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Fund Performance: Active Risk Budgeting in Action: Understanding Hedge

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Active Risk Budgeting In

Action: Understanding Hedge

Fund Performance
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The Journal of Alternative Investments 2004.7.3:35-46. Downloaded from www.iijournals.com by NEW YORK UNIVERSITY on 08/31/16.

KENT A. CLARK he world of institutional investing

the active and market risk inherent in hedge fund
is managing director and is changing. Increasingly, investors performance. Understanding this distinction, and
chief investment officer of
are designing their investment forming views on the components, is impor-
the Hedge Fund Strategies
Group at Goldman Sachs policy in terms of two broad types tant for both the development of an ex ante
Asset Management in of risk exposures: market risk (e.g., passive expo- active risk budget and the ongoing monitoring
Princeton, NJ. sure to global capital market return) and active of an investment program.
kent.clark@gs.com risk (attained through skill-based strategies to We begin by developing a simple frame-
deviate from global capital market allocations). work for understanding portfolio risk and per-
is managing director and
In the new world, two trends are formance. After discussing data issues that are
co-head of Global Invest- emerging: relevant for applying this framework to hedge
ment Strategies at Goldman funds, we apply the framework to hedge fund
Sachs Asset Management in • Investors are demanding more active risk. index returns. We then discuss how some of
New York City. As this trend develops, it is likely that a the data-related issues could influence our
larger fraction of total portfolio risk will interpretations of some of the important risk
be allocated to active strategies. An impli- and return characteristics. Finally, we show
cation of this trend is that investor how the framework could be modified to allow
demand for hedge funds should increase, the development of an ongoing risk-moni-
as hedge funds provide a potential source toring program.
of active returns.
• Investors want to make more efficient A SIMPLE FRAMEWORK FOR ALL
use of their active risk budgets. That is, ASSET CLASSES
in addition to increasing the total level of
active risk, investors want to ensure that Any portfolio’s return and risk can be
it is allocated to those active strategies decomposed into two parts. The first part
where conviction about active perfor- derives from the asset class in which the port-
mance is the highest. folio is invested, and the second part draws
from the manager’s views.
This second trend, in turn, places an ana- Asset class risk and return can usually be
lytic burden on investors: if they are to prop- obtained from passive investments, or indexing of
erly allocate active risk between hedge funds the asset class. The asset class is typically defined
and other active strategies on an ex ante basis, by some benchmark index like the MSCI-
they must also understand the sources of hedge World Equity Index or the Lehman Aggre-
fund risk and performance. In other words, gate Bond Index. These indices offer a few
they must be able to clearly distinguish between very attractive characteristics.1 They are known


in advance, are investible, and are widely accepted as being and therefore a different expected risk premium. In
representative of their asset class, for example large capi- fact, depending upon the investment mandate, the
talization global equities in the case of the MSCI-World amount of both alpha and market risk may be
index. The indices provide a neutral set of positions, so choices the manager makes. If this is the case, then
an active manager can easily set portfolio weights with the framework allows us to measure the effect of
reference to the neutral index weights. There is typically deviating from the mandated market risk as well.
a well-defined process for coming up with the index con- • Finally, alpha measures the average return to non-
stituents and their weights. benchmark risk taken. We can evaluate our deci-
The active component of risk and return is what we seek sion to allocate to the manager by analyzing alpha.
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when allowing managers to deviate from their assigned bench-

mark. Hedge funds are an extreme case in which the man- Alpha is the return to skill-based strategies. Some exam-
ager is completely free of a passive asset class benchmark ples of skill-based strategies include security selection (e.g.,
portfolio—there is no neutral set of positions for a hedge long and short positions in specific securities) and sector
fund manager. Nevertheless, recognizing that any port- rotation (e.g., long and short positions in particular sec-
folio combines passive and active risks, hedge funds are tors). Interestingly, the timing decision can also be viewed
really not very different from other components of our as an application of a skill-based strategy. In this case, the
investment portfolios. As implementation vehicles for manager’s skill lies in choosing when to deviate from a
managers’ views, and ideally as vehicles for pure active long-term beta: when positive returns are expected, then
risk (i.e., active risk that is uncorrelated with market risk), the manager should increase their beta relative to the long-
hedge funds represent something familiar in our portfo- term beta and vice versa. From the perspective of port-
lios—active risk—but with little or no passive asset class folio construction, the key consideration for alpha is that
risk attached. it is uncorrelated with market performance. This property
The framework for thinking about active and pas- becomes important as we begin to assess how to estimate
sive risk is, at this point, quite well accepted and well hedge fund returns.
defined. The following formula captures the main ideas: In any period, alpha is the difference between port-
folio return and return attributable to the market.
Rp = Rf + Beta ¥ (Rm – Rf ) + Alpha
Alpha = Rp – [Rf + Beta ¥ (Rm – Rf )]
We start with the idea of portfolio return, Rp,
deriving from the risk-free rate of return, Rf , and com- We can evaluate the value proposition of investing
pensation for bearing risk. The latter term can itself be in an active manager by assessing the amount of active
divided into two pieces: the first of these is passive, or return received per unit of active risk. This is typically
asset class, return and is given by [Beta ¥ (Rm – Rf)] (beta summarized by the Information Ratio (IR), calculated
measures market risk, and Rm is the return on the market as the ratio of average alpha to residual risk.3 Residual risk
index). The second compensation for bearing risk is alpha. is measured as the standard deviation of alpha over time.
Alpha is a measure of the return derived from skill-based We can therefore restate that alpha = IR ¥ residual
deviations from market (or asset class) returns.2 risk, to reflect the economic reality that alpha derives
There are a few important observations from this from the manager’s investment skill as measured by IR,
formula: and the amount of active risk the manager assumes. This
allows us to more clearly decompose returns as:
• First, we are interested in accounting for market risk
when evaluating an active portfolio manager since Rp = Rf + Beta ¥ (Rm – Rf ) + IR ¥ Residual Risk
we expect to be paid for taking this risk. We can
evaluate our decision to allocate to the asset class by With hedge funds, there is no externally imposed
comparing the passive asset class return Rm to rea- guideline or restriction dictating the amount of market risk
sonable foregone alternative opportunities, such as taken. Consequently, we typically combine expected
the risk-free rate. market returns and active returns in the risk premium to
• Second, each portfolio may have a different level of create an expected return for the manager. That is:
mandated market risk (e.g., a different level of beta),

Rp = Rf + risk premium We should also ask a few other questions, however.
First, how much market risk did the manager take? By
Importantly, if we expect the manager to take some simply looking at the difference between portfolio return
steady state amount of market risk, we will reflect that in and benchmark return, we are implicitly assuming the
the expected risk premium. The framework also allows manager had a beta of one. More careful attribution will
us the ability to debate the relative merits of our expected help us understand the sources of active return, which
risk premium based on a few well-defined inputs. may include both stock bets and beta bets. The second
It would be unreasonable to expect an active manager question is how much risk did the manager take to achieve
to deliver exactly the expected alpha in every period. There- the alpha?
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The Journal of Alternative Investments 2004.7.3:35-46. Downloaded from www.iijournals.com by NEW YORK UNIVERSITY on 08/31/16.

fore, in addition to a single estimate of expected return for We can make the example more concrete with some
the manager, we can use our measures of residual risk to numbers. Let’s say that for a given period the MSCI-World
develop a reasonable range of alphas to be expected from the Index returns 10%, the manager returns 12%, the risk-
manager. Residual risk simply captures the dispersion of alpha free rate is 2%, and the manager’s active risk is 10%. Taking
over time, as measured by the standard deviation of alpha. a very simple view, and assuming the manager’s beta is
Consequently, we can use residual volatility to determine one, the manager outperformed the MSCI-World Index
whether realized alphas are within expectations. by 2%, with 10% tracking error, yielding an IR of 0.2.
Assuming that alphas (and residual returns) are normally Suppose, instead, that we account for the manager’s
distributed, we would expect a manager to deliver alpha that is beta, which is actually 1.25. Now, using our framework,
within one residual volatility above or below expected alpha in we see that the true alpha = 12% – [2% + 1.25 ¥ (10% –
two out of every three years. Moreover, in one out of twenty 2%)] = 0%. Clearly, accounting for market risk can have
years, we would expect to see alpha less than expected alpha a material effect on our conclusion about the manager’s
minus two standard deviations or greater than expected alpha ability to add value.5
plus two standard deviations. To set an expectation for this manager’s alpha, we
This type of framework might seem out of place need to have an expected IR and residual risk. We assume
when we think about hedge funds. However, we believe an IR of 0.4 at 10% residual volatility, so the expected
that although hedge fund managers do not explicitly mea- return is:
sure themselves against performance benchmarks, this
type of framework is useful to investors for at least three risk-free rate + 1.25 ¥ (Rm – Rf ) + 0.4 ¥ 10%
reasons. First, framing the issues this way forces us to think
very carefully about the sources of return from their hedge or,
fund managers. Second, this framework can help us mean-
ingfully compare hedge fund managers with other sources of risk-free rate + 10% + 4%
active return. Finally, sizing allocations to hedge funds rela-
tive to other investments cannot be done without devel- Here, we expect the manager to generate 10% return
oping a framework such as this. from market exposure, and an alpha of 4%. In two out of
three years, we should expect the manager’s alpha to be
EVALUATING PERFORMANCE in the range of alpha +/– residual risk, so 4% +/– 10%.
USING THE FRAMEWORK: EXAMPLES The range on alpha for two out of three years should be
–6% to +14%.
A Long-Only Manager
Hedge Fund Managers
Perhaps the best way to understand this framework
is first to apply it to the familiar problem of a traditional A few examples will help demonstrate how this
long-only manager.4 Suppose we have invested with an well-established framework can be used in evaluating
equity manager and have given that manager the MSCI- hedge funds.
World Index as a benchmark. Many investors will com- Continuing with our assumptions that the market
pare the manager’s return to the benchmark return and returns 10% and the risk-free rate is 2%, let’s suppose
use that alpha as the basis for evaluating the manager’s we have a hedge fund that has a zero beta to equity mar-
performance. kets, operates with a 10% residual volatility, and is


expected to have an IR of 0.7. Our hurdle for the hedge index returns. The next section reviews some of the issues
fund would be: associated with hedge fund index data.

risk-free rate + 0 ¥ (Rm – Rf) + 0.7 ¥ 10% ISSUES WITH HEDGE FUND INDICES

or, Much of the debate around hedge fund performance

measurement has focused on assessing the performance of
risk-free rate + 7% a portfolio of hedge funds relative to an index of hedge
fund peers. We are all conditioned to compare portfolio
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If market exposure is zero, then the entire risk pre- returns to an asset class, or index, return. However, in the
mium comes from active risk. Unless the manager’s case of hedge funds there is no equilibrium asset class
expected IR changes or its active risk changes, this return just as there is no equilibrium metric for bench-
expected premium over the risk-free rate should be con- marking active risk. Consequently, a cottage industry of
stant. Since the hedge fund has a residual volatility of 10%, hedge fund indices has emerged. These peer indices are
we would expect returns to be within the range of risk- collections of returns to hedge fund managers who have
free rate +7% +/– 10%, or risk-free rate –3% to risk-free chosen to report to the index provider.
rate +17%, in two out of three years. Moreover, we would The fundamental challenge is that there is no the-
expect to see returns outside of the range risk-free rate oretical basis for creating an index of hedge funds. In the
+7% +/– (2 ¥ 10%) one year out of every twenty. That case of equities, for example, indices are intended to cap-
is, we could reasonably expect to see returns within the ture the investment opportunity set. This guides princi-
range of risk-free rate –13% to risk-free rate +27%. ples for both inclusion and weighting of assets. For hedge
If instead the manager had a beta of 0.5, a residual funds, no well-defined investment opportunity set exists,
volatility of 10%, and an IR of 0.7, then the hurdle and there is no equilibrium holding of hedge funds.
would be: Strategy weights, number of managers represented, and
even weighting scheme are all questions for which there
risk-free rate + 0.5 ¥ (10% – 2%) + 0.7 ¥ 10% is no real guidance. This, of course, has not prevented the
creation of indices, each with its own idiosyncrasies, and
or, it does not relieve hedge fund of fund managers of respon-
sibility and accountability to clients. Nevertheless, the
risk-free rate +11% following is a discussion of the litany of potential short-
comings in available indices.
Interestingly, if the manager is expected to take some The Association for Investment Management and
amount of market risk, the realized risk premium will Research lists five shortcomings of peer indices, all of
depend upon market return. For example, if the market which apply to hedge fund peer indices:6
delivers a –10% return, then we may reasonably compare
the manager’s performance to: 1. They are not available real time, resulting in a time
lag for comparison.
risk-free rate + 0.5 ¥ (–10% – 2%) + 0.7 ¥ 10% 2. There is no established oversight process for deter-
mining universe participants and whether the uni-
or, verse accurately represents the entire asset class or
style of management.
risk-free rate + 1%. 3. Survivor bias will develop over time as some man-
agers are deleted from the universe.
Of course, to seriously apply this framework to issues 4. They are not replicable or investible.
such as expected hedge fund return estimation or active 5. They do not permit the manager to move to a
risk budgeting, we need to estimate information ratios, known neutral position.
residual risk levels, and values for beta. To estimate these
parameters, we will need to rely on data for hedge fund The starting point for any index is collecting data
managers. Many practitioners use data on hedge fund for the universe of assets. With hedge funds, even this is

EXHIBIT 1 an annualized return of 1.3%. In contrast, the Event
Equity Long/Short Statistics— Driven Index returned 9.5% over the same period, while
January 1994 Through December 2003 the investible version returned 10.3%.
The tremendous diversity of hedge fund strategies
CSFB/Tremont HFR
Equity Equity Hedge and trading approaches means that there are differences
Number of funds at July 2003 360 164 between managers executing the same strategy, ranging
from small nuances to large discrepancies. For example,
Annualized return 12.2% 15.6%
the degree of leverage used varies greatly across managers
Beta to S&P 500 executing the same strategy. The inability to evaluate these
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manager nuances without making an investment (and,

Full period 0.40 0.41
occasionally, even after making significant investment in
Minimum 36 month beta 0.14 0.30 managers that do not provide transparency) weakens
understanding of index characteristics.
Maximum 36 month beta 0.65 0.52
Over time the indices have suffered from backfill
Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management. bias and survivor bias. Backfill bias is introduced when the
new managers are included only after they have been
trading for some time, and then all performance data up
complicated by the fact that no comprehensive database
to the date of inclusion are added to the index history as
exists. As a result, each provider must start by collecting
if the manager had always been there. The problem is that
data from hedge fund managers. Since managers are not
the manager’s returns are only included conditional on
required to report—the first shortcomings are readily
the manager having survived. Survivor bias is an issue if
apparent. Indices are built from a sample of managers who
managers that go out of business are removed from the
choose to report, that may not be representative of the avail-
index retroactively, thereby leaving only managers that
able strategies, and that typically choose which strategy
eventually survive in the performance record. This implic-
grouping in which to classify themselves. As listed in
itly supposes omniscience on the part of the index and
Exhibit 1, as of July 2003, there were 164 funds in the
overstates returns.
CSFB/Tremont Equity Long/Short Index, and there were
Finally, an investor may consciously choose to avoid
360 funds in the HFR Equity Hedge Index.
risks that seem to be inherent in some strategies. For
Because there are no theoretical underpinnings to
example, long-short equity managers that do not have a
the index, the process for including managers and assigning
large directional bias in their portfolios, but rather use
weights is up to the index provider. Whether managers
bottom-up fundamental equity selection to build expo-
should be equally weighted, or weighted by assets under
sures could have a lower beta than the CSFB/Tremont
management, is a matter of discretion. For example, the
Equity Long/Short Index.
CSFB/Tremont indices weight fund returns by assets under
In spite of all the challenges in creating indices, they
management, while the HFR indices are equally weighted.
are still helpful to us, both in developing long-term expec-
Some of the most successful managers in the index
tations for hedge fund performance and in providing a
may not be accepting new capital, referred to as closed
rough guide to hedge fund performance relative to other
managers. Further, some index providers do not reveal
asset classes. For example, when the MSCI-World Index
the index constituents, while others do not disclose the
was down 19.9% in 2002, it was useful to know that the
weights of the constituents in the index. The lack of trans-
CSFB/Tremont Equity Long/Short Index was down only
parency and the inclusion of closed managers in the index render
1.6 %. Performance differences between a specific port-
an index not investible, and potentially an unrealistic standard
folio of hedge funds and a seemingly appropriate hedge
to beat. In August 2003, CSFB/Tremont introduced a
fund index may exist for any of the reasons outlined above.
series of investible indices as companions to their stan-
dard indices. Returns for the indices were generated using
data starting January 2000. To demonstrate the discrep- ANALYSIS OF HEDGE FUND INDEX RETURNS
ancies between the two indices, the Equity Long/Short
Although hedge fund index data should not be
Index returned an annualized 3.2% between January 2000
regarded as suitable for performance measurement purposes,
and June 2003, while its investible counterpart delivered
they can be useful for active risk budgeting purposes. Insti-


EXHIBIT 2 standard deviation of returns, the excess
Summary Monthly Risk and Return Statistics kurtosis, and the skewness for each
strategy. All performance characteristics
Equity Fixed
Convertible Market Income Event Equity Tactical
are reported relative to cash (i.e., they
Arbitrage Neutral Arbitrage Driven Long/Short Trading are excess returns).
Average Monthly Return 0.45 0.46 0.16 0.51 0.56 0.13 As is evident from Exhibit 2, on
Monthly Std Deviation 1.37 0.85 1.16 1.79 3.14 2.44 average the indices outperformed cash
Skewness -1.71 0.04 -3.41 -3.85 -0.10 0.23 over the entire period: that is, if a hedge
Excess Kurtosis 4.68 0.39 18.25 26.91 3.55 -0.05 fund investor had been able to invest in
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Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management. any of the indices, their performance
would have beaten a cash benchmark.
EXHIBIT 3 Not surprisingly, the indices differ
Summary Regression Statistics (Annualized) in terms of their risk characteristics.
Equity Fixed Equity long/short strategies had the
Convertible Market Income Event Equity Tactical highest monthly standard deviation of
Arbitrage Neutral Arbitrage Driven Long/Short Trading returns, while equity market neutral
Annualized Alpha 5.16 5.15 1.92 4.93 4.38 2.09 strategies had the lowest. Historically,
Beta 0.04 0.07 0.01 0.23 0.45 -0.10 neither tactical trading nor equity
Annualized Residual Volatility 4.73 2.74 4.04 5.02 8.26 8.34 market neutral strategies seemed to have
T-stat for Alpha 3.42 5.88 1.49 3.08 1.66 0.79 had much skewness or excess kurtosis.
T-stat for Beta 1.59 4.47 0.35 7.91 9.35 -2.07 By contrast, negative skewness was evi-
Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management.
dent in the convertible arbitrage, fixed
income arbitrage, and event driven
tutional investors face choices regarding the size of the total strategies, while the equity long/short index showed
allocation to hedge funds and the distribution of invest- some evidence of excess kurtosis.7
ments across types of hedge funds. These issues should be Of course, the summary statistics shown in Exhibit
treated analytically even though these index data are of 2 don’t tell the entire story about the sources of perfor-
dubious quality. The real issue is to put the data to uses for mance. In particular, they do not tell us anything about
which the quality issues are less onerous. In our view, risk the attribution of performance to manager skill (in the
characteristics estimated from hedge fund index data can form of alpha) and market performance (in the form of
be used as part of the ex ante risk budgeting process. beta). A simple way to analyze this issue is to regress the
Our analysis of the hedge fund index returns starts monthly performance of each hedge fund index on a suit-
with a broad classification of hedge fund strategies into ably chosen market portfolio.
six specific types. These are: Exhibit 3 shows the results of a regression of hedge
fund index performance on the Russell 3000.8 The exhibit
• convertible arbitrage reports the estimated beta (or market exposure) and the
• equity market neutral estimated alpha (or the value added from the strategy) for
• fixed income arbitrage each hedge fund sector.
• event driven Two interesting features are worth noting:
• equity long/short
• tactical trading • First, the estimated alpha for each strategy is still
positive. That is, even after adjusting for market
Index returns from the CSFB/Tremont hedge fund exposure, historically the hedge fund managers in
indices were used for the first five strategies, and the Bar- these indices added value. However, while all esti-
clays CTA Index was used for the tactical trading indices. mated alphas are positive, not all are statistically sig-
Exhibit 2 shows the summary statistics for each of the nificant. In particular, once market exposure is
six strategies. These statistics were estimated using monthly eliminated, the estimated alphas from equity long/
returns over the period January 1994 through November short, tactical trading, and fixed income arbitrage
2003. The exhibit shows the average monthly return, the are not statistically different from zero.

EXHIBIT 4 An analysis of the rolling beta
Time Varying Risk Characteristics and residual volatility calculations
reveals three interesting points. First,
we can see that the estimated beta
values for three sectors have uniformly
declined (equity long/short, equity
market neutral, and tactical trading).
Second, we can see clear evidence of
a data-induced “jump” in the esti-
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mated market exposure for the event

driven and convertible arbitrage
Dec 96 Dec 96 strategies. Finally, this data “jump” is
also evident in the time series of esti-
mated residual volatility for the equity
Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management.
long/short, convertible arbitrage, and
fixed income arbitrage strategies.
• Second, four of the strategies have estimated betas Understanding the source of
that appear to be quite close to zero. The estimated the time variation in the estimated risk characteristics is
betas for the convertible arbitrage, fixed income arbi- an important topic, and one that is beyond the scope of
trage, equity market neutral, and tactical trading strate- this article. Interpretation of the results will clearly depend
gies lie in the range –.10 to .07. Of these, only the on how readily more data become available. For example,
tactical trading and equity market neutral strategies it is evident that market events in the fall of 1998 produced
have betas that are statistically different from zero. The jumps in estimated market exposures and residual volatility
remaining two strategies, event driven and equity levels for a number of strategies. However, this was one
long/short, have estimated beta values that are mean- extreme market event over a 10-year sample. It is not
ingfully different from zero (e.g., equity long/short obvious that we can infer that market participants will
has an estimated beta of .45). These results, combined necessarily react in the same way during another period
with the estimated alphas, suggest that the tactical of market stress.
trading, equity market neutral, convertible arbitrage, Similarly, we see evidence that estimated beta values
and fixed income arbitrage appear to represent pure have steadily declined for a number of strategies. The
forms of alpha, i.e., one that is uncorrelated with period during which the estimated beta values have
market risk. On the basis of this analysis, allocations declined corresponds to the period where broad market
to equity long/short and event driven should be declines were negative. What should we infer from the
determined after adjusting for market exposure. decline in estimated beta values? Two possibilities could
be: managers in these sectors are responding to market
Of course, we can expect to see time variation in events with a timing decision; managers in these sectors
each of these risk characteristics. Exhibit 4 illustrates this are permanently reducing their beta exposures and pro-
point by plotting the estimated beta and residual volatility ducing portfolios of pure alpha. Because we have data on
levels for each of the six hedge fund sectors, estimated over manager risk characteristics over only two market envi-
a rolling 36-month period. Evidence of time variation in ronments (equity markets up and equity markets down),
the risk characteristics should not be particularly surprising, it is hard to make a case for one scenario over another.
since hedge fund managers are largely unconstrained. This From the perspective of developing an ex ante active
information is telling us that there are periods where hedge risk budget, time variation in market exposure and residual
fund managers, on average, increase their market expo- volatility is of interest because of its impact on our assess-
sure, and other periods where they choose to reduce expo- ments of long-term market exposure and active risk. Our
sure to market returns: effectively, they are making a timing interest from investment policy purposes is to develop a
bet. In many respects, hedge fund managers who vary long-term allocation of active risk to hedge funds and other
their market exposure are no different from traditionally sources of active risk. To that end, we should focus on the
oriented active equity managers who do the same. estimates of long-term risk characteristics. These estimates


EXHIBIT 5 and the Tactical Trading sector after the
Correlation of Excess Returns impact of market exposure has been elim-
inated. These characteristics are important
Equity Fixed
Convertible Market Income Event Equity Tactical
for both developing long-term expected
Arbitrage Neutral Arbitrage Driven Long/Short Trading return assumptions as well as an ex ante
Convertible Arbitrage 1.00 0.25 0.55 0.63 0.21 -0.01
active risk budget.
Equity Market Neutral 0.25 1.00 0.06 0.19 0.13 0.30 Exhibit 5 shows the estimated corre-
Fixed Income Arbitrage 0.55 0.06 1.00 0.45 0.23 0.08 lation of excess returns for the six hedge
Event Driven 0.63 0.19 0.45 1.00 0.44 -0.03 fund sectors under consideration. As we can
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Equity Long/Short 0.21 0.13 0.23 0.44 1.00 0.15 see, most of the correlations of excess returns
Tactical Trading -0.01 0.30 0.08 -0.03 0.15 1.00 differed from zero historically. In fact, on
Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management. average the correlation of excess returns was
about .25, although there is some clear vari-
EXHIBIT 6 ation around that average. When the excess
Historical Alphas and Information Ratios returns for two sectors are positively corre-
Equity Fixed lated, then if the excess return for one sector
Convertible Market Income Event Equity Tactical is positive, the second sector will also be pos-
Arbitrage Neutral Arbitrage Driven Long/Short Trading itive. For example, the correlation of excess
Alpha 5.16 5.15 1.92 4.93 4.38 2.09 returns between the Equity Market Neutral
Residual Volatility 4.73 2.74 4.04 5.02 8.26 8.34 and Equity Long/Short sectors is .13.
Information Ratio 1.09 1.88 0.48 0.98 0.53 0.25 Holding other factors constant, when the
Alpha T-Statistic 3.42 5.88 1.49 3.08 1.66 0.79 alpha for equity market neutral is positive
Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management. we should also expect a positive alpha for
Equity Long/Short.
might change if we believe that managers in a particular style
have systematically changed the way they structure their CALIBRATING INFORMATION RATIOS
portfolios. For example, if we believe that all equity
long/short managers will be setting their beta exposure at How can we put the figures in Exhibits 2 and 3 to
permanently lower levels, then we would want to discount work? From a risk budgeter’s perspective, there are four
any observations from periods where managers had higher figures that are of interest:
betas. However, it is hard to draw firm conclusions on the
precise level of manager risk characteristics, given that we 1. The market exposure for each strategy
have data on only two market environments. Thus, our 2. The estimated alpha
preference is to use all available data in estimating our long- 3. The estimated residual volatility
term beta and residual volatility characteristics. 4. The correlation of excess returns
From the perspective of short-term manager risk and
performance evaluation, time variation in beta and residual Each sector’s market exposure is important because
volatility is not merely an interesting discovery from the data. it gives a sense for how much of the total premium can
Understanding the sources of manager risk is important be expected from equity market performance. Estimated
for ongoing risk management, and understanding the alpha and residual volatility are important because they
sources of manager return is important for identifying those can be used to develop a historical information ratio,
decisions where the manager has skill. For example, under- which can in turn be used as one factor in forming expec-
standing whether the manager is skilled in making timing tations for future performance. The correlation matrix of
decisions cannot be done unless the investor has the man- excess returns is important because it helps determine the
ager’s short-term risk characteristics at their disposal. proper size of each position in the portfolio.
The final set of risk characteristics that is useful to Exhibit 6 reproduces the historical alpha and residual
us is the correlation of excess returns across strategies. For risk levels from Exhibit 2, as well as the historical infor-
example, we are interested in the correlation of excess mation ratio. (The exhibit also shows the t-statistics for
returns between, say, the Equity Market Neutral sector each estimate of alpha.) For example, the figures in Exhibit

5 indicate that the historical alpha from the Equity Market decision is the information ratio-ranking across hedge fund
Neutral sector was 515 basis points, with a residual sectors. The first decision answers the question, “what
volatility of 274 basis points. These figures combine to pro- expected alpha can I be expected to achieve irrespective of
duce a historical information ratio of 1.88. For another sector,” while the second answers the question, “is there
example, the historical alpha for the Tactical Trading sector any reason to differentiate across hedge fund sectors.” The
was 209 basis points, with a residual volatility of 834 basis process that we follow to determine the answers to these
points. Therefore, the historical information ratio for the questions is just as important as the actual numbers.
Tactical Trading sector was .25. The average of the infor- One framework that can help to isolate the key deci-
mation ratios for all six sectors is .87. sions is the Black-Litterman model. In this model,
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If we thought that our estimates of the historical expected returns depend on equilibrium returns, investor
alpha were accurate predictors of the future alpha that can specific views, a weight on equilibrium returns, and view-
be expected from each hedge fund sector, then our task specific confidence levels (see He and Litterman [1999]
would be complete: we could simply use the historical and Winkelmann [2003] for discussions of applications of
information ratios (and the historical beta estimates) for the Black-Litterman model). With a few simple assump-
projecting future expected returns and for developing active tions, this model can be easily applied to our problem.
risk budgets. Of course, we always know that there is some A natural starting point is the assumption regarding
uncertainty around our estimates of alpha, since we are equilibrium returns. We know that when capital markets
trying to infer the characteristics of a “true” distribution are in equilibrium, active returns (as measured by alpha)
from a sample of data. One way to measure the uncer- are zero. Thus, our equilibrium alphas are zero.
tainty that is inherent in this exercise is to calculate the Although equilibrium alphas are zero, our views on
t-statistic for each estimate of alpha. This figure tells us hedge fund alphas are most definitely not zero. In fact, it
whether the estimate of alpha is statistically different from is the development of skill-based strategies to exploit devi-
zero. As a rule of thumb, t-statistics that exceed two sug- ations from equilibrium that, paradoxically, push markets
gest that with 95% confidence, we can reject the hypoth- towards equilibrium. There are a number of ways to
esis that the “true” value of alpha is zero. For example, express views about hedge fund alphas. For our purposes,
the estimated alpha for Event Driven is 4.93% and the though, we will assume that our view on hedge fund infor-
t-statistic is 3.08. Thus, we can reject the hypothesis that mation ratios is given by the historical information ratios.
the true alpha for the Event Driven sector is not statisti- The next issue that we need to confront is how
cally different from zero (at the 95% confidence level). much weight should be placed on equilibrium versus our
Unfortunately, the historical alphas do not necessarily views. Placing all of the weight on equilibrium means
provide accurate predictors of expected future alphas, even that the expected alpha for all hedge fund sectors is zero,
if we use the t-statistics. There are two reasons for this: and consequently, investors will have no hedge fund allo-
First, historical average returns are notoriously bad pre- cations. By contrast, placing all of the weight on our view
dictors of future performance, in large part due to the means that the expected alphas will overstate the “true”
sensitivity of the choice of sample period. Second, and as alphas (because of the biases discussed above). As a result,
discussed above, the hedge fund index data are subject to views that incorporate none of the equilibrium are likely
biases. Thus, the best we can hope to get from the his- to lead to portfolios that are overexposed to hedge funds.
torical alphas is a sense of the relative ranking of hedge fund A simple way to find the weight on equilibrium is
alphas. In other words, we may be able to use the histor- to set a target information ratio. This target information
ical alphas to help us judge expected future alphas in one ratio is not manager specific, but rather reflects a target
hedge fund sector versus another, without necessarily cal- that we would like to achieve from the hedge fund pro-
ibrating the actual level of all hedge fund sectors. For the gram. Ideally, this target information ratio would reflect
latter, at a minimum we will need to adjust the historical the overall historical information ratio as well as the impact
alphas for any biases that are in the hedge fund index data. of adjusting for the biases inherent in the hedge fund data.
Two decisions would seem to be important when As well, we might set the target information ratio rela-
developing alpha projections for hedge fund sector returns. tive to information ratio assumptions about other sources
Each decision can be stated in terms of expected informa- of active return.
tion ratio assumptions. The first of these is the expected From our earlier discussion, we know that the his-
information ratio for all hedge fund sectors, while the second torical information ratio is .87. For illustrative purposes


EXHIBIT 7 Neutral, and Event Driven sectors.)
Adjusted and Historical Alphas and Information Ratios How can we put the figures in Exhibits 3
and 7 to work? A natural application of these fig-
Equity Fixed
Convertible Market Income Event Equity Tactical
ures is to develop projections for expected excess
Arbitrage Neutral Arbitrage Driven Long/Short Trading returns for each hedge fund sector. Recall from
Historical Alpha 5.16 5.15 1.92 4.93 4.38 2.09 our earlier discussion that the expected excess
Historical IR 1.09 1.88 0.48 0.98 0.53 0.25 return (i.e., the return over a risk-free rate) for
Residual Volatility 4.73 2.74 4.04 5.02 8.26 8.34 any hedge fund sector has two pieces: the
Adjusted Alpha 3.24 1.29 1.85 2.97 4.26 2.14 expected return due to market exposure and the
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Adjusted IR 0.69 0.47 0.46 0.59 0.52 0.26 expected alpha (which is itself the product of the
Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management. information ratio times the estimated residual
volatility). The expected return from market
EXHIBIT 8 exposure is simply the equity premium times the
Expected Excess Returns sector beta.
Equity Fixed Expected excess returns for each hedge
Convertible Market Income Event Equity Tactical fund sector are shown in Exhibit 8. The exhibit
Arbitrage Neutral Arbitrage Driven Long/Short Trading assumes an equity premium of 350 basis points.
Beta 0.04 0.07 0.01 0.23 0.45 -0.10
The expected alphas for each sector are taken
Equity Premium 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50
from Exhibit 7.
Market Return 0.15 0.25 0.03 0.80 1.56 -0.35
Of course, actual performance achieved in
Adjusted Alpha 3.24 1.29 1.85 2.97 4.26 2.14
any particular sector is likely to vary from the fig-
Excess Return 3.39 1.54 1.88 3.77 5.82 1.79
ures shown in Exhibit 8. The actual equity
Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management.
market performance is likely to be quite dif-
ferent from the long-term equity premium
EXHIBIT 9 assumption. Furthermore, the figures in Exhibit
Impact of Manager Selection
8 reflect an assumption about the average return
Equity Fixed to all hedge fund sectors, rather than a partic-
Convertible Market Income Event Equity Tactical
Arbitrage Neutral Arbitrage Driven Long/Short Trading
ular assumption about skill in manager selection.
This last assumption is crucial for hedge
Initial Excess Return 3.39 1.54 1.88 3.77 5.82 1.79
Skilled Excess Return 8.12 4.28 5.92 8.79 14.08 10.13
funds, as investors cannot passively implement a
Impact of Skill 4.73 2.74 4.04 5.02 8.26 8.34
hedge fund portfolio in the same way that they
Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management.
can passively receive the long-term equity pre-
mium. What investors are paying for when they
suppose that the overall target information ratio is .5. make allocations to hedge funds is exposure to
Now we can back out the weight on equilibrium that is skill-based strategies that exploit opportunities to deviate
necessary to achieve an overall target of .5. from equilibrium. It is reasonable to expect that some
The final step in the process is to assign a confidence managers may be more skilled than others in exploiting
level to each particular view. Confidence levels reflect the these opportunities. Thus, manager selection is critical in
level of uncertainty around a specific view. These levels determining actual hedge fund performance.
can reflect both statistical (e.g., the t-statistics of Exhibit For a simple example, suppose that we represent
5) and other analyses. skill in manager selection as corresponding to using man-
Exhibit 7 shows the impact on expected alpha esti- agers whose expected alpha is one standard deviation
mation after we apply the Black-Litterman process. The higher than the average. The new expected total returns
exhibit shows the historical alpha and information ratio, are shown in Exhibit 9, together with the expected returns
the residual volatility, and the adjusted alpha and infor- if we continue to use the adjusted alphas from Exhibit 7.
mation ratio. As anticipated, all of the adjusted alphas The difference row corresponds to the impact of manager
and information ratios are below their historical coun- selection on total return.
terparts. (Notice that the impact of shrinkage is most
pronounced in the Convertible Arbitrage, Equity Market
CONCLUSIONS AND INVESTMENT group of strategies relative to other strategies. Our frame-
POLICY IMPLICATIONS work addresses this question in the context of the Black-
Litterman model. This model lets investors vary the
Hedge funds are an important part of an investor’s confidence that they place in any particular view on returns.
tool kit. Because hedge funds represent relatively uncon- From the perspective of hedge fund investors, resolving
strained sources of active risk, their importance is likely this question is critical for the formulation of hedge fund
to grow. As a result, investors are seeking ways to deter- portfolios.
mine the appropriate size of their hedge fund allocation. To illustrate how our approach can be used in prac-
The size of the hedge fund allocation, in turn, will depend tice, we used hedge fund index data. These data suffer
on the expected return associated with hedge funds rel-
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from a number of biases. However, in our view these

ative to the expected returns associated with other asset biases further draw out the importance of having a frame-
classes. This article has developed a framework that work to inform discussion.
investors can use to understand the dimensions of the It is natural that some investors will have different
problem of setting hedge fund returns. The framework is opinions on hedge fund returns. However, we believe that
relevant to all hedge fund investors because it allows them these opinions can be best understood and discussed through
to analyze and address three key questions for hedge fund the application of well-understood principles of finance.
1. How much of the projected performance is due to
market movements? 1
Following AIMR’s performance and presentation stan-
2. How much of the projected performance is due to dards, a performance benchmark needs to be:
manager skill?
3. How confident am I in the manager’s (or strategy’s) 1. Representative of the asset class or mandate
ability to continue to deliver performance? 2. Investible (e.g., a viable investment alternative)
3. Constructed in a disciplined and objective manner
4. Formulated from publicly available information
In our framework, hedge fund returns can be attrib- 5. Acceptable by the manager as the neutral position
uted to three easily understood components: the return on 6. Consistent with underlying investor status (e.g.,
a risk-free asset, the return due to exposure to market regarding tax, time horizon etc.)
movements, and the return due to manager skill. The
impact of market movements is, in turn, the product of the AIMR Benchmarks and Performance Attribution Sub-
manager’s (or strategy’s) exposure to market movements and committee Report August 1998, AIMR website.
Some practitioners have used alpha synonymously with
the actual market return. Similarly, the impact of manager
active return. This usage works when beta is 1.0. Active returns
skill is simply the product of the manager’s information are better defined as Rp – Rm. After substitution, we get active
ratio and their residual volatility. This framework can be return = alpha + (beta – 1)(Rm – Rf). In this definition, what
applied at the level of individual managers, specific port- is important about alpha is that it is uncorrelated with market
folios, or indexes. Thus, our framework gives investors a risk: the definition says nothing about the source of alpha. For
way to address the first big question they should be asking example, it is possible that a manager could achieve their alpha
of their hedge fund managers, namely, how much of the through the timing decision. In this case, we would expect that
projected performance is due to market moves. the manager would vary their beta depending on their expec-
tation for future market performance: when they expected pos-
The second big question that hedge fund investors
itive market returns their beta would be greater than one, and
need to ask is, how much of the projected performance vice versa. Conditional on the manager’s market expectations,
is due to manager skill. Our framework addresses this issue their beta would be different from one. However, in order for
by focusing on target information ratios. We believe that alpha to be uncorrelated with market returns, their uncondi-
investors can set this statistic by relying on achievable tional beta (i.e., the beta represented by the average of several
information ratios from other sources of active return as market cycles) should equal one. An alpha derived from the
well as understanding the underlying financial economics timing decision stands in contrast with a long-term beta posi-
of hedge funds. tion that differs from one. In the former case, there is the poten-
tial for an active return that is unconditionally uncorrelated
The final question that hedge fund investors need with market returns, which can be called alpha with some jus-
to address is the confidence they place in one manager or tification. In the latter case, however, the active return will be


correlated with the market return. Lax, Y., T. Tyagi, and K. Winkelmann. “Active Risk Budgeting
3 in Action: Evaluating Traditional Active Managers.” Goldman
A manager’s active risk, or tracking error, is simply the
volatility of the difference between the portfolio and benchmark Sachs Asset Management Research, 2003.
returns. Residual risk is active risk after adjusting for market
exposure, measured in the form of beta. Winkelmann, K. “Improving Portfolio Efficiency.” Goldman Sachs
Asset Management Research, 2003.
In fact, TEp2 = (Beta – 1)2 ¥ sm2 + sresidual2
4 Disclosures
See Lax et al. [2003]. Goldman Sachs does not provide tax advice to its clients. All investors are strongly urged to consult with
Arguably, the manager may be actively managing market their tax advisors regarding any potential transactions or investments. There is no assurance that the tax
status or treatment of a proposed transaction or investment will continue in the future. Tax treatment or
exposure. We can capture this by extending the framework to
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status may be changed by law or government action in the future or on a retroactive basis.
encompass tactical changes in beta. We can decompose the man- Alternative Investments such as hedge funds are subject to less regulation than other types of
ager’s active return into a piece owing to the decision to vary pooled investment vehicles such as mutual funds, may make speculative investments, may be illiquid and
can involve a significant use of leverage, making them substantially riskier than the other investments.
beta as well as from other active decisions. For simplicity, sup- An Alternative Investment Fund may incur high fees and expenses which would offset trading profits.
pose the manager only varies beta and makes stock selections. A substantial portion of the trades executed for an Alternative Investment Fund may take place on non-
US exchanges. Alternative Investment Funds are not required to provide periodic pricing or valuation
This requires us to define a “policy” (unconditional) beta, which information to investors. They may involve complex tax structures an may involve delays in distributing
may be defined in investment guidelines, or may be articulated important tax information to investors. The Manager of an Alternative Investment Fund has total invest-
ment discretion over the investments of the Fund and the use of a single advisor applying generally sim-
by the manager. Performance may be decomposed to be: ilar trading programs could mean a lack of diversification, and consequentially, higher risk. Investors may
have limited rights with respect to their investments, including limited voting rights and participation
Rp = Rf + stock selection alpha + active return from in the management of the Fund.
Alternative Investments by their nature, involve a substantial degree of risk, including the risk
varying beta + policy beta ¥ (Rm – Rf ) of total loss of an investor’s capital. Fund performance can be volatile. There may be conflicts of interest
between the Alternative Investment Fund and other service providers, including the investment man-
ager and sponsor of the Alternative Investment. Alternative Investments are offered in reliance upon an
where exemption from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, for offers and sales of secu-
rities that do not involve a public offering. No public or other market is available or will develop. Sim-
ilarly, interests in an Alternative Investment are highly illiquid and generally are not transferable without
active return from varying beta = (active beta – policy beta) the consent of the sponsor, and applicable securities and tax laws will limit transfers.
¥ (Rm – Rf ) The strategy discussed herein may include the use of derivatives. Derivatives often involve a
high degree of financial risk in that a relatively small movement in the price of the underlying security
or benchmark may result in a disproportionately large movement, unfavorable as well as favorable, in the
In our example, if we assume the policy beta = 1, then price of the derivative instrument.
active return from varying beta = (1.25 – 1) ¥ (10% – 2%) = The opinions expressed in the GSAM research papers are those of the authors and not neces-
sarily those of Goldman Sachs Asset Management. The investments and returns discussed therein do not
2%. Consequently, stock selection alpha = 0% represent any Goldman Sachs fund, separate account or product.
AIMR Benchmarks and Performance Attribution Sub- This material is provided for educational purposes only and should not be construed as an
offer to sell or the solicitation of offers to buy any Goldman Sachs product or service. The information
committee Report August 1998, AIMR website. contained in these research papers is not intended to be used as a general guide to investing, or as a
The skewness statistics present interesting analytic chal- source of any specific investment recommendations, and makes no implied or express recommendations
concerning the manner in which any client’s account should or would be handled, as appropriate invest-
lenges, principally because we are not able to assess the true source ment strategies depend upon the client’s investment objectives. It is the responsibility of any person or
of the skewness. One possibility is that hedge fund managers in persons in possession of this material to inform themselves of and to observe all applicable laws and reg-
these sectors are using option-like strategies to generate excess ulations of any relevant jurisdiction.
Opinions expressed are current opinions as of the date appearing in this material only. No part
returns. In this case, statistical analysis that relied on symmetric of this material may, without Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s prior written consent, be i) copied,
distributions would clearly misstate the return expectations. A photocopied or duplicated in any form, by any means, or ii) distributed to any person that is not an
employee, officer, director or authorized agent of the recipient. Opinions and estimates, including fore-
second possibility is that the computation of summary statistics is casts of conditions, reflect our judgment as of the date of this presentation and are subject to change without
being swamped by a small number of observations in a small sample. notice. These opinions and estimates, including forecasts of conditions, involve a number of assumptions
8 that may not prove to be valid. If any of the assumptions used in this presentation do not prove to be
We could also consider multi-factor models, e.g., inclu- true, results are likely to vary substantially from the examples shown herein. Case studies and examples
ding an international equity index or a fixed income index in cited in the presentation are for illustrative purposes only and may not necessarily show actual results.
There is no guarantee that the same or similar results or transactions can or will be achieved in the future.
addition to a broad U.S. equity index. Or, we could estimate the The forecasts and estimates stated herein are largely based on proprietary models and there can
beta values by choosing appropriate lags for the market index, as be no assurance that the forecasts and estimates will be achieved.
in Asness, Krail, and Liew [2001]. Both of these issues are rele- Indices are unmanaged. The figures for the index reflect the reinvestment of dividends but do
not reflect the deduction of any fees or expenses which would reduce returns. Investors cannot invest
vant but neither will change the fundamental points of this article. directly in indices.
This presentation has been communicated in the United Kingdom by Goldman Sachs Asset
Management International which is regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). This presen-
REFERENCES tation has been issued or approved for use in or from Singapore by Goldman Sachs (Singapore) Pte.
(Company Number: 198602165W). This presentation has been issued in Hong Kong by Goldman Sachs
(Asia) L.L.C.
Asness, C., R. Krail, and J. Liew. “Do Hedge Funds Hedge?” The Copyright 2004 Goldman, Sachs & Co. All Rights Reserved. (04-1434)
Journal of Portfolio Management, 28 (2001), pp. 6-19.
To order reprints of this article, please contact Ajani Malik at
He, Guangliang, and R. Litterman. “The Intuition Behind Black- amalik@iijournals.com or 212-224-3205.
Litterman Model Portfolios.” Goldman Sachs Investment Man-
agement Research, 1999.


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