Datasheet 12MP Panoramic FisheyeCamera DH IPC
Datasheet 12MP Panoramic FisheyeCamera DH IPC
Datasheet 12MP Panoramic FisheyeCamera DH IPC
WizMind Series devices offer the full complement of Dahua Analytics+ Heat Map
functions for comprehensive, human-oriented analytic solutions. WizMind The built-in IVS features heat map functionality that tracks and stores
Series products deliver perimeter protection, vehicle and crowd density daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly people flow through a defined scene
statistics, video metadata, and advanced people counting with heat map and produces a configurable report. The system uses this data to
functionality. WizMind is ideal for complex applications with demanding produce a Heat Map, a two-dimensional representation of data that
requirements that need advanced analytic capabilities. provides an immediate visual summary of information.
System Overview Dewarping Mode
Fisheye dewarping solves the problem of distortion in the circular
Dahua Fisheye Cameras provide detailed panoramic views in a compact,
panoramic view. The camera offers multiple dewarping modes for
low-profile design. The progressive-scan sensor combined with a fisheye
different installations and configurations with a Dahua NVR or via the
lens provide a high-quality 360° panoramic view without blind spots,
Web interface. Each dewarping mode offers options to adjust each
making the camera the ideal solution for wide and open areas, such
as airports, shopping malls and banks. The camera offers Analytics+
Smart IR
functions at the edge – performing complex real-time perimeter people
With IR illumination, detailed images can be captured in low light or
counting and queue management. The IP67 environmental protection
total darkness. The camera's Smart IR technology adjusts the intensity of
rating and the IK10 vandal resistance ensure the camera operates in the
camera's infrared LEDs to compensate the distance of an object. Smart
harshest environments.
IR technology prevents IR LEDs from whitening out images as they come
Functions closer to the camera. The camera's integrated infrared illumination
People Counting provides high performance in extreme low-light environments up to
The camera uses complex real-time people counting algorithms to count 10 m (33 ft).
the number of people in up to four (4) distinct, user-defined regions. Cybersecurity
The function can trigger an alarm when a threshold setting is exceeded Dahua network cameras are equipped with a series of key cybersecurity
or when a wait time has exceeded a minimum time. People counting technologies including: security authentication and authorization, access
is ideal for measuring the number of customers entering or exiting a control, trusted protection, encrypted transmission, and encrypted
location and to monitor groups of people in a distinct location. storage. These technologies improve the camera’s ability to prevent
Queue Management malicious access and to protect data.
This Analytics+ function monitors four (4) user-defined regions where Environmental
people wait in line (or queue). Queue Management triggers an alarm Dahua cameras operate in extreme temperature environments, rated
when the number of people in line exceeds a minimum threshold or for use in temperatures from –30° C to +60° C (–22° F to +140° F).
when the time a person waits in line is greater than the minimum queue The camera complies with an IK10 impact rating making it capable of
time. The function displays each target in real-time and offers various withstanding the equivalent of 5 kg (11.02 lbs) of force dropped from
report output formats. a height of 40 cm (15.75 in.). Subjected to rigorous dust and water
Intelligent Video System (IVS) immersion tests and certified to the IP67 Ingress Protection rating makes
IVS is a built-in video analytic algorithm that delivers intelligent functions it suitable for demanding outdoor applications.
to monitor a scene for Tripwire violations, intrusion detection, and
abandoned or missing objects. A camera with IVS quickly and accurately
responds to monitoring events in a specific area.
Lens Type Fixed
Ethernet RJ-45 (10 Base-T / 100 Base-TX)
Mount Type M12
Protocol DHCP, DNS, DDNS, PPPoE, IPv4/v6, SNMP, QoS,
Focal Length 1.85 mm UPnP, NTP
Fisheye Series | DH-IPC-EBW81242N
Premium Features
Advanced Feature
2. Perimeter Protection, Queue Management, and the IVS functions cannot be used at the same time,
only one Analytics+ or IVS function can be used at a time. In addition, the Smart H.265+ and the Smart PFB302S DH-PFB410W
H.264+ codec cannot be used simultaneously with either an Analytics+ or an IVS feature. Wall Mount Wall Mount
3. People Counting and Queue Management functions must be set in the camera's Web interface. A
Dahua NVR does not offer these features. Dimensions (mm/inch)
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