1523-Article Text-3575-1-10-20201216
1523-Article Text-3575-1-10-20201216
1523-Article Text-3575-1-10-20201216
Abstract: Model Predictive Control is a control technique that has been greatly investigated in
recent years. It has the versatility of different types of models for the prediction of the system and
aptitude to handle the system constraints. In the last decade, the multi-parametric optimization
has been applied to the control theory that allowed for the MPC optimization to be performed
offline, which was denominated as explicit Model Predictive Control. This work investigates the
application of this control technique in Inverted Pendulum systems, which are commonly used
as didactic control systems. The complete control design is described considering its validation
for two Inverted Pendulum systems through simulations.
0 0
-1.5 -1
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time (s) Time (s)
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