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BDR Ans 3

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Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No- 01 /15

Important Instruction to Examiners:-

1) The answers should be examined by key words & not as word to word as given in
the model answers scheme.
2) The model answers & answers written by the candidate may vary but the examiner
may try to access the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more
4) While assessing figures, examiners, may give credit for principle components
indicated in the figure. The figures drawn by candidate & model answer may vary. The
examiner may give credit for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credit may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed
contact values may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers
and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of
relevant answer based on candidates understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other programme
based on equivalent concept.

Important notes to examiner

1. In Question 1(B) Student may draw any appropriate plan related to post office building
or hostel building so accordingly gives credit to them.
2. In Question No.-2 Student may draw Plan, elevation and section by using other suitable
scale than 1:50 so accordingly gives credit to them.
3. In Question 6(a) Student may draw any appropriate plan related to Primary Health
center so accordingly gives credit to them.
4. In Question 6(b) Student may draw any appropriate plan related to Bank building so
accordingly gives credit to them.
5. In Question 6(c) Student may draw any appropriate Line plan related to residential
building so accordingly gives credit to them.
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No-02 /15


Q1. (A) Attempt Any THREE of the following:
a) Draw graphical symbols for any four types of doors. 04 M
1M for
Give any

b) Differentiate between internal and external privacy with one example of each. 04 M
Internal Privacy : 1M for
i) In internal Privacy, the direct view inside any room from any other room or each
passage, lobby is prevented. Give any
ii) Internal privacy plays an important role in circulation of inside the building. one
Examples: difference
i) All doors should not be placed in one line, placing of single shutter doors offer and one
more privacy than double shutter doors. example
ii) By proper furniture arrangement. each
iii) Use of screens at the doors of W.C. and Bath etc.
iv) Use of partitions.

External Privacy :
i) In External Privacy, the direct view of the building from surrounding buildings is
ii) Also privacy from noise and pollution from the road.
i) Sufficiently kept sill height will not disturb external privacy.
ii) Verandah is to be planned in the front side to maintain external privacy.
iii) Further raising sill height of W.C. and bathroom also maintains the external
iv) Built a compound wall on plot boundary.
v) Plant the trees near building.
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No-03 /15

c) State any four importance of submission drawing. 04 M

i) For the purpose of obtaining sanction from competent authority. 1 M Each
ii) To know the orientation of the building. Give any
iii) It gives details of about all floor plans including terrace and car park plan. FOUR
iv) It shows the architectural elevation of the building.
v) It gives clear internal details from foundation to terrace of the building in section.
vi) Gives details of the doors and windows sizes and types in schedule of opening.
vii) Schedule giving notes for type of construction.
viii) Schedule giving notes for foundation work.
ix) It gives idea about total height of building.
d) Define picture plane and vanishing points in perspective view. 04 M
1) Picture Plane: It is an imaginary, transparent vertical plane erected between the object 02 M
and the observer, very near to, or touching or cutting one corner of the object.

2) Vanishing points: The vanishing points on a line are the points where the 02 M
perspective of all straight lines except those parallel to the picture plan appears to
2) Vanishing points: The vanishing points on a line are the points in which a system of
parallel line of the object inclined to picture plane appear to converge.
Q1. (B) Draw to suitable scale a line plan of Post office building stating the units and dimensions of 08 M

* Note (Line plan 4 marks, Units 2 Marks, Dimensions 2 Marks, Doors and Windows
are optional here.)
Note-: students may draw any other plan related to Post office building
So accordingly give credit to them.
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No-04 /15

Q 1(B) Draw to a suitable scale a line plan of Hostel Building for 30 beds stating units and 08 M
dimensions of each.

* Note (Line plan 4 marks, Units 2 Marks, Dimensions 2 Marks, Doors and Windows
are optional here.)

Note-: students may draw any other plan related to Hostel Building So
accordingly give credit to them.
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No-05 /15

Q2. Attempt any four of the following. 30 M

Fig. No. 1. Show a line plan of residential building. Draw to the scale of 1:50 the
following views. Show all dimensions and label the parts.
a) Developed plan
b) Elevation
c) Section AB or section CD.

Use the following construction note.

i) Depth of foundation - 1200 mm below GL.
ii) Plinth height above GL is 750 mm.
iii) Height of bottom of slab 2900 mm above floor
iv) Slab Thickness of is 150mm.
v) Chajja projection 500 mm.
vi) Super structure in BB masonry 300 mm thick and internal walls of bath and
WC is 100 mm. thick.

Assume suitable data if required.

Scale : 1:50
*Note: Wall thickness - 02 marks, Labeling- 02 marks, Dimension- 02 marks,
Position of Window – 02 marks & Door – 02 marks, Neatness – 02 Marks
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No-06 /15

*Note: Projected Line work- 02 marks, Correct Elevation- 04 marks, Neatness – 02 Marks

*Note: Correct Section - 04 marks, All Dimensions - 02 marks, Material Symbols – 02 Marks,
Neatness – 02 Marks.
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No-07 /15


*Note: Correct Section - 04 marks, All Dimensions - 02 marks, Material Symbols – 02 Marks,
Neatness – 02 Marks.
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No-08 /15


Q.3 Attempt Any Three of the following: 12 M
a) Draw and give necessity of any four lines as per IS 962-1989. 04 M
Sr.No. Type of Line Symbol Necessity 1 M for
1 Visible These lines should be outstanding in Each
Outline appearance. These lines are used to Draw
show wall thickness, plot boundary, any four
proposed structure etc. Thickness may lines
be 0.6mm to1.3mm.
2 Center Line Thickness 0.2mm These lines are used to show centre.
to 0.3mm. e.g. Center line of column, centre line
of wall or window etc. Alternate long
and short dashes are used in proportion
of 6:1 or 4:1.
3 Section Line Thickness 0.6mm It is cutting plane on which a section
to 1.0mm has been taken. It should be indicated
by a thick long dash and two short
dashes alternately and evenly spaced
and lettered at ends.

4 Dimension These lines are used to show

Line dimensions of structure. Thin full line
is used in contrast with heavier visible
outlines to show dimension. Thickness
0.2mm to 0.3mm.

5 Extension Light and thin lines are drawn from the

Line extremities of feature to which
OR dimensions has to be given. It should
not touch the feature.

6 Hidden Line Thickness 0.4mm These lines are used to show interior or
to 0.5mm hidden portions e.g. slab projection,
chajja projection, loft, truss etc. It
consists of small dashes evenly spaced.
7 Pointer Line When space is insufficient to write a
note or dimension near the feature,
pointer lines are drawn from the note or
dimension to show where it applies.
8 Break Line Short break lines are free hand drawn.
To show continuity of the object, long
break line or short break line is used.
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No-09 /15

b) State minimum dimensions required for following : 04 M

(i) Habitable room
(iil Bathroom
(iii) Kitchen
(iv) WC
(i) Habitable Room:- Minimum area 9.5m2 (minimum width 2.4m) 1M for
(ii) Bathroom:-1.5mx1.2m (minimum area 1.8m2) each
(iii) Kitchen:- Without store minimum area 4.5m2 (minimum width 1.8m)
Kitchen:- With store minimum area 5.5m2(minimum width 1.8m)
Kitchen:- With dining minimum area 9.5m2(minimum width 2.4m)
(iv) WC:- 1.2mx0.9m (minimum area 1.1m2)
c) State importance of foundation plan in building construction. 04 M
 Foundation plan shows the top view or layout of footings or foundation walls 04 M
required to support the structure, showing their area and location by distance
between center lines and by distance from reference lines or boundary lines.
 Foundation plan is very important in building construction as it shows
excavation to be carried out for lying foundation of building.
 According to foundation plan, line out is given on the site by marking lines with
white lime and according to that pits are dug.
 Diagonal measurements are given on foundation plan for checking accuracy on
 Foundation plan for load bearing structure and framed structure are different.
d) Define perspective view and state different types of perspective view. 04 M
Definition: -Perspective is a Latin word meaning ‘look through”. It is a three dimensional view 2 M for
as a person sees or a camera captures a picture. It is representation of an object as it appears to define
the observer. It is illusion which is different from actual form of object. It is useful to architects, and 2M
engineers, designers, public and artists. It is used for advertisement and printing brochures. for types
Types of perspective view:-a) parallel 1) one point perspective
b) oblique or angular 2) two point perspective
3) three point perspective
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No- 10 /15

Q.4 Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 M

a) State with sketch principles of perspective drawing. 04 M
 Perspective drawing is figure formed on a picture plane when visual rays from eye 01 M
to the object cut the picture plane. for
 Size and shape of perspective view depends on position of picture plane, eye level, Each
station point and vanishing points. Write
 When object is nearer to the observer or camera, it forms larger angle at eye or lens any
hence form larger images and if object is farther, it subtends smaller angle so forms Two
smaller image.
 In addition to length and breadth perspective view creates illusion of height/depth.
 For human eye, parallel lines seen converged. E.g. railway track.


b) State any four importance’s of working drawing. 04 M

 Working drawings are detailed drawings and contains all instructions and data for 01 M
actual execution of work on site. each
 It includes location sketch, foundation plan, detailed plans floor by floor, detailed sections. any
 It also includes structural drawings which contain reinforcement details of all Four
columns, beams, slabs, chajjas, cantilever structures etc.
 Bar bending schedule is also included.
 Working drawing also gives information about material used, types of doors and
windows, sanitary fittings along with required numbers.
 Construction notes, separate foundation drawing, site plan, drainage and water
supply arrangement, electrification layout is shown in working drawing.
 Details of RCC components like chajja, lintel, and staircase are included in working
 Each and every minute details of construction are available in working drawing for
easy execution of work from start to end.
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No- 11 /15

c) Define FSI, floor area, built-up area and carpet area. 04 M

 F.S.I.:- F.S.I. means floor space index. It is defined as the ratio of total built-up area 01 M
(total area of all floors) to the area of the plot. It is also called as floor area ratio each
(F.A.R.) it regulates population density and overcrowding in dwelling units.
 Floor area: - This is the usable covered area of the building at any floor level. Floor
area is calculated by deducting area of walls from plinth area.
 Built up area: - It is the area covered by all floors of the building. It covers
everything under roof but excludes balconies, staircases etc. It includes floor area of
all rooms plus wall thickness.
 Carpet area: - This is the floor area of the usable rooms at any floor. (Actually
where carpet can be laid.) Carpet area can be calculated from floor area deducting
sanitary accommodation, kitchen, pantries, verandah, corridors, passages, stores etc.
d) State rule and bye-law for plinth height and ceiling height. 04 M
Plinth height: - Plinth height should be more than 300mm. 02 M
Generally it is taken from 450mm to 750mm. each
For garages plinth height is 150mm.
Ceiling height:- 1) For habitable rooms 2.75m
2)For habitable rooms if air-conditioned2.4m
3)For habitable rooms under row housing scheme 2.6m
4)Kitchen 2.75m
5)WC and Bath 2.2m
6)Basement 2.4m
7)Headroom in staircase 2.2m
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No- 12 /15

Q.No. Solution Marks

Q.5 Attempt the following : 16 M
a) Draw to suitable scale two point perspective view of monument shown in Fig.No. 2. 10 M
Assume eye level at 1.6 m above GL and station point 3mfrom picture plane along
central visual ray. Retain all construction lines.
10 M

1- Marks for Plan,1-Marks for elevation,1-Marks for construction line,1-Mark for eye
level,6-Marks for correct object
b) Prepare a schedule of opening for the building drawn in question No. 2. 6M
S.N. Symbol Size Nos. Description 6M
1 D 1.5 X 2.1 m 01 Panelled Door
2 D1 1.2 X 2.1 m 02 Panelled Door
3 D2 1 X 2.1 m 02 Panelled Door
4 W 2 X 1.5 m 06 Aluminium window
5 W1 1.5 X 1.5 m 02 Aluminium window
6 V 0.8 X 1.2 m 02 louvered window
7 O 1X1m 02
Note:- Student can assume their own data Accordingly give credit to them
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No- 13 /15

Q.5 OR
a) Draw foundation plan for question No. 2. 10 M
10 M

b) Prepare area statement for question No. 2. Assume plot area 250 m2. 6M
a) Plot area = 250 m2 3M
b) Built up area = 97.45 m2 3M
c) Carpet area=Built up area– Area of WC , Bath and passage
=87.23 m2
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No- 14 /15

Q.6 Attempt any two of the following : 10 M

a) Draw a line plan of primary health center in a village. Show all dimensions and 05 M
positions of doors and windows.
Sr. Particulars Dimensions
1 Entrance and Waiting Space
2 Doctor’s room 3 X 3.6 m
3 Examination room 3X4 m
4 Operation room 4X5.5m
5 Circulation space
6 Wards: a) Maternity
b) General 8X10 m2/bed
7 Medical Store 3.5X4.75 m
8 Office 12m2
9 Laboratory 15m2
10 Parking Space
11 Family Planning unit
12 Residence:
a) Doctor 60-90 m2/ head
b) Servants 40-60 m2/ head

Note-: Student may draw any appropriate plan related to Primary Health
center so accordingly gives credit to them.
Subject Code: 17309 Model Answer- Building Drawing Page No- 15 / 15

b) Draw line plan of bank building at city. Show all units with dimensions and positions 05 M
of doors and windows.
05 M

Note-: Student may draw any appropriate plan related to Bank building so
accordingly gives credit to them.
c) Draw a line plan of residential building having hall, bedroom, kitchen, master 05 M
bedroom, staircase, pooja, store, WC bath, attach toilet and verandah.
05 M

Note:- Student may draw any appropriate Line plan by assuming suitable
data related to residential building so accordingly gives credit to them.

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