1211-Article Text-6260-1-10-20230630
1211-Article Text-6260-1-10-20230630
1211-Article Text-6260-1-10-20230630
e-ISSN 2746-136X
Vol. 4 No. 2, June 2023
Article Information:
Received: June 01, 2023, Accepted: June 15, 2023, Published: June 30, 2023
This study aims to determine the effect of green banking disclosures, profitability and firm size on firm
value. The sample used was 11 samples with 55 observations using purposive sampling technique. The
data used is secondary data, with the data collection method using content analysis. The analysis
technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis prove (1) disclosure of
green banking, profitability and firm size has a positive and significant effect on firm value, (2)
disclosure of green banking has a negative and significant effect on firm value, (3) profitability has a
positive and significant effect on firm value, and (4) company size has a positive and insignificant effect
on firm value.
Keywords: Disclosure of Green Banking, Profitability, Firm Size, Firm Value
JEL Codes:
How to Cite:
Pratiwi, A., Basyith, A., Safitri, E. (2023). Disclosure of Green Banking, Profitability and
Company Size on Company Value in Banking in Indonesia. International Journal of Finance
Research, 4(2). 115 - 127. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47747/ijfr.v4i2.1211
1. Introduction
Current environmental problems indirectly affect the Indonesian economy. The current
economy has created competition between companies which makes it even more intense to
improve performance so that company goals are achieved. The main goal of the company, one
of which is to increase the value of the company to generate profits. An increase in company
value due to high stock prices will make the market believe in the company's performance and
This research was conducted at banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
that issue annual reports and/or sustainability reports. The population in this study includes 47
banking sector companies listed on the IDX in 2017-2021. Sampling was carried out using a
purposive sampling technique, while 11 banking companies were taken as samples, which met
the criteria for issuing sustainability reports consecutively during 2017-2021. The data used in
this research is secondary data obtained from financial reports, annual reports, and and
sustainability reports issued by banking companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange for
the period 2017-2021 on the websites of related companies. The analysis techniques used
include financial analysis, descriptive statistical data analysis, multiple regression analysis and
hypothesis testing.
4. Results And Discussion
4.1. Descriptive Statistics
Data Analysis Test With a total sample of 11 banking companies x 5 observations (2017-2021),
the total sample is 55 observations. The research data shows that the variables of profitability,
firm size, and firm value show a smaller standard deviation when compared to the mean
(mean), which means that the distribution of research data is quite varied. Except for the green
banking disclosure variable which has a standard deviation that is larger than the average
Tabel 2. Hasil Analisis Deskriptif
N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Disclosure of
55 666,762 0,238 667,000 12,69529 89,860397
Green Banking
Profitability 55 0,158 -0,041 0,118 0,01677 0,022864
Valid N (listwise) 55
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