Accelerating Impact Future Forum Final
Accelerating Impact Future Forum Final
Accelerating Impact Future Forum Final
FEB 12 - 13, 2024
KACST- The Garage, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Key Takeaways
• Excellence in Research: Recognized globally,
KAUST sets the benchmark for research,
innovation and talent development, rapidly
becoming a top-tier research university within
just 15 years.
• Pioneering Future Technologies: KAUST
advances critical sectors like energy, health
and environment, in alignment with Saudi
Vision 2030 and the national research,
development and innovation priorities.
• Building Strong Networks: Join KAUST’s
extensive network, which includes
government bodies, industries, investors
and other academic institutions, to foster
collaboration and drive impact.
Research Interests
Host and Guide
for the Exhibition Dr. Alsulaiman’s research focuses on developing next-
generation biosensing platforms to detect an emerging class
of disease biomarkers called circulating cell-free nucleic
acids, including microRNA, from liquid biopsies. At the
intersection between polymeric biomaterials, nanomaterials,
and microtechnologies, her research includes advancements
in hydrogel microparticles, microneedles, nanopores,
soft bionics and microscale biosensing technologies for
applications in personalized medicine. Central to her work is
the rational design of synthetic mimics of DNA called xeno-
nucleic acids (e.g., peptide nucleic acids) as bioreceptor
probes and advanced therapeutics, which are more robust,
stable and specific than their natural counterparts. Ultimately,
Dr Alsulaiman’s research aims to tackle urgent clinical needs
in Saudi Arabia and globally, focusing on minimally invasive
early cancer diagnosis and monitoring through miniaturized,
sustainable, point-of-care technologies.
Education Profile
Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, USA, 2021
of the Future
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Environment and
Essential Needs
Sustainable Environment and Essential Needs Sustainable Environment and Essential Needs
Dr. Jorge Gascon Carbon Management / Climate
Professor Chemical Engineering, Change Technologies
Director KAUST Catalysis Center
Opportunity Impact
Every year 50, billion tons of sand and The Saudi Arabian construction sand market attained a volume of 157.97
gravel are used for construction, which MMT in 2022 and is expected to grow further at a CAGR of 3.8% between
has tripled in the last 20 years. Converting 2023-2028, reaching a volume of 198.02 MMT by 2028. This novel
Anastasiya Bavykina local sands, such as dune sand, into a technology and the utilization of local natural resources will help Saudi
Research Scientist, KAUST
Catalysis Center
viable source of concrete creates new Arabia develop a sustainable, cleaner construction industry while reducing
opportunities for the Saudi construction the need to import sand for construction.
Partners industry. Moreover, Saudi Arabia currently
imports around 150 million tons of
construction sand every year.
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Sustainable Environment and Essential Needs Sustainable Environment and Essential Needs
Advanced Agricultural
& Food Technologies
Emna Mhedhbi This project takes a whole value chain approach, combining emerging
Bioprocess Lead in the Algae Program The technology can significantly reduce the microalgae concepts with technological and process innovation, creating a
amount of imported raw materials used for scalable solution and developing sustainable animal feed products that will
animal feed, instead allowing to produce it directly impact food security issues for the country. The technology has the
Partners locally using algae technology. Algae can capability by 2030 to replace 4,360,396 tons of imported protein worth 1.7
provide several markets with sustainable billion USD and to create 200,000 new jobs in rural areas.
and economical alternatives to base
chemicals and additives from other sources.
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Sustainable Environment and Essential Needs Sustainable Environment and Essential Needs
WASTEWATER costly and contributes to many issues like traffic congestion, pollution
TREATMENT and greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, centralized wastewater
AND REUSE treatment plants in Saudi Arabia are based on a conventional biological
wastewater treatment technology that is energy-intensive and does not
Water Management
generate treated sewage effluent suitable for nonpotable reuse. Also,
& Treatment Technologies there is a lack of distribution infrastructure for urban reuse.
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Energy and
Energy and Industrial Leadership Energy and Industrial Leadership
Future Energy Technologies
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Energy and Industrial Leadership Energy and Industrial Leadership
Mining / Future Energy Technologies
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Energy and Industrial Leadership Energy and Industrial Leadership
Solar/Future energy Technologies
Dr. Frédéric Laquai The high heat and constant direct sunlight Besides improving device performance, KAUST is researching strategies
Professor, Applied Physics, Interim
found in desert climates diminish solar cell to reduce the impact of “parasitic device heating,” which lowers the
Director KAUST Solar Center
performance. The harsh conditions also performance and longevity of solar cells in high-heat conditions.
cause solar cells to fail sooner, requiring Researchers are also looking at different ways of using glass and
replacement. As a result, solar cells generate encapsulation materials to improve reliability. Combined, these efforts will
less energy, leading to increased costs. enhance the cost efficiency of solar cells.
Opportunity Impact
Solar installations in Saudi Arabia are The technology can potentially be developed into ultra-high-performance
growing. In 2019, Saudi Arabia had over solar cells using silicon in combination with perovskite. This could address
one gigawatt of solar capacity. Aligned with many market opportunities to combine solar power with sectors like
Dr. Stefaan De Wolf Vision 2030, there will be a growth to 40 agriculture. KAUST perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells have a certified
Professor, Material Science and
Engineering | Interim Associate GW from solar power alone. To meet this efficiency of 33.7%, which is the current world record.
Director KAUST Solar Center demand, solar cells need to be more energy
efficient and reliable.
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of the Future
Economies of the Future Economies of the Future
Space Technologies
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Economies of the Future Economies of the Future
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Economies of the Future Economies of the Future
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Health and
Health and Wellness Health and Wellness
Applied Genomics
Technology Background
Genetic insights can help people live Solution
Dr. Pierre Magistretti healthier lives, while genetic testing
Vice President for Research, The solution by NoorDx, a KAUST startup, has succeeded in many areas,
can reveal an individual’s risk profile
Distinguished Professor, Director including building a genomics platform for individual access to genome-
KAUST Smart Health Initiative for cancer, heart disease, and more.
informed health and wellness insights, creating precision testing based
However, genetic testing in Saudi Arabia
on the genetics of a regional population and developing robust and rapid
can be expensive and is often outsourced
pathogen screening.
for testinginternationally, resulting in
complicated logistics.
Opportunity NoorDx is building a hub for genetics capabilities for Saudi Arabia. It offers
genetic testing services that are inexpensive with low turnaround times.
Billions of SAR are spent annually on genetic
Overall, NoorDx provides an end-to-end value chain of services, including
testing in Saudi Arabia, with over 60,000
clinical diagnostics, research services and education.
tests being sent abroad for processing,
ceding “ownership” of the genetic insights
Dr. Sharif Hala about Saudi populations to international
General Manager NoorDx
labs. Building genetic testing and innovation
capabilities in Saudi Arabia taps into this
growing market and protects vital health
data for Saudi Arabia.
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Health and Wellness Health and Wellness
AI Technology
Opportunity Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, KAUST developed a rapid and accurate
There are more than 30 types of method for COVID-19 detection. Researchers developed an AI system that
pneumonia, but they are often hard processes CT scans of patients. The image processing takes less than one
for doctors to distinguish. This difficulty minute and correctly detected COVID-19 almost 100% of the time.
leads to mistreatment and avoidable
deaths. Adding AI to the diagnosis
framework can limit human errors and
improve patient health outcomes.
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Startups Exhibition Startups Exhibition
Current Investors
Investors Cumulative investment, USD $36.4M.
Currently negotiating a USD $20M Series A.
Key Customers
Company present in KSA, UAE, USA, Egypt.
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Startups Exhibition Startups Exhibition
Founded by two KAUST international RDIA Sector
students who live in Saudi Arabia Sustainable Environment and
Supply of Essential Needs
RDIA Sector
Environment and sustainability Market Barrier
How to address a burgeoning societal pain-
Market Barrier point (i.e., landfilling of millions of tons of
97% of cleaning and disinfection products organic waste per year) to unleash a national
still contain compounds that negatively Dr. Luisa Javier HIMANSHU MISHRA
Co-founder and CEO, Wayakit ambition (i.e., giga-scale desert rehabilitation
impact our health, planet and productivity. Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer
for food production and greening)?
Solution Solution
Wayakit is specialized in the development Terraxy’s CarboSoil™ technology is produced
of hygiene products for cleaning and from the pyrolysis of organic waste, such
disinfection through applied biotechnology. as chicken manure, food waste and
Wayakit’s cleaners are sustainable, sewage sludge. When added to sandy soil,
organic, biodegradable, nontoxic, organic, CarboSoil™ acts as a sponge for nutrients
multipurpose and environmentally friendly. and prevents their leaching and volatilization.
CarboSoil is stable in the soil for hundreds of
Current Investors
years. Terraxy’s SandX™ technology (USPTO
Cumulative investment, US $2 M.
#11,497,177 B2) reduces the evaporative loss
Sandra Medina Adair Gallo
Key Customers Co-founder and CMO, Wayakit Co-founder and CEO
of water from the soil by up to 80% under
Presence in KSA and Mexico. Saudi conditions.
Current Investors
KAUST Innovation Ventures US $1 M.
Investors Investors
International presence:
Company present in KSA and has
appeared and won several international
platforms/competitions (World Economic
Forum’s Uplink Platform, ITAS Arab Youth
Competition, Prototypes for Humanity,
InFlavour’s Expo)
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A- In-situ nurseries
KAUST Reefscape A key goal of the project is to develop underwater nurseries capable of
Restoration Initiative sustaining the production of up to 100,000 corals per year. To achieve
this goal and to develop efficient methods of out-planting corals, KRRI
Initiative Major Elements has initiated a Trial Phase in 2023, which has the following major goals; (1)
to develop and evaluate a range of in-water coral nursery structures to
identify the most promising culture methods for large-scale cultivation; (2)
to test and evaluate methods of out-planting that can improve efficiency,
1- Reefscape reduce diver’s coral planting duration, and leverage the capacity of the
The reefscape was divided into operational grids to facilitate efficient planning land-based nursery facilities; (3) develop and test reef enhancement
and execution. The grids enabled a systematic approach to the restoration structures that provide suitable habitat in areas that lack substrate for coral
strategy across the 100 ha. growth; (4) collect information on coral spawning to guide future initiatives
in the employment of sexual reproduction for diversifying and improving
Each grid underwent a detailed assessment of its ecological condition (e.g., coral resiliency at larger scales; (5) develop methods to efficiently monitor
coral cover, species diversity and habitat) and the need for restoration or and track corals in the nurseries and coral out-plants at scale.
enhancement. The zonation plan also includes areas for various uses, such as
areas suitable for coral nurseries, KAUST research and visitor experiences. B- Marine Operations
KRRI is preparing for extraordinary marine operations. Over five years,
the Initiative aims to deploy an unprecedented number of corals—
targeting over 5,000 asexually produced corals daily, alongside millions
of sexual recruits per year, and thousands of carefully designed habitat
enhancement structures. This involves 50+ divers, with several small to
large vessels on a daily basis operating from our base at Haddah Beach.
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B-Primary Nursery
KAUST is building a pioneering land-based coral nursery at Haddah Beach.
This facility aims to be the world’s largest and most advanced, producing up to
400,000 corals annually. By incorporating innovative techniques and cutting-
edge technology, KAUST ensures efficient and effective coral production. This
nursery supports broader restoration efforts, providing an ideal environment for
diverse coral species to grow. It revolutionizes cultivation through automation
and industrialization, optimizing production with advanced LSS. This facility
enhances the preservation of coral biodiversity by elevating the standard for
coral nurseries.
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KAUST Semiconductor Initiative KAUST Semiconductor Initiative
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