Nullifiers of Islam
Nullifiers of Islam
Nullifiers of Islam
Level 3
Course Two:
“There is no god worthy
of worship except
Allah, and Muhammad is
His Messenger”
At the end of this course the student should know:
Video Recorded lectures
Fundamentals of Tawheed bv Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
[Interaional Islamic Publishing House]
Video Recorded lectures
Recommended Reading:
Belief in Allaah - What Does it Mean? by Muhammed bin Saleh
al- Uthaymīn
This category of Shirk includes both the belief that others share
Al- laah’s control and rule over the creation, as well as the belief
that there exists no Lord over the creation at all.
Thus, this form of Shirk may be divided into two main categories :
Hindus also believe in One God called Brahman, but they, too,
believe that He takes three forms : Brahma the creator-god,
Vishnu the pre- server-god and Shiva the destroyer-god.
According to Tawheed, God is one in all senses. He is a special
One which cannot be divided like the ones in His creation. He is a
perfect One and nothing can be one like Him.
This category of Shirk includes both the belief that God is like a
man and the belief that man is like God. This form can also be
subdivided into two categories with regard to in the area of God’s
names and at- tributes :
In this form of Shirk, God is given the form and qualities of human
beings. Paintings or statues are made of Him in which He is
given the shape of a man.
The Hindus and Buddhists worship idols in the likeness of men
and call then God. Similarly, many Christian churches have
pictures and stat- ues of a human being, Jesus Christ, which they
claim represents God. Because they believe that God looks like a
man, they also attributed to Him human weaknesses. In the Bible
it is claimed that God took a rest after spending six days to create
the world. Elsewhere God is spoken of as repenting for His bad
thoughts as humans do when they realize their errors. However,
in the Qur’aan, Allaah teaches man that He is unlike any thing :
The Christian belief that Prophet ‘Eesaa (Jesus) was God can
also be considered Shirk by deification. Jesus was a man and a
prophet of Al- laah. His birth without a father was miraculous, but
so was Eve’s birth without a mother and Aadam’s birth without a
father or a mother.
5 - Being serious with regards to all matters. One does not pass
the chance to do righteous, good deeds, but he takes any chance
to gain Allaah’s rewards. One is always on his guard against any
path that leads to sin, fearing Allaah’s punishment. This ‘Aqīdah
requires its followers
to believe in the Resurrection and the Day of Reckoning, “(For all
there will be degrees (or ranks) according to what they did. And
your Lord is not unaware of what they do “ [6:132].
The Prophet also encouraged this attitude, “The strong believer is
bet- ter and more liked by Allaah than the weak believer.
However, each one of them has (a certain degree of ) goodness.
Seek what brings benefit to you and depend on Allaah. Do not be
weak if any calamity befalls you, do not say: ‘Had I done that,
then this would not have hap- pened.’ Only say: ‘Allaah has
ordained (this matter) and whatever He will He does.’“Had I,”
opens the door wide for the Devil to do his work” [Muslim]
These are some of the goals that Islam seeks for its followers to
reach. We pray that Allaah helps us and the rest of Muslims to
reach them.