Digital Outreach ES 51266171
Digital Outreach ES 51266171
Digital Outreach ES 51266171
Hewlett-Packard Servicios España S.L.
US Fed Tax ID(FEIN): 98-1248814
Register Number: B-82591470
Direct Tax ID: B-82591470
Local Indirect (VAT/GST/S&U): ESB82591470
Entity Address: Calle Vicente Aleixandre, 1 Parque Empresarial
Las Rozas 28232 - Las Rozas, Madrid, SPAIN
Shipping Information
Company name: MESbook
Attention to: Pablo Rodríguez Barreiro
Address: Plaça del Poeta Vicente Gaos, 5,
Address 2:
Address 3:
ZIP/Postal code: 46021
City: València
Country: Spain
Telephone number: 655395887
Fax number:
E-mail address:
Shipping instructions:
For configured products, trade bloc adjuster and exchange rate conversions are applied and rounded at the component level. There
may be slight differences in the total configuration local prices between two configs with the same US$ or Euro base price.
Prices shall remain valid for 30 days unless otherwise stated in this quote or otherwise agreed in a framework agreement. Any time
before the acceptance of this quote HPE shall be entitled to revoke the quote or to replace it by submission of a new quote.