me too.”
“I like her.”
“I know. I like her too.”
“I am at a friend’s house.”
“O kae Reign?”
“Attending his mother’s second wedding.”
“Women are funny, did you see how some were lusting
over him during the first trialI ?m not surprised she didn’t
divorce, she loves him. I have seen it. You should see just
how happy she is with him around.”
“And you?”
“I really like this one. She’s fun, she’s fragile, open and
vulnerable, she’s honest and she feels like home. I really
really like her.”
Pako laughed. “I am happy. I haven’t heard you sound so in
love in the longest time.”
Over two hours later, Nono smiled as Tshepo got in the car.
She smiled.
“Let’s go. Maybe you can have them style your weave. Curl
“What are you doing here? I thought you said you weren’t
Tshepo looked noticing her bump. Her throat dried up. She
turned and looked at Kaene walking over.
Nono looked at Tshepo as they walked out of the salon
over an hour later.
“Tshepo I am sorry.”
“I wasn’t . That’s why he found her. Did you see her? She
looks beautiful and classy. Even pregnant she looks
“Don’t compare yourself to her.”
“Stop it! You are beautiful. You are very beautiful and
smart. Let her have new nails every week, these things
never last. You deserve better and you know it. You are
perfect and you can always walk away.”
“He allowed her in. Not you. He is the one choosing her
right now. You are not a failure Tshepo. You didn’t choose
to have low libido. It’s not your fault too.”
Tshepo nodded. Nono drove to the house she and Kaene
had built. She parked at the gate and frowned looking at
Kaene’s car.
“I have changed! You can take it! You can have me! I have
“I am going-“
“Let’s go.”
“He’s going to bring her back to my house. I am not leaving.
I am not losing my husband to her.. I’d rather die!”
Nono sighed then slowly walked out. Kaene closed the gas
as Tshepo locked the door.
“Have you left Gaborone?”
“I am about to.”
“Yes sir.”
“Mrs KB… we have moved on. I feel sorry for Kaene but I
will never out you through that ever again. I love you.”
Her aunt smiled looking at her waiting for her to drink it.
Nono picked the glass and brought it to her lips.
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Nono paused as her aunt’s daughter walked in.
“Nono do you really I’d put anything in your food? And ruin
my ticket to getting my money? Nono I want to fix my
house, your bride price is how I am going to do it. How will
I get that money if I kill you? I won’t benefit nothin from
Bino laughed. “She has been talking about this day for a
while. She’d never hurt you. I have never seen her this
happy. I know I grew up with biological dad but when I
moved here… I got to know that my mother is not the
nicest woman. The woman I used to see on weekends
when I visited with you guys around is not the woman she
is full time.”
They both laughed. “She can sit on a table with the devil
this one. I know she’s my mom but yerr! But killing is not
her thing. I hear you own multiple companies. I am going
to give you my CV. I don’t mind anything. Even cleaning the
toilets, I will do it. There is no peace in this house. My kids
are treated like burdens and I do believe Sessy was raped.
He once groped my butt and I almost killed him but I also
believe, after he slept with her, Sessy took all his money in
blackmail. She didn’t cry rape immediately.”
She handed Bino the plate. She smiled and walked out
eating the rice.
Nono looked at the time and called mmagwe Cal.
“My girl..”
“No, they are still eating. I still want to see them. I will bring
them later.”
“Reign is so big.”
“Is that why you bring her to my house to sleep with her on
my bed?”
“I am sorry.”
She didn’t post that much. Kelly bit her lower lip sending
her a friend request then sent her a message too.
Kelly: Hi, I just saw that Calvin posted you. I hope you
know what you are getting yourself into. He is in love with
another woman, his ex, the mother of his first child. She
will always be first to him no matter what. He will never
fully love you because his heart is stuck with another
woman. Watch yourself, this is just a friendly warning that
you are wasting your time with him, he will forever love her
come what may.
Someone knocked the door. She put down her phone and
walked to the door. Minutes later she walked back with her
Amazon package. She picked her phone and swallowed
noticing she had replied.
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Later that evening, Kaene watched as Sego stepped out of
the bathroom at the lodge.
He pulled her onto his lap. “I know but at the same time we
both knew it wouldn’t just happen smoothly.”
“She will never accept me. At the end you are going to
have to choose and I don’t want to be chosen knowing I
am wrecking another woman’s home.”
Tshepo held her phone to her ear waiting for Kaene to pick
but it rang till it stopped. She sat down calling him again,
her thoughts running wild.
Tshepo sniffed. “You said you left papa when you still
loved him, how did you do it?”
The way he was perfect for her made her emotional. Cal
walked back in the sitting room. She walked to her
He quickly undressed and joined her under the warm water.
She turned the water making it hot.
“Its hot.”
She pulled him closer. “You will adjust. You need a hair cut.
You look cute when it’s fresh.”
She pulled him for a kiss. Cal squeezed her butt making
her giggle.
“I am outside.”
“Ta kwano. Wear only your night gown and hurry..I still
need to go to the lodge and talk with my uncles before I
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[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Nono walked out of the house wearing her gown and
looked at a group of relatives with some neighbor’s sitting
at the corner of the yard drinking alcohol while chatting.
She quickly hurried to the gate.
Her soft lips against his and her warm breath turning him
on instantly. Nono touched his shoulder kissing him back.
Kabelo pulled away. “You look gorgeous.”
She pushed his hands down and moved her hips and went
further down feeling him stretch her out, the feeling alone
insane making her roll her eyes.
She paused catching her breath with his entire dic inside
her. Kabelo groaned helplessly as her p*ssy gripped him
hugging every inch of him. He could feel it pulsating. She
kissed him then put her hands on his chest pulling herself
up letting out a few inches then slid back down, his dic
rubbing over all her sensitive spots.
She moved her waist riding him biting her lip getting lost in
pleasure while she moaned softly.
Nono walked to the room she was using and laid down.
She smiled recalling that last round. Damn daddy had
come prepared!
The following morning, Kaene walked in his house just
before 4am. He walked to the bedroom and opened the
wardrobe taking out his suit. Tshepo turned waking up.
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Just before 6pm, the Tsheola’s gathered at the gate at
Nono’s aunt house.
“Nomsa was-“
“You mean that one kiss? At least she didn’t bring Kabelo
a baby.”
“Mrs Tsheola..”
“How are you? Waitse I can’t believe you just gave up just
like that.”
Nono smiled as her aunt tied a head wrap in her head over
an hour later while the other relative pinned her tsâle on
her shoulders.
Outside the yard, Kabelo stepped out of his car with his
His uncle sighed. “Do you have more money on you? This
boy here is making is breathe through the pipes.’
“No but he’s going to come into terms with the fact that I
am not going anywhere.”
“I never knew I’d find myself here one day. You have won.”
Nono smiled. “Ke mathata, the portion yone won’t wear off
because it’s between my legs and your son sleeps there
every night. He can’t get enough of it.” Nono smiled and
held her mother in-law ‘s hand and whispered smiling.
“You look angry, smile for the people. They will soon see
just how evil you are. By the way the next time you bring
women toy house to destroy my home, I will have my
sister sleep with your husband. He looks like he’s
deprived of sex.. don’t try it again or I will ruin you.”
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
That same morning Sessy looked at the time but thirty
minutes had already passed from an the time Cal had said
he’d drop off their daughter.
“Where are you? It’s to 9 now. You said you would drop
Larona off at 8.”
“I won’t be able to make it.. I overslept. I will bring her
Sessy walked out with her car keys and jumped in her car
then drove off headed to his house.
She drove in and parked next to Cal’s two door spot’s car.
She stepped out.
“Calvin o kae?”
“Call security.”
“I said leave my house. I will bring her when you are ready
to be mature.”
He hung up. Sessy got in her car as tears filled her eyes
then reversed driving off. She called Nono but she didn’t
pick then sent a message instead.
Nono: Hi, Sessy just texted me. I am not sure what’s going
on as I have no full details of what really happened but
Sessy has been really trying to co-parent. I know she can
be too much but she is trying to be a present parent.
Please don’t make it hard for her. They are supposed to be
going to the spa today. I am sorry if I am overstepping
boundaries but please be understanding.
“Bye my love.”
A re buele morago
Re sena makoti’
Le nna ke nyetswe
Mosadi palama thaba o kuwe o re
Le nna ke nyetswi’
The married ladies all held hands singing. The men joined
in singing even louder.
She pushed his hand. “Don’t put your hands on me. I told
you not talk to me. O ntena gore. Wa nshemisa. (you
disgust me.) Don’t ever touch me with the hands that
touch your side chicks. Wa nyatsa mosimane ke wena!
Don’t test me, I will embarrass you in front your sister’s in-
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Tshepo watched as Kabelo whispered something to Nono
making her smile giggling looking at him. He wiped the
corner of her lips with his finger and kissed her. She shyly
smiled then sipped her juice.
She laughed till a tear rolled down her cheek. “I am the last
person you’d accuse of lying. I saw Sego’s post in the
morning. You were with her. When I was calling you, you
were with her. Did you laugh at me while I called? Do you
two talk about me before you sleep? I know you are doing
this to me because you know I love you and I won’t leave
you.” She smiled tearfully. “You are going to continue
hurting me because you have the upper hand. Hopefully I
get the courage to love myself better one day and let you
be with your other woman.”
“It was already too late. I can’t un-love her, if I leave then I
am going to cheat on you with her. Wouldn’t you rather
everything happen in the open? I know it’s hard but it can
She sniffed closed the door and drove off. Tears rolled
down Tshepo’s cheeks. She sniffed hurting driving to their
house where she collected her bag and drove off headed
back to Gaborone while Tony Braxton’s unbreak my heart
Kabelo squeezed her butt. “Me too. Are you coming with
He kissed her.
Nono walked inside the yard as he got in the car and drove
off. Kaene sighed walking over to her.
“I have to go.”
“To Sego?”
Nono walked to the gate and got in the cab waiting for her.
It cab took off as Nono texted Kabelo.
Three men wearing all black stepped out. One dragged the
cab driver go the side of the road silencing him with his big
hand on his throat. One of them opened the passenger
door and looked at Nonofo. She froze unable to move as
took out a gun and pointed it at her.
“Answer truthfully and I will let you go. Lie and I will kill you.
Where is Ace?”
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Nono gasped waking up as someone poured her with cold
water on her face. She coughed out then quickly looked up
as a man stood in front of her.
“Just twice?”
“He never said much but just that to the rest of world he
was dead. He explained to me what happened the time of
his accident. The last time I saw him was the day I
launched my company. I never saw him from that time till
“In those five tears what were you doing? Just be honest.
We did a background check. You travelled to Europe a
couple of times if not a lot.”
“Nonofo if you are going to lie then trust me… there will be
6 funerals to attend to. Do you understand me?”
Tears filled her eyes. “I am not lying. I have not seen him.”
“He wanted to kill him. Is that the man you want to protect
She broke down crying. “I don’t know. Kill me! Kill me!”
He pulled the trigger. Nono closed her eyes waiting for it
but nothing happened. She slowly opened her eyes crying.
He smiled. “That’s for gas. You are a lose end and I don’t
want to shoot you to death. You are beautiful. Imagine
shooting you on your magadi day? That would just make
me evil. When you are ready to talk, you will tell me. If not
then you will die in here. Bye.”
He closed the heavy metal door. Nono screamed banging
He sent me a message.
Kabelo: Hey, where are you? Are you ok? I am getting
“She did get a cab and left. I didn’t see which can it was
but a car picked her up. I am going to my aunt’s house to
check. Did she ever communicate with you?”
She put her tsâle over her shoulders but nothing was
helping. Tears rolled down her eyes as she struggled to
“They what?”
“They are after your life. I just left Bots. They got Nonofo.”
“Hello –“
“That was first. I knew she was the key to finding you.
Love her that much?”
He hung up.
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Later that evening, Kabelo spoke on the phone parking his
car at the police station.
“Can’t you double check? The police won’t help you. They
can only file missing report after a few hours. Akere her
brother is at the police station? Go and check other areas.
I will call that guy who has access to a helicopter.”
His father hung up. Kabelo drove off, his heart racing. He
could feel it in his soul… something was wrong.
“Yes I don’t like her but where would I see her? Or you
think I have something to do with it?”
She laughed. “You are crazy. Have you seen that woman?
She has a body bigger than mine. How do I even kidnap
He made a call.
“I am driving back.”
“Drive carefully.”
“I am sorry.”
“I need to drive around looking for her again. I will drop you
off at the lodge.”
“Call me.”
He drove off.
“Pako –“
“I know.”
“Eita, themonna I need a huge favor.”
He put away his phone and picked her up. He carried her
to the car where he put her at the back of car and jumped
in at the driver’s seat. He started the engine and drove off
trying to find ways to get rid of her.
He parked his car at the hospital then stepped out and
took her. He hurried with her inside the hospital.
He looked at a nurse.
The guard looked at the picture then at him. “You are her
Next insert is coming after 10k+ likes and 500+ comments.
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Kabelo turned his head but the SUV was already gone. He
looked at the guard and snatched his wife’s handbag.
“Mr Tsheola-“
“No, tell me is she ok? Is she ok? She went missing hours
ago. I knew something was wrong. I just knew something
was wrong. Is she ok?”
“This way.”
She weakly blinked, tears filling her eyes and rolled down
to her ears. He wiped them.
His father hung up. He put away his phone and walked to
the other bed where Rona was sleeping.
Sessy shared her sister’s missing post on her timeline on
Facebook. She thoughtfully called Kaene.
“I saw the post. I was spending time with Larona… has she
been found?”
“Me too.”
“I know.”
“I am sorry.”
“I took time to digest what you said. You were right, I didn’t
put as much effort into pursuing you. I could have taken
you out and went over and above to show you I wanted
you. I am sorry, I can’t change that I am short and fat but I
can definitely change the way I have been doing things. I
am happy you told me, it wasn’t in the nicest way but at
least you told me instead of just ghosting me. Please give
me another chance.”
“Consider it done.”
She smiled. “Good. You can come and we can watch a
movie tonight.”
“What happened?”
“I had to.”
She moved back and sighed. “I am happy you are ok. What
“Me too.”
Nono looked at Kabelo and kissed him squeezing his hand.
“And Sego?”
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Tshepo looked at him.
“Maybe you should sort out that first before anything else.
I am being transferred to a new brunch in Kasane. I am
accepting it.”
“There is nothing I can say. You can blame me all you like.
I have nothing to say to you. Just do as you please.”
“Rragwe Reign..”
“I know. I am ok.”
“What happened?”
“I am sorry.”
“Thank you.”
She hung up. He looked at the time then jumped in his car
and drove off headed to pub and grill where his brother
and a few friends were.
“Hey, I am going out with the guys. I will see you later.”
He stepped on the accelerator as the traffic light turned
green and drove off happily.
“Hi guys.”
Nono looked at Reign. “In the car with my man. Get your
things guys, you are going home.”
The nanny got the kids and started getting them ready.
Nono’s phone rang, she took it looking at the caller and
“Bame is with his father and his siblings. That is his family.
He is with people who love him and care for him. If you
continue calling me I am going to call social workers to
look into how you can’t take care of your two other kids.
When Abale died you took everything of hers and spent it
with your boyfriend. You didn’t take care of Bame with that
money. I raised him and he’s mine whether you like it or
you don’t . Continue calling me and I promise you, you will
be locked up for child negligence.”
“I love you.”
Later that day at the rank, Tshepo got in the bus and sat
down. Kaene handed her a blanket. She smiled.
“She is slowly coming adjusting. I will be at the lodge in 15
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Three Years Later…
Kaene parked his car at Sego’s office and looked at her.
“You will have your colleague drop you off at home later. I
am leaving for Kasane right now. Ke bata go surpriser
Tshepo in Kasane.”
“I do but-“
“I feel I have been waiting for so long. It’s now two kids
and nothing. I am just a side chick.”
“If you continue with that mentality then you and I will not
reach far. Just because I haven’t married you doesn’t
mean you are a side chick. We will talk later. I have to go.”
Kaene drove off calling Tshepo. Her phone rang for a while
then she finally picked.
“Oh. Morning.”
“Ok. I will be busy the whole day today. We will talk later.”
Nono smiled. “Hi. Am I disturbing anything?”
“I am fine yourself?”
“I am very well.”
He stood up. “I was very relieved when I found out you are
not mine. Your mother was a very wild woman. Everyone
used to want her. She was that beautiful and confident too
so it didn’t really surprise me to know you weren’t mine.
You inherited that from her though you are quiet.”
He held her hand. “You can have us both. You can have
everything double. I have a few farms. I can spoil you.”
Nono walked past him bumping into his new PA who was
wearing the shortest dress she had ever seen.
Nono looked at her. She smiled and stretched out her hand.
“We haven’t met before. I am Marang, it’s a pleasure
meeting you Mrs Tsheola.”
Kabelo pulled Nono aside then took the file from Marang.
“Of cause.”
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Nono looked at him, Kabelo leaned over kissing her.
“Talk to me.”
“I…I just didn’t like the way he was talking about mama.”
“I know you are lying. You looked scared when I walked in.
You can tell me. I will believe you. I promise.”
“You are-“
His son’s stern voice and the way he was glaring at him
scared him. He sighed.
Rragwe Kabelo wiped the blood coming out from his nose
then looked at his son who was looking at him angrily.
“You touched my wife!”
He cocked it.
“Who am I to you?”
“Take off that ring if you are not going to tell me the truth!”
She walked over and put it on his desk. Kabelo kissed his
“Let’s go.”
“Go and look for a job elsewhere. Your intentions are not
welcome here. If you think parading around in the shortest
clothes will get you somewhere forget about it. You are
going to meet people who will use you and you will never
be promoted to being anything than a work sex toy. No
one gets promoted for fuvking neither do the men who
will sleep with you want you for the long run. I will never
want you. Dress appropriately or get the fuvk out of my
office. When you go to HR, report yourself for misconduct.
This should be the last time you speak to me as if you and
I met in a bar or as if you know my wife from your
mother’s one room.”
He walked out and hurried to elevator where Nomo was
and got in with her.
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Marang swallowed minutes later watching as Kabelo
drove off in his wife’s car. She walked to the reception and
“What’s wrong?”
“I have been dressing like this for a month now. Today his
wife’s comes and all of a sudden gatwe go to HR and ask
them to explain to you the easy of dressing.”
“Le wena mma I long told you. You can’t dress in tiny
dresses and skirts. You can’t even bend in those clothes.
This is corporate, you need to look a certain way. This
company has been there for years and it has continued to
grow and expand. Do you know how many hotels and
casinos we have under us? It’s a reputable company and
you need to dress as such. The previous PA’s tsa ga Mr
Tsheola were promoted to even higher positions out
She dished for him then he paid and got back in his car
driving off.
“Oh… ok.”
“Anything else?”
“That’s my boy.”
He kissed her one last time and hurried out bumping into
her colleague. He smiled and hurried off.
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Tshepo turned and quickly jumped off the kit gem
founders. Kaene looked at her unable to move.
“You what?”
Barona took off the apron he had on. The more Kaene
looked at him, the more angry he got. He rushed over and
punched him. Barona punched him back hard.
“If you had called me before you came you would have
found out in a better manner. I am sorry but he’s just like
“You didn’t care the time you were with Sego. Whether I
cried or mot you didn’t care. You were busy with her in
hotel rooms the time of Nono’s wedding and didn’t care
about me. I learnt from the best. We will talk over the
“Then I am calling the police and they will help you out.”
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
In Kasane, Kaene looked at Tshepo. She sighed.
“Please go. We will discuss the rest over the phone. Tota
you should have called me before coming because this is
not the way I intended for you to find out. I wanted to tell
you to your face. I know right now you are hurting but just
take him like Sego. They are the same. I am not leaving
him because I love him. You brought someone into our
marriage. Turned our marriage into a polygamous
situation. I went and did the same. It was only fair.”
“We have been together for years. He’s past the level of a
side dish. He’s just like you.”
“Hello? Hello?”
“Ehe… I hear you but you are the one who started with this
thing of including third parties in your marriage. There is
nothing we can do because a woman is a multiplier. You
started this, she took what you gave her and did the same.
There is nothing we can do to help you. We tried to plead
with you to give her a chance to show you that she had
changed but you refused. These are the results of your
actions. We hear you are busy impregnating that other
woman in Gaborone. To be honest there is nothing we can
do. There is no advice we can possibly give at this point.
Just continue handling it alone like you went and got
yourself a second wife on your own. Go to your uncles my
boy, they backed you up the first time. Find solutions
“Laitaka o dirang?”
“Sure but you know you can just shoot right? We can say it
was an intruder. Gake rate modumo nna, just kill and
explain later. Nna ke bolaa motho! You can’t come in my
yard with noise. I’d kill you for just noise. Gomo gase
Gaborone. (This is not Gaborone.)”
Reign looked at her then stood up. “Where are you going?”
“On a date.”
Nono took out phone and called Kabelo.
“Ahh rra your son has locked the door. Waitse Reign ga
mpone ka sepe.. he was talking to me as if I am his
daughter gotwe where are you going? I told him I was
going on a date and he just lost it saying I am cheating
ebile gatwe why would I cheat when daddy gives you
everything you want. He locked me inside saying I am not
going anywhere and that my dress is ugly. And he did this
in front of his siblings. As I am talking he took the keys to
his room. I feel so disrespected and what hurts the most
is that it’s being done by someone I gave birth to. I don’t
know, maybe Reign has another mother out he respects
because it’s definitely not me.”
He hung up.
“Mister mene, you now have a daughter in my house? Ebile
you lock the door so she wouldn’t leave. I married that
woman kana Reign. Do you understand that?”
“I am sorry.”
He gave her the door keys. Nono walked past him and
looked at the other kids.
“I understand your pain but maybe it’s best you are here
so you can cool down. I don’t want you doing anything
He swallowed. “Yes.”
Tshepo typed.
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
At the hotel, Nono smiled walking out of the elevator at the
rooftop. She smiled looking at Kabelo standing next to a
beautiful set up. He locked eyes with her as she got closer.
Nono smiled going right into his arms. Kabelo kissed her
neck, his hands slowly going down to her butt.
She tried to close her mouth and move away but each
pound got her moaning as he tapped her good and hard
she couldn’t bring herself to move. The hotel staff quickly
pressed the elevator doors to close looking away
She held the rails, each time his dic rubbed against her
walls, she got even wetter. She looked at the city lights as
a cold breeze hit her skin.
“Mr. T..”
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Sessy sighed. “Will you come?”
“Stop it! Her husband made them for her. This is what I
was talking to you about. You need to choose the
company you keep around yourself. Yamasa never has
something positive to say about Pako. She instigates the
kids against him and his wife. This is why Tatenda
stopped inviting all Yamasa’s other kids in her house
because of their mother. Don’t turn into that woman.”
“I won’t but –“
“Anything else you need help with? I will wash that car you
come back.”
“Uh no. For now no. Be thorough with the white ones. I
need them super white.”
“O tshegang?”
Sessy laughed. “You low-key hate me.”
Cal: Sure. I got a few things for the kids this morning, will
drop them off later. Will you guys be around?”
Kabelo: Yeah.
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Kabelo frowned confused. “What the fuvk are you talking
“No but also what you were doing with Sego wasn’t right.
Being cheated on is not nice.”
“Sego was never a secret.”
Cal stepped out of his car and walked to back yard where
Pako was setting up the braai stand.
“Are you done?”
Pako looked at him. “Yeah, now the fire. You are late.”
The call cut then she started calling again. He picked with
a sigh.
“What is it?”
“You had bad luck, after that the other one brings you a
white baby.”
“Yeah.” He kissed her then took her hand and led her to the
sitting room where a woman was seated. Fiona’s eyes
widened as she looked at the wife. She quickly stood up.
He tilted her chin. “Why are you crying? Kare gatwe! She’s
saying all this, I don’t know this woman.”
Nono paused then turned to Fiona who shook her head.
“I am not lying!”
Nono smiled. “Yeah I know… but this guy has a twin called
Karabo. That’s who you slept with. Ke mathata. I almost
buried you in this house. Anywho, your baby daddy is in SA
and he’s married. His wife is… how can I put it.. uh she’s
short tempered and she can fight.”
Let's have 10k+ ukes and 500+ comments for the next
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Fiona took a deep breath as tears filled her eyes.
“Thank you.”
“Just this once and you cut off communication with her.”
“Dilo tsa ngwana tsone di teng? (Do you have the baby’s
“It’s ok. Maybe next time be careful. There are men who
are not scared to get you pregnant and not take
responsibility for it. My brother is… he’s not the best
person but also circumstances makes it hard for him to be
the best he can ever be. I will send you the money.”
“No. It’s ok, get some things for the baby and think of a
business to start.”
“How much?”
“You are not her baby’s father! She’s going to start trying
to get close to you because you have money and can
afford to more than just help her. She will find herself
wanting you because of what you can afford her. Already
you have shown her that you are capable of it.”
“I am sorry –“
“I do. I more than just trust you. It’s the..” Nono took a
deep breath as Marang’s words came back in her head.
“Do what you feel is right.”
“Your story is not adding up. I don’t understand all that you
are saying.. you keep saying a different thing every time.
Just tell me the truth.”
[08/26, 8:38 am] #o: Something About You
Nono finished dressing. Kabelo looked at her.
“Baby o ngadile?”
“It’s not fake. I am really sorry. I should have run it with you
first. I didn’t think it through.”
Nono looked at him and sighed. “Uh… I fear that you may
meet someone who’s desperate enough to have you and
they will do anything and everything to get you so I try to…”
She paused as tears filled her eyes. “I try to protect you
and me and it looks like I don’t trust you but I do… I am just
scared of losing you.”
She shook her head. “No. I love you. I love you so much. I
only ever want you. You make me happy. I am the most
happiest when I am with you. You are more than enough
for me. I don’t care what other men may do… I want
whatever you give me. And you are a great dad. And I love
how you love our kids, how you are there and present in
their lives. I love how you make every child feel loved and
Nono nodded and kissed him. She smiled. “Let’s go. The
party has started. I called the nanny. The kids are
“I love her. I have never stopped loving her. I can tell this
guy just wants to take advantage of her. He doesn’t love
her.” Kaene swallowed. “I need to lie down.”
[08/26, 8:39 am] #o: Something About You
In Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Tshepo walked out of the
bathroom of the hotel they were staying at talking to her
mother on the phone.
“So this new guy you are busy with, what are his intentions
to you?”
“Ok my girl.”
“If you kick them out it’s going to be boring. Gape it’s a
pool party. Everyone is going to come. You booked an
entire lodge too. What did you expect? Where is the
bathroom? I am pressed.”
“Yes. Kabelo?”
Cal looked at her dress then at her face. “You look nice.”
[08/26, 8:39 am] #o: Something About You
Kabelo looked around trying to spot his wife in the crowd
while Benny chatted with other guys. He turned to Kabelo.
“Where is it?”
“Let’s go.”
She deleted the chat and put away her phone as Kabelo
walked back towards her with a mimosa.
Cal walked out of the toilet and wrapped his arms around
“Who is it?”
“Pako. Why?”
Cal turned his head as Nono got in the pool with Kabelo.
She giggled as he whispered something in her ear. They
moved to the corner of the pool and hugged kissing while
She smiled. “Ke shy. I have stretch marks all over. I don’t
want people to look at me in a certain way.”
Cal kissed her. “No one will look at you in a certain way.
Those stretch marks makes you look beautiful.” You can
wear my t-shirt.”
Refilwe at people in the pool then nodded. “Ok.”
“What’s wrong?”
“All these people that are here…no one invited them. They
just gate crushed..I doubt they even know you.”
“They don’t but come on… it’s just a party. The more the
crowd, the more fun it is.”
“Fun for who? Do you see how these women are dressed?
Kante who even said people could come wearing bikinis?”
Later that evening at the party, Refilwe got out of the pool
and looked around trying to locate her husband. She
wasn’t even sure where she had lost him in the pool.
She walked to where they had put their clothes and his
were not there. Refilwe quickly dressed up then looked
around trying to locate him but he wasn’t anywhere. She
looked at Sessy and her husband then continued looking.
She walked to the parking lot calling him.
[08/26, 8:39 am] #o: Something About You
Refilwe looked at the two strangers having sex on the car.
They both turned to her and quickly moved.
“But it was exciting. You need to relax a bit babe, take risks.
Even if you get caught, it’s just sex. People have sex
everyday. It’s nothing you should be ashamed of. Ke sex
He kissed her. “Ready to go?”
He unlocked the car then they got in. He drove off. She
looked at him then tied her hair into a bun and touched his
“Let me park –“
“No. If you stop driving then I will stop. Just keep driving,
eyes on the road.”
She took out his dic and stroked him biting her lower lip.
Cal adjusted his seat a bit then grunted as she leaned over
sucking the tip of his dic with her warm mouth.
She stroked him while sucking. Cal closed his eyes biting
his lower lip then opened his eyes as a car hooted behind
His toes curled in his shoes. His body tensed the more she
sucked on him till he released in her mouth. Refilwe
swallowed everything then raised her head and packed his
package bag in his pants.
“Me too.”
“It will happen. We will get there. It will be just like when
we were kids.”
At the car, Kabelo started the engine waiting for Nono. His
phone vibrated ringing. He looked at Fiona calling then
“Hi. Is it ok to talk? I called your brother and he’s telling me
"My wife and I were not there as you were getting pregnant
Fiona. Please don't make me regret the little help I have
given you."
[08/26, 8:39 am] #o: Something About You
Eight Months Later…
Nono stood with the crowd wearing all black while the
church ladies sang a slow hymn. She swallowed looking
as rragwe Kabelo‘s coffin slowly got lowered inside the
grave. She looked at Kabelo who was standing with his
uncles and younger brother somehow looking unbothered.
They had gotten a call a week ago in the early hours of the
morning from his mother crying. Apparently he had just
died in his sleep.
She wasn’t even sure how seeing he didn’t have any prior
“My girl…”
Nono turned and smiled. “Aunty..”
“Am I the only one who’s not sad about his passing? You
shouldn’t be sad too, not after how he groped you and
tried to turn everyone against you. Scumbag! God should
have taken his wife too.”
“Babe we just buried your dad. I know you were still angry
with him but deep down-“
“I hated him deep down. I am fine, actually I am happy. He
deserved to die. He was a terrible person.”
“We are going back home for a short meeting then you and
I will leave.”
Kabelo kissed her and took her hand leading her to the car.
At Mmagwe Kabelo’s house, mmagwe Kabelo sniffed
looking at Nono as she walked with her son inside the yard.
Kabelo kissed her then walked over to his uncles. Nono
walked inside the house with another relative going to the
kitchen. Mmagwe Kabelo sniffed looking at the church
lady who was talking to her.
Nono put the glass of water down then started walking out
but mmagwe Kabelo blocked her path.
“So you kill my husband with stress then have the audacity
to come to my house? O sebete Nonofo!”
“Do it!”
Nono walked out of the house and out of the yard. Kabelo
looked at her then walked over.
“I will wait for you in the car.”
“What happened?”
“I will kill you just like I did with your husband do you hear
me? I will kill you and no one will ever know how you died.
You mess with my wife and you will join your dead
husband am I clear?”
“I said am I clear?”
“I am ok.”
“Ke eta.”
“I am not hungry.”
[08/26, 8:39 am] #o: Something About You
Benny turned to her. “Go to our bedroom. The last drawer
on my bedside o ta bona sengwe moteng.”
Her heart raced as she opened it, her eyes falling on a ring.
She stared at it for a while then put it back and walked to
the sitting room.
“Is it mine?”
Larons hurried with the milk. Reign sat down holding the
baby properly and started feeding her. He watched the
movie with the kids while feeding his youngest sister.
“No, she just woke up. You came back quicker than I
“I don’t like that we call her aunty. She doesn’t like being
called mom?”
Cal looked at him and smiled. “She likes it.”
Cal took the baby. Reign’s phone rang, Cal watched as his
son picked walking outside. He followed him and from the
softness of his voice he could tell he was talking to a girl.
Reign smiled. “Am I not too young for you to ask me that?”
“I know.”
“Cool. Now tell me about this girl.”
She hugged him. Kaene kissed her neck holding her tightly
in his arms. She giggled. “My mom will drop off the kids
later on. I miss you.”
[08/26, 8:39 am] #o: Something About You
Nono walked inside the house that afternoon picking an
unsaved number’s while Kabelo parked in the garage.
“I hear you. We did try and talk to Reign. I was his father
had sorted it out but the truth is that the more we try and
keep them away from each other, the more they will find
ways to be together and tota nna Ona I’m not ready to be a
grandmother. Rragwe Reign tries to have am open
relationship wuth the kids so they open up to him about
everything. I am going to talk to him but the solution might
be to let them be, watch them closely and make sure no
sexual activities happen. I don’t know, that’s just me but
we can all meet and just discuss it together.”
“We will cross that bridge when we get there.” Kabelo put
his hands in her dress. Nono looked at him and cupped his
“Did you have something to do with your father’s death?”
Kabelo picked her up. She wrapped her legs around him.
“Then no. I have nothing to do with it. Clear?”
“Then don’t lose all kids. See how then your youngest
doesn’t even talk to you. You keep pushing them away. I
will talk to Kabelo about today but if you can’t love Nonofo
then don’t bother with Kabelo.. he’s very clear about that
and if your husband used to tolerate your nonsense, I am
not going to do the same. My son’s happiness comes first
to me. I hope you understand that. Right now the only
thing I am happy about is that I can fully be his father
without fear of being told I am doing too much and being
his father means I am going to stand with him. I hope you
understand that.”
“You are not that innocent too. He cheated but so did you.”
“I hope your wife won’t tell anyone.. She already acts like
Nonofo’s mother in-law.”
At Sessy’s house, Sessy took multiple screenshots of
wedding ideas. She paused smiling alone imagining
herself in a white gown walking down the aisle..
[08/26, 8:39 am] #o: Something About You
Seven Years Later…
At a restaurant, Cal walked in to collect his lunch. His
phone vibrated ringing then he took it out picking.
“I will swipe.”
Cal looked at the white man she was with. He seemed way
older than her but then it wasn’t his business.
He chuckled. “Husband.”
“It’s not his problem you used to fantasize about his mom
when she was underage. Reign is a grown man with a
beard and a deep voice. You need to relax a bit baby. You
are too strict. Anywho, I am happy your mom took all the
kids. I am yet going to fuck you autwa?”
“Uh ok.”
“Hi, I am sorry.”
“It’s ok.”
“I know.”
“But what if it was innocent and you are reading too much
into it?”
“From you?”
“Yes, she says she tried calling you but you were not
Nono took off her heels sitting in her office and called
Apologies for the delay family, the company is attending
an event tomorrow and I had to make sure we are well set
[08/26, 8:39 am] #o: Something About You
“Friend, I am not comfortable with you calling my man and
asking him for money. You need to understand that even
though we are friends, it doesn’t mean you are friends with
my husband. I’d never call Barona and ask him for money
no matter how dire the situation is. There are boundaries
and lines. You can’t call my man and ask him for money,
go to his office or even touch him. Even if it’s innocent.
Rragwe Rona is your friend same way Barona isn’t my
friend. I don’t even have his number because I have no
business having it.”
“I hear you and it’s not really a big deal but it’s just
something that needed to be addressed. Rragwe Rona is
not comfortable and neither am I. I know you understand
because you were there as a witness. Let your man remain
yours and mine remain mine.”
“I am not upset.”
“I know, thanks.”
“Ok my darling. Don’t forget our wine. I need to tell you this
new gossip.”
Nono: Me too.
Tshepo screamed jumping into his arms. Barona laughed.
“Hey.. “
“I am home…”
They held each other for a while. Barona tilted her chin and
looked at her tearful eyes.
Other tourist drove over then minutes later they all took off
driving in the desert.
Nono smiled and went up the stairs. She walked to his
office then smiled at his PA.
“Since when does cleaning turn to fuel. The car needs fuel
to move.”
“Ok… you can take the Benz for the month but you need to
fuel it up on your own.”
“And maybe I can get you a part time job at one of the
pharmacies. For extra money.”
“Thank you. You are the best. I love you.”
“If you and Cal won’t pay him enough, I will get him a good
paying job. My son is not going to suffer! The baby is here,
he can’t take that back. You and Cal are going to discuss it,
if you can’t give him at least 5k then…” Nono breathed.
“Therra baby what is he supposed to do with 3k? He has a
baby for crying out loud! Alisha’s father le ene hates my
son. How is he supposed to prove that he can take care of
his child when his fathers pay him 3k every month.”
“Yes. I used to. A long time back. I used to dream about
you. I used to think a lot about you. After you died. Then
after you rose from the dead. And I realized… maybe it was
for the best. You going away. I would have never met a
man who puts me first in everything. Who loves me and
worships the ground I walk on. He’s … committed to our
love. He makes it seem easy sometimes. He corrects my
wrongs in a respectable manner, he loves me in ways I
never thought were possible. I could finally understand
what love means. When I realized that I stopped thinking
of you.”
“I tried to but all I could see was me dealing with your baby
mamas and your fear to love.”
Like they always say, all good things do come to an end.
It's been a wonderful journey family. I appreciate all your
support and love. Thank you for your patience through this
book. I love you all.