SDJ October 2010
SDJ October 2010
SDJ October 2010
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irst time I looked at her was
when she was 11 months old.
I put her on a bad ass JEEP/
REDBOY/CARVER dog. The funny
thing is, is that the dog I put her on
was a grand daughter of QUEEN (Ms.
DOWN was a bad 2xw out of Death-
row’s MUGGZ / CH BUMPY 4XW (Loo-
ney Toons’ QUEEN’s daughter) that
beat a CH in 1:50 but passed the next
day. These two swapped it out. Ms.
Jackson fought the face with a ven-
gence and BUSDOWN was driving
for the chest and throat. BUSDOWN
put the pressure on MJ after about a
vicious ten min we broke it up. Peo-
ple were standing around the box in
disbelief as this not yet year old dog
cranked up and fought the face like
Domestic Violence Kennels & Looney Toons’ CH MS JACK- she was a seasoned vet. Right then
SON came about when we bred our triple bred daughter of and there as I thought I got a special
DSK’s CH REDMAN to Abraham’s BULL. Let me say this about dog.
BULL. We bred to him when he was 13 years old when we got
down to Windy City Combine where ready to rumble Lil Jeff was Deathrow Kennels called me a
keeping him at the time we walked out back and there was this couple of days later and told me if he
old looking buckskin dog and a dog next to him going crazy. As did not put the good medical attention
we walk up my buddy said that must be BULL, talking bout the on BUSDOWN like he did her muzzle
old looking dog.Lil J said no, thats BULL right there pointing to would of fell off. But let me state this
the crazy dog. BULL was jumping on and off his dog house like for the record: BUSDOWN was the
he was 3 years old he was full of vigor and was more active than hardest opponet MJ has ever faced
dogs half his age. MS JACKSON was very out going as a pup and including her rolls and matches.
lighting fast. From eight weeks old I knew she was going to be a She was a world class bitch. Next I
special dog,she was a live wire that never slowed down every- schooled her out on a bad lil grand-
thing she did was in high speed... daughter of BANJO we had named
PEANUT. PEANUT was a super hard
Her last schooling was on what What I did not know is that MJ was MJ assulted this gyp for 20 min a turn
was suppose to be a good lil REDBOY/ fanged for about 7-8 min. My part- is called at 21min. MJ somehow knew
JEEP dog that this famous midwest ner brought to my attetion so the ref she had to take her out cause she felt
had. On the release MJ hit that gyp unfanged the dogs and MJ started to how hard that gyp was biting. At about
in her face on the release and never really chomp on BLACK face. BLACK 22 SCRATCH bit MJ in the chest and
let go. He picked his suppose bad gyp turns from the kissing in the mouth. MJ damn near went limp I could not
up in three min. After that I seen all I I get a quick handle and BLACK FU- belive this gyp had that type of mouth.
needed to see. TURE curs out in 28 min. The bitch must have hit a nerve. MJ
grabbed her buy the face and held
For her 1st I was hooked into Her second match was into Mask- on. It took her a min or so to get het
K.I.C kennel but they paid a forfit so man and Justin’s SCRATCH 2xW at 31 feet back under her. I got a handle
I then hooked into Englewood Assis- lbs. She was a hard biting gyp that had SCRATCH to go first they dog hesited
sin’s BLACK FUTURE 2xw at 30 lbs. killed two dogs in short order under in the corner till about the 4 count.
She was off of E.W.A CH BLACK BOY 30 min. My boy Down And Dirty Ken- When she started out of her corner I
x E.W.A FUTURE. BLACK FUTURE nels J told me that when he matched let MJ go and she smashed her in the
came in right on weight looking like a into her that Maskman gyp peeled his corner and grabbed her in the face.
lil black lion and built like a tank. MJ gyp face off. He told me u could lit- MJ was mad she went across her face
came in at 29 1/4. On the release both terly grab his gyp muzzle and peel it and knocked 3 of her fangs out her
dogs shoot out of the corner MJ to the back to the middle of her head and all mouth and started to punish the bitch.
face and BLACK FUTURE to the chest. u seen was skull and blood so I knew SCRATCH started to cur snapping and
And all of a sudden BLACK FUTURE she was a hard biting gyp. Ready To that bithch was hitting MJ with 3 and
let go of the chest and shoots in MJ Rumble had also called me and told 4 piece spicy everytime she bit. I got
stifle. BLACK FUTURE and her back- me this gyp had d.o.a one of C-Dubs’ a quick handle and MJ goes like a
ers were screaming that it over thats gyps in short order. He told Rumble rocket and grabs her in her brisket
her hold and she don’t come out. to tell me not to bet that much money. and bit down hard SCRATCH starts to
BLACK was in MJ stiffle for about 30 But I knew and felt my gyp was un- call the police on top of that she is cur
seconds. MJ peeled her out buy the beatable. SCRATCH comes in right snapping viciously I hurry up and get
face and proceded to take her apart. on weight at 31 but this bitch is a big a handle and Maskman and Justin’s
MJ was punishing her in the face and ass 31 she towered over MJ and was SCRATCH curs out at 29. After the
chest. MJ broke her shoulder and longer to boot. MJ tips the scales at match Justin comes over to me while
Icould see it was only a matter of 30. On the release MJ shoots straight I was cleaning up my gyp and tells me
time as BLACK was calling the police. to the face and is biting hard as hell. no gyp has ever done what MJ done to
his gyp. He said all her fangs are gone me back about a week later and told and on release MJ stopped playing
out her mouth and she had shotgun me some boys out of indiana had one. wit her and shot in an grabbed her
holes in her face. I told him that what I told him to hook it for 8 weeks. Off muzzle and did not let go she was de-
that BULL / QUEEN blood would do to we go to a 3 card show with some of stroying her. PEARL to like the rest
you. the top kennels in the midwest in at- of them started to call the police. MJ
tendence. Were hooked into Scratch is in good and PEARL is done in she
A couple of weeks after this match To Win Kennels at 31lbs. They were was getting killed she was laid flat
I had bred MJ for the second time to using their BLACK PEARL dog out on her back ready to meet her maker
the Loose Cannon Boys’ CH THUR- of Team 316’s BLOW x The Game & when all of a sudden MJ lets go and
STON HOWELL III. The first time I bred Team 316’s SELENA. BLACK PEARL shoots for her throat like all them bull
her it was to her littermate brother came in over the weight by a 1/4lb and dogs are known for and I got a quick
CH SADAM from the repete breeding MJ was right on. So after a 3 year lay handle and PEARL curs out on the
of BULL / QUEEN. We got some damn off and at the age of seven I release scratch line at 40 thus making MJ a
good dogs out of both of those breed- MJ she goes straight to PEARL head champion. MJ also won Best In Show
ings. After that MJ was being ducked. riding her out. That kind of messed that day. She also put Abraham’s
I collected 4 forefits with her I got me up as MJ would always come out BULL and Loony Toons’ QUEEN on
tired of puting her in keep only to get fighting the face with a vengence. I the R.O.M list that day to. She is truely
paid forefit. So i retired my gyp as she guess granny MJ had other plans. an ace by everyone that seen her. She
was gettin up there in age. About a BLACK PEARL drove and MJ just rode now is retired for good and is going to
year and a half went by and when she her out controlling her by the head. bred to the best dogs.
came back in heat I bred her to our At about the 20 min mark BLACK
son of W.C.C’s CH KILLIAN JIMMY PEARL starts to come on and that She will be bred to CSK’s SAIGON,
JONES. She had 9 pups and started to made MJ mad. She switched from Geno’s LIL BULl, and Down & Dirty
kill them. All of them died but a pair. the side of the head and grabbed her CH SOONER and hopefully GR CH
in her sweet spot the muzzle and bit TANGO. I would like to send a shout
About a year after that I hooked up down. A turn called on BLACK PEARL out to my kennel partners Looney
with Ace & J of C.S.K. This kennel is at 22 min the dogs fought hard with Toons / DVK’S Wilson without u bro
a class act. Ace blessed our kennel MJ on the head and pearl in th chest none of this would have been pos-
and let me breed to their CH BOGART shoulder. PEARL got a hold of MJ toe sible also to my brothers Killumanti,
a heavy bred BOOMERANG dog. He and shook and broke it. I got a handle M-pak and Pelle Pell, Rob of Sterling
was a killer said buy most who saw at 32 min I get MJ to the corner and Knls. Also I want to give a big shout
him in action and he was a BIS win- noticed she is fighting fanged. I un- out to my mans Ace & J of C.S.K.,
ner to boot. I could not wait til the fanged her in the corner. It’s PEARL thanks for all the advice and info on
pups were born. MJ had 6-7 pups off turn to go on the release she tip toed this line of dogs. And boys we have
BOGART but she to killed all of them out the corner I let MJ go and she some unfinished business. To all our
but one female I named Ms KEYS. I slammed into her and grabbed her haters: keep hating because this is
was pissed as MJ had raised both of in the face and PEARL has now been just the begining.
her litters when bred to SADAM and took out her game as she is trying
THURSTON HOWELL. Now she has to grab legs and feet. Another quick
killed all her pups but one in her handle and its my time to go MJ goes
last two litters. So I told myself and like a rocket and slams into PEARL
her after a damn near 3 year lay off u on her head. PEARL made one last
don’t want to raise pups u r about to hurrah an grabbed MJ in the chest
do what u love to do best. and shook. I noticed MJ was not bit-
ing hard and good as i know she can.
I called Down & Dirty and told I look down and she is fanged again
him to find me a 31 lbs gyp he said he the ref told us to break the dogs and
would see what he can do. He called we unfang them. We face the dogs
As a young man
in the early 70’s
there were guys in
my area a lot older
than I was out fight-
ing dogs, but at the
time none if them
had pitbulls, they
just had any kind of
dog that was will-
ing to fight. I knew
about pitbulls, as
there were people
in my family that
had them. One day
I asked my dad if I
could get one and he
said to me “as long
as you can keep the
yard up and the cars
cleaned”. This was
something I was al-
ready doing anyway,
so basically it was
my father’s way of
saying that I would
have to work for it...
How did you get started Joe? be a real bulldog man. The first dog- had to bring Gangster with me, I just
I was only fourteen years old man I met was “Big Daddy” G.Wilcox, couldn’t help wanting to show this
when he got me that pup, and from and it was he who showed me what “real dogman” that I had a first class
that point on I was hooked! I named a real bulldog looked like. One day I bulldog. I will never forget the smile
that puppy Gangster, and over the was at a guy’s home who knew Mr. on his face as he listened to me talk,
next 3 years I was stopping all the Wilcox, and as Mr. Wilcox was pass- I already knew everything and Gang-
dogs in the neighborhood with him. It ing by that day he decided to stop in ster and I had the bulldog world in our
was over those few years when I first and say hello. We ended up talking grips. Mr. Wilcox asked me if I wanted
started hearing about guys that were dogs for hours, he and I just really hit to see how bad my bulldog really was,
really into the pitbull game, and from it off, and it was then when he invited and I quickly replied with “YES!” I just
that point on I knew it was my goal to me over to his home. Well you know I couldn’t wait to see the look on a real
dogman’s face when he finally gets to I always loved to compete. This was had to do to win. I really love blood
set his eyes on Gangster. a way for me to compete by not only that produces a high percent of dogs
I remember sitting up in the loft of using my physical abilities but also that are willing to race. The more
Wilcox’s barn waiting for him to return my mind. A fool with a dog is just that, dogs that are willing to go, the better
with his dog, and that’s when I heard so knowledge is always the key. I re- the odds of getting one that you will
this god awful screaming getting member seeing some old pictures of be happy with. The dogs don’t have
closer to the barn. I thought to my- dogmen when I was a kid; these men to all come out aces, just give me a
self “what the hell is that?” and next carried themselves like real profes- good amount that are willing to give
thing you know Mr. Wilcox is coming sionals. I don’t remember the gentle- me 100% and I can work from there.
through the loft door with a brindle men’s names in the photographs but
dog in his arms that is fighting like I will never forget the way they were Do you make a distinction be-
hell to get loose and screaming to go. dressed. They were wearing nice tween a match dog and a stud dog/
It wasn’t even 20 minutes and I could suits and fancy hats, and just looked brood bitch?
see that Gangster was in big trouble, like true gentlemen. I always liked Many people have their own opin-
and that’s when he said to me “that’s to stick to that same look, so I guess ion on what a stud dog should be, but
enough, let’s go ahead and get them. you could say that was one of my in- an opinion is just someone’s own per-
You have an ok dog, but he is no pit spirations right there. I took the sport sonal belief. That’s what this sport is
dog”. It was Mr. Wilcox who gave me very seriously, and anything serious all about, each man using their own
my first real bulldog, and with that must be handled professionally. I felt knowledge and ideologies to create
bulldog I won my very first match. We in order to be a true professional you and compete with the best animals
called that dog Cisco Kid and he was must first carry yourself as such, and possible. A stud dog for me has to
a real bulldog. From that day I never this is why I was always dressed up be of match quality but doesn’t nec-
looked for anything less in a dog, and when I would compete. I guess if I had essarily have to be a matchdog. He
I learned to never make a dog out to to choose what inspired me the most doesn’t have to be an ace, but he will
be more than he really is. Mr. Wilcox I would say it was the fact that I got have to show me some kind of game-
to compete with something I love, and ness along with the ability to pro-
that’s dogs. duce the genetic traits in his line. He
doesn’t have to be a winner he just
Why did you choose the bloodline has to show me that he has what it
you use the most? takes win. I am looking for certain
I chose the line I use most be- characteristics in the dog that I am
cause they came from a family of hoping that he can pass on. He pos-
good dogs. Even when I went and sesses certain attributes that I am
bought a dog or pup from another looking for in an animal, so now its
kennel it had to come from a fam- time to see if he can produce those
ily of solid bulldogs. There are many same qualities that he carries with-
dogs out there that become champion in himself or his genetic makeup.
or grand champion that have little to Weather he is a grand champion or a
no good dogs in the generations be- no time winner has nothing to do with
Joe Abraham at 14 year old of age hind them, and even when these high his ability to pass down his charac-
caliber dogs are bred there just isn’t teristics. He has already shown you
and I became very good friends, and any high percent of bulldogs show- that he has something worth trying
he introduced me to many of the dog- ing up off of them. Sure I like to breed to add now you can only hope he has
men around the area. to a champion or grand champion, the ability to reproduce it. I like my
but that’s not always what I am look- stud dog to come from a line of match
Major Influences? ing for. Some dogs can produce and worthy dogs that have not only shown
The sport itself was a major in- some can’t. The dogs I use came from to be solid bulldogs but to have pro-
fluence to me because as young boy a family of bulldogs that did what they duced them as well. I have seen many
champions and grand champions that do nothing but shoot to the backend Now when dogs turn out good or
could not produce a match quality like barnstormers, you can see he bad we can’t always put it on the stud
dog. I have spoke with gentlemen that has the ability to produce many traits because the pups will also carry the
have said they would never breed to that you desire so now you just have bitch’s blood as well. I will say this,
male that has not won a single match, to figure out how to get them all into I am much harder on a male than I
yet some of these same guys would one bulldog. A good stud dog does am female when it comes to breed-
breed to a dog that has lost before. not have to give me all around aces ing, but everything must be checked.
I’m not talking about a loss while every time I breed him, just give me There are a lot of bitches out there
coming; I am talking about a dog that a good amount of dogs that I can win that have never been touched and
has taken the count. When I ask them with and I will do the rest. A matchdog still produced some very good dogs,
why they would breed to a quitter doesn’t have to always be an ace, to but the same way you can breed for
they say “because he could bite like me it’s a dog that you look at and say gameness you can also breed for shit.
hell”. If a person is lacking mouth and to your self “I can win with this dog”. I have heard many guys say that they
they see a dog that either has great A good stud is going to give you wanted to breed for top pit dogs, and
mouth himself, or has proven to pro- high percent of dogs with the ability I always told them that gameness
duce dogs with good mouth then they to win, weather it’s by mouth, game- starts within them. Many people are
make a decision such as this one. ness, slickness, etc. Once you see just fearful to look and see what they
Just because a dog is a cur doesn’t that your stud dog has the ability to have. So many guys these days are
mean he can’t produce an ace, but I produce the good traits that make up just breeding dogs so they can have
know I would not be backing my bitch his genetic background the next step pups to sell, and even though it may
up to him and that’s a fact. When your will be to try and put all the traits you be hard on dogmen to keep them all
bulldog is in the thick of it you don’t desire together in one dog. This is they should always be trying to bet-
want thoughts of his cur daddy sitting easier said than done, but ultimately ter their dogs with each breeding they
in the back of your mind, well at least this is what we are aiming for. do. You can’t just breed dogs by look-
I don’t anyway. I’m all for adding what The odds of you getting what ing at the pedigrees; it just doesn’t
you’re lacking, but I won’t take the you’re looking for are much better work that way. I have all the faith in
chance of letting any more curs in. when you are keeping and culling the the world in my line of dogs, but that’s
When you have a good stud dog he entire litter yourself. You can always only when I am breeding them or
should be able to produce whatever farm them out, but over the years we picking the breeding being done with
is in his genetic makeup. He should have seen that this does not work. them. A line of dogs can turn to shit
be able to produce all the good traits Some people simply don’t have the very fast if you have no idea what your
in his line, but not necessarily always same eye as what we have and just doing. A champion in this day in age
combined together into one dog. Not aren’t familiar enough with the dogs means nothing, there is just too many
every dog he produces will be an ace, in the line. Most people are just look- frauds out there with their off the
but a good number of them will con- ing for these hard mouthed rough chain bullshit looking to make a quick
tain at least one desired trait you are dogs. Don’t get me wrong I love a hard buck. If I was to breed to a dog that
looking for in an animal, some may mouthed dog, but it’s not the main has never been matched it would be
even have it all. Lets say your stud thing I look for or breed for. I believe if because of the men who owned him
dog produces a litter of pups, and in a good stud dog has some dogs in him and not his pedigree. I would breed to
that litter you get one that can bite that can really bite then he will have a any checked stud dog on a real dog-
like hell but scratches like a turtle, good chance of passing it on if he is man’s yard before I would breed to a
yet in this same litter you get another truly a producer. A good stud is going paper champ in the hands of some-
that can’t bite through a paper bag to be able to throwback generations one who has never done a thing in
but comes across like a rocket. Lets and produce the traits that are in his these dogs. A good stud/brood dog
say your stud puts some dogs on the linage. A stud in my opinion should should be more than just a pretty
ground that have the ability wrestle always be checked for some type of pedigree; they should be a tested
and stay out of trouble, and in the gameness, the last thing you want to dog with the ability to produce qual-
same litter has dogs that will just breed is a cur. ity animals like the ones behind them.
their son Bull seemed to be a very I will tell you why. A match dog may do two dogs in the race.
good producer, and when I bred him some things that you may not like, but I remember going in Frank Bunce
to Ch Sunshine it produced a solid lit- yet he still has a way to win. You may years ago; he had a champion named
ter of bulldogs. Sunshine was bred not want to pass these genes down Cassius Clay that had beat dogs well
similar to Queen. Many years ago I through your breeding program, but under the hour mark but had also
bought a son of Bass Tramp Redboy you still have a dog you can win with. been 2 hours as well. Frank had been
and Marlowe’s Brandy Girl named Weather or not people are talking bad around these dogs for a long time
Medlin’s Red Ace. After I bred him a about him and the things he does has and he was a dogman. I saw Frank
few times I sold him to Mr. Stevens. I nothing to do with the fact that he is win a lot of matches so I felt that
bred Red Ace to some dogs I got from still competing and winning. Sure ev- this would be a good test. Frank’s
Marlowe, and later on I crossed Bull eryone wants to show up with an ace dogs were known for gameness, and
back into some grand daughters of killer, but the main goal here is to I know he had a lot of Ozzie’s stuff
Red Ace and came up with some re- win. I have certain things I look for in over there that could clamp. I was
ally good dogs. a match dog, but above all I just want using my Sunny Boy dog and he had
the dog to give me 100% and show me it all. I remember telling some guys
How do you feel about heavy in- he has what it takes to win. there that it wouldn’t be Sunny Boy’s
breeding? I like a dog that can fight on their mouth that got us the win, it was go-
Inbreeding can be okay as long as feet and wrestle with a bigger dog. I ing to be his power. On the day of the
the dogs are still coming out match have saw a lot of dogs that just want match I seen that Dog Walker was
quality, but I only do it when I am to hang out and make a comeback handling Frank’s champion for him,
trying to preserve a dog that is seen or just lay around and work from the and the match started at such a fast
most in the pedigree. I am still check- bottom, but if you do that with me I pace that I knew it wouldn’t be long.
ing my animals and at the same time am going to kill you. I like a dog with Cassius was a slick head dog, so I
I am trying to recreate the dog that a hard mouth, but even if they don’t I knew we had to bring the pressure
is seen most. This is why you want am still okay with that as long as they if we wanted to keep up. They both
to breed from a good family of bull- are on their feet bringing some pres- came out the gate fast and met in the
dogs; there will be a lot more to throw sure. I want my dogs very powerful! middle, and Sunny Boy took him right
back on. Too much inbreeding can Sometimes the power alone can be so back to where he came from. Sunny
make dogs weaker and sickly. Now if overwhelming that it will make many went into his side and shook him off
you see me with a heavy inbred dog of them just give up, even if they are all four feet, and when he went down
its because I have seen something in not getting bit hard. I try to come with Sunny hit him right in his throat and
him or her that I have seen in his or stamina because most my dogs are was putting it to him! I saw Ch Cas-
her ancestors, but in order to do this very aggressive and work at a very fast sius’ eyes and I knew he was done,
you must know the line of bulldogs pace. I also like them to have some pit and within 12 minutes he wanted out.
you are working with. How can you smarts, but more than anything I look We got a handle at 14 minutes and
recreate something you know noth- to come with gameness. Gameness Cassius the 4xw was counted out.
ing about? Most inbred dogs I owned can get you the win most of the time, Before this everyone thought Cas-
were used as stud dogs or brood and it will definitely need to be there sius was a game dog because he had
bitches, but they still had to show me when you get hot in the late rounds. seen hours in the pit against top dog-
that they were bulldogs. Gameness alone can’t always win, but men, so it goes to show that the time
it can compete with the best of them limit a dog has fought for has nothing
What is the main quality you are if they are up on their feet and work- to do with how game a dog is. Mouth
looking for in a match dog? ing to win. I’m not saying that a hard is not the solution for testing a dog’s
The main thing I look for in a mouth dog can’t beat a game bulldog, gameness, but its constant relentless
match dog is the ability to win. I look but you do need to know what that pressure that will have the other dog
at a dog and ask myself if I feel I can hard mouth dog will do when doesn’t packing it in. Ideally when I am com-
win with this dog. In some ways it’s have the chance to take control of the ing I want to come with gameness,
different than picking a stud dog, and fight. I guess it just all depends on the stamina, power, wrestling ability, a
mouth. You definitely need some real first, and I will let my pup watch him willing to fight. Some lines of dogs
gameness, because no matter what leave. It makes them want it more can be matched at 15 months old
there will come a time that your bull- and they feel like they have chased and be okay, and some can’t. This is
dog will have to overcome diversity. the other off. This makes it their pit why knowing your line of dogs is very
Mouth alone is just not going to do now, and they will remember what important. I think maybe because a
it in the fast lane. I have seen many time it is when they are put back in it. pup starts young that were looking
good head dogs just make a fool out for more, but in all actuality it means
of a very hard mouthed dog. What is your experience with nothing. Sure, I am always happy
dogs that start at a real young age? when I have a pup that starts young
Tell me about your schooling Do you believe in the saying “early to because I know I can sit on him and
methods…. start….early to quit? not have to worry about if it’s going to
I like a dog to show me he wants I don’t believe just because a dog crank up or not down the road, but I
it. I never make a dog do something starts young that it will quit early. still never rush it. I believe a cur is a
that they don’t want to do. I like to Some lines of dogs start at a very cur no matter when he or she decides
walk something by them and see if young age and some don’t, it is what to start. I have had slow starters and
they show me that they want to get it it is. Just because a pup starts at a fast starters that have both turned out
on. Once I know that they want some young age doesn’t mean it should be to be really good dogs, so don’t look
action I will go ahead and give it to rolled, at lot of times with these dogs at a fast starter to be any better than
them. I don’t like rolling them a lot, the mind can get ahead of the body. A a slow starter. I won’t sit here and
so I make sure the first roll is with lot of young starting pups are ruined down another man for his beliefs on
a really good dog. I’ve seen so many because a guy is rolling them just so how a dog should or shouldn’t start,
guys try to start two young dogs up on he can show others how hot is pup is because what works for one man may
each other when neither one of them or its willingness race. Believe it or not be the same case for another.
is fully cranked. Everything you do in not a dog only has so many fights in it, Some guys are okay with having a 3
schooling should be to teach them and the bad thing is you never know year old dog that they are still waiting
what you want them to learn. If you when it’s at its end until it is too late. on to start, but that’s just not my kind
roll your animal on one that will not I feel that each roll or match takes a of dog. At 2 years old I want to know if
come right out and put in work then little bit out of them. Now I will say I have a match dog or not. Learn your
you have just gave your puppy a bad that if they are not being hurt during bloodline and you will then know a lit-
schooling lesson. When mine is ready these rolls and matches then they tle more about how your dogs should
he is going to see 20 minutes right out still have more to give. I guess it all start. The bloodline a man runs is go-
of the gate. I may break them apart depends on what they have to endure ing to have a big part in the quality of
every 5 minutes to let him know this during these races. his animals. Now the blood doesn’t
is a game, kind of like when you take I saw a dog years ago that was mean shit if it isn’t coming from
the hide or toy from a pup and he tries a really good bulldog. This dog had someone who knows what they are
like hell to get back at it. If they show won a match prior to the one I had looking at. Many guys run the same
me anything I don’t like then the test seen, and I heard it was a very hard bloodline yet there is a big difference
will go longer because I want to find match. Well the match I had seen was in the caliber of their animals. Some
out what is really on his mind. This no easier, it was a very hard battle people just really have no clue what
is why you must use a good dog when that went over an hour. The dog was a good dog looks like, and that’s be-
schooling one; you need to see how brought back out again 9 months cause they never seen one before. My
they feel about pressure. Some dogs later for his championship, and the suggestion for the guys with the hot
I may need to only look at once to see owner was telling me that he just pups is just to let their bodies grow
what I need to see. I won’t roll a dog didn’t seem to have the same drive and catch up to their crazy minds,
more than three times, and all this is as he once did. At about 3 minutes af- and don’t rush. The dog game is like a
done before they are 2 years old. The ter the dogs came out and hit the one chess match, and every move should
roll dog that I am using to school my who had shown to be a true warrior in be thought out.
pups with will be taken out of the box two previous matches was no longer END OF PART ONE
t is really a shame that so many
great animals did not get the
chance to show themselves in
the lime light. We had monsters off
of Invicto and were not able to match
them due to the minimal amount of
dogmen and Conventions at the time.
Invicto was bred by Pat Patrick and purchased as a pup by The name “Invicto” was being
Pachacamac Kennels of Lima, Peru. Invicto came to Peru in heard not only in Peru, but in several
1993. 1993 would be the starting point of an entire legacy to other Countries in South America.
come and the year where the history of the sport in this Coun- He was loved by many and hated all
try was changed forever. 1993 was the year where the legacy the same. Dogmen knew that if you
of this great animal began to be written as the most important were bringing an Invicto dog you were
producing stud that ever lived in Peru and South America. This bringing a bulldog, one who would
great animal was responsible for producing countless winners stay there all night if needed be. As
and producers of winners. There was a time where almost ev- such, the name Invicto became the
ery winning dog in this part of the world had Invicto running one to beat, you both loved the blood
through their veins, even though while at the peak of his stud and used it, or you hated it and tried
career the sport in Peru was still at its early stages. It wouldn’t to wreck it.
be fair to judge his production record, considering that only to-
wards the end of the 90’s the sport in Peru began to take off One of the many things that sepa-
with several Conventions a year, comparing to the beginning of rated this great stud from the rest
the 90’s when Invicto was in his prime and producing bulldogs was his ability to produce producers.
after bulldogs, but who rarely got the chance to compete. Not many producing studs are able to
produce offsprings who in turn be-
come good producers and so on. In- • Pachacamac Knls’ CH HAPPY 3XW
victo was just that, an animal that not • Coraje Sur Knls’ CH ZANCUDO 3XW 2XBIS-1XGIS
only left many great animals behind, • Jah Nest 90 Knls’ CH MONGOOSE 3XW
but one that made sure his bloodline • Chapados Knls’ CH CYBER SHOT 3XW
was carried on into the future and the • Sangraza’s CH ESCOBAR 3XW
path of greatness, by throwing great • Pachacamac Knls’ PIO 2XW
producers as well. • J & J Peru Knls’ MALONE 1XW
• J & J Peru Knls’ PELADA 2XW (POR)
If we take a look at some of the • Pachacamac Knls’ OLIVIA 1XW
best producers that came directly • Pachacamac Knls’ ROMPE OLLAS 1XW 1XGL
off of Pat Patrick’s yard from 1990 • Pachacamac Knls’ PELAYO (POR)
through 2009, I can assure you that • Rebelk’s CLUB RATO 1XGL (Brazilian male record holder 3:08)
you will not find one dog that pro- • TPK’s LIZ 1XD 1XW (Peruvian female record holder 3:31)
duced better than Invicto, or even • Revolucion Knls’ FURIA ROJA 1XD (Peruvian female record holder 3:31)
come close to him. I’m talking about • TPK’s GRANDULON 1XW 1XGL (Peruvian male record holder 2:30)
real numbers here, not imaginary, • J & J Peru Knls’ LAZARA 1XW (2:20 stopping a littermate to GRCH Croata)
made up in someone’s mind. In point • Pachacamac Knls’ JACKO 1XW 1XBIS
of fact, Invicto is one of the best pro- • J & J Perú Knls’ CHAMO 1XW 1XGL
ducers that ever came directly off of • Pachacamac Knls’ TOBUL 2XW 1XBIS
Pat’s yard. Don’t take my word for it, • APK’s LA LOCA 2XW 1XDGL 1XBIS
do your own research and make your • ATT Knls’ CYBORG 1XW
own conclusions. • Swatch Knls’ PAQUITO 1XW
Let’s take a look at some of the • Passos’ PIETRA 2XW 1XBIS
most important animals that came di- • SDB & Brutal’s DIAVOLO 2XW 1XBIS
rectly off of Invicto or bred down from • Pachacamac Knls’ RED 1XW
him. We are not going to list them all, • Imperios Knls’ SPOOK 1XLDG
but the few we are listing here will • Imperios Knls’ (A-Team) CHICO 1XW 1XDGL
help us see the major impact and in- • Imperios Knls’ (A-Team) MANCHITA 1XW
fluence that Invicto had and currently • Imperios Knls’ (A-Team) BUGALOU 2XW
has in the South American game dog • Imperios Knls’ (Team Georgia) CHOCHE 1XW 1XDGL
world. • Imperios Knls’ KATRINA 1XLG
tired without being able to prove the It wouldn’t be right not to mention not a “flavor of the month” bloodline.
world, what a first class bulldog he Commander as another great bulldog We have kept this family tight, right,
was and still is. and son of the old man. Commander but most of all competitive for many
has already produced winners and years. We have also kept it away from
His stud career started a little late there are many more ready to enter peddlers and non active people.
since we never bred to him while he the circuit. We are using Commander
was on the trail. Only about a year and as a catalyst and refreshment to our Most would agree that for a good
a half ago we began to use him in our already tight but very much competi- animal to be successful, depends al-
breeding program. He was slowly in- tive family of bulldogs. Commander most entirely in who owns this partic-
troduced and bred to a couple of our has a special place in our breeding ular animal. If they fall in the wrong
brood females. We started to notice a program and we are carefully in- hands then the animal is doomed, but
pattern only few months after his first troducing Commander to key brood if they fall in the hands of true dog-
litters were born; crazy early starters. females. We are expecting great re- men then the sky is the limit. As such,
As the months went by and were get- sults, results that will be up to par we will continue with our tradition,
ting older they continued to show that and beyond the quality of bulldogs by trying our best to place these ani-
they “wanted” and were “ready”, so that came from this amazing family. mals with the right dogmen and not
their wish came true. letting our animals fall in the hands
We thank the editor of this great of peddlers, who would ruin our work
We now have several of them in magazine for giving us the opportuni- and years of dedication, by making
school and are showing to have and ty to give the reader a small glimpse our family a popular “flavor of the
excel on the same traits that made at what this great, but pretty much month” bloodline, instead of being
this family of bulldogs so successful, unknown family is about. what it’s always been, one of the most
and even though the oldest are only successful families to ever grace the
19 months old, some are almost done The Invicto family of bulldogs is world of gamedogs.
with school and ready to hit the cir-
Imperios Knls’s COMMANDER
aving decided upon the obtain them, I DID get a daughter of Which one or ones, if any, in the litter
breeding program as has each of the above three studs. More- might carry the genes for the charac-
been briefly outlined, my over, in most respects they evidenced teristics she alone manifests can be
next step, of course, was to find and the traits for which their sires were determined only by testing them as
obtain the necessary bitches with notable, and for which I had chosen breeders.
which to implement it. This is not them to found a strain.
an easy task at any time, or in any Here as an illustration is just one
breed. Owners of females of breeding With only the mention of my foun- example of many observed during my
age who have proven themselves, or dation BITCHES given above, I am experimental dog breeding days. In a
because of type and bloodlines give sure I have not sufficiently stressed litter of eight there appeared only one
promise of being worthy producers, their importance. It is a much-used who was white. Structurally she was
are loathe to part with them. When aphorism that no stable is better the best of the lot and quite a supe-
one adds the stipulation that they than its mares, and no kennel bet- rior specimen. Bred a total of seven
must be daughters of certain studs, ter than its bitches. That, of course, times during her lifetime, she herself
their procurement becomes increas- is true. The most valuable acquisition never produced a white, nor did any
ingly difficult. Suffice it to say here, a would-be dog breeder can make is appear in succeeding generations, at
with no other explanation than that it that of a good bitch or bitches. With- least not up to the fourth, when I lost
took me about two years to find and out one or more of these, the tasks track of them. She either did not car-
ry the genes for white, or the genes others through their sires, and with While none of the three males
for pigment, which she carried, were one having both Pfeffer and Arras upon which I started the strain was
dominant. On the other hand, several close up in her pedigree, I was ready perfect in all characteristics (no dog
of her sisters did whelp whites. to begin breeding operations, ready, I as yet has ever been), it should be
thought and hoped, to start a breed- pointed out that not only were they
Bitch’s Background of ing program from which would even- quite superior specimens in them-
Utmost importance tuate a noteworthy strain of dogs. selves but each compensated the
other in one or more respects. This
While one of the tenets of all Choosing the Males being true, when some unwanted or
animal breeding is selectivity, this undesirable trait showed up, com-
does not mean that a superior bitch, If it has not already been noted pensation could usually be found in
with nothing behind her in sufficient by my readers, I should call atten- one of the others.
strength to dominate, can be expect- tion here to the fact that, since my
ed to produce as well as another who, start was made with bitches sired Foundation Blood Intensifies
although somewhat less perfect in by three closely related males, I was
her own structure, has a family tree able to dispense with some years of P.S. Even with regard to let’s say
inbred or line bred upon superior preliminary matings. Had three unre- four generations of game proven but
quality. lated sires been chosen, it would have SCATTER bred dogs the results will
taken several generations of breeding be a very low percentage of prepotent
The sometimes heard statement before I could have had in my kennel dogs, if any.
that “Like produces like” is far from bitches so closely related in blood as
being a dependable truism, BOTH are to make inbreeding and line breed-
of importance, the over-all quality ing possible. With two of the foun- By the early 1950’s”, Lloyd C.
and type of the bitch, as well as her dation males having the same sire Brackett had become a legend
family tree, but of the two the latter (plus other related blood), and the in his own time. In part because
will be found to have the more influ- third a close-up descendent of the of his candor when addressing
ence both for good and for bad. The great German Sieger, U.s. Ch. Utz v. problems related to the breeding
first article in this series explained Haus-Schutting. as were the others, of canines. All of his methods and
why this MUST be true. I was actually STARTING with line ideas were not new but his ideas
bred animals. (Had either Odin, or his about how to use it attracted at-
It is my desire to get away from the half-brother Pfeffer, been a bitch, and tention. Brackett believed in pedi-
subject of my personal operations, one bred to the other, that would have gree analysis, litter evaluation,
in the matter of building a strain, as been inbreeding.) the use of line and inbreeding and
quickly as possible. Supplying a re- a record system that was easy to
cord of all, or of even a few, of the Therefore one can see how quickly use. While Brackett is best known
inter-related matings would be, I fear, I was “cooking with gas” or, perhaps for his emphasis on the use of line
not only somewhat confusing, unless stated mores understandably, doing breeding he was not afraid to in-
pedigrees were given for study, but planned line breeding, when I bred breed if the situation dictated it.
would also result in book-length ar- either an Odin daughter to Pfeffer, or Brackett understood the value of
ticles unsuitable for a magazine, and the reverse—and I immediately did using quality dogs that were re-
particularly for one read by fanciers both. The results to be anticipated, lated to each other. This approach
of all breeds. However, in order to as described in my first installment allowed him to concentrate the
explain the “how,” it seems neces- explaining what can be expected from genes needed to produce desired
sary to continue with that subject to a inbreeding and line breeding, were traits. His techniques for reduc-
somewhat greater length. quickly brought forth and plainly vis- ing error and improving quality
ible. It took only a few generations focused on the careful selection of
Having obtained the three foun- until the type I had wanted to estab- breeding partners.
dation bitches, each related to the lish and “set” was obtained.
his fledgling group is devoted ing animal lives, to eliminate various ing added to the “endangered breed
to spreading the truth about dog breeds. At the forefront of this ac- lists.” Currently, 1/5 of recognized dog
the “vicious breed conspiracy” tion is the American Pit Bull Terrier. breeds are either banned or regulat-
pioneered by groups such as PETA They are pioneering breed bans and ed somwhere in the United States. All
and the HSUS. Started by breed en- breed specific spay/neuter ordinanc- it takes is one irresponsible owner to
thusiasts, owners and breeders of es. They are using money to adver- have their dog attack a child or adult
the American Pit Bull Terrier, it is di- tise and execute elaborate “pit bull and for the media to report it and the
rected at spreading truth over the in- fighting busts” and to sway voters in Animal Interest groups to use this
ternet and providing common ground their direction through yellow jour- as fuel to pioneer more severe laws.
for all pit bull owners as well as nalism. Many innocent families have Once they have that tiny bit of fuel
other breeds targeted by Breed Spe- been torn apart by this recent turn against your breed of choice, they will
cific Legislation. Click here to find out of events. Innocent children and par- start to systematically elimate it. Just
“What is BSL?” ents watch as their beloved pets are as they are now doing to ours.
confiscated and killed in towns where
We are currently registered as a recent breed bans have taken place. The ultimate goal of these “Ani-
Nonprofit Corporation with the Wash- Responsible and law abiding breed- mal Interest Groups” is even more
ington Secretary of State. We have ers are arrested, their years of hard sinister than you might think. They
begun proceedings to gain 501(c)3 work washed away and companions not only want to either spay/neuter
status with the IRS and hope to ac- killed as “evidence” in a circumstan- or kill every animal that they deem
complish this by mid year of 2010. tial case against them. Even more “dangerous.” In truth, they want to
active showing owners are forced to spay/neuter every single companion
Any responsible “pit bull” owner spay and neuter their breeding stock animal in this country until eventually
will tell you that all dogs are equal- or face large fines and even impris- there are no new companion animals
ly dangerous and that the owner is onment simply because of the breed born. Once all the existing companion
the defining factor. However, many they have chosen to love. animals are dead and no new ones
animal extremist organizations are are being produced, they will have
using Breed Specific laws and ordi- American Pit Bull Terrier own- won. They believe that owning an ani-
nances as a stepping stone towards a ers are being treated like criminals. mal is “slavery” and cruel. Regard-
larger goal by convincing people and Many of us are doctors, lawyers, civil less of how much like a member of
media outlets that the specific breed engineers, vet techs, groomers and your family you treat your pet people
of a dog is the defining factor in public many more respectable professions. as PETA and HSUS think it is bet-
safety. We will touch on their larger However, in the eyes of the laws being ter off dead than living as a “slave.”
goal later, first understand what they created we are all treated like drug This information is shocking for most
are doing to eliminate this particular dealers and gang members. Those people. And it is hard to understand.
breed. of you who don’t own pit bulls might But, unless you enjoy the thought of
not worry now. However, in many ar- a future with no dogs or cats then you
Animal extremist groups are us- eas German Shepard Dogs, Labrador need to listen now. You need to join
ing the millions of dollars donated to Retrievers, Chow Chows, Akitas, Hus- the fight against them. Don’t let them
them every day, with the intent of sav- kies and many more breeds are be- take away our right to have pets.
The following section is devoted to the readers personal input to the editor and to other fanciers. Send
your comments on the magazine, let us know how we can make SDJ better.
he first dog that Bob owned in 1922 out of Tudor’s Black Jack & Bob bought as a pup from Joe Corvino,
was a pup that he acquired Cunningham’s Nell. Bob always had a named after his sire, Neblett’s Brad-
through his brother in law. lot of stories to tell about Buck’s abil- dock Jr. Bob’s CH Bucky McCoy was
The dog’s name was Buck, whelped ity, but he was never match fought, a very smart defensive fighter along
Maloney’s CH STRIDER
Heinzl’s MUSTY
Heinzl’s PATCH
121/10 - Old Red Knls’ JULIE + Fonseca Brothers’ SICARIA 1W F33 Aguer Knls’
JULIE is a triple breed of CH WEIRD JACK, come from South Alabama Knls’. JULIE wins in 0:18.
Old Red Knls’ JULIE 1W B.I.S.
122/10 - D.V.K. & Looney Toons’ MS JACKSON + E.W.A.’s BLACK FUTURE 2W F30 Ready to Rumble
MS JACKSON out of a daughter of DSK’s CH REDMAN x Abraham’s BULL. BLACK FUTURE out of E.W.A.’s CH BLACK BOY
x E.W.A.’s FUTURE. BLACK FUTURE curs out in 28 min.
D.V.K. & Looney Toons’ MS JACKSON 1W
123/10 - D.V.K. & Looney Toons’ MS JACKSON 1W + Maskman & Justin’s SCRATCH F31 Electricfying Duke Wayne
SCRATCH curs out at 29.
D.V.K. & Looney Toons’ MS JACKSON 2W
124/10 - D.V.K. & Looney Toons’ MS JACKSON 2W + S.T.W. Knls’ BLACK PEARL F31 M.G.K.
BLACK PEARL out of Team 316’s BLOW x The Game & Team 316’s SELENA. BLACK PEARL came in over the weight by a
1/4lb, MJ is right on. PEARL curs out on the scratch line at 40 thus making MS JACKSON a champion.
125/10 - Killer Combine’s VENGEANCE + Magic Mike’s CH STRETCHER 4W M47 Fat Boy
VENGEANCE wins 1:12
Killer Combine’s VENGEANCE 1W
126/10 - Killer Combine’s VENGEANCE 1W + Hargrove’s CH BLACK JACK 4W M47 Dirty Steve R.I.P
VENGEANCE wins in 28.
Killer Combine’s VENGEANCE 2W
128/10 - Killer Combine’s CH VENGEANCE + Southern Knls’ CH POE SAM M47 Clarence
Killer Combine’s CH VENGEANCE 4W
129/10 - Killer Combine’s CH VENGEANCE 4W + State Penn Knls’ WACK 1W M47 IMK
VENGEANCE grand champion wins in 11.
A champion is a dog that wins in three shows, in which all A male dog becomes eligible to be placed on the R.O.M.
of the dogs are conditioned for that particular show. list if he has sired four or more champions. The R.O.M. dog
will be awarded one point for every champion he has sired
The shows must then be documented by being printed in and will receive one additional point if any of the offspring
the Sporting Dog Journal. should go on the become a grand champion.
A grand champion must be the winner in five (5) shows The rules are the very same for bitches to get on the Reg-
and have never suffered a loss. In a word, to be registered ister of Merit list, except, for obvious reasons, a bitch need
as a grand champion the dog must have an unblemished only be the dam of three (3) champions to gain a spot on
record. the list.
Abraham’s BULL CH EZ-GO
Abraham’s BULL Veatnam’s CH FREAK NASTY
Hurricane Knls’ BIG BOSSMAN Westside Who Ride’s CH GOLDIE
Looney Toons’ QUEEN Looney Toons’ CH SADAM
Looney Toons’ QUEEN D.V.K. & Looney Toons’ CH MS JACKSON
Bower’s SANDY Snake’s GR CH ZEUS
Abraham’s BULL Looney Toons’ CH SADAM
Abraham’s BULL D.V.K. & Looney Toons’ CH MS JACKSON
Johnson’s RAM RED Deathrow Knls’ CH BUMPY
Stone City Knls’ BABY Airtight’s CH BABY RED
Stone City Knls’ LITTLE PIG Stone City Knls’ CH JESSIE JAMES ROD
Stone City Knls’ RAT Stone City Knls’CH LIL’ RAT
Southern Knls’ MACHA Blackrocks Knls’ GR CH MACHOBUCK
ecently I was helping a friend preparing for the show, but I am go- our bait, which is our mental trigger
of mine school one of his ing to have to disagree. On my yard, for the heart to start pumping. At this
dogs with one of my pros- conditioning starts very young. I like age all I am trying to accomplish is to
pects. The dogs are the same age and to start laying the foundation for my teach the young guy how much fun it
same weight, but mine is able to re- keep years before the show. is to chase and catch the hide. When
ally lay it on his. When we are done he he catches the hide I let him work it
asked me what I thought of his pros- There are two types of condition- for a minute or two. Then I tell him NO
pect. He seemed kind of disappointed ing, mental and physical. Physical and make him release the hide. When
that his prospect had gotten thrown conditioning is when we are trying to he lets go, I start all over again. This
around like a rag doll. I explained to build stamina, speed, strength, and teaches him discipline, on my yard I
him that his dog did well considering agility. Mental conditioning is basical- am the pack leader. The reason we
the circumstances. The circumstanc- ly building the foundation for physi- start with the hide at such a young
es being, I had raised my prospect cal conditioning and developing the age is simply we want to get the dog
from 6 weeks. My buddies dog was dogs confidence. From the time I get used to getting excited when he sees
healthy, but he was soft. The dog had my pup to the show I put a lot of time, Mr Hide. Mr Hide equals fun to him,
probably never achieved maximum effort, and thought into him. When I fun equals work for us. Save the ex-
stress in his whole life. The only other first pick the pup up I like to bring him treme work for when he is in keep, I
time that dog had previously “broke a inside to get to know his personality. I can not repeat this enough. Your pup
sweat” was when he got worked up like to develop his attitude by playing should not be worked like a fully ma-
and barked at his neighbor. I know with him and assuring him that he is ture hound until he is one! To much
the majority of you guys think that now a member of my pack. I like to and to hard of work at a young age
conditioning is only 6-8 weeks of work talk to my dogs as much as possible will cause way more harm than good.
We build off of the flirt pole and getting him familiar with the tools of get into my schooling practices or ac-
hide exercise to the carpet mill when his trade. When we are able to get this tual keep work, but you should have
our charge is about 7 months old. little guy to run wide open on the slat an idea of what type of animal you
Again, we are not trying to condition mill we take him off and give him a are feeding before you actually ac-
the pup physically, only mentally. So treat. Repetition is the key to learn- quire the animal. If I buy or breed a
we put him on the mill and see if he ing. If we put the animal on the mill dog I usually have a pretty good idea
is going to turn the mill on his own. and he is scared, we just leave him of what he should be capable of when
Some dogs take to the mill naturally on and talk to him. Tell him, “come he grows up by looking at his parents,
while others require repitition. If he on boy” while you flirt the cow hide grandparents, etc. Not all dogs are
doesn’t take the mill naturally we in his face. Just keep repeating this true to pedigree, but a good family of
introduce Mr Hide. The dog sees his once a week until you get the dog to dogs should consistently produce the
good friend Mr Hide and this makes feel comfortable enough to actually same traits. If the individual has the
him excited. We tease him with the work. We are trying to achieve a full genetic potential to be a Champion I
hide until he takes a few steps. If he stride for no longer than a few min- feel as though it is my responsibility
doesn’t take right to it, don’t worry utes. When we achieve a good couple to make sure he earns his title and
he is just a pup. Take him off and put of minutes of wide open running, we his place in the history books. This
him up. You have to understand that take the pup off the mill and give him program has allowed me to compete
the very idea of being on a mill might a treat. against seasoned dogmen with good
be intimidating for a young pup. It is success in my very first few showings.
a big, noisy, man-made machine that Basically we are going through It has also made the percentage of
he is attached into. Plus when he the process of a keep starting at an dogs that I have raised able to make
walks, he doesn’t go anywhere! The early age so that when it is time for it to the show much higher than most
whole idea of walking and not going show season our animal is complete- of the guys that I have met. I can hon-
anywhere is kind of a lot to process. ly ready for a good keep. By the time estly say I believe that Champions are
So we just keep trying until he gets it. our prospect is 18 months old he is made from the brood pen to the box.
already working all of the tools of his You can’t take a bullshit bred dog and
By the age of 12 months we have trade. This is the age that I start my make him into a Champion, but you
probably put this yearling on the car- practice keep. After the practice keep can take a well bred dog and unleash
pet mill anywhere from 5-10 times. I will have a pretty good idea of my an- his full genetic potential.
At least once a month, no more than imal’s show weight, how much work
twice a month, depending on how he can handle, and what types of work P.S. This is just a general guide-
many times it takes to get him used he enjoys. After the practice keep is line that has worked for me over the
to this tool. We use this mill to in- over I like to travel to conformation years. Just remember, the whole
troduce the pup to the mechanics of shows to see how well he takes to idea of this article is to teach our
millwork. The slat mill is usually loud traveling. Besides having fun, meet- charge how to work effeciently and
as hell and the free-spinning nature ing other bulldog lovers, and seeing to build a base for a keep while hav-
of it can spook the hell out of a young some finely tuned athletes we also ing fun!
pup. The carpet mill turns slowly, qui- get to practice making weight. After
etly, the belt is soft, and it just feels we win a few ribbons it’s time to hit
more stable under his feet. Basically, the woods and start school.
we use the carpet mill to build con-
fidence and then we graduate to the I know a lot of you guys are think-
slat mill. After we get the yearling to ing, “Why put all this time and ef-
work the carpet mill confidently, we fort into a dog that has yet to prove
start to put him on the slatmill. Re- himself?” Well, I have found that af-
member, we are not conditioning his ter putting all of this work into my
body, only his mind. We are not trying hounds that I will make it to the show
to physically work this young dog, just 9 out of 10 times. I am not going to
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