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1. Arrange the following in increasing Order of Stability.
(CH3)3C < CH3CH2CHCH3 < CH3CH2CH2CH2 < CH3CH2CH2 < CH3CH2.

2. Write the hybridized state of C atoms in the following

CH2 = CH – C N
Sp2 Sp2 Sp

3. Give the IUPAC name of the following compound.

2,5-dimethyl Heptane

4. Give an example for electrophile and nucleophile each.

Examples of nucleophiles are the halogen anions (I-, Cl-, Br-), the hydroxide ion
(OH-), the cyanide ion (CN-), ammonia (NH3), and water.
Examples of electrophiles are hydronium ion (H3O+, from Brønsted acids), boron
trifluoride (BF3), aluminum chloride (AlCl3), and the halogen molecules fluorine
(F2), chlorine (Cl2), bromine (Br2), and iodine (I2).

5. Identify the functional group present in the following compounds:

(a) 6- Methyloctan-3-ol (b) Aniline
(a) alcohol
(b) amino

6. Why are free radicals unstable?

The odd number of electron(s) of a free radical makes it unstable, short lived and
highly reactive. Because of their high reactivity, they can abstract electrons from
other compounds to attain stability.

7. Write the IUPAC name of the following compounds:

(a) Acetic acid (b) Acetone
(a) ethanoic acid
(b) propanone

8. Name two compounds showing functional group isomerism.

Aldehyde and ketone
Carboxylic acid and ester

9. Identify the electrophilic Centre in the following: CH3CH=O and CH3I.

The starred carbon atoms are electrophilic centres as they will have a partial
positive charge due to the polarity of the bond.

10. In which C – C bond of CH3CH2CH2Br, the inductive effect is expected to

be the least?
Magntitude of inductive effect diminishes as the number of intervening bonds
increases, Hence, the effect is least in the bond number 4.

11. Name the alkane present in LPG.

propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10)


1. Draw the Structures of the following compounds.
a) Hex-3-enoic acid b) 2-chloro-2-ethylbutan-ol

2. Explain why (CH3 )3C+ is more stable than CH3C+H2.

CH33C+ has nine alpha hydrogens and has nine hyperconjugation structures while
CH3C+H2has three alpha hydrogens and has three hyperconjugation structures
therefore CH3 3C+ is more stable than CH3C+H2.
3. Give the number of Sigma and pi bonds in the following molecules
(a) CH3NO2: there are 6 sigma bonds and 1 π bond.
(b) HCONHCH3: there are 8 sigma bonds and 1 π- bond.
4. Write the condensed and bond line formula of 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane.
Condensed formula
Bond line formula

5. Which bond is more polar in the following pairs of molecules.

a) H3C-H, H3C-Br b) H3C-NH2, H2C-OH c) H3C-OH, H3C-SH
(a) C–Br, since Br is more electronegative than H
(b) C–O
(c) C–O
6. Define Isomerism. Explain position Isomerism and Functional Isomerism with
Two or more compounds having the same molecular formula but different
physical and chemical properties are called isomers and this phenomenon is
called isomerism.
Position Isomerism: Compounds which have the same structure of carbon chain
but differ in position of double or triple bonds or functional group are called
position isomers and this phenomenon is called Position Isomerism.
e g. CH3-CH2-CH=CH2
CH3-CH = CH –CH3
Functional Isomerism: Compounds which have the same molecular formula but
different functional group are called functional isomers and this phenomenon is
called functional Isomerism.
e g CH3 – CH2– OH
CH3 – O –CH3
7. Define Homologous series. Write the general formula of alkane, alkene and
Homologous Series: It is defined as group of similar organic compounds which
contains the similar functional groups and the two adjacent members of the
series is differ by a –CH2 group.

8. Define functional groups. Write the general formula of Carboxylic acids acid
Functional Groups :It is an atom or group of atoms bonded together ina unique
manner which is usually the site of chemical reactivity in an organic molecule. e
gCH3OH General formula of Carboxylic acids : CnH2n+1COOH General formula of
acid chlorides :RCOCl
9. Write a short note on Resonance effect.
The concept of resonance effect tells about the polarity induced in a molecule by
the reaction between a lone pair of electrons and a pi bond. It also occurs by the
interaction of 2 pi bonds in the adjacent atoms. Resonance, in simple terms, is the
molecules with multiple Lewis structures.
10. Give three points of differences between the inductive effect and resonance
Inductive Effect Resonance Effect
 In inductive effect only partial  In the resonance effect there is a
polarization of the sigma bond occurs complete displacement of π-bond or
due to electronegativity difference nonbonding electron pair from one part
due to which partial positive and of the conjugated system to the other
partial negative charge develops. part due to which complete positive and
 It is a distance-dependent effect. negative charge develops.
 Inductive effect is affected by the  It is a distance independent effect.
electronegativity values of the atoms  The resonance effect is affected by

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