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q4 Project Plan Health 7

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James Academy
City of Malabon
PAASCU Level II Re-Accredited
Basic Education Department
A.Y. 2022 – 2023



Performance Standard in Health

The learner consistently demonstrates personal responsibility and healthful practices in the
prevention and control of non-communicable diseases.

"Prevent NCDs: Your Health, Your Future"

II. Skills to be Developed

This performance task aims to develop skills in:
 gathering accurate information about different NCDs, their causes, risk
factors, and prevention methods is essential for creating an informative
 researching from reliable sources helps in presenting credible
information to the audience.Developing a basic understanding of
nutrition principles, such as macronutrients, portion control, and
 organizing information in a clear and structured manner is important for
ensuring that the poster is easy to read and understand.

III. Mechanics/Procedure

The United Nations organizations are preparing to raise the priority accorded to
noncommunicable diseases on the health and development agenda. It is
therefore a critical time to make the world more aware of the fact that NCD’s
constitute one of the major challenges for development in the 21 st century and of
the new opportunities that lie ahead for raising global awareness about these
As the head of DOH, you are tasked to come up with an information poster about
NCD’s to be distributed to the different regions nationwide. The poster must be
informative, interesting, and easy to understand.

IV. Criteria for Grading

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs

Content Provides accurate and Presents mostly Contains some Contains
Accuracy comprehensive accurate information inaccuracies or lacks significant
information about NCDs, about NCDs, with minor depth in discussing inaccuracies or
including causes, risk inaccuracies or NCDs misinformation
factors, and prevention omissions about NCDs
methods, supported by
reliable sources
Clarity and Information is presented Information is generally Organization is Information is
Organization clearly and logically, with clear and organized, but somewhat unclear or poorly organized
key messages highlighted may lack emphasis on information is or difficult to
effectively key points presented in a understand,
disjointed manner hindering
Visual Appeal Utilizes visually appealing Incorporates visual Visual elements are Visual
design elements (e.g., elements effectively, but present but may be presentation is
colors, typography, may lack consistency or distracting or detract lacking or
images) to attract cohesion from the overall unappealing,
attention and enhance message making it difficult
understanding to engage with
the poster
Relevance and Addresses important Presents relevant Contains some Fails to address
Impact issues related to NCDs and information about relevant information, key issues related
effectively raises NCDs, but may lack but fails to effectively to NCDs or lacks
awareness about depth or fail to engage convey its impact in raising
prevention methods the audience importance awareness
Health Promotes positive health Encourages awareness Contains some Fails to promote
Promotion and behaviors and encourages and action on NCD messages about NCD health behaviors
Advocacy action to prevent NCDs, prevention, but prevention, but lacks or advocate for
advocating for policy advocacy efforts may be a clear call to action meaningful
changes or community limited action on NCD
interventions prevention
V. Date of submission/Presentation:

 Date of Discussion: February 27, 20

 Date of Submission: March 20, 2024

Submitted by:

Mr. Jay T. Paglicawan
Music 7 Teacher

Checked by:

Ms. Daneza P. Gaspay
MAPEH Coordinator

Noted by:

Ms. Imelda B. Sia
H.S Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs

Approved by:

Ms. Maria Christina D. Conche
BEd Principal

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