Introduction To Public Administration
Introduction To Public Administration
Introduction To Public Administration
CHAPTER 2: MANAGING THE ISSUE - PLANNING...................................................................................5
CHAPTER 3 - MANAGING THE ISSUES: ORGANISING.............................................................................7
CHAPTER 4: MANAGING THE ISSUES - DECISION MAKING....................................................................9
CHAPTER 5: MANAGING THE ISSUES - CONTROLLING.........................................................................11
Malaysia is rich in culture, religion and beautiful natural scenery and weather that can
attract tourists from all over the world. Visit Malaysia 2020 is the latest in the series of Visit
Malaysia campaigns. In 2017, this important initiative was supported by YAB Prime Minister
of Malaysia. It was launched in line with the goal of the Malaysian Tourism Transformation
Plan to welcome 30 million tourists to Malaysia and record RM100 billion in tourist by 2020.
It also makes tourists one of the sources to boost our country’s economy. Improve tourism,
art, and culture in Malaysia. Visit Malaysia has a logo that has meaning.
The characteristic features of the logo inspire local Malaysia to cultivate and preserve our
national identity in line with the country’s progress in this current of globalization. On the
left is the Visit Malaysia 2020 logo, which has the iconic symbol of Malaysia that is it has its
own Malaysian color. Fireflies, hibiscus, flower, and leaves. Hornbills are indeed
synonymous with Malaysia, especially in Sarawak where they live in areas that are up to
1500 meters high.
The goal of Visit Malaysia 2020 is to unite all industry players of a common goal. At the
same time attracting the attention of tourists from all over the world to experience for
themselves the friendly hospitality and various types of famous tourist attractions in
Malaysia. The Visit Malaysia 2020 campaign is based on the objectives of Vision 2020 which
focuses on the sustainability of art and culture tourism with the aim of reducing the negative
effects of tourism development and providing direct benefits to the community through the
tourism industry.
At the same time the prime minister who issued this idea was Datuk Sri Najib bin Abdul
Razak chose as the year of Visit Malaysia that our country will organize various types of
international events such as the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2020 meeting,
World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) 2020 and Commonwealth Heads
Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2020. Datuk Sri Najib also announced to Visit Malaysia
2020 after a report from the World Tourism Organization that Malaysia is places 12th in the
list of the most visited list of countries around the word.
The visit to Malaysia in 2020 has been cancelled due to a serious outbreak of the covid-19.
The government announced a movement control order (MCO). Cancellation starts on 18 March
2020 and the movement control order (MCO) continues for 2 weeks. The Ministry Malaysia
faces many problems and issues from the economies and financial aspects. They stop in the local
and international tourism sector. The Ministry’s tourism licensing division was also told to stop
all over the counters and online services for international tourism to stop coming to Malaysia.
Examples of tourism licensing are tour guides, tourism training, institutes and accommodation
premises registration, rated spa centres. It is to avoid citizens and tourisms from the covid -19.
Planning is about managing resources and priorities in an orderly manner, according to the
definition of planning is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve a desired
goal. Planning is also the most important management function of all and helps us decide how
best to use our resources such as people, time, money, information, and equipment to make the
most significant contribution to achieving goals. Planning places a fundamental focus on
evaluating and evaluating our achievements effectively. The planning process involves thinking
that is a plan of how to upgrade tourism in the country and looking ahead. Planning is important
to determine if goals are realistic by critically evaluating them. It also facilitates decision-making
for travel issues and allows setting deadlines.
There is a type that can be used by the Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture (MOTAC) to
upgrade tourism rates such as operational planning. It is about how things need to happen where
there is a guideline of how MOTAC and the related agencies need to accomplish the mission that
is set. Strategic planning which is a design with the entire organization in mind and it begin with
an organization mission. There are numerous targeted, detailed, and short-term plans by MOTAC
that support the strategic plan on how to solve tourism issues in this pandemic Covid 19 ,2020.
The Ministry of Tourism is known as driving tourism and culture and strengthening, preserving
and conserve the art, culture, and heritage. Providing the human capital that is knowledgeable,
skilled, creative, and innovative in the sectors of tourism and culture. Three functions of tourism
are boosting the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs, develop the infrastructure of
a country and plants a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners’ and citizens.
In 2022, The Ministry of Tourism (MOT) launched the National Tourism Policy (NTP) 2020-
2023 on 23 December 2020 to ensure the continuity of the country's tourism industry, while
targeting to make Malaysia a global top 10 tourism destination in both arrivals and receipts. In
general, the tourism sector has experienced significant declines in terms of tourist arrivals and
earnings due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It may take a long time before the industry can recover
to its pre-pandemic levels. In this situation tourist behaviour changed in covid 19 notably, the
Malaysia inbound tourism demand is badly affected by border control. Besides, the strict
movement control implementations limit domestic tourism demand. Consequently, Malaysian
hotel occupancy rates plummeted, as work excursions and vacations were dropped.
However, planning tourism policies after the COVID-19 pandemic requires a
comprehensive approach that considers various factors. Among the factors that need to be taken
are health and safety which is make the health and safety of visitors and locals a top priority by
developing and disseminating precise health guidelines for the tourism industry. Guidelines for
lodging, travel, attractions, and other tourist activities should be included in this protocol, with a
focus on cleanliness standards, social distance restrictions, and hygiene practices. In this
situation collaboration from stakeholder engagement that are Involve key stakeholders, including
government agencies, tourism associations, industry representatives, local communities, and
health authorities, in the planning process. Finally, promotion and marketing are also included in
these policies to Create focused marketing initiatives to restore and advance the destination's
reputation in the post-COVID-19 period. Highlight the destination's attraction to market
segments, unique experiences, and safety measures. To reach and motivate potential tourists,
work with partners in the tourism industry, make use of digital marketing avenues, and interact
with influencers.
In conclusion, planning tourism policies in the context of COVID-19 requires a careful
balance between public health concerns and the recovery and revitalization of the tourism sector.
Priority should be given to health and safety. To safeguard both the health of visitors and the
local populace, it is essential to establish and disseminate clear health regulations and guidelines
for the tourism industry. Collaboration and stakeholder engagement are the main points of
planning such as involving government agencies, tourism associations, industry representatives,
local communities, and health authorities in the planning process ensuring that policies reflect
diverse perspectives and effectively address sector needs. With the objective in mind, it was
recommended to expand about managing resources and priorities in an orderly manner,
according to the definition of planning is the process of thinking about the activities required to
achieve a desired goal.