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“Smart charging station for EV’s using solar energy”

Submitted by,




Under the guidance of

Dr. Madhu B R Assistant Professor,
Dept of EEE

In partial fulfilment for the award of

degree of
Bachelor of
Engineering in
Electrical and Electronics
Engineering 2022-2023


Certified that the major project work titled ‘Smart charging station for EV’s using solar
energy’, carried out by G CHAKRADHAR REDDY (1RV19EE015), MAHANTESHA
(1RV18EE022) the bonafide students of RV College of Engineering ®, Bengaluru, submitted in
partial fulfilment for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and
Electronics Engineering of the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, during the
year 2022-2023. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for the Internal
Assessment have been incorporated in the major project report deposited in the departmental
library. The major project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in
respect of major project work prescribed by the institution for the said degree.

Signature of Guide Signature of Head of the Department Signature of Principal

Dr. MADHU B R Dr. S G SRIVANI Dr.K.N.Subramanya

External Viva

Name of Examiners Signature with Date



We, Mahantesha Hadapada,G Chakradhar Reddy , Krishan and Hemanth Kumar R

students of eighth semester B.E., Electrical and Electronics Engineering, RV College of
Engineering®, Bengaluru, hereby declare that the major project titled ‘Smart charging station
for EV’s using solar energy’ hasbeen carried out by us and submitted in partial fulfilment for
the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering during the year 2022- 2023.

Further we declare that the content of the dissertation has not been submitted previously by
anybody for the award of any degree or diploma to any other university.

We also declare that any Intellectual Property Rights generated out of this project carried out at
RVCE will be the property of RV College of Engineering ®, Bengaluru and we will be one of the
authors of the same.

Place: Bengaluru


Name Signature

2. KRISHNA S (1RV19EE023)




We are indebted to our guide, Dr, Madhu B R, Assistant Professor, Dept of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, RV College of Engineering for her wholehearted support,
suggestions and invaluable advice throughout our project work and also helped in the preparation
of this thesis.

We also express our gratitude to our panel members Dr. Dinesh M N, Professor, Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering for their valuable comments and suggestions.

Our sincere thanks to Dr. S G Srivani, Professor and Head, Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, RVCE for her support and encouragement.

We express sincere gratitude to our beloved Principal, Dr. K N Subramanya for his
appreciation towards this project work.

We thank all the teaching staff and technical staff of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
department, RVCE for their help.

Lastly, we take this opportunity to thank our family members and friends who provided all the
backup support throughout the project work.

The transition to sustainable energy sources and the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) have
become imperative to mitigate climate change and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. In this
context, this research focuses on the design and simulation of a smart charging station for EVs
using solar power. The presence of EVs in the automotive sector is required in the current
situation due to the severe depletion of fossil fuels, which make up a significant portion of the
energy used to power automobiles. These EVs are powered through the grid that is a grid to the

The methodology employed in this study involves integrating key components such as solar
panels, battery energy storage, sensors, and microcontrollers. The simulation is carried out using
Proteus software, enabling the replication of real-world charging scenarios indicated by a motor
and the evaluation of system performance. Sensors, including the LM35 temperature sensor,
voltage sensor, and current sensor, are employed to monitor the battery's condition during
charging. The Arduino microcontroller facilitates data acquisition, processing, and display of
temperature, current, and voltage values on an LCD screen. Additionally, security features such
as a password-based authentication system and an infrared (IR) sensor for vehicle proximity
detection are implemented to ensure safe and controlled charging operations.

The results of the simulation and a prototype which showcase the successful functioning of the
smart charging station. Real-time data on temperature, current, and voltage provide valuable
insights into the charging process, enabling users to monitor the battery's health. The password-
based authentication system ensures only authorized vehicles can access the charging station,
enhancing security and preventing unauthorized usage. The integration of an IR sensor enables
the detection of nearby vehicles, promoting safety by maintaining a minimum distance during
charging and key authentication for the users only. Overall, the simulation demonstrates the
feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed smart charging station, validating its potential as a
sustainable solution for EV charging. The hardware results of smart charging station prototype
are displayed through the Blynk app. The value of the voltage, current, temperature, humidity,
location as longitude and latitude are displayed in the Blynk app. The results that are obtained as
voltage of 13.2 volts, current of 0.8 amps, temperature to be 30 degrees, humidity is 26%, and
the value of longitude and latitude.

EVS Electrical Vehicles
IOT Internet Of Things
SOH State Of Health
SOC State Of Charge
CS Charge Station
WPT Wireless Power Transfer
BEVS Battery Electrical Vehicles
ICES Internal Combustion System
V2G Vehicle To Grid
ADC Analog To Digital
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
DC Direct Current
GND Ground
DMA Direct Memory Access
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
I2C Inter- Integrated Circuit
NC Normally Closed
GPIO General Purpose Input/ Output
IR Infra Red
FOV Field Of Vision
EMI Electro Magnetic Interface
OBU On Board Unit


Abstract iv

List of Tables ix

List of Figures x

Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction. 02
1.2 Literature Survey. 03
1.3 Motivation. 09
1.4 Objectives of the project. 10
1.5 Brief methodology 10
1.6 Organization of the Report 11

Chapter 2
2.1 Prerequisites required 13
2.2 Arduino 14
2.2.1 Arduino UNO board 15
2.2.2 Pin details of Arduino 16
2.2.3 Arduino Architecture 17
2.3 Embedded C 18
2.4 Hardware components 19
2.4.1 Node MCU (wi-fi model) 19
2.4.2 Relay 21
2.4.3 DC motor 23
2.4.4 Temperature Sensor 24
2.4.5 IR sensor 25
2.4.6 Voltage Sensors 26
2.4.7 Current sensor 27
2.4.8 Buzzer 28
2.4.9 Keypad 29
2.4.10 Buck Booster Converter 30

Chapter 3

3.1 Block diagram 32

3.2 Methodology 33
3.3 System Design 37
3.3.1 Libraries 38

Chapter 4
4.1 Proteus Software 41
4.2 Circuit 43
4.3 Components in Simulation 43
4.4 Connections 45
4.5 Simulations Process 46
4.6 Simulations Results 47

Chapter 5
5.1 Hardware Model 50
5.2 Blynk App 50
5.3 Results 53

Chapter 6
6.1 Conclusion 55
6.2 Future scope 55
References 57


List of Tables Page No

4.1 Rating of Components 39

5.1 Hardware component specification 54
6.1 Design Components 63

List of Figures Page No

1.1: Flowchart of execution 10

2.1: Arduino UNO board 15

2.2: Pin Diagram of Arduino 17

2.3: Arduino Architecture 17

2.4: Node MCU ESP8266 20

2.5: Pin Diagram of Node MCU ESP8266 21

2.6: Part of the relay 22

2.7: DC motor 23

2.8: Temperature Sensor 24

2.9: IR sensor 27

2.10: Voltage Sensor 27

2.11: Current Sensor 28

2.12: Buzzer 28

2.13: Keypad 30

2.14: Buck Boost Converter 30

3.1: Block diagram 32

3.2: Execution Flow Chart 35

3.3: Liberties of Arduino 39

4.1: Home page of Proteus Software 42

4.2: Simulation Circuit 43

4.3: Simulation Components 44

4.4: Led Showing the Voltage, Current and Temperature Value 48

5.1: Hardware model 50

5.2: Blynk app 52

5.3: Result in the Blynk App 53

Smart Charging Station for Electrical Vehicles Using Solar 2022-




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Smart Charging Station for Electrical Vehicles Using Solar 2022-

Introduction to Smart Charging Station
1.1 Introduction
Smart EV charging stations that use solar energy have grown significantly in popularity and
development over the past several years. The way electric vehicles are fueled and charged has been
revolutionized by these cutting-edge charging solutions, combine solar energy production with intelligent
charging infrastructure. Combining the benefits of clean energy production and practical EV charging, a
smart solar-powered charging station for electric vehicles (EVs) provides both of these advantages.
Utilizing solar energy to effectively and intelligently charge electric vehicles is it is intended to enable
sustainable transportation. Solar panels and charging infrastructure make up the two primary parts of a
smart solar- powered EV charging station. The solar panels gather sunlight and transform it into electrical
energy. They are often mounted on a rooftop or other open area nearby. The infrastructure for electric
vehicle charging is then run on this energy. The infrastructure for charging includes connections or
charging stations that work with various EV models. These charging stations have communication and
cognitive characteristics that enable them to connect with the vehicles and efficiently control the charging

The Internet of Things (IoT) be used in this project to create a real-time charging and monitoring system
for electric vehicles. The IoT technology offers a strong and integrated network of devices that facilitates
effective data exchange, communication, and control between various charging system components. The
suggested system is designed to address the main issues with EV charging, including the scarcity of
charging stations, the unpredictability of charging times, and resource efficiency. The system offers real-
time monitoring capabilities, intelligent charging algorithms, and IoT technologies to maximize efficiency,
improve user experience, and guarantee the security and dependability of the charging process. Although it
is not long-term viable, cars are nonetheless connected to the charging stations via charging cords. It has
been used in numerous applications over the past few years, ranging from home appliances to medical
implants. The charging station is positioned underneath the car to charge the EV power gearbox.
Researchers have been working on EV technology deployment for the past few years. Particularly IPWT
has a lot of benefits, such its directionality in power transfer. Additionally, throughout time, the gearbox
efficiency has greatly increased. The system's efficiency is already approach 96%, but this greatly depends
on the alignment of the transmitter and receiver loops.
This work makes a contribution by outlining a cutting-edge method for location-based car charging. Based
on the activated sensors under the wheels, the charger employs a sensor array to determine the position of

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Smart Charging Station for Electrical Vehicles Using Solar 2022-
the automobile. The algorithm determines the size of the vehicle and determines the gearbox loop with the

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best efficiency around the current EV position the sensors are turned on. Communication between the car
and the smart charger is necessary since the sensors are connected to the transmitter through wires. The
network immediately detect any alterations if the car's position changes and adjust the transmitting coil as
necessary. Show that the proposed location-based smart charger also significantly reduces the energy
needed to locate the loop with the greatest efficiency, resulting in low power consumption in the array
network. With the suggested sensor network, a car may maximize the amount of time it actually takes to
charge because the position of the vehicle is quickly determined without stopping the charging process.

1.2 Literature Survey

Ms. Bhavana D B Mr. Darshan Naik Mr. Raviraj Ms. Roopa Gubbiyavar [1], As EVs grow more
popular on the market, it is suggested that we switch to a wireless charging system rather than refueling the
cars. This will help EVs by lowering oil usage, which enhances emissions of greenhouse gases and air
pollution. This system shows how the charging station in developing technologies works and is used.
Bharathi S.H , Y.V Nithin Reddy , Dinesh , Ram Gopal [2], The application of Internet of Things (IoT)
to monitoring the introduction of electric vehicle battery. Unquestionably, an electric vehicle is entirely
dependent on the source of power provided by a battery. However, the amount of energy sent to the vehicle
is steadily declining, hence the batteries are not charged properly. This is a major problem for battery
production. In this paper, IoT approaches for observing the vehicle's parameters are provided. A voltage
sensor and an ESP 32 LCD are included in the proposed Internet of Things-based battery checking system.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8[3], Any
vehicle's battery is its most crucial part. Therefore, appropriate battery care is crucial for ensuring that it
operates as intended. Lead Acid batteries, hence are more frequently used in vehicle batteries, require
careful monitoring to operate more effectively in all conditions. So that the battery's performance are to be
continuously checked, a better organised battery management system needs to be put in place. The battery's
State of Health (SoH) and State of Charging (SoC) are its two most crucial metrics. To determine these
parameters, there are numerous coherent ways.
Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, Nur Imanina Mohamad Anuar, Radzi Ambar, Aslina Baharum, Shanoor
Shanta,Mohd Suffian Sulaiman, Shukor Sanim Mohd Fauzi, Hafizul Fahri Hanafi [4], In this paper, the use
of the Internet of Things (IoT) to track the battery performance of electric vehicles is discussed. It is
obvious that an electric car solely depends on a battery as a power source. However, the amount of energy
sent to the vehicle is gradually reducing, causes performance to degrade. For battery manufacturers, this is
a serious worry. In this paper, the notion of directly monitoring the performance of the vehicle via IoT
approaches is put forth. The user interface and the monitoring device are the two main components of the
proposed IoT- based battery monitoring system. based on findings from experiments, the system is capable
to detect degraded battery performance and sends notification messages to the user for further action.
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Smart Charging Station for Electrical Vehicles Using Solar 2022-
H.T. Mouftah [5], Since electric cars (EVs) may dramatically minimise reliance on fossil fuels and
reduce carbon emissions in urban settings, interest in alternative urban transportation paradigms like EVs
has grown in recent years. However, there are a number of obstacles in the way of EV adoption on a large
scale. Additionally, as the use of EVs rises in metropolitan areas, improper charging could result in a power
outage. EVs may be able to connect with the service provider to plan charging activities thanks to the
deployment of an EV charging network. Urban regions won't have enough charging stations due to the
rising use of EVs, hence effective EV charging management is necessary to manage and distribute the
limited resources for charging stations (CS).
Iftekhar Ahmad; Daryoush Habibi; Quoc Viet Phung [6], In this study, It is provide a smart charging
approach for a PEV network that provides a variety of charging alternatives, such as ac level 2 charging, dc
fast charging, and battery swapping capabilities at charging stations. For a PEV that needs charging
infrastructure, represent the challenge of locating the ideal charging station as a multi-objective
optimisation problem, with the objective being to locate a station that ensures the least amount of time is
spent charging, travelling, and paying for charging. Further the concept by providing an ant colony
optimisation metaheuristic solution. The proposed technique greatly lowers waiting time and charge costs,
according to simulation results.
Azhar Ul-Haq; Concettina Buccella; Carlo Cecati; Hassan A. Khalid [7], To keep electric vehicles powered
up in light of electro-mobility, charging infrastructure to be built properly. The goal of this study is to
create a framework for the deployment of EV charging infrastructure that includes unique elements. This
study examines various currently available technologies and discusses the benefits and drawbacks of
various proposed strategies for EV charging infrastructure. Additionally, numerous battery electric car
charging characteristics as well as various charging procedures and standards are researched for the
effective implementation of the facility infrastructure architecture. Then, this paper presents a novel smart
bidirectional interface equipped with multilevel cascaded power converter with embedded strategies of
reverse energy flow management supporting enhanced expansion of renewable energy integration in order
to keep stress on the power grid to a minimum.
Julia Hildermeier , Christos Kolokathis , Jan Rosenow , Michael Hogan , Catharina Wiese and Andreas
Jahn [8], The electrification of transport in Europe is at the beginning of a market transition that has the
potential to considerably reduce emissions in the transport and energy sectors so producing wider societal
benefits. According to the research that formed the basis of this study, charging electric cars (EVs) when
and where it is most advantageous for the power system result in the generation of the most value from
integrating EVs into the power grid, as long as consumers' mobility needs are satisfied at a reasonable
price. A growing amount of research on the grid integration of electric vehicles focuses on modelling the
cost of integration under different scenarios, but few studies examine the current promising practises that

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are based on currently

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in use policy tools. The authors of this study conducted a qualitative review of policies for EV grid
integration in the EU and U.S. markets.
Apoorv Prajapati, Hetal Prajapati [9], As the number of EVs on the road increases, there is a greater
need for charging infrastructure, including stations in parking garages and structures. An accessible
charging station could be a crucial requirement for those who commute over long distances in order to
guarantee their ability to complete the round trip and get home. Many EV drivers may plug in even when
charging is not necessary in order to reduce range anxiety or to shorten the charge discharge cycle and
lessen battery damage. Lack of charging facilities could make EVs less convenient and increase range
anxiety, would lead to a decline in the popularity of electric vehicle use. One possibility is the use of
charging stations that accommodate numerous vehicles simultaneously using a same infrastructure. For a
charging station to truly serve many vehicles concurrently, various components of the infrastructure to be
Muhammad Shahid Mastoi a, Shenxian Zhuang a, Hafiz Mudassir Munir b, Malik Haris c, Mannan Hassan
[10], The transition from fossil fuel-powered to ultra-low and zero tailpipe emissions cars brings about a
huge change on a global scale. Ingenious, distributed energy generation units, supportive public policies,
and an infrastructure of charging stations (CSs) with information technology are necessary for the shift to
electric vehicles. In this study, the critical elements for designing the infrastructure for electric vehicle
charging are discussed. The planning and technology advancements that be used to enhance the creation
and implementation of the infrastructure for charging stations are discussed in this paper. Present are a
thorough analysis of the current electric car scenario, the effects of EVs on grid integration, and
provisioning for Electric Vehicles with the optimum allocation. This study examines infrastructure research
and advances, obstacles, and initiatives to standardise the infrastructure to support future research in
particular. Additionally, the grid affects and economic benefits are into account when deciding where to
locate rapid charging stations. The difficulties of adoption are also discussed. On the other hand, present
and discussed are future trends in the industry, such as the use of renewable energy in energy production
and the advantages of grid technology for automobiles.
Mehdi Monadi, Hossein Farzin, Mohammad Reza Salehizadeh, Kumars Rouzbehi [11], In order to
create sustainable cities, the number of EV charging stations increase. One of the key criteria for a
dependable charging station is the provision of safe protection and control infrastructure. This paper makes
a proposal for a centralised protection, control, and monitoring unit (PCMU) for smart charging stations.
The PCMU communicates with the station's chargers, protective devices (like relays and circuit breakers),
local generating units, and all other equipment installed at the charging station to ascertain the station's
condition and find any potential supply grid issues. One of the specialisations of intelligent systems that
helps to boost network stability is self-healing, and the PCMU offers this capability. One of the main

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contributions of this research is the suggestion of a data exchange protocol between the PCMU and other
components that is based

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Smart Charging Station for Electrical Vehicles Using Solar 2022-
on the logic found in IEC 61850 standard. The most popular dependability metrics are also highlighted as
potential effects of implementing the suggested unit. Through the use of two case studies, the
recommended protection method is analysed.
Jadhav, Akshada and Ghorpade, Ganesh and Kanthikar, Nayan and Anwat, Nitesh [12], Fuel costs and
greenhouse gas emissions be reduced by using electric or battery-powered vehicles for transportation. A
vast variety of charging networks be built in an environmentally suitable setting for electrified mobility. It
is possible to charge electric automobiles without any plug-in issues using wireless electrical battery-
powered vehicle charging systems, is a different but related technology. This document describes the
WCEV (wireless charging of electrical vehicles) strategy. Among emerging transportation systems, the
WCEV is one that uses Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) generation to recharge the EV's battery. Similar to
an electric vehicle (EV) system has various types for supplying an automobile with the necessary electricity
to recharge its battery A wireless charging system that delivers power from transmitter to receiver without
contact is the most significant of them. In this study, the inductive coupling approach is used to assess the
technology for wirelessly charging electric vehicles. WPT is the process of transferring power from a power
source to a load without the use of physical connectors. WPT circuitry is placed within the automobile that
receives activated so the car reaches the charging location.
Radu Flocea, Andrei Hincu, Andrei Robu, Stelian Senocico [13], One of the strategies intended to
lessen air pollution brought on by conventional fossil fuels is the widespread use of electromobility. But a
number of things, such as inadequate charging infrastructure, battery capacity, lengthy wait times, and
psychological barriers, are currently hampering this process. In addition to worrying about their range, EV
drivers are further exasperated by the uncertainty of being able to find a charging station along their route.
Provide a solution to this problem that gets beyond the restrictions of the OCPP standard's "reserve now"
function and enables drivers to make charge reservations for the following days, particularly when
preparing a longer trip. Developed an algorithm that creates reservation intervals based on the transaction
and reservation history of the charging station. After that, conducted a number of test cases that produced
encouraging results, including no overlapping reservations and the occupation of several stations without
lines, guaranteeing a proper distribution of the energy resources available so also raising end-user
satisfaction. As a result of the solution's independence from the OCPP reservation technique, the suggested
algorithm's authentication and reservation operations only proceed through the central system, allowing the
reservation's inventor to initiate a charging transaction.
Owen Q. Wu , Şafak Yucel , Yangfang Zhou [14], Electric vehicles revolutionise urban travel,
especially in smart cities, by offering an environmentally benign substitute to conventional automobiles. In
actuality, as soon as an electric vehicle is plugged in, the charging station finishes the process as quickly as
it. Smart charging—delaying charging until the cost is lower—result in significant savings due to the

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Smart Charging Station for Electrical Vehicles Using Solar 2022-
variations in the procurement cost of power and associated emissions. The smart charging business model
for utility companies is examined in this paper.
P. Arunkumar, K. Vijith [15], EVs are becoming more and more commonplace as more nations make
the transition to pollution-free transportation. EV charging infrastructure become more and more essential
as the number of EVs rises. A system integrating IoT undoubtedly streamline EV charging operations and
assess the effects. Both V2G and transport systems benefit from this approach. The city planning would be
enhanced by the suggested system, also makes city living simple. IoT makes it simple to control the entire
V2G system, undoubtedly save time and money. Making a smart application to connect to the grid and
learn about its various tariff rates is the goal of this study. The tariff rates include both the charge for
supplying electricity to the grid and the rate for removing electricity from the system. If the user's
automobile battery is fully charged, he or she contribute some electricity to the grid and make some money.
Using the ARM Mbed controller, SoC is measured and sent to the cloud. The user's battery state (SoC) also
be shown by the application when he connects to the grid.
Er. Ashwini Deokate, Vrushali Patil, Raunak Sirsam, Vidisha Sondawale, Ajay Hedau, Abhishek Gupta
[16], Electric vehicle (EV) usage is on the rise in the modern day. In the near future, electric vehicles still
make up the majority of automobiles. This predicts that EV charging stations predominate. Most of the
time, an electric car owner charge their vehicle at the charging station itself. In order to identify EV
charging stations and reserve a charging session, are developing an app for EV riders. The rider use this
app to see every station nearby. Any station information is readily available to riders. The rider be able to
see on the app things like whether or not there is a slot open at the charging station. Additionally, riders
reserve a charging spot through this app for any date or time, as well as for a certain time. And using this,
the rider make their payment. This program enables users to save time, locate relevant information
effortlessly, and stay up to date.
Rick Wolbertus and Bas Gerzon [17], According to recent studies, charging stations are run
inefficiently. Drivers of electric vehicles (EVs) frequently keep the charging station occupied so they aren't
using it since they charge so they are parked. This makes access impossible for others. The effect of a
pricing approach to promote more efficient use of electric vehicle charging stations is being examined for
the first time in this study. To examine the impact of a time-based tax to shorten idle time at a charging
station, employed an expressed preference survey of EV drivers examined the impact of such a charge in
various scenarios, and used a latent class discrete choice model to explain the respondents heterogeneity
discovered that charging a fee significantly increase a charging station's efficiency, but different EV drivers
respond differently to fees depending on their past behaviour and the amount of parking pressure they face
close to home. These findings have consequences for both charging point operators and policy makers who
want to maximise the use of electric vehicle charging stations.

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Smart Charging Station for Electrical Vehicles Using Solar 2022-
Praveen Kumar and Kalyan Dash [18], This paper examines the prospective need for infrastructure
for electric vehicle (EV), charging station (CS), and related issues in the context of India. In order to shift
the decentralised exhaust pollution in megacities to centralised power plants in rural areas, battery electric
vehicles (BEVs) are a promising class of drive trains in the coming years, particularly in urban settings.
Due to the limited onboard energy available up to this point, the BEV's bottleneck has been in the region of
100km per charge. This bottleneck be eliminated by introducing plug-in hybrid vehicles and real-time
traffic management. Transmission and distribution, as well as market processes related to the allocation of
energy and energy mix, are all evolving with improved efficiency and dependability as the liberalisation,
privatisation, and expansion of distributed and renewable power generation on the Indian electricity market
continues. For the commercial applications of electric vehicles in the current energy market, a structured
analysis of the pertinent characteristics is conducted. To describe a situation in an aggregator manages the
charging of electric vehicles and offers supplementary grid services, market-based and regulatory concerns
are into account. For drivers of electric vehicles, finding charging stations is a significant problem that calls
for the establishment of a network of intelligent charging infrastructure. In order to deliver information
regarding the availability of charging slots at the closest CS, charging station selection algorithms use the
overall information obtained through interactions between EVs and the CSS server through the mobile
network, minimising individual waiting time and improving efficiency.
Ida Marie Henriksen, iam Throndsen, Marianne Ryghaug & Tomas Moe Skjolsvold [19], Electric
vehicles (EVs) are currently being phased in to replace vehicles with internal combustion engines (ICEs) in
Norway. The burden on regional electrical systems has increased due to an ever-increasing number of EVs
charging at night when demand peaks are already high. The use of smart charging, postpone charging until
evenings and nights when demand peaks are typically low, is suggested as a solution to peak-load issues of
this nature. Current understanding of EV users' preferences and driving forces for installing and utilising
smart chargers, however, is limited. In light of this, the study seeks to advance the comprehension in this
Rupali Patil, Prasad Mete, Dhanashree Suryawanshi, Shalu Pandey [20], Today's growing use of
electric vehicles (EVs) that are connected to the power grid creates difficulties in managing operating costs
and coordinating EV charging. With time-varying prices and users who prefer varied charging time
Charging Station (EVCS) offers difficulties for scheduling all demands, information recording and sharing
for network management, as well as data privacy and security. For all charging needs, employ EVSEs with
at least fundamental control and management features. managed the charging of electric vehicles (EVs) in
common spaces in this study using the Internet of Things (IoT) concept. A sensor is used to detect the
current and voltage based on the microcontroller, and the device creates a communication with data with
the mobile application. The mobile application manages the user authentication procedure to start the

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electric vehicle

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Smart Charging Station for Electrical Vehicles Using Solar 2022-
charging process. To see this process is unfolding, a user interface has been created, not only sends alert
messages but also displays the user's various sensor data. After charging, the user view their phone's charge
status. Since their data be stored in the cloud, it remain secure.

1.3 Motivation
The idea is motivated by the growing demand for innovative charging ideas for the electric vehicles. Since,
the battery plays a major role in charging to monitor that battery and charging station is key to avoid
accidental mishaps. If the monitoring of the charging is not provided, any one can access the station and
can charge the vehicle, to avoid this the idea is to develop a key authentication charging system. As
charging a electric vehicle it is important to monitor the voltage and current in the charging station to avoid
the major accidents. Monitoring the temperature and the humidity is also a major problem because during
the charging if any mischievous action is carried out then the temperature of the battery increases and leads
to explosion of the battery so the idea is to develop the temperature and humidity monitoring system and to
display them on the Blynk app.
Overall, the motivation behind solar-powered smart charging stations for electric vehicles is their
capacity to support environmental sustainability, provide energy independence, offer cost savings,
contribute to grid stabilization, and leverage technological advancements in the renewable energy and
transportation sectors.

1.4 Objectives of the project

The objectives of the project are:
To design an EV monitoring system that continuously monitors the voltage, current, temp and humidity in
the charging station
a. To design a key authentication charging system.
b. To design a charging station uses the solar energy.
c. To design multiple charging ports in station be accessed by key.
d. To design a system that store and access the monitored data on android app.
e. To design a system to monitor the voltage, current, temperature, humidity and to display them on the
Blynk app.

1.5 Brief methodology

Methodology of the project consists of following steps:
1. Developed a realistic model to create the final product for this proposed system. The block diagram of
the proposed methodology is explained

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Smart Charging Station for Electrical Vehicles Using Solar 2022-
2. The proposed system consists of different sensors like the current sensor, voltage sensor, a
temperature sensor for monitoring different battery conditions in the vehicle.
3. Current sensor ACS712 is used to monitor the current through battery and voltage

Figure 1.1: Flow of execution

The voltage sensor as in Figure 1.1 monitor the voltage of up to 25V DC and the current sensor monitor the
current of up to 5A. The temperature sensor monitor the temperature of the battery so that it decide the
performance of the battery.
The outputs of the current sensor, voltage sensor, and temp sensor are analog in nature and need to convert
that analog output from the sensor into digital format, and for that, are going to use inbuilt ADC of the
controller is 10-bit and 13-channel ADC.
This information from sensors is processed in the controller and displayed on blynk.A Keypad system is
used for security purpose for monitoring of EV charging for vehicles & IR sensor for avoiding collision
between vehicles so charging. Also, this information is transferred to NodeMCU for uploading that
information on the cloud. NodeMCU is having inbuilt Wi-Fi. Also, this information is accessed in an
android app.

1.6 Organization of the report

This report is organized as follows:
 Chapter 2 discusses the fundamentals of smart charging station, the components used as well as
software tools used in the project
 Chapter 3 discusses about the detailed explanation of methodology, block diagram, design of the
system and the programming of Arduino.
 Chapter 4 discusses about the simulations and the results.
 Chapter 5 shows the hardware model and the results.

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 Chapter 6 involves conclusion, future scope and learning outcomes

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Fundamentals of Smart Charging and Hardware Requirements
The use of a microprocessor, namely Arduino helps in coordinating motors, sensors and
implementing key authentication functionality with technicalities involved and the theory behind smart
charging station is discussed in detail to an insight into the thought process and reasoning for choosing the
components and software’s.

2.1 Prerequisites required

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that has gained significant popularity among
hobbyists, students, and professionals for creating interactive projects. It consists of both hardware and
software components, providing a versatile and accessible way to prototype and build various electronic
systems. Arduino boards come in various sizes and configurations, catering to different project
requirements. The most commonly used board is the Arduino Uno, features a microcontroller, digital and
analog input/output pins, and various other components for power and communication. Other Arduino
models, such as the Arduino Mega or Arduino Nano, offer additional features like more input/output pins
or smaller form factors. Overall, Arduino has revolutionized the way people approach electronics and
programming by offering an accessible and flexible platform for creating interactive projects. Its simplicity,
community support, and versatility have made it a go-to choice for beginners and experienced users alike.
Embedded C programming is a specialized area of programming that focuses on developing software
for embedded systems. Embedded systems are computer systems designed to perform specific tasks and are
typically found in various devices and applications, such as consumer electronics, industrial equipment,
automotive systems, and medical devices. The primary goal of embedded C programming is to develop
software that enables the embedded system to perform its intended functions reliably and efficiently. This
involves writing code to control and manage hardware peripherals such as sensors, actuators,
communication interfaces, timers, and interrupts. Embedded C programmers need to be familiar with the
specific microcontroller or microprocessor architecture they are working with, as each has its own set of
features and instruction sets. In addition to hardware interaction, embedded C programming involves tasks
such as managing memory, implementing real-time constraints, optimizing code for performance and
power consumption, and ensuring system reliability and safety. Debugging and testing techniques are
crucial in embedded programming to identify and fix issues, as well as to verify the correct functioning of
the system. Overall, embedded C programming is a specialized discipline that combines knowledge of the
C programming language, hardware architecture, and system-level understanding. It allows developers to
create efficient and robust software solutions that drive the functionality of embedded systems and enable
them to perform their intended tasks in various domains.
The Arduino Uno is one of the most popular and widely used development boards in the Arduino ecosystem.
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It is based on the ATmega328P microcontroller and provides a versatile platform for prototyping and creating
interactive electronic projects.

2.2 Arduino
To get started with Arduino and use the Arduino Uno board, there are a few prerequisites. So considering:
Basic Electronics Knowledge: It's helpful to have a basic understanding of electronics concepts like voltage,
current, resistance, and components such as resistors, capacitors, LEDs, and sensors. This knowledge aid in
connecting and interfacing different electronic components with the Arduino Uno.
1. Programming Fundamentals: Arduino programming uses a variant of the C++ programming
language, it's not essential to be an expert programmer. However, having a basic understanding of
programming concepts like variables, loops, conditional statements, and functions greatly assist in
writing code for the Arduino.
2. Arduino IDE: The Arduino Uno requires the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to
write, compile, and upload code to the board. The IDE is available for free and supports Windows,
macOS, and Linux operating systems. By downloading the IDE from the official Arduino website
and install it on computer.
3. USB Cable: Need a USB cable to connect the Arduino Uno to the computer. The Arduino Uno
utilizes a standard USB Type-B connector, so make sure the cable is computable.
4. Arduino Uno Board: Of course, need an Arduino Uno board itself. purchase an official Arduino Uno
board or compatible clones from various online or offline retailers. Ensure that the have the physical
board available for experimentation.
5. Documentation and Resources: Arduino has extensive documentation, tutorials, and examples
available on their official website. These resources help understand the basics, explore different
projects, and troubleshoot issues along the way. Familiarize with the official Arduino documentation
and other online resources to enhance the learning experience.
2.2.1 Arduino Uno board
The Arduino Uno board is a popular and widely used development board in the Arduino
ecosystem. It is designed to be beginner-friendly, versatile, and suitable for a wide range of electronic
projects. However some key details about the Arduino Uno board:
1. Microcontroller: The Arduino Uno is based on the ATmega328P microcontroller, an 8-bit AVR
microcontroller. It operates at a clock speed of 16 MHz and has 32KB of flash memory for storing
code, 2KB of SRAM for variables and data, and 1KB of EEPROM for non-volatile storage.
2. Digital Input/Output Pins: The Uno board features a total of 14 digital input/output pins (marked
as digital pins 0 to 13). These pins be configured as either inputs or outputs and be used for reading
digital signals or controlling external devices such as LEDs, motors, sensors, and more.
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six of these pins (digital pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11) support Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) for
analog-like output control.
3. Analog Inputs: The Uno has six analog input pins (labeled A0 to A5) that be used to read analog
voltages from sensors or other analog devices. These pins have a 10-bit analog-to-digital converter
(ADC), allowing to measure voltages in the range of 0 to 5 volts.
4. USB Interface: The Arduino Uno board includes a built-in USB interface, allowing it to connect to
a computer for programming and communication. The USB connection is used to upload code from
the computer to the board and also be used for serial communication between the Uno and the

Figure 2.1:Arduino uno board

5. Power Options: The Arduino Uno as in f Figure 2.1 be powered in multiple ways. It be powered
through the USB connection from a computer or by using an external power supply connected to the
DC power jack. Additionally, the board has a Vin pin that accept a regulated voltage between 7V
and 12V, be used as an alternative power input.
6. Reset Button: The Uno board has a reset button that be pressed to restart the program running on
the microcontroller. This button is useful when want to upload new code or restart the program
7. Compatibility: The Arduino Uno is compatible with a wide range of shields and expansion boards,
be easily stacked on top of the Uno to add specific functionalities like Wi-Fi connectivity, motor
control, LCD displays, and more. This expandability allows to extend the capabilities of the board
for different project requirements.

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2.2.2 Pin details of Arduino
1. Digital Pins: The Arduino Uno has a total of 14 digital input/output pins. These pins be used for
both digital input and output operations. They are labeled from 0 to 13 and be referred to as "digital
pin 0" to "digital pin 13". All digital pins be configured as inputs or outputs.
2. Analog Pins: The Uno board has six analog input pins, labeled A0 to A5. These pins be used to
read analog voltages from sensors or other analog devices. The analog input pins also be used as
digital pins, referred to as "digital pin A0" to "digital pin A5".
3. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Pins: The Arduino Uno has six pins capable of providing Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM) output. These pins are digital pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. PWM pins
allow to control the output voltage in a way that simulates analog output.
4. Power pins:
 5V and 3.3V: The Arduino Uno provides a regulated 5V output pin and a 3.3V output pin. These
pins be used to power external components that require these voltages.
 GND: The board has several ground (GND) pins that serve as the common reference for electrical
Other Important Pins:
 Vin: This pin allows to provide an external regulated voltage (7V to 12V) to power the Arduino Uno.
 AREF: The Analog Reference pin is used to set the external reference voltage for the analog-to-
digital converter (ADC).
 Reset: The Reset pin is used to restart the program running on the microcontroller. Pressing the
reset button or applying a low-level signal to this pin resets the board.

Figure 2.2: Pin diagram of Arduino

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2.2.3 Arduino architecture:
The Arduino architecture refers to the underlying hardware and software components that make up an
Arduino board and enable its functionality as in Figure 2.2. The architecture encompasses the
microcontroller, system design, and software framework that together form the foundation of the Arduino
platform as in Figure 2.3

Figure 2.3: Arduino architecture

2.3 Embedded C
Embedded C refers to the subset of the C programming language that is specifically used for
programming embedded systems. It is a variant of the C language that is tailored to the requirements and
constraints of embedded systems, are computer systems designed to perform specific tasks and are
typically embedded within other devices or machinery. Embedded C programming involves writing code to
control and interact with the hardware components of an embedded system, such as microcontrollers,
sensors, actuators, and communication interfaces. It requires a deep understanding of the hardware
architecture, low- level programming concepts, and the ability to write efficient and optimized code.

Some key aspects of embedded C programming:

1. Low-Level Programming: Embedded C programming often involves working at a low level,
interacting directly with hardware registers and memory. This requires an understanding of bitwise
operations, pointers, and direct memory access (DMA) to manipulate and control hardware resources
2. Memory Management: Embedded systems typically have limited memory resources. Efficient
memory management is crucial in embedded C programming to minimize memory usage and optimize
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performance of the system. This includes managing variables, arrays, and dynamic memory allocation, if
3. Real-Time Constraints: Many embedded systems operate in real-time or have real-time requirements,
where tasks need to be executed within specific timing constraints. Embedded C programmers need to
consider timing and synchronization issues to ensure that the system responds predictably and reliably.
4. Device Drivers and Peripheral Interaction: Embedded C programming involves writing device
drivers and interacting with various hardware peripherals such as timers, UART (Universal Asynchronous
Receiver/Transmitter), I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit), SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), ADC (Analog-to-
Digital Converter), and GPIO (General-Purpose Input/Output) pins. This requires an understanding of the
specific hardware interfaces and protocols.
5. Power Optimization: Embedded systems are often constrained by limited power sources or have
power consumption requirements. Embedded C programmers need to optimize code for power efficiency,
employing techniques like sleep modes, clock gating, and low-power states to conserve energy.
6. Debugging and Testing: Embedded C programmers need to be proficient in debugging techniques to
identify and fix issues in their code. This includes using debuggers, simulators, and emulators, as well as
employing testing methodologies specific to embedded systems.
7. Embedded C programming is a specialized field that requires a combination of hardware knowledge,
low-level programming skills, and an understanding of system-level requirements. It allows developers to
create software solutions that control and interact with the hardware components of embedded systems,
enabling them to perform their specific tasks efficiently and reliably.

2.4 Hardware components

The major hardware components required to implement the project of smart charging station and the
main uses of the particular components are mentioned
2.4.1 NodeMCU (Wi-Fi module)
NodeMCU is an open-source development board that is based on the ESP8266 microcontroller. It
provides a low-cost and easy-to-use platform for building Wi-Fi-enabled projects and IoT (Internet of
Things) applications. The NodeMCU board combines the capabilities of an Arduino with the built-in Wi-Fi
connectivity of the ESP8266, making it a popular choice for prototyping and creating connected projects.
Key features of NodeMCU:
1. ESP8266 Microcontroller: The NodeMCU board is built around the ESP8266 microcontroller, is a
low- cost, low-power, and highly integrated Wi-Fi chip. It features a 32-bit Tensilica processor, flash
memory for program storage, and built-in Wi-Fi connectivity.

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2. Wi-Fi Connectivity: One of the key features of the NodeMCU board is its built-in Wi-Fi capability.
This allows the board to connect to Wi-Fi networks, access the internet, and communicate with other
devices over the network. The Wi-Fi connectivity makes it ideal for IoT projects that require wireless
3. Lua-Based Firmware: NodeMCU originally gained popularity for its Lua-based firmware, allows
developers to write code using the Lua scripting language. Lua provides a lightweight and easy-to-
understand programming environment for quickly prototyping IoT applications on the NodeMCU board.
4. Arduino Compatibility: NodeMCU is also compatible with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development
Environment), allows to program the board using the Arduino programming language and ecosystem. This
compatibility provides access to a vast library of Arduino sketches and libraries, making it easy to leverage
existing code and resources.
5. GPIO Pins: The NodeMCU board features multiple General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins, be
used to interface with external components such as sensors, actuators, displays, and more. These pins be
configured as digital inputs or outputs, and some also support PWM output.
6. Breadboard-Friendly: The NodeMCU board has a compact form factor and is designed to be
breadboard-friendly. It has a standard pin spacing that allows for easy prototyping on a breadboard or
connecting to external components using jumper wires
7. USB Interface: The NodeMCU board includes a USB interface for power supply and communication
with a computer. The USB connection is used for uploading code to the board, as well as for serial
communication between the NodeMCU and the computer.

Figure 2.4: Node MCU ESP8266

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Figure 2.5:Pin diagram of Node MCU ESP8266

In the project the main purpose of the NodeMCU as in Figure 2.4 is to connect the circuit and the android
app through Wi-Fi and to display the results or the parameters in the Blynk android app. It mainly helps to
store and display the data with the help of Wi-Fi as in Figure 2.5.
 802.11 b/g/n
 Wi-Fi Direct (P2P), soft-AP
 Integrated TCP/IP protocol stack
 Integrated TR switch, balun, LNA, power amplifier and matching network
 Integrated PLLs, regulators, DCXO and power management units
 +19.5dBm output power in 802.11b mode
 Power down leakage current of <10uA
 1MB Flash Memory
 Integrated low power 32-bit CPU could be used as application processor
 SDIO 1.1 / 2.0, SPI, UART
 STBC, 1×1 MIMO, 2×1 MIMO
 A-MPDU & A-MSDU aggregation & 0.4ms guard interval
 Wake up and transmit packets in < 2ms
 Standby power consumption of < 1.0mW (DTIM3)
2.4.2 Relay
A relay is an electromechanical device that allows to control high-power circuits or devices using a low-
power signal. It is commonly used to switch electrical currents on and off, providing an isolated and

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controlled connection between different circuits.
In the project use 4 channel relay to operate the various charging ports with the help of key authentication
is connected to Arduino board from board the relay is connected. The main principle behind this is
electromagnet that controls the movement of a mechanical switch, known as the contacts. When a small
electrical current flows through the coil of the relay, it generates a magnetic field that attracts or repels the
contacts, causing them to move and make or break the connection.
Some main features of the relay:
 Four Independent Relays: A 4-channel relay module consists of four individual relays, each with its
own set of contacts and control circuitry. This allows to control four separate circuits independently.
 Relay Contacts: Each relay on the module typically has three contacts: Normally Open (NO), Normally
Closed (NC), and Common (COM). The NO and NC contacts provide options for switching the connected
load based on the requirements.
 Control Input: The control input of the relay module is used to provide a low-power signal to activate or
deactivate each relay. It is usually driven by a microcontroller, Arduino, or other digital control circuitry.
 High Current/Voltage Capability: 4-channel relay modules are designed to handle relatively high
currents and voltages. The relay contacts switch AC or DC loads, depending on the module's specifications.
Be sure to check the voltage and current ratings of the specific relay module.
 Opto-isolation: Many relay modules, including 4-channel relays, incorporate opto-isolation. Opto-
isolation provides electrical isolation between the control circuit and the relay contacts, enhancing safety
and protecting the controlling circuit from voltage spikes or interference from the load circuit.
The usage of the relay in the project:
 IoT Applications: With the growth of the Internet of Things, 4-channel relay modules are often used in
IoT projects to remotely control multiple electrical loads or devices. The relay is used as a multiple
charging port as in Figure 2.6 at the charging the station once the key is pressed then the particular relay is
connected that particular key is got activated and then the supply is to the load to charge the battery of the
car. Specification:
 Digital output controllable
 Compatible with any 5V microcontroller such as Arduino.
 Rated through-current: 10A (NO) 5A (NC)
 Control signal: TTL level
 Max. switching voltage 250VAC/30VDC
 Max. switching current 10A
 Size: 43mm x 17mm x 17mm

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Figure 2.6: Parts of the relay

2.4.3 DC Motor
A DC (Direct Current) motor is an electrical device that converts electrical energy into mechanical
energy. It operates on the principle of electromagnetism and is commonly used in various applications,
ranging from small electronic devices to large industrial machinery. An introduction to DC motors.
A DC motor as in Figure 2.7, also known as a direct current motor, is a type of electrical device that
uses direct current to generate a magnetic field that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. A
magnetic field is produced in the stator of a DC motor when it is energized. Magnets on the rotor are drawn
to and drawn away by the field, rotates the rotor. The commutator, is connected to brushes and the power
source, supplies current to the motor's wire winding in order to keep the rotor turning continuously.

Figure 2.7: DC Motor

2.4.4 Temperature sensor

In order to record, monitor, or communicate temperature changes, a temperature sensor is an
electronic device that monitors the temperature of its surroundings and turns the input data into electronic
data. Temperature sensors come in a wide variety contact temperature sensors measure an object's
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without making direct touch with it, whereas contact temperature sensors make contact with the physical
object being monitored. Most non-contact temperature sensors use infrared (IR) technology. They detect IR
radiation generated by an item from a distance and send a signal to a calibrated electronic circuit to
ascertain the temperature of the object. The thermocouples and thermistors are contact temperature sensors.
A junction is created by joining two conductors, each made of a different kind of metal, at one end to create
a thermocouple. When the junction is heated, a voltage is produced that exactly matches the temperature
input. The thermoelectric effect is responsible for this phenomenon. Due to the simplicity of their structure
and construction, thermocouples are often cheap. The thermistor is a different kind of contact temperature
sensor. As temperature rises, thermistors' resistance falls. Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) and
Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) are the two primary categories of thermistors. Thermistors, are
constructed of ceramics or polymers, are more accurate thermometers than thermocouples and measure
temperatures to within 0.05-1.5 degrees Celsius. The most accurate and expensive kind of temperature
sensors are Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD), are essentially the metal counterparts of thermistors.
Computers, culinary appliances, computers, cars, and other sorts of technology all employ temperature
sensors as in 2.8.

Figure 2.8: Temperature sensor

Operating conditions of DHT
 Operating voltage – 3.3VDC to 5.5VDC
 20% to 90% humidity readings
 Measuring temperature range is between 0 to 50 degrees Celsius
 Accuracy is in between 5%
2.4.5 IR Sensor
An IR (Infrared) sensor, also known as an IR receiver or IR detector, is a device that detects infrared
radiation in the form of heat or light. It is commonly used in various applications for proximity sensing,
object detection, and remote-control systems. Overview of IR sensors.
Working principle:
IR sensors work based on the principle that objects emit or reflect infrared radiation. They consist of an
IR receiver and associated circuitry. When an object emits or reflects infrared radiation, the sensor detects
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and generates an electrical signal proportional to the intensity of the detected
radiation. Specifications of IR Sensors:
 Sensing Range: The sensing range specifies the maximum distance at the sensor detect objects or
infrared radiation effectively. It depends on factors such as the power of the IR source, sensitivity of the
receiver, and environmental conditions.
 Operating Wavelength: IR sensors operate in specific wavelength ranges within the infrared
spectrum. The operating wavelength is often specified in nanometers (nm) or micrometers (µm) and
determines the type of radiation the sensor detect.
 Response Time: Response time refers to the time it takes for the sensor to detect and respond to
changes in the infrared radiation. It is typically specified in milliseconds (ms) and indicates quickly the
sensor detect objects or changes in the environment.
 Field of View: The field of view (FOV) specifies the angular range within the sensor detect infrared
radiation. It determines the coverage area or the width of the sensing zone.
 Output Type: The output type of an IR sensor be analog or digital. Analog output provides a
continuous voltage or current proportional to the detected infrared radiation, so digital output provides
discrete on/off signals indicating the presence or absence of infrared radiation.
 Power Requirements: IR sensors require a power supply to operate. The power requirements, such
as voltage and current as in Figure 2.9 are specified to ensure proper operation of the sensor.

Figure 2.9: IR Sensor

2.4.6 Voltage sensor

A voltage sensor, also known as a voltage detector or voltage transducer, is a device that measures the
voltage level in an electrical circuit. It is commonly used for monitoring, control, and protection purposes
in various applications. Overview of voltage sensors:
Working principle:
Voltage sensors work based on the principle of measuring the electrical potential difference between
two points in a circuit. They convert the voltage into a proportional electrical signal that be measured and
utilized for various purposes.
Specifications of voltage sensors:

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 Voltage Range: The voltage range specifies the minimum and maximum voltages that the sensor
accurately measure. It is important to select a voltage sensor with a range suitable for the intended
 Accuracy: Accuracy refers to the degree of closeness between the measured voltage and the actual
voltage. It is typically specified as a percentage of the measured value or in volts. A higher accuracy
rating indicates more precise measurements.
 Response Time: The response time of a voltage sensor indicates quickly it detect and respond to
changes in the voltage level. It is typically specified in microseconds (µs) or milliseconds (ms) and
determines the sensor's ability to capture rapid voltage fluctuations.
 Isolation: Voltage sensors may offer electrical isolation between the measured circuit and the output
signal. Isolation provides safety and protects the connected devices from electrical disturbances or
potential hazards.
 Output Type: Voltage sensors have analog or digital output. Analog output provides a continuous
voltage or current signal proportional to the measured voltage, so digital output provides discrete values
or a digital representation of the voltage level.
 Power Requirements: Voltage sensors require a power supply to operate. The power requirements, such
as voltage and current as in Figure 2.10 are specified to ensure proper operation of the sensor

Figure 2.10:Voltage sensor

2.4.7 Current sensor

The ACS712 is a fully integrated, hall effect-based linear current sensor with built-in low-resistance
current conductor and 2.1kVRMS voltage isolation. Leaving aside technical jargon, it is simply described
as a current sensor that determines and measures the amount of applied current using its conductor as in
Figure 2.11.
Specifications of ACS712:
 80kHz bandwidth
 66 to 185 mV/A output sensitivity

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 Low-noise analog signal path
 Device bandwidth is set via the new FILTER pin
 internal conductor resistance
 Total output error of 1.5% at TA = 25°C
 Stable output offset voltage.
 Near zero magnetic hysteresis

Figure 2.11: Current sensor (ACS712)

2.4.8 Buzzer
A beeper or buzzer as in Figure 2.12, for example, might be electromechanical, piezoelectric, or
mechanical in design. The signal is converted from audio to sound as its primary function. It is often
powered by DC voltage and used in timers, alarm clocks, printers, computers, and other electronic
equipment. It may produce a variety of sounds, including alarm, music, bell, and siren, according on the
varied designs. It has two pins: a positive pin and a negative pin. The '+' sign or a longer terminal is used to
indicate this's positive terminal. so the positive terminal is shown by the '+'symbol or long terminal and is
connected to the GND terminal, the negative terminal is represented by the '-'symbol or short terminal.

Figure 2.12: Buzzer

The specifications of the buzzer include the following.
• Color is black
• The frequency range is 3,300Hz
• Operating Temperature ranges from – 20° C to +60°C
• Operating voltage ranges from 3V to 24V DC

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• The sound pressure level is 85dBA or 10cm
2.4.9 Keypad
The material used to create these Keypad modules is a thin, flexible membrane. The 16 keys of the 4 x
4 keypad module as in Figure 2.13 are arranged in a matrix of rows and columns. A copper trace connects
each of these switches to the others. The relationship between rows and columns is typically nonexistent.
When push a key, a column and a row come into touch. One GPIO pin is required when wish to interface
one key with the microcontroller. However, if need to connect several keys, such as 9, 12, or 16, may need
to use the entire microcontroller's GPIO pins. Use of a matrix keypad let a microcontroller conserve some
of its GPIO pins. All the keys on a matrix keypad are arranged in rows and columns. For instance, if wish
to connect 16 keys to the microcontroller, need 16 GPIO pins, however if use a matrix 4x4 keypad, only
need 8 GPIO pins.

Figure 2.13: Keypad

2.4.10 Buck Boost converter

A buck-boost converter is a type of DC-DC converter that step up or step down the input voltage level
so maintaining a regulated output voltage. It is commonly used in power electronics to efficiently manage
power in various applications, such as battery-powered devices, renewable energy systems, and electric
vehicles. The basic operation of a buck-boost converter involves the use of an inductor, a switch (usually a
transistor), a diode, and a control circuit. The input voltage is applied to the switch, rapidly turns on and
off, creating a pulsed output. The inductor stores energy when the switch is on and releases it when the
switch is off. The diode allows current to flow in one direction and prevents it from flowing in the opposite
direction. The buck-boost converter operate in two modes: buck mode and boost mode.
 Buck mode: In this mode, the switch is on for a certain period of time, allowing current to flow through
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the inductor. The inductor stores energy, and the output voltage is lower than the input voltage. When the

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switch turns off, the inductor releases the stored energy, and the output voltage is maintained by the
energy stored in the inductor.
 Boost mode: In this mode, the switch is off, and the inductor releases the stored energy, causing the
output voltage to be higher than the input voltage. The diode prevents the current from flowing back to
the input source. When the switch turns on, the inductor stores energy again, and the cycle repeats.
 The duty cycle, represents the ratio of the on-time to the total switching period, determines the output
voltage level. By adjusting the duty cycle, the buck-boost converter regulate the output voltage even
when the input voltage varies. The advantages of a buck-boost converter include high efficiency,
compact size, and the ability to regulate both higher and lower output voltages. However, it also has
some limitations, such as increased complexity compared to simpler converters like buck or boost
converters, and the potential for increased electromagnetic interference (EMI) as in Figure 2.14 due to
the fast-switching action. Overall, buck-boost converters are versatile and widely used in various
applications where efficient voltage conversion and regulation are required.

Figure 2.14: Buck Boost converter

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Block diagram, Methodology and Design
This chapter includes the design part of the project, block diagram and methodology.
3.1 Block diagram
The block diagram as in Figure 3.1 consists of solar panel, buck booster, battery, DHT sensor, voltage
sensor, current sensor, relay, Arduino, GPS, wi-fi module, dc motor, key authentication, IR sensor, buzzer
and blynk app through cloud.

Figure 3.1: Block diagram

The block diagram shows the solar panel produces voltage by utilizing solar energy. This voltage is
then converted to electricity using a buck boost converter and sent to the battery, is a 12-volt battery. The
battery is then sent to the relay, acts as a switch access this between the DC motor and the temperature
sensors. All of the sensors are connected to the Arduino, including IR sensors, GPS, buzzers, voltage and
current Sensors being implemented in this block diagram also the key authentication is in such a way that
the key is sent to only those customers who access the electric vehicle the DC motor be run by the battery
is of 12 volt is coming through the relay and Wi-Fi module is used in the blink app is controlled in the
Android mobile in basically all the sensors are connected to the Arduino and the Wi-Fi module is
connected to the link app through cloud so that get to know the voltage and the current and if the DC motor
is running that means the device is being charged.
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This Figure 3.1 shows the simple block diagram of the smart charging station in continuously monitor the
voltage, current, humidity, temp and collision of vehicles in the particular station.

3.2 Methodology

The methodology for implementing a smart charging station project involves several steps to ensure a
systematic and efficient development process. The general outline below provides a structured approach to
guide the project from planning to deployment, with a focus on key aspects such as project requirements,
system design, hardware setup, software programming, sensor integration, user interface implementation,
communication and networking, testing and debugging, documentation, and maintenance/upgrades.
Additionally, the proposed methodology incorporates specific components and features like current,
voltage, and temperature sensors, a keypad system, NodeMCU with cloud connectivity, and an Android
app for remote access.

 Project Planning and Requirements Gathering:

The first step is to define the objectives and requirements of the smart charging station project. This
includes identifying the desired features and functionalities, such as voltage and current monitoring,
temperature sensing, user interface, communication capabilities, and more. It is essential to
consider the target audience and specific charging station specifications to ensure the system meets
the intended needs.

 System Design:
The system design phase involves creating a comprehensive architecture and block diagram that
outlines the different components, sensors, and their interconnections. This includes determining
the necessary hardware requirements, such as selecting the appropriate Arduino board, sensors,
communication modules, and display units. Planning the software structure is also crucial,
including defining the main control algorithm, sensor data processing, user interface
implementation, and communication protocols.

 Hardware Setup:
Once the system design is finalized, the next step is to assemble the hardware components based on
the established architecture. This involves connecting sensors, relays, display units, and other
peripherals to the Arduino board following the circuit diagram. Ensuring proper power supply and
wiring connections is essential to maintain the stability and functionality of the charging station.

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 Embedded C Programming:
To enable the desired functionalities, the Arduino board's embedded C programming language is
utilized. Setting up the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and installing the
necessary libraries is the initial step. The next phase involves writing the embedded C code to
implement the charging station's functionality. This includes developing functions to read sensor
data, control relays, process user inputs, and display relevant information on the user interface.
Additionally, algorithms for charging control, voltage/current regulation, temperature monitoring,
and other desired features are implemented. Error handling and fault detection mechanisms are also
integrated to ensure reliable operation.

 Sensor Integration and Calibration:

Integration of various sensors, such as the current sensor (e.g., ACS712), voltage sensor, and
temperature sensor, is a crucial step. The sensors are interfaced with the Arduino board to obtain
relevant data. Calibrating the sensors is necessary to ensure accurate and reliable measurements.
Validation of sensor readings is performed, and adjustments are made to the code if needed.

 Communication and Networking:

To enhance the smart charging station's capabilities, integration of a communication module (e.g.,
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth) with the Arduino board is essential. Protocols for data transmission, remote
monitoring, and control functionalities are implemented. Establishing communication with external
devices such as smartphones, web servers, or cloud platforms may be required for remote access
and control.

 Testing and Debugging:

A comprehensive testing phase is conducted to verify the functionality and performance of the
smart charging station. Different charging scenarios are tested, and sensor inputs are simulated to
ensure the control algorithm operates correctly.

3.3 Design of Smart charging station

The proposed system for the real-time electric vehicle charging and monitoring system using IoT
incorporates various components and functionalities to ensure efficient and intelligent charging operations.
The system leverages IoT technology to create a seamless network of devices, enabling communication,
data exchange, and control between different entities involved in the charging process. The following are
the key components of the proposed system:
 Charging Stations:
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The system consists of IoT-enabled charging stations equipped with advanced sensors, communication
modules, and authentication mechanisms. These charging stations are responsible for providing power
to the electric vehicles and facilitating communication with other system components. They monitor
charging parameters such as voltage, current, and energy consumption in real-time.
 Vehicle Onboard Unit (OBU):
Each electric vehicle is equipped with an OBU that communicates with the charging station and the
central monitoring system. The OBU provides information about the vehicle's battery status, charging
requirements, and user preferences. It enables seamless authentication and authorization for the
charging process and relays real-time data to the central monitoring system.
 Central Monitoring System:
The central monitoring system serves as the control center for the entire charging infrastructure. It
receives data from charging stations and OBUs and processes it to provide real-time monitoring and
control functionalities. The monitoring system includes a user-friendly mobile or web application that
allows users to remotely monitor and manage the charging sessions. It provides information such as
charging status, energy consumed, and remaining charging time.
 Intelligent Charging Algorithms:
The system incorporates intelligent charging algorithms that optimize the charging process based on
various factors. These algorithms consider parameters like electricity demand, energy prices, and user
preferences to dynamically adjust the charging rate and schedule. This ensures cost-effective charging
and efficient resource utilization. The algorithms take advantage of off-peak electricity rates or
renewable energy sources, contributing to the overall sustainability of the charging process.
 Security and Fault Monitoring:
To ensure the security and reliability of the charging process, the system implements robust security
measures. It includes authentication mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access and tampering. Real-
time monitoring of critical parameters such as voltage, current, and temperature enables the system to
detect any anomalies or faults during the charging process. In case of emergencies or abnormal
situations, alerts are generated and sent to the relevant stakeholders for prompt action.
 Scalability and Interoperability:
The proposed system is designed to be scalable and interoperable. It accommodate different types of
charging stations, smart meters, and OBUs, allowing for easy integration into existing charging
infrastructure. The system supports interoperability between different EV models and charging
equipment, ensuring compatibility and flexibility.

By integrating these components and functionalities, the proposed system enables real-time monitoring,

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intelligent charging, and secure operations for electric vehicle charging. It enhances user convenience,
optimizes resource utilization, and contributes to the sustainable development of the transportation
3.3.1 Libraries
There are different types of libraries used in the project for example ESP8266, Ardiuno libraries etc….
are mainly used to simulate the prototype circuit. These libraries are essential to simulate the circuit. some
libraries are explained briefly.
The ESP8266 library is a collection of software functions and classes specifically designed to simplify
programming and interaction with the ESP8266 microcontroller, is a popular Wi-Fi module widely used in
IoT (Internet of Things) projects. The library provides a set of pre-defined functions and abstractions that
enable developers to easily connect the ESP8266 module to Wi-Fi networks, communicate with other
devices or servers, and perform various tasks using the module's capabilities.

Figure 3.3: Libraries in Arduino

The Figure 3.3 shows the libraries are to be inserted into Arduino. This libraries mainly helps in the wi-
fi connectivity, HTTP client, TCP/UDP communication, DNS lookup and in many more functionalities.
These are just some of the common features and functions provided by the ESP8266 library. However, the
specific features and functionalities may vary depending on the particular library version or variant used.
The library documentation and examples typically provide more detailed explanations and usage
instructions for each function and feature.
Arduino libraries are collections of pre-written code that provide a set of functions and abstractions to
simplify programming tasks and interact with various hardware components and modules. These libraries
encapsulate complex operations into simple function calls, allowing developers to focus on the higher-level
logic of the projects without needing to delve into low-level hardware details. Arduino libraries cover a

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range of functionalities, including digital and analog I/O, communication protocols (such as I2C, SPI,
UART), display interfaces, sensor integration, motor control, and more. They enable programmers to easily
interface with sensors, actuators, and other peripherals, making it quicker and easier to develop projects
without requiring extensive knowledge of underlying hardware details. Arduino libraries typically come
with documentation and example code, providing guidance on to use the functions and features they offer.
They play a crucial role in the Arduino ecosystem, fostering community collaboration and enabling rapid
prototyping and development of diverse projects for hobbyists, students, and professionals alike

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Simulation and Results
This report provides a detailed description of the circuit connection and simulation of a Smart
Charging Station for Electric Vehicles project. The project aims to utilize solar power for efficient and
sustainable charging of electric vehicle batteries. The system incorporates various components, including a
solar panel, battery, sensors (temperature, voltage, and current), Arduino microcontroller, LCD display,
LED indicator, and an IR sensor. The following sections provide an in-depth explanation of the circuit
connections and present the simulation results. The Smart Charging Station for Electric Vehicles project
aims to address the growing need for sustainable charging solutions for electric vehicles. The system
harnesses solar power and incorporates several components to ensure efficient charging, battery
management, temperature monitoring, password verification, and safety measures.
Simulation in the Arduino IDE provides a valuable tool for the development and testing of a smart
charging station project using Arduino and ESP8266. By leveraging the simulation capabilities within the
Arduino IDE, developers are to replicate the behavior of the hardware components, sensors, and
communication modules virtually, enabling thorough testing and validation of the system's functionality
before real-world implementation.

4.1 Proteus software

Proteus is a widely used electronic design automation (EDA) software suite developed by Labcenter
Electronics. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for designing, simulating, and testing electronic
circuits and systems.
Some key features and capabilities of Proteus:
 Circuit Design: Proteus offers a user-friendly schematic capture module that allows users to design
electronic circuits using a wide range of components. It supports both analog and digital circuit
design and provides a vast library of pre-built components.
 Simulation: One of the main strengths of Proteus is its powerful simulation capabilities. It enables
users to simulate and analyse the behaviour of the circuits before building physical prototypes.
Proteus supports various types of simulations, including transient analysis, DC analysis, AC
analysis, and more.
 PCB Design: Proteus includes a module for designing printed circuit boards (PCBs). Users transfer
the circuit designs from the schematic capture module to the PCB design module, where they lay out
and route PCB traces, place components, and generate manufacturing-ready Gerber files.

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 Virtual Instruments: Proteus provides a set of virtual instruments that is used to visualize and
measure signals during simulation. These include oscilloscopes, function generators, logic analyzers,
and more. Virtual instruments help in debugging and analyzing circuit behavior.
 Microcontroller Simulation: Proteus has extensive support for simulating microcontroller-based
systems. It includes models for popular microcontrollers like Arduino, PIC, AVR, ARM, and more.
Users to write and test firmware code for these microcontrollers, simulate the behaviour, and
interface them with other circuit components.
 Co-simulation: Proteus allows for co-simulation, where both the analog and digital aspects of a
circuit to be simulated together. This is particularly useful for complex systems that involve both
analog and digital components.
 Component Libraries: Proteus offers a vast library of components, including discrete components,
integrated circuits, microcontrollers, sensors, actuators, and more. These componentsare to be easily
placed and connected in the circuit design module.
 3D Visualization: Proteus provides 3D visualization capabilities, allowing users to view the circuit
designs in a realistic 3D environment. This helps in visualizing and verifying the physical layout and
placement of components on the PCB.
 In Figure 4.1 Proteus is widely used in industries such as electronics, automotive, aerospace, and
academia for designing and simulating electronic circuits and systems. Its intuitive interface,
extensive component library, and powerful simulation capabilities make it a popular choice among
engineers and electronics eniasts.

Figure: 4.1 Home page of Proteus software

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4.2 Circuit
The simulation circuit is as shown in the Figure 4.1. Initially the battery is charged from a solar
panel and the battery is monitored with the help of voltage, current and DHT sensors. And one more IR
sensor is used in the simulation for collision detection. Firstly the voltage and current sensors detect the
voltage and current and send it to the Arduino and the Arduino converts the analog values into digital
values and displays on the LCD monitor. Once the voltage and current is detected same as this the
temperature and humidity is calculated and displayed on the LCD. Then the power from the Battery is
supplied to the relay and once send the correct key the DC motor as in Figure 4.2 is on the load side run.

Figure 4.2: Simulation Circuit

4.3 Components in Simulation

Components used in the simulation are:
 Solar Panel: Connect the positive terminal of the solar panel to the positive terminal of the
charging circuit and the negative terminals of both to the negative terminal of the charging circuit.
 Battery: Connect the positive and negative terminals of the battery to the charging circuit to
enable energy storage and power supply.
 LM35 Temperature Sensor: Connect the LM35 temperature sensor's VCC pin to the 5V pin of
the Arduino, the GND pin to the GND pin of the Arduino, and the output pin to one of the analog
input pins of the Arduino.
 Voltage and Current Sensors: Connect the voltage and current sensors to the Arduino's analog
input pins for monitoring the battery voltage and charging/discharging currents.

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 LCD Display and LED Indicator: Connect the LCD display and LED indicator to the Arduino's
digital output pins to display relevant information and alerts.
 IR Sensor: Connect the IR sensor to the Arduino's digital input pin to detect the presence of
nearby vehicles.

Figure 4.3: simulation components

By utilizing simulation within the Arduino IDE as in Figure 4.3, developers are to gain valuable
insights into the behavior and performance of the smart charging station project. It enables them to refine
the code, validate algorithms, and ensure the system's reliability and efficiency before deploying it in the
real world. Simulation saves time, reduces the risk of errors, and aids in the development of a robust and
functional smart charging station.

4.4 Connections
The specific pin connections between the Arduino board and the voltage sensor, current sensor, IR
sensor, DC motor, relay, and ESP8266 module may vary depending on the exact models and configurations
of the components used. However, to provide general overview of the typical pin connections for these
1. Voltage Sensor:
 VCC (Power): Connect to the 5V pin on the Arduino board.
 GND (Ground): Connect to the GND pin on the Arduino board.
 OUT (Output): Connect to any analog input pin on the Arduino board (e.g., A0, A1, A2).
 Current sensor:
 VCC (Power): Connect to the 5V pin on the Arduino board.

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 GND (Ground): Connect to the GND pin on the Arduino board.

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 OUT (Output): Connect to any analog input pin on the Arduino board (e.g., A0, A1, A2).
2. IR sensor:
 VCC (Power): Connect to the 5V pin on the Arduino board.
 GND (Ground): Connect to the GND pin on the Arduino board.
 OUT (Output): Connect to any digital input pin on the Arduino board (e.g., D2, D3, D4).
 DC motor:
 Connect one terminal of the motor to an external power source (e.g., a battery or motor driver).
 Connect the other terminal of the motor to the collector (C) pin of a suitable transistor (e.g., NPN
 Connect the emitter (E) pin of the transistor to the GND pin on the Arduino board.
 Connect the base (B) pin of the transistor to a digital output pin on the Arduino board (e.g., D9, D10,
3. Relay:
 Connect the VCC pin of the relay module to the 5V pin on the Arduino board.
 Connect the GND pin of the relay module to the GND pin on the Arduino board.
 Connect the IN pin of the relay module to a digital output pin on the Arduino board (e.g., D5, D6,
 ESP8266:
 VCC (Power): Connect to the 3.3V pin on the Arduino board.
 GND (Ground): Connect to the GND pin on the Arduino board.
 TX (Transmit): Connect to the RX pin on the Arduino board.
 RX (Receive): Connect to the TX pin on the Arduino board.
 CH_PD (Chip Enable): Connect to the 3.3V pin on the Arduino board.
 GPIO0 (Boot Mode): Connect to the GND pin on the Arduino board during programming and
be left unconnected during normal operation.
 GPIO2 (I/O): Be left unconnected or connected to a suitable pin on the Arduino board if needed.

4.5 Simulation process

To upload Arduino code into Proteus, Need to follow these steps:
 Open Proteus: Launch the Proteus software on the computer.
 Add Arduino Board: In the Proteus workspace, click on the "P" button in the toolbar to open the
Component Mode. Search for "Arduino" in the search box and select the appropriate Arduino
board model.

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 Connect Components: Place the Arduino board on the workspace and connect it to other
components in the circuit, such as sensors, actuators, and power sources. Make the necessary
connections between the Arduino pins and the components.
 Write Arduino Code: Open the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and write or
copy the Arduino code that needs to upload to the Arduino board in Proteus. Make sure the code is
compatible with the Arduino board model to be selected in Proteus.
 Save Arduino Code: Save the Arduino code in the Arduino IDE.
 Compile Arduino Code: Click on the "Verify" button in the Arduino IDE to compile the code.
Make sure there are no compilation errors.
 Generate HEX File: Once the code is successfully compiled, click on the "Sketch" menu in the
Arduino IDE and select "Export compiled Binary". This generate a HEX file for the Arduino code.
 Upload HEX File in Proteus: Go back to the Proteus workspace and double-click on the Arduino
board. In the "Program File" section of the Arduino Properties window, click on the "..." button to
browse and select the HEX file generated in the previous step.
 Simulate the Circuit: Once the HEX file is uploaded to the Arduino board in Proteus, and
simulate the circuit by clicking on the "Play" button in the toolbar or selecting "Simulate" from the
o Proteus now run the simulation and execute the Arduino code on the virtual Arduino board.
Need to observe the behavior of the components and verify the functionality of the Arduino
code within the Proteus simulation environment.
o Note: It's important to ensure that the Arduino code is compatible with the version of the
Arduino board model in Proteus. Also, keep in mind that not all Arduino libraries or
functionalities may be supported in Proteus, so may need to make adjustments or use
alternative components in the simulation.

4.6 Simulation Results

Simulating a smart charging station using Arduino, it is common to use LEDs as visual indicators to
display various results and status information. LEDs to be used to represent charging status, battery level,
error conditions, or any other relevant information in the simulation. Documenting the simulation results in
a report, also expand on the use of LEDs and the corresponding meanings. An example of to write about it.
"In the simulation of the smart charging station, LEDs were employed as visual indicators to provide real-
time feedback on the charging status and system conditions. LEDs are widely used due to the simplicity,
low power consumption, and ability to convey information through different colors or blinking patterns.
The following LED configurations were implemented in the simulation to display relevant results:

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 Charging Status LED: A green LED was used to indicate the charging status. The LED is on, it
signifies that the charging process is active. This LED provides a visual confirmation that the
device is connected and receiving power.
 Battery Level LED: To display the battery level, a set of four LEDs in different colors (red,
yellow, green) were used. Each LED corresponds to a specific battery level range, allowing users
to quickly assess the battery status. For example, all four LEDs are on (green), it indicates a high
battery level, whereas one LED (red) indicates a low battery level.
 Error/Warning LEDs: To indicate any error conditions or system warnings, additional LEDs were
implemented. For instance, a red LED be used to signify an overcurrent or overvoltage situation,
so a yellow LED may indicate a temperature threshold exceeded.
The use of LEDs as visual indicators enhances the user experience by providing immediate feedback on
the charging process and system conditions. It allows users to quickly assess the status of the charging
station without relying solely on numerical or textual information. This visual representation improves the
overall usability and intuitiveness of the smart charging station. During the simulation, the LEDs responded
to the relevant parameters, such as battery voltage, current readings, and temperature measurements, as per
the designed logic. This allowed for real-time visualization of the charging status and system behavior,
facilitating the monitoring and evaluation of the charging station's performance. It's important to note that
the LED configurations described is based on the simulated results and serve as a representation of the
charging station's behavior. Further validation through physical testing is recommended to ensure the
accuracy and reliability of the LED indicators in a real-world implementation." By expanding on the use of
LEDs and the significance in the simulation, need to provide a clear understanding of visual feedback was
incorporated into the smart charging station design and it aids users in monitoring the charging process and
system conditions.

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Figure 4.4: LED showing the voltage, current and temp values

Overall, the simulation as in Figure 4.4 results demonstrate the successful integration and functioning
of the various components within the Smart Charging Station for Electric Vehicles project. The system
effectively harnesses solar power for charging, monitors battery temperature, ensures user authentication,
and maintains safety through vehicle proximity detection.

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This chapter includes hardware part by selecting the appropriate components and the same results are

5.1 Hardware Model

Figure 5.1 Hardware model

The Figure 5.1 shows the hardware model of the charging station uses ardiuno and detects the
voltage temp and current in the charging station. The correct key is pressed then that particular relay is got
activated and that particular charging port is got activated and supply is got.

5.2 Blynk app

Blynk is a popular mobile application that allows users to control and monitor the Internet of Things
(IoT) projects and devices remotely. It provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features that
enable seamless communication between IoT hardware and mobile devices. Blynk is designed to simplify
the process of creating mobile apps for IoT projects without the need for extensive programming

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knowledge. With Blynk, users create customized smartphone or tablet apps to control and monitor the
IoT devices,

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sensors, actuators, and other connected hardware. The app supports a variety of platforms, including iOS
and Android, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
The key features of Blynk app include:
 Drag-and-Drop Interface: Blynk offers a visual interface that allows users to design the app layouts
by dragging and dropping various widgets such as buttons, sliders, gauges, graphs, and displays.
This makes it easy to create a customized app without writing extensive code.
 Real-Time Data Visualization: Blynk enables real-time visualization of data received from sensors
or other devices connected to the IoT project. Users create graphical representations like graphs
and gauges to monitor and analyze the data.
 Control and Interaction: Blynk provides control elements such as buttons, sliders, and switches
that allow users to send commands to the IoT devices. This enables remote control and interaction
with the connected hardware.
 Notifications and Alerts: Blynk supports push notifications, allowing users to receive alerts and
notifications on their mobile devices based on specific events or sensor readings. This feature
enables users to stay updated on the status of their IoT projects.
 Cloud Connectivity: Blynk offers cloud connectivity, allowing users to store and access data from
their IoT projects remotely. This enables easy data logging and retrieval for analysis and
monitoring purposes.
 Third-Party Integration: Blynk integrates with various third-party services and platforms, enabling
seamless integration with popular IoT hardware platforms, cloud services, and other APIs.
 Sharing and Collaboration: Blynk allows users to share their created apps with others, facilitating
collaboration and community-driven development. Users also share access to their IoT projects
with team members or clients for remote monitoring and control.
The versatility and ease-of-use of the Blynk app make it a powerful tool for IoT enthusiasts, hobbyists, and
professionals alike. It simplifies the process of creating mobile apps for IoT projects, providing a user-
friendly interface and a range of features to control and monitor connected devices. With Blynk, users
quickly build functional and interactive mobile apps to enhance their IoT projects and streamline remote
control and monitoring as in Figure 5.2.

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Figure 5.2: Home page of Blynk app

5.3 Results
The hardware results are shown in the Figure 5.4 Blynk app using the Wi-Fi interface.

Figure 5.3: Results in the Blynk app

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The user can view the charging results on their side and start the charging process by entering a
password. A DC motor indicates successful charging initiation, while an incorrect password prompts an
"access denied" message in the Blynk app. For safety, an IR sensor detects potential collisions and
activates a buzzer, with the alert displayed in the app. Temperature (35.60 degrees), humidity (27%),
voltage, and current readings are also shown. The voltage reflects the battery's input side, while the
circulating current is typically less than 1 Amp. Additionally, the Blynk app displays the charging
station's current location using latitude and longitude coordinates. The hardware results are presented
through the Blynk app's
Wi-Fi interface.

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Conclusion and Future Scope
The conclusion and future scope section of smart charging stations, powered by Arduino and sensors,
revolutionize electric vehicle charging and hold promise for future advancements.

6.1 Conclusion
The implementation of a smart charging station project utilizing Arduino and a range of sensors brings
about numerous advantages and functionalities. Through the integration of comprehensive sensors such as
current, voltage, and temperature sensors, the charging station becomes capable of effectively monitoring
and regulating the charging process, ensuring optimal battery conditions and charging safety. The
utilization of an Arduino board as the central controller facilitates data processing, control algorithms, and
seamless integration with other components. By incorporating a user interface like Blynk, users can easily
access real- time information, monitor the charging station, and make necessary adjustments to the settings.
The inclusion of additional features like a keypad system for security and an IR sensor for collision
avoidance further enhances the safety and convenience of the charging process. Furthermore, the
integration of cloud connectivity through NodeMCU and an Android app enables users to remotely monitor
and control the charging station, access historical data, and receive notifications. In summary, a smart
charging station project offers an intelligent and user-friendly solution that improves the efficiency, safety,
and monitoring capabilities of electric vehicle charging. Finally, it is important to note that the smart
charging station is built using Arduino, which detects voltage and current and displays the information on
the Blynk app through key authentication.

6.2 Future Scope

The future scope of smart charging stations is promising, as the demand for electric vehicles (EVs)
continues to grow and the need for efficient charging infrastructure increases. There are some potential
areas of development and advancement in the future:
 Advanced Charging Technologies: Future smart charging stations may incorporate advanced
charging technologies such as fast charging, wireless charging, and bidirectional charging. These
technologies aim to reduce charging times, increase convenience, and enable vehicle-to-grid (V2G)
capabilities, allowing EVs to supply power back to the grid during peak demand.
 Integration with Renewable Energy Sources: Smart charging stations be integrated with renewable
energy sources like solar and wind power. This integration would enable EVs to charge using clean
energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable transportation.
 Grid Integration and Demand Management: Future smart charging stations may have enhanced grid
integration capabilities. They communicate with the power grid and optimize charging patterns based

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on electricity demand and availability, reducing strain on the grid during peak periods and ensuring
efficient energy usage.
 Energy Storage Integration: Integration of energy storage systems, such as batteries, with smart
charging stations help balance the demand and supply of electricity. Energy storage enable peak
shaving, load leveling, and grid stabilization, enhancing the overall efficiency and reliability of the
charging infrastructure.
Overall, the future of smart charging stations lies in continuous innovation, integration with renewable
energy sources and advanced technologies, grid optimization, data-driven decision-making, and enhanced
user experiences. These advancements support the widespread adoption of electric vehicles and contribute
to a sustainable and efficient transportation ecosystem.

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