Phase 3
Phase 3
Phase 3
Paragraph for Question Nos. 15 to 16 ‘Alkyne those having active hydrogen are acidic in nature. This is only applicable for termina alkyne, The eal nature of akyne is due to increase in S-character as S~character increase electrons afe Arann Ce gb nucleus and holds to Increase in acidic strength: only terminal alkyne can be differentiate Wi aikyne on reaction with Tollen's reagent or ammoniacal cuprous chioride solution. SCH, -Ce CHL At yg ais (A) 2-bulyne (8) A-Pantyne (C) 2-Pentyne 2-Pentene VA crc xc-ch, ees, ase yg i Ais (A) Cis-3-butene eh Trans-2-butene (©) 2-Amino butene (0) None Amino Bi Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 to 18 Fave vero vhaiis excep Ba maybe prepared by direct reaction between the elements, Boron whaldes Consist of trigonal planar BXs molecules. Unike the halides of the other elements in the group they are monomeric in the gas, liquid and solid states, BF and BCl, are gases, BBr is volatile liquid and Bly is a solid. ‘Boron trihalides are Lewis acids because they form Lewis complexes with suitable bases. BFygyt! NH FB—NHy However, boron chlorides, bromides and jodides are susceptible (sensitive) to protolysis by mild proton sources such as water, alcohols and even amines for example BCl, undergoes rapid hydrolysis. BClyg) + 3H, > B(OH) ya) + SHC) Itis supposes that the first step in the above reaction is the formation of the complex Cl, <- OH, which then eliminates HCI and reacts further with water. L ast vw ‘Which of the following is the best order of Lewis-acid strength of BF, BCls and BBts? (A) BF > BCla> BBs (8) BFs= BCl = BBrs® a e BE, < BCh < Bis) gy (0) BBr > BEs> BCL ) hk Which is correct about the hydrolysis of BXs? + (A) AIlBXs undergo hydrolysis to produce B(OH)ajq and HXiua i (8) BF does not undergo complete hydrolysis due to formation of H'{BF,OH] Br, does not undergo hydrolysis at all because it can not form H-bonds with water I ofthe above are correct ‘Space for rough work “Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26519942 ‘aie Lid, FUTUBE House, 29-4, Kalu Sarai, website: wun, Scanned with CamScannerSANKALP 222408 LOT-Phal-Paper-2-PCM(100644.2)41 SECTION - Ls M. PART ~ A: (Mult! Correct Answer Type) This section contains 07 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (8), (C) and (0) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct. " Same C2 equation sine:+ cos(k + )+ costk —x) = 2 has real solutions, then siafean be wie COAG Frost)” ~ FO Giawgent of gars aK DIWD=2 « a TE (1 +x)" = aay + agx + agx? +... tagex™, then 4 pt ap tage n= blag tay tart ay ion ie aot arta, F (Oot ay tant at nn) a1 Bp (Ch ens= ana ba (©) anc > pea ss S34 WW THe qumber of integral solutions of x+y +2Z=0with x,y,z 2-5is . yea (8) "Cro ag >- SD a W520 > batters > 8 FCs, cagttoryp0 (0) None of these leg If x-+y =2 isa tangent to the ellipse whose focil are (2,3) and (3, 8), then wees A yy (A) length of minor axis is 6” (B) length of minor axis is 3 4 ra Ww ¥ or enath of mapraxs is oe (WF eccentricity of ellipse is & a ve GS Accircle touches externally two circles x? + y*= 1 and x" + y* = 4x. The locus of the centre of the circle is conie © and e Is eccentricity, then (A)C is ellipse w/cis hyperbola e= V2 (D)e=2 ’ ‘Space for rough work os fouse, 29°A, Kalu Sarai, Sé Than New Delhi-110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26519942 Fee Lid, FUTIEE House, 29-8, Kakt Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi ~ Scanned with CamScanner. “yy \ BL HNB pa) ome \ gene : r Lo (vor \ ape-.PcMteogu3}42 ra at, ROY-ROG WALA, OLDE PHP ap a th it P on the elipse “2+ =1 meet the major & minor axes at Gand g such a : 1 P on the elipse 2 +I° = 1 meet the major & minor it If the normal at any point P on PG : Pg = 1: 5 and area of A CSB = 10 sq, units where C is centre of ellipse S is focus & B is ® inal PG : Pa and ar an 4 ra a nor at ° ay one ee oar ne, : atau PAE Ve \ 98° (A) Equation of etipse is FY ot qi--7! a3 ey? ne (ad (Goons) (8) Eavatin feipse is 2 4 por ‘ . fay? = 1 ‘ Qnty (6) Esso ok kc cet tse is»? x60 qourno- “Yh By loo [284-1093 (0) Equation of director ciel of elipseis x? +y? = 30 bs, whe can aeatlia 70 0 PART — A: (Single Corract Answer Type) This section contains 07 multiple choice questions. Each quoston has four choices (A, (8), (G) and (0) out Of which ONLY ONE is correct. wv prem: aT @) 7 (A) tant aay = Cem Oy Say wart nop a4 ae ite eauson fo!) j)P) a soluton, then th range of is scene? wend again) C7 Cad ete gd 4, 1) pot hes s @ eg ~~ geRieees (©)f0,) dupe sump Fes Ae ; osnPasw yy ti] =p a Thevauect 1-220, Hy tt HO og wy 2 +) mn ty) OD Ena (Crd Hy oo. an . @ % | - “ % XL IP, sand "C,="C,.s, then (n, are a ao Dy 4, & | wa Hoots ey tol! 10 AAD) Py, 4.2). hy (Ova, “OO e mh x h Teen otzzes # the end of (127)! is - ae or (0) 10 a erm cote or tayS In which a mixed doubles tenis game can be ax layers Z consisting of 6 men and 4 women is ae Ss (A) 180 © 8) 90 “4 y (4p 3 (oya8 roe Caw OD i aE i Yaw “nor “enna IN appears, are i ” Gerd as aaeine [BET 6 2 ( @) an FH (0) 181434 J & Gs Sut I © | 2 I pace for rough work er CEH If 40 109 if ie 1) de Lrten, sich hey ae FR | ‘oy RE ia a ® weet (a ty os oY) a Pax 26513942 (Ski ye 42iea) 7 Scanned with CamScanner[SANKALP 2224AB LOT-Phlll-Paper-2-PCM(100644.2)-13 (Paragraph Type) PAR This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based upon the paragraphs 2 multiple choice questions hava fo be Jr owered, Each of these questions has 4 choices (A), (8), (C) and (0) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Paragraph for Question Nos. 15 to 16 im 48 Consider the ellipse 2x? +y?~8x-2y+1=0 weve we oan es J ae ut a ww cccenicty of he eset Lewy Gow wd o ; / Se oe al Lv V OF (rok oe ey Lin ao |” Gen at 2] (OY@A) and (2, @®D weve: OPE Na abo {C) (-2,1) and (2,3) L, [+ . oe Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 to 18 ® 2 yt If the normal to the hyperbola > Beat at any pointP(asec8,btané) meets the transverse and conjugate a axes in G and g respectively and F is the foot of perpendicular to the normal at P from the centre C, then M7. The minimum length of PG, is yr b? wi wt a 3 Az, (© Ee») 16 ag 18. ‘The length of Pg, is ib 2 (52 tan? +b? sec? @ (32 sec? 6 +b? tan? A al tan? 0 +b? sec* 6) Fleer e+b*tan®o) (0) Ee? secto-+b* tana) (0) %(a?tan?o+b* sect) a a it ‘Space for Rough work paéxno hh eX 13 86% oad Tel Tid, PATUBE Hse 29°, Ra Sra Sorvapriva Vihar, Naw Del 110016, Ph 26515949, 26960499, Fax 26519942 website: wun Scanned with CamScanner