Van Wessel Steffi - Optimizing Hysteroscopic Treatment
Van Wessel Steffi - Optimizing Hysteroscopic Treatment
Van Wessel Steffi - Optimizing Hysteroscopic Treatment
Financial support for the publication and defense was kindly provided by:
Nordic Pharma, Stöpler, Gedeon Richter, Ceres-pharma, Vésale Pharma
Prof. Dr. Steven Weyers, Prof. Dr. Benedictus Schoot, Prof. Dr. Jan Bosteels
A dissertation submitted to Ghent University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Health
Prof. Dr. Tjalina Hamerlynck
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ghent University Hospital (Belgium)
Prof. Dr. Marc Coppens
Department of Anesthesiology, Ghent University Hospital (Belgium)
Chapter 1............................................................................... 11
General introduction
Chapter 2............................................................................... 27
Objectives and outline of the thesis
Chapter 3............................................................................... 35
Efficacy of oral nifedipine, naproxen, or placebo for pain relief during diagnostic
hysteroscopy in an office setting: a randomized pilot study
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2023 Feb 16:S1553-4650(23)00058-4
Chapter 4............................................................................... 51
Hysteroscopic morcellation versus bipolar resection for removal of type 0 and 1
submucous myomas: A randomized trial
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2021;259:32-7
Chapter 5............................................................................... 65
Manual morcellation (Resectr™ 9fr) versus electromechanical morcellation (Truclear™) for
hysteroscopic polypectomy: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2023;102:209-217
Chapter 6............................................................................... 81
Clinical evaluation of a new hand driven hysteroscopic tissue removal device, Resectr™ 5fr,
for the resection of endometrial polyps in an office setting
Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2023 Mar 15.
Chapter 7............................................................................... 99
Reproductive and Obstetric Outcomes After Hysteroscopic Removal of Retained Products of
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2020;27(4):840-6
Samenvatting......................................................................... 149
References............................................................................ 153
Publications........................................................................... 165
Addenda............................................................................... 167
Dankwoord............................................................................ 171
AUB Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
CI Confidence Interval
MD Mean Difference
OR Odds Ratio
General introduction
12 | CHAPTER 1
A. Endometrial polyp B. Fibroid C. Uterine septum D. Retained products of conception
E. Intrauterine adhesions F. IUD dislocation (personal collection)
CHAPTER 1 | 13
Mechanical 5 french (Fr) instruments (Figure 2) have long been the only
option for operative hysteroscopy. These instruments are introduced into
the uterine cavity through a 5 Fr working channel of an operative
hysteroscope with a total outer diameter ranging from 4.0 to 5.0 mm.
The main limitation of this type of instrument is the ratio between the size
of the resected pathology and the diameter of the internal cervical ostium
which may impede tissue removal (6,7). A larger pathology size is
associated with more additional maneuvers for tissue extraction, longer
operating times, and higher pain scores when performed in an office setting.
Moreover, 5 Fr mechanical instruments have a limited degree of movement,
are fragile, lack electrosurgery which hampers hemostasis, and swirling
tissue chips may compromise visualization.
14 | CHAPTER 1
Figure 2 5 Fr mechanical instruments
Figure 3 Resectoscope
CHAPTER 1 | 15
In 1995, Ivan Mazzon described an alternative use of the hysteroscopic
resectoscope in which electric current was omitted (cold loop) (12). Specific
electrodes have been developed for this purpose, but the existing electro-
surgical electrodes can simply be used non-activated.
16 | CHAPTER 1
morcellation’ has been abandoned. ‘Hysteroscopic shaver’ is a frequently
used synonym.
TruClear™ Elite Hysteroscopic tissue removal system (Medtronic) (used with permission)
CHAPTER 1 | 17
Moreover, two hybrid devices, combining bipolar electrosurgery with active
tissue aspiration have been developed: the Resection Master (2005, Richard
Wolf, Germany) and the Symphion™ Tissue Removal System (2014,
MinervaSurgical, USA). Apart from two abstracts, no studies are available on
these hybrid devices (18,19). The working mechanism, though, seems
somewhat contradictory: while with the hysteroscopic resectoscope one
tries to obtain large tissue chips to speed up the procedure, with these
instruments the chips need to be small enough to be suitable for aspiration
through the device.
The choice of the instrument depends on several factors: type, location and
size of the intrauterine pathology, the available instrumentation and
operator’s experience.
18 | CHAPTER 1
different technique, and lastly the primary outcome, operation time, had
different definitions.
CHAPTER 1 | 19
Nevertheless, the outpatient setting is still not widely used because of fear
of pain and complications, the belief that special expertise is required,
and in many countries the lack of a financial incentive. The latter has been
shown in a questionnaire among Flemish and Dutch gynecologists in 2016
20 | CHAPTER 1
the rationale ensuring that the hysteroscopic procedure can be performed
without any analgesia or anesthesia, provided that some basic rules to avoid
patient discomfort are respected.
Pain during hysteroscopy arises from vaginal speculum insertion,
tenaculum placement, cervical dilation, the passage of the hysteroscope
through the cervical canal, especially at the level of the internal cervical
orifice, myometrial contractility induced by uterine cavity distension or
direct stimulation when the uterine wall is touched by the hysteroscope or
the instrument, and disruption of the endometrium because of removal of
intrauterine pathology (54–56).
CHAPTER 1 | 21
pressure (ranging 70 – 110 mmHg) in order to minimize fluid deficit and
reduce pain (10,62). In clinical practice, intrauterine pressures are rarely
measured for practical reasons and adjustments are usually made on the
external pressure applied on the distension medium through pressure bags
or automated pumps (63).
Cervical preparation using prostaglandins is associated with reduced pain,
easier entry, and reduced procedural time (64). However, this should be
weighed against the increased side effects (bleeding, abdominal cramping,
gastro-intestinal disturbances).
RPOC are a special entity because the gravid uterus is more sensitive to
develop IUAs (38). The reported prevalence of IUAs after D&C to treat
miscarriage is 19% (83). Moreover, women with more than one miscarriage
were found to have significantly more IUAs than women with only one
miscarriage. While the available evidence originates from small cohort
studies with a poor-average methodological quality, similar reproductive
outcomes were reported in a meta-analysis comparing D&C with loop
resection using hysteroscopy (32). Nevertheless, there is insufficient
evidence on how different treatment options for RPOC affect future
reproductive outcomes (79).
The only RCT comparing a mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal system
with loop resection showed low de novo intrauterine adhesion rates (3%) in
both groups (30). The reproductive and obstetric outcome after RPOC
removal by mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal systems has not yet
been reported.
CHAPTER 1 | 23
Women of reproductive age wishing to conceive may benefit from IUA
prevention following operative hysteroscopy. Different methods to prevent
IUAs after operative hysteroscopy have been assessed: mechanical barriers
(IUD, intrauterine balloon, and anti-adhesion gel) and agents stimulating
endometrial regeneration (hormonal treatment and human amniotic
membrane grafting). A Cochrane meta-analysis of five RCTs has
demonstrated that the use of an anti-adhesion gel may decrease the
occurrence of IUAs at second-look hysteroscopy compared to no treatment
or placebo (odds ratio (OR) 0.37, 95% confidence interval (CI) [0.21–0.64];
P<0.01) (84). The overall quality of the body of evidence retrieved was low
and data on live birth rates were lacking.
Other anti-adhesion strategies have been suggested, but need further
investigation (85). Namely, the adherence to an appropriate hysteroscopic
technique in which the use of electrosurgery is reduced, damage to the
healthy endometrium and myometrium surrounding the lesion is avoided and
forced cervical manipulation is avoided. Furthermore, an early post-
operative second-look hysteroscopy (1-2 weeks after surgery).
24 | CHAPTER 1
CHAPTER 1 | 25
Objectives and outline of the thesis
28 | CHAPTER 2
CHAPTER 2 | 29
comparing the manual (Resectr™ 9 Fr.) with the electromechanical
hysteroscopic tissue removal device (Truclear™ incisor mini) for the
resection of polyps.
30 | CHAPTER 2
CHAPTER 2 | 31
Efficacy of oral nifedipine, naproxen,
or placebo for pain relief during diagnostic
hysteroscopy in an office setting:
a randomized pilot study
Measurements and Main Results Sixty patients were enrolled in the study
(21 in the nifedipine group, 19 in the naproxen group, and 20 in the placebo
group) The median pain scores during hysteroscope insertion, measured on
a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), were 1 (interquartile range (IQR) 0-0), 2 (0-4)
and 1 (0-1) in the nifedipine, naproxen and placebo group, respectively
(P .14). The median VAS scores during hysteroscopy were 5 (IQR 2-7), 5 (4-8)
and 5 (3-7) in the nifedipine, naproxen and placebo group, respectively
(P .73). The median VAS scores immediately after hysteroscopy were 2
(IQR 0-4), 3 (0-6) and 3 (1-5) in the nifedipine, naproxen and placebo group,
respectively (P ,40). The median VAS scores 30 minutes after hysteroscopy
were 1 (IQR 0-2), 1 (0-1) and 1 (0-2) in the nifedipine, naproxen and placebo
group, respectively (P .63). Hysteroscope insertion failed in 1 case
(naproxen group) because of cervical stenosis (P .32). Flushes, fatigue and
vertigo, thirty minutes after the procedure, were significantly more
prevalent in the nifedipine group compared to the naproxen (P <.001, P .03,
P .03, respectively) and the placebo group (P <.001, P .01, P .01,
respectively). Palpitations occurred only in the nifedipine group (P <.001).
The day after the procedure, headache was most prevalent in the nifedipine
group compared to the naproxen group (P .001) and the placebo group
(P .001).
Conclusion In our pilot study, pain relief and success rates for office
diagnostic hysteroscopy were not significantly different between nifedipine,
naproxen and placebo. Nifedipine was associated with more, albeit
tolerable, side-effects.
36 | CHAPTER 3
CHAPTER 3 | 37
systolic instead of 120mmHg and BMI < 35 kg/m² instead of 30 kg/m²). All
women gave written informed consent.
38 | CHAPTER 3
The primary outcome was maximum pain intensity measured on a Visual
Analogue Scale (VAS) during hysteroscope insertion (from the vaginoscopy to
the insertion of the hysteroscope into the cervix just beyond the external
ostium), during the procedure (from beyond the external ostium until the
moment just before the hysteroscope was removed from the uterine cavity),
at the end of the procedure (just after complete removal of the
hysteroscope from the uterus), and 30 minutes after hysteroscopy.
Since this was a pilot study, without existing literature on which to base
accurate power calculations, no power calculation was performed.
The sample size for this pilot study was therefore determined at 60 women.
This study was performed to provide guidance for a future RCT.
Data were collected and managed using Research Electronic Data Capture
(REDCap) tools hosted at Ghent University Hospital (17,18). REDCap is a
secure, web-based software platform designed to support data capture for
research studies, providing an intuitive interface for validated data capture,
audit trails for tracking data manipulation and export procedures,
automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to common
statistical packages, and procedures for data integration and inter-
operability with external sources. Data were analyzed using the statistical
program SPSS (version 28, IBM Corp., Armonk, NY). Continuous variables
were summarized with descriptive statistics mean and standard deviation
for data normally distributed and median and interquartile range (IQR)
otherwise. Categorical data were presented as frequency and percentage.
Continuous data were analyzed using the One-way ANOVA test if the data
were normally distributed or using the Kruskal Wallis test otherwise.
Categorical data were analyzed using the Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact
test when numbers were small. The residuals from the linear regression
model of the primary outcome (VAS score) were not normally distributed,
therefore a Kruskal Wallis test was performed. Level of significance was set
at P < .05.
Sixty women were enrolled in the study (Figure 1). Patient characteristics
CHAPTER 3 | 39
are shown in Table 1. Women with complaints (fatigue, abdominal cramps,
headache, and procedure related stress) at the moment of the
administration of the allocated treatment were not significantly different
between the 3 groups (P .35).
40 | CHAPTER 3
Data regarding the diagnostic hysteroscopy is shown in Table 2.
The introduction failed in 1 case of the naproxen group because of cervical
stenosis. The VAS scores at the start (P .14), during (P .73), at the end
(P .40) and 30 minutes after the diagnostic hysteroscopy (P .63) were not
significantly different between nifedipine, naproxen and placebo.
The proportion of women with a VAS score higher than 4 (57%, 61% and 60%)
was also not significantly different between the 3 groups (P 1.0). Overall,
the reported VAS scores were the highest during the diagnostic hysteroscopy.
The VAS scores at the other time points were low. In 6 cases additional
procedures (endometrial biopsy (pipelle) (n=4), placement of an
intrauterine device (IUD) (n=1), a vaginal examination (n=1)) were 3
performed subsequent to the diagnostic hysteroscopy. The median time
between administration of the allocated treatment and the hysteroscopy
was 77 minutes, 69 minutes, and 70 minutes in the nifedipine, naproxen and
placebo group, respectively. The diagnostic hysteroscopy was performed
outside the defined timeframe in 3, 6 and 4 women of the nifedipine (range
64 – 77 minutes), naproxen (range 64 – 79 minutes, with one procedure
being performed after 25 minutes) and placebo group, respectively, because
of practical matters (P .42).
CHAPTER 3 | 41
The postprocedural data is shown in Table 3. The median systolic blood
pressure 30 minutes after the diagnostic hysteroscopy was 115 mmHg (IQR
109-123), 122 mmHg (113-132) and 119 (113-124) in the nifedipine,
naproxen and placebo group, respectively (P.19). The median diastolic blood
pressure 30 minutes after the diagnostic hysteroscopy was 71 mmHg (IQR 65-
77), 77 mmHg (69-81) and 76 mmHg (71-84), respectively (P .04). Subgroup
analysis showed a significant difference between nifedipine and placebo (P
.02). Flushes, fatigue and vertigo, thirty minutes after the procedure, were
significantly more prevalent in the nifedipine group compared to the
naproxen (P <.001, P .03, P .03, respectively) and the placebo group (P
<.001, P .01, P .01, respectively). Palpitations occurred only in the
nifedipine group (P <.001). The day after the procedure, headache was most
prevalent in the nifedipine group compared to the naproxen group (P .001)
and the placebo group (P .001).
Eleven women in the nifedipine group required additional medication for
pain in the postprocedure period (paracetamol, ibuprofen, excedrine or
diclofenac) compared to two women in the naproxen group (paracetamol or
ibuprofen (P .004) and five women in the placebo group (paracetamol)
(P .03).
42 | CHAPTER 3
CHAPTER 3 | 43
The literature regarding pain relief in office diagnostic and operative
hysteroscopy has expanded since the start of our study. The evidence for
conscious sedation, local anesthesia and analgesia, compared to no
treatment, placebo, the same, another or a different dose/scheme
analgesic or anesthetic, has been examined by De Silva and colleagues
(21–23). Conscious sedation and local anesthesia via any route of the genital
tract are not recommended routinely. Regarding analgesia, NSAIDs reduce
pain during and after the hysteroscopic procedures without an increase in
side-effects. The authors conclude that women without contraindications
should be advised to take oral NSAIDs before the hysteroscopic procedure,
although the optimal route, dose and timing of administration has yet to be
determined. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), is
suggested as a suitable alternative for analgesia in case of contraindications
for NSAIDs. The technique of TENS is based on the stimulation of specific
dermatomes, which establishes a blockade at the dorsal horn, preventing
pain from being transmitted to the upper nervous system. The two studies
included in the meta-analysis of Da Silva and colleagues are heterogenous in
terms of TENS application (device, electrode placement and settings) (23–
25). Therefore, we could not report on TENS as a standardized technique.
Moreover, it entails logistical challenges (necessity of a specific device and
application before the procedure) when performed for office hysteroscopy.
A major limitation of the meta-analysis on analgesia of De Silva et al is the
methodologic and clinical heterogeneity of the studies included (23).
Hence, we believe more good quality data are needed before one can
recommend NSAIDs routinely.
Recently, a Cochrane review has been published on the use of Nifedipine for
pain relief in primary dysmenorrhea, which is the only gynecologic
indication so far (26). No new studies have been published since the start of
our trial. Compared to placebo, nifedipine was effective for pain relief (odd
ratio (OR) 9.04 95% confidence interval (CI) (2.61 – 31.31)),but the evidence
was of low-quality and based on only 2 studies. The adverse event rate did
not significantly differ from placebo (OR 0.94 95%CI (0.07 – 4.20) and the
most prevalent symptoms were headache and facial flushes.
In our pilot study, pain relief and success rates for office diagnostic
hysteroscopy were not significantly different between nifedipine, naproxen
and placebo. Nifedipine was associated with more, albeit tolerable, side-
CHAPTER 3 | 45
(1) Di Spiezio S., Campo R. State-of-the-art hysteroscopic approaches to pathologies of the genital
tract 2022, ENdo-Press, Germany.
(2) Di Spiezio S., Bettocchi S., Spinelli M., et al. Review of New Office-Based Hysteroscopic Procedures
2003-2009. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2010;17(4):436–48.
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(4) Kremer C., Duffy S., Moroney M. Patient satisfaction with outpatient hysteroscopy versus day case
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46 | CHAPTER 3
(20) Cavaillé F., Cabrol D., Ferré F. Human myometrial smooth muscle cells and cervical fibroblasts in
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(26) Earl R.A., Grivell R.M. Nifedipine for primary dysmenorrhoea. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
CHAPTER 3 | 47
Hysteroscopic morcellation versus bipolar
resection for removal of type 0 and 1
submucous Myomas: a randomized trial
Study design The study was performed from May 2011 to May 2018 in the
Catharina hospital (Eindhoven, the Netherlands) and the Ghent University
hospital (Ghent, Belgium). Women with type 0 and 1 submucous myomas up
to 3 cm were randomized to hysteroscopic morcellation with the TruClear™
8.0 Tissue Removal System or to bipolar resection with a rigid 8.5-mm
resectoscope. Skewed time variables were log-transformed and analyzed
with the Student t-test. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to
assess the effect of myoma diameter on operating time.
52 | CHAPTER 4
The aim of this randomized controlled trial (RCT) was to compare the
hysteroscopic tissue removal system with traditional bipolar resection for
removal of submucous type 0 and 1 myomas in terms of procedure time,
as well as adverse events, tissue availability, short term effectiveness and
postoperative adhesion formation.
This open label RCT was conducted at the Catharina Hospital (Eindhoven,
the Netherlands) and at the Ghent University Hospital (Ghent, Belgium),
from May 2011 to May 2018. Approval was obtained from both ethical
committees. The study was registered at as part of a series
of studies comparing hysteroscopic morcellation and resection for the
removal of intrauterine pathologies (polyps, placental remnants and
myomas) (NCT01537822) (4,5). Written informed consent was required
before randomization.
Women were eligible when they had at least one submucous type 0 myoma
(entirely within the uterine cavity) or type 1 myoma (< 50 % myometrial
extension), measuring up to 3 cm and were scheduled for removal by
hysteroscopy. The diagnosis was made by ultrasound, saline infusion
CHAPTER 4 | 53
sonography (SIS) and/or diagnostic hysteroscopy. Exclusion criteria were
myomas with a larger diameter (> 3 cm), submucous type 2 myomas
(50 % myometrial extension), suspicion of malignancy, untreated cervical
stenosis, or the presence of a contraindication for operative hysteroscopy.
We assumed that hysteroscopic morcellation was not the ideal technique to
treat type 2 myomas because of their intramural extension (3). Moreover,
type 2 myomas and myomas larger than 3 cm often require several
procedures for complete removal (6).
54 | CHAPTER 4
Hysteroscopic myomectomy was performed by staff-members with a similar
level of experience or skilled residents under direct supervision. Procedures
were performed in day surgery under spinal or general anesthesia or
conscious sedation. No cervical ripening agents were administered pre-
operatively. Antibiotic prophylaxis was administered according to local
The primary outcome was time, namely setup time, operating time and
total procedure time. Setup time was defined as the time to set up the
hysteroscopic instrumentation ready for use. Time registration starts after
disinfection and drape placement, includes cervical dilation and ends when
the hysteroscopic device was ready to be inserted. Setup time was counted
separately because of the difference in setup between hysteroscopic
morcellation and resection (amount of tubings, blade alignment). Operating
time starts at introduction of the hysteroscope in the cervix until the time
at which the procedure was completed and the hysteroscope was removed
definitely. The sum of the setup and operating time resulted in the total
procedure time.
CHAPTER 4 | 55
The sample size was calculated according to the randomized controlled pilot
study of van Dongen et al. (8). The expected effect size was 0.7 based on a
6.4-minute difference in operating time between hysteroscopic morcellation
and resection to remove polyps and myomas. The calculated sample size to
find this difference by 2-sided independent Student t testing, with a
significance level of 0.05 and a power of 0.80 was 34 women in each group.
The statistical program SPSS version 26 (IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0, IBM Corp.,
Armonk, NY, USA) was used for data collection and analysis.
For normally distributed continuous variables, means, standard deviations,
and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated and the mean
differences were analyzed using the Student t-test. For non-normally
continuous variables median, interquartile range (IQR) were reported, and
analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test Categoric data are
presented as frequency and percentage and analyzed using the Fisher Exact
test. Skewed time variables were log-transformed and analyzed with the
Student t-test in order to compare geometric means. Multiple linear
regression analysis was performed to assess the effect of myoma diameter
on operating time because the myoma diameter is known to influence the
operating time. A p value of < .05 was considered to be statistically
significant. Both an intention-to-treat and per-protocol analysis were carried
out for the primary outcome.
The baseline patient characteristics are shown in Table 1 and the pre-
operative symptoms, imaging and intraoperative myoma characteristics in
Table 2. No significant differences were found between the hysteroscopic
morcellation and resection groups.
Surgery data are presented in Table 3. The operating time was significantly
shorter in the morcellation group (P = .04), but the setup time was
significantly longer (P = .006). The total procedure time was not
significantly different between hysteroscopic morcellation and resection
(P = .18). Multivariate analysis taking the mean diameter of the largest
myoma into account showed that an increased diameter was associated with
longer operating times (P < .001). Correction for the diameter of the myoma
did not modify the significant difference in operating time between the 2
groups (P = .02). Operating time was still reduced by 26 % (95 % CI 5–43%) in
the morcellation group. Per-protocol analysis was performed in 68
women (Fig. 1) and the results were in line with those of the
56 | CHAPTER 4
intention-to-treat analysis.
CHAPTER 4 | 57
Table 2 Preoperative symptoms, imaging and intraoperative myoma characteristics
58 | CHAPTER 4
Our data showed that hysteroscopic morcellation using the TruClear™ system
is faster than bipolar resection for the removal of smaller type 0 and 1
myomas. Although the operating time of both techniques was relatively
short and with a longer setup time in the morcellation group, the overall
procedure time was the same for both techniques.
Contradictory with our previous RCTs using the same setup to remove polyps
and placental remnants, we observed a longer setup time in the
morcellation group (4,5). Simplifying the setup for hysteroscopic
morcellation may further reduce the time needed to perform the entire
procedure. For example, the new hand driven hysteroscopic tissue removal
system, Resectr™ (Boston Scientific, Marlborough, MA), designed for polyp
removal, replaces the electric powered control unit with food pedal by a
manually controlled handpiece. Still, connection of the vacuum tubing to
the inner blade is required. Moreover, the MyoSure MANUAL (Hologic,
Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA) is another hand driven hysteroscopic
tissue removal system designed for polyp removal in an office setting that
does not require an external vacuum tubing. Clinical trials with these novel
manual devices are ongoing (NTR7103, NTR7119).
CHAPTER 4 | 59
Conversion to resection occurred in two cases of the morcellation group in
our trial, because the myoma was too hard to be removed by the blade.
Myomas derive from smooth muscle cells making them harder than polyps
and placental remnants, and they are often calcified. Preoperative
ultrasound characteristics of the myoma (such as calcifications appearing as
echogenic foci with shadows) should be taken into account for technique
selection. Bipolar resection could be the preferred technique in the
presence of calcifications. On the other hand, myoma hardness may cause
the loop of the resectoscope to break. This specific outcome was, however,
not part of the scope of our trial.
Our RCT is the first to compare hysteroscopic morcellation with bipolar loop
resection for the removal of submucous myomas only. Similar results were
seen for both the intention-to-treat and perprotocol analysis.
Nevertheless, our trial was powered for the primary outcome of time, and
therefore no formal conclusions can be made concerning the secondary
outcomes. A second limitation of our trial is that it was an open trial, 4
although we do not expect any influence of the lack of blinding on the
primary outcome. Third, second-look hysteroscopy was not performed in all
cases, which could have caused a selection bias in our data on post-
operative adhesions. Lastly, preoperative diagnosis of type 2 myomas seems
to be challenging.
CHAPTER 4 | 61
(1) Tammam AE, Ahmed HH, Abdella AH, Taha SAM. Comparative study between monopolar electrodes
and bipolar electrodes in hysteroscopic surgery. J Clin Diagn Res 2015;9(11):QC11–3.
(2) Emanuel MH. Hysteroscopy and the treatment of uterine fibroids. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet
Gynaecol 2015;29(7):920–9.
(4) Hamerlynck TWO, Van Vliet HAAM, Beerens A-S, Weyers S, Schoot BC. Hysteroscopic morcellation
versus loop resection for removal of placental remnants: a randomized trial. J Minim Invasive Gynecol
(5) Hamerlynck TWO, Schoot BC, Van Vliet HAAM, Weyers S. Removal of endometrial polyps:
hysteroscopic morcellation versus bipolar resectoscopy, a randomized trial. J Minim Invasive Gynecol
(6) Mazzon I, Favilli A, Grasso M, Horvath S, Bini V, Di Renzo GC, et al. Predicting success of single
step hysteroscopic myomectomy: a single centre large cohort study of single myomas. Int J Surg.
(7) Deans R, Abbott J. Review of intrauterine adhesions. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2010;17(5):555–69.
(8) van Dongen H, Emanuel MH, Wolterbeek R, Trimbos JB, Jansen FW. Hysteroscopic morcellator for
removal of intrauterine polyps and myomas: a randomized controlled pilot study among residents in
training. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2008;15(4):466–71.
(9) Emanuel MH, Wamsteker K. The Intra Uterine Morcellator: a new hysteroscopic operating
technique to remove intrauterine polyps and myomas. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2005;12(1):62–6.
(10) Smith PP, Middleton LJ, Connor M, Clark TJ. Hysteroscopic morcellation compared with electrical
resection of endometrial polyps: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol 2014;123(4):745–51.
(11) Rubino RJ, Lukes AS. Twelve-month outcomes for patients undergoing hysteroscopic morcellation
of uterine polyps and myomas in an office or ambulatory surgical center. J Minim Invasive Gynecol
(12) Keltz MD, Greene AD, Morrissey MB, Vega M, Moshier E. Sonohysterographic predictors of
successful hysteroscopic myomectomies. J Soc Laparoendosc Surg. 2015;19(1).
(14) Lasmar RB, Lasmar BP, Celeste RK, da Rosa DB, de B.Depes D, et al. A new system to classify
submucous myomas: a brazilian multicenter study. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2012;19(5):575–80.
(15) Dueholm M, Forman A, Ingerslev J. Regression of residual tissue after incomplete resection of
submucous myomas. Gynaecol Endosc. 1998;7(6):309–14.
(16) Van Dongen H, Emanuel MH, Smeets MJ, Trimbos B, Jansen FW. Follow-u after incomplete
hysteroscopic removal of uterine fibroids. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2006;85(12):1463–7.
62 | CHAPTER 4
CHAPTER 4 | 63
Manual morcellation (Resectr™ 9fr) versus
electromechanical morcellation (Truclear™)
for hysteroscopic polypectomy:
a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial
Results The non-inferiority margin for the primary outcome time was 1.3.
Mean instrumentation setup time was 10% shorter with the manual (M)
compared to the electromechanical (E) morcellator (estimated mean ratio
manual/electromechanical = 0.9; 97.5% Confidence interval (CI) 0.8 - 1.1).
Mean resection time was 30% longer with the manual compared to the motor
driven system (estimated mean ratio manual/electromechanical = 1.3;
97.5% CI 0.9 – 1.9). Mean total procedure time was 10% longer with the
manual compared to the electromechanical morcellator (estimated mean
ratio manual/electromechanical = 1.1; 95% CI 0.91 - 1.298). The estimated
odds (electromechanical/manual) of a better surgeon’s safety, effective
and comfort score were, respectively, 4.5 (95% CI 0.9 - 22.1), 7.0 (95%CI
1.5 – 31.9), and 5.9 (95%CI 1.1 – 30.3) times higher with the motor driven
compared to manual driven morcellator. Conversion rates and incomplete
resection rates were comparable in both groups (manual versus electro-
mechanical) (7.6% (4/66) versus 2.9% (2/68) and 6.1% (4/66) vs 3.0% (2/66),
respectively). No intra- and postoperative complications were registered.
66 | CHAPTER 5
The aim of this RCT was to compare the manual morcellator (Resectr™ 9fr.)
with the electromechanical morcellator (Truclear™) for hysteroscopic
polypectomy in terms of procedure time, surgeon’s convenience, safety,
complications, conversion rate and completeness of removal.
CHAPTER 5 | 67
presence of any contraindication for operative hysteroscopy.
The Resectr™ 9fr. (3mm) was used in the intervention group (Figure 1). This
new hand driven tissue removal device consists of a 35cm long cannula,
with a 7.5mm cutting window and an internal rotating blade in an outer
tube. The hand activation of the Resectr™ 9fr. replaces the electrically
powered control unit in the existing motor driven devices. Each squeeze in
the handpiece initiates 6 turning movements of the inner blade. During each
turn, the inner blade can cut tissue. The ENDOMAT® SELECT (Karl Storz,
Tuttlingen, Germany; maximum flow setting of 300 mL/min), activated by a
foot pedal, was used for controlled suction of the resected tissue, which is
aspirated through the hollow lumen of the tissue removal device, collected
in a pouch and available for pathology analysis. When the rotating inner
blade and the ENDOMAT® SELECT are not activated, the window opening of
the Resectr™ 9fr. is always closed to prevent fluid loss and loss of distension.
The Truclear™ incisor mini device (3 mm, 9fr.), currently renamed as soft
tissue shaver mini device, was used in the control group. The system has a
5 mm cutting window. The technique of hysteroscopic electromechanical
morcellation has been described previously (1).
Statistical analyses
The sample size was calculated to test for non-inferiority of the
hysteroscopic manual morcellator compared to the electromechanical
system with respect to the geometric mean instrumentation setup and
resection times. In the paper of Hamerlynck et al, the mean
instrumentation setup and resection times with the electromechanical
morcellator were 7.3 minutes (+/- standard deviation (SD) 2.5 minutes) and
6.6 minutes (+/- SD 3.3 minutes), corresponding to coefficients of variation
of 0.3 and 0.5 respectively (6). A mean ratio of 1.3 as non-inferiority margin
CHAPTER 5 | 69
for the manual versus electromechanical morcellator was chosen and would
imply upper limits for mean instrumentation setup and resection times
with the manual morcellator of 9.5 minutes and 8.6 minutes, respectively.
A non-inferiority test of lognormal geometric means using the confidence
interval (CI) approach (97.5% CI constructed) on data from a balanced
parallel-group design with sample sizes of 63 women in each group (126
women in total), will achieve at least 80% power when the true geometric
mean ratio is 1, the common coefficient of variation is 0.5, and the non-
inferiority limit is 1.3. To account for 10% drop-out, this sample size was
increased to 140 women in total. The sample size was calculated in R
version 4.1.1 using the “PowerTOST” package. Testing for superiority after
non-inferiority can be demonstrated and will not impact the type I error
rate, nor the sample size.
Data were collected and analyzed using the statistical program SPSS (version
27.0, IBM Corp., Armonk, NY). Continuous variables were summarized with
descriptive statistics (mean and SD for data that were normally distributed,
geometric mean and geometric SD factor for instrumentation setup,
resection and total procedure times, and median and interquartile range
(IQR) otherwise). Categorical data were presented as absolute frequencies
and percentages.
Linear mixed models of log-transformed instrumentation setup, resection,
and total procedure times on randomization group and stratification group
were fitted with a random intercept for surgeon. The upper limit of the
confidence interval for the geometric mean ratio will be compared with the
predefined non-inferiority margin of 1.3. Generalized estimating equations
models with exchangeable working correlation matrix for women within
surgeons were fitted for the ordinal 5-point Likert scales for safety,
effective and comfort scores (cumulative logit). Analyses for conversion rate
and complete resection rate were kept descriptive because of quasi
complete separation.
For the two primary endpoints 97.5% CI are reported. Comparisons of other
endpoints were not adjusted for multiple testing (95% CIs are reported),
because these analyses will only be interpreted if first non-inferiority on one
of the primary endpoints can be demonstrated.
Ethical approval
Approval was obtained from both ethical committees (date of approval
Belgium 09/01/2018). The study was registered on March 27th 2018 at the
Dutch Trial Register (NL6922). However, this database is currently
unavailable and registered studies were moved to the International Clinical
Trial Registry Platform (ICTRP) (
70 | CHAPTER 5
alID=NTR7118). Participant enrollment started in September 2018.
CHAPTER 5 | 71
mechanical = 0.9; 97.5% CI 0.8 - 1.1). The upper limit of the 97.5% CI falls
below the pre-defined non-inferiority limit of 1.3, hence we can conclude
that the manual morcellator is non-inferior to the electromechanical
morcellator with respect to the geometric mean instrumentation setup time
(3.3 minutes (1.2) versus 3.3 minutes (1.2)). Superiority however could not
be demonstrated (p = 0.13).
The estimated geometric mean resection time was 30% longer with the
manual morcellator compared to the electromechanincal morcellator
(Estimated mean ratio manual/electromechanical = 1.3; 97.5% CI 0.9 – 1.9).
The upper limit of the 97.5% CI falls above the pre-defined non-inferiority
limit of 1.3, hence we are inconclusive about clinical non-inferiority of the
manual morcellator compared to the electromechanical morcellator, with
respect to the geometric mean resection time (3.7 minutes (1.2) versus 2.7
minute (1.2)).
The estimated geometric mean total procedure time was 10% longer with
the manual morcellator compared to the electromechanical morcellator
(Estimated mean ratio manual/electromechanical = 1.1; 95% CI 0.91 -
1.298). We can conclude that the manual morcellation is non-inferior to
electromechanical morcellation, with respect to the geometric mean total
procedure time (8.2 minutes (3.7) versus 7.4 minutes (3.7)). Superiority
however could not be demonstrated (p = 0.37).
72 | CHAPTER 5
Table 2 Polyp characteristics
The conversion rate was 7.6% (5/66) and 2.9% (2/68) in the manual and
electromechnical morcellation l group, respectively. In 2 cases the Resectr™
9fr was converted to the resectoscope because of the intraoperative
diagnosis of a myoma (n=1) and in order to obtain a complete resection
of hard tissue that turned out to be a myoma (n=1). The Resectr™ 9fr was
converted to the Truclear™ incisor mini device because of device deficiency
(defective inner blade n=1), a large polyp (n=1) and poor visibility due to
blood loss (n=1). Because of the intraoperative diagnosis of a myoma, the
CHAPTER 5 | 73
Truclear™ incisor mini device was converted to the resectoscope (n=1) and
to the Truclear™ ultra mini device, currently renamed as dense tissue shaver
mini device (n=1).
The estimated odds of a better surgeon’s safety, effective and comfort score
(above any fixed level) were, respectively, 4.5 ((95% CI 0.9 - 22.1),
P = 0.06), 7.0 ((95%CI 1.5 – 31.9), P = 0.01) and 5.9 ((95%CI 1.1 – 30.3),
P = 0.03) times higher with the electromechanical morcellator than with the
manual morcellator.
74 | CHAPTER 5
The postoperative data are presented in Table 4. An unscheduled post-
operative visit with the gynecologist was recorded in 1.5% (1/66) of the
manual morcellation group (pathology analyses revealed a carcinoma (n=1))
and in 4.4% (3/68) of the electromechanical group (bleeding and abdominal
pain (n=3)). An unscheduled postoperative visit with the general practitioner
was recorded in 1.5% (1/66) of the manual morcellation group (abdominal
pain (n=1)) and 4.4% (3/68) of the electromechanical morcellation group
(abdominal pain and fever (n=1), flu like symptoms (n=1) and gastritis
Tissue was insufficient for pathology analysis in 1.5% (1/68) of the electro-
mechanical morcellator group.
CHAPTER 5 | 75
To our knowledge, our RCT is the first to report on the clinical use of a new
manual morcellator for hysteroscopic polypectomy and to compare this
technique with electromechanical removal. We used unambiguous time
definitions. Moreover, groups were comparable by measuring only the
resection time of the largest polyp and by the stratified randomization.
Our trial has some limitations. The surgeon reported outcomes are
subjective, however, the trial was multicentric and different surgeons were
involved. We did not analyze the cost-effectiveness. Nevertheless, since the
procedure time and the hospitalization are similar, the difference between
the two techniques can be based on the device and sterilization costs.
Furthermore, the polyp size was limited to 2 cm in our trial, but in the
existing literature it is rarely larger. Unfortunately, the primary outcome
was missing in some cases, but this was less than 10%.
The Resectr™ 9fr. is equipped with a larger working window (7.5 mm) than
the Truclear™ incisor mini device (5 mm). This could have resulted in shorter
resection times. Our results were inconclusive regarding non-inferiority and
the mean resection time was shorter for the electromechanical morcellator.
This might be explained by the inconsistent activation of the hand piece,
resulting in variable resection speeds. Notwithstanding, the resection times
were low. The reported resection times of electromechanical morcellators
were not comparable to our measures because of heterogeneity in terms of
polyp size and number (8,9).
76 | CHAPTER 5
reasons for incomplete resection in both groups. The Resectr™ 9fr. was not
designed to remove myomas. The Truclear™ tissue removal system has
specific devices developed for dense tissue (ultra mini and ultra plus
devices). Fundal polyps may be hard to reach. The only two RCTs using the
Truclear™ incisor mini device for hysteroscopic polypectomy did not report
on conversion rates Their incomplete resection rates ranged from 2% to 8%
and was mainly a result of inability to access the intrauterine cavity.
Manual morcellation was associated with higher fluid deficits than the
electromechanical system for hysteroscopic polypectomy. Overall, these
deficits were low and the maximum fluid deficit was 1620ml. Smith et al and
Pampalona et al did not calculate their fluid deficit (8,9).
Surgeon’s safety, effective and comfort scores were in favor of the electro-
mechanical morcellator. Overall, these scores were high so one can
question its clinical relevance. Surgeon’s subjective scores were only
reported by Tsuchiya et al, using the Truclear™ incisor plus device for polyp
removal (10). Maneuverability was scored on a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)
and was 7.7.
CHAPTER 5 | 77
were inconclusive. Conversion and incomplete resection rates were within
the range reported in the literature. Surgeon’s reported outcomes were
high, but in favor of the electromechanical morcellator. Women were
satisfied with both techniques.
78 | CHAPTER 5
(1) Emanuel MH, Wamsteker K. The Intra Uterine Morcellator: A new hysteroscopic operating
technique to remove intrauterine polyps and myomas. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2005;12(1):62–6.
(2) van Dongen H, Emanuel MH, Wolterbeek R, Trimbos JB, Jansen FW. Hysteroscopic Morcellator for
Removal of Intrauterine Polyps and Myomas: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study among Residents in
Training. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2008;15(4):466–71.
(3) Shazly SAM, Laughlin-Tommaso SK, Breitkopf DM, Hopkins MR, Burnett TL, Green IC, et al.
Hysteroscopic Morcellation Versus Resection for the Treatment of Uterine Cavitary Lesions: A
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2016;23(6):867–77.
(4) Yin X, Cheng J, Ansari SH, Campo R, Di W, Li W, et al. Hysteroscopic tissue removal systems for the
treatment of intrauterine pathology: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Facts, views Vis ObGyn.
(5) Li C, Dai Z, Gong Y, Xie B, Wang B. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized
controlled trials comparing hysteroscopic morcellation with resectoscopy for patients with
endometrial lesions. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2017;136(1):6–12.
(6) Hamerlynck TWO, Dietz V, Schoot BC. Clinical implementation of the hysteroscopic morcellator
for removal of intrauterine myomas and polyps. A retrospective descriptive study. Gynecol Surg.
(7) Hamerlynck TWO, Schoot BC, Van Vliet HAAM, Weyers S. Removal of endometrial polyps:
Hysteroscopic morcellation versus bipolar resectoscopy, a randomized trial. J Minim Invasive Gynecol.
2015;22(7):1237–43. 5
(8) Pampalona JR, Bastos MD, Moreno GM, Pust AB, Montesdeoca GE, Guerra Garcia A, et al.
A Comparison of Hysteroscopic Mechanical Tissue Removal With Bipolar Electrical Resection for the
Management of Endometrial Polyps in an Ambulatory Care Setting: Preliminary Results. J Minim
Invasive Gynecol. 2015;22(3):440–5.
(9) Smith PP, Middleton LJ, Connor M, Clark TJ. Hysteroscopic morcellation compared with electrical
resection of endometrial polyps: A randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2014;123(4):745–51.
CHAPTER 5 | 79
Clinical evaluation of a new hand driven
hysteroscopic tissue removal device,
Resectr™ 5fr, for the resection of
endometrial polyps in an office setting
Methods Women with at least one small endometrial polyp were eligible.
Hysteroscopic polypectomy was performed using the Resectr™ 5fr in an
office setting, without any anesthesia.
82 | CHAPTER 6
Women were eligible to participate when they had at least one small (mean
diameter ≤ 8 mm) endometrial polyp, scheduled for hysteroscopic removal.
Diagnosis was made by transvaginal ultrasound, saline infusion sonography
(SIS) and/or diagnostic hysteroscopy. Exclusion criteria were endometrial
CHAPTER 6 | 83
polyps with a mean diameter larger than 8 mm, evidence of malignancy,
untreated cervical stenosis, or the presence of a contraindication for
operative hysteroscopy.
Polyp removal was performed using the Resectr™ 5fr. a new hand driven
tissue removal device, consisting of a 35 cm long cannula and, a 5 mm
working window and an internal rotating blade in an outer tube (Figure 1).
The device was introduced into the uterine cavity through the 5fr. working
channel of pre-existing small diameter hysteroscope (≤ 15fr, ≤ 5mm). The
hand activation of the Resectr™ 5fr. replaces the electric powered control
unit in the existing motor driven devices. Each squeeze in the handpiece
initiates six turning movements of the inner blade (3 rotations clockwise,
followed by 3 rotations counterclockwise). During each turn, the inner blade
can cut tissue. The ENDOMAT® SELECT (Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany;
maximum flow setting of 300 mL/min), activated by a foot pedal, was used
for controlled suction of the resected tissue, which is aspirated through the
hollow lumen of the tissue removal device, collected in a pouch and
available for pathology analysis. When the rotating inner blade and the
ENDOMAT® SELECT are not activated, the window opening of the Resectr™
5fr. is always closed to prevent fluid loss and uterine cavity collapse.
84 | CHAPTER 6
The procedures were done by four experienced hysteroscopic surgeons after
in vitro training.
The primary outcomes are the installation and resection times. Installation
time was defined as the time to set up the hysteroscopic instrumentation
ready for use at the back table (assembling the hysteroscope by connecting
camera light cable and irrigation system, connecting the ENDOMAT® SELECT
tubing to the Resectr™ 5fr and insertion of the device in the 5fr working
channel). Resection time was defined as the time from first instrument
activation until complete removal of the largest polyp.
The secondary outcomes were the surgeon’s practical, comfort and safety
scores on a 5-point Likert scale, patient’s pain (after the procedure) and
satisfaction scores (at 6 weeks follow-up) (5-point Likert scale), conversion
rates (an interruption of the hysteroscopic procedure to switch to another
procedure or another device in order to complete the surgery),
completeness of removal (extraction of all polyp tissue from the uterine
cavity), intra- and postoperative complications (including fluid deficit
≥ 2500mL with clinical consequences, hemorrhage (> 500mL), uterine
perforation, infection), short-term effectiveness (persistence of symptoms
at 6 weeks follow-up), postoperative availability of tissue for pathology
analysis and pathology diagnosis.
CHAPTER 6 | 85
One hundred and twelve women were enrolled in the study (Figure 2).
Conscious sedation and general anesthesia were performed in one and five
cases respectively, because of patient’s preference or a painful diagnostic
hysteroscopy after inclusion. Finally, 102 hysteroscopic polypectomies, using
the Resectr™ 5fr in an office setting without any anesthesia, were included
in the analysis.
86 | CHAPTER 6
respectively. The median installation time was 1.9 minutes (95%CI 1.6 - 2.1).
The median time to complete polyp removal was 1.2 minutes (95%CI 0.8
– 1.6). There was no significant difference in resection times amongst the
four surgeons (P = .21). The surgeon’s practical and comfort scores were
negatively correlated with resection times (P < .001). Sixty-six percent of
the women took pain medication within a time frame from the night before
until the morning of the procedure (paracetamol 500mg (n=2), paracetamol
1000mg (n=9), paracetamol + codeine (n=1), paracetamol + NSAID (n=2),
NSAID (n=53)). Pain scores were overall very low, and women who took pain
medication reported significantly lower pain scores (P = .009). A significant
correlation between patient’s pain score and resection time could not be
found (P = .09).
CHAPTER 6 | 87
Table 2 Polyp characteristics
88 | CHAPTER 6
Table 3 Surgery data
Figure 3 Time to installation curve
CHAPTER 6 | 89
Figure 4 Time to complete polyp resection curve
With a new device, the polyp, located at the posterior wall, was removed
completely without complications. The resection time was 5.4 minutes with
a fluid deficit of 50 mL. Polyp tissue was confirmed on pathology analysis.
Tissue was not available for pathology analysis in one case because of a
small amount of tissue, but non-malignant polyp tissue was already
confirmed on biopsy during the diagnostic phase.
One woman contacted her gynecologist earlier than the planned post-
operative visit because of blood loss. The polyp was located at the
posterior wall and resected in 0.9 minutes. An intrauterine device was
placed at the time of the surgery, but it was expulsed after 1 month.
This patient was already known with heavy menstrual bleeding. She was
admitted for 2 nights and received packed cells because of a hemoglobin
drop to 7.4 mg/dL. She was treated with NSAIDS, oral progestogens and
tranexamic acid, but eventually a hysterectomy was performed. Two women
contacted their general practitioner before the planned postoperative visit
(pyrosis (n=1), tiredness (n=1)).
90 | CHAPTER 6
Table 4 Postoperative data
The surgeons practical, comfort, and safety scores were high. These scores
were not yet reported on before in an office setting. Van Dongen et al
reported surgeon and trainer convenience scores on a visual analogue scale
(VAS), which was in favor of the mechanical hysteroscopic tissue remov-
al system compared to resectoscopic surgery.(25) Tsuchiya et al reported
CHAPTER 6 | 91
surgeon convenience with a mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal system
and resectoscopic surgery in terms of maneuverability of the device, easi-
ness of removal and visibility on a VAS scale (26). VAS scores were 7.7, 8.4
and 7.8 for the mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal system and 7.2, 6.5
and 6.4 for resectoscopic surgery, respectively. Stoll et al reported surgeon’s
comfort scores on a VAS scale of 8.4 and 7.4 for the mechanical hysteroscop-
ic tissue removal system and resectoscopic surgery, respectively.(27)
Patients reported low pain scores and high satisfaction scores. The reported
pain scores using 5r. mechanical instruments, 5fr. bipolar instruments,
mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal systems and resectoscopic surgery
in an office setting are heterogeneous in terms of measure point (during or
after the procedure), measure scale (10 or 100 VAS scale) and analgesia use.
(16,17,20–24,28–30) The highest median score on a 10-point VAS scale was
3.6 using 5fr. mechanical instruments.(21) The highest median score on a
100-point VAS scale was 52.0 using 5fr bipolar instruments.(16) A Cochrane
meta-analysis showed no good-quality evidence of a clinically meaningful
difference in safety or effectiveness between different types of pain relief
compared with each other, with placebo, or with no treatment in women
undergoing a diagnostic hysteroscopy.(31) A more recent meta-analysis of
pain relief during diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy recommended
NSAIDs to reduce pain during and after the procedure.(32) However, a major
limitation of this meta-analysis is the methodologic and clinical
heterogeneity. Conflicting results exist whether mechanical
polypectomy is associated with lower VAS scores than electrosurgical
resection.(16,17,20,33) The reported satisfaction rates for hysteroscopic
polypectomy in an office setting were 92.5 on a 100-point VAS scale and
97.5% indicated that they were ‘very satisfied’ using a mechanical
hysteroscopic tissue removal system.(22,24)
92 | CHAPTER 6
There was no tissue available to send for pathology analysis in one case.
This was one of the first procedures. The ENDOMAT® SELECT tubing set is
long and it should be flushed to remove the tissue, especially if it contains a
small amount of tissue. This was therefore performed in all consecutive
procedures. Tissue availability related to other hysteroscopic techniques
were not yet reported before.
Our study has some limitations. Firstly, pain medication was not stan-
dardized and not blinded. This could have influenced our results (low pain
scores, high satisfaction rates). Nevertheless, this corresponds with the
reality in clinical practice. No procedure had to be discontinued because of
pain. The pain medication that was taken is non-invasive and safe. Secondly,
surgeon reported outcomes may be subjective, but it was multicentric and
different surgeons were involved. Thirdly, we did not take the cost into
account. Fourthly, only smaller polyps were included. However, this size was
chosen because it corresponds with the diameter of the internal cervical
ostium which is within the feasible range of 5fr mechanical instruments.
Lastly, we did not have a control group. Whether a randomized controlled
trial (RCT) is worth the effort is, in accordance with the IDEAL framework,
evaluated through this feasibility study.
CHAPTER 6 | 93
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using a 5 mm-hysteroscope without anaesthesia and/or analgesia: Advantages and limits. Eur J Obstet
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(16) Smith PP, Middleton LJ, Connor M, Clark TJ. Hysteroscopic morcellation compared with electrical
resection of endometrial polyps: A randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2014;123(4):745–51.
(17) Pampalona JR, Bastos MD, Moreno GM, Pust AB, Montesdeoca GE, Guerra Garcia A, et al.
A Comparison of Hysteroscopic Mechanical Tissue Removal With Bipolar Electrical Resection for the
Management of Endometrial Polyps in an Ambulatory Care Setting: Preliminary Results. J Minim
Invasive Gynecol. 2015;22(3):440–5.
(18) Hamerlynck TWO, Schoot BC, Van Vliet HAAM, Weyers S. Removal of endometrial polyps:
Hysteroscopic morcellation versus bipolar resectoscopy, a randomized trial. J Minim Invasive Gynecol.
94 | CHAPTER 6
(19) Bettocchi S, Ceci O, Di Venere R, Pansini MV, Pellegrino A, Marella F, et al. Advanced operative
office hysteroscopy without anaesthesia: analysis of 501 cases treated with a 5 Fr. bipolar electrode.
Hum Reprod. 2002;17(9):2435–8.
(22) McIlwaine P, McElhinney B, Karthigasu KA, Hart R. A prospective study of the use of the Myosure
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(23) Dealberti D, Riboni F, Cosma S, Pisani C, Montella F, Saitta S, et al. Feasibility and Acceptability
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(25) van Dongen H, Emanuel MH, Wolterbeek R, Trimbos JB, Jansen FW. Hysteroscopic Morcellator for
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(27) Stoll F, Lecointre L, Meyer N, Faller E, Host A, Hummel M, et al. Randomized Study Comparing a
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(32) De Silva PM, Mahmud A, Smith PP, Clark TJ. Analgesia for Office Hysteroscopy: A Systematic
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(33) De Silva PM, Stevenson H, Smith PP, Clark TJ. Pain and Operative Technologies used in Office
Hysteroscopy: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2021;
CHAPTER 6 | 95
Reproductive and obstetric outcomes
after hysteroscopic removal of
retained products of conception
Measurements and Main Results The primary outcome measures were live
birth and pregnancy complications (including abnormal placentation
[placenta accreta/increta/percreta], placenta previa, vasa previa, retained
placenta after delivery or incomplete expulsion with the need for manual
removal or curettage, and RPOC), uterine rupture, and other complications
(blood loss, preterm labor, preterm premature rupture of membranes,
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, and intrauterine growth restriction).
The live birth rate was 88.9% in the morcellation group and 68.2% in the
loop resection group (p = .09). Uterine rupture occurred in 1 patient in the
morcellation group (4.2%) (p = 1.00). Placental complications were found in
20.8% and 22.2% of the hysteroscopic morcellation and loop resection
groups, respectively (p = .33), and other pregnancy complications were seen
in 33.3% and 16.6% of the 2 groups (p = .33). The secondary outcome was
time to pregnancy. The median time to pregnancy was 14 weeks
(interquartile range [IQR], 5−33 weeks) in the morcellation group and 15
weeks (IQR, 6−37 weeks) in the loop resection group (p = .96).
100 | CHAPTER 7
This retrospective follow-up study was conducted in 2018 and was approved
by the Ethics Committee of Ghent University Hospital (Belgium) and
Catharina Hospital (Eindhoven, The Netherlands). The study has been
registered at (identifier NCT01537822).
CHAPTER 7 | 101
to compare hysteroscopic morcellation and loop resection for the removal
of placental remnants in terms of procedure time, adverse events, tissue
availability, histology results, short-term effectiveness, and postoperative
adhesions. The median operating time was significantly shorter for
hysteroscopic morcellation compared with loop resection (6.2 minutes
[interquartile range (IQR), 4.0−11.2 minutes] vs 10.0 minutes [IQR, 5.8−16.4
minutes]; p = .023). No adverse events occurred during hysteroscopic
removal. Perforation at dilation in 8 cases of the hysteroscopic morcellation
group resulted in 2 procedure discontinuations and 1 incomplete procedure.
Incomplete removal was found in 1 uncomplicated hysteroscopic
morcellation procedure and 2 resection procedures.Pathology results
confirmed the presence of placental remnants in 27 of 40 patients (67.5%)
in the hysteroscopic morcellation group and in 26 of 37 patients in the loop
resection group. Second-look hysteroscopy showed de novo intrauterine
adhesions in 1 of 35 patients (3%) in the hysteroscopic morcellation group
and in 1 of 30 patients (3%) in the loop resection group.
Data were collected and analyzed with SPSS version 25 (IBM, Armonk, NY).
For symmetrically distributed continuous variables, means, SDs, and 95%
confidence intervals (CIs) were reported, and the mean differences were
analyzed using the Student t test. For nonsymmetrically distributed
continuous variables, median, IQR, minimum and maximum were computed
and analyses was performed using the Mann−Whitney U test. Categorical
data were presented as frequency and percentage and analyzed using the
x2 test or Fisher’s exact test. Firth logistic regression was used to analyze
the primary outcome measures if the univariate analysis was significantly
different. Time to pregnancy was analyzed using a time-to-event analysis.
A p value <.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance. Both an
intention-to-treat analysis and a per-protocol analysis were performed.
The total response rate was 80.2% (69 of 86 patients). The patients’ 7
responses are summarized in Figure 1. Three out of 86 women (3.5%)
refused participation, and 14 (16.3%) were lost to follow-up, leaving 69
women in the study cohort.
CHAPTER 7 | 103
(14.8%) in the morcellation group and in 2 of 20 women (10%) in the loop
resection group (p = 1.00). In the morcellation group, ovulation induction
was performed in 1 of the 4 women (25%), intrauterine insemination in a
stimulated cycle in 2 of 4 (50%), and in vitro fertilization/ intracytoplasmic
sperm injection in 1 of 4 (25%). In the resection group, ovulation induction
and intrauterine insemination in a stimulated cycle were each performed in
1 patient (50% for each). Conception occurred in 24 women in the
morcellation group (88.9%) and in 19 women in the loop resection group
loop resection morcellation
n=40 n=46
refused to refused to
participate participate
n=1 n=2
104 | CHAPTER 7
Table 2 Reproductive outcome
CHAPTER 7 | 105
Abnormal placentation occurred as placenta accreta in 1 of 24 women
(4.2%) in the morcellation group and as 1 case each of placenta accreta and
placenta previa (2 of 14; 14.3%) in the loop resection group (p = .54). In the
morcellation group, RPOC occurred after manual removal of the placenta
subsequent to vaginal delivery/expulsion in 1 of 24 women (4.2%). In the
loop resection group, RPOC occurred in 2 of 17 women (11.8%) after
placenta accreta and after pregnancy termination because of
cytomegalovirus infection (p = .63).
CHAPTER 7 | 107
To our knowledge, this is the first report comparing the reproductive and
obstetric outcomes between hysteroscopic morcellation and loop resection
for the removal of RPOC. Moreover, no previous data were available on
reproductive and obstetric outcomes after hysteroscopic morcellation.
The pregnancy rates in the present study were higher than those reported
in other studies (15%−82%) (9−14). The live birth rate of 68.2% in the loop
resection group was comparable to the rates reported for loop resection in
other studies (69%−75%) (9−13). The live birth rate was higher in the
morcellation group (88.9%), although the difference was not statistically
significant. We acknowledge our small sample size in the context of live
CHAPTER 7 | 109
(1) Sellmyer MA, Desser TS, Maturen KE, Jeffrey RB Jr, Kamaya A. Physiologic, histologic, and
imaging features of retained products of conception. Radiographics. 2013;33:781–796.
(2) Hooker AB, Aydin H, Brölmann HA, Huirne JA. Long-term complications and reproductive
outcome after the management of retained products of conception: a systematic review.
Fertil Steril. 2016;105:156–164. e2.
(3) Cohen SB, Kalter-Ferber A, Weisz BS, et al. Hysteroscopy may be the method of choice for
management of residual trophoblastic tissue. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 2001;8:199–202.
(4) Rein DT, Schmidt T, Hess AP, Volkmer A, Schöndorf T, Breidenbach M. Hysteroscopic
management of residual trophoblastic tissue is superior to ultrasound-guided curettage.
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2011;18:774–778.
(6) Hamerlynck TW, van Vliet HA, Beerens AS, Weyers S, Schoot BC. Hysteroscopic morcellation
versus loop resection for removal of placental remnants: a randomized trial. J Minim Invasive
Gynecol. 2016;23:1172–1180.
(8) Grimbizis GF, Di Spiezo Sardo A, Saravelos SH, et al. The Thessaloniki ESHRE/ESGE consensus
on diagnosis of female genital anomalies. Hum Reprod. 2016;31:2–7.
(9) Golan A, Dishi M, Shalev A, Keidar R, Ginath S, Sagiv R. Operative hysteroscopy to remove
retained products of conception: novel treatment of an old problem. J Minim Invasive Gynecol.
(11) Ikhena DE, Bortoletto P, Lawson AK, et al. Reproductive outcomes after hysteroscopic
resection of retained products of conception. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2016;23:1070–1074.
(12) Sonnier L, Torre A, Broux P, Fauconnier A, Huchon C. Evaluation of fertility after operative
hysteroscopy to remove retained products of conception. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol.
(13) Jiménez JS, Gonzalez C, Alvarez C, Muñoz L, Pérez C, Muñoz JL. Conservative management
of retained trophoblastic tissue and placental polyp with diagnostic ambulatory hysteroscopy.
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2009;145:89–92.
(14) Fuchs N, Smorgick N, Ben Ami I, et al. Intercoat (Oxiplex/AP gel) for preventing intra-
uterine adhesions after operative hysteroscopy for suspected retained products of conception:
double-blind, prospective, randomized pilot study. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2014;21:126–130.
(16) Hamerlynck TWO, Meyers D, Van der Veken H, Bosteels J, Weyers S. Fertility outcome after
110 | CHAPTER 7
treatment of retained products of conception. Gynecol Surg. 2018;15:12
CHAPTER 7 | 111
Anti-adhesion Gel versus No gel following
Operative Hysteroscopy prior to Subsequent
fertility Treatment or timed InterCourse
(AGNOHSTIC), a randomised controlled trial:
114 | CHAPTER 8
IUAs are fibrous strings at opposing walls of the uterus, developing after
injury to the basal layer of the endometrium (8,9). Reviews of large
observational studies have demonstrated an association between IUAs and
poor reproductive outcome, namely a prevalence of infertility as high as 43%
and recurrent pregnancy loss in 22% (9–11). Moreover, there is an increased
risk of obstetrical complications after successful hysteroscopic adhesiolysis,
for example abnormal placentation, preterm delivery, uterine rupture and
peripartum hysterectomy (12).
Women of reproductive age wishing to conceive may benefit from the IUA
prevention following operative hysteroscopy. However, the optimal anti-
adhesion strategy still needs to be defined because data from high quality
studies on the effectiveness of anti-adhesion treatment for improving
reproductive outcomes are sparse and of low quality. A Cochrane meta-
analysis of five randomised controlled trials (RCTs) has demonstrated that
the use of anti-adhesion gel may decrease the occurrence of IUAs at
second-look hysteroscopy compared to no treatment or placebo (odds ratio
(OR) 0.37, 95% confidence interval (CI) [0.21 - 0.64]; P < .01). The overall
quality of the body of evidence retrieved was low and data on live birth
rates were lacking (13–18).
CHAPTER 8 | 115
Live birth is defined as the delivery of at least one live foetus after 20
completed weeks of gestation, that resulted in at least one live baby.
We will count the delivery of singleton, twin or multiple pregnancies as one
live birth.
116 | CHAPTER 8
Table 1
Overview of outcome measures in a randomised controlled trial of anti-adhesion gel versus no gel following
operative hysteroscopy in women who wish to conceive.
Study design
The AGNOHSTIC trial is a multicentre, pragmatic, parallel group, superiority,
blinded RCT.
Patient population
We will include women of reproductive age (18 to 47 years), wishing to
conceive (spontaneously or by fertility treatment) and scheduled for
operative hysteroscopy to treat intrauterine pathology (endometrial polyps,
myomas with uterine cavity deformation, uterine septa, IUAs or RPOC).
A CONSORT flow chart will be provided.
CHAPTER 8 | 117
stroma and blood vessels (21). They appear as hyperechogenic structures
on US with regular contours, occupying the uterine cavity, surrounded by a
small hypoechogenic halo. Colour Doppler can be used to detect the
vascular stalk.
Myomas derive from myometrial cells and they may protrude into the
uterine cavity (22). They are classified according to their anatomical
location (PALM-COEIN classification) and in this study myomas with cavity
deformation, suitable for resection by hysteroscopy, will be included (23).
These are submucosal myomas type 0, 1 and 2 (entirely within the uterine
cavity, < 50% and ≥ 50% myometrial extension, respectively), and intramural
myomas sufficiently large to distort the uterine cavity (hybrid myomas type
2-5) suitable for complete resection by hysteroscopy. The extent of cavity
protrusion is clinically relevant for predicting the successful outcome of
hysteroscopic myomectomy (24).
IUAs, scar tissue that sticks the uterine walls together, are classified
according to the AFS classification (20).
118 | CHAPTER 8
Recruitment procedure
Women attending Belgian hospitals, fulfilling the inclusion criteria will be
invited to take part in the study. Initially, recruitment was started in 6
centres (Ghent University Hospital, University Hospital Brussels, University
Hospital Leuven, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc Brussels, Centre
Hospitalier Universitaire Liège and Imelda Hospital Bonheiden). To speed up
the recruitment, an additional centre (Jessa Hospital Hasselt) has joined the
group in 2020.
Recruitment has started since April 2019 and is ongoing. The planned study
period will be 4.5 years.
All eligible women who provided written informed consent will be
randomised from one day up to 1 hour before the operative hysteroscopy.
The study is a parallel-group RCT with a 1:1 allocation ratio and stratified
randomisation with computer generated random permuted blocks of
variable sizes to avoid that the surgeon may predict the treatment
Study drug
The intervention under study is the application of an anti-adhesion gel,
namely Hyalobarrier® gel endo (Nordic Pharma), after the complete
removal of intrauterine pathology (endometrial polyps, myomas with uterine
cavity deformation, uterine septa, IUAs or RPOC) by hysteroscopy. A second
operation will be planned in case of incomplete pathology removal. The
anti-adhesion gel is sterile, transparent and highly viscous, made from ACP
obtained by condensation of hyaluronic acid. Due to its viscosity, it keeps
the surrounding tissue separate during the recovery period after surgery.
Seven days after application in the uterine cavity, the gel is fully absorbed
(27). In the uterine cavity it is shown to remain in situ for at least 72 hours
(13). Yang et al showed a different endometrial healing process for various
hysteroscopic procedures (28). The shortest time period occurred after
polypectomy (1-2 months), and the longest time period was seen after
myomectomy. Whether the time frame of 72 hours is sufficient remains
to be seen. The effectiveness of Hyalobarrier® gel has been demonstrated 8
during surgical procedures in the abdomen and pelvis during clinical studies
(13,17,29-35). It is indicated for use in laparoscopic and hysteroscopic
procedures and is available as single-use disposable syringe. Each syringe
contains 10 ml of sterile gel containing 30 mg of ACP per ml.
For administration, individually packaged cannulas of 30 cm length are
enclosed. All reportable adverse events will be recorded in the patient’s
file and in the electronic Case Report Form (e-CRF) between randomisation
and the last trial related activity. Medical events that occur between signing
of the Informed Consent and the randomisation will be documented on the
CHAPTER 8 | 119
medical and surgical history section and concomitant diseases page of the
e-CRF. Additionally, all Serious Adverse Device Effects (SADE),
Unanticipated Serious Adverse Device Effects (USADE), incidents and other
significant safety issues will be reported immediately but no later than 3
calendar days after investigational site study personnel’s awareness of the
event to the sponsor and chief investigator. A detailed listing of our safety
reporting is shown in supplement 1. No gel will be applied in the uterine
cavity of women assigned to the control group.
Follow up
The trial flow chart is shown in Figure 1. According to local practice, 3 to 6
weeks after the operative hysteroscopy with complete pathology removal,
women will be scheduled for a postoperative visit (telephone or physical) or
a second-look hysteroscopy. Subsequently, they may start trying to conceive
by regular sexual intercourse or fertility treatment (4-6 cycles ovulation
induction (OI), 4-6 cycles controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) or 4-6 cycles
intrauterine insemination (IUI) or 3 embryo transfers). Women will be
contacted every month to check if they are pregnant.
The short-term follow-up ends 30 weeks after randomisation for the primary
endpoint. This is in concordance with the CONSORT guidelines (36).
Secondary endpoints, time to conception and rates of clinical pregnancy,
miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy are measured 30 weeks after receiving
allocated treatment. In all women that fail to conceive within this
timeframe, a second-look hysteroscopy will be scheduled within 2 to 6
weeks to check for IUAs.
Figure 1
Trial flow chart for a randomised controlled trial of anti-adhesion gel versus no gel following operative
hysteroscopy in women who wish to conceive. IUAs, intrauterine adhesions; RPOC, retained products of
conception; OI, Ovulation induction; COS, controlled ovarian stimulation; US, ultrasound.
Statistical analysis 8
Continuous variables will be summarised with descriptive statistics (mean
and standard deviation for data that are approximately normally distributed
and median and interquartile range (IQR) otherwise). Categorical data will
be presented as frequency and percentage.
CHAPTER 8 | 121
The secondary endpoint, time to conception, will be analysed using
Kaplan-Meier analyses and randomisation groups will be compared using
a Cox model adjusting for centre and type of pathology. The intervention
effect will be expressed as a hazard ratio (HR).
The secondary endpoints, clinical pregnancy, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy
and IUA rates, will be analysed similarly as the primary endpoint. Whereas
the variables describing the course of pregnancy will be expressed as OR or
mean difference (MD).
Statistical analyses will be performed with the use of SAS (SAS Institute,
Cary, NC, USA) and R (R Core Team, 2019).
Sample size
Sample size calculation for the logistic regression on the primary endpoint
was performed in SAS version 9.4 using the power procedure.
The alternative hypothesis states that the proportion of pregnancies leading
to live birth at 30 weeks after randomisation is 45% in the control group
(no ACP gel) and 60% in the intervention group (ACP gel).
The sample size analysis was based upon our own database regarding the
122 | CHAPTER 8
pregnancy rate after operative hysteroscopy performed from 2011 until
2016. Based on these data, a pregnancy rate of 45% was expected in the
control group. The pregnancy rate for the intervention group was expected
to be 60%. This percentage is based on expert opinion in combination with
the pregnancy rate seen in a subgroup of single / lesbian women and male
infertility in the same database.
Based upon the Belgian Register for Assisted Procreation (BELRAP database),
the cumulative clinical pregnancy rate after 6 intrauterine inseminations
and 3 embryo transfers was 47% and 46.5% respectively, regardless of age.
Sample size analysis per pathology was not performed because of the
pragmatic design.
The Prevention of Adhesions Post Abortion (PAPA) trial is the largest multi-
centre RCT comparing the application of ACP gel after dilation and
curettage (D&C) for miscarriage with no treatment in a population at risk
for IUAs (defined as at least one D&C in the history) (37). The IUA rate was
significantly lower in the ACP group compared to the control group.
Moreover, the mean adhesion score and the amount of moderate to severe
IUAs, assessed by the AFS scoring system, were significantly lower after the 8
application of ACP gel. Thus, ACP gel may be of benefit in a specific
subgroup of women scheduled for D&C for miscarriage with at least one D&C
in the history.
CHAPTER 8 | 123
were not statistically different. However, this trial has some important
limitations. First, the study was not powered for reproductive outcomes.
Second, second-look hysteroscopy revealed more IUAs in the control group,
and these were removed because it was considered to be unethical not to
perform hysteroscopic adhesiolysis.
This study has some important strengths. To our knowledge, this is the first
large multicentre and well-designed RCT focusing on the influence of ACP
gel on reproductive outcomes. Our study is powered to detect a difference
in the primary study outcome, conception leading to live birth, measured
at a fixed time point, namely 30 weeks after randomisation. Measuring ‘live
birth’ as primary endpoint would imply a longer follow-up period and a risk
of multiple outcomes in one patient, different modes of conception per
patient and risk of drop-out. It would make the design of this pragmatic trial
more complicated.
Moreover, women will be well monitored during the short-term follow-up by
monthly contact and every trimester during long-term follow-up instead of
using questionnaires which may be accompanied by recall bias.
Furthermore, patient representatives are involved and will participate to
the trial steering committee (TSC).
This study also has some limitations. Our study population will be a mix of
women trying to conceive by regular sexual intercourse or fertility
treatment. This composition was chosen because of the pragmatic character
of our study, to meet the recruitment options of all the involved centres,
and to reach our large sample size in an acceptable time period.
Women will be included until the age of 47 and it is known that age is an
important predictor for fertility. The present study uses the stratified
randomization method. However, age is not included as a covariate.
Although, this is a pragmatic study and the Belgian law allows transfer
of frozen embryos until 47 years. The bottom line of the trial is to study
whether the application of ACP gel subsequent to operative hysteroscopy in
women wishing to conceive improves their reproductive outcome.
Co-treatment with hormonal medication may be given or repeated SIS or
hysteroscopy may be scheduled for sever IUAs, according to the standard
practice of the participating centre. Thus, it is prevented that women with
severe IUAs allocated to the control group do not receive a postoperative
anti-adhesion treatment.
124 | CHAPTER 8
Three to 6 weeks after the operative hysteroscopy with complete pathology
removal, women may be scheduled for second-look hysteroscopy,
according to local practices. IUAs on second-look hysteroscopy will be
treated by adhesiolysis. This may impact the primary outcome in favour of
the control group. However, both issues, additional anti-adhesion treatment
and adhesiolysis, will be solved because stratification is done per centre and
Lastly, to be in line with the CONSORT guidelines, the primary endpoint will
be measured at a pre-specified time point, namely 30 weeks after
randomisation. Only if the intrauterine pathology is completely removed,
the allocated treatment will be announced and applied. Otherwise, women
are scheduled for a second operative hysteroscopy followed by the allocated
treatment. Thus, their timeframe to become pregnant will be shorter.
CHAPTER 8 | 125
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128 | CHAPTER 8
CHAPTER 8 | 129
General discussion
132 | CHAPTER 9
In our pilot study, pain relief and success rates for office diagnostic
hysteroscopy were not significantly different between nifedipine, naproxen
and placebo. Nifedipine was associated with more, albeit tolerable,
side-effects. Our study was limited by the small sample size, the lack of a
sample calculation, the performance of hysteroscopic procedures and the
administration of medication outside the defined timeframe in some
women, and the performance of additional procedures in some women.
Nifedipine for pain relief in office hysteroscopy was not yet studied before.
Recently, a Cochrane review has been published on the use of nifedipine for
pain relief in primary dysmenorrhea, which is the only gynecologic
indication so far (91). Compared to placebo, nifedipine was effective for
pain relief.
The literature regarding pain relief in office diagnostic and operative
hysteroscopy has expanded since the start of our study. The evidence for
analgesia (NSAIDs, opioids, antispasmodic and Transcutaneous Electrical
Nerve Stimulation (TENS)), compared to no treatment, placebo, another or
a different dose/scheme analgesic or anesthetic, has been examined by
De Silva and colleagues (92). NSAIDs reduce pain during and after the
hysteroscopic procedures without an increase in side-effects. The authors
conclude that women without contraindications should be advised to take
oral NSAIDs before the hysteroscopic procedure, although the optimal route,
dose and timing of administration has yet to be determined. TENS could
serve as an alternative to NSAIDs in case of contraindications. However,
TENS entails logistical challenges when performed for office hysteroscopy.
A major limitation of this meta-analysis is the methodologic and clinical
heterogeneity of the studies included. Hence, we believe more good quality
data are needed before one can recommend NSAIDs routinely.
Based on the current findings NSAIDs may be considered, however, we
cannot advise it routinely for office diagnostic hysteroscopy.
CHAPTER 9 | 133
studies have compared these two techniques in women with polyps and
fibroids or in a sample including submucous type 2 fibroids (14,15,93–95).
Contradictory with previous RCTs using the same instrumentation setup to
remove polyps and RPOC with the mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal
system, we observed a longer setup time in this group (30,96). Simplifying
the instrumentation setup for mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal
systems may further reduce the time needed to perform the entire
procedure. Moreover, this variable was not reported in other trials.
Furthermore, with an increasing interest in the office setting, the resection
time is the most important amongst the time variables. It is shown that
hysteroscopic procedures (polypectomy, septum resection and endometrial
ablation) using mechanical, smaller and quicker devices are less painful in
an office setting (97). The feasibility of office hysteroscopic fibroid removal
has been reported, but small diameter instruments were used (49,98–100).
CHAPTER 9 | 135
in an office setting without any anesthesia.
The Resectr™ 5 Fr. complies with its characteristics (mechanical energy,
small diameter, and fast procedure) to the recommendations of Da Silva et
al to reduce pain when performing office hysteroscopy (97). Another
advantage is that the device is compatible with the 5 Fr. working channel of
any operative hysteroscope, and with the simplified instrumentation setup it
is suitable for the ‘see and treat’ approach.
The median installation setup time and time to complete polyp removal
were low. The reported installation setup times associated with the existing
motor driven tissue removal systems were higher (30,96,105). Our resection
time was incomparable with those reported in the literature using other
hysteroscopic instruments because of heterogeneity in time definitions,
polyp sizes and polyp numbers(13,16,107–114).
The major limitation of our trial was the unstandardized use of pain
medication, the inclusion of only smaller polyps (≤ 8 mm) and the lack of a
control group. The concomitant use of pain medication could have
influenced our results. Nevertheless, this corresponds with the reality in
clinical practice and no procedure had to be discontinued because of pain.
The small polyp size was chosen because this corresponds with the
diameter of the internal cervical ostium which is within the feasible range
of 5 Fr. mechanical instruments. The latter could be a control group in
future research. Whether such RCT is worth the effort was, in accordance
with the IDEAL framework (Idea, Development, Exploration, Assessment,
Long-term study), evaluated through this feasibility study.
136 | CHAPTER 9
Our study was limited by its retrospective design, the related missing data,
although the response rate was high (80.2%), the risk of recall bias, and the
lack of a power analysis for reproductive outcomes. In roughly one-third of
the initial study population the diagnosis was not confirmed by pathology
analysis. This highlights the difficulty of diagnosing RPOC.
Standardized criteria for the definition of, and when to evaluate RPOC are
lacking. A review of the diagnostic criteria for RPOC after miscarriage or
CHAPTER 9 | 137
induced abortion revealed that an ultrasonographic endometrial thickness of
15 mm or more 2 weeks after the primary treatment were most often used
Although the superiority of hysteroscopic RPOC removal over D&C has still
to be determined, the hysteroscopic approach seems promising in terms of
reproductive outcome.
Since the Cochrane review from Bosteels et al in 2017, which assessed the
effectiveness of anti-adhesion therapies following operative hysteroscopy
for treatment of female subfertility, there have been a number of new
publications, and an update is urgent (84). However, there is still a small
number of trials reporting on reproductive outcomes. Some new reviews
of varying quality and added value have been published. Unanyan et al
showed, based on 4 RCTs, improved pregnancy rates after D&C or
hysteroscopic adhesiolysis using anti-adhesion gel compared to an IUD or
no treatment(130). Korany et al proved, based on 3 RTCs, higher pregnancy
rates after hysteroscopic adhesiolysis using intrauterine platelet-rich plasma
compared to no treatment (131). Platelet-rich plasma contains an
autologous concentration of platelets as well as growth factors
promoting tissue healing and regeneration. However, the disadvantages are
the requirement of a processed blood sample, the limited action time as the
growth factors are released during 15 minutes after the preparation, the
liquidity at room temperature and consequently the poor barrier properties.
Fei et al stated, based on 2 retrospective studies, that the pregnancy rate
did not improve significantly using anti-adhesion gel compared to no gel
after hysteroscopic adhesiolysis (132). Zeng et al showed, based on 2 RCTs,
improved pregnancy rates when using anti-adhesion gel compared to no gel
after intrauterine surgery (133).
CHAPTER 9 | 139
Figure 7 Overview of the hysteroscopic instruments and their indications
140 | CHAPTER 9
detrimental for reproductive outcomes, but around 20% of the subsequent
pregnancies are characterized by placental complications.
142 | CHAPTER 9
CHAPTER 9 | 143
144 |
The pilot RCT in Chapter 3 showed that the role of analgesia in office
diagnostic hysteroscopy is uncertain. Based on the current findings NSAIDs
may be considered, however, we cannot advice it routinely. Nifedipine for
pain relief in office hysteroscopy was not yet studied before and it was
associated with more, albeit tolerable, side-effects.
The RCT in Chapter 4 provided the evidence for the use of a mechanical
hysteroscopic tissue removal system (Truclear™ ultra plus), compared to
bipolar electrosurgery (26 Fr.), to remove type 0 and 1 submucous fibroids.
However, calcified fibroids are challenging in both techniques. Currently, the
ISGE guidelines recommend the mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal
system for the resection of submucous type 0 fibroids. For submucous type
1 and 2 fibroids there is a lack of high-quality data, hence electrosurgery is
recommended until new good quality studies appear. Our RCT provided the
evidence for mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal of submucous type 1
| 145
The development of devices continued and a new manually driven
hysteroscopic tissue removal device for polypectomy became available in 2
sizes (Resectr™ 5 Fr. and 9 Fr.). We performed the first clinical evaluation of
these manually driven hysteroscopic tissue removal devices.
Chapter 5 showed the non-inferiority of the manually driven (Resectr™ 9 Fr.)
compared to an electromechanical driven system (Truclear™ incisor mini)
for the removal of polyps in terms of installation setup and total procedure
time. The resection time was inconclusive. However, surgeons are more
convenient with the electromechanically driven system, leaving the manual
device for select cases of hysteroscopic polypectomy.
Chapter 6 showed the feasibility of the small diameter manual
hysteroscopic tissue removal device (Resectr™ 5 Fr.) for polypectomy in an
office setting without any anesthesia. This is an important finding with the
growing interest in the office setting. However, the lack of a control group is
a major limitation, which could be the next step in future research.
| 147
148 |
Het gebruik van pijnstilling tijdens een poliklinische hysteroscopie zou een
gunstige invloed kunnen hebben op het comfort van de patiënten (deel 1).
| 149
De ‘International Society for Gynecologic Endocscopy’ (ISGE)-richtlijnen
bevelen momenteel het mechanisch hysteroscopisch
weefselverwijderingssysteem aan voor het verwijderen van type 0
submucosale myomen. Elektrochirurgie wordt aanbevolen voor type 1 en
2 submucosale myomen omwille van het ontbreken van goed onderbouwd
onderzoek. Onze studie ondersteunt het gebruik van het mechanisch
hysteroscopisch weefselverwijderingssysteem voor het verwijderen van type
1 submucosale myomen.
| 151
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Steffi van Wessel was born on March 23, 1988 in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium. After
obtaining her high school diploma from the Berkenboom Humaniora in Sint-
Niklaas in 2006, she started her medical school at the University of Ghent.
During her last year she did research on the relationship between uterine
fibroids and fertility at the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the
Ghent University Hospital.
In the summer of 2013, she received her medical degree and started her
clinical career in obstetrics and gynecology. She had the opportunity to
perform general surgery in AZ Jan Palfijn Ghent for one year. Afterwards,
she was active in the department of obstetrics and gynecology of the ISALA
clinic in Zwolle (The Netherlands), the Ghent University Hospital and the
OLV clinic in Aalst. During her residency she was inspired by the scientific
work, in which she could participate, done by Prof. Dr. Steven Weyers and
Prof. Dr. Tjalina Hamerlynck.
| 163
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van Wessel S, van Vliet HAAM, Schoot BC, Weyers S, Hamerlynck TWO. Hysteroscopic
morcellation versus bipolar resection for removal of type 0 and 1 submucous
myomas : a randomized trial. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2021;259:32–7.
Hamel CC, van Wessel S, Carnegy A, Coppus SFPJ, Snijders MPML, Clark J, et al.
Diagnostic criteria for retained products of conception : a scoping review. Acta
Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021;100(12):2135–43.
| 165
van Wessel S, Hamerlynck T, Schoot BC, Weyers S. Hysteroscopy in the Netherlands
and Flanders: a survey amongst practicing gynaecologists. Eur J Obstet Gynecol
Reprod Biol. 2018;223:85–92.
van Wessel S, Van Kerrebroeck H, VAN BOGAERT V, Tummers P, Van den Broecke R.
Primary intestinal type adenocarcinoma of the female genital tract, arisen from a
tubulo-villous adenoma: case report. Gynecol Oncol Case Rep. 2013;4:63–5.
166 |
ADDENDUM 1 Milestones in hysteroscopic development
1804 The Light conductor ‘Lichtleiter’: the visualisation of body cavities (Philipp
Jean Désormeaux)
1952 Cold light (Max Fourestier, Jacques Vulmière & Amedee Gladu)
1970 35% Dextran for uterine distension (Karin Edström & Ingmar Fernström)
| 167
1976 Hysteroscopic removal of a submucous fibroid (urologic monopolar
(Ethicon, USA)
2005 Mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal sevice: Truclear™ 8.0 (Smith &
2012 Mini mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal sevice: Truclear™ 5C (Smith &
2016 Manually driven hysteroscopic tissue removal device: Resectr™ 5 and 9 Fr.
(MinervaSurgical, USA)
168 |
ADDENDUM 2 Overview of the mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal
| 169
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Het laatste onderdeel van ‘het boekje’, niet in het minst onbelangrijk, een
woord van dank. Het was een avontuur waarin overleggen, doorzetten,
geduld hebben, en soms er gewoon het beste van maken, werden
afgewisseld door enthousiasme, amusement, leuke uitstapjes en aangename
Prof. Dr. Tjalina Hamerlynck, Tjalina, woorden van dank schieten tekort.
Bedankt om begeleider te willen zijn van dit avontuur. Ik ontmoette jou
tijdens mijn stagejaar gynaecologie in de opleiding geneeskunde.
Je enthousiasme, gedrevenheid en liefde voor de minimaal invasieve
gynaecologie sprongen over. Je nam me mee op sleeptouw wat resulteerde
in dit boekje, maar ook in de klinische activiteiten die ik vandaag met veel
enthousiasme en plezier doe. Bedankt om de rots in de branding te zijn,
de puntjes op de ‘i’ te zetten, maar ook om de dingen in perspectief te
plaatsen en te relativeren. We zetten deze warme samenwerking verder.
| 171
Emanuel, om het idee voor de ‘NIPHY’ studie te lanceren, en om te zetelen
in de examencommissie. Bedankt Astrid Vanhulle, om de ‘NIPHY’ studie mee
tot leven te brengen in het kader van je masterproef. Bedankt Julie
Rombaut, om de ‘NIPHY’ studie in leven te houden tijdens mijn
zwangerschapsafwezigheid (en niet alleen de studie). Bedankt Huib van
Vliet, als lid van de ‘morcellator studies’, om je kritisch nazicht en je
positivisme. Ik wist dit telkens erg op prijs te stellen. Bedankt Nele
Coryn, voor onze ontelbare belrondes naar patiënten. Fijn dat jij nu ook een
bureaugenootje geworden bent. Bedankt aan alle hoofdonderzoekers van de
AGNOHSTIC studie, Prof. Dr. Christine Wyns, Prof. Dr. Michelle Nisolle,
Dr. Valerie Schutyser, Prof. Dr. Carla Tomassetti, Prof. Dr. Jasper Verguts en
Dr. Bart De Vree, voor jullie werkijver voor deze ‘intensieve’ studie.
Het protocol hebben we alvast gepubliceerd. Het einde van de studie is in
zicht, we bijten nog even door met includeren en ronden het verhaal mooi
af. Ook een woord van dank voor de studiecoördinatoren en de
studieteams van alle centra die betrokken zijn bij de studies. Bedankt
Manita Coolen voor het speurwerk om op al mijn vragen een antwoord te
kunnen geven. Bedankt Laurence Beausaert, Marie Timmermans, Elsie
Nulens, Laurien De Greef, Tine Op de Beeck, Ina Callebaut en Régine
Bauters, want de AGNOHSTIC studie neemt veel van jullie tijd in beslag,
jullie inzet wordt enorm geapprecieerd.
Een oneindige dankjewel aan iedereen die, op welke manier dan ook,
betrokken was bij het includeren van patiënten: assistenten, ARG collega’s,
verloskunde collega’s, gynaecologie collega’s, verwijzende gynaecologen, …
Mijn verontschuldigingen voor het stalken zijn hier nu misschien wel op z’n
plaats. Hoewel, voor AGNOHSTIC gaan we toch nog even verder.
Nog een speciaal woordje van dank. Bedankt Menekse Göker, om een
bureaugenootje te zijn, voor de vlotte en aangename samenwerking, om
doctoraatvreugde en leed te delen, om te ventileren en te relativeren.
Bedankt Isabelle Dehaene, jouw werkspirit en jouw efficiëntie waarin je
kliniek en wetenschap met elkaar verweeft brachten mij helemaal ‘into
UZ’. Bedankt Chloë Deroo, Glenn Vergauwen en Noortje van Oostrum voor
de ‘hoe deden jullie dat’ vragen. Bedankt Frauke Vanden Meerschaut voor
de ‘hoe zat het nu alweer’ fertiliteitsvragen. Hopelijk werd je er niet
horendol van (en het is nog niet gedaan). Bedankt Philippe Tummers om mij
aan te zetten tot het schrijven van dit geheel. Bedankt Celine Blank om me
wegwijs te maken in de MEC-U wereld. Bedankt Lien Dhaenens om het PhD-
schuitje te delen. Bedankt Griet Vandenberghe om je af te vragen waarom
een zwangere na 24 weken nog ’s nachts in het UZ ronddoolt.
Dank aan alle deelnemers, zonder jullie was er geen sprake van dit
172 |
Een trouwe supporter aan de zijlijn, een welgemeende dankjewel Evelyn
Maes om te zijn wie je bent, onvoorwaardelijk en altijd daar. Deze periode
is voor jou minstens even spannend zoniet spannender. Ik duim voor jou.
Het allerlaatste dankwoord is voor Bart, Alice en Julia. Bart, ook voor jou
schieten woorden van dank te kort. Dat ik hier vandaag kan staan is mede,
en vooral, dankzij jou. Een onbeperkte steun met oneindig veel geduld,
maar de tijd om af te ronden is toch welgekomen.
‘Ik ben er binnen 5 minuten’ wint hopelijk vanaf nu aan geloofwaardigheid.
Alice en Julia, nu komt er extra tijd om te genieten van onze momenten
| 173