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dvanced) FINTSE€€ Phase Test (JEE-A PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY & MATHEMATICS Maximum Marks: 183 Time Allotted: 3 Hours + Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for this purpose. + You are not allowed to leave the Examiriation Hall before the end of the test INSTRUCTIONS Caution: Question Paper CODE as given above MUST be correctly marked in the answer ‘OMR sheot before attempting the paper. Wrong CODE or no CODE will give wrong results. A. General Instructions 1. Attempt ALL the questions, Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheets. 2. This question paper contains Three Parts. 3. SECTION-Iis Physics, SECTION-I is Chemistry and SECTION-Ils Mathematics. 4, Each partis further divided into two parts: Part A & C 4 5. Rough spaces are provided for rough work inside the question paper. No additional sheets will be provided for rough work. 6. Blank Pepers, cip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic devices, in any form, are nct alowed. : B. Filling of OMR Sheet 4. Ensure matching of OMR sheat with the Question paper before you start marking your answers on OMR sheet, 2. On the OMR sheet, darken the appropriate bubble with HB pencil for each character of your Enrolment No. and write in nk your Name, Test Centre and other datails at the designated places, 3. OMR sheet contains alphabets, runferals & special characters for marking answers, C. Marking Scheme For All Two Parts. {ij Part-A (01 ~07) contains O7 multiple choice questions which have one or more than one correct answer, Each question wil be evaluated aczording tothe following marking scheme. Full Marks: +4 tf only (all) the correet option(s) is (are) chosen; ae Partial Marks: +3 Ifelthe four options are corect but ONLY three options are chosen Paral Marks: #2 Ifhree or more options are corret But ONLY two options are:chosen and both of which ae correct, Partial Marks: +1 Iftwo or mace options are corect but ONLY one option is chosen andi is a comect aption, 3 Zoro Marks: 0-Ifnone ofthe options is chosen (Le, the question is unanswered); Negative Marks ; 2 Inall other cases. Part-A (08 ~ 13) contains 06 Multiple Choice Questions which have Only One Correct answer. Each ‘question will be evaluated according tothe following marking scheme. Full Marks: +3-Wfonly (al) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen; Zero Marks 0 Ifnone ofthe options is chosen (ie. the question is unanswered); Negative Marke ; =1 Inall other cases (i) PART=C (01-08) contains (05) Numerical based questions with single digit integer as answer, ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive) and each question carries +3 marks for correct answer. There is’ no negative marking. Name of the Candidate : Batch : Date of Examination : Enrolment Number = i Scanned with CamScanner Re \ Zz a © Noe @ v Ve ei" sannaLrgz2sRAt RAs, Ri y oy am &" This section ct of which ONE OR MOF ‘A sound wave pass that there is no absorption or reflect & 4 in A. Assume: boundary, *f a6) TR) the frequency of sound will not change vol" Ft" (C) the wavel M wy to s fa oO <9) (D) Yine 2 repr 3 water as shown in the figure. The iron block (I) hangs from a massless string with a rigid support from the top while the wooden biock floats being tied to the bottom through a massless string. If now the vessel starts accelerating upwards w (A) tension in (8) tension in (C) tension in (D) tension in. ‘ontains 07 multiple choice ques! Water is being poured into a vessel at > sectional area a at the bottom of the ves: 131-RBS, WAT-WA6, WBt-WBS-Ph IH SECTION 12 =™ PART - A: (Multi C tions. IRE may be correct. length will decrease t weft “a an Figure (Five straight lines numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) shows graph of change in temperature AT versus heat supplied Q for different propesses performed on a gas of one mole. ‘ine 4 and 5 (coinciding with Q and AT axis respectively) represent isothermal and adiabatic processes respectively line 2 represents isochoric process for diatomic. gas” (6) line 1 and 3 represent isobaric process for adiatomic gas and 3 —isochoric process for a monoatomic gas respectively resents oe, ; pong process prasrenoatamic ges ee (A, An ton block and a wooden bleck re posiioned in 2 vessel containing| ~ the string 1 will increase both the strings will increase. both the strings will decrease. the string 2 will increase ses from a medium A to a medi a constant rate gm‘ls. Ther sel. The maximum level of wat Papor-t-POM(100643.2)-2 1 1: PHYSICS ‘orrect Answer TYPe) Each question has four choices (A), (8), (C) and ()om of sound in B is greater than that veiocit ium Be i 1e wave moves across the tion at the boundary. As th the wavelength will increase {D) the intensity of sound will nat change eis a small aperture of cross er in the vessel is proportional a Biv oe {RT at fog" erat ty ‘29:8, Kalu Sa rai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569499, Pax 26513900 website: wun fitjce.com, Scanned with CamScanner at yer SANKALP2224RAT-RAG, RAI-RBS, WAT-WA6, WB1-WBS-Ph-l-Paper-1-POM(100665.2)9 ° “Two solid spheres A and B of equal volumes but of different densities dx and de are connected by a sting. They are fully immersed in a Auld of density dp. They get arranged into an equilbrium state @s shown in the ‘growin tension in the sting, The arrangement is a oniy hg whee de’ 6 haces v Covet) i avr © erg only 1. 2 cviave is represented by the equation y = A sin (10nx + txt + 1/3) where xis in meters and tis in at é seconds, The expression represents nsec 4 +) ak \t A) a wave traveling in the festive x-irection wit’a velocity 1.5m wee Xe } a wave travelling in the pSgative x-direction with a velocity 1 smis¥ ae Dy Y 4G) 2 wave traveling in the negative xediection having a wavelength 0.2m. Gee Ie $5) a wave traveling in the postive xedlrection having a wavelength 0.2m. 2 Velocity of sound in air fs 320 mis. A pipe closed at one end has-a length of 1 Mm. Neglecting end a correction the air column in a pipe can resonate for sound for fyequency a icone rower MK (C) 320 Hz (0400 Hz iy r for rk i, g ee ~ spas \ 8) 225 UH wero ay gOKIX apt, ~28F Be opel S 4 ou os goss @ = a ® Scanned with CamScanner SANKALP2224RATRAS, RBL-RBE, WAT-WAE, WSt-WBE-P-PapOr--PCM(TODEH3.2)-4 PART-— A: (Single Correct Answer Type) This section contains 06 multiple choice questions, Each question has four ehoters A) (8), (C) and (0) oy, f of which ONLY ONE Is correct. ta fH wey oP 3 AGP wo zmomrsig vrs cata aut, The damet toe ToRERTNe tees hon the dara of he ae, colin pte. fof water of height h = 40 cm is poured into the left vessel. The rise | ~ in the liquid level inthe right-hand vessel Is (5= 2 (relative density “y Sica so gery aaa), 3 J vyaco F viva ve dard) \ (8)6 om gf | i Pw dtu daub? — (0) 1.60" | / Water of volume 2 L in a closed container Is heated with a coil of 1 KW. While water is heated, the | ~ container loses energy at a rate of 160 Jis. In how much time will the temperature of water rise from | & 277 to 77°C? (Specific heat of water is 4.2 kd /kg and that of the container is negligible) | 6 Ay 8 min 20s (8) 6min2s bo SIS test t Q (C) 7min (0) 14 min Eat oe CLT t < Zé ‘A copper bali.of mass 100 gm is at a temperature T. It is dropped in a copper calorimeter of mass 100 gm, filed with 170 gm of water at room temperature, Subsequently, the temperature of the system is found tobe 75°C. T is glygn b: (Given: room temperature = 30°C, specic heat of copper = 0.1 caligm’C) . A 825°C (B) 800°C reehebred % Pa B esr yw ® (0) 1250°C. fo ~ pa yn , ‘Space for rough work s we Iyetgho = bof oer yh Tre : we FSP = tSRorg tia? Pinuee Lid, FUTIEE House, 29-A, Kala Sarai, Sarvapriya Vinar, New Delki website: www. fties.com. 10016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26513942 Scanned with CamScanner | fab SANKALP2G24RAT-RAS, RBL-RBS, WAT-WAE, WBH-WBG-Phsl-Papert-PEMLIOEEAS 37S mer! is also leaking out of a / Wweter flows into a large tank wih flat bottom at the rate of 19 | Water is also 0 o a ne age totem. If the height of the water inthe tank remains steady, then this height ) sien a ere Que ‘A musician using an open flute of length 50 cm produces ‘second harmonic sound waves. 4 min wa a smn to ah SB af pedo 10 He wa Speed is 330 mis, the frequency heard by the running person shall be close to: in pee ?) 500 Hz (D) 333 Hz, fi {)__Acarsot engine operating between tempercures Ts and Ts has efelency 2. When Tas lowered Py ex 4. mon mT especie (A) 372 Kand 330K (B) 330 K and 268 K (0) 372 Kand 310K (©) 310 Kand 248 K ‘Space for rough work efficiency increases to ‘AMEE Ltd, FITIBE House, 29: ‘alu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi website: www,fitjee.com. 0016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26513942 Scanned with CamScanner SANKALP2224RAL.RAG, REL-RBS, WAT-WAB, WBE-WBE-PhillPapert-PCMC100832)8 PART C: (Integer Answer TyP®) wuestions, The Boe inva quoston Is single-digit Integer, ranging from 0 0 0s : Tris section contains Porthe question number in the OMFE Is fo be bubbled. a ¢ git below t ors 0.and Tas <0» hw Which will undergo a Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction? CH ; OOH OH @ Nos o ® ) (AYA 2.4 (B) 14,3 2.4 (0) 1.2 ‘Space for rough work sTTae Lines TOA, Rats Saray Sarvaprs Ver, Hew Delt 110016, Ph 20515949, S50 4B RE 26513949 website: wna fitjes.com. TAITDEE Scanned with CamScanner ‘lie SANIKALP2azaRAt-RAB, RBL-RBS, WAT-WAS, WBTNBS-PhlsPaper--FOMI 190849219 (A Tre entropy valies (in sk mor") of Ha ® 1306, Chay = 228.0 and Hho 186.7 at 298 K and 4 atm Jrossure are given then enlopy change forthe reaction Goatees! ape ath H(@)+c4 (a) > 24H) Bin) MMH Seen WE HEL (a) +5403 (947273 ee (c) -168.9 Of 19.07 acs) \ W.wnatis not eorect aout green house fect? icin gol warming {8} CO, Is one of the main chemical species responsible for I (Ay resus in overng of eels of ocean over the years. {D) CH,,05,CFCalso contribute o green house effect. Ho==cH—cHO ¥ O a oe ) “Oo eh vier ote totoving molecules eget to have the geste esonncesalizaton? oy 5 oy T Sido : “os © - ‘Space for rough work ‘AMMEE Lid, FITUEE House, 29-4, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Dell website: wun fijee.com. 110016, Ph 26515949, 26569499, Fax 26519942 Scanned with CamScanner SANKALP2224RA1-RA6,RBI-RBS, WAY-WA6, WBIANBS-PhePaper-PCMIO0849.2}49 PART~C: (Numerical Based Type)” ; this sooton contains 05 questions. The enswer fo each question isa single-digit Integer, ranging from 0 to Othe correct clit below the question number In the ORS isto be bubbled. 2 W_ What youd be the heat released in kd when 200 om? of 01 M HzSOx 1s mixed with 175 em ofo.2M KOH? Heat of combustion of CHu(g), C(graphite) and H(9) are ~20 Keal, -49Kcal and ~10Kcal respectively. ‘The heat of formation of methane in terms of ~10* cal mot How many sp* hybridized ’B’ atoms are present in borax? ‘Whats the total number of eyclic Isomers possible for a hydrocarbon with molecular formula C,H, ? =p) Yo"! Two moles of an ideal gas undergoes isothermal reversible expansion from 2 L to 6 L at 300 K. The enthalpy change of the gas is “D> pa ae } C Hts on for rough work Ms aoa TH Fito > Kym Ee pulmo a” ene mm Dee a ei mye lt A A> aI 38 weoatel leer BR "CEBED nnd pe Bh bos Pose Pee Deb a wtewl ~ yt Ot “, ee ; =e DU iyo! ware Se pee hanto Hava oF mG) Orns Keg Noe \ 7) io eos ane i \ IT HON gonabdak HP nee \, oe ae ia booys it by Tee geek ; ee” ‘ 28 ATE og 38 level Be : wont ane Sarswer Ost O52 PA an one et an NT = NG AT Mr a V ay Ss 8 | 1D x 308 Leni y 2h EOS GD oownaes bun bye ‘ tas attr aa oY HER ok fons ‘nibee Lid, FITIEE House, 29-4, Kaku Sarai, S z Ph 2651994: arai, Sarvdpriya Vihar, New Delhi-110016, pa Vas a 5, Ph 26515949, 26569495, Fax 26513942 | Scanned with CamScanner SANKALP2224RA1. wat.was, wet. WBE-PhatlPaper+-PCM 100649.2) 44 SECTION — Hil Ee! © onsale PART — A: (Multi Correct Answer TYPE) 2 uestion has four choices (A), (8), ( 4 Ss oe (¢) and (D) out This section contains 07 muttiple choice questions. Each a 2) and (D) Pfwhich ONE OR MORE may be correct. 4. 4 Tey FC) Ta 7 ai a Let (14-V2)" =x,-+¥902 » where Xo, yo are integers, the Fi Woe a oO ee yet erases ve iadanl ia) ) yaad (RotMaP ARETE) 4 22h-Ae TO Yi, () 2 -2y2=1 oan (©) Your =%o +¥e > wastescortysastenn tan (a) x2 + y2 +22 + O92 (8) 2(sintx+ sinly + sin ta) = cos™x + cosmty + cos 12 (C)xytyztaxextytz—1 ioe 1 1) 1 eu (s+) -(r+3) s(or4) 26 ee wy) 2 ) at aes Ltt (cos?x+— evsmraiosse 4, then * cos? x, ‘ x may be a multiple of (8) x can not be an even multiple of (C)zcan be a muttiple of x ) y can be a multiple of x/2 v “Thg value of the expression C2—C? +3 —..u..#(-1)"Of is. (Here C= "C) 4 6) 0, if mis odd (B) (-1)", ifn is odd o (©) (-1)"" Can.if nis even WD) (11S, if nis even @) Ca-2) (8) 2-8) i ‘Space for rough work OO AMEE Lid, PITVBE Hr ‘Sarvapriya Vihar, New Del wapriya Var ew Deli 110016, Ph 26515949, 26569498, Fax 2051992 Scanned with CamScanner 15, WAT-WA6, WB1-WBS-Ph-ll-Pape -PC(100643.2}-12 . y, @ The equation | fray aye Hy) |-k will represent a hyperbola for ; 8) k « (0,1) (Ake (0.2) t Oke@.2) Or, 0) 2 2 gox42y+1= G)— tratangentot ope “ot ne eipse +45 = 1 (a> b)'s normal to ine cice a ey? +2x42y+1=0 then 2 B (A) maximum vale of ab is ac 22 © a¢(22) (0) maximum value of abis 4 PART A: (Single Correct Answer Type) This section contains 06 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B). (C) ace) out » of which ONLY ONE is correct. > 6 The equation? sin’x—(p +8) sinx + 2p-2= O possesses areal solution if (LY ” (A)Ospst (B)-1sps3 Beh LY Mr? (C)4zps6 (p26 8 Ae | OY gptticient of x2 in (1.+ x #2 + x2 + x1" (1 =x)! i rr o> 0 oy (B) 4. "Ceo gel (C) -2099, {O)rone ofthese goa Ue a,b cb ea natura numbers nA anda 30, te posse umber ales of eee Dee * (3)24 ae e® Spe ae ¥ 5 oe if (0)38 v Te 2 oy Sareea x- z area cutoff by the chord of contact on the asymptotes is equal . (A) abi2 (8) ab (C) 2ab (D) 4ab 2 xv tangents are drawn to the hyperbola ~- ‘Space for rough work maa Tid, FTE House, 294, Kal Saray Sarvapriga Var, New Delhi-110016, Ph 26515948, 26569499, Fax 26513942 website: ww fitjee.com. Scanned with CamScanner SANKALP2224RA‘-RAG, REL-RBS, WAL-WAG, WI-WBE-Phsl-Paper4-PCM(100843 2119 2 2 , Jv IFP be a variable point on the elipse +45 =1 with fock F, and Fa IA fete af6e of the triangle a PF, then the maximum value of Ais (a) 2 abe ferabe (c) 3abe (0) 2*b?e* ee ‘The eccentricity of the conic “iy ee ie we vane e yolt gue) 2 5 , » " F unbedk a wat chase Part ~¢ (Integer Answer Type) & y This section contains 05 questions. The answer to each question 's 8 single-digit Integer, ranging from 0 to 9, The correct digit below the question number in the ORS is to be bubbled. Al v v 7 To oe Vr ean nee ius nein ED % i at Ciys see Coefficient of vf fs 7? fl hos fe "r+ then the vale ofn-r+kis Th om postive terms quence {x}, number x, = 22 JB nel is xu Aal) ety” aS" ey a e Total number of tangents to the hyperbola 7 that are perpendicular tothe line yg, 9 v 5x+2y-3=0 islare H - bo eee asta tee fs qe is LB 2 1 coneurent then the valve fs #705 210 «(+ ed Lx, aye ee ‘Space for Rough work a a mh yerghtd, on ® "5 OO 4 Ta DiTTe@ mea 00.A Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriva Vihar, New Delhi-110016, Ph 26515949, 26569499, Fax 26519942 Scanned with CamScanner fIiJEE Phase Test (JEE-Advanced) _ PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY & MATHEMATICS Patton =¢PT-1 CODE: 100644.2 | [PAPER -2 Time Allotted: Hours Maximum Marks: 183 Ploase read the instructions carefully. You are allattad § minutes specifically for this purpose, ‘Yeu are not allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the end of the test. INSTRUCTIONS Caution: Question Paper CODE as given above MUST be correctly marked in the answer OMR sheet before attempting the paper. Wrong CODE or ho CODE will give wrong results. A. General Instructions 1. Attempt ALL the questions. Answers have fo be marked on the OMR sheets. ‘Tis question paper contains Three Parts. SECTION is Physics, SECTION-I Is Chemistry and SECTION-IIl is Mathematics. Each partis further divided into one part: Part = A : Rough spaces are provided for rough work inside the question paper. No additional sheets wil be provided for rough werk. Blank Papers, clip boards, log table, eviees, in any form, are not allowed, B. Filling of OMR Sheet f 1. Ensure matching of OMR sheet with the Question paper before you start marking your answers on OM sheet, 2 On the OMR sheet, darken the appropriate bubble with HB pencil for each character of your Enrolment No, and write in ink your Name, Test Centre and other details atthe designated places. COMIR sheet contains alphabets, numerals & special characters for marking answers. - Marking Scheme For Alll One Part. Part-A (04 = 07) contains 07 multiple choice questions which have one or more than one correct ‘answer. Each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme. Full Marks: #4 If only (all the correct option(s) is (are) chosen; : Paral Marks : #3 If al the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen; Partial Marks “ : #2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen and both of which are correct; ° Partial Marks: +4 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and its a comrect option; Zero Marks: 0 If none ofthe options is chosen (Le, the question is unanswered); Negetive Marks : 2 inal other cases, Part-A (08 = 14) contains 07 Multiple Choice Questions which have Only On Correct answer. Each question will be evaluated according tothe following marking scheme. Full Marks #3 Ifonly (all) he correct option(s) is (are) chosen: Zero Marks 2 If none of the options is chosen (Le. the question is unanswered); Negative Marks : 1 In all other cases, fe rule, calculator, celular phones, pagers and electronic pF Part-A (16 ~ 18) contains 2 Paragraphs. Based upon each paragraph, 2 Multiple Choicé Questions have to be answered. Each question has Only One Correct answer and carries 93 mathe for ihe correct answer and 0 mark for a wrong answer. Name of the Candidate :, eS ee Batch Date of Examination : Enrolment Number et: le eee AIUEE Lid, FUTJEB House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi-110016, Ph 26515049, 26569495, Fax 261072 website: www fitjee.com, Scanned with CamScanner 122 61-RO6, WAT-WAE, WI-WDS-PII ppapor-2-PCM(100644.2) SECTION - 1 PHYSICS PART ~ A: (Multl Correct Answer Type) SANKALPZ224RAL-RAG, i (A), (B), (C) and (0) out ris section contains 07 multiple chofee qdestions. Each question has fur cholces (4) (8), (0) ofwhich ONE OR MORE may be correct. vw Anthe figure, an ideal liquid flows through the tube, which is of near, cross-section. The liquid has velocities vp and vs! and presstfes-ra : and ps at poinf8 A and B respectively Z or is (A) &, =D Pep. ah (B) vs >v, WE \e" : u yop v (prep? \ ENE (©) Po>Pa i L ty WD La wave equation whch gives th esplacement along the y-decton is given by i =,10™ sin(60t + 2x), where x and y are in m and tis time in seconds. This represents a wave. 30 pus in the negative x-direction” iw lof wavelength nm.V ae) ayentl a & S of fréquency 30x Hz” Ye a of amplitude 10“ m travelling along the negative x-direction. ~ ‘ * okey ‘an ideal gas: W= "ty &T we the change in internal energy in a constant pressure process from temperature T; to Tz is equal to nO, (Tz-Ty), where C,is the molar specific heat at constant volume and n is the number of moles fof the gas, the change in intemal energy of the gas and the work done by the gas are equal in magnitude in n adiabatic process. 6 om internal energy does not change in an isothermal process (fy no heat is added or removed in an adiabatic process. te “ pos Let ¥, vs and vp respectively denote the mean speed, root mean square speed, and most probable speed of the molecules in an ideal’ monatomic gas-qt absolute temperature T. The mass of a molecule is m. Then ‘no molecule can have a speed greater than V2 3 molecule can have speed less than v2 Lid., FUTJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -11001 A265 waz Var New Dei 110016 Ph 2SIS949, 2656945, Pax 2815942 Scanned with CamScanner yy wn y uw Tei \ ey at Xe A ee renemire caine Oe 6 ‘A source, approaching with speed u towards the open end of a stationary pipe of length L, Is emitting aeeund of frequeney f, The farther end ofthe pipe Is closed. The speed of sound in iris v and fo ls Pte fundamental frequency ofthe pipe. For which ofthe following combinaton(s) of u and fe, wil the sound reaching the pipe lead to a resonance? oy, 2fo ao 1.5f0 es 4 0.8v and = 0,6v and f, (A) u= 0.8v and fy = fy, Ine? (B) (C)u= 0.8v and, = 0.5f5, wn of Standing wave can be produced »~" . ey Ww (A) ona sting clamped at both heen 7 @) 9 (B) on string clamped at one end and free at the others (C) when incident wave gets reflected from a wall ‘oY (0) when two identical waves with a phase difference of x are moving in the same directio ; hy 2 wsoor lo, Ge y & In the given P-V diagram, a monoatomic + P(kPa) cas (r=2) fret compressed 3 adiabatically from state A to state B. Then it expands isothermally from state B to 7). 48 state C. [Given ie =0.5,In2= 8 v pent feo) a, = ep! Smet Wy ac tvew 0 von" a Higas-{ wictsr) wee baat hot Fie nd ay espn [BIRD out 1y/ Which ofthe following statements) ise) correct? A wee OT Tee B vahan | (A) The magnitude of the total work done in the process A» B > C is 144k/ 3 8 te (B) The magnitude of the work done in the process B+ C is'B4kJ pene ieo)~ Corda ©) (C) The magnitude of the work done in the process A > B is 60kJV & ene (D) The magnitude of the work done in the process C —+ A is zerow a i @ “ av ont A 2 2 soo» Ses \ a @- > pets ‘ “AKO K Ko Meyoe'ek, en arauheotras —~ @ Scanned with CamScanner 4 sa-Paper-2-PCM(100644.2) sancaurzzanase Ra ROS WANA, WEBER AA gle Correct ‘Answer Type) snoices (A), (B), (C) and (0) oy PART-A:( four cl This secon contains 07 multiple choice questions. Each question has of = ONLY ONE is correct. , ees Two rectangular blocks, having identical dimensions, can Pe coups , arranged etter in configuration | orn configuration II as shown uy-KCveta 3 in the figure. One of the blocks has thermal conductivity « an ao = the other 2x. The temperature difference between the ends nf a along the X-axis is the same in both the configurations. It takes © 5 to transport a certain amount of heat from the hot end tO ME sunday cold end in the configuration |, The time to transport the same pz 1 4 ab amountef heat in the configuration ge Yau Re aos (8) 30s tm, 9h | ae & ave 5 am Js bass Ams (0) 6.08 S de gr AA transverse sinusoidal wave moves along a string in the positive x-direction at a speed of 10 cmis. The wavelength of the wave is 0.5 m and its amplitude is 10 om, Ata particular time t, the snap-shot of the wave is shown in figure. The velocity of point P when its displacement ig.5 om is Figure: iA a Bn; ast Nh a wo Simi! aN e (&) -3] ms pera Bn; a2t wl Vin: Fe aoe ©) Sims Bree a0) 28; mus te eth Ue . vos @ An ideal gas is er thatT? = constant. The coefficient of volume expansionof the gas is ; + 2 = As Nore by . sy (8) ake Ot. eee a a (3 ph PE 4 or, Me vat de yams APY ven a Ree ge? VER ue awh Ft JyAO 1A bey 3a LL aX3KK faa vee Scanned with CamScanner Xe sanyate an24aB LOT IFW? is the mass of water that rises in a capillary tube of radius ', then mass of water which wil rise ina capillary tube of radius '2" is: tn. wy ane ” BAe , wy M 4 w ne yw 7 : Moo a wen, 2 «tay O Gan Ns Ss 2 PCM(I008442)5 cM en (am ‘A source of sound A emitting waves of frequency 1800 Hz is falling towards ground with a terminal | speed v. The observer B on the ground directly beneath the source receives wave of frequency 2160 | hs The souree A receves waves, refed lm ground, frequency neat: (Seats ‘of sound = 343 mis) | (A) 2150 Hz (8) 2500 H2¥ | (C) 1800 Hz (©) 2400 Hz ‘The top of a water tank is open to alr and ‘its water level is maintained. It is giving’ out 0.74 m® water per minute through a circular opening of 2 cm radius in Its wall. The depth of the centre of the opening from the level of water in the tank is close to: (take g = 10 m/s’) (A) 6.0 mv (8)4.8m (c)96m {0)2.9m Two Camot engines A and B are operated in series. The first one, A, ‘éceives heat at T,(= 600 K) and rejects to a reservoir at temperature T. The second engine B receives heat rejected by the first engine and, in turns, rejects to a heat reservoir at Ts (=400 K). Calculate the temperature Ta ifthe work outputs of the two engines are equal: (A) 600 K (8) 400K z (@) 300K (0) 500 K* 7 ‘Space for rough work a Fie Lid, FUTUEE House, 29°A, Kala Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569498, Pax 26513942 ‘website: wus fitjee.com. Scanned with CamScanner [SANKALP2224RAt-RAG, RBI-RES, WAT-WAB, PART ~A: (Paragraph TyPe) tions have to b ; ns 2 multiple choice ques 2 This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based upon the paragraP ica questions hav Fan eee corey esa questions has 4 choices (A), (6), (C) and (D) out ‘of which to 16 : Paragraph for Question Nos. 15 strings (AB & AC) Aballoon of volume V and mass m is tied by two light inextensible J sel is filled with with two surfaces of the vessel as shown in the figure. The ves liquid of density wh itvesse! ig accolrated in horizontal direction with acceleration ap towards right thet tension in string AB Is found to be T; and in string AC it is T2. Then (ayn ~ \ et! tng W2PT, = Vog = mig, Ta= Vpay ~ may

Paragraph for Question Nos. 15 to 16 ‘Alkyne those having active hydrogen are acidic in nature. This is only applicable for termina alkyne, The eal nature of akyne is due to increase in S-character as S~character increase electrons afe Arann Ce gb nucleus and holds to Increase in acidic strength: only terminal alkyne can be differentiate Wi aikyne on reaction with Tollen's reagent or ammoniacal cuprous chioride solution. SCH, -Ce CHL At yg ais (A) 2-bulyne (8) A-Pantyne (C) 2-Pentyne 2-Pentene VA crc xc-ch, ees, ase yg i Ais (A) Cis-3-butene eh Trans-2-butene (©) 2-Amino butene (0) None Amino Bi Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 to 18 Fave vero vhaiis excep Ba maybe prepared by direct reaction between the elements, Boron whaldes Consist of trigonal planar BXs molecules. Unike the halides of the other elements in the group they are monomeric in the gas, liquid and solid states, BF and BCl, are gases, BBr is volatile liquid and Bly is a solid. ‘Boron trihalides are Lewis acids because they form Lewis complexes with suitable bases. BFygyt! NH FB—NHy However, boron chlorides, bromides and jodides are susceptible (sensitive) to protolysis by mild proton sources such as water, alcohols and even amines for example BCl, undergoes rapid hydrolysis. BClyg) + 3H, > B(OH) ya) + SHC) Itis supposes that the first step in the above reaction is the formation of the complex Cl, <- OH, which then eliminates HCI and reacts further with water. L ast vw ‘Which of the following is the best order of Lewis-acid strength of BF, BCls and BBts? (A) BF > BCla> BBs (8) BFs= BCl = BBrs® a e BE, < BCh < Bis) gy (0) BBr > BEs> BCL ) hk Which is correct about the hydrolysis of BXs? + (A) AIlBXs undergo hydrolysis to produce B(OH)ajq and HXiua i (8) BF does not undergo complete hydrolysis due to formation of H'{BF,OH] Br, does not undergo hydrolysis at all because it can not form H-bonds with water I ofthe above are correct ‘Space for rough work “Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26519942 ‘aie Lid, FUTUBE House, 29-4, Kalu Sarai, website: wun fitjee.com, Scanned with CamScanner SANKALP 222408 LOT-Phal-Paper-2-PCM(100644.2)41 SECTION - Ls M. PART ~ A: (Mult! Correct Answer Type) This section contains 07 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (8), (C) and (0) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct. " Same C2 equation sine:+ cos(k + )+ costk —x) = 2 has real solutions, then siafean be wie COAG Frost)” ~ FO Giawgent of gars aK DIWD=2 « a TE (1 +x)" = aay + agx + agx? +... tagex™, then 4 pt ap tage n= blag tay tart ay ion ie aot arta, F (Oot ay tant at nn) a1 Bp (Ch ens= ana ba (©) anc > pea ss S34 WW THe qumber of integral solutions of x+y +2Z=0with x,y,z 2-5is . yea (8) "Cro ag >- SD a W520 > batters > 8 FCs, cagttoryp0 (0) None of these leg If x-+y =2 isa tangent to the ellipse whose focil are (2,3) and (3, 8), then wees A yy (A) length of minor axis is 6” (B) length of minor axis is 3 4 ra Ww ¥ or enath of mapraxs is oe (WF eccentricity of ellipse is & a ve GS Accircle touches externally two circles x? + y*= 1 and x" + y* = 4x. The locus of the centre of the circle is conie © and e Is eccentricity, then (A)C is ellipse w/cis hyperbola e= V2 (D)e=2 ’ ‘Space for rough work os fouse, 29°A, Kalu Sarai, Sé Than New Delhi-110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26519942 Fee Lid, FUTIEE House, 29-8, Kakt Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi ~ Scanned with CamScanner . “yy \ BL HNB pa) ome \ gene : r Lo (vor \ ape-.PcMteogu3}42 ra at, ROY-ROG WALA, OLDE PHP ap a th it P on the elipse “2+ =1 meet the major & minor axes at Gand g such a : 1 P on the elipse 2 +I° = 1 meet the major & minor it If the normal at any point P on PG : Pg = 1: 5 and area of A CSB = 10 sq, units where C is centre of ellipse S is focus & B is ® inal PG : Pa and ar an 4 ra a nor at ° ay one ee oar ne, : atau PAE Ve \ 98° (A) Equation of etipse is FY ot qi--7! a3 ey? ne (ad (Goons) (8) Eavatin feipse is 2 4 por ‘ . fay? = 1 ‘ Qnty (6) Esso ok kc cet tse is»? x60 qourno- “Yh By loo [284-1093 (0) Equation of director ciel of elipseis x? +y? = 30 bs, whe can aeatlia 70 0 PART — A: (Single Corract Answer Type) This section contains 07 multiple choice questions. Each quoston has four choices (A, (8), (G) and (0) out Of which ONLY ONE is correct. wv prem: aT @) 7 (A) tant aay = Cem Oy Say wart nop a4 ae ite eauson fo!) j)P) a soluton, then th range of is scene? wend again) C7 Cad ete gd 4, 1) pot hes s @ eg ~~ geRieees (©)f0,) dupe sump Fes Ae ; osnPasw yy ti] =p a Thevauect 1-220, Hy tt HO og wy 2 +) mn ty) OD Ena (Crd Hy oo. an . @ % | - “ % XL IP, sand "C,="C,.s, then (n, are a ao Dy 4, & | wa Hoots ey tol! 10 AAD) Py, 4.2). hy (Ova, “OO e mh x h Teen otzzes # the end of (127)! is - ae or (0) 10 a erm cote or tayS In which a mixed doubles tenis game can be ax layers Z consisting of 6 men and 4 women is ae Ss (A) 180 © 8) 90 “4 y (4p 3 (oya8 roe Caw OD i aE i Yaw “nor “enna IN appears, are i ” Gerd as aaeine [BET 6 2 ( @) an FH (0) 181434 J & Gs Sut I © | 2 I pace for rough work er CEH If 40 109 if ie 1) de Lrten, sich hey ae FR | ‘oy RE ia a ® weet (a ty os oY) a Pax 26513942 (Ski ye 42iea) 7 Scanned with CamScanner [SANKALP 2224AB LOT-Phlll-Paper-2-PCM(100644.2)-13 (Paragraph Type) PAR This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based upon the paragraphs 2 multiple choice questions hava fo be Jr owered, Each of these questions has 4 choices (A), (8), (C) and (0) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Paragraph for Question Nos. 15 to 16 im 48 Consider the ellipse 2x? +y?~8x-2y+1=0 weve we oan es J ae ut a ww cccenicty of he eset Lewy Gow wd o ; / Se oe al Lv V OF (rok oe ey Lin ao |” Gen at 2] (OY@A) and (2, @®D weve: OPE Na abo {C) (-2,1) and (2,3) L, [+ . oe Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 to 18 ® 2 yt If the normal to the hyperbola > Beat at any pointP(asec8,btané) meets the transverse and conjugate a axes in G and g respectively and F is the foot of perpendicular to the normal at P from the centre C, then M7. The minimum length of PG, is yr b? wi wt a 3 Az, (© Ee») 16 ag 18. ‘The length of Pg, is ib 2 (52 tan? +b? sec? @ (32 sec? 6 +b? tan? A al tan? 0 +b? sec* 6) Fleer e+b*tan®o) (0) Ee? secto-+b* tana) (0) %(a?tan?o+b* sect) a a it ‘Space for Rough work paéxno hh eX 13 86% oad Tel Tid, PATUBE Hse 29°, Ra Sra Sorvapriva Vihar, Naw Del 110016, Ph 26515949, 26960499, Fax 26519942 website: wun fitjee.com. Scanned with CamScanner

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