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52981 0500578 b 8 L =
NACE Standard RP0294-94
Item No. 21063

Informingthe World on Cornion Contrd

Recommended Practice

Design, Fabrication, and Inspection of Tanks for the

Storage of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid and
Oleum at Ambient Temperatures
NACE International issues this standard in conformance with the best current technology regarding the
specific subject. This standard represents a consensus of those individual members who have reviewed
this document, its scope, and provisions. It is intended to aid the manufacturer,the consumer, and the
general public. Its acceptance does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has adopted the
standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or proce-
dures not in conformance with this standard. Nothing contained in this NACE International standard is
to be construed as granting any right, by implication or otherwise, to manufacture, sell, or use in
connection with any method, apparatus, or product covered by Letters Patent, or as indemnifying or
protecting anyone against liabilityfor infringement of Letters Patent. This standard represents minimum
requirements and should in no way be interpreted as a restriction on the use of better procedures or
materials. Neither is this standard intended to apply in all cases relating to the subject. Unpredictable
circumstances may negate the usefulness of this standard in specific instances. NACE International
assumes no responsibility for the interpretation or use of this standard by other parties and accepts
responsibility for only those official NACE International interpretations issued by NACE International in
accordance with its governing procedures and policies which preclude the issuance of interpretations
by individual volunteers.

Users of this standard are responsible for reviewing appropriate health, safety, and regulatory
documents and for determining their applicability in relation to this standard prior to its use. This NACE
International standard may not necessarily address all safety problems and hazards associatedwith the
use of materials, operations, and/or equipment detailed or referred to within this document.

CAUTIONARY NOTICE: NACE International standards are subject to periodic review, and may be
revised or withdrawn at any time without prior notice. NACE International requires that action be taken
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Approved August 1994

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NACE RP0294 9 4 W b 4 5 2 9 ö L 0500579 518 D



Sulfuric acid is the largest-volume corrosive in use today and is generally considered to be the most
important industrial chemical. Large storage tanks containing sulfuric acid or oleum are located in many

Carbon steel corrodes moderatelywhen in contact with concentratedsulfuric acid and oleum. If properly
designedand adequately maintained,use of this materialisan economical optionfor storage of the acids
at moderate ambient temperatures. However, accelerated corrosion can occur in various forms, and
several catastrophicfailures have occurred inthe last decade that havefocused attention on the hazards
associated with undetected corrosion.

Existing codes are not aimed specifically at design of sulfuric acid storage. Corrosion allowances and
the design for corrosion control in these codes are left to the individual designer, owner, or operator of
the tank. Large vertical sulfuric acid storage tanks are usually built to API 650,’ and horizontalcylindrical
tanks are built to ASME Section VIII, Division While these codes are sufficient for strength and
toughness considerations,they do not address the peculiarities of corrosion by sulfuric acid and oleum

This recommended practice provides design and fabrication guidelines to minimize the potential for
occurrence of undetected corrosion in concentrated sulfuric acid or oleum storage tanks. Inspection
guidelinesthataid in detectingand monitoringcorrosion are presented,with theoverall aim beingto avert
catastrophic failures.

This standard was prepared by NACE International Task Group T-5A-18, a component of Unit
Committee T-5A on Corrosion in Chemical Processes, and is issued by NACE International under the
auspices of Group Committee T-5 on Corrosion Problems in the Process Industries. T-5A-18 member-
ship includes representatives of companies involved in the production, transportation, and use of large
quantities of sulfuric acid.

This standard represents a consensus of those individualmembers who have reviewedthis document, its
scope, and provisions. Its acceptance does not in any respect precludeanyone, whether he has adopted
the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or
procedures not in conformance with this standard. Nothingcontained in this NACE Internationalstandard
isto be construed as grantingany right,by implicationor otherwise, to manufacture, sell, or use in connection
with any method, apparatus, or product covered by Letters Patent, or as indemnifying or protecting anyone
against liability for infringement of Letters Patent. This standard represents minimum requirements and
should in no way be interpreted as a restriction on the use of better procedures or materials.

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NACE RP0294 94 6452981 0500580 23T W


NACE International
Recommended Practice
Design, Fabrication,and Inspection of Tanks for the
Storage of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid and
Oleum at Ambient Temperatures
1. General ........................................................................................................................... 1
2. Tank Design Criteria ....................................................................................................... 1
3. Tank Design Details ........................................................................................................ 3
4. Fabrication and Erection ..................................... .............................. ........................ ......4
5. Inspection and Maintenance ........................................................................................... 5
6. Safety and EnvironmentalConcerns ............................................................................... 7
References ....................................................................... i. .......................................... ......8
Appendix A-Physical Properties of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid and Oleum ....................... 9
Appendix &Metallic Materials ........................................................................................ 11
Appendix C-Illustrations of Recommended Design .........................................................13
Appendix D-Radiographic Acceptance Standard for Welded Equipment
in Corrosive Service ...................................................................................................... 20

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Section 1: General

1.1 Scope 1.2.1 This standard provides industry guidelines for suit-
able storage facilities for sulfuric acid and oleum at atmo-
This standard deals with the storage of sulfuric acids that can be spheric pressure.
handled in carbon steel equipment, ¡.e., sulfuric acid with con-
centrations above 70%and oleum upto65% attemperatures up 1.2.2 This standard is based on good engineering prac-
to 40°C (1 04°F). Typical industrial product concentrations are tice. The underlyingphilosophy is that major failures can be
93%and 98%sulfuric acid. Note: Storage tanks under 190 m3 avoided and minor incidents reduced to a minimum by
(50,000gal US.) are outside the scope of this standard. ensuring a high degree of storage tank integrity through
good design and construction, followed by adequate and
1.2 Objective regular inspection and maintenance.

Section 2: Tank Design Criteria

2.1 scope affectedzones must comply with the appropriate reference

codes (e.g., API 650) or standards in order to ensure
The design criteria in Sections 2 and 3 are aimed at new adequate toughness in worst-case service conditions.
installations. Existing installations should be checked against
these recommendationsto determine compliance. In the case 2.6.2 Carbon or low-alloy steel with specified maximum
of significant noncompliance, improvementshall be considered. tensile strengths exceeding 620 MPa (90 ksi) should not be
used because of the potential for hydrogen embrittlement.
2.2 Design Pressure Hardnessvaluesof welds and heat-affectedzones shall be
kept below 22 Rockwell C hardness, approximately 250
The design pressure shall be determined by the maximum liquid Vickers (macro) hardness, or approximately 240 Brinell
height plus pressure drop through the vent system. hardness.
I 2.3 Heating System 2.6.3 Use of any components made of gray cast iron is not
recommendedin oleum service becausethis material may
When freezing is a concern, a suitable heating system and suffer cracking if exposed to oleum.
proper insulation are necessary (see Paragraph 3.9).
2.6.4 In sulfuric acid concentration ranges of 80 to 88%
2.4 Horizontal Tanks and 99.5to 100.5%, the increased corrosion rate may limit
the use of carbon steel. Therefore, use of corrosion-
Horizontaltanks shall be designedandfabricatedinaccordance resistant alloys (solid or integrally bonded clad) should
with ASME Section VIII, Division 1 , taking into account the beconsidered(seeAppendix B on Metallic Materials,Table
lowest operatingtemperature and the specific weight of sulfuric BI). Stainless steel grades such as UNS 30400 and UNS
acid (see Appendix A on Physical Properties of Concentrated 31600(’)have been used successfully in the upper range
Sulfuric Acid and Oleum). Regarding the recommended corro- and are normally preferred for economic reasons. Low-
sion allowance, see Paragraph 2.7. carbon grades such as UNS 30403 and UNS 31 603 offer
increased resistance to intergranular corrosion, which is of
2.5 Vertical Tanks importanceonly in weaksulfuric acids. Inthe lowerconcen-
tration range, only nickel-based alloys (solid or integrally
Vertical tanks shall be designed in accordance with API Stan- bonded clad) perform satisfactorily.
dard 650 and as appropriate for the specific weight and the
lowest operating temperature of sulfuric acid (see Appendix A). 2.6.5 At sulfuric acid strengths below 70%,the corrosion
Regarding the recommended corrosion allowance, see Para- of carbon steel increases significantly, accompanied by a
graph 2.7. rapidevolutionof hydrogen. Becauseofthis,alleffortsmust
be made to prevent entry of water into the tank.
2.6 Materials of Constructions1o
2.6.6 High-temperature baked phenolic linings are com-
2.6.1 Carbon steeI6a7is the most widely usedconstruction monly used in carbon steel storage tanks when iron con-
material in the sulfuric acid concentration and temperature tamination is a concern for sulfuric acids in the concentra-
ranges covered by this standard; for restrictions see Para- tion range 90 to 98%.Tank fabrication, surface finish, and
graph 2.6.4. Only fully killed steel grades with sufficient design shall comply with NACE Standard RP0178.8Proper
impact notch toughness at the lowest design operating application and curing are of utmost importance in achiev-
temperature shall be used for tank construction. Mechani- ing the long service life normally experienced in acids up to
cal properties of selected materials, welds, and heat- 98%.At acid strengths above 98%,phenolic linings have a

Designations are given according to the Unified NumberingSystem for Metals and Alloys (UNS), a joint activity of the American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, PA, and the Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA (see Appendix B, Table 82).

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NACE RP0294 94 b 4 5 2 9 8 L 0500582 002 W


short service life. For additional information on baked Preferential weld attack is attributed to acid
phenolic linings, see NACE Publication TPC #2 and NACE retained in roughened or undercut areas and subse-
Standard RPO188.9*lo quently diluted by contact with moist air. To remove
such areas, the weld shouldbe lightly ground; see also
2.6.7 The use of nickel-based alloys or stainless steel Paragraph 4.3.2.
(see Table B1) is recommendedfor valves, inlet and outlet
pipes, vents, and wear plates. Mill scale left on the surface promotes prefer-
ential corrosion. Millscale should be removedfromthe
2.6.8 The corrosion rate of carbon steel tanks containing surface to be exposed to the sulfuric acid before
sulfuric acid can be reduced by anodic protection. Use of placing the tank in service.
this technique is typically restricted to acid concentrations
in the range of 93 to 98% at ambient temperatures. Hydrogen grooving may occur in the tops of
horizontal manholes and nozzles, in the top half of
2.6.9 Filled PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) and 100% horizontal tanks, inwardly inclined walls, and inclined
expanded PTFE are suitable gasket materials. piping, oreven in horizontalwelds with excess buildup.
Hydrogen bubbles form as a result of corrosion; asthe
2.7 Corrosion Allowance bubbles rise, they remove the protectivefilm, exposing
fresh steel surface and thereby initiating high rates of
2.7.1 A minimumcorrosion allowance for surfaces wetted localized corrosion. In areas of the tank that are
by sulfuric acid shall be includedfor carbon steel construc- susceptibleto hydrogengrooving, materialswith higher
tion (see Table 83). A corrosion allowance can be calcu- corrosion resistance than that of carbon steel should
lated using available corrosion rate information. However, be used (see Appendix C on Illustrations of Recom-
because at a given temperature the corrosion rate depends mended Design, Figures C1 and C2).
on the amount of impurities in the acid and the flow
conditions adjacent to the steel surface (acid movement in Inlet and outlet erosion-corrosioncan leadto
the tank), data found in the literature can only serve as a extensive attack. Measures to prevent this type of
guideline. attack include appropriate design and suitable materi-
als selection; see Paragraph 2.6 and Section 3 for
2.7.2 If a phenolic lining is usedfor internal protection, the details. If, for example, the roof inlet nozzle is located
corrosion allowance can be reduced. too close to the side wall, turbulence in the acid can
result in hydrogen grooving, severe wall thinning, and
2.7.3 Corrosion test coupons installed in critical tank loca- overload failures.
tions can provide valuable quantitative data on types of
attack prevailing in the specific location. 2.8.2 External Corrosion

2.8 Corrosion Phenomena of Unlined Carbon Steel Tanks For external corrosion of carbon steel tanks, consideration
should be given to the following areas:
The service life of sulfuric acid tanks may be reduced consider-
ably by internal and external corrosion phenomena. If the tank foundation and the area drainage
are not properly designed and installed to prevent rain
2.8.1 Internal Corrosion or ground water from wetting the underside of the tank
floor, localized corrosive attack may occur.
The corrosion resistance of carbon steel contacted by
sulfuric acid results from the protective iron sulfate film With tanks supportedon steel I-beams, rain-
formed during the initial contact period. Any service condi- water may collect between the I-beamsurface and the
tion causing a deterioration of the protective film is likely to tank bottom, resulting in local crevice corrosion of the
lead to accelerated corrosion. Examples of deteriorating tank bottom.
conditions are high flow velocities, acid dilution, or exces-
sive temperatures. The following types of phenomenaare Insulated tanks that do not have a suitable
chiefly responsible for accelerated corrosion of carbon surface protection system may cormde under insula-
steel in sulfuric acid: tion due to ingress of moisture. Roof and shell attach-
ments, insulation support rings, nozzles, manholes, Dilute sulfuric acid causes rapid attack of and shell-to-bottom joints are highly susceptible to this
carbon steel. Dilute acid can be formed by absorption type of attack because of water and scale retention.
of moisture from the outside air, entry of rainwater, or
improper cleaning. Entry of moisture from the outside 2.9 Extemal Coating
should be controlled by properventingand by minimiz-
ing air movement caused by natural convection. Mea- Uninsulatedtanks in hotclimatesshouldbecoatedwhiteto keep
sures taken to dry the air entering the tank reduce the the metal temperature below 40°C (104°F).
risk of sulfuric acid dilution.

2 NACE International

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NACE R P 0 2 9 4 9 4 R 6452983 0500583 T 4 9


Section 3: Tank Design Details

3.1 Support 3.3.3 For backup purposes, in the case of a bottom outlet,
an internal plug valve that is operated remotely or from the
3.1.1 Horizontal tanks (see Figure C3)shall be provided tank top is recommended.
with steel saddles and concrete supports.
3.3.4 An emergency drain valve should be provided if
3.1.2 For vertical tanks (see Figure C4),two altematives altemative means of emptying are not available.
(Paragraphs and are recommended de-
pending on tank size. 3.3.5 Vel~citycriteria~shalI
be considered when sizing the
outlet. For tanks up to 13 m (40ft) in diameter there
are two options for tank support. 3.4 Vents

a) Tanks can be supported on a raised reinforced 3.4.1 Thevent shall be located at the high point of thetank
concrete slab foundation that is sloped and grooved to to prevent hydrogen build-up.
drain any water or leakage.
3.4.2 Vents shall be designed to minimize moisture in-
b) Tanks can be supported on steel I-beams for gress.
improved leak detection, and the beams are frequently
set on concrete piers; however, see Paragraph2.8.2.2. 3.4.3 A nitrogen blanket with conservation venting for
environmental protection and moisture ingress prevention For largertanks, a concrete ring wallfounda- may be considered.
tion with compacted granular fill and clean, washed
sand topping is recommended. 3.4.4 In the case of tanks containing oleum, off-gases
must be dealt with according to applicable regulations. Fortanksonconcretefoundations, asuitable
skirt shall be provided to prevent water from running 3.5 Manholes and Side Nozzles
under the bottom plate (see Figure Cl).
3.5.1 Suitable access manholes shall be provided (see Caulking between tank bottom and founda- Figure C2 for vertical tanks).
tion may interfere with drainage. Any such caulking
must be carefully designed and applied to avoid exter- 3.5.2 Inverticaltanks,manholesandsidenozzlesshallbe
nal corrosion of the tank. flush with the shell.

3.2 Inlet 3.5.3 For side nozzles, a 180"top or 360"resistant lining,

weld overlay, or clad plate projecting 25 mm (1 in.) into the
3.2.1 Tanksshallbefittedwithatopinlet nozzle protruding tank may be provided for protection against hydrogen
at least 150 mm (6in.) into the tank. grooving (see Figures C I and C2).

3.2.2 For vertical tanks, the roof inlet shall be close to the 3.6 Wear Plate
center (see Figure C4) to reduce side-wall attack (see
Figure C5). A recommended altemative to a top inlet nozzle For vertical tanks, a wear plate of sufficient size and thickness
is adiptubethat issupported byguidesattachedtotheshell shall be seal welded to the bottom of the tank directly beneath
(see Figure C4), located as far away as practical from the the inlet and outlet pipe (see Figure Cl).
side wall, fitted to within approximately 0.6 m (2 ft) of the
bottom (see Figure Cl),and that contains a siphon break 3.7 Roof of Vertical Tanks
hole pointing toward the tank center (see Figure C6).
3.7.1 The roof should be sloped and self-supporting. Roof
3.2.3 Vel~citycriteria~shall
be considered when sizing the support girders should be installed externally.
3.7.2 For large-diametertanks, internal support columns
3.3 Outlet are acceptable.

3.3.1 Tanks may have a bottom or side outlet with an 3.7.3 Atank designed with a shell-roof connection similar
extemal valve. to Type 111 in Figure C7 can be usedto ensure that a rupture
initiates atthe top connection if the tank is overpressurized.
3.3.2 The extemal outlet valve shall be fitted as close to
the tank as practical. If it is necessary to provide an outlet 3.8 Level Control
elbow before the valve, it shall be of long radius type with
extra-heavy wall. As a guideline, the wall thickness of the Tanks shall be fitted with a suitable level indicator and an
elbow should be aminimum of 3.0mm (0.13in.) thickerthan overflow. Special care must be taken to prevent moisture
the piping installed downstream from the outlet valve. For ingress from the atmosphere.
materials recommendations, see Paragraph 2.6.7.

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NACE RP0294 74 b45298L 0500584 985 U


3.9 Heating Systems between the coils and the tank wall and a temperature
control system is installed.
3.9.1 In areas where acid-freezing temperatures are pos-
sible (seeFigure Al), a suitable heating system and proper 3.9.4 The temperature of carbon steel surfaces in contact
insulation are important aspects of tank design. with sulfuric acid shall be kept below 40°C (104OF).

3.9.2 Heating by circulation through an external heater is 3.9.5 When insulation is used, the tanks must be pro-
the preferred method. tectedwith asuitablecoatingsystemundertheinsulation.”
The use of insulation materialssuitableto prevent retention
3.9.3 External panel heating coils may be attached to the of moisture (e.g, of the pearlite-silicate type) should be
tankshell. Forheattransfer, aconductivecementisapplied considered.

Section 4 Fabrication and Erection

4.1 Bottom Plate Thickness 4.5.1 All nozzle and manhole welds shall be full-penetra-
tion welds and welded from both sides.
Minimum thickness of the plate used forthe vertical tank bottom
fabrication shall be 13 mm (0.50 in.), taking into consideration 4.5.2 Bottom welds of vertical tanks shall be butt welds.
Paragraphs 2.5 and 2.7. Lap welding shall not be used for bottom fabrication.

4.2 Verification Procedure 4.5.3 Roofs of vertical tanks may be butt or lap welded.

Prior to fabrication, all components shall be verified against mill 4.5.4 The shell-to-bottomjoint shall be a full-penetration
test certificates. weld and welded from both sides with reinforcing fillets.

4.3 Surface Preparation ‘4.6 Internal Welds Below Liquid Level

4.3.1 All areas to be welded shall be cleaned to NACE 4.6.1 All welds shall befull-penetration, exceptforcompo-
Standard RP0178. nentswith lowstrengthrequirementssuchasslip-onflanges,
nozzle liners, and reinforcement pads.
4.3.2 Before the tank is placed in service, all mill scale,
weld flux, and weld spatter must be removed from the 4.6.2 All full-penetration welds should have at least three
internal surface by appropriate methods. layers of weld metalto reducethe risk of leakages. To avoid
slag entrapment, welds should be thoroughly cleaned
4.3.3 All clips for scaffolds, bulldogs, rigging, and all other between passes; see also Paragraph 4.3.1.
construction and erection attachments must be removed
prior to putting the tank in service. Surrounding areas must 4.7 Nondestructive Inspection
be ground smooth and inspected.
4.7.1 Acertificatedinspectionshall be performed andtest
4.3.4 Care must betaken sothat grinding does not reduce results shall be documented before placing the tank in
the parent metal to less than the minimum acceptable wall service (see Section 5).
4.7.2 Techniques and documentation of inspection shall
4.4 Welding Requirements meet the requirements of the reference code or standard.

4.4.1 Weld procedures and filler materials shall comply 4.7.3 Results of inspections shall comply with require-
with reference codes and governing standards. ments of the reference code or standard.

4.4.2 All butt welds shall be full-penetration with 100% 4.7.4 For reference, material thickness shall be tested
fusion through the full thickness of metal. Where practical, especially in areas below andabove inlets, outlets, nozzles,
double-welded butt joints shall be used. and manholes.

4.4.3 With regard to sutfaces to be coated or lined, see 4.7.5 Magnetic-particle or dye-penetrant testing is recom-
NACE Standard RPO178. mended for all welds.

4.4.4 Lap welds should be confined to roof construction of 4.7.6 If thetank bottom is welded in an elevated condition,
vertical tanks; see also Paragraph 4.5.3. The minimum random radiographic testing is recommended. For accep
thickness of lap welds shall be the thickness of the thinnest tance standards, see guidelines in Appendix D (Radio-
plate joined. To avoid crevices, both sides of lapjoints shall graphic Acceptance Standard for Welded Equipment in
be seal welded. Corrosive Service).

4.5 Specific Components

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NACE RP0294 94 9 b 4 5 2 9 8 1 0500585 8 L L


4.7.7 It is recommended that 100% of all vertical seam 4.7.8 Repairs of defects shall be carriedout as necessary
welds of the bottom ring be tested by radiography. For and the repair area reinspected.
vertical seams of all other rings, one random test shall be
conducted. All horizontal-verticalweld intersections of the 4.7.9 Random hardness tests should be performed on
shell shall be radiographed. For acceptance standards, see major vessel seams on the I.D. and on nozzle welds; see
guidelines in Appendix D. also Paragraph 2.6.2.

Section 5: Inspection and Maintenance

5.1 Scope and Inspection Frequency 5.2.2 Tank design and construction details

5.1.1 This section provides guidelines to ensure that (a) Drawing

storage tanks containing concentrated sulfuric acid and
oleum are maintained in a safe condition. These recom- (b) Materials specifications including linings, plates, and
mendations are general guidelines and are considered to welds
be minimum requirements.
(c) Minimum required thickness values
5.1.2 General Inspection Procedures and Personnel
Qualification (d) Corrosion allowance

All tanks shall be subjected to three forms of regular 5.2.3 Components

inspection: a routine extemalvisual examination (see Para-
graph 5.4), an extemal in-service examination (see Para- (a) Valves
graph 5 3 ,and an intemal inspection (see Paragraph5.6).
External in-service examinations and intemal inspections (b) Piping
shall be supervised by a materials engineer or a senior
technician experienced in sulfuric acidtank inspection. The (c) Flange details
inspection program should be guided by a detailed check-
list prepared prior to the inspection. (d) Gaskets

5.1.3 Anexternalin-setviceexamination is recommended 5.2.4 Tank contents

every two years and an intemal inspection every five years.
(a) Acid strengths and temperature conditions for which
5.1.4 The recommendations on inspection frequencies the tank was designed
provided by API 653 should be considered, and deviations
from the examination and inspection frequencies recom- (b) Actual acid strength and temperature conditions
mended in Paragraph 5.1.3 may be decided on the basis of
operating conditions, experience, inspection results, fit- 5.2.5 Civil engineering details, e.g., support, soil, etc.
ness-for-service evaluations, and risk analysis.
5.2.6 Heating and insulation details.
5.1.5 Regardless of the inspection schedule, if any stor-
age tank is likely to have suffered significant damage 5.2.7 Venting system employed.
through improper operation or any other incident, it shall be
taken out of service and subjected to a detailed inspection. 5.2.8 Modifications to the original design concept. For
example, a change in contained fluid to one of higher
5.2 Records specific gravity could result in lowering the maximum liquid
level or reducing available corrosion allowance.
Records for each sulfuric acid and oleum storage tank shall be
kept and shall contain the following information: 5.2.9 Frequency of inspections and the scheduled main-
tenance program laid down by the provisions of these
5.2.1. Tank description recommended guidelines.

(a) Tank reference number 5.2.10 Results of all inspections and maintenance work.

(b) Tanksize 5.2.1 1 Details of any incidents that have occurred.

(c) Tank capacity 5.2.12 Lined tank: The date the lining was applied, the
generic or proprietary name of the liningmaterial used, and
(d) Year commissioned the identification of the applicator should be recorded.

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5.3 Tank Cleaning on-she personnel. In such cases, a visual examination shall be
scheduled at least once per week.
5.3.1 The following proceduresare suggested to prepare
unlined carbon steel sulfuric acid tanks for internal inspec- 5.5 External In-Service Examination
5.5.1 External in-setvice examinations shall consist of Empty tank of sulfuric acid. ultrasonicthicknesstesting and visual examination empha-
sizing critical areas as specified in the following subsec- Verify that vapor phase conditions are not tions. If thetank is insulated,the insulationshall be stripped
explosive before doing any hot work. in test areas. The inspector must ensure that the sulfuric
acid temperature is below 40°C (104°F). Remove as much sludge as possible without
introducing water (e.g., by using a vacuum truck). 5.5.2 For vertical tanks, test as follows: Wash remaining sludge through bottom out- If the top inlet is less than 3 m (10 ft) away
lets or sludge manholes with copious quantities of from the wall, petform the test on a 0.3 m (1 ít) grid to
inhibitedwater. To minimizecorrosion and the buildup determine the corroded area (see Figure C5). For
of a high concentration of hydrogen in the tank, dilute nozzles with a distance of more than 3 m (1O ft) from
sulfuric acid must not be allowed to remain in the tank the wall, a larger grid may be used. A magnetic crawler
for any significant period. Cleaningcontractors may be can be used for measurements in the specified area.
commissionedthat have rotating-headcleaning equip-
ment and specialize in this service. Test the side wall around the tank circumfer-
ence. A test spacing of about 1 m (3 fi) can serve as a When the sludge has been removed, charge guideline.
the tank with soda ash, refit bottom manhole covers,
and fill the tank with water, adding more alkali as Test especially in areas below and above
necessary to maintain a pH greater than 7.0. Neutral- inlets, outlets, nozzles, and manholes.
izing the tank is not necessary if sufficient water is
available so that the tank can be flushed clean and the All nozzle necks should be thoroughly
side and roof washed completely. checked. Empty the tank and check for entry condi- Special attention shouid be given to any
tions (see Paragraph 6.5). areas where corrosion has occurred due to acid dilu-
tion. NOTE: Serious damage may occur if clean-
ing is carried out incorrectly. 5.5.3 For horizontal tanks, test as follows:

5.3.2 The following modifications of the procedures out- As a guideline, test the shell at 0.3 rn (1 ft)
linedin Paragraph5.3.1 are recommendedwhen preparing intervals on a circumferential line running every 1.2 m
for inspection of a sulfuric acid tank with a baked phenolic (4ít) along thetank. In general,the grid usedfortesting
lining. and the number of readings taken are afunction of the
resultsobtained. If measurementsindicateunexpected Great care must be taken to ensure that the results, such as increased attack, additional testing
tools used to clean the tank do not cause mechanical may be necessary.
damage to the tank lining. Scraping or scouring tools
must be used with caution. All openings, inlets, and tanksupportsshould
be thoroughly tested. Neutralizing rinses using alkaline chemicals
should be carried out only with the prior approval of a 5.5.4 For both horizontal and vertical tanks, inspection
materials expert or of the coating manufacturer. should include the following:

5.3.3 Before working on the tank, ensure that the Welds or rivets.
atmosphere inthetankissafe. Consultsafetyexpertcfor
detailed procedures and requirements. Warning: Do not General shell condition, including coating
leave vessels or associated pipework, connections, and insulation. Check for signs of wet insulation. It may
etc., standing while they contain dilute sulfuric acid. be necessary to remove additional insulationto deter-
mine the extent of corrosion.
5.4 Routine External Visual Examination Acid inlet and outlet, overflow nozzle, man-
A regular external visual examination is required to check for holes, and adjacent shell plates.
external corrosion of the tank, support, foundation, or compo-
nents. In most plants, this examination is carried out by opera- Pipework, gaskets, flange bolting, and vent-
tors in the plant area, but there may be storage facilities where ing system.
special arrangements would be necessary because of lack of

6 NACE International

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N A C E RPO294 9 4 m 6452983 0500587 694 m
RP0294-94 Ultrasonic testing of piping, especially in outside surfaces. Special attentionshould be given to
areas with a potential for hydrogen grooving. extemal corrosion of the bottoms of vertical tanks. Valves. A thorough visual inspection to include: 1) all

welds exposed to sulfuric acid; 2) valves; 3) tank Heating systems. nozzle necks; 4) roof support beams; 5) area adjacent
to any manhole; 6) level gauge assembly; 7) heating If any of the above items of inspection show systems; 8) vent nozzles; 9) accessible gasket sur-
any defects such as uniform or local corrosion or faces; and 10) any other areas where corrosion might
cracks, remedial action should be taken without delay. occur due to sulfuric acid dilution.

5.6. Internal Inspection All welds located below the maximum liquid
level shall be cleaned for inspection. Welds shall be
5.6.1 Most tank leaks are caused by localized effects on closely inspected visually for defects such as cracks,
the acid-contacted surface, such as inadvertent dilution or porosity, and excessive corrosion. The inspector may
excessiveturbulence. Such areas are almost impossible to employ more sensitive nondestructive testing tech-
locate with certainty by extemal examination. niques such as penetrant or magnetic-particle testing
in order to confirm resuits of the visual examination.
5.6.2 An intemal inspection of unlined tanks should in-
clude the following: Radiographic examination of piping in critical
areas to locate hydrogen grooving; see also Para- Wall shadowing with flashlight to indicate graph
local attack.
5.6.3 Repairs of defects shall be carried out as necessary Ultrasonic thickness test survey of all critical and the repair area reinspected.
areas of tank roof, walls, and floor, with particular
attention to the shell-side area close to the acid inlet 5.6.4 If the tank is lined with a high-temperature baked
nozzles. On pier-supported tanks, the floor should be phenolic, completely inspect the phenolic lining and repair
checked along the lines of support members. Thick- as required. See NACE Publication TPC #2 and NACE
ness measurements may be made from the inside or Standard RP0188 for details.

Section 6: safety and Environmental Concerns

6.1 Sulfuric acid storage tanks must conform to all applicable be located as close to the tank as possible. Long suction
federal, state, and local regulations and requirements. lines must be avoided. If piping is allowed to penetrate the
dike, uneven settlement or expansion may result in line
6.2 Containment Areas cracking or fracture.

The area aroundthe storage tanks and pumps shall be arranged 6.4.3 Safe access to, and escape routes from, the diked
so that any spillage goes to an appropriate containment and area must be provided.
neutralization system.
6.4.4 Care shall be taken to pump out accumulated water
6.3 Protection from Collision Damage in any diked area because any tank leakage or spillage
results in the formation of weak acid that attacks tanks,
Tanks and associated pumps, pipes, and connections located pipes, and foundations and also results in hydrogen evolu-
near roadways or in other situations where they may suffer tion.
impact damage from vehicles shall be protected by suitable
barriers. 6.5 Safety Requirements

6.4 Diking 6.5.1 NOTE: This section provides only general safety
guidelines. For detailed requirements, consult safety ex-
6.4.1 For environmental pollution control, individualdiking perts.
capable of retaining 100% of the tank's capacity is strongly
recommended for newly installed tanks. However, if a 6.5.2 Existing regulations and guidelines for tank entry
single dike is used for two or more tanks, each requiring must be followed.
containment, the dike must be capable of retaining a
minimum of 110% of the capacity of the largest tank. 6.5.3 Safety showers and eye-wash facilities shall be
Requirements may vary according to specific applicable provided in such places and in sufficient numbers to allow
regulations. The dike shall be made of or lined with acid- easyaccessforanyoneworkinginthevicinityofthestorage ,

resistant material and sloped to a sump. tanks. An adequate water supply for washing must always
be available. The water must be kept away from the bulk
6.4.2 Pumpsshallbeinsidethedikeareasothatthey may acid.

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6.5.4 Suitable personal protective clothing must be worn Breathing apparatus and a rescue harness
when carrying out operations within the tank farm. must be readily available for use by anyone working in
a contaminated area.
6.5.5 If a dike has been provided, the following additional
precautions must be taken: Appropriate clothing must be worn for entry

into the restricted or contaminated area.

Immersion Service'' (Houston, TX: NACE Intemational).
1. API A n d a r d 650 (latest revision), 'Welded Steel Tanks for
Oil Storage" (Washington, DC: American Petroleum Insti- 9. NACE PublicationTPC#2,"Coatings and Liningsforlmrner-
tute). sion Service" (Houston, TX: NACE International, 1972).

2. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII (latest 10. NACE Standard RPO188 (latest revision), "Discontinuity
revision), "Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels," (Holiday) Testing of Protective Coatings" (Houston, TX:
Division 1 (New York, N Y American Societyfor Mechanical NACE International).
11. NACE Publication 6H189, "A State-of-the-Art Report on
3. NACE Standard RP0391 (latest revision), "Materialsforthe Protective Coatings for Carbon Steel and Austenitic Stain-
Handling and Storageof Concentrated (9Oto 100%) Sulfuric less Steel Surfaces under Thermal Insulation and
Acid at Ambient Temperatures" (Houston, TX: NACE Inter- Cementitious Fireproofing" (Houston, TX: NACE Interna-
national). tional, 1989).

4. NACE Publication 5A151, "Materials of Construction for ' 12. M. Tiivel, et al., "Carbon Steel Suifuric Acid StorageTank-
Handling Sulfuric Acid (Houston, TX: NACE International, Inspection Guidelines," (North York, Ontario, Canada:
1985). Marsulex Inc., 1986).

5. MTVNACE Sulfuric Acid Materials Adviser ChernCor 1 13. API Standard 510 (latest revision), "Pressure Vessel ln-
(Houston, TX: NACE International; St. Louis, MO: Materials spection Code" (Washington, DC: American Petroleum In-
Technology Institute, 1989). stitute).

6. D. Fyfe, et al., "Corrosion in Sulfuric Acid Storage Tanks," 14. ANSVNB-23 (latest revision), "National Board Inspection
Chemical Engineering Progress 3 (1977). Code" (Columbus, Ohio: NationalBoard of Boiler and Pres-
sure Vessel Inspectors).
7. S.W. Dean, G. D. Grab, "Corrosion of Carbon Steel Tanks
in Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Service," Materials Perfor- 15. API Standard 653 (latest revision), "Tank Inspection, Re-
miince 25, 7 (1986): pp. 48-52. pair, Alteration, and Reconstruction" (Washington, DC:
American Petroleum Institute).
8. NACE Standard RP0178 (latest revision), "Fabrication De-
tails, Surface Finish Requirements, and Proper Design
Considerations for Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for

8 NACE International

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NACE RP0294 94 6 4 5 2 9 8 3 O500589 467


Appendix A
Physical Properties of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid and Oleum

Temperature, (400, Temperature,

"C "F
I 500

.. 400







-100. .
70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120

%SO4 concentration, %

o 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 0
Oleum concentration, %

Figure A l
Boiling and Freezing Pointcl)

1') Source: Kirk-Othmer,Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, vol. 22,3rd ed. (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1983), pp. 199-204.

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NACE RP0294 94 6452981 0500590 189


Specific weight,
- Ibs/gal

- 16

-- 15

- 14

- 13
30°C (86°F)
-.- _I

70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120

H,SO, concentration, YO

20 40 80 100 .60
Oleum concentration, YO

Figure A2
Specific WeighC)

(’) Source: Kirk-Othmer, Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. vol. 2&3rd eâ. (New York, NY John Wley 8 Sons, lw),pp. 195,203.

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NACE RP0294 9Y D 6452783 0500593 015


Appendix 6
Metallic Materials
Table B1
Application Ranges of Selected Nickel Alloys and Stainless Steels for Sulfuric Acid Servid')
(Alloy selection should be based on economic considerations)
HzSO, (% concentration) Material (UNS number)

70 to 100.5 S31254,(2)N10276, N08367, N08024, N08026, N08825, N08028,

N08904, N06022, N06030, N06455, N08926, N06625, N06985,
N08020, N09925, NO6059

90 to 100.5 531600,531603

93 to 100.5 S30400,S30403

Because this table provides only a selection of applicablematerials,it cannot be considered a complete listing. For nominal compositionsand designationdnamas,
see Table B2.
me sulfuric acid temperature should not exceed 25°C (77°F).

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NACE RP0294 9 4 6452981 0500592 T 5 1


Table 62
Nickel and Stainless Steel Allov Commsitions
Material C Cr Cb+Ta Cu Fe Mo Ni Other DesignatiodName
(UNS No.)

N10276 0.02 rnax 14.5-16.5 4.0-7.0 15.0-17.0 reni Co 2.5 max Alloy C 276
W 3.0-4.5

NO8825 0.05 rnax 19.5-23.5 1.5-3.0 rem 2.5-3.5 38.0-46.0 AI 0.2 rnax Alloy 825
Ti 0.6-1.2

NO8028 0.03 max 26.0-28.0 0.6-1.4 rem 3.0-4.0 29.5-32.5 Alloy 28

NO8904 0.020 rnax 19.0-23.0 1.o-2.0 rem 4.0-5.0 23.0-28.0 Alloy 904L

NO6022 0.015 max 20.0-22.5 2.0-6.0 12.5-14.5 rem Co 2.5 max Alloy C-22
W 2.5-3.5

NO6030 0.03max 28.0-31.5 1.O-2.4 13.0-17.0 4.0-6.0 rem Co 0.30-1.50 Alloy G-30
W 1.5-4.0

NO6455 0.015 max 14.0-18.0 3.0 max 14.0-17.0 rem Co 2.0 max Alloy C-4

NO8926 0.020 max 19.0-21.O 0.50-1 5 0 rem 6.0-7.0 24.0-26.0 N 0.1 5-0.25 Alloy 1925 hMo

NO6625 0.10 max 20.0-23.0 3.15-4.15 5.0 max 8.0-10.0 rem AI 0.40max Alloy 625
Ti 0.40 rnax

NO6985 0.015 max 21.O-23.5 0.5 max 1.5-2.5 18.0-21.O 6.0-8.0 rem Co 5.0 max Alloy G-3
W 1.5 rnax

NO8020 0.07 rnax 19.0-21 .O 8xC-1.O 3.0-4.0 rem 2.0-3.0 32.0-38.0 Alloy 20 Cb-3
Alloy 20

NO8367 0.03 rnax 20.0-22.0 0.75 rnax rem 6.0-7.0 23.5-25.5 N 0.1 8-0.25 Alloy AL-6XN

NO8024 0.03 max 22.5-25.0 0.50-1.50 rem 3.5-5.0 35.0-40.0 Alloy 20 MO-4

NO8026 0.03 max 22.0-26.0 2.0-4.0 rem 5.0-6.7 33.0-37.2 Alloy 20 M e 6

S31254 0.02 max 19.5-20.5 0.50-1.00 rem 6.0-6.5 17.5-18.5 N 0.18-0.22 Alloy 254 SMO

NO9925 0.03 rnax 19.5-23.5 0.50 rnax 1.50-3.00 22.0 min 2.50-3.50 38.0-46.0 Ai 0.1 0-0.50 Alloy 925
Ti 1.90-2.40

NO6059 0.010 max 22.0-24.0 1.5 rnax 15.0-16.5 rem AI 0.1 -0.4 Alloy 59
Co 0.3max

S31600 0.08 max 16.0-18.0 rem 2.0-3.0 10.0-14.0 AISI 316

531603 0.030 max 16.0-18.0 rem 2.0-3.0 10.0-14.0 AISI 316L

S30400 0.08 max 18.0-20.0 rem 8.0-10.5 AISI 304

S30403 0.03 max 18.0-20.0 rem 8.0-12.0 AISI 304L

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NACE RP0294 94 W 6452983 0500593 9 9 8


Table 83
Corrosion Allowance for Carbon Steel
H,SO, ("70 Concentration) CorrosionAllowance
(typical values)

70 to e 80 6.0 mm (0.25 in.)

80 to 88 see Paragraph 2.6.4-use limited

> 88 to 99.5 6.0 mm (0.25 in.)

> 99.5 to 100.5 see Paragraph 2.6.4-use limited

> 100.5 3.0 mm (0.1 3 in.)

Appendix C
Illustrations of Recommended Design

180" top or 360" liner;

for material see Table B1

1.8 m (6.0 ft) min.



1 Diptube

Figure C1
Vertical TankSide Outlet Area

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Figure C2
Side Manhole

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Vent inlet Top manhole


NOTE: Tanks may need reinforcing plates at saddles and nozzles.

Figure C3
Horizontal Tank

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Top inlet; TOP

see Figure C6 manhole
I Vent I

Roof/shell joint;
see Figure C7

--I Overflow
I -I

Shell-to-bottomjoint Bottom outlet;

see Figure C8

Figure C4
Vertical Tank

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NACE RP0294 94 m 6 4 5 2 9 4 3 0500597 5 3 3 m

Grid 30 cm x 30 cm (1 ft x 1 ft) typical;

closer spacing if required /-Vent

Side or bottom
outlet nozzles Extent of vertical grooving
(function of tank size and
inlet nozzle location)

Figure C5
Pattern of SideWall Attack Close to Top Inlet Nozzle

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Figure C6
l o p Inlet Nozzle

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Type II Type 111

Figure C7
Typical Roof-to-Shell Joints

Figure C8
Bottom Outlet Nozzle

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NACE R P 0 2 î Y î Y 9 645298% 0500b00 958


Appendix D
RadiographicAcceptance Standard for Welded Equipment in Corrosive Sewice
Section D1: Scope

This appendix provides recommended acceptance levels for This appendix stipulates levels and sizes of defects that are
radiographicinspection of butt welds in corrosive service where more stringent than those allowed in applicable codes and
the materials of construction are carbon steel, stainless steel, standards(') because the codes and standards are directed at
and nickel alloys. noncorrosive environments only.

Section D2: Terminology

Rounded indications-Indications with a maximum length of Aligned indications-A sequence of four or more rounded
three times the width. These may.be circular, elliptical, conical, indications shall be consideredto be aligned when they touch a
or irregular in shape and may have tails. When evaluating the line drawn through the center of the two outer rounded indica-
size of an indication, the tail shall be'included. The indications tions.
may be from any source in the weld such as porosity, slag, or
tungsten. Relevant indications-Onlythose indicationson the radiograph
with a maximum dimension greaterthan 0.3 mm (0.01 in.) shall
Elongated Indications-lndications with a length of more than be considered relevant.
three times the width.

Section D3: Acceptance Criteria

Sections of welds that are shown by radiography to have any of 03.3 Rounded indicationsgreaterthanof thoseshown in Table
the following types of imperfections shall be judged unaccept- D1. The minimum distance between any two rounded indica-
able: tions shall be the greater of 6.0 mm (0.25 in.) or 113 thickness.

D3.1 Any type of crackor zone of incompletefusion or penetra- D3.4 Aligned rounded indications.
tion regardless of its length.
NOTE: Image density of the indications may vary and is not a
D3.2 Any elongatedslaginclusionregardless of its length. Slag criterion for acceptance or rejection.
inclusions in the form of rounded indications shall only be
acceptable within the limitations of Paragraph D3.3.

API Standard 650 (latest revision), Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storagew(Washington, DC:American PetroleumInstitute); ASME Boilerand PressureVessel code,
section VIII, DMsion 1 (latest revision) (New York, NY ASME).

20 NACE International

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Table D1
Maximum Permissible Rounded Indications in Radiographs for 150 mm (6 in.) Length of Weld(’)
mm in. mm2 in? mm in. No. mm in. No.

3.0 0.13 1 .o 0.0015 0.5 0.020 5

4.7 0.19 1.6 0.0025 0.7 0.028 4 0.5 0.020 8

6.3 0.25 2 0.0031 0.7 0.028 5 0.5 0.020 10

13 0.50 4 0.0063 0.9 0.036 6 0.5 0.020 20

19 0.75 6 0.009 1.1 0.044 6 0.6 0.024 20

25 1 .o 8 0.012 1.3 0.052 6 0.7 0.028 20

32 1.25 10 0.016 1.5 0.060 6 0.8 0.032 20

(0 The maximum permissibleindications may be either the limitsindicated under Fine and Mediumin Figures DI and O2 or an assortment of the two, such that the total
pemitted area figure is not exceeded. Examples of assorted indicationsare shown in Figures DI and D2.

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Plate thickness 19 mm (0.75 in.) to 32 mm (1.25 in.)

Assorted Rounded Indications
No. of Rounded
Dimension mm (in.) indications
Medium Fine
Medium Fine
- 0.508 mm (0.020 in.)
3.0 mm (0.13 in.) thickness
Total permitted area 1.O mm 2(0.0015 in?)

0.711 mm (0.028in.) 0.508 mm (0.020 in.)


4.7 mm (0.19 in.) thickness

Total permitted area 1.6 mm '(0.0025 in?)

0.711 mm (0.028 in.) 0.508 mm (0.020in.)

I . . 4
6.3 mm (1.25 in.) thickness
Total permitted area 2 mm 2(0.0031 in?)

0.91 mm (0.036 in.) 0.508 mm (0.020 in.)
3 1 70
- a

13 mm (0.50 in.) thickness

Total permitted area 4 mm2(0.0063 in?)

Figure D1
Typical Number and Size of Indications Permitted in Any 150 mm (6 in.) Length of Weld
Piate Thickness 3.0 mm (0.13 in.) to 13 mm (0.05 in.)

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Plate thickness 3.0 mm (0.13 in.) to 13 mm (0.50in.)

Dimension mm (in.) No. of Rounded

Medium Fine Medium Fine
1 .O mm (0.044 in.) 0.609 mm (0.024 in.)

19 mm (0.75 in.) thickness

Total permitted area 6 mm2(0.009 in.?

1.3 mm (0.052 in.) 0.711 mm (0.028in.)

' .

25 mm (1.O in.) thickness

Total permitted area 8 mm2(0.012 in.?

e Ø

. -*
32 mm (1.25 in.) thickness
Total permitted area 1 O mm2(0.016 in!)

Figure D2
Typical Number and Size of Indications Permitted in Any 150 mm (6 in.) Length of Weld
Plate Thickness 19 mm (0.75 in.) to 32 mm (1.25 in.)


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