Evaluation and Optimization of Seal Behavior Throu
Evaluation and Optimization of Seal Behavior Throu
Evaluation and Optimization of Seal Behavior Throu
DOI: 10.1002/pts.2442
Hasselt university, IMO‐IMOMEC, Packaging
Technology Center, Wetenschapspark 27, A method is presented to apply solid powder/granulate contamination (ground coffee
3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
and blood powder) in between the heat conductive seals of flexible packaging mate-
Department of Biosystems, MeBioS, KU
Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 30, B‐3001 rials. A response surface method is tested and validated to optimize seal strength of
Heverlee, Belgium heat conductive sealing with and without solid contamination. In this study, a maxi-
Division Processing Technology, Fraunhofer
mal seal strength is defined as optimal. Using these methods, three typical packaging
Institute for Process Engineering and
Packaging, Heidelberger Str. 20, 01189 films with varying seal layer composition (metallocene linear low‐density polyethyl-
Dresden, Germany
ene (LLDPE), plastomer, and sodium ionomer) are maximized towards contaminated
Correspondence seal strength. Contamination caused a decrease in seal strength and narrowed down
Bram Bamps, Hasselt university, IMO‐
the process window (seal temperature and time combinations) in which at least 90%
IMOMEC, Packaging Technology Center,
Hasselt 3500, Belgium. of the maximal strength is obtained. The influence of seal layer composition on the
Email: bram.bamps@uhasselt.be
clean and solid (ground coffee and blood powder) contaminated seal performance
Funding information (seal strength, process window, and leak tightness) was evaluated. The film with the
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs
plastomer‐based seal layer outperformed the other films with respect to the width
and Energy, Grant/Award Number: 172 EBR;
Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen, Grant/ of the process window. It also reached a higher seal strength and a higher amount
Award Number: 150817
of leak tight seals (evaluated with the dye penetration test) after optimization. The
hot tack test was evaluated as predictive test for the contaminated seal strength.
The results of this study do not support an indicative relationship.
hot tack, polyethylene, process window, response surface model, seal through contamination
1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N for heat seals. There are several technologies to heat a seal, such as
heat conductivity, inductivity, and ultrasonic vibrations. Conductive
The closure of flexible packages is mainly established by applying heating is the most popular technology for flexible packaging.1 Indus-
heat sealable materials at the inner side of the packaging material, trial research in the past showed that one‐third of sealed packages
which creates a seal after bringing the inner sides together, heating, are of an insufficient quality.2,3 Therefore, the tightness of the pack-
and compressing them. The materials melt, and polymer chains at age, which is in general essential to prevent microbial and biochemi-
the interface entangle, and after cooling, a strong seal can be cal degradation of food, cannot be guaranteed. For 65% of the
obtained. Besides chain entanglement, intermolecular and mechanical packages that show seal defects, contamination in between the seal
bonds are possible, but these adhesion mechanisms are less common layers is the major cause.3 Only 16% of the packers perform an
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non‐commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2019 The Authors. Packaging Technology and Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
inspection of all produced goods. The majority just inspects samples 3 | MATERIALS AND METHODS
with an interval of 30 minutes.3
One way to prevent seal defects as a result of contamination is 3.1 | Materials
to work with materials that are able to seal through contamination
at particular seal settings to decrease the amount of defective pack- 3.1.1 | Commercial multilayer packaging films for
ages. Several polyethylene (PE)‐based packaging materials have been flowpack applications
developed with a good seal performance through contamination in
the last decades. Examples of these materials are metallocene‐ Table 1 shows the multilayer structure of three flowpack films, evalu-
catalysed linear low‐density PE (LLDPE), polyolefin plastomer, and ated and optimized in this study. Each film has a 12‐μm thick PE
ionomer.4 terephtalate (PET) outer layer. A 3‐layer blown film line with three
In scientific and technical papers, several tests are performed on nozzles is used for the production of the seal layers. The upper
packaging films with contaminated seals such as seal strength, leak 35 μm has the same composition for the three films, containing a
rate, and degree of particle encapsulation (caulkability).5-9 This study blend of low‐density PE (LDPE) and metallocene LLDPE (mLLDPE).
is focussed on seal strength. Hot tack tests are performed to The films differ mainly in the 15‐μm lower seal layer. Film 1 has a
evaluate the resistance of packaging films against spring back blend of LDPE and mLLDPE while film 2 has a blend of LDPE and
forces. The relation of seal through contamination and hot tack polyolefin plastomer (mLLDPE with a high amount of comonomer) in
performance is part of this study. In the last decades, the influence of that area. Both films have 2% processing aid in the lower seal layer.
seal material composition on the contaminated seal performance was Film 3 has a 5‐μm layer of acid copolymer resin between the 35‐μm
the topic of a limited amount of studies, and these studies did not PE and the 10‐μm ionomer layer to ensure the bonding of both layers.
include a well‐described application method for solid contamina-
tion.5,6,8,9 Moreover, there are no methods described in these studies 3.1.2 | Contamination types
to obtain the optimal or maximal seal performance through
contamination. Two types of solid contamination are used in this study: (a) sieved
ground coffee (Delhaize, Belgium; sieved to obtain a particle size
between 500 and 630 μm using a Fritsch analysette 3 sieve shaker
system) and (b) freeze‐dried pork blood powder (Solina, Germany; par-
2 | OBJECTIVES ticles with an average size of 100 μm).
Abbreviations: LDPE, low‐density polyethyelene; mLLDPE, metallocene linear low‐density polyethylene; PET, polyethylene terephtalate.
contamination is weighed. In order to facilitate the sealing with con- divided by seal width (25 mm) to obtain the hot tack strength. Seal
tamination, a simple cardboard tool is cut out of a cardboard sheet time, seal pressure, and cooling time were kept constant at respective
with an inner hole with larger width and length than the seal jaw. After values of 1.0 second, 0.3 N mm−2, and 0.1 second while seal temper-
one film sample is fixed with plastic tape to this cardboard tool, the ature was varied. Samples are tested in threefold, and average values
contamination is applied with a small spoon in the designated area. and standard deviations are shown.
In this study, 0.020 g is applied in a 20 × 40‐mm2 region to achieve
a 25 g m−2 contamination density. When the contamination is applied
and evenly distributed by eye, the second film sample is used to cover 3.2.3 | Seal characterization
the contamination and fixed with plastic tape (II). The cardboard tool
with contaminated film samples is manually placed between the seal Seal strength is tested according to ASTM F88 on 15‐mm wide sam-
jaws, and the seal is formed. Seals are produced with the Labthink ples. These samples are tested unsupported. Clamp distance is
HST‐H3 heat seal tester (Labthink Instruments Co Ltd, People's 10 mm, and tensile speed is 300 mm min−1. The seal strength is
Republic of China). This sealer has two flat aluminium jaws covered obtained by dividing maximum force with seal width (15 mm).
with silicon tape to prevent the contamination from sticking to the The dye penetration test uses an aqueous solution with 0.05%
jaws. After sealing, the amount of contamination, which is not trapped indicator dye (toluidine blue) and 3% wetting agent (PE glycol
within the seal area, is carefully removed using a small brush (III). octylphenyl ether) to determine if there are leaks. It allows to detect
and locate channel leaks, which are equal to or greater than channels
caused by a wire with diameter of 50 μm. The qualitative information
3.2.2 | Film characterization
(leak or no leak) delivers complementary information to seal strength.
Differential scanning calorimetry It is performed according to ASTM‐F3039 on samples as shown in
To characterize the thermal behaviour of the packaging material and Figure 2. The edges of the (contaminated) seal samples need to be
to relate this to the heat conductive sealing performance, differential sealed to have a reservoir where 1‐mL dye can be poured in (I). After
scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements were executed with the removing the sealed edges at one side of the seal, the seal can be
instrument 2920 MDSC V.2.6A (TA instruments, USA). The three film pressed to an absorbing white paper after adding the dye. The pack-
samples and the main components of the seal layer (granulate form of age is held in a vertical position for 1 minute so that the dye can pen-
LDPE, mLLDPE, plastomer, acid copolymer resin, and sodium ionomer) etrate through possible channel leaks by gravity (II). If a stain is visible
were tested in a sequence of two controlled heatings and one cooling on the paper, the seal is reported as leaker. This test can be done prior
down stage within the range of 10°C ➔ 200°C at a heating/cooling to performing the seal strength test if the seal strength of a sample is
speed of 10°C min−1. The heating does not exceed 200°C to prevent
the PET layer from melting as this study focusses on the components
of the seal layer and the seal layer as its whole. The first heating cycle
is performed to delete the thermal history. The second heating cycle is
used to obtain the melting peak temperature and the melting onset
temperature (intersection of the tangent of the peak and the extrapo-
lated baseline). Both of these temperatures are used to compare the
Hot tack
Twenty‐five‐millimetre‐wide samples were tested with a J&B Hot
Tack Tester model 5000 MB (Vived‐Management, Belgium) according
to ASTM F1921 at a tensile speed of 200 mm s−1. Maximum force is FIGURE 2 Dye penetration test
not influenced by the penetrating dye. This was confirmed by prelim- criterion (BIC). For a more detailed description of the model selection,
inary tests (results not shown). the reader is referred to the previous study on ultrasonic seals.11
Samples that pass this dye penetration test are considered as leak In a fourth step, the response surface model was utilized for opti-
tight. mizing the input variables towards the response (seal strength). In this
study, maximum seal strength is defined as an optimal result and was
3.2.4 | Maximization of contaminated seal quality thus assigned a desirability = 1. In addition to determining one optimal
parameter setting, a process window can be generated, which for
In order to assess the effect of the sealing parameters (temperature, example excludes parameter combinations resulting in seal strength
time, and pressure) on the seal quality of both clean and contaminated below a certain threshold. In this study, process windows were gener-
(coffee and blood powder) seals, the approach presented in D'huys ated containing only those parameter combinations at which at least
et al was followed. This approach is based on the concepts of design 90% of the maximum seal strength is reached.
of experiments (DOE) and response surface modelling. The steps will In a fifth and last step, the optimum was experimentally validated
be briefly described below for the case considered in this study. by performing repeated measurements (n = 10) at the optimal settings
First, a design space was defined that includes the three most to check if the predicted optimum lies within the confidence interval
important seal parameters: jaw temperature (°C), seal time (s), and seal calculated from the measured values. The success of the confirmation
pressure (N mm−2). The effect of these parameters is studied within is assessed by following an approach based on a confidence interval
certain limits. There are no strict rules to set these limits. They can calculation of the confirmation runs (CICon approach) as suggested
be based on film specifications, on the limits of the sealing process, in previous research.12,13 For details, the reader is referred to the pre-
on the relevance for the application, and/or on results of preliminary vious study on ultrasonic seals.11
tests. In this study, the limits considered for jaw temperature, seal
time, and pressure are, respectively, 120°C to 180°C, 0.4 to 1.0 s,
and 1.0 to 4.0 N mm−2. 4 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Secondly, an experimental design is set up. In this study, a 20‐point
I‐optimal design was selected, rather than the Box‐Behnken design of 4.1 | Film characterization
a previous study.11 This I‐optimal design allows to include corner
points of the design space, which represent extreme parameter combi- It is not always possible to compare DSC results of packaging films
nations. Moreover, it allows to include a third‐order effect of seal with blown extruded films with 100% pure material such as
pressure in the response surface model, which was shown to possibly plastomer because of low viscous behaviour of this substance.
be of interest based on preliminary experiments. Because of this, the results of the seal layers of the three packaging
The third step involves fitting a response surface model with three films are compared with the individual components in granulate
input variables (temperature, time, and pressure) to the seal strength form. This allows to identify similarities and to suggest explanations
values obtained at the 20 experimental runs. The following quadratic in differences and similarities of the three packaging films. The melt-
model with interactions was fitted: ing onset and peak temperatures of the films and granulates in this
study are shown in Table 2. The values of film 1 are in between
y ¼ β0 þ β1 x1 þ β2 x2 þ β3 x3 þ β12 x1 x2 þ β23 x2 x3 þ β13 x1 x3 the values of its main components LDPE and mLLDPE in granulate
þ β11 x21 þ β22 x22 þ β33 x23 þ β333 x33 þ ε; form. In a previous study on blended films of LDPE and mLLDPE,
it was found that the melting point of the blended monolayer was
where x1, x2, and x3 are the three input parameters, seal temperature, between the values observed for mLLDPE and LDPE films.14 The
time, and pressure, y is the seal strength and ε is the error term. Besides melting onset temperature of film 2 is decreased with 5° compared
the main effects, the interaction terms and quadratic terms were also with film 1. The presence of plastomer instead of mLLDPE in the
considered in the model. Moreover, for pressure, a third‐order effect lower 15 μm of the seal layer is suggested as explanation since
was also included in the model. Nonsignificant effects are removed plastomer has a lower melting point than mLLDPE. This is indicated
from the model by an all possible subsets procedure. The model with by melting peak temperatures of the components in granulate form.
the best fitting subset of effects is selected. The criteria of this selection The melting peak temperature of the seal layer of film 2 is close to
are R2, Akaike information criterion (AIC), and Bayesian information the value of film 1. Acid copolymer and sodium ionomer presence,
TABLE 2 Melting onset and melting peak temperatures of films and granulates, tested with DSC
Abbreviations: DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; mLLD, metallocene linear low density; LDP, low‐density polyethyelene.
which have lower melting points than LDPE, mLLDPE, and both films, the hot tack strength decreases strongly in a similar way at
plastomer, does not decrease the melting peak and onset tempera- elevated temperatures (greater than or equal to 150°C). Film 3, with
ture of film 3. These components are present in low amount in pro- the sodium ionomer seal layer, shows a larger standard deviation com-
portion to LDPE and mLLDPE, and their melting temperatures are pared with the other films. It has a low hot tack initiation temperature
probably too low to influence the tangent line, which is used to (90°C), then the hot tack strength slowly increases until a high peak
obtain the onset temperature. value (0.41 ± 0.07 N mm−1) is reached at 115°C. The hot tack window
The hot tack strength is relevant for sealing through solid particles is very broad (100°C‐greater than or equal to 180°C), indicating that
as these particle can push the seal layers away from each other this film keeps a large portion of its strength at seal temperatures
directly after opening the hot jaws when the seal is still hot.15 This greater than or equal to 150°C. The superior hot tack performance of
spring back effect is similar when wrinkles are present. The effect is ionomers (high hot tack strength at low seal times and under a wide
discussed in several papers.6,7,9,10 Figure 3 shows the hot tack results range of seal temperatures) was previously described in literature.16
of all films. The hot tack initiation temperature (temperature where a Both films 2 and 3 are evaluated as good hot tack performers because
low but measurable hot tack strength is obtained), peak value, and of a combination of hot tack properties (low initiation temperature, high
window (temperature range where a relatively high hot tack strength peak value, and wide window).
is obtained) are discussed to compare the three packaging films. As
there is currently no clear definition of the hot tack initiation temper-
ature, it is defined in this study as the minimum temperature (°C) 4.2 | Evaluation and optimization of contaminated
where a seal with low‐hot tack strength is produced, a threshold value seal strength
of 0.03 N mm−1 must be exceeded. The hot tack window was defined
as the temperature range (°C) from minimum to maximum tempera- The experimental design of the three films of this study is shown in
ture where seals with medium hot tack strength are produced, a Table 3. At each of the parameter combinations defined by the design,
threshold value of 0.1 N mm−1 must be exceeded. both clean and contaminated (coffee and blood powder) seals were
Film 1 has a relatively high hot tack initiation temperature (105°C) created, and their seal strength was measured. Other responses such
compared with the other films. This can be a result of the absence of as leak tightness, seal energy, optical aspects, and seal thickness are
low melting main components such as plastomer or sodium also possible in a single or multi‐response model but were not consid-
ionomer in the lower 15 μm of the seal layer. The peak value ered in this study. All clean and contaminated seal strengths of films 1,
(0.29 ± 0.01 N mm−1) is low compared with other films. The peak value 2, and 3, produced at the 20 parameter combinations (temperature,
is reached at 110°C, which is in accordance with the melting peak time and pressure) defined by the experimental design are also shown
temperature of film 1 and the individual granulates of the two main in the table. These seal strengths served as an input to build a model
components, LDPE, and mLLDPE. The hot tack window is narrow that predicts the clean and contaminated seal strength at all possible
(110°C‐140°C) compared with the other films. Film 2 has a relative parameter settings within the defined design space.
low hot tack initiation temperature (90°C) making it suitable for high In Tables 4, 5, and 6, the coefficients of the terms included in the
speed sealing applications. This can be a result of the presence of models for each film are summarized for clean seals, coffee contaminated,
plastomer6 in the lower 15 μm of the seal layer. Compared with film 1, and blood powder contaminated seals, respectively. Nonsignificant terms
the peak value (0.43 ± 0.03 N mm−1) is high, suggesting more and/or were not included in the model, and therefore no coefficient is shown in
deeper entanglement, this was previously described in literature. For the table. Based on these models, the settings of temperature, time, and
pressure resulting in maximum seal strength were determined for each
film‐contaminant combination as described in the Methods section.
As a validation of the optima of the three films, the predicted opti-
mal parameter settings, predicted maximum seal strengths, and limits
of the confidence intervals calculated based on the validation experi-
ments (CICon approach) are shown in Table 7.
The predicted values are a good indication of the measured values,
but the model tends to slightly overestimate the optimized seal
strength. A higher accuracy could be reached by adding repetitions
to the test or augmenting the experimental design with additional
experiments. This can be a subject for further research. Contamination
decreases the seal strength, even when optimized. The rate of
decrease is dependent on the used seal material (blend
LDPE/mLLDPE, blend LDPE/plastomer, and sodium ionomer) and
the applied contamination (ground coffee and blood powder). For films
FIGURE 3 Hot tack graph with variation in seal temperature, seal
parameters: 1.0 s seal time‐0.3 N mm−2 seal pressure‐0.1 s cool time 1, 2, and 3, the degrees of decrease, based on the measured average
(n = 3) for three packaging films values (not shown in table), are, respectively, 25%, 16%, and 63% for
TABLE 3 Experimental design with parameters (seal temperature [T], time [t], and pressure [p]) and responses (clean and contaminated seal
strength) of films 1, 2, and 3 (F1, F2, and F3)
Run Tjaw (°C) F1 Tjaw (°C) F2 Tjaw (°C) F3 tseal (s) (N mm−2) F1 F2 F3 F1 F2 F3 F1 F2 F3
1 149.3 141.2 143.9 0.7 1.9 2.4 3.0 1.4 1.4 2.3 0.6 0.7 1.4 0.3
2 181.5 181.5 181.5 0.4 3.2 2.3 3.1 1.8 1.9 2.0 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3
3 119.6 104.1 109.2 0.5 1.6 0.6 1.9 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 150.5 142.7 145.3 0.7 3.3 2.6 2.8 1.7 1.4 1.9 0.6 0.7 1.7 0.3
5 150.5 142.8 145.4 0.7 3.2 2.5 3.1 1.8 1.5 2.1 0.5 0.7 1.5 0.6
6 162.6 157.8 159.4 1.0 3.4 2.2 2.6 1.3 2.2 2.3 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.5
7 144.1 134.7 137.9 1.0 1.9 2.5 3.0 1.5 1.4 2.6 0.6 1.1 1.4 0.5
8 119.6 104.1 109.2 0.7 3.1 2.3 2.9 0.4 0.6 0.9 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.0
9 181.5 181.5 181.5 0.7 1.0 2.2 2.9 1.8 1.9 2.9 0.5 0.9 0.6 0.2
10 148.8 140.6 143.3 0.7 1.8 2.4 2.9 1.7 2.0 2.9 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.3
11 144.3 135.0 138.1 0.4 4.0 2.3 3.2 0.5 1.2 1.7 0.1 0.7 1.0 0.2
12 119.6 104.1 109.2 1.0 4.0 2.2 2.9 0.4 1.4 1.5 0.1 1.1 0.6 0.3
13 181.5 181.5 181.5 0.4 1.9 2.3 2.9 1.7 1.1 1.4 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.4
14 181.5 181.5 181.5 1.0 1.0 2.2 2.9 1.7 1.3 3.0 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4
15 150.5 142.8 145.4 0.4 1.0 2.4 3.1 0.7 1.0 2.1 0.3 0.4 1.4 0.2
16 119.6 104.1 109.2 1.0 1.0 2.1 3.0 0.3 1.6 1.1 0.0 0.8 0.3 0.1
17 181.5 181.5 181.5 1.0 2.4 2.2 3.6 1.8 2.0 3.2 0.5 0.4 1.6 0.4
18 181.5 181.5 181.5 0.7 4.0 3.1 2.6 2.2 2.0 2.9 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.4
19 119.6 104.1 109.2 0.4 3.3 0.7 1.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
20 150.8 143.1 145.6 0.7 1.8 2.3 2.9 1.5 1.2 2.5 0.5 0.6 2.0 0.3
TABLE 4 Significant coefficients, terms, and regression significance of the seal strength model for clean seals of films 1, 2, and 3
ground coffee and 71%, 45%, and 79% for blood powder contamina- particles when a same mass of contamination is applied. Figure 4
tion compared with the clean seal strength. The samples contaminated shows that there are more clean areas with contaminated seal samples
with coffee reach a higher optimized seal strength than the samples with coffee particles compared with those with blood powder.
with blood powder. This can be a result of more binding spots Seal pressure has a slight or no influence on the seal strength as
between the seal layers because of the lower amount of coffee shown in Tables 4, 5, and 6. There is no significant effect of pressure
TABLE 5 Significant coefficients, terms, and regression significance of the seal strength model for coffee contaminated seals of films 1, 2, and 3
TABLE 6 Significant coefficients, terms, and regression significance of the seal strength model for blood powder contaminated seals of films 1, 2,
and 3
Clean Ground Coffee Contamination (25 g m−2) Blood Powder Contamination (25 g m−2)
FIGURE 4 A, Raw images of coffee (left) and blood powder (right) contaminated samples of film 2, sealed at 181.5°C, 0.7 s, and 1.0 N mm−2 with
a high resolution digital imaging set up with LED backlight illumination for high contrast. These raw images are converted to B, binary images
where clean areas are black
on seal strength with clean seals. Previous research on clean seals of solid contamination regarding seal strength. These results are
described the very limited influence of seal pressure on seal inconsistent with the good hot tack performance (low seal initiation,
strength.17,18 With ground coffee contamination, a slight effect of high peak value, and wide window) of this film. One possible explana-
pressure is seen as the first order and t*p term of film 1 and T*p term tion would be that for this film, only the lower part of the seal layer
of film 3 have significant effects. With blood powder contamination, participates in the encapsulation of the particles. The lower thickness
there is only a significant effect of the T*p term on seal strength for (5‐μm acid copolymer +10‐μm ionomer) of the effective seal layer
film 1. Higher significance is observed for temperature and time and compared with the particle size could decrease the seal through con-
the combination of both parameters on clean and contaminated seal tamination performance. Another possible explanation can lie within
strength. This result is in line with previous studies that state that the flow behaviour of the seal material. In previous research,9 flow
temperature and time are the most important factors influencing seal ability was related to the encapsulation of milk powder particles.
strength.17,18 These parameters were used in process windows These particles can be isolated if the seal material can flow around
within which at least 90% of the maximum seal strength is obtained. them. Both topics can be interesting for further research to gain bet-
The process windows for the three films are shown in Figure 5. Films ter insight into the clean and contaminated seal performance of pack-
1 and 2 have the widest process window when seals are clean, and aging films.
process windows become narrow when solid contamination is pres- All samples that were optimized in seal strength are tested for
ent. Process windows for clean and coffee contaminated seals are their leak tightness by a dye penetration test prior to the seal
wider for film 2 than for the other films. Even at low seal times of strength test. Samples are tested in tenfold. All clean optimized sam-
0.5 to 0.6 s, it is possible to produce strong seals if the temperature ples were leak tight. In the case of coffee contamination, films 1 and
is set at 170°C. In an industrial context, this is an advantageous film 3 have, respectively, 8 and 7 out of 10 leak tight samples. All sam-
property with respect to production speed. Blood powder contami- ples of film 2 were leak tight at optimal settings. In the case of blood
nated seals need higher seal time to produce strong seals. Taken into powder contamination, film 1 has 9 out of 10 leak tight seals, and
account the optimal values of Table 7 and the process windows of films 2 and 3 are leak tight at the optimal settings. Comparing the
Figure 4, film 1 (seal layer blend of LDPE and mLLDPE) is less toler- three seal layers, the plastomer‐based seal layer in film 2 has the
ant for solid contamination than film 2 (seal layer blend of LDPE and best seal through contamination performance regarding leak tight-
plastomer) regarding seal strength. The results of this comparison are ness at optimal settings. A previous study15 suggests that viscous,
in line with the comparison of hot tack performance between both hot tack, and mechanical properties of seal materials are related with
films (lower initiation, wider window, and higher peak value for film the encapsulation of solid contamination. Low zero shear viscosity, a
2). For film 3, all process windows are narrow compared with films high hot tack strength window (=area under hot tack curve between
1 and 2. There is almost no overlap between the process windows. hot tack initiation temperature and actual seal jaw temperature), and
Taken into account the seal strengths of Table 7 and the process high resistance to elongation under stress were beneficial for
windows of Figure 5, this film has the worst tolerance for these types preventing leaks.15
FIGURE 5 Temperature vs time process windows for clean, coffee, and blood powder contaminated samples. The process windows indicate
those combinations of temperature and time that result in a seal strength of at least 90% of the optimum value. Pressure was kept constant at
2.5 N mm−2
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