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Sujective Test 1-4

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cixÿv_©xi bvg

wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cixÿv- 2023

welqwfwËK cixÿv Ñ 01
evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨
†mU †KvW- A
c~Y©gvb: 100 mgq: 50 wgwbU
1. wb‡Pi †KvbwU fvlvi †gØwjK Ask? 17. ev‡K¨ Kgv A‡cÿv †ewk weiwZi cÕ‡qvRb n‡j Kx e‡m?
K. mwÜ L. eY© M. kã N. DcmM© K. †Kvjb L. W¨vk
2. Ômvayfvlv× cwifvlvwU cÕ_g e¨envi K‡ibÑ M. †mwg‡Kvjb N. `uvwo
K. ivRv gwb‡gvnb ivq L. ivRv ivg‡gvnb ivq 18. ÖB‡jK wPýÓ Gi Bs‡iwR bvg Kx?
M. Ck^iP›`ª we`¨vmvMi N. Aÿq Kzgvi `Ë K. Asterisk L. Apostrophe
3. ÔRy‡Zv× kãwU †Kvb fvlvixwZi? M. Quotation Mark N. Semicolon
K. mvay L. PwjZ M. cÖvK…Z N. †Kvj 19. mwÜi cÖavb myweav wK?
4. ÔmwÜ× e¨vKi‡Yi †Kvb As‡ki Av‡jvP¨ welq? K. D”Pvi‡Yi myweav L. †jLvi myweav
K. iƒcZË¡ L. aŸwbZË¡ M. c`µg N. evK¨ cÖKiY M. †kvbvi myweav N. covi myweav
5. “Vocabulario Em Idioma Bengalla E Portuguez: 20. mwÜ-we‡”Q` Ki: Dchy©cwi
Dividido Emduas Partes’ eBwU KZ mv‡j cÕKvwkZ nq? K. Dcwi+ Dcwi L. Dch© + cwi
K. 1733 L. 1743 M. 1778 N. 1833 M. Dc + hy©cwi N. Dc + Dcwi
6. evsjv ¯^ie‡Y© Aa©gvÎvi eY© KqwU? 21. C + B = C (x) GB wbq‡g mwÜRvZ kã †KvbwU?
K. 8wU L. 10wU M. 1wU N. 4wU K. kÖxk L. gnx›`ª M. AZxZ N. cixÿv
7. jvd > dvj †Kvb ai‡bi aŸwb cwieZ©‡bi `„óvšÍ? 22. ÔcÕvZivk× k‡ãi mwÜ-we‡”Q` †KvbwU?
K. welgxfeb L. aŸwb wech©q K. cÖvZt + Am L. cÖvZt + ivk
M. aŸwb‡jvc N. e¨ÄbvMg M. cÖvZt + Avk N. cÖvZ + ivk
8. †KvbwU ï× evbvb? 23. mgv‡mi ixwZ †Kvb fvlv †_‡K AvMZ?
K. K…wlwRwe L. K…wlRxwe M. K…lxwRwe N. K…wlRxex K. Aviwe L. dviwm M. Bs‡iwR N. ms¯‹…Z
9. kã MV‡bi Rb¨ kã ev bvg cÕK…wZi Ges wµqvcÕK…wZi c‡i †h 24. c~e©c` I cic` Df‡qiB A_©cÕvav‡b¨i wfwˇZ wb®úbœ nq
kãvsk hy³ nq, Zv‡K wK e‡j? †Kvb mgvm?
K. cÖZ¨q L. cÖZ…wZ M. AbymM© N. DcmM© K. Ø›Ø L. Kg©aviq M. wظ N. Zrcyiæl
10. ÔMgb× k‡ãi g~j avZz †KvbwU? 25. ÔeK avwg©K× †Kvb mgv‡mi D`vniY?
K. MwZ L. MZ M. Mg¨ N. Mg& K. ga¨c`‡jvcx Kg©aviq L. Dcgvb Kg©aviq
11. †KvbwU‡Z DcKiY †evSv‡Z cÕZ¨q hy³ nq? M. DcwgZ Kg©aviq N. iƒcK Kg©aviq
K. cv_y‡i L. †g‡Sv M. †Mu‡qv N. †b‡q 26. ÔjvVvjvwV× †Kvb mgvm?
12. AbymM© k‡ãi †Kvb Lv‡b e‡m? K. cÖvw` mgvm L. e¨wZnvi eûeªxwn mgvm
K. c~‡e© L. c‡i M. Zrcyiæl mgvm N. Kg©aviq mgvm
M. g‡a¨ N. †Kv‡bvwUB bq 27. Ôc‡KUgvi× †Kvb mgv‡mi D`vniY?
13. ÔAcgvb× k‡ãi ÔAc× DcmM©wU †Kvb A‡_© e¨eüZ? K. cÂgx Zrcyiæl L. Dcc` Zrcyiæl
K. wecixZ L. wbK…ó M. weK…Z N. Afve M. cÖvw` mgvm N. eûeªxwZ mgvm
14. ¯¿x RvZxq KvD‡K m‡¤^vab Kivi mgq †KvbwU e¨envi Ki‡Z 28. iex›`ªbv_ cojvg, bRiæj cojvg, Gi myivnv Lyu‡R †cjvg
n‡e? bv|ÓÑ ev‡K¨ wb¤œ‡iL kãØq †Kvb Kvi‡K †Kvb wefw³?
K. myR‡bly L. m„R‡bmy M. myRbxqvmy N. myRwbqvly K. K‡g© 1gv L. K‡g© 3q
15. †KvbwU wbZ¨ ¯¿xevPK evsjv kã? M. KZ©vq 1gv N. m¤úª`v‡b 1gv
K. weavZv L. AšÍt¯^Ë¡v M. mcZœx N. wecZœx 29. Ö¸iæR‡b fw³ Ki|Ó ÑÔ¸iæR‡b× †Kvb KviK?
16. wb‡Pi †KvbwU‡Z eûeP‡bi Ac-cÕ‡qvM N‡U‡Q? K. KZ…©KviK L. KiY KviK
K. mgy`q cixÿv_©x‡K Awfb›`b M. Kg©KviK N. m¤úª`vb KviK
L. dzj`j w`qv KvwUqv wK weavZv kv¤œvajx Ziæe‡i? 30. ÒNv‡U †bØKv euvav Av‡QÓ ÖNv‡UÓ †Kvb KviK?
M. †Q‡jiv dzUej †Lj‡Q K. HK‡`wkK AvavivwaKiY L. ˆelwqK AvavivwaKiY
N. mKj cwЇZiv AnsKvix nb bv M. fvevwaKiY N. Awfe¨vcK AvavivwaKiY
Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 01
31. wb‡Pi †KvbwU †hvMiƒp k‡ãi D`vniY? 53. †KvbwU AbyÁv?
K. Avw`Z¨ L. evjvK© M. AiwY N. AY©e K. Zzwg hvI L. Zzwg wM‡qwQ‡j
32. wb‡Pi †Kvb kãwU Z™¢e? M. Zzwg hvw”Q‡j N. Zzwg hv”Q
K. nvZ L. KY© M. grm¨ N. Kvh© 54. †Kvb Kvj wbY©q Kiæb: Ô†m ¯‹z‡j wM‡q‡Q×|
33. ÔwMbœx× †Kvb †kÕwYi kã? K. mvaviY eZ©gvb L. cyivNwUZ eZ©gvb
K. Zrmg L. Aa©-Zrmg M. we‡`wk N. Z™¢e M. NUgvb eZ©gvb N. eZ©gvb AbyÁv
34. ÔwiK&kv× kãwU †Kvb fvlv †_‡K G‡m‡Q? 55. †KvbwU ï× evbvb?
K. Rvcvwb L. Pxbv M. Bs‡iwR N. D`y© K. wewflxKv L. wefxwlKv M. exwfwlKv N. exwflxKv
35. ÖPkgvÓ kãwU †Kvb fvlvi kã? 56. †Kvb evbvbwU mwVK?
K. Aviwe L. cZz©wMR M. dviwm N. Rvcvwb K. ¯^imZx L. mi¯^Zx M. mimZ¡x N. ¯^imwZ
36. ÖA¤^iÓ k‡ãi A_©Ñ
57. Ö`vwi`ªZvÓ kãwU Kx Kvi‡Y fzj?
K. AvKvk L. evZvm M. cvwb N. c„w_ex
K. mwÜ Ñ NwUZ Aïw× L. cÖZ¨q Ñ NwUZ Aïw×
37. ÖwØRivRÓ k‡ãi A_© Kx?
M. wj½ Ñ NwUZ Aïw× N. mgvm Ñ NwUZ Aïw×
K. KvwšÍ L. wngKi M. ˆkj N. m~h©
58. ï× evbvb †KvbwU?
38. Òmgy`ªÓ Gi mgv_©K kãÑ
K. Acivý L. Acivnè M. AcivY¨ N. Acivb¨
K. Rj` L. Rjwa M. cÖ‡qv` N. cÖevwnbx
39. ÔFRy× k‡ãi mgv_©K kã †KvbwU? 59. †KvbwU ï× evbvb?
K. †mvRv L. Fÿ M. bÿÎ N. Fwl K. Rv¾¡j¨gvb L. Rv¾j¨gvb
40. Ôev‡gZi× kãwUi A_©Ñ M. RvR¦j¨gvY N. RvR¦j¨gvb
K. evg‡PvL L. BZi M. evgw`K N. Wvb 60. †Kvb evK¨wU ï×?
41. ÔAe©vPxb× k‡ãi wecixZv_©K kã †KvbwU? K. ˆ`b¨ me©`v gn‡Z¡i cwiPvqK bq
K. wbiciva L. cÖvPxb M. AbyR N. Abf¨vm L. ˆ`b¨Zv me©`v gn‡Z¡i cwiPvqK bq
42. ÔAjxKÕ Gi wecixZv_©K kã †KvbwU? M. ˆ`b¨ me©`v gn‡Ë¡i cwiPvqK bq
K. A‡jŠwKK L. †jŠwKK M. ev¯Íe N. Aev¯Íe N. ˆ`b¨Zv me©`v gn‡Ë¡i cwiPvqK bq
43. ÔPcjÕ Gi wecixZv_©K kã- 61. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×?
K. ¯Íä L. VvÐv M. ivkfvix N. M¤¢xi K. Avek¨Kxq e¨‡q Kvc©Y¨ AbywPZ
44. ÖZzwnbÓ k‡ãi wecixZv_©K kã †KvbwU? L. Avek¨K e¨‡q Kvc©Y¨ AbywPZ
K. kxZj L. MÖnY M. DòZv N. wbw`ªZ M. Avek¨Kxq e¨‡q Kvc©b¨ AbywPZ
45. Ô †mØg¨× Ñ Gi wecixZ kãÑ N. Avek¨K e¨‡q Kvc©b¨ AbywPZ
K. Amy›`i L. KzrwmZ M. Kivj N. Kvcyiæl 62. ÔAa©P›`ª× Gi A_©Ñ
46. ‘Intellectual’ k‡ãi A_© †KvbwU? K. Mjvav°v †`qv L. Agvem¨v
K. eyw×Rxex L. eyw×gvb M. †gavex N. gbbkxj M. wØZxqZ N. Kv‡¯Í
47. ‘Null and Void’ Gi evsjv cwifvlv Kx? 63. ÔMvQcv_iÕ evMavivwUi A_©Ñ
K. evwZj L. cvjve`j M. gvgywj N. wbi‡cÿ K. f‚wgKv Kiv L. wnmve-wbKvk
48. ‘Excise duty’ Gi cwifvlvÑ M. Am¤¢e e¯` N. evovevwo Kiv
K. AwZwi³ Ki L. AveMvix ïé 64. Ôcv_‡i cuvP wKjÕ evMavivwUi mwVK A_© Kx?
M. AwZwi³ KZ©e¨ N. Awc©Z `vwqZ¡ K. AwZwi³ myweav L. me©¯^všÍ nIqv
49. Ögwi gwi, wK my›`i cÕfv‡Zi iƒcÓÑ GLv‡b Ab¤^qx Ae¨q Kx M. my‡Li mgq N. av°v mvgjv‡bv
cÕKvk †c‡q‡Q? 65. ÔnvwZi cuvP cv †`Lv×Ñ GB evMavivi A_© Kx?
K. hš¿Yv L. weiw³ M. m¤§wZ N. D”Q¡m
K. AevK nIqv L. M‡e© Avbw›`Z nIqv
50. ev‡K¨i ÿz`ªZg GKK wK?
M. AnsKvi †eva Kiv N. fzj †`Lv
K. Dw³ L. wefw³ M. DcmM© N. kã
66. Ômg‡qi Kv‡R bv jvMv‡j Amg‡q c‡_ †div‡bv KwVb×Ñ GB
51. wb‡Pi †KvbwU RwUj evK¨?
A‡_©i mv‡_ cÕ‡hvR¨ cÕePb †KvbwU?
K. mZ¨ K_v bv e‡j wec‡` c‡owQ
L. whwb Ávbx wZwbB mwZ¨Kvi abx K. wb¸©Y cyiæ‡li †fvRb mvi, K‡ib m`vB gvi gvi
M. ÁvbxivB mwZ¨Kvi abx L. DVwšÍ g~‡jv cˇbB †Pbv hvq
N. wZwb `wi`ª e‡U, wKš` mZ¨ev`x M. b`x, bvix, k„½avixÑ G wZ‡b bv wek^vm Kwi
52. ÔwcÕqse`v h_v_© Kwnqv‡Q|×Ñ evK¨wUi †bwZevPK iƒc wb‡Pi N. KuvPvq bv †bvqv‡j euvk, cvK‡j K‡i Vvm Vvm
†KvbwU? 67. †h ¯^vgxi ¯¿x cÕev‡m _v‡K Zv‡K Kx e‡j?
K. wcÖqse`v h_v_© K‡n bvB L. wcÖqse`v Ah_v_© Kwnqv‡Q K. †cÖvwlZ fZ…©Kv L. cÖevwmbx
M. wcÖqse`v Ah_v_© K‡n bvB N. †Kv‡bvwUB bq M. †cÖvwlZcZœxK N. †cÖvwlZ
Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 01
68. †h †jLK A‡b¨i fve, fvlv cÕf…wZ Pzwi K‡i wb‡Ri bv‡g 84. Ôweivg wPý× e¨vKi‡Yi †Kvb As‡k Av‡jvwPZ nq?
Pvjvq, Zv‡K ejv nqÑ K. aŸwbZ‡Ë¡ L. kãZ‡Ë¡
K. wjwcKvi L. Kzwm`Rxex M. bKjevR N. Kz¤¢xjK M. iƒcZ‡Ë¡ N. evK¨Z‡Ë¡
69. Ôhv ejv nqwb× Ñ GK K_vq n‡eÑ 85. †hØwMK I wgkÕev‡K¨ c„_K fvevcbœ `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK ev‡K¨i
K. AewnZ L. Aby³ M. AevP¨ N. Aby‡jøL mgš^q ev ms‡hvM †evSv‡Z †Kvb weivg wPý e¨eüZ nq?
70. ÖRq Kivi B”QvÓ †K GK K_vq e‡jÑ K. W¨vk L. †Kvjb
K. wRMwglv L. wRMxlv M. wRRxwelv N. w``„ÿv M. †mwg‡Kvjb N. nvB‡db
71. Öÿgvi A‡hvM¨Ó †K GK K_vq e‡jÑ 86. ev‡K¨ we¯§qm~PK (!) wPý _vK‡j KZÿY _vg‡Z nq?
K. ÿgvn© L. ÿgvAZzj¨ M. ÿgvcÖ` N. ÿgvh© K. `yB †m‡KÛ L. GK †m‡KÛ
72. Ômsev` cÕfvKi× cwÎKvwUi cÕwZôvZv m¤úv`K †K wQ‡jb? M. wZb †m‡KÛ N. Pvi †m‡KÛ
K. KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg L. Ck^iP›`ª ¸ß 87. Ökwn`Ó kãwU †Kvb fvlv †_‡K AvMZ?
M. Ck^iP›`ª we`¨vmvMi N. ew¼gP›`ª P‡Ævcva¨vq K. ms¯‹…Z L. wnw›`
73. mRbxKvšÍ `vm m¤úvw`Z cwÎKvi bvg Kx? M. Aviwe N. dviwm
K. kwbev‡ii wPwV L. iweev‡ii WvK 88. †Kvb kãwU dviwm?
M. weRwj N. e½`k©b K. gymvwdi L. ZK&w`i
74. ga¨hy‡Mi cÕ_g Kve¨ †KvbwU? M. †c‡ikvb N. gRjyg
K. k~b¨ cyivY L. WvKvY©e 89. 1923 mv‡j cÕKvwkZ cwÎKv †KvbwU?
M. MxZ †Mvwe›` N. kÖxK…òKxZ©b K. KwjKgj L. meyRcÎ
M. cÖMwZ N. K‡jøvj
75. †ivgvw›UK cÕY‡qvcvL¨vb avivi cÕ_g KweÑ
90. ÔAwMœexYv× Kve¨MÕ‡š’ msKwjZ cÕ_g KweZvÑ
K. gyn¤§` Kwei L. mvwewi` Lvb
K. AMÖcw_K L. we‡`ªvnx
M. †kL dqRyjøvn N. kvn gyn¤§` mMxi
M. cÖj‡qvjøvm N. a~g‡KZz
76. ÔciïivgÕ Kvi QÙbvg?
91. Avjvwj ev û‡Zvwg fvlv ejv nq †Kvb fvlv‡K?
K. gvjvai emy L. mg‡ik emy
K. mvay L. PwjZ M. Bs‡iwR N. ms¯‹…Z
M. gyKz›``vk N. ivR‡kLi emy
92. eªvþxwjwci †Kvb iƒc †_‡K evsjv fvlv G‡m‡Q?
77. †Kvb Kwe evOvwj bv n‡qI evsjv mvwn‡Z¨ ¯^Zš¿ ¯’vb `Lj K‡i
K. mvi`v L. bvMi M. KzlvY N. KzwUj
93. †K me©cÕ_g evsjv UvBc mn‡hv‡M evsjv e¨vKiY gy`ªY K‡ib?
K. we`¨vcwZ L. Rq‡`e
K. m¨vi DBwjqvg †Rvbm& L. m¨vi DBwjqvg †Kwi
M. †Mvwe›``vm N. G‡`i †KD bq
M. ivRxe †jvPb gy‡Lvcva¨vq N. eªvwm n¨vj‡nW*
78. Ôjvjmvjy× Dcb¨v‡mi DcRxe¨ Kx?
94. †KvbwU Iô¨ aŸwb?
K. MÖvg evsjvi mgv‡Ri Awkÿv-Kzwkÿv K. f L. O M. P N. i
L. Pvlx Rxe‡bi KiæY wPÎ 95. ÔcÖvZivkÕ Gi mwÜÑ
M. nvIo A‡ji gvby‡li `yt‡Li Rxeb K. cÖvZ + ivk L. cÖvZt + ivk
N. K…lK mgv‡Ri msMÖvgkxj Rxeb M. cÖvZt + Avk N. cÖvZ + Avk
79. evsjv fvlvq e¨eüZ hwZwPý¸‡jvi KZwU ev‡K¨i †k‡l e‡m? 96. †KvbwU wbZ¨ mgv‡mi D`vniY?
K. 1 L. 2 M. 3 N. 4 K. Ab¨ iƒc L. wg‡ji Afve
80. Öbvbvb †`‡ki bvbv fvlv M. ¯¿xi Afve N. cÖK…ó MwZ
we‡b ¯^‡`wk fvlv, cy‡i wK AvkvÓ? 97. ÔkÕe¨× k‡ãi cÕK…wZ I cÕZ¨q wbY©q K‡ivÑ
cOw³wUi iPwqZv †K? K. kÖæ + e L. kÖ + h
K. Ave`yj nvwKg L. AZzjcÖmv` †mb
M. kÖæ + h N. kÖ + e
M. ivgwbwa ¸ß N. †kL dRjj Kwig
98. ÔMiæ gvsm Lvq×Ñ evK¨wU Aï× †Kb?
81. wb‡Pi †Kvb MÕ‡š’ cÕ_g hwZwP‡ýi mv_©K cÕ‡qvM Kiv nq?
K. AvmwËi Afve L. †hvM¨Zvi Afve
K. KcvjKzÐjv L. †eZvjcÂweskwZ M. A_© A¯úó e‡j N. c`web¨v‡m ÎæwU
M. giæwkqv N. †gNbv` e` 99. ÔG GK weivU mZ¨× GLv‡b ÔmZ¨× †Kvb c` iƒ‡c e¨eüZ
82. gyw³hy× welqK bvUKÑ n‡q‡Q?
K. myePb wbe©vm‡b L. i³v³ cÖvšÍi K. we‡kl¨ L. we‡klY
M. b~iæj`x‡bi mviv Rxeb N. cv‡qi AvIqvR cvIqv hvq M. Ae¨q N. we‡kl‡Yi we‡klY
83. Ph©vc` †Kvb Q‡›` †jLv? 100. ZvobRvZ e¨ÄbaŸwb †KvbwU?
K. Aÿie„Ë L. gvÎve„Ë K. K, N L. P, Q
M. ¯^ie„Ë N. AwgÎvÿi Q›` M. o, p N. c, d
Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 01
cixÿv_©xi bvg
wkÿK wbeÜb cixÿv- 2023
welqwfwËK cixÿv- 02
Bs‡iwR †ivj:
†mU †KvW- B
c~Y©gvb: 100 mgq: 50 wgwbU
01. wRwb‡mi `vg û û K‡i evo‡Q| The English translation of 08. Do not cry down your enemy foe. evK¨wUi mwVK
this sentence is- Abyev` †KvbwU?
a) The price of essential goods is rising leaps and a) kÎæi gvqv Kvbœvq fz‡j †hIbv|
b) kÎæ‡K Lv‡Uv K‡i †`‡Lv bv|
b) The price of essential goods is rising by leaps and
c) kÎæi m‡½ †gjv‡gkv K‡iv bv|
c) The price of essential goods is rising by lips and d) kÎæ †_‡K `~‡i †_‡Kv|
bounds. 09. Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory)
d) The price of essential goods is rising lips and a) How exciting is cricket game!
bounds. b) How an exciting game is cricket!
02. kãwU †K‡U `vI| The English translation of this c) What an exciting game cricket is!
sentence is- d) What an exciting is cricket game!
a) Pen through the word. b) Cut the word.
10. ‘May Allah help you.Õ What kind of sentence is
c) Cut through the word. d) Cut out the word.
03. Rxeb cy®úkh¨v bq| The English translation of this this?
sentence is- a) Assertive b) Optative
a) The life is not bed of roses. c) Imperative d) Exclamatory
b) A life is not bed of roses. 11. ‘All men must die’ (Negative)
c) Life is not bed of roses. a) No men will never die.
d) Life is not a bed of roses. b) None but all men will die.
04. Correct translation of Ô†m Avgvi g‡bi gZ †jvKÕ is- c) Nothing but all men must die.
a) He is a man of my mind. d) None can avoid death.
b) He is a man after my heart.
12. ‘A rolling stone gathers no moss’ the complex
c) He is a man like my mind.
form of the sentence is-
d) He is a man to my mind.
05. KL‡bv Ac‡ii wb›`v K‡iv bv| Choose the correct a) Since a stone is rolling, it gathers no moss.
English translation: b) Though a stone is rolls, it gathers no moss.
a) Never tell of others c) A stone what rolls gathers no moss.
b) Never tell sick of others d) A stone that rolls gathers no moss.
c) Never speak evil of others 13. Give the simple form of the sentence. ‘Study well
d) Never speak ill of others or you will fail!
06. Choose the right Bangla translation of ‘He came a) In case of your studying you will fail.
off with flying colours.’ b) In case of your not studying well you will fail.
a) wZwb †MŠiegq mvdj¨ AR©b K‡ib|
c) Despite your studying well you will fail.
b) wZwb DošÍ is wb‡q G‡mwQ‡jb
d) In spite of your studying you will fail.
c) wZwb is wQUv‡Z wQUv‡Z G‡mwQ‡jb|
14. ‘I do not know the cause of his silence.’ Make it
d) wZwb weR‡qi †MŠie wb‡q G‡mwP‡jb|
07. Man is the measure of all things. Dw³wU fvev_©-
a) I do not know why he is silent.
a) gvby‡li cwigvc Ávb Ab¨‡`i †_‡K fv‡jv|
b) I do not know why he was silent.
b) mevi Dc‡i gvbyl mZ¨ Zvnvi Dc‡i bvB|
c) I know nothing why he is silent.
c) gvbyl mKj e¯‘‡K cwigvc Ki‡Z cv‡i|
d) gvby‡liv wb‡Ri gZ K‡i mZ¨ wba©viY Ki‡Z cv‡i| d) None of these.
Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qY cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 02
15. You should not be a borrower or lender. (Make 25. I shall not ____ the examination this year.
it compound without changing meaning) a) give b) appear at
a) Do not be a borrower and a lender. c) sit d) go for
b) Never be a borrower and a lender. 26. What is the correct sentence?
c) Neither a borrower nor a lender be. a) The reason of my silence is due to my illness.
d) Do not borrow and lent. b) My silence is due to my illness.
c) The reason of my silence is a due to my illness.
16. Do or die (Make it Simple)
d) My silence is due the my illness.
a) By doing you will die.
27. The Arabian Nights ____ still a great favourite.
b) Without doing you will die.
a) has b) arer
c) By doing you won’t die. c) is d) were
d) Without doing you wont’ die. 28. Nipa as well as her brothers (come) to me.
17. ‘Nobody wishes to be unhappy.’ (Interrogative) a) have come b) are coming
a) Who wishes to be unhappy? c) was gone d) has come
b) Who wishes to not be unhappy? 29. Identify the correct sentence.
c) Who does not wish to be unhappy? a) Either she or her sisters is responsible.
d) Does nobody wish to be unhappy? b) Neither she nor her sisters is responsible.
18. Piyash is only six. (Negative) c) Neither she nor her sisters are responsible.
a) Piyash is not six. d) Either she nor her sisters are responsible.
b) Piyash is not more than six. 30. Educating all people ____ a mammoth task.
a) is b) are
c) Piyash is more six.
c) be d) have
d) Piyash is no less six.
31. The taste of mangoes ____ me very much.
19. Which of the following sentence is correct one?
a) tempting b) tempts
a) Paper is made of wood. c) tempt d) have tempted
b) Paper is made from wood. 32. Three-fourths of the work ___ finished.
c) Paper is made by wood. a) have been b) was
d) Paper is made on wood. c) were d) has been
20. Which one is correct? 33. He and I ___ well.
a) There is no place for doubt in it. a) am b) is
b) There is no space to doubt in it. c) are d) was
c) There is no room for doubt in it. 34. One of the boys ____ present.
d) There is no area to doubt in it. a) was b) were
21. Choose the correct sentence. c) have been d) are
35. ‘Out and out’ means-
a) The matter was informed to the police.
a) Not at all b) Brave
b) The matter has been informed of the police.
c) Thoroughly d) Whole heartedly
c) The police was informed of the matter.
36. By fits and start means-
d) The police were informed of the matter. a) Irregularly b) Carefully
22. Choose the correct sentence. c) Regularly d) Attentively
a) Mehidi ate almost the whole fish. 37. To keep one’s head ____.
b) Mehidi almost ate the whole fish. a) to save oneself b) to be self-respectful
c) Almost Mehidi ate the whole fish. c) to keep calm d) None of these
d) Mehidi ate the whole fish almost. 38. ‘Maiden speech’ means-
23. Which of the following is the correct sentence? a) First speech b) Last speech
a) He has said that what is right. c) Late speech d) Early speech
b) He has said which is right. 39. The idiom ‘let the things slide’ means-
c) What has he said is right. a) to be criticizing b) to be indifferent
d) What he has said is right. c) to set free d) not to help anyone
40. Choose the meaning of the idiom ‘Take the bull
24. Choose the correct sentence.
by the horns’.
a) You don’t need to come unless you want to.
a) To challenge the enemy with courage.
b) You come only when you want to. b) Force the enemy to submit.
c) You come unless you don’t want to. c) Out of one’s wit.
d) You needn’t come until you don’t want to. d) Surrender before the enemy.
Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qY cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 02
41. There is ____ milk in the glass. 56. My friend hardly works in the afternoon.
a) a little b) a big amount a) almost never/not b) always
c) much d) small c) seriously d) predicatively
42. Which word is the determiner in the sentence? 57. The plural of ‘stimulus’ is-
‘Will it take much time?’ a) stimuli b) stimulusis
a) will b) take c) stimula d) stimulii
c) much d) time 58. Which one is correct?
43. Honesty is the best policy. GLv‡b honesty †Kvb a) The Nile is longest river in Africa.
noun? b) The Nile is longest river in the Africa.
a) Proper noun b) Common noun c) Nile is longest river in Africa.
c) Collective noun d) Abstract noun d) The Nile is the longest river in Africa.
44. The police dispersed the crowd. GLv‡b crowd kãwU 59. Mango is one of the sweetest fruits in the word.
†Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun?
a) Mango is more sweet than any other fruits in the world.
a) Proper b) Common
b) Mango is sweeter than all other fruits in the world.
c) Collective d) Abstract
c) Mango is sweeter than most other fruits in the world.
45. What kind of noun is ‘river’? d) Mango is sweeter than any other fruits in the world.
a) Material b) Collective 60. Change the sentence from direct speech to
c) Proper d) Common indirect.
46. What is the appropriate translation of ÔAvwg †Zvgv‡K He said, ‘The horse died in the night.’
LvIqvBÕ? a) He said that the horse died in the night.
a) I have eat you b) I eat you b) He said that the horse had died in the night.
c) I feed you d) I fed you c) He said that the horse was died in the night.
47. Walking is a good habit. Here ‘walking’ is a/an- d) He said that the horse will be died in the night.
a) noun b) gerund 61. What are you so angry ___?
c) verb d) adverb a) about b) at c) with d) for
48. Get the picture ____ in your room. 62. I have no confidence ___ him.
a) fastened b) hanged a) to b) in c) of d) off
c) put d) hung 63. Your sister is good ___ cooking.
49. The injured woman was ___ at the side of the a) in b) on c) of d) at
road. 64. He was absorbed ___ deep thought.
a) laid b) lying a) with b) on c) in d) by
c) lay d) lie 65. Rabi comes to work ___ car but I prefer to come
50. Past form of ‘Wear’ is- ___ foot.
a) Weared b) Wore a) beside, next to b) at, in
c) Worn d) Worned c) at, into d) by, on
51. The past participle form of the verb ‘spread’ is- 66. Switzerland lies ____ France, Germany, Italy
a) spreaded b) spreaden and Australia.
c) spread d) spreadened a) among b) between
52. ____ father in him arose to see ___ child. c) in d) amid
67. Sonia has been sick ___ two months.
a) A, the b) The, the
a) since b) about
c) The, a d) A, a
c) in d) for
53. No article is used before-
68. She will discuss the issue with the officer __
a) common noun b) collective noun
c) material noun d) noun of multitude
a) in b) over c) by d) on
54. This is his pen. What kind of adjective ‘his’ is?
69. I ___ finished my letter yet.
a) Numeral adjective b) Pronominal adjective
a) am not b) had not
c) Quantitative adjective d) Descriptive adjective
c) have not d) did not
55. Neither report is true. ‘Neither’ is-
70. When metal becomes hot, it ___.
a) verb b) pronoun
a) expanding b) expanded
c) adverb d) adjective
c) expands d) expand
Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qY cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 02
71. Rofiq ___ her hand when she was cooking 85. The correct passive voice of ‘He pleases us’ is-
dinner. a) We are pleased by him.
a) is burning b) burnt b) We were pleased with him.
c) will burn d) was burning c) We are pleased with him.
72. My friend ___ before I came. d) We will be pleased by him.
a) would be leaving b) had been leaving 86. The correct sentence of the following:
c) had left d) will leave a) A new cabinet has been sworn in in Dhaka.
73. I will carry an umbrella in case ____. b) A new cabinet has been sworn at Dhaka.
a) it will rain b) it would rain c) A new cabinet has been sworn by Dhaka.
c) its rains d) it rained d) A new cabinet has sworn in Dhaka.
87. The correct passive form of ‘You must shut these
74. I wish the prices of the essential commodities ___
come down soon.
a) These must be shut doors.
a) would b) will
b) Shut the doors you must.
c) should d) can c) Shut must be the doors.
75. It’s time (you realize) your mistakes. d) These doors must be shut.
a) you realized b) that you realized 88. Cut your coat according to your cloth- Gi evsjv
c) you would realize d) you have realize Abyev` †KvbwU?
76. He behaved as if nothing ____. a) e¨q †hgb Ki †Zgb Avq Ki b) †hgb e¨q †Zg Avq
a) was happened b) happened c) †hgb Avq †Zgb e¨q d) Kvco Abyhvqx †KvU KvU
c) happens d) had happened 89. Synonym of ‘Yell’ is-
77. It would be pleasant if we ___ where to go. a) Shackle b) Hitch c) Whisper d) Shout
a) know b) known 90. Which is an antonym of ‘fantasy’?
c) knew d) had known a) figment b) veracity c) mirage d) prefigure
78. This could have worked if I ___ been more 91. The word ‘float’ is the antonym of-
cautious. a) promote b) propose c) reject d) offer
a) had b) might 92. Antonym of ‘Ductile’ is-
c) have d) would a) Docile b) Pliable c) Stiff d) Supple
79. ____ better, the team would have been able to 93. ‘RULE OF HUMB’ means-
a) mark of thumb on a legal paper
defeat the opponent.
b) a rough estimate
a) If it prepares b) If prepares
c) an easy choice d) an unknown rule
c) Preparing d) Had it prepared
80. If I were you I ___ that coat. It’s too much a) Bad intention b) Genuine
expensive. c) Trustworthy d) Generous
a) will not buy b) shall not buy 95. They synonym of the word ‘Adroit’.
c) would not buy d) am not going to buy a) clumsy b) expert c) unskilled d) weak
81. †KvbwU present perfect tense Gi D`vniY? 96. The new offer of job was alluring. Here ‘alluring’
a) I have had the news. b) I have the news. means-
c) I shall have the news. d) I had the news. a) unexpected b) tempting
82. He said that he (go) home the next day. c) disappointing d) ordinary
97. Which one is the synonym of ‘incredible’?
a) will go b) goes
a) unthinkable b) unthinking
c) has go d) would go
c) unlikely d) unbelievable
83. I knew that they ____ horribly expensive.
98. Choose the correct one.
a) were b) are a) Mispel b) Misspell c) Mispell d) Misspel
c) have d) had been 99. One whose attitude is: ‘eat, drink and be merry’.
84. He killed himself. What is the passive form? a) Epicurean b) Cynic
a) Himself was killed by him. c) Materialistic d) Stoic
b) Himself would be killed by him. 100. A remedy for all diseases.
c) He was killed himself. a) Cure b) Panacea
d) He was killed by himself. c) Polyglot d) Panorama
Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qY cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 02
cixÿv_©xi bvg
wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cixÿv- 2023
welqwfwËK cixÿv Ñ 03
mvaviY Ávb
†mU †KvW- A
c~Y©gvb: 100 mgq: 50 wgwbU
1. evsjv‡`‡ki Ae¯’vb DËi Aÿvs‡kiÑ 12. ÔAv¸b I ei‡di f‚wg× ejv nq †Kvb †`k‡K?
K. 20034 Ñ 26038 L. 21031 Ñ 26033 K. AvBmj¨vÛ L. Avqvij¨vÛ
M. 22034 Ñ 26038 N. 20020 Ñ 25026 M. ¯‹Uj¨vÛ N. gvjØxc
2. cÕvPxb evsjvi me‡P‡q mg„× I cÕvPxbZg Rbc` †KvbwU? 13. m~‡h©i g‡a¨ †Kvb †gØwjK M¨vm †ewk i‡q‡Q?
K. e½ L. e‡i›`ª K. bvB‡Uªv‡Rb L. nvB‡Wªv‡Rb
M. †MØo N. cyЪ M. B_vBj N. wnwjqvg
3. wb‡Pi †KvbwU Öevsjv‡`k eØxc cwiKíbv 2100Ó Ñ Gi D”P
14. m~‡h©i me‡P‡q wbKUeZ©x bÿ‡Îi bvg Kx?
¯Í‡ii jÿ¨?
K. eya L. n¨vwj
K. cwi‡e‡ki fvimvg¨ iÿv Kiv
L. †`‡ki m¤ú` e„w× Kiv M. cÕw•gv †m›Uvwi N. Puv`
M. Pig `vwi`ª¨ `~i Kiv N. RbmsL¨v n«vm Kiv 15. 1969-Gi MYAfz¨Ìv‡b cÕ_g knx` wQ‡jb †K?
4. evsjv‡`‡ki e„nËg ¯’j e›`i †KvbwU? K. gyn¤§` kvgmy‡¾vnv L. †gvnv¤§` Avm`y¾vgvb
K. †ebv‡cvj L. †mvbv gmwR` M. knx` iæ¯Íg N. mv‡R©›U Rûiæj nK
M. wnwj N. PÆMÖvg 16. XvKvi bvgKiY Rvnv½xibMi Kiv nq KZ mv‡j?
5. evsjv‡`‡ki eZ©gvb wkÿvgš¿xi bvg Kx? K. 1717 L. 1611
K. Wv: `xcy gwb L. Rbve Avmv`y¾vgvb Lvb
M. 1610 N. 1780
M. Rbve †gv: Avãyi iv¾vK N. gwneyj nvmb †PØayix
17. BD‡b‡¯‹v K‡e my›`ieb‡K wek^ HwnZ¨ wn‡m‡e †NvlYv K‡i?
6. 1971 mv‡ji 7 gv‡P©i fvl‡Y mfvcwZ †K wQ‡jb?
K. gvIjvbv fvmvbx L. e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb K. 6 wW‡m¤^i, 1996 L. 6 wW‡m¤^i, 1997
M. ZvRDÏxb Avng` N. mfvcwZ †KD wQ‡jb bv M. 8 wW‡m¤^i, 1996 N. 8 wW‡m¤^i, 1997
7. fvlv Av‡›`vjb Rv`yNi †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z? 18. we‡k^i `xN©Zg cÕYvjx †KvbwU?
K. MYfeb L. e½feb K. di‡gvRv cÕYvjx L. wReªvëvi cÖYvjx
M. DËiv MYfeb N. evsjv GKv‡Wwg M. nigyR cÖYvjx N. ZvZvi cÖYvjx
8. eZ©gv‡b †`‡ki e„nr we`y¨r‡K›`ª †KvbwU? 19. “Anna Karenina” Dcb¨v‡mi iPwqZv †K?
K. gvZvievox Zvcwe`y¨r †K›`ª
K. Kvj© gvK©m L. †Rb Aw÷b
L. eocyKzwiqv Zvcwe`y¨r †K›`ª
M. g‡›U¯‹z N. wjI Uj÷q
M. ivgcvj Zvcwe`y¨r †K›`ª
N. cvqiv Zvcwe`y¨r †K›`ª 20. †iveU kãwU †Kvb fvlv †_‡K G‡m‡Q?
9. †Kvb †`kwU BD‡ivcxq BDwbq‡bi m`m¨ bq? K. Bswjk L. wMÖK
K. Avqvij¨vÛ L. Rvg©vwb M. j¨vwUb N. ¯øvwfK
M. nv‡½wi N. †ejviæk 21. Acv‡ikb Avj-AvKmv d¬vW K‡e ïiæ nq?
10. Kw¤úDUv‡ii A¯’vqx †g‡gvwi †KvbwU? K. 5 †m‡Þ¤^i, 2023 L. 7 †m‡Þ¤^i, 2023
K. ROM L. EEPROM M. 5 A‡±vei, 2023 N. 7 A‡±vei, 2023
M. PROM N. RAM 22. †KvbwU me‡P‡q fvwi avZz?
11. Av‡jvi ZvwoZ †Pؤ^K Z‡Ë¡i AeZviYv K‡ibÑ
K. †jvnv L. cvi`
K. AvBb÷vBb L. g¨v·cø¨v¼
M. cøvwUbvg N. wb‡Kj
M. g¨v•I‡qj N. nvB‡Mb
Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 03
23. `vwo‡Muvd MRvqÑ 36. ÖcÕfvZ‡dixi wgwQj hv‡e
K. †Um‡Uv‡÷ib ni‡gv‡bi Rb¨ QvovI dz‡ji eb¨v
L. †cÕv‡R‡÷ib ni‡gv‡bi Rb¨ welv`MxwZ MvB‡Q c‡_
M. G‡÷ªv‡Rb ni‡gv‡bi Rb¨ N. Bbmywj‡bi Rb¨ wZZzgx‡ii Kb¨v| Ñ KweZvwUi iPwqZv †K?
24. Bbmywjb ˆZwi‡Z †Kvb cÕhyw³ e¨eüZ nq? K. kvgmyi ingvb L. wbgy©‡j›`y ¸Y
K. ev‡qv‡gwUª• L. fvPz©qvj wiqvwjwU M. Avj gvngy` N. Avey Rvdi Ievq`yjøvn
M. b¨v‡bv‡UK‡bvjwR N. †R‡bwUK BwÄwbqvwis 37. g~mK ev f¨vU w`em K‡e?
25. evsjv‡`‡ki †h As‡k me‡P‡q Kg e„wócvZ nq? K. 30 b‡f¤^i L. 10 wW‡m¤^i
K. DËiv‡j L. c~e©v‡j M. 15 b‡f¤^i N. 15 wW‡m¤^i
M. DËi-c~e©v‡j N. cwðg-†K›`ªxq A‡j 38. grm¨ cÕwkÿY Bbw÷wUDU †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z?
26. ÖfviZ QvoÓ Av‡›`vjb Kvi †bZ…‡Z¡ ïiæ n‡qwQj? K. gqgbwmsn L. Puv`cyi
K. m~h©‡mb L. gnvZ¥v MvÜx M. Lyjbv N. K·evRvi
M. Rnijvj †b‡niæ N. †gvnv¤§` Avjx wRbœvn 39. gRyZ M¨v‡mi cwigv‡Yi wfwˇZ evsjv‡`‡ki me©v‡cÿv e„nr
27. ÔXvKv wek^we`¨vjq ivóªfvlv msMÕvg cwil`× K‡e MwVZ nq? M¨vm wd‡ìi bvg wK?
K. 23 †deªæqvwi, 1948 L. 13 A‡±vei, 1948 K. ˆKjvkwUjv L. evLivev`
M. QvZK N. wZZvm
M. 11 gvP©, 1950 N. 6 wW‡m¤^i, 1947
40. wePvi wefv‡Mi KvR wK?
28. evsjv‡`‡ki ivóªcwZ Kvi wbKU c`Z¨vM K‡ib?
K. AvBb cÖYqb L. ev‡RU cvm
K. cÕavbgš¿x L. cÖavb wePvicwZ
M. `Ð weavb N. AvBbmfv AvnŸvb
M. ¯úxKvi N. †Kv‡bvwUB bq
41. RvwZms‡Ni wbivcËv cwil‡`i A¯’vqx m`m¨ c` KZ mg‡qi
29. evOvwj RvwZi gyw³i mb` 6 `dvi 3q `dvwU wb‡Pi †KvbwUi
mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z?
K. 1 eQi L. 2 eQi
K. ivR¯^ Ki L. gy`ªv ev A_©
M. 4 eQi N. 5 eQi
M. ˆe‡`wkK evwYR¨ N. †K›`ªxq miKvi
42. f‚-ZvwË¡Kfv‡e evsjv‡`‡ki me‡P‡q cyivZb f‚wgiƒc MwVZ nqÑ
30. AvIqvgx gymwjg jx‡Mi cÕwZôvKvjxb mfvcwZ †K wQ‡jb?
K. Uviwkqvix hy‡M L. cøvB‡÷vwmb hy‡M
K. †kL gywReyi ingvb L. kvgmyj nK
M. †KvqvUvibvix hy‡M N. mv¤úªwZK Kv‡j
M. gIjvbv Avãyj nvwg` Lvb fvmvbx
43. DcK‚j n‡Z evsjv‡`‡ki A_©‰bwZK mgy`ªmxgv KZ?
N. AvZvDi ingvb Lvb
K. 250 bwUK¨vj gvBj L. 200 bwUK¨vj gvBj
31. ÔcÕRvZ‡š¿i ivóªfvlv evsjv× K_vwU msweav‡bi †Kvb Aby‡”Q‡` M. 225 bwUK¨vj gvBj N. 212 bwUK¨vj gvBj
ejv n‡q‡Q? 44. ÔwQqvˇii gš^šÍi× evsjv †Kvb m‡b n‡qwQj?
K. Aby‡”Q` : 2 L. Aby‡”Q` : 3 K. 1076 m‡b L. 1376 m‡b
M. Aby‡”Q` : 4 N. Aby‡”Q` : 5 M. 1176 m‡b N. 1276 m‡b
32. ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlYvcÎ msweav‡bi KZ Zg Zdwm‡j ms‡hvRb 45. 1954 mv‡ji mvaviY wbe©vP‡b hy³d«‡›Ui wbe©vPwb Bk‡Znv‡i
Kiv n‡q‡Q? KqwU `dv wQj?
K. PZz_© L. cÂg K. 10 `dv L. 16 `dv
M. lô N. mßg M. 21 `dv N. 26 `dv
33. evsjv‡`‡ki cÂevwl©Kx cwiKíbv cÕYqb K‡i †Kvb ms¯’v? 46. fvlv Av‡›`vj‡bi mgq cvwK¯Ív‡bi cÕavbgš¿x †K wQ‡jb?
K. A_© gš¿Yvjq L. RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW© K. LvRv bvwRgDÏxb L. byiæj Avwgb
M. cwiKíbv Kwgkb N. gwš¿cwil` gš¿Yvjq M. wjqvKZ Avjx Lvb N. †gvnv¤§` Avjx wRbœvn
34. gyw³hy× PjvKv‡j 7 bs †m±‡ii †m±i KgvÛvi †K wQ‡jb? 47. evsjv‡`‡ki wkÿv w`em †Kvb Zvwi‡L?
K. †gRi GGbGg b~iæ¾vgvb L. †gRi KvRx b~iæ¾vgvb K. 12 †g L. 17 †m‡Þ¤^i
M. †gRi GwUGg nvq`vi M. 18 Ryb N. 21 AvM÷
N. DBs KgvÛvi †gvnv¤§` Lv‡`gyj evkvi 48. RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb‡K Ôe½eÜz× Dcvwa †`qv
35. ÖAvjwK ØxcÓ †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z? nq K‡e?
K. cUzqvLvjx L. g‡nkLvjx K. 23 †deªæqvwi, 1969 L. 25 Rvbyqvwi, 1970
M. ivZvi¸j Rjveb N. my›`ieb M. 7 gvP©, 1971 N. 16 wW‡m¤^i, 1971
Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 03
49. gywRebMi miKv‡ii A_©bxwZ welqK I cwiKíbv wefv‡Mi 61. wek^e¨vsK K‡e evsjv‡`k‡K wb¤œ-ga¨g Av‡qi †`‡ki ZvwjKvq
`vwq‡Z¡ †K wQ‡jb? AšÍfz©³ K‡i?
K. ZvRDÏxb Avng` L. ˆmq` bRiæj Bmjvg K. 1 Ryb, 2014 L. 1 Ryb, 2015
M. Gg. gbmyi Avjx N. G.GBP. Gg. Kvgiæ¾vgvb M. 1 RyjvB, 2015 N. 2 RyjvB, 2015
50. †Kvb weL¨vZ g¨vMvwRb e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb‡K ivRbxwZi 62. evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq A_©‰bwZK KvDw݇ji wbe©vnx cwil`
Kwe AvL¨v w`‡q‡Qb? (ECNEC) Gi mfvcwZ n‡”QbÑ
K. UvBg L. wbDR DBKm& K. ivóªcwZ L. cÕavbgš¿x
M. B‡Kv‡bvwgó M. A_©gš¿x N. evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki Mfb©i
N. B‡Kv‡bvwgK GÛ cwjwUK¨vj DBKwj 63. Ôeywogvix× ¯’je›`i †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z?
51. eZ©gv‡b ÔexicÖZxKÕ †LZvecÕvß KZRb? K. iscyi L. jvjgwbinvU
K. 7 Rb L. 68 Rb M. cÂMo N. mybvgMÄ
M. 175 Rb N. 424 Rb 64. XvKvi cÕ_g †g‡Uªv‡ij GgAviwU-6 Gi †gvU ˆ`N©¨ KZ?
52. ÔGKvˇii hxï×ÑGi wbg©vZv †K? K. 40 wK‡jvwgUvi L. 11.73 wK‡jvwgUvi
K. †gvi‡k`yj Bmjvg L. bvwmi DwÏb BDmyd M. 20.26 wK‡jvwgUvi N. 21.26 wK‡jvwgUvi
M. Zvbfxi †gvKv‡¤§j N. Avey mvqx` 65. wRwWwc‡Z K…wl Lv‡Zi Ae`vbÑ
53. evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq cZvKv K‡e M„nxZ nq? K. 11% L. 11.38%
K. 17 Rvbyqvwi, 1972 L. 26 gvP©, 1971 M. 11.87% N. 11.98%
M. 16 wW‡m¤^i, 1971 N. 21 †deªæqvwi, 1972 66. A_©‰bwZK mgxÿv 2023 Abymv‡i ¯^vÿiZvi nviÑ
54. evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq msm‡`i cÕ_g msm` †bZv †K? K. 72.9% L. 76.4%
K. e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb L. gyn¤§`yjøvn M. 75.4% N. 77.4%
M. ZvRDwÏb Avng` N. K¨v‡Þb gbmyi Avjx 67. wfjwbqvm †Kvb †`‡ki ivRavbxÑ
55. e½eÜz RvwZms‡Ni mvaviY cwil‡` evsjvq fvlY †`b KLb? K. wj_yqvwbqv L. †Kv÷vwiKv
K. 24 †m‡Þ¤^i, 1974 L. 25 †m‡Þ¤^i, 1974 M. wj‡Pb÷vBb N. †¯øvfvwKqv
M. 26 †m‡Þ¤^i, 1974 N. 27 †m‡Þ¤^i, 1974 68. Rbïgvwi I M„nMYbv 2022 Abymv‡i evsjv‡`‡k RbmsL¨vi
56. evsjv‡`‡ki ev‡Minv‡U Aew¯’Z lvU M¤^yR gmwR` †Kvb mv‡j NbZ¡Ñ
BD‡b‡¯‹vi KvjPvivj ¯’vcbvi ¯^xwK…wZ cvq? K. 1111 Rb L. 1115 Rb
K. 2000 mv‡j L. 1985 mv‡j M. 1119 Rb N. 1122 Rb
M. 1996 mv‡j N. 1996 mv‡j 69. 9g wU-20 bvix wek^Kvc wµ‡K‡Ui Av‡qvRK †`kÑ
57. RvZxq msm` feb KZ GKi Rwgi Dci wbwg©Z? K. Bsj¨vÛ L. evsjv‡`k
K. 320 GKi L. 215 GKi M. `wÿY Avwd«Kv N. fviZ
M. 185 GKi N. 122 GKi 70. d‡bvMÕvd hš¿ †Kvb mv‡j †K Avwe®‹vi K‡ib?
58. evsjv‡`‡k Export Processing Zone (EPZ)ÑGi K. 1836 mv‡j Rb Wªvwb‡qj
Kvh©µg †Kvb mv‡j ïiæ nq? L. 1878 mv‡j Ugvm Avjfv GwWmb
K. 1980 L. 1983 M. 1892 mv‡j GWIqvW© I‡q÷vb
M. 1977 N. 1982 N. Dc‡ii †Kv‡bvwUB wVK bq
59. ¯úvi‡mv wK? 71. †KvbwU fvBivmRwbZ †ivM bq?
K. gnvKvk M‡elYvKvix †emiKvwi ms¯’v K. AIDS L. RjvZ¼
L. f‚-DcMÖn M. wWc‡_wiqv N. †cvwjI
M. gnvKvk M‡elYvKvix miKvwi ms¯’v 72. †Kvb wfUvwgb ÿZ¯’vb n‡Z i³ cov eÜ Ki‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i?
N. GKwU AvaywbK gnvKvk cÖhyw³ K. wfUvwgb wm L. wfUvwgb we
60. evsjv‡`‡k eZ©gv‡b Kq ¯Íiwewkó ¯’vbxq miKvi e¨e¯’v Pvjy M. wfUvwgb we2 N. wfUvwgb †K
Av‡Q? 73. we‡k^i MfxiZg b`x †KvbwU?
K. 3 L. 4 K. AvgvRb L. K‡½v
M. 5 N. 6 M. bxj N. AvgvRb
Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 03
74. cvc©j jvBb †Kvb `ywU †`k‡K wef³ K‡i? 88. ÔK‡jøvj× cwÎKvi cÕ_g m¤úv`‡Ki bvg Kx?
K. PxbÑfviZ L. BmivBjÑwmwiqv K. eyׇ`e emy L. `x‡bkiÄb `vk
M. PxbÑ Rvcvb N. BivbÑBivK M. mRbxKvšÍ `vk N. †cÕ‡g›`ª wgÎ
75. Px‡bi gy`ªvi bvg Kx? 89. evsjv‡`k KZ Zvwi‡L †U÷ wµ‡K‡Ui gh©v`v jvf K‡i?
K. B‡qb L. BDqvb K. 20 Ryb, 2000 L. 22 Ryb, 2000
M. d«uv N. wiqvj
M. 24 Ryb, 2000 N. 26 Ryb, 2000
76. g‡W‡gi g‡a¨ hv _v‡K Zv n‡jvÑ
90. evsjv‡`‡k cÕv_wgK wkÿvi Rb¨ wkï‡`i wba©vwiZ eqm mxgvÑ
K. GKwU gWz‡jUi
K. 6 †_‡K 10 eQi L. 5 †_‡K 11 eQi
L. GKwU gWz‡jUi I GKwU wWgWz‡jUi
M. 6 †_‡K 11 eQi N. 5 †_‡K 10 eQi
M. GKwU †Kv‡WK N. GKwU Gb‡KvWvi
91. †Kvb DcRvwZ ev ÿz`ª b„-†Mvôxi ag© Bmjvg?
77. Plotter †Kvb ai‡bi wWfvBm?
K. BbcyU L. AvDUcyU K. ivLvBb L. gvigv
M. †g‡gvwi N. †KvbwUB bq M. cvOb N. wLqvs
78. AvšÍR©vwZK A_© Znwej (IMF) K‡e n‡Z Gi Kvh©µg ïiæ 92. cve©Z¨ PÆMÕvg kvwšÍ Pzw³ K‡e m¤úvw`Z nq?
K‡i? K. 12 b‡f¤^i, 1997 L. 2 wW‡m¤^i, 1997
K. 1945 mvj n‡Z L. 1946 mvj n‡Z M. 16 wW‡m¤^i, 1997 N. 25 wW‡m¤^i, 1997
M. 1947 mvj n‡Z N. 1948 mvj n‡Z 93. evsjv‡`‡ki cÕ_g I GKgvÎ ÔIqvì© †UªW †m›Uvi× †Kv_vq
79. Sustainable Development Goals KqwU? Aew¯’Z?
K. 15 L. 17 K. XvKv L. wm‡jU
M. 21 N. 27 M. Kzwgjøv N. PÆMÖvg
80. HDI aviYvwU †Kvb ms¯’vi D™¢veb? 94. eY©vjx I ïå Kx?
K. WB L. UNDP K. DbœZRv‡vZi fzÆv L. DbœZRv‡Zi Mg
M. FAO N. WHO M. DbœZRv‡Zi avb N. DbœZRv‡Zi cvU
81. ivwkqvi cvj©v‡g‡›Ui wb¤œK‡ÿi bvg Kx? 95. weL¨vZ IqvUvijy hy× †ÿÎ †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z?
K. Wzgv L. †mviv
K. ivwkqv L. jÛb
M. Wv‡qU N. Ks‡MÕm
M. eªvwRj N. †ejwRqvg
82. AvKvev †Kvb †`‡ki mgy`ª e›`i?
96. mybvwgi KviY n‡jvÑ
K. wgqvbgvi L. RW©vb
K. AMœy¨rcvZ L. N~wY©So
M. BivK N. BmivBj
83. UNCTAD-Gi m`i `ßi †Kv_vq? M. P›`ª I m~‡h©i AvKl©Y N. mgy`ª Zj‡`‡k f‚wgK¤ú
K. †n‡M L. †R‡bfvq 97. gvby‡li i‡³ †k^Z KwYKv I †jvwnZ KvwYKvi AbycvZÑ
M. wbDBq‡K© N. K¨vb‡eivq K. 1 t 500 L. 1 t 650
84. wb‡¤œi †Kvb Kvh©µ‡gi mv‡_ A¨vg‡bw÷ B›Uvib¨vkbvj hy³? M. 2 t 700 N. 1 t 700
K. cÕvYx‡`i cÕwZ wbôziZv †iva L. cwi‡ek msiÿY 98. †Kvb ni‡gv‡bi Afv‡e wkï evgb nq?
M. gvbevwaKvi msiÿY N. HwZnvwmK ¯’vcbv msiÿY K. _vBiw·b L. dvBiw·b
85. cÖavb exR Drcv`bKvix miKvwi cÖwZôvbÑ M. A¨vW‡ibvwjb N. M¨vw÷b
K. BARI L. BRRI 99. evqygÛ‡ji I‡Rvb¯Í‡ii Aeÿ‡qi Rb¨ †Kvb M¨v‡mi f‚wgKv
M. BADC N. BINA m‡e©v”P?
86. ÔM¤¢xiv× evsjv‡`‡ki †Kvb A‡ji †jvKmsMxZ? K. wmGdwm L. wg‡_b
K. PÆMÖvg L. iv½vgvwU M. Kve©b WvB-A·vBW N. bvB‡Uªv‡Rb
M. Rvgvjcyi N. PuvcvBbeveMÄ
100. Kw¤úDUv‡ii g~j †g‡gvwi ˆZwi nq Kx w`‡q?
87. Ômvevm evsjv‡`k× fv¯‹h©wU †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z?
K. Avqib L. wmwjKb
K. wUGmwm †gv‡o L. XvKv wek^we`¨vj‡q
M. Kve©b N. A¨vjywgwbqvg
M. †iWµm gq`v‡b N. ivRkvnx wek^we`¨vjq
Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 03
cixÿv_©xi bvg
wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cixÿv- 2023
welqwfwËK cixÿv Ñ 04
welq : MwYZ
†mU †KvW- A †ivj:
c~Y©gvb: 100 mgq: 50 wgwbU
01. 91, 101, 117 Ges 123 Gi g‡a¨ †gŠwjK msL¨v †KvbwU? 14. a : b = 4 : 5 Ges b : c = 6 : 7 n‡j, a : b : c = ?
a) 91 b) 101 a) 30 : 35 : 42 b) 24 : 30 : 35
c) 117 d) 123 c) 35 : 30 : 24 d) 42 : 35 : 20
02. cÖ_g I wØZxq msL¨vi ¸Ydj 35 Ges wØZxq I Z…Zxq msL¨vi 15. 15 Rb †jvK GKwU KvR †kl K‡i 3 NÈvq| 5 Rb †jvK H KvR
¸Ydj 63 wØZxq msL¨vwU KZ? KZ mg‡q †kl Ki‡e?
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 a) 6 NÈvq b) 5 NÈvq
03. `ywU µwgK msL¨vi e‡M©i AšÍi 23 n‡j msL¨vØq KZ? c) 3 NÈvq d) 9 NÈvq
a) 11, 12 b) 10, 11 16. m – n = x Ges mn = 6x2 n‡j m3 - n3 = KZ?
c) 12, 13 d) 9, 10 a) 19x2 b) 19x3 c) 18x2 d) 18x3
04. `yBwU msL¨vi j.mv.¸. 144 Ges M.mv.¸. 12| GKwU msL¨v 48 n‡j 1 x6 + 1
17. x2 + 2 = 3 n‡j Gi gvb KZ?
AciwU KZ? x x3
a) 18 b) 36 c) 12 d) 24 a) 3 5 b) 4 5 c) 2 5 d) 5
05. (a + b), a2 - b2, a3 - b3 Gi M.mv.¸. KZ? 1 x4 + 1
18. x - = 3 n‡j, Gi gvb Ñ
a) 0 b) 1 x x2
c) a - b d) a + b a) 11 b) 10 c) 9 d) 7
06. 80 Gi gvb 75% Gi 25% = KZ? x 2y
19. Gi mv‡_ KZ †hvM Ki‡j †hvMdj n‡e?
a) 10 b) 15 c) 20 d) 25 y x
2 2
07. 75 UvKvq 15wU Kjg wK‡b 90 UvKvq weµq Ki‡j kZKiv jvf 2x - y 2y - x2
a) b)
KZ? xy xy
a) 10% b) 15% x2 - 2y2 x2 - y2
c) d)
c) 20% d) 25% xy xy
0 0
08. GK e¨w³ 240 UvKvq KZ¸‡jv †cbwmj wK‡b †`Lj †h, hw` †m 20. (3x) + 3(x) = KZ?
GKwU †cbwmj †ewk †cZ Zvn‡j cÖwZwU †cbwm‡ji g~j¨ 1 UvKv Kg a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
n‡Zv| H e¨w³ KZwU †cbwmj wK‡bwQj?
3 3
a) 13wU b) 14wU
21. a3 = KZ?
c) 15wU d) 16wU
09. GKwU eB 10% ÿwZ‡Z weµq Kiv nj| weµqg~j¨ 45 UvKv †ewk
a) a3 b) a3 c) a d) 1
n‡j 5% jvf nq| eBwUi µqg~j¨ KZ? x x x x x
22. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = KZ?
a) 200 UvKv b) 250 UvKv
a) 25x b) 5x + 1 c) 55x d) 56x
c) 300 UvKv d) 350 UvKv 23. x Gi gvb KZ n‡j x 4x – 12
= 16 n‡e?
10. GKwU †jey 4 UvKvq wK‡b 5 UvKvq wewµ Ki‡j jvfÑ a) 4 b) 2 c) 6 d) 8
a) 25% b) 20%
24. x-1y . y-1z . z-1x
c) 10% d) 5%
11. wb‡Pi †KvbwU e„nËg? a) 0 b) 1 c) xyz d) xyz
1 25. log2 5 400 Gi gvb KZ?
a) 0.3 b)
3 a) 1 b) 2 c) 2 5 d) 4
2 26. log10(0.001)=KZ?
c) 0.3 d)
5 1 1
1 a) 3 b)  3 c) d) 
3 3
12. 64 % nvi my‡` KZ mg‡q 96 UvKvi my` 18 UvKv n‡e?
3 
1 27. log2  5 ( 5) Gi gvb †KvbwU?
a) 2 eQi b) 22 eQi
6 5 5 1
a) b) c) d)
c) 3 eQi d) 4 eQi 5 6 6 2
13. a, b, c µwgK mgvbycvwZK n‡j wb‡Pi †KvbwU mwVK? 1
28. logx =  2 n‡j x Gi gvb KZ?
a) ab = bc b) a2 = bc 16
c) b = ca d) c2 = ab a) 3 b) 5 c) 4 d) 6
Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 04
29. 2 sin2 + 3cos – 3 = 0 n‡j, Gi gvb KZ? †hLv‡b  44. `ywU msL¨vi ¸Ydj 1536| msL¨ `ywUi j.mv.¸ 96| Zv‡`i
m~² †KvY| M.mv.¸ KZ n‡e?
a) 600 b) 00 c) 300 d) 450 K) 16 L) 12 M) 24 N) 18
30. cot. 1 - cos2 = ? 45. `ywU msL¨vi AbycvZ 5 : 6 Ges Zv‡`i M.mv.¸ 4 n‡j msL¨v `ywUi
j.mv.¸ KZ?
a) sin b) cos
K) 122 L) 124 M) 120 N) 118
c) tan d) sin
46. †Zj A_ev Pvj A_ev Wvj A_ev jeY A_ev wPwbi g~j¨ 25% e„w×
31. (Sec + tan) = n‡j (Sec - tan)-Gi gvb KZ? cvIqv‡Z GKwU cwievi wPwb LvIqv Ggbfv‡e Kgv‡jv †h wPwb eve`
e¨q e„w× †cj bv| H cwievi wPwb LvIqv eve` kZKiv KZ Kgv‡jv|
5 3 3 1
a) b) c) d) K) 22% L) 25% M) 20% N) 30%
7 7 5 5
47. †Kv‡bv Avmj 3 eQ‡i my‡`-Avm‡j 460 UvKv Ges 5 eQ‡i my‡`-
32. GKwU LuywUi ˆ`N©¨ 20 wgUvi| Gi Qvqvi ˆ`N©¨ KZ wgUvi n‡j DbœwZ
Avm‡j 500 UvKv n‡j Avmj KZ UvKv?
†KvY 450 n‡e?
K) 450 L) 455 M) 300 N) 400
a) 20 wg. b) 25 wg. 48. 60 wjUvi †K‡ivwmb I †c‡Uªv‡ji wgkÖ‡Yi AbycvZ 7 t 3| H wgkÖ‡Y
c) 30 wg. d) 40 wg. Avi KZ wjUvi †c‡Uªvj wgkv‡j AbycvZ 3 t 7 n‡e|
33. mvZwU mij‡iLvi ˆ`N©¨ h_vµ‡g 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 I 7 †m.wg.| K) 80 MÖvg L) 60 MÖvg
KqwU †ÿ‡Î G‡`i PviwU evû w`‡q PZzfz©R A¼b m¤¢e bq? M) 30 MÖvg N) 40 MÖvg
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 49. †LvK‡bi gvwmK Av‡qi I e¨‡qi AbycvZ 20 t 15 n‡j Zvi gvwmK
34. 280 †Kv‡Yi m¤ú~iK †Kv‡Yi A‡a©K KZ? mÂq Zvi Av‡qi kZKiv KZ Ask?
a) 600 b) 400 c) 760 d) 310 K) 15% L) 35% M) 25% N) 30%
35. GKwU †iLvs‡ki Dci Aw¼Z eM©‡ÿÎ H †iLvs‡ki GK-Z…Zxqvs‡ki 50. ivwkwUi mv‡_ †KvbwU †hvM Ki‡j †hvMdj c~Y© eM©
Dci Aw¼Z eM©‡ÿ‡Îi KZ¸Y? n‡e?
1 1 K) L)
a) ¸Y b) ¸Y c) 9 ¸Y d) 3 ¸Y
9 3
M) N)
36. GKwU mg‡KvYx wÎfz‡Ri mg‡KvY msjMœ evû؇qi ˆ`N©¨ h_vµ‡g 6
51. x4+x2+1 Gi GKwU Drcv`K x2 + x + 1 AciwU KZ?
†m.wg. Ges 8 †m.wg. n‡j †ÿÎdj KZ n‡e?
K) x2 + x + 1 L) x2−x+1
a) 24 eM© †m.wg. b) 42 eM© †m.wg.
M) x −x
N) x + 1
c) 44 eM© †m.wg. d) 45 eM© †m.wg.
52. †KvbwU 2x −5x + 6x −5x = 2 Gi GKwU Drcv`K?
4 3 2
37. †Kv‡bv mg‡KvYx wÎfz‡Ri f~wg a, D”PZv b Ges AwZfzR c n‡j
K) x + 1 L) x−1
†KvbwU mwVK?
M) x + 2 N) x−2
a) a2 = b2 + c2 b) b2 = c2 + a2
2 2 2 53. x Gi gvb KZ n‡j a(x−a) = b(x−b) n‡e?
c) c = a + b d) †Kv‡bvwUB bq
38. GKwU mg‡KvYx wÎfz‡Ri m~²‡KvY؇qi cv_©K¨ 60| ÿz`ªZg †Kv‡Yi K) 1 L) –a
gvb KZ? M) a−b N) a + b
a) 320 b) 380 54. √ n‡j, Gi gvb KZ?
c) 420 d) 480 K) 400 L) 10 M) 4 N) 2 5
39. GKwU AvqZvKvi N‡ii †g‡Si †ÿÎdj 192 eM©wgUvi| †g‡Si ˆ`N©¨
4 wgUvi Kgv‡j I cÖ¯’ 4 wgUvi evov‡j †ÿÎdj AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K| 55. √ √ √ √ Gi gvb KZ?
†g‡Si ˆ`N©¨ KZ?
a) 16 wgUvi b) 12 wgUvi K) 0 ev 10 L) 0 ev 9
c) 8 wgUvi d) 6 wgUvi M) 0 ev 8 N) †KvbwUB bq
2 56. GKwU †i¸jvi cwjM‡Yi (mylg eûfz‡Ri) cÖwZwU AšÍt‡Kv‡Yi cwigvY
40. GKwU AvqZvKvi N‡ii cÖ¯’ Zvi ˆ`‡N©¨i Ask| NiwUi cwimxgv 40
3 150°| cwjMYwUi evûi msL¨v KZ?
wgUvi n‡j Zvi †ÿÎdj KZ eM©wgUvi? K) 15 wU L) 5 wU M) 3wU N) 12wU
a) 96 b) 72 c) 64 d) 60 57. GKwU mgwØevû mg‡KvYx wÎfz‡Ri AwZfz‡Ri ˆ`N©¨ 10 †m.wg. n‡j
41. GKwU e„‡Ëi e¨vm r n‡j e„ËwUi †ÿÎdj KZ? wÎfzRwUi †ÿÎdj KZ?
r2 K) 24 eM© †m.wg L) 25 eM© †m.wg
a) r 2
b) M) 23 eM© †m.wg N) 20 eM© †m.wg
c) 4r 2
d) †Kv‡bvwUB bq 58. GKwU eM©vK…wZ evMv‡bi †ÿÎdj 1 †n±i| evMvbwUi cwimxgv KZ
42. x > y Ges z < 0 n‡j, wb‡Pi †KvbwU mwVK? wgUvi?
x y K) 200 L) 300 M) 400 N) 500
a) xz > yz b) > 59. e„‡Ëi GKB Pv‡ci Dci `Ðvqgvb †K›`ª¯’ †KvY cwiwa¯’ †Kv‡Yi KZ
z z
z z ¸Y?
c) < d) zx < yz K) A‡a©K L) mgvb
x y
43. 207040 msL¨K ˆmb¨‡K eM©vKv‡i mvRv‡Z wM‡q 4 Rb AwZwi³ M) wظY N) wZb¸Y
nq| cÖwZ mvwi‡Z ˆmb¨ msL¨v- 60. GKwU mylg eûfz‡Ri evûi msL¨v 12 n‡j cÖ‡Z¨KwU ewnt¯’ †Kv‡Yi
K) 142 L) 144 cwigvY KZ?
M) 136 N) 140 K) 14° L) 20° M) 25° N) 30°

Career Map, Directed by Mohammad Jasim Uddin wkÿK wbeÜb cixÿv- 2023; welqwfwËK cixÿv- 04

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