DLL Mapeh-6 Q1 W-7
DLL Mapeh-6 Q1 W-7
DLL Mapeh-6 Q1 W-7
A. Reviewing previous
lesson and Shapes
presenting new A square was reading quietly
lesson Outside his rectangular house
When a running triangle
Suddenly hit him his back.
“Help! I’m bleeding,
I need to go to doctor!’
Just on time for a strolling circle
Who willingly helped
And gallantly took him there.
C. Presenting Seeing beautiful things around us make us aware of the What business do you think were they engaged in?
examples/instances importance of art elements and principles in our life. It In this kind of business, how do they help small
of the lesson inspires us to create things using our own imagination. business owners?
Line is a point or a dot drawn continuously, it can be either If there are vendors who want to borrow money,
straight or curve line. When group together, it produces a how do they recognize their office?
beautiful picture. By using the right lines and putting them What do you call that signage placed on top of their
into the point of emphasis, balance, or proportion, we can office?
form a wonderful figure or composition.
Everything around us has a shape. These different shapes
make our world an interesting and beautiful place to live
in. They may have regular shapes like the circle, square,
rectangle, triangle, and oval. Shapes are made when both
ends of lines meet or close. Form is another term for
D. Discussing new Read the story and answer each question.
concepts and
practicing new skills
E. Discussing new a. What business do you think were they engaged in? Logos are images, texts, shapes, or a combination of the three that depict the name and purpose of a business,
concepts and b. In this kind of business, how do they help the people? product, trademark, etc.
practicing new skills c. How do people recognize their office? Logos like symbols, convey a message, information or embody ideas about that which it represents.
#2 d. What do you call the signage placed on top of their Before the widespread introduction of new technologies, most artists expressed their creative ideas through paper
office? and pen but at present, designers may now create symbols directly and immediately through digital process.
e. What are the different art elements can we use in That is why to abreast on the new technologies, the couple decided to change their logo from hand-drawn to
making logos? f. What modern digitally-processed logo like the one below.
technology can be used in making logo wherein we can
apply the different art elements?
F. Developing mastery Fill in the blanks with the art components being asked in
(lead to formative each statement.
assessment 3) 1. Still apply to logos even with the use of new
2. It can be seen and felt in natural objects and in
art works.
3. It is an enclosed area made when both ends of
lines meet or close.
4. A point or a dot drawn continuously, it can be
either straight or curve. When group together, it
produces a beautiful picture.
1. 5. A principle of art which deals with
regular, uniform, and related movement of lines,
forms, shapes, and texture.
G. Finding practical How can you relate your life to the different elements and Basic Rules for a Successful Logo
application of principles of art? 1. A successful logo is usually very simple in design.
concepts and skills 2. The logo is easy to understand, even at a distance.
in daily living 3. One or two colors are normally used.
4. Any writing is presented in a simple way and is easy to read.
5. A simple drawing or symbol is sometimes used.
H. Making What are the elements and principles of art? How are you going to apply the elements and principles of art in commercial art?
generalization and
abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Create a simple digitally-made or hand drawn logo of any commercial establishments found in your place and apply
the elements and principles of commercial arts.
Using the different art elements, create a brand logo of a
coffee and describe the importance of the logo you made.
J. Additional activities
for application or
Prepared by:
Principal III