Green Finance: Trends and Financial Regulation Prospects
Green Finance: Trends and Financial Regulation Prospects
Green Finance: Trends and Financial Regulation Prospects
This chapter stands for justification of growing demand for supporting new
theoretical and methodological approaches in development of an actual green
economy’s financial framework taking into consideration modern growing risks
in the ecological, economic, social, and geopolitical environments. A notable
increase in environmental expenditures of both national economies and inter-
national financial institutions is determined by the global state of the economy.
The climate change has been caused by escalating the energy supply struggle,
the nature exhaustion, and the need for providing balance to the market stating
green economy regulators. The main aim of this chapter is to study the trends
and the key state green finance regulation points. The research goal could be
achieved through highlighting the nature of green finance and its framework;
studying the concept of green finance and innovative financial tools’ devel-
opment, providing green economy’s development; and spotting trends and
imperatives of regional regulation of green finance. This chapter highlights the
necessity for implementing complex systemic and methodologic approaches in
making the green finance framework, summarizing leading practices in green
funding and green economy’s funds raising, considering limits in green finance
tools’ utilization in current conditions, strengthening the power of both federal
and regional authorities in solving financial problems of energy saving, and
extending the practices of companies and institutions’ green financial tools’
utilization. The necessity for a green sustainable development across the globe
has driven this research to use different types of instruments to point out the
benefits of such a development. In addition, green finance state regulation tools
have been proposed.
Keywords: Green growth; green finance; green funding; green finance state
regulation tools; state policy; sustainable development
JEL classification: H11; H40; H50
Green finance as a subsystem of global financial framework is an initial issue
of finance. Theoretically, there is no certain “green finance” definition both in
Russian and international literatures. Though, some consider green finance both
broadly and strictly (Porfiryev, 2016).
Strict theoretical justification of the term “green finance” is based on its inclu-
sion into the financial mix related to reducing ecological and climatic develop-
ment risks, ecosystem services and environmental technologies, equipment
production, and proper waste management. In addition, broad “green finance”
treatment includes ways of technological projects, processes, and ecological initi-
atives’ funding, financial encouragement of alternative energy initiatives in energy
saving, and renewable energy domain.
To form the “green finance” paradigm in Russia, the Ecological Doctrine was
approved in 2002 (from August 31, 2002, p. 1225) to increase the ecological secu-
rity and define the ecological policy, highlighting the core goal of preserving the
nature and supporting its integrity for sustainable development reasons.
The ecological policy includes introduction of energy-saving and waste-free
technologies in all activity areas; technological re-equipment coupled with removal
of outdated equipment entities from operation; ecological equipment introduc-
tion, providing high quality of water, soil, and air according to the standards;
water economy in industry and public infrastructure; supporting environmentally
effective energy production including renewable and recycled sources utilization;
development of recyclable materials utilization; decreasing energy and materials’
losses in transit through ecologically friendly decentralization of energy produc-
tion and energy-consumption optimization; development and improvement of
ecologically friendly transport, transportation lines, and fuel including non-carbon
types; conversion to the ecologically friendly mass transport; and improvement of
environmental public infrastructure reconstruction and building technologies.
Adopting concerted measures in current state policy economic frameworks’ con-
version includes structural shifts (reduction of the resource-utilizing entities’ share
in the national economy and development of environmentally friendly manufac-
turing) to become the key objective of ecological policy in the regions for decades.
At the same time, the “Basic Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation
in the ecological development area through to 2030” were adopted, highlighting
Green Finance 11
Summarizing the world practices of green finance highlights features and trends of
green funding, raising the green economy’s capital. First, investments in economy
Thus, gradual transition to the green growth concept in Russia would be com-
pleted through the system of legal and institutional measures providing energy
performance and renewable resources’ development as well as waste reduction
and proper recycling encouragement.
However, hoping for the best output of green growth in Russia is a quite a deli-
cate issue. Long-term sustainable development depends on resolving issues like
supporting environmental industries with proper resources together with reduc-
ing the negative environmental impact and ecological management.
The need for priority development for green economy transition, specific
R&D envelopes including environmentally friendly energy industries, brand new
agricultural technologies, and green industrial technologies should be fulfilled
urgently within the ecological framework of Russia and its regions.
Green Finance 15
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