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Assignment 2 English

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Catholic University of Mozambique

Distance Education Institute

Topics: Present Simple (UNIT 5), Present Continuous (UNIT 7), Prepositions (UNIT 9),
Simple Past (Unit 11), Past Continuous 12

Student Name: Ofélia Daniel Muassuruco

Student Code: 708213216

Curse: Honour’s Degree in Portuguese

Language Teaching
Subject: English
Year of Frequency: 1st year; 2nd Semester
Docente: Felismino Alexandre Dagalasse

Gurué, June, 2022

Feedback Sheet (To be filled in by the tutor)

Categories Indicators Patterns Classification

Maximum Tutor’s Subtotal

Punctuation mark

Structure Organizational Cover 0.5

Content pages 0.5

Introduction 0.5

Discussion 0.5

Conclusion 0.5

Bibliography 0.5

Content Introduction Contextualization 1.0

Description of the objectives 1.0

Appropriated Methodologies for the 2.0


Analysis and Articulation and mastery of 2.0

discussion academic discourse

Relevant national and international 2.0

literature review in the study area

Data exploration 2.0

Conclusion Practical theoretical contributions 2.0

General Formatting Pagination, font type and size, 1.0

Aspects paragraphs, line spacing

References APA Standards 6th Rigor and consistency of 4.0

Edition on Citations citations/bibliographic references
and Bibliography
Improvement Recommendations:

1. Introduction......................................................................................................................3

1.1. Objectives.....................................................................................................................4

1.1.1. General......................................................................................................................4

1.1.2. Specifics....................................................................................................................4

1.2. Methodology................................................................................................................4

2. Contextualization.............................................................................................................5

3. Activities..........................................................................................................................6

3.1. Present simple (UNIT 5)..............................................................................................6

3.2. Present Continuous (UNIT 7)......................................................................................6

3.3. Prepositions (UNIT 9)..................................................................................................8

3.4. Past Simple (UNIT 11).................................................................................................8

3.5. Past Continuous (UNIT 12)..........................................................................................9

4. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................10

5. Bibliography..................................................................................................................11
1. Introduction
English is needed in the modern world, but it is not secret for anyone that today the English
language plays an important role in the job placement. Nowadays people who want to find a
prestigious and highly paid position must necessarily know the English language very well,
since English is an international language, the English speakers must have enough knowledge
to fully negotiate and shed deal with foreign partner.
In this assignment given by the lecturer was done with the help of English module of
distance education year 1. It will be essentially talking about present simple (UNIT 5), present
continuous (UNIT 7), prepositions (UNIT 9), Simple past (unit 11), past continuous 12.
Consisting, mostly on the exercises provided in these units.

1.1. Objectives
1.1.1. General
 To study about English tenses and prepositions.
1.1.2. Specifics
 To describe the present simple, present continuous, prepositions, Simple past and past
 To solve the exercises about the present simple, present continuous, prepositions,
Simple past and past continuous;
 To practice the content about the present simple, present continuous, prepositions,
Simple past and past continuous solving the exercises.

1.2. Methodology
The methodology used in this assignment was bibliographical, that was simply consulting on
the books related to the topic and browsing some additional information in the internet to
make the assignment rich of information.

2. Contextualization
Before going straight to the activities it is important to understand what these selected topics
consist of:

Present Simple

We use the present simple when something is generally or always true. The next use is for
habits or things that we do regularly. We can also use the present simple for short actions that
are happening now. The actions are so short that they are finished almost as soon as you've
said the sentence. This is often used with sports commentary. We use the present simple to
talk about the future when we are discussing a timetable or a fixed plan.

Present Continuous

The present continuous verb tense indicates that an action or condition is happening now,
frequently, and may continue into the future. We use the present continuous to talk about
activities at the moment of speaking, future plans or arrangements and more. The Present
Continuous Formula: to be [am, is, are] + verb [present participle]


A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to
show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. Some
examples of prepositions are words like "in," "at," "on," and "to."

Simple Past

We use the Simple Past when we want to talk about a finished action in a time before now. It
doesn't matter when the action happened, it can be from a long time ago or in the recent past.
You can also use the simple past to talk about a past state of being, such as the way someone
felt about something. This is often expressed with the simple past tense of the verb to be and
an adjective, noun, or prepositional phrase.

Past continuous

We use the past continuous to talk about the past for something which happened before and
after another action. As we have seen, the past continuous helps to set the scene or to

emphasize the progress of an action at a special time in the past. Formula: to be in the past
[was/were] + verb [present participle].

3. Activities
3.1. Present simple (UNIT 5)
1. Write the third person Present Simple verb (UNIT 5).
study Studies Have Has
run Runs Forget Forgets
fly Flies Learn Learns
eat Eats Do Does
be Is Carry Carries
drive Drives Meet Meets
worry Worries Come Comes
like Likes Go Goes

1.1. Write sentences in the Present Simple using the pictures and the words below.

Example: (a) He drinks a beer.


B. She takes pictures.

C. John cuts the wood.

D. Maria types a letter.

E. You take bath.

F. They carry the loud speakers.

G. We iron the clothes.

3.2. Present Continuous (UNIT 7)
2. Complete the Present Continuous table (UNIT 7).

Present Negative Question

He’s drinking He isn’t drinking Is he drinking?

We’re eating We aren’t eating Are we eating?

She’s sleeping She isn’t sleeping Is she sleeping?

It’s playing It isn’t playing Is it playing?

You’re studying You aren’t studying Are you studying?

I’m talking I’m not talking Am I talking?

They’re reading They aren’t reading Are they reading?

She’s singing She isn’t singing Is he singing?

2.1. What are the gerunds of the following verbs?

Write / stop / read / marry / talk / put / play / sit / swim / watch / dance

Writing / stopping / reading / marrying / talking / putting / playing / sitting / swimming /

watching / dancing

2.2 Read the postcard and answer the questions that follow.

Dear Joaquim,
Here we are on the Island of Ibo in the north of Cabo-Delgado and we are having a
wonderful time. We are staying in a villa near the beach. I am writing this post card from the
hotel you can see in the picture.

Lukewell is learning to swim and Kate is bathing in the sun at the moment. We are enjoying
the holidays very much. See you soon. Love Lucia and the kids.

See you soon.


Lucia and the kids.

a) Who is writing the post card?
It is Lucia writing the post card.
b) Where are they staying?
They are staying in a villa near the beach.
c) Where is she writing from?
d) She is writing the post card from the hotel.
e) Who is she writing it to?
She is writing it to Joaquim.

3.3. Prepositions (UNIT 9)

3. Say whether the sentences below are TRUE or FALSE. If false write the true
sentence. (UNIT 9)

The window is in front of the plant. TRUE

The flowers are in the vase. TRUE
The computer is under the desk. TRUE
The pillows are on the bed. TRUE
The glasses are beside the wine. TRUE

3.1. Complete the sentences with at or in.

a) Hamid works at a restaurant in Oxford.

b) We live at number 32 Redland Road now.
c) We had a wonderful time in Madrid.
d) The accident happened because the driver didn’t stop at the traffic lights.

3.4. Past Simple (UNIT 11)

4. Read this newspaper report and fill in the blanks with the verbs in the box in
the past simple (UNIT 11).

Wait / is / drive / go / whistle / dance / wave / arrive / stay / sing

Yesterday afternoon a large crowd waited for several hours for Rocky Shout the American
rock star to appear at the Central Stadium. When he finally arrived, he sang a number of his
most popular songs. The crowd was very pleased by his performance and danced to the
music. After each song they waved and enthusiastically whistled. Rocky stayed on stage
until nearly midnight. After his performance he went back to his hotel. This morning he
drove on a tour of the city, visiting the radio station, the music school and a children’s

3.5. Past Continuous (UNIT 12)


a) At 6:00 PM, Bob sat down at the table and began to eat. At 6:05, Bob ate dinner.
b) While Bob was eating dinner, Ann came through the door.
c) In other words, when Ann was coming through the door, Bob was eating dinner.
d) Bob went to bed at 10:30. At 11:00 Bob slept.
e) While Bob was sleeping, the phone rang.
f) In other words, when the phone was ringing, Bob was sleeping.
g) Bob left his house at 8:00 AM and began to walk to class. While he was walking to
class, he saw a car crash.

5.1. Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous tense.
a) As she was climbing the ladder, she fell off it.
b) I was alone in the house at the time because Mr Smith was working and Mrs
Smith was shopping.
c) I went into the kitchen to see what they were doing.
d) John and Mary were talking about you yesterday!
e) When he first saw him, he was swimming in the sea.
f) I was taking a bath, when the phone rang.
g) Mary ate nothing for lunch; she said she is trying to lose 3 kilos.

4. Conclusion
Summing up, say that, after having read evaluate and understood the assignment with
academicals robustness, I conclude that, it is extremely important to English language for the
fat that English nowadays is a global language which of course cross all the borders around
the world. I came also to conclude that, we as teachers to be of Portuguese language we must
have slight notion about this international language, in which by knowing it many door or
opportunities will be opened in our professional life. I also concluded that to know English
language basically the code of a given language is extremely important to the fact that one
will express himself freely and without hinder communication.

5. Bibliography
Ansell, M. (2000). “Free English Grammar” 2nd Ed, Copyright.

Dikie, A. (s/d). English Year I: 1º Ano – Módulo Único. Beira: Universidade Católica de
Moçambique-Centro de Ensino a Distância.


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