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PII: S0022-1694(17)30065-3
Reference: HYDROL 21794
Please cite this article as: Poméon, T., Jackisch, D., Diekkrüger, B., Evaluating the Performance of Remotely Sensed
and Reanalysed Precipitation Data over West Africa using HBV light, Journal of Hydrology (2017), doi: http://
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Evaluating the Performance of Remotely Sensed and Reanalysed
Precipitation Data over West Africa using HBV light
Thomas Poméon1, Dominik Jackisch2, Bernd Diekkrüger1
1) Department of Geography, University of Bonn, Meckenheimer Allee 166, 53115 Bonn,
2) Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue,
639798 Singapore, Singapore
Water is a crucial resource in West Africa, where large parts of the population rely on rainfed
agriculture. Therefore, accurate knowledge of the water resources is of the utmost importance. Due
to the declining number of rain gauging stations, the use of satellite and reanalysis precipitation
datasets in hydrological modelling is steadily rising. However, accurate information on the benefits
and deficits of these datasets is often lacking, especially in the West African subcontinent. For
validation purposes, these products are commonly compared to freely available rain gauge data,
which has in some cases already been used to bias correct the products in the first place. We
therefore explored the possibility of a hydrological evaluation, where a model is calibrated for each
dataset using streamflow as the observed variable. In this study, ten freely available satellite and
reanalysis datasets (CFSR, CHIRPS, CMORPHv1.0 CRT, CMORPHv1.0 RAW, PERSIANN CDR, RFE 2.0,
TAMSAT, TMPA 3B42v7, TMPA 3B42 RTv7 and GPCC) were thus evaluated for six differently sized
and located basins in West Africa. Results show that while performances differ, most datasets
manage to somewhat accurately predict the observed streamflow in a given basin. Best results were
achieved by datasets which use a multitude of input data, namely infrared and microwave satellite
data, as well as observations from rain gauges (usually GPCC) for bias correction. If considering only
the Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency averaged for all six basins during the calibration phase, best results were
achieved by CMORPH CRT and PERSIANN CDR (both 0.66), followed by TAMSAT, CHIRPS and TMPA
3B42 (all three 0.64). Average results were achieved by RFE 2.0 (0.63), GPCC (0.61) and TMPA 3B42
RT (0.54). CMORPH RAW and CFSR performed worst (0.36 and -0.34 on average).
1 Introduction
Precipitation data is one of the most important drivers of hydrological models (Hughes, 2006;
Thiemig et al., 2013). However, especially in developing countries, rain gauge (RG) networks are
sparse or non-existent and often include erroneous data or large gaps (Behrangi et al., 2011; Bitew
and Gebremichael, 2011; Koutsouris et al., 2016). This situation is aggravated by a further decline in
the number of rainfall stations due to financial or maintenance problems (Adjei et al., 2012; Hughes,
2006). A large number of satellite-based rainfall estimate (SRFE) and reanalysis (RA) products with
high spatial and temporal resolutions are freely available and have the potential to complete gaps or
even replace rain gauge measurements (Fujihara et al., 2014; Koutsouris et al., 2016; Thiemig et al.,
2013). The uncertainties of these products over western Africa are largely unknown and only recently
scientists have started validating SRFE and RA products for the sub-continent (Awange et al., 2015).
These validations are mostly conducted by using statistical measures to compare SRFEs to RG point
With regard to the fact that most of the existing scientific papers only include and analyse a few
precipitation datasets (Cohen Liechti et al., 2012; Thiemig et al., 2013; Tobin and Bennett, 2014), this
study further contributes to the ongoing debate on satellite derived precipitation products’
SFRE and reanalysis product validation studies over West Africa were carried out, among others, by
Awange et al., 2015; Gosset et al., 2013; Nicholson et al., 2003; Pfeifroth et al., 2016 and Thiemig et
al., 2012. All of the aforementioned use at least one source of RG data in order to assess the
performance of the SRFE or RA product. A major source of RG data is the Global Precipitation
Climatology Center (GPCC) product, which has been used to validate precipitation datasets in Africa,
e.g. by Adeyewa and Nakamura (2003). However, large data gaps exist over Africa, and the number
of gauges sending data varies over time (Awange et al., 2015). Figure 1 gives an overview of GPCC
pixels including station data for at least 80 % of days for the period from 2003 to 2013. Also, gauges
connected to the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) are frequently used for bias correction of
satellite data, creating merged satellite rain gauge datasets like TMPA 3B42 or PERISANN CDR
(Ashouri et al., 2015; Huffman et al., 2007). It remains questionable whether the performance of bias
corrected SRFEs should be evaluated against data from the same rain gauges used for the bias
correction since the datasets are not independent (Awange et al., 2015; Maidment et al., 2013;
A new approach which has recently gained popularity is the so called hydrological evaluation of SRFE
and RA products. In this approach, the performance of the datasets is evaluated by calibrating a
hydrological model for different precipitation products and evaluating the ability of each product to
reproduce the observed streamflow. This method on the one hand circumvents the need for reliable
RG information, but on the other hand introduces the need for streamflow information as a variable
for model calibration (Behrangi et al., 2011; Thiemig et al., 2013). Since the hydrological evaluation
takes place at the watershed scale, no problem of scale discrepancy arises as with the validation by
using point source RG data. Also, the usefulness of the SRFEs and RA products to generate
streamflow is directly evaluated within the hydrological model of choice (Bitew and Gebremichael,
2011; Thiemig et al., 2013). It should however also be considered that the model concept and
process representation introduces uncertainties into the analysis. So can the results of excess or
below average precipitation for example be dampened by the parameters governing infiltration and
evaporation (Seibert, 1997). Nevertheless, when using one single model concept which has been
shown to be applicable to the climatic conditions, the results may be biased but this bias would be
consistent over all precipitation products and therefore does not affect the interpretation and
Studies using this method in recent years are plentiful, e.g. Behrangi et al., 2011; Bitew and
Gebremichael, 2011; Bodian et al., 2016; Cohen Liechti et al., 2012; Dile and Srinivasan, 2014;
Fujihara et al., 2014 and Li et al., 2015. However, most of these studies focus on areas outside of
West Africa, where only few hydrological evaluations were conducted so far, covering a limited
number of different products and climatological regions. A need for more studies focusing on West
Some of the first authors to validate SRFE and RA products in West Africa were Thiemig et al. (2013),
who evaluated CMORPH (Climate Prediction Center Morphing Technique), RFE 2.0 (African Rainfall
Estimation), TMPA 3B42 (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis),
PERSIANN (Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural
Networks) and ERA-Interim over the Volta basin using the LISFLOOD model. They concluded that the
hydrological evaluation using this model is a well-suited approach to validate precipitation datasets
over sparsely or ungauged catchments, with their model producing better results in the high flow
than during the low flow periods. During this study, some products were bias corrected for a second
simulation (e.g. PERSIANN and CMORPH, which exhibited biases over lowland areas) using gauge
measurements, and generally produced better results afterwards. They concluded that the best
dataset is the one with the best intrinsic data quality needing the least amount of pre-processing and
bias correction. For the Volta basin, RFE 2.0 and TMPA 3B42 were asserted as best performing. Also
in 2013, Gosset et al. validated PERSIANN, CMORPH, TMPA 3B42 real time, GSMaP (Global Satellite
Mapping of Precipitation) MVK and real time, GPCP (Global Precipitation Climatology Project), TMPA
3B42, RFE 2.0 and EPSAT-SG (Estimation of Precipitation by SATellite Second Generation) using high
resolution gauge data from two AMMA-CATCH sites in Niger and Benin as well as two hydrological
models. The Soil Conservation Service method (SCS) was used to generate runoff for the Niamey site
and the lumped conceptual Modèle du Génie Rural à 4 paramètres Journalier (GR4J) was used to
generate streamflow for the Benin site. For the statistical evaluation, the authors concluded that
TMPA 3B42 performed best on both sites with very low biases. RFE 2.0 exhibited low biases but also
low correlations to gauge data with an overestimation of low rain rates. Concerning the hydrological
evaluation in the Niamey area, the two products best able to generate streamflow are TMPA 3B42
(slight overestimation) and RFE 2.0 (low bias but underestimated streamflow). The evaluation
conducted for the Ouémé area revealed RFE 2.0 and EPSAT to perform best with a slight
underestimation of the discharge. TMPA 3B42 was found to have a high inter-annual variability of the
In 2014, Fujihara et al., using a conceptual hydrological model, assessed that a bias-corrected SRFE
dataset outperforms RA datasets over the White Volta basin. Results showed that while the
reanalysis products exhibited acceptable seasonal accuracy, annual variations were not reproduced.
The only merged SRFE/RG product used (GPCP) delivered good results and proved to be superior.
Very recently, Bodian et al. (2016) conducted a hydrological evaluation of TMPA 3B42 precipitation
estimates over the Upper Sénégal river basin, also using the GR4J model. Results showed good
As stated before, the current study is a contribution to the ongoing debate on satellite derived and
between the considered datasets for basins of different locations and sizes and evaluating the
robustness of the products in accurately simulating streamflow during a hydrological evaluation. Ten
state of the art datasets which were generated according to different methods were chosen for the
evaluation. For the first time, the conceptual HBV model is used in a hydrological evaluation,
datasets to generate streamflow. HBV was chosen due to it being user-friendly, easily accessible and
free of charge while having been proven to deliver robust results (Seibert and Vis, 2012), in order to
entice a maximum of researchers to adopt this validation approach. Conceptual models like HBV
light were already successfully applied in simulating discharge in West Africa, e.g. by Cornelissen et
al., 2013.
The basins used to evaluate the performance of the selected precipitation estimates in generating
daily streamflow were chosen within the COAST (Studying changes of sea level and water storage for
coastal regions in West-Africa, using satellite and terrestrial data sets) project study area in West
Africa. Large (about 100,000 km²) as well as small (~ 2,500 km²) sized basins were identified both in
the south, which is characterized by a bimodal rainy season, and the north, which is subject to a
unimodal rainy season, in order to evaluate differences arising from the diverse rainfall distributions
as well as the increase in aridity from south to north (Fink et al., 2010). The research area (5°N-15°N
and 6°W-4°E) is depicted in Figure 1. Specific basins were chosen based on the availability and
reliability of discharge data, an overview of the chosen basins is given in Table 1. Subwatersheds
within the selected watershed were delineated using the ArcSWAT model with a threshold area of at
least 2,500 km². This seems a reasonable subbasin size if one wants to model the whole of the
subcontinent, as is planned for the future. Schuol et al. applied the SWAT model to estimate the
freshwater availability in West Africa in 2008 and suggested a minimum drainage area for the
Figure 1: Research area. Pixels of precipitation products including the subbasin centroids were used
for data extraction. Highlighted GPCC pixels have station data for at least 80 % of the period 2003-
2.2 Products
Ten precipitation products were identified for evaluation during this study. While this study focuses
on satellite precipitation datasets, the GPCC product, which relies on station data, was included since
it is often used to compare remotely sensed data to observations. We furthermore included the CFSR
reanalysis product because it is often used for SWAT simulations as data can be downloaded in SWAT
format. Although SWAT-ready CFSR is widely used by modelers in Africa in our experience, we
remain convinced that an evaluation of the data quality is necessary before use. Each product will be
The CFSR (Climate Forecast System Reanalysis) coupled atmosphere-ocean-land system is developed
temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and radiation, available from 1979 to present (Blacutt et
al., 2015; Dile and Srinivasan, 2014; Saha et al., 2010). CFSR is based on historical and operational
archives and incorporates various data sources such as radiosondes, surface observations including
rain gauge information or data from satellite instruments (Saha et al., 2010). Furthermore,
precipitation estimates are updated every 6 hours in near real time (Fuka et al., 2013).
CHIRPS (Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Station data) is a dataset developed
especially for drought monitoring purposes. The data is generated from 1981 to present (Funk et al.,
2015). Compared to other precipitation products, its main characteristic is its very fine spatial
resolution of 0.05° (Katsanos et al., 2016). CHIRPS uses several data sources, such as the monthly
information from the TMPA 3B42 product. The precipitation estimates are merged with in-situ gauge
data from several archives including GTS to reduce biases (Funk et al., 2015).
CMORPH (Climate Prediction Center Morphing Technique) is developed by NOAA-CDC and is a global
precipitation analysis algorithm, with data available from 1998 to present 18 hours after real time
observation. Originally providing precipitation estimates for the period 2002 onwards, two new
versions of CMORPH have been released recently and labeled as CMORPHv1.0 RAW and CRT. The
former CMORPH dataset has been renamed to CMORPHv0.x (Koutsouris et al., 2016). Two versions
are available: CMORPH RAW derives half hourly precipitation estimates which are based on satellite
microwave (MW) and infrared (IR) information. The precipitation estimates are morphed through a
time-weighted linear interpolation (Joyce et al., 2004; Ramarohetra et al., 2013). CMORPH RAW is a
satellite-only product, since no RG information is incorporated (Joyce et al., 2004; Thiemig et al.,
2013). CMORPH CRT is similar to CMORPH RAW, but has been bias-corrected using historical and
PERSIANN CDR (Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural
Networks-Climate Data Record) is maintained by the University of California together with NOAA and
provides data from 1983 to present (Ashouri et al., 2015). Precipitation estimates are calculated from
IR and MW satellite data (Ashouri et al., 2015; Jobard et al., 2011). Unlike the PERSIANN product (Hsu
et al., 1997), which is available in near real time and solely based on satellite measurements (Awange
et al., 2015; Jobard et al., 2011; Ramarohetra et al., 2013), PERSIANN-CDR incorporates GPCP gauge
RFE 2.0
The RFE (African Rainfall Estimation) 2.0 algorithm was developed by the NOAA CPC. Daily rainfall
estimates are available from late 2000 to present (The NOAA Climate Prediction Center, 2002). The
dataset is based on IR and MW data and incorporates rain gauge information from the GTS network,
which is used to correct biases (Cohen Liechti et al., 2012; Thiemig et al., 2012). Up to 1000 GTS
stations are merged to derive the final precipitation product (Ramarohetra et al., 2013). The product
was originally developed for drought monitoring purposes on the African continent and is available
TAMSAT (Tropical Applications of Meteorology using Satellite data and ground-based observations)
was developed at the University of Reading specifically for continental Africa with a spatial resolution
of 0.0375°, which makes it the finest resolution among all the datasets considered. Rainfall estimates
from TAMSAT are available from 1983 to present. The TAMSAT method uses IR imagery from
METEOSAT (Grimes et al., 1999; Maidment et al., 2014; Tarnavsky et al., 2014). Rain rates are then
calculated based on a cloud temperature threshold, which varies according to time and location
(Jobard et al., 2011). Contrary to other merged products, TAMSAT does not use GTS data but
historical data of about 4000 stations from various African agencies mostly acquired since the early
The TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA)
product is produced at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (Huffman et al., 2007), with TMPA
3B42v7 (hereafter named TMPA) being the latest version. Originally developed for rainfall retrievals
in the tropics, it has been extended to a quasi-global coverage. Rainfall estimates are available for
the period of 1998 to present. The TMPA algorithm integrates rainfall estimates from multiple
satellites and a variety of sensors. Passive MW data is derived from several low earth orbiting
satellite sensors additionally to satellite IR data (Jobard et al., 2011). Rain gauge observations from
the GPCC are used to bias correct the precipitation estimates (Moazami et al., 2013; Worqlul et al.,
Similar to the TMPA 3B42v7 dataset, the TMPA 3B42v7RT (Real-Time, hereafter named TMPA RT)
product is produced by NASA. It provides daily precipitation estimates from March 2000 to the
present day. The product is based on the same algorithm as TMPA 3B42v7, which combines MW and
IR estimates. Unlike 3B42v7, no rain gauge data is used for bias-correction due to the real-time
nature of the product. However, a climatological adjustment is performed (Huffman et al., 2007). Its
precipitation estimates are available nine hours after overflight (Huffman et al., 2007; Jobard et al.,
The GPCC FDD product (Global Precipitation Climatology Centre Full Data Daily 1°) developed at the
Deutscher Wetterdienst is a global land-surface precipitation dataset that covers the period from
1988 to 2013. It is based on station data from up to 29,000 gauge stations per month, including GTS
stations with automated quality control. The GPCC FDD precipitation estimates provide a temporal
resolution of one day, while the spatial resolution is 1°, making it the coarsest precipitation dataset
among the analyzed products. Interpolation through a block Kriging scheme with a global variogram
is carried out for each station, producing the daily rainfall totals (Schamm et al., 2015; Schneider et
al., 2015).
The chosen SRFEs and RA rainfall estimates were acquired via various online sources, all being freely
available to the general public. With the exception of CFSR, all datasets were distributed in the
common netCDF data format. In order to extract the precipitation data for the research basins, we
followed the approach utilized by the semi-distributed, physically based Soil and Water Assessment
Tool (SWAT) hydrological model (Arnold et al., 1998), which uses weather data from the climate
station located closest to the center of each subbasin. This was accomplished by deriving the
centroid for each subbasin and extracting the data from the precipitation pixel covering this point
(Winchell et al., 2010). For larger basins, namely Atchérigbé, Gbasse and Lawra, precipitation data
was likewise derived for each subbasin and in a second step area-averaged to generate the data for
the whole basin. This way, the performance of the approach for single-cell as well as area-averaged
data can be evaluated. When we compared the SWAT centroid method to calculating the area-
average of all pixels in the respective basins for the TMPA dataset from 1998 to 2013, the correlation
of the daily data for both methods was high, ranging from r = 0.87 to r = 0.99 with a mean r of 0.91. A
comparison of the total rainfall sums generated by both methods revealed an r value of 0.99. The
average monthly rainfall sums were also highly correlated with an r of between 0.998 and 0.999 for
all six considered basins. However, when we considered the amount of rainy days, the basin-
averaged method included between 10.6 and 29.4% (average: 17.8%) more rainy days than the
distributed method. Therefore, the distributed approach was chosen in order to preserve a
representative account of the number of rainy days while at the same time not increasing or
decreasing total rainfall sums. This method was also chosen by Bitew and Gebremichael for basins of
299 and 1,656 km² size over complex topography in Ethiopia; Dile and Srinivasan for 5 to 30 km²
basins, also in Ethiopia and Tobin; and Bennett for basins of between 175 and 200 km² in Texas
(Bitew et al., 2012; Bitew and Gebremichael, 2011; Dile and Srinivasan, 2014; Tobin and Bennett,
2.4 Model
The hydrological evaluation was carried out using the conceptual HBV light model (Seibert, 2000).
HBV light is a development of the HBV model developed in the 1970s by the Swedish Meteorological
and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and its current version was made available in 2010 (Seibert and Vis,
2012; Singh, 1995). Compared to other hydrological models, the relatively low demand for input data
and the limited number of parameters are strengths of the HBV model (Rientjes et al., 2013; Rusli et
al., 2015). The structure of HBV consists of four main routines (snow-, soil-, routing- and response
routine) and simulations of daily discharge are based on time series of precipitation and
temperature, as well as potential evapotranspiration (Seibert and Vis, 2012). Since no snowfalls occur
in the research area, the snow routine was not considered in this study. As shown in Figure 2, liquid
precipitation contributes to soil moisture and runoff depending on the actual moisture status.
The remaining precipitation contributes to the soil moisture storage, which can still evaporate as long
as there is enough soil water available. This means that in the soil routine, groundwater recharge and
actual evaporation are simulated as functions of actual water storage (Seibert and Beven, 2009).
Three components, namely runoff, interflow and baseflow contribute to the discharge at the outlet
of the modelled basin (Aghakouchak and Habib, 2010). The response routine uses three linear
reservoir equations and the final routing routine uses a triangular weighting function to compute
discharge (Seibert and Beven, 2009). The Genetic Algorithm and Powell (GAP) optimization was used
to calibrate the model. The default model parameter ranges were chosen for the calibration, as they
are described to be realistic by the developer (Seibert, 2000; Uhlenbrook et al., 1999) and similar sets
have been used in a multitude of studies (Radchenko et al., 2014; Seibert, 1999, 1997). Increasing the
parameter range bears the risk to generate a good simulation by using unrealistic parameter sets.
This is especially the case when rainfall is extremely over- or underestimated and a good discharge
simulation is obtained at the expenses of a realistic simulation of evapotranspiration. Since the goal
was to compare the simulation results of the precipitation products among each other and not to
reach the absolute highest model efficiency, these ranges were accepted for every model run. The
Table 3: Parameters and their initial (default) ranges in the gap optimization runs
The model was calibrated for each precipitation product and basin separately in 10,000 GAP runs,
calibration and validation periods are supplied in Table 4. This method was applied to explore the
independence of the results from reference data (see also Behrangi et al., 2011; Bodian et al., 2016;
Tobin and Bennett, 2009). However, many studies evaluating the efficiency of SRFE and RA products
initially calibrate a model using observed rain gauge data (Bitew et al., 2012; Gourley et al., 2011;
Thiemig et al., 2013). Because no rain gauge data was available for this study, the only alternative
was to use GPCC data. Since some of the evaluated products were bias-corrected using GPCC data,
the question arises whether this method does not discriminate products not including GPCC data in
their estimates. The same holds true for a classical comparison between GPCC and GPCC-corrected
datasets. To test this hypothesis, the model was also initially calibrated with GPCC data for the Lawra
basin and the initial parameters were applied to the other precipitation products.
Table 4: Calibration and validation periods. A: CFSR, CHIRPS, PERSIANN CDR, TAMSAT, TMPA, GPCC;
As the objective functions, the Nash Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and Percent BIAS (PBIAS) were chosen.
మ (Eq. 1)
where ௦ is the ith observation of the variable to be evaluated, ௦ is the ith simulation of the
variable to be evaluated, is the mean of the observed variables and is the number of
observations. The NSE can take values of between – ∞ and 1. The performance ratings proposed by
Moriasi et al. (2007) were applied in this study. The result of a simulation is unsatisfactory if the NSE
is ≤ 0.5, satisfactory if between > 0.5 and ≤ 0.65, good if between > 0.65 and ≤ 0.75 and very good if
PBIAS expresses the deviation of the data to be evaluated in percent and is calculated according to
equation 2:
(Eq. 2)
Where ௦ is the ith observation of the variable to be evaluated and ௦ is the ith simulation of the
variable to be evaluated. It should be noted that positive values indicate an underestimation and
Since no data on the potential evapotranspiration was available for the chosen basins, ETO was
calculated from the CFSR reanalysis data using the Penman-Monteith approach (Allen et al., 1998)
shown in equation 3:
. ∆ ೌ
శమళయ మ ೞ
∆ .మ
(Eq. 3)
The parameters refer to “A hypothetical reference crop with an assumed crop height of 0.12 m, a
fixed surface resistance of 70 s m-1 and an albedo of 0.23.” (Allen et al., 1998). Where is the
reference evapotranspiration in mm/day, ∆ is the slope vapor pressure curve in kPa per °C, is the
net radiation at the crop surface in MJ/m²/day, is the soil heat flux density in MJ/m²/day, is the
psychrometric constant in kPa/°C, is the mean daily air temperature at 2m height in °C, ଶ is the
wind speed at 2m height in m/s and ௦ is the saturation vapor pressure deficit in kPa.
Since ten precipitation products were evaluated for six basins, 60 models were calibrated and a
validation run was performed for each product and basin. In the last step of the evaluation, a ranking
system was developed in order to gain a one-glance overview of the performance of each product
using NSE and PBIAS values. Products received one point for a very good NSE, two points for a good
NSE, three points for a satisfactory NSE, and four points for an unsatisfactory NSE. The same was
applied for PBIAS with one point being given for a very low PBIAS (< 5 %), two points for a low PBIAS
(5 < 15 %), three points for medium PBIAS (15 < 30 %) and four points for a high PBIAS (> 30 %).
Products were considered as performing very good if the score was between two and three, good if
between four and five, satisfactory if between six and seven and unsatisfactory if the score was
3 Results and Discussion
First, the GPCC Full Data Daily (FDD) 1° product gauge coverage was evaluated for the research area
(5°N-15°N and 6°W-4°E, see Figure 1). Since the number of stations reporting for each grid cell are
supplied in the GPCC dataset on a daily basis, cells with actual station data for the period of interest
can be derived, as previously shown by Nikulin et al. in 2012. The percentage of pixels with reporting
station per observation days (in percentage) over the period of 2003-2013 is shown in Figure 3. While
a maximum of 48 % of pixels include a station for 5 % of observation days, the pixel count quickly
reduces if longer timelines are considered. For 50 % of the period, only 33 % of the pixels have
reporting data included and for 80 % of days, this reduces to 23 %. The results show large areas of
irregular gauge measurements and interpolation. Therefore, the GPCC product should by no means
Figure 3: Overview of GPCC station data in percent of pixels with reporting station for the research
In a preliminary data exploration, the precipitation estimates derived from all ten products for the six
basins were compared. This was conducted in two steps. In the first step, the average yearly and
monthly sums for the eleven-year period from 2003 to 2013 (the only period were data from all ten
precipitation estimates was available) were calculated for each product and basin and compared in
Figure 4.
Figure 4: Average yearly precipitation (2003-2013) for all products and basins in mm/y
Results show that in all basins except for Prestea, the average yearly sums of PERSIANN-CDR, TMPA,
CHIRPS, CMORPH CRT, RFE 2.0 and GPCC are similar. Average deviations from the mean are 0.1 % for
PERSIANN-CDR, +2.2 % for TMPA, -0.8 % for CHIRPS, -5.9 % for CMORPH CRT, -6.1 % for RFE 2.0 and
+1.1 % for GPCC. In the Prestea Basin, RFE 2.0 and TAMSAT estimate less precipitation than the
average. The CFSR reanalysis product generally estimates low precipitation rates in the central basins
of Aval Sani, Kaboua and Gbasse with an average of 25.8 % less than the mean. In the northernmost
basin of Lawra, the average annual precipitation is decidedly lower with a deviation from the average
of -63.9 %, the lowest estimation of all products. In the southern basins however, CFSR tends to
deliver higher precipitation amounts with values for Atchérigbé being close to the mean (-5.6 %). In
the southernmost Prestea basin, CFSR seems to overestimate the annual precipitation, deviating
For the CMORPH RAW product annual averages seem high, with the highest yearly precipitation of all
products being reached in all basins except Prestea, where it comes second after CFSR. Deviations
from the mean are between +18.0 % in Prestea and +48.3 % in Lawra, with an average
overestimation of 35.8 %. TAMSAT generally shows below average annual precipitation, with values
for Aval Sani, Kaboua, Atchérigbé and Gbasse being similar to CFSR values. In the Lawra basin, values
are also below the average (-23.2 %) but higher than CFSR. In Prestea, TAMSAT estimates a lower
than average precipitation of -22.2 %, which is similar to RFE 2.0 but -760 mm/y lower than CFSR.
The yearly sums generated by the non-bias corrected, real time TMPA RT product are higher than the
mean estimates by an average of 16.1 % except for the Kaboua basin, where the sums are similar.
The overestimation of CMORPH RAW in this region as well as the similar performance of TMPA and
RFE 2.0 have also been observed by Thiemig et al. (2012) for the Volta basin, and Gosset et al. (2013)
for Benin and Niger. (Pfeifroth et al. (2016) and Thiemig et al. (2012) both observe an overestimation
of the precipitation by the PERSIANN product, which is not observed in this study, most probably
because the PERSIANN CDR product used is created using different input data as well as bias
When comparing the average monthly rainfall distribution for the same period, as done in Figure 5,
CHIRPS, CMORPH CRT, PERSIANN-CDR, RFE 2.0 and TMPA again perform similarly. While CFSR
predicts higher precipitation than the other products in the southern Prestea basin, it generally
predicts lower precipitation in the other basins located further to the north, the extreme case being
the Lawra basin, as well as a distinctly late onset of the rainy seasons. In the Kaboua basin, CFSR
rainfalls are very high during the beginning of the rainy season between July and August and in the
Atchérigbé basin, a peak can be observed during August. CMORPH RAW estimates very high peaks
for the first rainy season in the southern Prestea and Atchérigbé basin as well as the central Kaboua
basin, while the rainfall distribution of the Lawra, Aval Sani and Gbasse basins follows the average,
Figure 5: Average monthly precipitation (2003-2013) for all products and basins in mm/y
In the Kaboua and Atchérigbé basins, CMORPH RAW predicts higher than average precipitation from
March to May. TAMSAT rainfall estimates follow the mean distribution but exhibit lower than
average peaks in all basins. TMPA RT precipitation is close to the average in the Prestea, Kaboua and
Gbasse basins but overestimates the peaks in the Lawra and Aval Sani basins. In the Atchérigbé basin,
TMPA RT predicts a peak in May, which is not observed by other products with the exception of
CMORPH RAW. GPCC generally performs very close to the mean values of all products. With the
exception of GPCC, products relying on only two out of the three possible input data sources (IR,
MW, RG), display the highest deviations from the mean, notably CFSR (RA, RG), CMORPH RAW (MW,
The influence of the model calibration strategy on the SFREs products’ performances for the Lawra
basin is shown in Figure 6. Simulations using GPCC-based model optimum parameters (initial
calibration) are compared to simulations using default model parameter ranges for individual SFRE
products (each product). The results show that if the model is calibrated using GPCC data, the
performance of products using GPCC and/or independent RG data for bias-correction (namely
CHIRPS, CMORPH CRT, PERSIANN CDR, RFE 2.0, TAMSAT and TMPA) only changes slightly as opposed
to calibrations being performed for each product. However, model efficiencies were observed to be
significantly lower for non-corrected precipitation products (CFSR, CMORPH RAW, TRMM RT)
compared to calibrations for each product individually. It can therefore be argued that an initial
calibration using a dataset that has already been used to bias-correct the evaluated datasets
introduces further bias into the analysis by discriminating non-corrected products. Therefore, the
Fig. 6: Initial calibration results compared to calibrations for each product in the Lawra basin
The results of the hydrological evaluation are diverse, as is visible in the NSE score diagrams (Figure
7). Trends between the products and differences between the basins are evident. For the southern
Prestea basin, none of the products yielded good simulations, the only satisfactorily performing
being PERSIANN-CDR (NSE 0.52) and TMPA RT (NSE 0.50). All other products scored unsatisfactorily,
with the worst scoring being CMORPH RAW (NSE -0.53) and CHIRPS (NSE 0.26). For the validation
In the northernmost and largest Lawra basin, the overall best calibrations were achieved. Very good
NSE values of between 0.80 and 0.84 were attained by CHIRPS, CMORPH CRT, GPCC, RFE 2.0,
TAMSAT and TMPA. TMPA RT and CFSR achieved only satisfactory NSE values and CMORPH RAW
was identified as performing poorly. For the validation phase, very good simulations were achieved
by all products except CFSR and CMORPH RAW, which did not manage to simulate the streamflow
accurately. For the Aval Sani basin only CMORPH CRT achieved a very good simulation (NSE = 0.79).
CHIRPS, PERSIANN CDR and TAMSAT produced good simulations (NSE between 0.70 and 0.74), while
CMORPH RAW, GPCC, RFE 2.0 and TMPA only performed satisfactory and CFSR as well as TMPA RT
unsatisfactory. During the validation phase, very good results were observed for CHIRPS and
CMORPH CRT, while CMORPH RAW, GPCC, TMPA and TMPA RT produced good results. For the
Kaboua basin calibration, CHIRPS, CMORPH CRT, RFE 2.0 and TAMSAT produced good simulations
with NSE values between 0.71 and 0.73. CMORPH RAW, PERSIANN-CDR and TMPA performed
satisfactorily, while CFSR, GPCC and TMPA RT calibrated unsatisfactorily. Efficiencies are better for
the validation period with all products except CFSR performing good or very good simulations. For
the calibration of the Atchérigbé basin, good simulations were produced by CHIRPS, TMPA and TMPA
RT (NSE 0.65-0.72). While CFSR and CMORPH RAW performed unsatisfactory, all other products
performed satisfactory calibrations. For the validation phase, results differ. Here, TMPA produced a
very good (NSE = 0.79) and CMORPH CRT, GPCC and PERSIANN CDR good simulations, while CMORPH
RAW, RFE 2.0 and TAMSAT only produced satisfactory results. CFSR, CHIRPS and TMPA RT performed
unsatisfactorily. For the calibration of the Gbasse basin, TAMSAT produced a very good simulation
(NSE 0.76), while CHIRPS, CMORPH CRT, GPCC, PERSIANN CDR, RFE 2.0 and TMPA RT produced good
simulations. CMORPH RAW and TMPA performed satisfactorily and CFSR delivered an unsatisfactory
result. During the validation, almost all products performed unsatisfactorily with sometimes highly
negative NSE values (-7.89 on average), with the exception of CMORPH RAW and TMPA RT, which
produced satisfactory simulations. Considering the performances for all basins during the calibration
and validation it becomes apparent that CMORPH CRT performed best, followed by CHIRPS, TAMSAT
and TMPA. PERSIANN CDR and RFE 2.0 performed averagely while GPCC, TMPA RT, CMORPH RAW
Figure 7: NSE score for model calibration and validation period. PR: Prestea, LA: Lawra, AS: Aval Sani,
Interestingly, discharges simulated by CMORPH CRT, TMPA, PERSIANN CDR and TMPA RT show
similar correlations and standard deviations to observed data in the model results. This might be due
to the same resolution of is 0.25° for each product on the one hand and the input data on the other,
as some of these datasets share input data from the same satellites. Where products are bias-
corrected, the limited number of available gauge products makes it likely that the same data is used
The evaluation of the cumulative discharges and biases for the calibration periods are depicted in
Figures 8 and 9.The cumulative discharges immediately reveal inconsistencies in some of the models.
Both CMORPH CRT and RAW models underestimate discharges during certain periods in the Prestea
basin but overestimate in mid-2003 in Atchérigbé. During certain points in time CFSR underestimates
streamflow in Lawra, Aval Sani, Kaboua, Atchérigbé and Gbasse and TMPA RT underestimates
periods in Aval Sani. Interestingly, all models underestimate streamflow in Lawra. Biases for the
calibration period are generally low at below 15 %. Only in the Lawra basin we observed an
underestimation of streamflow by every model, the strongest bias being exhibited by CFSR and
TMPA RT (both > 30 %). The only product that performed well in this regard is CMORPH RAW (< 15
%). While RFE 2.0 and TMPA overestimated in the Aval Sani basin, CHIRPS overestimated in Prestea.
For the validation phase, higher biases were exhibited by all models. Especially in the Gbasse basin,
all models highly overestimated discharge by over 30 % with the exception of CMORPH CRT and
TMPA RT. Best performances were achieved in the Lawra, Aval Sani and Atchérigbé basins with only
two models each being highly biased (CFSR in Lawra and Aval Sani, TMPA RT in Lawra and Atchérigbé,
PERSIANN CDR in Aval Sani and CHIRPS in Atchérigbé). While most models exhibited less than 30 %
bias in Prestea and Kaboua, high biases were observed for CMORPH RAW, GPCC, TAMSAT and TMPA
in Prestea and CFSR, GPCC, PERSIANN CDR and TAMSAT in Kaboua. For both the calibration and
validation phase, the models exhibiting the least bias are CMORPH CRT, TMPA, CMORPH RAW,
Fig. 9: Percent bias for model calibration and validation period. PR: Prestea, LA: Lawra, AN: Aval Sani,
When we calculated the scores for each product based on NSE and PBIAS during the calibration and
validation period as shown in Figure 10, best results were achieved by the CMORPH CRT product,
followed by TAMSAT, TMPA and CHIRPS. RFE 2.0, PERSIANN CDR, TMPA RT and GPCC which scored
well to average and CMORPH RAW as well as TMPA RT which scored unsatisfactory. During
calibration, best performances were reached in the Gbasse, Kaboua and Atchérigbé basins, followed
by Aval Sani, Presta and Lawra. Interestingly, if NSE and PBIAS values were weighted equally, no
product performed unsatisfactory during the calibration. It follows that products with unsatisfactory
NSE values show low biases and vice-versa. For the validation period, results differ. Here the worst
scores are exhibited for the Gbasse and Prestea basins. This may be due to the short validation
periods and missing discharge data. Nevertheless, the CMORPH CRT product scored well in Prestea
and satisfactory in Gbasse. The best validations were achieved for Lawra, Kaboua, Aval Sani and
Atchérigbé with CMORPH CRT being the only product consistently scoring very well, followed by
TMPA with only good or very good scores. CFSR performed worst with only satisfactory scores in
Similar results were achieved by Thiemig et al. (2013), with RFE 2.0 and TMPA performing best over
the Volta basin. While the lower performance of their PERSIANN product might be due to the fact
that the PERSIANN CDR product was created using different input data, it is interesting to note that
Thiemig et al. observed high biases for the CMORPH product which we were also able to reproduce
with the RAW product. Gosset et al. (2013) also produced comparable results with RFE 2.0 and TMPA
scoring best in Benin and Niger with good model performances and low biases, followed by CMORPH
RAW which was biased and performed lower over the Volta catchment. Dile and Srinivasan (2014)
discovered high over- and underestimations of CFSR for several subbasins of the Blue Nile Basin.
Interestingly, the two products which rely largely on ground data, CFSR and GPCC, produce among
the worst results. This may be due to the scarcity of rain gauges in West Africa and the subsequent
large scale interpolation of the data. Since the resolution of these two products is the coarsest, this
may also influence the model, e.g. in regions where multiple subbasins fall within the same pixel.
Products relying on a combination of infrared and microwave satellite instruments as well as rain
gauges for bias-correction, such as CMORPH CRT, TMPA, CHIRPS, TAMSAT (uses only infrared and
rain gauge data), RFE 2.0 and PERSIANN CDR score the highest. However, neither satellite only- nor
ground only products, such as TMPA RT and CMORPH RAW (both using only infrared and microwave
satellite instruments), as well as GPCC (ground-only), are able to produce results of similar quality.
The CFSR reanalysis product scored worst of all considered products. While the analyzed products
feature different spatial resolutions, we were unable to remark any impact on the products’
performance. Although CFSR and GPCC have the largest pixel sizes and worst results, especially if
considering the rain gauge density in West Africa we conclude that the lack of data and subsequent
large interpolation will have a greater influence than the size of the pixel. Overall the results show
that especially in the West African region, which is characterized by few reporting rain gauges but
Fig. 10: Calibration and validation score calculated based on performance of NSE and PBIAS criteria.
PR: Prestea, LA: Lawra, AS: Aval Sani, KA: Kaboua, AT: Atchérigbé, GB: Gbasse
Uncertainties may be introduced into an analysis by the choice of the hydrological model and
calibrating that model for discharge. Especially parameters governing infiltration and evaporation
may dampen the effects of over- or underestimated precipitation. It is therefore important to select
realistic ranges for these parameters before the calibration. These parameters can only influence
results in streamflow sums but not in daily distribution. This can explain the fact that CFSR, CMORPH
RAW and TMPA RT show low biases in streamflow although the products either over- or
underestimate precipitation. When analyzing the NSE however it can be seen that the products
deliver weaker results. The model may also be influenced by the potential evapotranspiration inputs,
where CFSR estimates were used, but since the same product was used for every model, it should
not influence the comparison between the precipitation datasets. The length of the time series also
has a certain influence on the performance of the satellite estimates using the hydrological
evaluation approach, especially if it is too short for proper calibration and validation of the model.
Thiemig et al. (2013) emphasized that longer time periods would obtain results that are more robust,
as they only analyzed data over five years. This could be of concern for some of the basins included in
this study, e.g. Gbasse, as the time series records are relatively short to sufficiently calibrate and
4 Conclusion
undergauged regions. Especially if considering the challenges for Africa that arise due to climate
change and intensifying rainfall variabilities, these datasets can provide valuable up to date
the notoriously undergauged West African subcontinent, ten datasets were evaluated, including
satellite estimates, reanalysis data and one gauge product. We furthermore placed emphasis on
comparing real time, post processed, global and regional products in six basins of different location
and size as well as using two sampling strategies. Also, it was evaluated whether results change
significantly if the HBV model is initially calibrated or calibrated for each rainfall product separately.
The calibration of the model for each product seems the most sensible approach, since the possible
introduction of bias during an initial calibration influences the results on the expense of unrealistic
evapotranspiration values. Results showed that satellite products which use MW, IR and RG data
generally produce good to very good simulations. Best calibrations in terms of NSE were achieved by
CMORPH CRT, PERSIANN CDR, TAMSAT, CHIRPS and TMPA, all of which show significant potential as
an alternative to RG data. RFE 2.0, GPCC and TMPA RT performed satisfactorily, while CMORPH RAW
and CFSR deliver the least robust simulations. Interestingly, CFSR predicted very low precipitation
rates in the northern basins and high rates in the south. This was not observed by any other product
and leads to questioning the intrinsic data quality of the set for this region. The results show that the
best results can be achieved using bias-corrected satellite products, while satellite only or gauge only
products deliver less robust simulations. Many hydrological evaluations of satellite and reanalysis
precipitation data have employed the more complex, physically based SWAT model (Dile and
Srinivasan, 2014; Tobin and Bennett, 2014). In this study, the easy to learn conceptual HBV light
model has proven to be able to generate robust results. Nevertheless, uncertainties remain due to
possible inaccuracies in the discharge data used and uncertainties in the model structure. It can be
expected that, with longer and more complete discharge time series, calibration and validation
This study is part of the COAST project (Studying changes of sea level and water storage for coastal
regions in West-Africa using satellite and terrestrial data sets) of the University of Bonn, supported
We are grateful to Dr. Christophe Peugeot and the AMMA-Catch project as well as to the Global
The AMMA-CATCH regional observing system was set up thanks to an incentive funding of the
French Ministry of Research that allowed pooling together various preexisting small scale
observing setups. The continuity and long term perenity of the measurements are made possible by
an undisrupted IRD funding since 1990 and by a continuous CNRS-INSU funding since 2005.
The Precipitation – PERSIANN CDR used in this study was acquired from NOAA's National Centers for
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Figure 1: Research area. Pixels of precipitation products including the subbasin centroids
were used for data extraction. Highlighted GPCC pixels have station data for at least 80 % of
days of the period 2003-2013
Figure 3: Overview of GPCC station data in percent of pixels with reporting station for the
research area of 5°N-15°N and 6°W-4°E (see Figure 1)
Figure 4: Average yearly precipitation (2003-2013) for all products and basins in mm/y
Figure 5: Average monthly precipitation (2003-2013) for all products and basins in mm/y
Figure 6: Initial calibration results compared to calibrations for each product in the Lawra
Figure 7: NSE score for model calibration and validation period. PR: Prestea, LA: Lawra, AS:
Aval Sani, KA: Kaboua, AT: Atchérigbé, GB: Gbasse
Figure 9: Percent bias for model calibration and validation period. PR: Prestea, LA: Lawra, AS:
Aval Sani, KA: Kaboua, AT: Atchérigbé, GB: Gbasse
Figure 10: Calibration and validation score calculated based on performance of NSE and
PBIAS criteria. PR: Prestea, LA: Lawra, AS: Aval Sani, KA: Kaboua, AT: Atchérigbé, GB: Gbasse
Table 1: Selected basins
Table 2: Selected precipitation products
RA: Reanalysis, MW: Microwave imager, IR: Infrared, RG: Rain gauges (used for bias correction), pres: present,
FDDv1: Full Data Daily Version 1
Table 3: Parameters and their initial (default) ranges in the gap optimization runs
Table 4: Calibration and validation periods
Percent of pixels (1°*1°) with at least
Percent of days in the period
Hydrological evaluation of precipitation datasets over West Africa using HBV light
Analysis of performance over large and small basins with point source / averaged data