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CLJIP Tampilisan

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The provision of the Section 13 Article 11 of the Philippine Constitution provides that
“That the State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation -building and shall promote
and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well – being and made it the
state policy to protect the best interest of the child. This provision is its fundamental law in
the making of Republic Act 7610 or the Anti -Child Abuse Law and Republic Act 9344 or
the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act which aims to provide a just and humane system of
treating children in Conflict with the Law.

The municipal government of Tampilisan, in its endeavor to promote the rights of

Children and protect them from abuses, has formulated four important documents which we
consider our gifts for them.

The Municipal Child Welfare Code was enacted in April 22, 2001, Municipal Development
Plan for Children, Municipal Investment Plan for Children and the State of the Children’s
Report. The Municipal Child Welfare Code was updated in 2010 and turn into a Municipal
Child and Youth Welfare Code.

The formulation of Comprehensive Local Juvenile Intervention Plan is another

milestone in the history of the municipality in achieving the objective of RA 9344 of
providing a just and humane system of treating children in Conflict with the Law.



The problems and challenges confronting CICL and CAR have been analyzed thru the
use of SWOT in seven thematic (7) areas of analysis - the children’s profile; policies for child
protection; types of social welfare programs, projects and services available; protective
services available for children victims, accused or witness to crimes; facilities for CICL and
CAR; Community mechanisms for the protection of children, CICL and CAR; Community
resources/capacities for child protection, CICL and CAR and the community structures for
the protection of children, CICL and CAR.

The summary of the analysis is presented in the matrix indicating the strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats and its corresponding strategic actions for the
weaknesses and threats identified by the team.

A. SWOT Analysis on the CICL and CAR

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Strategies/

 96% or 96  4% or 4  Convention on  Tampilisan  Intensive
children for children for the rights of identified as campaign on the
every hundred every hundred children (CRC) conflict affected domestic
are safe & are vulnerable  Philippine area in violence
protected from to risk of Agenda 21 for Mindanao  Conduct on
harm becoming children  Recruitment of massive
CICL  National laws children to campaign
 2 children per on the become lawless against illegal
thousand are protection of element recruiter
law offenders children  Illegal  Conduct IEC on
of CICL  RA 9344 recruiters of the lawless
 Parents have minors for elements
vices (alcohol, domestic
babae/ helpers
panlalaki, sugal  In-migration
at sigarilyo)
High awareness of  2 children per RA 7610 In-migration Continuing
children on their thousand are RA 9344 Advocacy on RA
rights exposed to 7610 and RA
domestic 9344
High participation  ___ school DepEd Program
rate children aging geared toward
below 12 to 17 child protection
are children at
risk (CAR)
 Expose to

B. SWOT Analysis on Ordinances and Policies for Child Protection

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
 Strong support  Weak National policies  Judicial  Strict
& commitment implementation of on protection of system quite implementation of
of the ordinance children (RA slow in the ordinance and
Legislative  No laid out 7610, RA 9344 litigation of other laws for the
body in diversion program & RA 9262) cases protection of
formulation of for the CICL children
policies for
child protection

C. SWOT Analysis on the Programs and Services for Child Protection, CICL and CAT
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Strategies/

 Availability of  Insufficient Bahay pag-asa   Formulation of
programs & funds for the provided shelter diversion program
services for CICL & CAR care for CICL & for the CICL &
the CICL &  Not well abused children CAR
CAR defined  Massive info drive
diversion on ordinance
program for  Strict
the CICL implementation of
 Domestic ordinances
  Prevalence of _____ households  4Ps  There must a strict
families availed the 4Ps conditionalities monitoring and
earning below program and policies not evaluation of the
food Available localized for 4Ps program
threshold sustainable LGUs are not
 Prevalence of livelihood involved in the
families program (SLP) policy
earning below of the DSWD formulation due
poverty and the LGU for to the project
threshold the 4Ps prohibition
 Subsistence members  Increasing trend
families off Philhealth
cannot sustain premium from
its health care 2,400 to 3,300
 Presence of  Legal assistance  
legal from Bahay
assistance Pag-asa
from the
for abuse

D. SWOT Analysis on the Facilities for CICL and CAR

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
 Capable for the  No building Infra support  Not within the  Needs policy
construction of present program thru menu of reforms on the
rehab/ shelter  Transfer to Bahay KC-NCDDP programs KC-NCDDP
building Pag-asa at AM/LGSF provided menu
Polanco, ZdN funding  Allocation on  Needs policy
20% EDF 20% may reforms in the
hamper other LGSF/AM
programs and programs
infra programs  Construction

programs for
20% EDF
funding until
completion of
the facility
 Allocation of  Insufficient funds Presence of Memo   Fund sourcing
1% for the for children’s Circular for the for children
MCPC needs allocation of the
 Possible re- MCPC
alignment of funds Presence of
during the foundation/
implementation institutions
outside the
province and
even in

E. SWOT Analysis on Community/Mechanisms for the Protection of Children

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
 Adopted a  Community DILG   Sustain the
community referral system conceptualize community
referral system not sustain referral system referral system

F. SWOT Analysis on Community Resources/ Capacities for Child Protection, CICL

and CAR
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
 Presence of 1%  Insufficient    Increase
allocation for funds to support allocation thru
children children’s GAD programs
programs and for the CICL
projects and CAR
 Insufficient
funds for the

G. SWOT Analysis on Community Structures for the Protection of Children, CICL and
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
 20 organized  Not all BCPC DILG Memo  Change of  Conduct
BCPC are functional Circular administration strengthening/
due to Barangay reorganizing
Elections activities on
 ___ organized  Not all DepEd Memo   Conduct
school-based organized creating a strengthening
children children Children activity to
protection protection Protection School-based
committee committee are Committee Children
functional Protection
 ___ organized  Uncertainty on RA 8371  Influence of the  Establishment of
IP council of the modern world the School of
Elders sustainability of living traditions
the council of  Establishment of
Elders due to a Tribal hall
Culture and the
tradition to the
 Functional  DILG policies on  Change of  Conduct of
MCPC the functionality administration reorientation of
of MCPC due to local newly elected
election officials

III. Goals and Expected Results

The goals and expected results are geared towards the achievement to one of the
elements of the shared vision of the municipality that Tampilisanons will become child
responsible individuals. The expected results or outcome will drive the team to fulfill the
mission of the municipality to become and efficient and effective service provider to the

Shared Vision: “A progressive and competitive agro-industrial and

eco-tourism hub of the province, with people who
are empowered, God- fearing, peace-loving, and

healthy, living comfortably in a resilient
environment through a just, transparent, and
accountable governance.”

Shared Mission: “To enhance the right of the people to a balanced

ecology, promote health and safety, maintain
peace and unity, and preserve and enrich the
Tampilisanon’s cultural heritage.”

Goal 1: Fulfilment of the rights of children and ensuring that children in all circumstances be
not in conflict with the law.

1. To reduce the vulnerability of children to become CICL and CAR
2. To reduce the number of CICL and CAR by 20% annually

Outcome 1. Local support institutions have mainstreamed and integrated child rights in
their development policies, plans, budgets and agenda.

 100% of the BLGUs incorporated the allocation for children in their AIP
 100% utilization of the 1% allocation for children in the M/BLGUs
 Adoption and implementation of the BLGU of the Youth and Child Welfare Code
 BCPC strengthened and functional
 Council of elders reports mediated cases to MCPC and BCPCs
 100 % of the Purok Officials are Child rights advocates
 100% of the Children Protection Committee of the ____ Schools are strengthen
and functional
 100% inter-faith based organization re-organized
 Incentives/Awards are given to child-friendly support families and institution

Lead Office: MLGOO

Implementing Partners: MSWDO, MTO, MBO, PNP-WCPD, MHO, DepEd

Supervisor, IP Chieftain and MPDC

Target (By year)

Outputs Activities
2024 2025 2026
1. BLGUs  Conduct barangay 20 BLGUs 20 BLGUs 20 BLGUs
incorporated the 1% budget review
allocation for
children in their

annual budgets
2. M/BLGU have  Conduct strict 1 MLGU 1 MLGU 1 MLGU
100% utilization of monitoring in the 20 BLGUs 20 BLGUs 20 BLGUs
the 1% allocation utilization of the 1%
for children allocation for children
3. GAD Code,  Conduct 20 BLGUs 20 BLGUs 20 BLGUs
Children’s Code, ordinance/policies
and Child and formulation and
Youth Welfare implementation
Code adopted by tracking at the
the BLGUs barangay level
4. M/BCPCs are  Conduct re-orientation 1 MLGU 1 MLGU
strengthened and seminar for M/BCPCs 20 BLGUs 20 BLGUs
5.  Conduct orientation to
IP Council of Elders ___ IP Council ___ IP ___ IP
reported mediated IP Council of elders in Elders Council Council
cases to MCPCs the filling up of the Elders Elders
and BCPCs monitoring form
6.  Conduct of massive
Purok Officials are __ puroks __ puroks
child rights IEC on the rights of
advocates children and other
related laws to all
 Commitment session __ purok __ purok
of the purok leaders as leaders leaders
child advocates
7. Children Protection  Conduct re-orientation __ schools
Committee are training on the rights of
strengthen and children and other
functional related laws
8. Interfaith based-  Conduct of the re- __ re-
organization re- organization meeting organization
organized for the Municipal Inter- meeting
faith organization
9. Incentives/ awards  Conduct assessment 20 BLGUs 20 BLGUs 20 BLGUs
are given to child- for the search for
friendly support Child-friendly
institutions Barangay (note:
adopted design
assessment tool of
NEDA, DILG, Liga ng
mha Barangays &
UNICEF-forms A &
 Awarding of the top 3 3 barangays 3 barangays 3 barangays
Child-Friendly every 6th day every 6th day every 6th day
barangays of February of February of February

Outcome 2. Rights of the Child internalize in the homes of Tampilisanons

 100% inclusion on the Family Development Session (FDS) of the rights of the
child of the 4Ps members
 100% of 4Ps members internalize right of the child in their homes
 100% of the non- 4Ps HHs have internalize the rights of children in their homes
 Child friendly indicators be included in the search for model homes
 Incentives/rewards are given to Child friendly homes

Lead Office: MSWDO

Target (By year)

Outputs Activities
2024 2025 2026
1. 4Ps members re-  Conduct re-orientation ____ 4Ps
oriented on the training/seminar on the members
rights of the child CRC and other related
during FDS and laws for children
internalized in their during the FDS
 Conduct Family ____ 4Ps
Assessment of the members
Child friendly
indicators re:
application in their
homes (note: the
assessment tool to be
used is the adopted
designed assessment
tool by the NEDA,
UNICEF –form A)
2. Non-4Ps members  Conduct Massive re- _____ HHs
are re-oriented on orientation on the CRC
the rights of the and other related laws
child and internalize for children to non-
it their homes 4Ps members
 Conduct Family _____ HHs _____ HHs _____ HHs
Assessment of the
Child friendly
indicators re:

application in their
homes (note: the
assessment tool to be
used is the adopted
designed assessment
tool by the NEDA,
UNICEF –form A)
3. Indicators in the  Conduct review/ 1 review/
child-friendly revision conference on revision
assessment included the assessment tool for conference
in the search for the model homes
model homes
4. Model homes are  Conduct of awarding Every 6th day Every 6th Every 6th
awarded and ceremony for model of February day of day of
recognized homes February February

Goal 2: To be able to achieve the full development of a child through the diversion,
rehabilitation and reintegration of the child in the community.

To deliver the needed programs and interventions for the full development of the

Outcome 1. Local support institutions are capable of handling diversion program of


 100% of M/BCPCs are trained in diversion program
 100% of M/BCPCs are trained to handle counselling of CICL and CAR

Lead Office: MLGOO

Implementing Partners: MSWDO, PNP-WCPD

Target (By year)

Outputs Activities
2024 2025 2026
1. M/BCPCs, CPCs,  Conduct training on ____ LCPCs ____ LCPCs ____ LCPCs
Council for Elders diversion program
are trained on
diversion program
2. M/BCPCs, CPCs,  Conduct training on ___ LCPCs

Council of Elders counseling of CICL ___ School
are trained to handle and CAR based CPC
counseling on CICL ___ IP Council
and CAR elders

Outcome 2. MCPC is capable of handling secondary and tertiary interventions

 Establishment/Construction of Rehab Center
 Rehab Center operationalized

Lead Office: MSWDO

Implementing Partners: MBO, MTO, MEO

Target (By year)

Outputs Activities
2024 2025 2026
1. Rehab Center  Construction of rehab 1 building
established and center constructed
2. Rehab center is  Hiring of houseparent 1 houseparent

Outcome 3. LCPCs are capable of the rehabilitation and reintegration processes.

 LCPCs are trained and knowledgeable in handling on the rehabilitation and
reintegration processes
 Monitoring and tracking of rehabilitated and reintegrated CICL

Target (By year)

Outputs Activities
2024 2025 2026
1. LCPCs are trained  Conduct training/ ___ LCPCs
and knowledgeable seminar on
on rehabilitation rehabilitation and
and reintegration reintegration of CICL
2. Rehabilitation and  Conduct monitoring 4 monitoring 4 monitoring 4 monitoring
reintegrated CICL and tracking of and tracking and tracking and tracking
monitored and rehabilitated and
tracked reintegrated CICL


The local Juvenile Intervention Plan has identified four program components which is
necessary in the achievement of goals, expected results and outcomes that respond to the
identified problems and issues confronting children, CICL and CAR.

The program components are the following:

a. Advocacy Program
b. Capability Building Program
c. Reproduction of the Referral forms and Assessment Manuals for Model Homes
d. Social Infra Support

The project brief of the identified program components are presented below:

Project Brief 1: Advocacy Program

A. Basic Information
Name of Project: Advocacy Program
Municipality Tampilisan, Zamboanga del Norte
Lead Office: MLGOO
Implementing Partners: MSWDO, MHO, PNP, DepEd
Supervisor, MPDC
Target Outputs: 1. Local Support Institutions (MCPC,
BCPC, CPC, IP Council of Elders
and Inter-faith organization)
advocated re: Child Laws and
related ordinances
Location of the Project: All 20 barangays
Required Budget:
Requested from the National Php 650,000.00
Government (JJWC)
Local counterpart 50,000.00
Total: Php 700,000.00

B. Project Rationale

The achievement of the full development of the child and the sustainability of
the delivery of the different interventions will be greatly dependent on the capacity
of the local institutions. The three year term of the local officials always paused a
threat to the sustainability of the programs and projects for children, CICL and CAR.
There must be a continuing advocacy for local officials and other local institutions to
achieve the following objectives:

1. To increase level of awareness on the rights of the child and the
2. To formulate policies to support child’s protection and the diversion
program for CICL
3. To innovate programs for the rehabilitation and reintegration of CICL

C. Project Description

The project undertakes different activities in its project development cycle-

from the pre-implementation, implementation and post –implementation phase. The
breakdown of the project activities is presented in the matrix below:

Program/ Project Phase Activities

1. Pre-implementation Phase 1. Conduct CICL and CAR Mapping
2. Data presentation to MCPC
2. Implementation Phase 1. Conduct of onsite advocacy training
(2 days for the 20 barangays)
2. Re-orientation on child laws and
3. Formulation of policies re: child
protection and diversion programs
3. Post-implementation Phase 1. Reproduction of monitoring report
form re: policy tracking report and
other child related reports
2. Regular submission of monitoring

D. Proposed Budget Breakdown

The breakdown of proposed budget is presented below:

Program/ Project Phase Activities Proposed Budget

1. Pre- 1. Conduct CICL and CAR Php 20,000.00
implementation Mapping
2. Data presentation to 10,000.00
2. Implementation 1. Conduct of onsite 570,000.00
Phase advocacy training (2 days
for the 20 barangays)
2. Re-orientation on child
laws and ordinances

3. Formulation of policies
re: child protection and
diversion programs
3. Post- 1. Reproduction of 100,00.00
implementation monitoring report form
Phase re: policy tracking report
and other child related
2. Regular submission of
monitoring report
Total: Php 700,000.00

Project Brief 2: Capability Program

A. Basic Information
Name of Project: Capability Program
Municipality Tampilisan, Zamboanga del Norte
Lead Office: MSWDO
Implementing Partners: MSWDO, MHO, PNP, DepEd
Supervisor, MPDC
Target Outputs: 1. 20 Barangay Chairmen area
capacitated to issue Barangay
Protection Order
2. 100% of M/BCPCs are trained in
diversion program
3. 100% 100%ofM/BCPCs are trained
to handle counselling of CICL and
4. 100% of the school based Children
Protection Committee (CPC) are
trained to handle counselling of
CICL and CAR together with their
5. 100% of the organized Council of
Elders are trained to handle
counselling of CICL and CAR

6. 100% of the MCPCs are trained on
the rehabilitation and reintegration
process of CICL
Location of the Project: All 20 barangays and all schools
Required Budget:
Requested from the National Php 650,000.00
Government (JJWC)
Local counterpart 50,000.00
Total: Php 700,000.00

B. Project Rationale

The Municipal and Barangay Council for the Protection of Children need to be
capacitated for the achievement of the full development of the child and the
sustainability of the delivery of the different interventions will be greatly dependent
on the capacity of the local institutions. The three-year term of the local officials
always paused a threat to the sustainability of the programs and projects for children,
CICL and CAR. There must be a continuing advocacy for local officials and other
local institutions to achieve the following objectives:

1. To increase level of awareness on the rights of the child and the

2. To formulate policies to support child’s protection and the diversion
program for CICL
3. To innovate programs for the rehabilitation and reintegration of CICL

C. Project Description

The project undertakes different activities in its project development cycle-

from the pre-implementation, implementation and post –implementation phase. The
breakdown of the project activities is presented in the matrix below:

Program/ Project Phase Activities

1. Pre-implementation Phase 1. Conduct CICL and CAR Mapping
2. Data presentation to MCPC
2. Implementation Phase 1. Conduct of onsite advocacy training
(2 days for the 20 barangays)
2. Re-orientation on child laws and
3. Formulation of policies re: child
protection and diversion programs
3. Post-implementation Phase 1. Reproduction of monitoring report
form re: policy tracking report and
other child related reports

2. Regular submission of monitoring

D. Proposed Budget Breakdown

The breakdown of proposed budget is presented below:

Program/ Project Phase Activities Proposed Budget

1. Pre-implementation 1. Conduct CICL and CAR Php 20,000.00
Phase Mapping
2. Data presentation to 10,000.00
2. Implementation 1. Conduct of onsite 570,000.00
Phase advocacy training (2
days for the 20
2. Re-orientation on child
laws and ordinances
3. Formulation of policies
re: child protection and
diversion programs
3. Post- 1. Reproduction of 100,00.00
implementation monitoring report form
Phase re: policy tracking report
and other child related
2. Regular submission of
monitoring report
Total: Php 700,000.00


The municipal government is going to strengthen the referral system on child

protection. It must be institutionalize at the barangay level. The coordination mechanisms
through reporting and proper documentation of cases be established and/ or strengthen.

The reporting of cases made through the community referral form for cases against
general welfare formulated by the Department of Interior and Local Government will be
adopted by the municipal government. The reporting of cases is to be activated to protect
children from harm and abuses of domestic violence and other forms of abuses that will
greatly affect the survival, development, protection and participation rights of children ( see
referral form).

The referral form is to be prepared by the Secretariat of the Barangay Council for the
Protection of Children and to be submitted to the Municipal Council for the protection of
children emphasizing the action taken and the recommendations. The reports of the member
line agencies are consolidated to form part of the State of the Children’s Report.

(Cases Against General Welfare)
(illegal number games, card games, illegal drugs and VAWC
Date: Report To:

Report from: Prepared by:

Position: Institution:


Name of the Child Nickname:

Sex Male Female

Age Birthdate:

School: Grade:

Address: Parents/Guardian:

Reason for the Suspect for

Report physical abuse

Suspect for
sexual abuse

Suspect of

Others please

Findings or

Action Taken &



The municipal Government of Tampilisan, Zambonga del Norte, in the absence of the
Local Juvenile Justice Information System, is going to have a manual Monitoring and
Evaluation using the assessment tool developed by the UNICEF, NEDA, DILG and the
LIGA NG MGA BARANGAY SA PILIPINAS for Child friendly barangays that set
standards for rating the families in the Barangay and standards for rating the institution in the
barangay. The other assessment will be based on the Result Matrix as develop during the
formulation of the Comprehensive Local Juvenile Intervention Program (as attached).

The assessment of the families based on the assessment book for child friendly
barangays have 4 types of rating from poor, to one star, 2 stars and three stars with its
equivalent set percentage per indicators. It has 28 indicators that will correspond to the rights
of the child. The set of indicators for the assessment of family as adopted is presented in the
Matrix below:

Family Assessment Tool:

Indicator Pertaining to Families in the No. Data Poor
1. Children 0-17 years old are registered at Less than 90% 95% 100%
birth 90%
2. Infants are exclusively breastfeed up to 6 Less than 75% 85% 100%
months 75%
3. Under 1 year old children have Less than 80% 90% 100%
immunization for tuberculosis, diphtheria, 79%
pertussis, tetanus, polio and measles
4. Children 0-2 years old are weighed Less than 80% 90% 100%
monthly 79%
5. Children 0-6 years old are well nourished Less than 80% 90% 100%
6. Children 1-5 years old are given Vitamin Less than 75% 85% 100%
A tablets 2X a year (200,000 IUs each 75%
7. Birth are attended by trained personnel Less than 75% 85% 100%
8. Pregnant Women get at least 4 prenatal Less than 80% 90% 100%
checkup (include only those who gave 80%
birth the preceding year during the date
of evaluation)
9. All pregnant mothers are immunized Less than 80% 90% 100%
against tetanus (include only those who 70%
gave birth the preceding year during the
date of evaluation)
10. Pregnant/lactating mothers are given Less than 80% 90% 100%
vitamin A (1-capsule) 70%
11. Pregnant/lactating mothers are given Less than 80% 90% 100%
iron (1tab. Of 60 mgs. Elemental iron + 70%
400 mcgs. Of folic acid daily for 6 mos.

Or a total of 180 tabs for pregnant
women; 1 tab daily starting after delivery
for 3 months or total of 90 tablets)
12. Pregnant women have access to Less than 80% 90% 100%
emergency obstetric care 80%
13. Women who gave birth last year had two Less than 75% 85% 100%
years apart from the previous childbirth 75%
14. Children 3-5 years old are in ECCD Less than 50% 75% 100%
centers such as day care centers or 50%
other early psycho-social stimulation
15. Children 6-12 years old are in Less than 95% 97% 100%
elementary school 95%
16. Children 13-17 years old are in high Less than 70% 75% 100%
school 70%
17. Children in elementary school who Less than 77% 80% 100%
enrolled 6 year ago complete Grade 6 77%
18. Children who graduate in high school Less than 50% 75% 100%
pass achievement tests 50%
19. Children who graduate in high school Less than 50% 75% 100%
pass achievement tests 50%
20. Out-of-school children are given Less than 60% 75% 100%
alternative education 60%
21. Illiterate parents caregivers of children Less than 50% 75% 100%
attend functional literacy classes and/ or 50%
effective parenting skills
22. Children engaged in exploitative and Less than 50% 75% 100%
hazardous labor, prostitution and 50%
pornography no longer experience these
during the assessment period
23. Cases of violence/abuse involving Less than 50% 75% 100%
children are resolved within a year 50%
24. Children 12-17 years old are engaged in Less than 20% 40% 60%
socio- cultural and community 20%
development activities
25. Families have access to safe drinking Less than 50% 75% 100%
water 50%
26. Families use sanitary latrines Less than 60% 75% 100%
27. Families use iodized salt Less than 80% 90% 100%
28. Fathers participate in child-rearing Less than 20% 40% 60%
responsibilities 20%

There are 10 indicators for the assessment of the institutional capacity to protect
children and promote their rights.

Institutional Assessment Form:

Institutions in the barangay Poor
1. The BCP and/or ECCD Coordinating Committee is No Yes
functional in your barangay
2. There is a development plan focused on children No Yes
3. The child – focused plan was formulated with the No Yes
participation of children’s organizations
4. Katarungang Pambarangay has updated information on No Yes
cases involving children
5. Katarungang Pambarangay has resolved at least 80% of No Yes
the cases concerning children in the last year
6. Updated health and nutrition posts exist for every 20-30 No Yes
7. ECCD serve at most 30 children per class No Yes
8. A communication system focused on children (i.e. data No Yes
board, radio program, etc.) is in place
9. Legislation are passed to address the plight of children No Yes

The other tool that will be used in the monitoring and evaluation is the Result Matrix
that is being formulated during the formulation of the Comprehensive Local Juvenile
Intervention Program with the Goal, outcome and output and indicators as presented in the
Result Matrix below.


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