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12 Quantitative Analysisfor Business Decisions ISeptember October 2021

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I lillill ilil rilt ililt lffi illt tilr sG - 402

ll Semester B.Com. Examination, September/October 2021
(CBCS) (F+R) (2014 - 15 and Onwards)
Paper - 2.6 : Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions -I
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
lnstruction : Answer should be either in English or Kannada.
Answer any five sub-questions from this Section. carries
two marks. (5x2=10)
1. a) Define Statistics.
b) List any four methods of studying variation.
c) lf X= 12,2 = 13 find median.
d) Write the formula for range.
e) What is base year ?

f) Write any 2objectir4es of tabulation.


g) How do you calculate 'Mode'when it is ill-defined ?



Answer any three of the following. Each question carries six marks. (3x6=18)
2. From the following infcirmation prepare a frequpncy table, taking class interval
of10-20,20-30e[. , , i

48 30 31 18 25 ?7 19 20 19 12

16 28 50 43 54 36 28 19 16 18

42 46 38 34 51 42 2a 32 36 41

34 JO 37 1B 19 12 15 41 46 25

19 24 35 3B 39 42 51 44 13 18

sG - 402 Ill]Iilililililililililtlliltilt

3. compute mean wages of workers from the following data :

Wages (Rs.) :

4. calculate the standard deviation from the following data :

Wages (in Rs.) :

5. calculate Mean deviation from Median from the following data :

Wages (Rs.) No. of Workers

Less than - 10 5
Less than- 20 13
Less than - 30 20
Less than - 40 32
Less than - 50 60
Less than - 60f 80
Less than - 70 90
Less than - 80 100

6. a) Find X it CV = 4Oo/o SD =,12.

b) Find co-efficien{,of Mean deviation, if X, = 120 and M.D. = 12.
!'l sECTloN -c
Answer any three questions. Each question carries fourteen marks. (3x14=42)
7, Draw a histogram from the following data to find mode and calculate
mode :
ltiril ilil ililt ilil!ilt flil
sG - 402
8. Compute Fisher's ideal index from the following data and show how it satisfies
TRT and FRT.

2015 2016
Commodities Price Quantity Price Quantity
M B 80 10 110
N 10 9o 12 108
o 16 256 20 340
P 20 42A 24 456
o 25 550 32 704

9. compute Karl Pearson's skewness from the following data :

Wages : 40-60 60-80 80-100 100 - 120 120 - 140 '140 - 160
No. of
Workers :
6 10 1B 30 15 12

10. From the following data, carcutate quartile and its co-efficient :

11. Following are the markslbtained by two studentslsuma and Sudha in ten tests
of 100 marks each , t

Test : 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 I 10
Marks Suma : 48 72 39 46 80 62 30 42 65 31
obtained by
Sudha : 40 56 44 35 80 72 48 65 75 49

Find who is better scores and it consistency is the criterion for awarding prize
who should get the prize ?
sc - 402 .4. llillllllillilllililllllllilllil

+{d er{$
eqnrl - o

di aqnrlaod ddnd cndcnddo acb erud-$dy'Eri erudol. $e wC-{d;i

addr soddqlo. (5x2=10)

1. a) doan at t"roreu.
b) ecado:rQ*drc)d dDdd 4 urfrlddio*,1.
c) icnio - 12, z^:d:aj:d dooio = 13 ercnd *dddd zJd e9&.

d) a"d*o3: do$ddludor:0.
e) dme-: ddr .todde$ ?
f) dqeddead add: w{edddd1z,"rdouo.
g) dop uje3ct ed mrsnraandd, d"! aoe zJeJ dod.:&aobdd eeri ?

aqto?i - ?)

* ddnd qlDd)eoddo'drocio -gdfgri w$o:l. -9e dd$ 6 ercdrid:. (31$=18)

2. * ddnd *lbgobod d;oaocddrdcJr dqobdidolrrotu, ddr d:dcddrl*i; 10 - 20,

20 - 30 .a6JdO.

48 30 31' 18 25 27 19 20 19 12

16 28 50 43 54 36 28 19 16 18

42 46 38 34 51; 42 28 32 36 41

34 36 37 18 19 12 15 41 46 25

19 24 35 38 39 42' 51 44 13 18
ilirt I tlir illi ilil ililt lill lilt
sG - 402
3. d* dqtdod *D&gobod de.:dnadd dodo d,ooo$dldod>&aosro.
doo (do.) :

4. eor{ edcbd:ato$d1dod&ad)0.

dJaO (dJo.rlSO ):

5. * dddod *E&eobod dodo acsdo$e*"drodd atme;d dod>&aouo.

dJoO (dJa.riCO_) : aaarrdd noeis

qod daab - 10 5

tod daab - 20 13
{od daa3c -
g0 20

**od dad> - 40 32

qod daa3o - sO 60

sdod daasr - 60 : 80

tod daab - 70 90
t*od daab - 80 1,00

a) CV = 40o/o,0ar{ zJcbd:ad = 12, X ? ,

b) doado aJcb&aE = 12, doado - 120, erdd doado azjodo$ ddrbeadd#t, ?

sc - 402 .6. llllllillllilillilllllilllilllll

Aqrorl -x
dr ddnd cndenddrD dlra& d$ed w$0,1. ds ddf 14 erodrldc. (3x14=421

7 . * Q,%dra ddd oirdl c;a G z,"l d.: e;ddd1 rbd:exr oa dro do d:A a ou o.

0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
F: 12 14 20 16 11 9

8. s ddnd an iood +dcnd erddr dedrodddldoCaacr:0. ecb deri TRT $$ FRT

d o ed$dd1 drg rineru$ d o eb d;o e o :l.

201 5 2016

d$?td) o{r{
ddnen ?,3e, ddneo
M I 80 10 110

N 10 90 12 108

o 16
256 20 340
P 2A 420 24 456

o 25 550 32 704

L ds ddnd @oddeod rpef

r .lox>o"dord ad*dor: ddnbeodd&.dodbaobo.
aadd doO 60:80
404.60 80 - 100 100 - 120 120 - 140 140 - 160

ra$rdd noald 6 10 i 18 30 15 12

10. ds ddnd d>aeobod r"l*Srd aa3e.:do$q*t erdd ddnbeoddQdodo&aouo.

X: 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

t-: 12 25 55 120 60 30 13
sG - 402
,, *^*"*.tX:.:?" aoarerrlsb 100 eodrtpri dndelq doeflo$o_
€r ddndod
coddd$ Cda&e8.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10
48 72 39 46 80 62 30
ddd qrodd$b 42 65 31
xbea :
40 56 44 35 80 72 48 65 75 49

'addo- olD& *g_*,:rldlq

ddacbEd, oado uoc$ dec
ud:dnd doddroadd orDdr iUr*rS Jao:r*o r {ddo$q ereao:)




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