Far Quizzes Multiple Choices
Far Quizzes Multiple Choices
Far Quizzes Multiple Choices
6. The entity concept states that the transactions of c. Consistency in the use of the same accounting
different entities should not be accounted for policies or methods for the same or similar items from
one accounting period to the next is essential to
enhance comparability.
a. True b. False
13. Which accounting concept states that omitting or
7. Accounting is a service activity whose function is to misstating this information could influence or affect
provide quantitative information about economic the assessment, and consequently, the decision of the
entities that is intended to be useful in making users of the financial statements?
economic decisions.
a. consistency concept c. accrual concept
a. True b. False
b. materiality concept d. business entity concept
8. A business transaction is the occurrence of an event
or of a condition that must be recorded. 14. Which accounting concept should be considered if
the business owner gets cash from the business which
a. True b. False he will use for personal purposes?
9. This accounting concept assumes that the business a. substance over form concept
has an indefinite life.
b. going concern concept
a. Business entity c. Going Concern
c. time period concept
b. Time period d. Materiality
d. business entity concept
15. Accounting changes are often made and the 20. This concept states that the financial statements
monetary effect is reflected in the financial statements should be stated in terms of a common financial
of an entity even though in theory, this may be a denominator.
violation of the accounting concept of:
a. accrual concept c. going concern
a. materiality c. comparability
b. unit of measure d. exchange price
b. objectivity d. consistency
21. This accounting concept states that an accounting
16. The principle of objectivity includes the attribute transaction should be supported by sufficient evidence
of: to allow two or more qualified individuals to arrive at
essentially similar conclusion.
a. verifiability c. classification
a. matching c. periodicity
b. summarization d. conservatism
b. objectivity d. stable monetary unit
17. The periodicity concept:
22. Which of the following is an appropriate definition
a. Requires that all companies prepare monthly, of accounting?
quarterly, and annual financial statements.
a. the measurement, processing, and communication of
b. Results from the Bureau of Internal Revenue financial information about an identifiable economic
requirement that all taxable income be reported on an entity
annual basis.
b. a means of recording transactions and keeping
c. Requires all companies to adopt the calendar year records
ending December 31.
c. the interconnected network of subsystems necessary
d. Involves dividing the life of a business entity into to operate a business
accounting periods of equal length, thus enabling the
users to periodically evaluate the results of business d. electronic collection, organization, and
operations. communication of vast amounts of information
18. Accountants do not recognize that the value of the 23. The entity concept means that:
peso changes over time. This concept is the:
a. Because a firm is separate and distinct from its
a. stable monetary unit concept owners, those owners cannot have access to the firm’s
assets unless the firm ceases to operate.
b. going concern concept
b. The financial affairs of a business firm and its owner/s
c. cost principle are always kept separate for the purpose of preparing
d. entity concept their accounts or records.
19. The basic purpose of accounting is: c. The owner of the business can, at any time, take any
property from the firm for his/her personal use.
a. To provide the information that the managers of an
economic entity need to control its operations d. none of the above
b. To provide information that the creditors of an 24. The consistency concept means that:
economic entity can use in deciding whether to make a. When preparing the accounts of a firm, similar items
additional loans to the entity should be accounted for in the same way from one
c. To measure the periodic income of the economic accounting period to the next.
entity b. Firms in the same industry must account for similar
d. To provide quantitative financial information about a items in the same way.
business enterprise that is useful in making rational c. Firms should never change the way in which they
economic decisions. prepare their accounts.
d. None of the above
25. The consistency standard of reporting requires 10. Both sides of the fundamental accounting
that: equation must be equal.
a. Expenses be reported as charges against the period in a. True b. False
which they are incurred.
11. Transactions are analyzed on the basis of source
b. The financial effects of any change in accounting documents.
policy or method be properly disclosed in the financial
a. True b. False
c. Extra-ordinary gains and losses should not appear in 12. Every business transaction affects a minimum of
the financial statements. three accounting elements.
2. The owner’s drawing account is included among the 15. When owner’s equity decreases, a liability may
expenses of the business.
a. True b. False a. True b. False
3. The owner’s withdrawal is recorded as a decrease in 16. Which of the following is not a feature of a
business transaction?
asset and an increase in expense.
a. True b. False a. Two parties are involved.
9. A business owner can invest cash or non-cash assets d. all of the above
in the business. e. none of the above
a. True b. False
19. Purchasing supplies for cash: 25. Nature Trip purchased equipment for P120,000,
made a down payment of P50,000 and signed a
a. decreases both assets and liabilities promissory note for the balance. This transaction:
b. increases both assets and liabilities a. increased total assets by P120,000
c. increases assets and decreases liabilities b. increased total liabilities by P50,000
d. does not affect total assets c. did not affect owner’s equity
20. The company’s assets are P12,000,000 of which d. all of the above
one-third represents owner’s equity. Liabilities amount
to: e. none of the above
a. P6,000,000 c. P8,000,000
b. P3,000,000 d. P4,000,000 FAR PRELIMS EXAMS 2021
21. At the start of the month, the assets of the 1. An increase in an expense:
business totalled P1,000,000, with owner’s equity of
P800,000. During the month, equipment worth a. Increases revenues c. Increases assets
P500,000 was purchased with a down payment of b. Decreases liabilities d. Decreases owner's equity
P150,000 and the balance on credit. At the start of the
month, liabilities amounted to: 2. A proprietorship business with total owner's equity
of P85,000 paid a P10,000 business debt. As a result of
a. P1,800,000 c. P 200,000 this transaction, total owner's equity:
b. P1,200,000 d. Zero a. Did not change c. Increased by P10,000
22. At the start of the month, the assets of the b. Decreased by P10,000 d. Increased to P95,000
business totalled P1,000,000, with owner’s equity of
P800,000. During the month, equipment worth 3. The right side of an account is always:
P500,000 was purchased with a down payment of a. The debit side
P150,000 and the balance on credit. At the end of the
month, how much are the liabilities? b. The credit side
a. P1,150,000 c. P 550,000 c. The balance of that account
b. P1,000,000 d.P 800,000 d. Carried forward to the next accounting period
23. On January 1, the assets were P500,000 and the 4. Footing is the process of:
liabilities were P200,000. During the year, the assets
a. Preparing a chart of accounts
increased by P100,000, while the liabilities decreased
by P50,000. b. Adding a column of figures
Owner’s equity on January 1 was: c. Transferring journal entries to ledger accounts
a. P800,000 c. P300,000 d. Recording entries in a journal
b. P700,000 d. P400,000 5. What are increases in resources that a firm earns by
providing services or goods to its customers?
24. On January 1, the assets were P500,000 and the
liabilities were P200,000. During the year, the assets a. Assets c. Income
increased by P100,000 while the liabilities decreased
by P50,000. b. Liabilities d. Expenses
c. The credit is on the left side of a liability account. c. Periodicity or time period
9. How many parts does a T-account have? 15. The best definition of assets is:
a. The word “debit” means to increase, and the word b. Increases assets and liabilities
“credit” means to decrease. c. Increases liabilities and owner's equity
b. Asset, expense and capital accounts are debited for d. Increases assets only
17. The purchase of an asset for cash:
c. Liability, income and capital accounts are credited for
increases. a. Increases assets and owner’s equity
d. Asset, expense and drawing accounts are debited for b. Increases assets and liabilities
c. Decreases assets and increases liabilities
12. Which accounting concept should be considered if
d. Has no effect on total assets
the owner of a business takes goods from the business
for his personal use? 18. The purchase of an asset on credit:
a. Going concern concept a. Increases assets and owner's equity
b. Business entity concept b. Increases assets and liabilities
c. Periodicity concept c. Decreases assets and increases liabilities
d. Objectivity d. Leaves total assets unchanged
19. The payment of a liability: 25. Suppose a customer who owes the business
P50,000 pays his debt by transferring the payment into
a. Decreases assets and owner's equity the bank account of the business. What would be the
b. Increases assets and decreases liabilities effects on the accounting equation of the business?
c. Decreases assets and increases liabilities a. Both assets and liabilities increase by P50,000.
d. Decreases assets and liabilities b. Both assets and liabilities decrease by P50,000.
a. Increases assets and liabilities d. Total assets and liabilities remain unchanged.
b. Increases assets and owner's equity 26. Under the double-entry system, what is the value
of X if assets, liabilities and owner’s equity are:
c. Increases assets and decreases owner's equity X,P100,000 and P350,000, respectively?
d. Leaves total assets unchanged a. P250,000 c.P350,000
21. A withdrawal by the owner: b. P370,000 d.P450,000
a. Increases assets and owner's equity e. None of the above
b. Increases assets and decreases owner's equity 27. Which of the following processes best defines
c. Decreases assets and owner's equity accounting?
22. The effects on the accounting equation of which of b. Communicating results to interested parties
the following events cannot be determined? c. Preventing fraud
a. Purchase of a one-year insurance policy d. Both a and b
b. Agreement to perform a service at a future date 28. Which of the following concepts means that similar
c. Purchase of equipment partly on cash and on account items should receive the same accounting treatment?
23. The account credited for cash received on account b. Substance over form d. Consistency
is: 29. Assets are usually valued under which basis?
a. Cash c. Accounts Receivable a. Replacement cost c. Cost or exchange price
b. Service Revenue d. Accounts Payable b. Net realizable value d. None of the above
24. An account is said to have a debit balance if: 30. The financial statements should be stated in terms
a. The total debits to the account exceed its total of a common financial denominator.
credits. a. Unit of measure concept
b. There are more entries on the debit side than on the b. Time period or periodicity concept
credit side.
c. Going concern concept
c. Its normal balance is debit without regard to the
amounts or number of entries on the debit side. d. Stable monetary unit concept
34. Which of the following transactions affects the 40. At the beginning of the year, the assets of Cleofe
total liabilities of a firm? Services were P360,000 and owner’s equity was
P200,000. During the year, its assets increased by
a. Goods purchased on cash from suppliers P120,000 and the liabilities also increased by P20,000.
How much was owner’s equity at the end of the year?
b. Interest income received from the bank
a. P160,000 c. P140,000
c. Office equipment bought on credit
b. P480,000 d. P300,000
d. Services rendered on credit to customers
41. The normal balance of an account is on the:
35. Which of the following is correct if the sole
proprietor of a business firm borrows P300,000 in the a. Side represented by decreases in the account
name of the business and then deposits the money in
the bank account of the business? b. Debit side of the account
a. The assets of the entity increase by P300,000. c. Side represented by increases in the account
b. The liabilities of the firm decrease by P300,000. d. Credit side of the account
2. At the date of purchase of a service which is not b. Allocating revenues received in advance to revenue
immediately used up, the cost of such unused service to reflect actual revenues earned during the accounting
is a/an: period
4. Recording revenue earned from a customer, but not a. Payment of two years’ insurance in advance
yet received or collected, is an example of a/an: b. Services rendered by employees but whose salaries
a. Prepaid expense c. Unearned revenue have not yet been paid
a. Cash payment precedes expense recognition 10. An adjusted trial balance is prepared to:
b. Sales are delayed pending credit approval a. Prove that the ledger is still in balance after the
accounts have been adjusted and facilitate preparation
c. Customers are unable to pay the full amount due of the financial statements.
when goods are delivered
b. Facilitate preparation of the adjusting entries.
d. Manufactured goods await quality control inspections
c. Facilitate preparation of the closing entries.
6. Which of the following is an example of an adjusting
entry? d. Test if the ledger is still in balance before the
accounts have been adjusted.
a. Recording the purchase of supplies on account
11. Which of the following accounts would normally be
b. Recording depreciation expense on a truck found on the credit side of the adjusted trial balance?
c. Recording the billing of customers for services a. Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment
b. Depreciation Expense-Equipment
d. Recording the payment of wages to employees
c. Prepaid Interest
7. In the worksheet, the trial balance debit or credit
amount of each account is combined with the amount d. Accounts Receivable
of any debit or credit adjustment to that account to
determine the new or adjusted balance of the account.
This process is known as:
a. Balancing c. Cross-footing
b. Footing d. Totalling
12. Which of the following is not an application of 18. Failure to record the unexpired portion of
accrual accounting? insurance premiums paid would:
a. Adjusting unearned advertising revenues to the a. Understate total expenses
correct balance at the end of the month
b. Understate profit
b. Recording advertising revenues at the time cash
payment is received c. Overstate owner’s equity
d. Overstate total liabilities
c. Recording advertising revenues at the time the work
is done 19. Which of the following is an application of accrual
d. Recording telephone expense when the monthly bill accounting?
is received a. Depreciating a building as quickly as allowed by
income tax regulations
13. Which of the following accounts is an income
statement account? b. Expensing a machine in its entirety as expense when
a. Accounts receivable c. Owner’s capital purchased
c. Recording revenue at the time payment is received
b. Salaries and wages d. Accrued Salaries
14. Which of the following is an example of a deferral? d. Recording utilities expense when the monthly bill is
a. Legal fees already earned but not yet collected
20. Which of the following results in the recognition of
b. Taxes accrued but not yet paid an expense?
c. Accumulation of interest in a bank account a. Expiration of usefulness of equipment during the
accounting period
d. Fees received this month for services to be rendered
next month b. Payment of the principal amount of a loan
15. Failure to adjust for accrued salaries at the end of c. Payment of accounts
the period will result in an:
d. Withdrawal of cash by the owner
a. Overstatement of assets
21. The beginning balance of Accounts Receivable was
b. Overstatement of liabilities P120,000. Services billed to customers for the period
were P215,000, and the collections on account from
c. Overstatement of profit for the period the customers were P236,000. What was the ending
d. Understatement of profit for the period balance of Accounts Receivable?
c. To produce assets 22. On Jan 1, 2020, P140,000 was paid for rent for 14
months. The payment was recorded in the Rent
d. To incur liabilities Expense account. How much is the Prepaid Rent as of
17. Failure to record the unearned portion of rent Dec 31, 2020?
received in advance would: a. P140,000
a. Understate income b. P 20,000
b. Understate profit c. P120,000
c. Overstate expenses d. P 10,000
d. Understate total liabilities e. None of the above
23. On Nov 1, 2021 insurance premiums amounting to 28. The company provides for uncollectible accounts
P125,000 for five months were paid and recorded in based on an estimate. This is called the:
the Prepaid Insurance account. Of this amount, how
much was the Prepaid Insurance as of Dec 31, 2021? a. Allowance method
e. None of the above 30. Adjusting entries are made to ensure that:
25. On January 1, 2021, a P150,000 payment was made a. Assets, liabilities, income and expenses have correct
for rent expense for 15 months, which was recorded in balances at the end of the accounting period.
the rent expense account. How much was the prepaid b. Revenues and expenses are recognized in the period
rent expense as of December 31, 2021? in which they are earned and incurred, respectively.
a. P 10,000 c. P 30,000 c. Part of the asset that has been used up is recognized
b. P 120,000 d. P 150,000 as expense.
26. Cash of P235,000 was received in 2020 and e. None of the above
recorded in the commission income account. It was 31. A business has Cash of P30,000; Notes Payable of
discovered that an additional commission income of P25,000; Accounts Payable of P43,000; Service
P47,000 was earned but was not yet received as at Revenue of P70,000 and Accrued Rent Expense of
Dec. 31, 2020. How much was the commission income P18,000. On the basis of these data, how much are its
earned during the year ended Dec 31, 2020? total liabilities?
a. P 47,000 c. P188,000 a. P 55,000 c. P 68,000
b. P235,000 d. P282,000 b. P 86,000 d. P138,000
e. None of the above 32. Insurance Expense account has a balance of
27. Equipment costing P50,000 showed an adjusted P10,800 before adjustment. This amount represents
accumulated depreciation of P13,500 as of December insurance premiums for three months beginning
31, 2020. If the estimated useful life is ten years and December 1, 2020. Based on these data, the insurance
scrap value is P5,000, the date of acquisition was: expense for the year ended December 31, 2020 is:
a. January 1, 2018 a. P 0
e. January 1, 2016
33. Prior to adjustments, Supplies Expense account has 36. In the worksheet, the owner’s capital account is
a balance of P13,500. Adjustment data gathered shows found in the:
that supplies inventory on hand at year-end amounted
to P4,500. The amount of supplies expense to be a. Balance sheet debit column and nowhere else
shown in the income statement is: b. Trial balance credit column, adjusted trial balance
a. P 4,500 c. P 9,000 credit column and balance sheet credit column
c. Trial balance credit column, adjustments credit
b. P 13,500 d. P 18,000
column, adjusted trial balance credit column, and
34. Rent Income account has a credit balance of balance sheet credit column
P240,000 as at Dec 31, 2020 composed of the
following: Rent received for three months ending d. Trial balance credit column and income
statement debit column
March 31, 2020, P45,000.
• A credit of P195,000 representing advance rental e. Trial balance debit column, adjustments debit
collection for one year beginning April 1, 2020.The column, adjusted trial balance credit column, and
income statement credit column
December 31, 2020 adjusting entry will require a debit
to Rent Income and a credit to Unearned Rent of: 37. Which two steps in the accounting cycle are aided
a. P 45,000 c. P 48,750 by the preparation of the worksheet?
Cr. Allowance for Bad Debts, 16,000 39. Which situation indicates a loss in the income
statement columns of the worksheet?
c. Dr. Bad Debts Expense, 24,000;
a. When the total debits equal total credits
Cr. Allowance for Bad Debts, 24,000
b. When the total credits exceed the total debits
d. Dr. Bad Debts Expense, 40,000;
c. When the total debits exceed the total credits
Cr. Allowance for Bad Debts, 40,000
d. None of the above
40. Which sections of the worksheet show profit?
a. Balance sheet
b. Adjusted trial balance
c. Income statement
d. Both a and c
e. Both b and c
41. Supplies has a P60,000 balance in the unadjusted 45. The amount of net profit will appear on the debit
trial balance. At year-end the count of supplies showed side of the income statement columns on a worksheet:
P20,000. What adjustment will appear on the
worksheet? a. If profit exceeds the owner’s withdrawals
a. Dr. Supplies, 40,000; Cr. Supplies Expense, 40,000 b. If total assets exceeded total liabilities for the period
b. Dr. Supplies Expense, 20,000; Cr. Supplies, 20,000 c. If total expenses exceeded total revenue for the
c. Dr. Supplies Expense, 40,000; Cr. Supplies, 40,000
d. If total revenues exceeded total expenses for the
d. No adjustment is needed because the Supplies period
account balance is correctly stated.
e. If withdrawals were made during the period
42. In the adjusted trial balance, the owner’s capital
46. Assuming an entity is profitable in the current
account reflects the:
period, the total of the balance sheet credit column in
a. Beginning balance the worksheet will be:
b. Increase in income a. Larger than the balance sheet debit column
c. Ending balance b. Larger than the income statement credit column
d. Net effect of all the adjusting entries c. Larger than the income statement debit column
43. Which of the following steps comes first in d. Smaller than the balance sheet debit column
worksheet preparation?
47. In which columns of the worksheet would the
a. Compute each account’s adjusted balance by adjusted balance of Accumulated Depreciation
combining the trial balance and adjustment figures. appear?
b. Compute the profit or loss as the difference between a. Adjusted trial balance credit, balance sheet credit
total revenues and total expenses in the income
statement. b. Adjusted trial balance credit, income statement credit
c. Enter the account balances in the unadjusted trial c. Adjusted trial balance debit, balance sheet debit
balance columns and foot the debit and credit columns. d. Trial balance credit, adjustments credit, adjusted trial
d. Enter the adjusting entries in the adjustment columns balance credit, balance sheet credit
and total the amounts. e. Trial balance debit, adjusted trial balance debit
44. If the income statement debit and credit columns 48. If total credits exceed total debits in the balance
are not equal after adding the respective columns: sheet columns of a worksheet,
a. An error has been made. a. A net loss was incurred.
b. The entity either generated a net profit or incurred a b. A net profit was generated.
net loss.
c. A mistake was committed.
c. The entity generated a profit.
d. The assets exceeded liabilities.
d. The entity incurred a loss.
e. No conclusion can be drawn until the closing entries
e. The liabilities must exceed the assets. have been made.
49. The income statement debit column of the 54. Reversing entries are:
worksheet contains:
a. Optional
a. Asset account balances
b. Made to record a change in corporate objectives
b. Expense account balances
c. Required by generally accepted accounting principles
c. Contra asset account balances
d. Made prior to preparing a post-closing trial balance
d. Liability account balances
55. An important purpose of closing entries is to:
e. Revenue account balances
a. Adjust the accounts in the ledger
50. Which of the following comes first in the
accounting process? b. Set nominal account balances to zero at the start of
the next accounting period
a. Journalizing business transactions
c. Set real account balances to zero at the start of the
b. Preparation of an adjusted trial balance next accounting period
c. Preparation of an unadjusted trial balance d. Set all account balances to zero at the start of the
next accounting period
d. Preparation of the worksheet
56. Which of the following is done last in the
51. The purpose of the post-closing trial balance is to: accounting process during the current accounting
a. Provide the account balances for the preparation of period?
the balance sheet a. Journalizing reversing entries
b. Ensure that the ledger is in balance for the b. Preparing the post-closing trial balance
completion of the worksheet
c. Preparing the adjusted trial balance
c. Aid in the journalization and posting of the closing
entries d. Preparing the financial statements
d. Ensure that the general ledger is in balance for the 57. Which of the following sequences of documents or
start of the next accounting period records describes the proper sequence in the
accounting cycle?
52. If the last item on a trial balance reads “Owner’s
Capital”, this must be the: a. Source documents, ledger, journal, financial
statements, worksheet
a. Unadjusted trial balance
b. Journal, source documents, ledger, worksheet,
b. Adjusted trial balance financial statements
c. Trial balances of totals c. Source documents, journal, ledger, worksheet,
d. Post-closing trial balance financial statements
53. If a trial balance were to be prepared on the first d. Ledger, source documents, financial statements,
day of the new accounting period, and the account journal, worksheet
Salaries Expense had a credit balance, you would know 58. Closing entries will:
a. Increase the owner’s capital balance.
a. The trial balance is a post-closing trial balance
b. Decrease the owner’s capital balance
b. The adjusting entries have been recorded
c. Not affect the owner’s capital balance
c. A reversing entry has been made
d. Either increase or decrease the owner’s capital
d. The trial balance is an unadjusted trial balance balance
59. If no adjustments are needed for a particular 64. If an entity suffered a loss, the amount of the loss
entity, its: is entered on the worksheet on the:
a. Post-closing trial balance will be identical to its trial a. Debit side of the Income Statement and credit side of
balance. the Balance Sheet
b. Adjusted trial balance will be the same as its post- b. Credit side of the Income Statement and debit side of
closing trial balance. the Balance Sheet
c. Trial balance will be the same as its adjusted trial c. Debit side of both the Income Statement and Balance
balance. Sheet
d. Trial balance, adjusted and post-closing trial balance d. Credit side of both the Income Statement and
will be the same. Balance Sheet
60. Which of the following could not possibly be a 65. Which of the following accounts could appear in an
closing entry? adjusting entry, a closing entry and a reversing entry?
a. Dr. Income Summary and Cr. Owner’s Capital a. Salaries Payable c. Depreciation Expense
b. Dr. Owner’s Capital and Cr. Owner’s Drawings b. Interest Income d. Prepaid Advertising
c. Dr. Income Summary and Cr. Owner’s Drawings 66. In preparing closing entries, which of the following
columns of the worksheet are most helpful?
d. Dr. Owner’s Capital and Cr. Income Summary
a. Adjustments columns
61. At the end of the accounting period, the equation
Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity does not balance. b. Adjusted trial balance columns
Which of the following actions balances the equation?
c. Income statement columns
a. Subtract revenues from and add expenses to owner’s
d. Balance sheet columns
b. Subtract revenues from owner’s equity and add 67. An accrued expense is classified as a/an:
expenses to assets. a. Current asset c. Operating expense
c. Add to owner’s equity the difference between b. Current liability d. Operating income
revenues and expenses.
68. The adjustment for a prepaid expense requires
d. Add revenues to and subtract expenses from assets. a/an:
62. The post-closing trial balance contains: a. Decrease in asset and increase in expense
a. Real accounts only b. Increase in asset and increase in revenue
b. Nominal accounts only c. Decrease in revenue and decrease in asset
c. Both real and nominal accounts d. Increase in asset and decrease in expense
d. Neither real nor nominal accounts 69. Which of the following statements is true?
63. In which financial statement does Income a. Only nominal accounts are contained in an adjusted
Summary appear? trial balance.
a. Income statement b. The accrual principle records revenue only when cash
b. Statement of changes in equity is received, and records expenses only when cash is
c. Statement of financial position
c. The post-closing trial balance provides the basis for
d. Statement of Cash Flows the preparation of the financial statements.
e. It does not appear in any financial statement.
d. The worksheet is accomplished at the end of the 5. Which of the following receipts is a cash inflow from
accounting period to work out the adjustments and financing activities?
prepare the financial statements.
a. From collection of customers’ accounts
70. Accrued income is classified as a/an:
b. From interest on notes receivable
a. Current asset
c. From issuance of notes payable
b. Current liability
d. From sale of property and equipment
c. Non-current liability
6. Closing entries reduce the following types of
d. Operating expense accounts to a zero balance at the end of the
accounting period.
a. Income and expenses c. Withdrawals
b. Income summary d. All of the above
1. Which of the following is an example of a financing
activity? e. Only a and b
a. Obtaining a bank loan 7. If the last item on a trial balance reads “Owner’s
Capital”, this must be the:
b. Paying taxes to the government
a. Post-closing trial balance c. Adjusted trial balance
c. Producing goods and services
b. Unadjusted trial balance d. Reversed trial balance
d. Purchasing a building
8. Reversing entries are:
2. Which of the following is an example of an investing
activity? a. Made to record a change in corporate objectives
a. Employing workers b. Required by generally accepted accounting principles
c. Optional
b. Paying off a loan
d. Made prior to the preparation of the post closing trial
c. Selling idle land not used by the entity balance
d. Owner’s cash contribution 9. Which of the following is done last in the accounting
3. The Statement of Cash Flows would disclose the process?
owner’s cash withdrawal in the:
a. Preparation of the post-closing trial balance
a. Financing activities section b. Preparation of an adjusted trial balance
b. Investing activities section c. Preparation of the worksheet
c. Operating activities section d. Preparation of the trial balance from the general
d. Notes to the financial statements ledger
4. Which of the following payments is a cash outflow 10. An important purpose of closing entries is to:
from operating activities? a. Adjust the accounts in the ledger.
a. For purchase of supplies b. Set nominal accounts to a zero balance at the start of
b. To acquire property and equipment the next accounting period.
c. To settle notes payable c. Set real account balances to zero at the start of the
next accounting period.
d. To owners in the form of withdrawals
d. Help in the preparation of the financial statements.
11. Which of the following accounting cycle steps is 17. When there is a loss, the entry to close the Income
done before the others? Summary account is:
a. The financial statements are prepared. a. Debit Loss and credit Income Summary
b. Closing entries are recorded and posted. b. Debit Owner’s Capital and credit Income Summary
c. Source documents are analyzed and recorded. c. Debit Income Summary and credit Loss
d. Adjusting entries are recorded and posted. d. Debit Income Summary and credit Owner’s Capital
12. Closing entries will ultimately affect the: 18. In which financial statement does the Income
Summary account appear?
a. Total liabilities c. Total assets
a. Income statement
b. Cash account d. Owner’s Capital account
b. Statement of changes in equity
13. If no adjustments are needed for a particular
entity, its: c. Balance sheet
a. Post-closing trial balance will be the same as its d. It does not appear in any financial statement.
unadjusted trial balance.
19. Which of the following accounts is not closed?
b. Adjusted trial balance will be the same as its post-
closing trial balance. a. Income Summary c. Commission Income
c. Unadjusted trial balance will be identical to its b. Owner’s Capital d. Taxes and Licenses
adjusted trial balance. 20. Consider the steps in the accounting cycle. Which
part of the accounting cycle provides information to
d. Unadjusted trial balance, adjusted trial balance and
post-closing trial balance will all be identical. help a business decide whether to expand its
14. Which of the following could not possibly be a
a. Post-closing trial balance c. Closing entries
closing entry?
a. Debit Income Summary and credit Owner’s Capital b. Adjusting entries d. Financial statements
b. Debit Owner’s Capital and credit Owner’s 21. Financial statement time periods should
Withdrawals be of equal length,
c. Debit Income Summary and credit Owner’s a. And should correspond with the calendar year
b. And should end during the peak season
d. Debit Owner’s Capital and credit Income Summary
c. To comply with loan agreements
15. In preparing closing entries, which of the following
columns of the worksheet are most helpful? d. To make comparison meaningful
b. Rent Expense and Rent Payable 15. Under the periodic inventory system, the Purchases
account is used to accumulate all items acquired
c. Salaries Expense and Accrued Salaries primarily for resale purposes.
d. Precollected Fees and Fees Earned 16. FOB shipping point implies that while the goods are
in transit, the seller is still the owner of such goods.
17. FOB destination means that the seller agrees to
shoulder the freight cost.
1. Under the periodic inventory system, purchases of
18. Cash discounts are termed Purchases Discounts
merchandise are recorded in the Merchandise
from the viewpoint of the seller
Inventory account.
19. A credit term of “2/10, n/30” means that the buyer
2. Taking a physical inventory refers to making a count
may deduct 2% from the invoice price if payment is
of all merchandise on hand at a particular time.
made within 10 days from the end of the month
3. Sales Returns and Allowances is a contra-revenue
20. There is no need for a physical count if the entity
uses the perpetual inventory method.
4. An advantage of using the periodic inventory system
21. Transportation In is considered as an added cost of
is that it requires less record-keeping than the perpetual
merchandise purchased.
inventory system.
22. Merchandise inventory could include goods that are
5. Trade discounts are offered to the buyer to
still in transit.
encourage early payment of accounts.
23. The perpetual inventory method provides an up-to-
date amount of inventory still on hand.
24. The terms “FOB shipping point or FOB destination” 6. A physical count of inventory is usually taken:
determine who should bear the freight cost.
a. At the end of the accounting period
25. When the periodic inventory method is used, a
physical inventory should be made at the end of the b. At the peak of the busy season
year to determine the unsold merchandise. c. At the start of the accounting period
FINALS – QUIZ 2 d. In the middle of the accounting period
1. A supplier offers the following discounts: Trade 7. A merchandiser will earn an operating income of
discount of 10% at list price and 5% cash discount if exactly zero when the:
paid in full before the due date. How much will a
customer pay before due date at a list price of a. Cost of goods sold equals gross margin/gross profit
P16,000? b. Gross profit equals total operating expenses
a. P13,680 c. P15,520 c. Net sales equals cost of goods sold
b. P14,000 d. P16,000 d. Total operating expenses equal net sales
2. Which account does a merchandiser, but not a 8. Which of the following is not a reason for sales
service entity, use? discounts to be offered to the credit customers?
a. Sales c. Cost of sales a. Increase the amount paid by the customers.
b. Inventory d. All of the above b. Improve the liquidity by converting the accounts
e. None of the above receivable into cash.
a. Only the beginning merchandise inventory is 35. The excess of gross profit over total operating
extended to the debit side of the income statement expenses is called operating profit or income from
columns. operations.