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Green Turbine - Paulides Et Al

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Green turbine: A high speed double turbine solution for sustainable energy
harvesting from waste heat

Article · June 2015

DOI: 10.1109/EVER.2015.7112926


4 2,226

5 authors, including:

Johannes J.H. Paulides Laurentiu Encica

AE-Group www.ae-grp.nl Advanced Electromagnetics B.V.


E.A. Lomonova
Eindhoven University of Technology


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2015 Tenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER)

Green Turbine: A High Speed Double Turbine for

Sustainable Energy Harvesting from Waste Heat
J.J.H. Paulides[1-3]**, E. Post[2]*, J. Post[2] L. Encica[2]** E.A. Lomonova [1]
[1] [2] [3]
Green Turbine BV, Advanced Electromagnetics BV, Eindhoven University of Technology,
www.greenturbine.eu, the Netherlands www.ae-grp.nl, the Netherlands www.tue.nl/epe, the Netherlands
**e.post@greenturbine.eu **info@ae-grp.nl *e.lomonova@tue.nl

Abstract— The GREEN TURBINETM is a high speed extracted from the process of pressure reduction in steam
double turbine generator which generates electricity from and to convert this energy for feeding into the grid and/or
waste heat. This external combustion, e.g. from waste heat island mode on ship or remote locations.
(steel mill), biomass or extracted from the tailpipe of an
internal combustion engine, makes it possible to control The paper is organized in nine Sections. In the second
combustion and therefore emission levels to a very high Section, the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) market will
degree. As the temperature of the steam can be relatively be presented and in the third Section the various
low (140-220 ºC), waste heat is very suitable to power this technologies for this CHP market. The fourth Section
turbine, enabling combined cycle applications with the outlines the waste heat market with focus on using waste
turbine as second stage. Herewith the Green turbine heat from ship engines. The fifth Section concerns the
enhances the total efficiency of waste heat applications by construction of the Green Turbine. In the sixth Section, the
a mere 15% without consideration of the heat that is Green Turbine expansion line efficiency will be discussed.
present in the cooling water (around 40ºC) following the This is followed in Seventh Section by the electric
turbine. generators. The eight Section introduces a Green Turbine
set-up and finally, in the ninth Section, conclusions are
Keywords—High speed turbine, Synchronous presented.
generator, Choke, Waste heat.

Over the past 20-years there has been a fundamental
shift in Government’s view that our reliance on fossil fuel
is both economically dangerous and environmentally
unsustainable. As a result, governments have introduced
mandates and incentives that are driving industries and
consumers to adopt renewable energy, conservation and
CO2 emission reduction strategies to reduce this reliance
on fossil fuels to power and heat our factories, homes and
automobiles [1-3]. The single greatest area of untapped
potential, both in terms of increasing efficiency in the
production of electricity and CO2 emission reduction is
found in converting waste heat into electricity [4].
This paper concerns such a waste heat into electricity
device, the co-called Green TurbineTM, as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. GREEN TURBINE with steam nozzles.
With this device, electric energy is produced within
cogeneration of heat. This alternative renewable energy II. CHP MARKET
sources is surely not new [5]. Within this system super- Heating and cooling technologies have a major
heated steam is converted into electricity by two counter- influence on the global energy consumption. In temperate
rotating turbine wheels that are directly connected to two regions, space heating is the single largest energy demand
high speed (>25,000 rpm) electrical generators. As such, for households [6]. The most fundamental principle of co-
various waste energy sources can be utilized by applying generation, i.e. small CHP systems, should be based on
this system. For example, one of the applications of the heat demand of the application. According to a project
Green Turbine is to generate 15 kWe (kilowatt electricity) rapport of Maunsell et all [7], a total of nearly 3 million
from waste heat from a diesel engine (within the tailpipe homes could be connected to these micro-CHP (systems of
about 100-150 kW thermal energy). As such, energy is 10 to 100 kWe) by 2020 in Europe. Furthermore, an
analysis of energy use by European hotels shows that the hydrogen accessed by a pure hydrogen fuel source, hence
hotel accommodation sector in Europe is dominated by reduced overall energy efficiency.
small businesses, which provide about 90% of the total
Micro Gas Turbines: Small gas turbines work
number of rooms. About 10% of these rooms are provided
according to the same principle as large gas turbines, but
by large chain hotels and it is these chains that have
have an output range of 25 to 250 kWe. Among the many
provided the most of the energy efficiency improvements
theoretical advantages high efficiency, clean combustion,
in the hotels sector [8]. Both studies show there is a lot to
flexibility of fuel use and ease of maintainability are the
gain for Micro CHP’s in the range of 15 to 45 kWe output.
most notable. When using foil bearings and air cooling
Therefore Green Turbines (1.4 & 15 kWe) are introduced,
there is no need for lubricating oil or coolant, thus
which are powered by superheated steam from an external
lowering their maintenance. However, the thermal
combustion, to generates electricity in our homes. This
efficiency depends to a large extent on losses resulting
Green Turbine micro-CHP system offers a highly efficient
from flow leakage, thermal losses and friction. These
(>95%) decentralised solution, since the turbine runs from
losses become more dominant when down-scaling a gas
residual heat produced when water is heated for space
turbine in size and power, due to blade tip clearance and
heating, washing, etc.
volume-surface ratio scale effects. Moreover, audible
noise and in smaller turbines viscous friction losses
III. COMPARISON OF CHP TECHNOLOGIES become larger. As a result, there is a fundamental
Following, several technologies describe alternatives to limitation to the efficiency of micro turbines with a
the Green Turbine within micro-CHP systems: conventional configuration [12]. Also, because of the
incomplete combustion process, nitrogen oxides and
Piston engines with internal combustion engine: Both
carbon monoxide emissions increase multifold when the
diesel and petrol engines are used in this technology [9].
turbine is operated at partial load.
The advantage is their low initial investment, reliability
and simple maintenance. However, they are only scarily
used in residential applications due to regular
maintenance, their considerable weight and volume and
low life span. Further, they have a relatively high audible
noise levels. Also, it takes a long time before the heat is
emitted and their electric power capability is usually too
high for residential use.
Stirling engines: This technology enables you to work
with a range of fuel types. The advantage is that they are
smaller in size, compared to the Green Turbine, and (in
theory) very efficient. However, in practice, the lower-
cost, Stirling engines (currently on the market) have an
electrical efficiency of about 10% and suffer from high
maintenance costs [10]. This, together with their
preference for constant speed, small size and limited range Fig. 2. Micro-CHP with Green Turbine
of outputs, tends to make them less attractive in the (Organic) Rankine Cycle systems: ORC micro-CHP
commercial market. Further they have a relatively low systems use a working fluid which is first pumped through
thermal output, which makes it difficult to live up to the a boiler, then evaporated and passed through a turbine, and
heat demand of a building. Usually, a peak burner is added finally condensed [13]. The advantage is the use of organic
to the installation. As well as a storage tank; this serves as fluid, which may have a higher boiling point than that of
a back-up for losses occurring during start and stop. water. Low-temperature heat (sometimes called low-grade
Fuel cells: In this technology hydrogen and oxygen are heat) can be used by converting it to work and thus
converted into electrical energy through an electricity if required. Some Organic Rankine Cycle
electrochemical process, with water as a by-product [11]. (ORC) engines are quite small and light, with theoretical
The advantage is that they are very silent operation and net electrical efficiencies of up to 17%. Some units can
have low maintenance costs. Further, they function well at also vary their output in response to the heating demand.
partial load. However, they suffer from high initial costs However, organic fluids are usually expensive, potentially
and low life span. Further, most hydrogen fuel cells dangerous and some have a limited thermal stability.
require a reformer. Despite the reformer's best efforts, the Further, most types use a scroller. Due to laws of
hydrogen it can provide to a fuel cell is not as pure as the thermodynamics, low temperature ORC's are inefficient.
Also these scrollers are relatively noisy.
Steam powered systems: Green Turbine, as shown in to drive one or more 15 kWe Green (steam) Turbines. The
Fig. 4, offers a compact 15 kWe micro steam turbine that steam turbine converts about 15% of the wasted heat into
has a measured electrical efficiency of ~12-15% and a electricity. The steam exits the turbine and a reduced
thermal efficiency of 82%, hence a total efficiency of temperature of 45 ºC and is being pump back into the
>95% [14]. The output of this turbine can be modulated, system to make sure a minimum amount of heat is used to
e.g. from 2.5-15 kWe. Currently, Green Turbine already generate new steam.
manufacturers and sells two steam turbines sizes, 1.4 &
15 kWe, respectively. However, steam technology is often
associated with strict safety regulations. In this respect, a
boiler less steam generator is being developed, which, in
combination with the steam turbine, provides an efficient
and robust design. Here, steam is instantly used by the
steam turbine, therefore it contributes to remove dangers
that are associated with steam boiler technology (stored
steam requires a pressure vessel). Another alternative is to
use waste heat from diesel/gas engines as described in the
next Section.


The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has
investigated that if no regulatory measures were developed Fig. 3. Sankey diagram showing that 41% of the exhaust
in the international shipping industry, CO2 emissions were gas of a diesel engine is currently not utilized by the
projected to grow between 200 per cent and 300 per cent engine itself and therefore thrown away.
by 2050, despite significant market-driven efficiency
improvements. Against this background, IMO adopted a V. GREEN TURBINE CONSTRUCTION
suite of technical and operational measures comprising an In general, two types of steam turbines for CHP and
energy-efficiency framework for ships in 2011 [15]. IMO WHR can be distinguished, namely condensing turbines
reached an agreement in April 2008 on a global limit for with steam extractions and backpressure turbines with or
the sulfur content of marine fuel of 3.5% in January 2012 without extraction [18]. Here, the turbine is designed to
and 5% in 2020. achieve the best energy transformation in both turbine
Furthermore, the maximum permitted sulfur content in stages in the condensing mode of operation, as shown in
the current Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA's) of Fig. 4. As such, considering the operate modes of the
the North Sea and the Baltic Sea is to be reduced from the turbine in the CHP mode the efficiency depends on the
current 1.5% to 0.1% in 2015 and new SECAs be change of the influencing parameters.
identified, for example, at the coast of California [16].
According to ECN, a Dutch institute of Energy in the
Netherlands, a reduction of fuel consumption on ships is
even more important because annual fuel consumption by
international shipping amounts grows annually by 3% or
more [17]. These developments lead to an increased
demand for low sulfur marine fuel and the demand for
innovative technologies that reduce emissions. The Green
Turbine WHR project addresses these issues and proposes
a system solution that converts the waste heat of a diesel
engine into electricity.
The basic idea is to take advantage of the flue gasses
that are currently produced by an (auxiliary) diesel Fig. 4. Patented Green Turbine design.
generator as a byproduct and to convert these gasses into
electricity instead of cooling them down and wasting them A thermodynamic model has been used for the
though the chimney, as shown in Fig. 3. The Green prediction of the thermal performance of this counter
Turbine waste heat recovery (WHR) system uses a heat rotating turbines. This model is based on existing turbine
exchanger system that captures this heat and converts it hardware models [19]. The challenge with any steam
into steam (200 ºC and a pressure of 10 bar abs.) in order driven turbine is that the performances need to be defined
before the construction phase; therefore parameters such
as number of stages, geometry, flow or energy have to be • Losses in the blade passages: A certain amount of
modelled. In this respect, turbine-generator efficiency at friction is expected due to the passage of the steam jet
design flow has been accurately predicted as follows: through the blades. These losses are higher if the
change of direction is higher, e.g. the blade angle is
• Expansion line efficiency, which is determined for
larger. These losses are mainly expressed in the speed
each turbine section by the: ratio of the steam jet at exit and entry. If we have 30%
o Volume flow speed loss, the speed ratio is 70%
o Pressure ratio
o Initial pressure and temperature • Losses due to the angle of the nozzle: In axial flow
• Exhaust loss turbines, the angle of incidence between nozzle and
• Packing and valve steam leakage flows blade cannot be zero degrees. In general, this angle is
• Mechanical losses
• Generator losses As the blades are moving with a certain speed, the
relative angle becomes larger. This can easily be
visualized when the speed vectors are drawn in a speed
In this two turbine configuration, the steam is used to triangle. The driving component of the steam jet has a
bring and keep the first turbine in rotation in a first value of COS α, where α is the dynamic angle of the steam
rotational direction. To this end the super-atmospheric jet in relation to the blade.
steam is supplied to one or more nozzles, which sprout the
steam at supersonic speed in the direction of the channels In impulse turbines it is good practice to start with a
of the first turbine to drive this wheel. This rotating first good Rankine efficiency. This can be obtained by working
turbine reverses a tangential movement of the steam and with a high initial pressure and temperature. However,
sprouts it into the second channel of the second turbine there are some design limitations. Very high pressures
wheel. In this manner, the second wheel is brought and require expensive boilers and high temperatures.
kept in a second rotational direction, opposite to the first Consequently, these high temperatures require expensive
rational direction, so as to utilize the medium steam speed materials and exclude the use of low temperature waste
coming from the first turbine wheel. Following, the steam heat. In most cases, pressures that can be used should not
will be condensated, where a reduced pressure is created exceed 10-12 bar and temperatures of 240 ºC, respectively.
using vacuum pumps (as will be discussed in the next In this respect, it is far more attractive to utilize a low
Section). This condensed pressure medium (water) is then outlet enthalpy. This can be done by the creation of a good
fed back by a pump to the, for example, heat exchanger to, vacuum in the condenser and using a low temperature heat
once more, generate super-atmospheric pressure medium condenser. As an example: the Enthalpy drop for steam of
(steam) therefrom. 10 to 0.1 bar is ten times larger as compared to a drop of
1 bar. Therefore, a good and steady vacuum enables us to
VI. GREEN TURBINE EXPANSION LINE EFFICIENCY also draw ten times more power from the same turbine. In
actual operational conditions the advantage is even bigger,
The laws of thermodynamics dictate that the maximum because running in a vacuum means also lower ventilation
efficiency of a steam turbine is governed by the available losses in the turbine wheels windage losses of the high
drop in enthalpy given by the Rankine efficiency: speed generators. Taking into account the effect of these
losses, but also the mechanical and electrical losses in a
( H1 − H 2 ) , turbo generator, we must conclude that the obtainable
H1 efficiency of small impulse turbines are in the range of 15-
where H1 is the enthalpy at inlet and H2 at outlet. The
outcome is the maximum obtainable efficiency. In practice
however, we have to deal with a number of losses with
respect to the nozzles and blade passages. The most Taking into account the above mentioned efficiency,
important losses are: electricityand minimization of the rotor
• Losses in the nozzles: These are mainly friction losses. transmission losses and the losses of a high speed
A good machined nozzle of a round shape will have an motor and its controls, the total efficiency of the high-
efficiency of about 95%. Nozzles with a throat speed electric drive system remains 4-5% greater than that
diameter of 4 mm and less to have a measurable of the typical mechanical drive alternative. This is mainly
boundary layer effect: these nozzles will have a due to the high-speed machine, which eliminates the >2%
somewhat lower discharge coefficient in relation to the of gearbox losses that would be required with a low speed
theoretical discharge. alternative. Hence, considering the micro and macro-
economic viewpoints, the high-speed electric driver is ideal solution in terms of reliability, ruggedness, simplicity
more efficient for any CHP or WHR system. Furthermore, and ease of maintainability. Moreover, it is likely to have a
these generators should ensure synchronization of the higher efficiency than controlled counterparts (with values
speed of the two turbine wheels. As such, the first in excess of 99% being possible). However, an
generator produces about 70% of the power. The amount uncontrolled rectifier has some disadvantages in terms of
of power is controlled in such a way that the speed is held electrical performance. These require careful consideration
at a pre-determined rotational speed, i.e. 26,000 rpm in the during generator design synthesis, as have inevitably
15 kWe and 30,000 rpm in the 1.4 kWe version. influenced the design. An uncontrolled rectifier has no
means to compensate for the reduction in generator
terminal voltage which occur with increasing load current
and changes in magnet flux and coil resistance due to
temperature variations [22]. Hence, the generator peak
power capability and the voltage regulation will be limited
by the impedance of the machine with no scope to apply
any corrective control. This disadvantage has been
overcome by using a dc-ac converter following the
A potential more important disadvantage is that the
current waveforms produced by an uncontrolled rectifier
Fig. 5. Measured turbine generator line currents with and connected to a sinusoidal EMF source have a significant
without external inductance. harmonic content which will increase both the stator iron
An uncontrolled rectifier is used to convert the three loss and rotor electromagnetic loss [23]. Hence, although
phase ac into dc, as shown in Fig. 6. This rectifier is an uncontrolled diode rectifier appears to offer the best
required to convert the multi-phase AC generator voltage solution in terms of the system features described above,
output to a dc voltage. This dc voltage allows the this imposes some additional constraints on the generator
synchronization of the two turbines in a local dc design. Therefore an additional utility filter is used to draw
distribution network proceeding the dc/ac converter that more sinusoidal currents from the generator, which
ensures that power can be supplied to the grid [20]. An alleviates this constraint, as shown in Fig. 6.
important consideration in terms of rectifier selection is
the fact that the turbine operates at a relatively fixed speed
of 28,000 rpm, in order to ensure that it runs at its
optimum efficiency. This fixed speed operation means that
only regulation of the output voltage with respect to load
current is required. This is a very significant factor as it
allows uncontrolled rectifiers to be considered, providing
the required voltage regulation with respect to current can
be realized. For the purposes of generator and rectifier
design, the turbine can be regarded as a 28,000rpm fixed
speed prime-mover whose internal control loop results in
speed-stiff operation, i.e. electrically loading the generator
does not result in any variations of speed.
Designing the stator winding to match to the rated
voltage is desirable in all electrical machines to maintain Fig. 6. 1.4 kWe test set-up including some of the
an acceptable utilization of the converter [21]. However, it measurement equipment.
is particularly important to closely match the voltages in
the case of a diode rectifier. This is due to the generator VIII. THE GREEN TURBINE SET-UP
system performance being entirely determined at the Several Green Turbine set-ups have been constructed
design stage with no scope for actively controlling power to experimentally validate the analysis employed to
flow, e.g. boosting voltage etc. As such, an uncontrolled produce the 1.4 & 15 kWe design. A series of on-load tests
diode bridge cannot readily accommodate changes in at various power levels were performed. The three-phase
machine performance during operation, due for example to output power from the generator to the diode bridge
variations in magnet remanence and stator winding rectifier was measured with a three-phase power analyser,
resistance with temperature. However, in terms of the using the two-wattmeter method. This approach was
system demands, an uncontrolled rectifier provides an
verified using a three-wattmeter method at low speed in not vibrate, which ensures that there is no contact noise.
order to verify the accuracy of the measurement. The DC Within the turbine only one moving part is present.
power from diode bridge rectifier to the DC-link was Finally, the applied water cooling allows the use of sound
measured using the third channel of the power analyzer, proof material if required, as shown in Fig. 8.
which was checked by comparison with a digital storage
oscilloscope measurement of the DC-link RMS voltage
and RMS current.
Numerous tests have been undertaken with various set-
ups, where Table I summaries the various specifications
that have been taken from measurements. Fig. 7 shows
some partial load results (from 0-2500 s), in order to
provide examples of how the output power changes when
nozzles are open and/or closed. Fig. 8 illustrates the test
set-up, which has been used to generate these results.
1.4 kWe 15 kWe
Dimensions (cm) 28x18 37x26
Weight (kg) 9 25
Inlet steam conditions 5.2 bar abs. 10-12 bar abs. Fig. 8. Test set-up with Green Turbine for taking
200-220 ºC 200-220 ºC
Outlet steam conditions 0.1 bar abs. 0.1 bar abs.
pressure, power and temperature measurements.
40 ºC 45 ºC
Steam consumption (kg/s) 0.005 0.04
Basic steam rate (kg/kWh) 14.5 9.8
Design speed (rpm) 30,000 26,000
Steam speed after nozzle (m/s) >1000
This paper has presented numerous ways that could be
Housing temperature 45 ºC implemented to provide both electricity and heat. It has
been concluded that a steam driven counter rating turbine
system with direct-drive high speed permanent magnet
generators that are parallel connected via rectifiers to a
da/ac converter is the preferably technology for 0-50 kWe
applications. As such, an explanation has been given as to
how this steam can be efficiently extracted from a
combined heat and power and/or waste heat recovery
system using the Green Turbine. Finally, the technical
specifications have been summarized and some partial
load results have shown that steam is transformed into
electrical and heat energy. Both this heat and electricity
can be used for example for domestic and ship
Fig. 7. Test results of the 15 kWe Green Turbine version
for partial load conditions.
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