SMart CHarging (1) - Merged
SMart CHarging (1) - Merged
SMart CHarging (1) - Merged
Certified that the major project work titled ‘Smart charging station for EV’s using solar
energy’, carried out by G CHAKRADHAR REDDY (1RV19EE015), MAHANTESHA
(1RV18EE022) the bonafide students of RV College of Engineering ®, Bengaluru, submitted in
partial fulfilment for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and
Electronics Engineering of the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, during the
year 2022-2023. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for the Internal
Assessment have been incorporated in the major project report deposited in the departmental
library. The major project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in
respect of major project work prescribed by the institution for the said degree.
External Viva
Further we declare that the content of the dissertation has not been submitted previously by
anybody for the award of any degree or diploma to any other university.
We also declare that any Intellectual Property Rights generated out of this project carried out at
RVCE will be the property of RV College of Engineering ®, Bengaluru and we will be one of the
authors of the same.
Place: Bengaluru
Name Signature
2. KRISHNA S (1RV19EE023)
We are indebted to our guide, Dr, Madhu B R, Assistant Professor, Dept of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, RV College of Engineering for her wholehearted support,
suggestions and invaluable advice throughout our project work and also helped in the preparation
of this thesis.
We also express our gratitude to our panel members Dr. Dinesh M N, Professor, Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering for their valuable comments and suggestions.
Our sincere thanks to Dr. S G Srivani, Professor and Head, Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, RVCE for her support and encouragement.
We express sincere gratitude to our beloved Principal, Dr. K N Subramanya for his
appreciation towards this project work.
We thank all the teaching staff and technical staff of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
department, RVCE for their help.
Lastly, we take this opportunity to thank our family members and friends who provided all the
backup support throughout the project work.
The transition to sustainable energy sources and the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) have
become imperative to mitigate climate change and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. In this
context, this research focuses on the design and simulation of a smart charging station for EVs
using solar power. The presence of EVs in the automotive sector is required in the current
situation due to the severe depletion of fossil fuels, which make up a significant portion of the
energy used to power automobiles. These EVs are powered through the grid that is a grid to the
The methodology employed in this study involves integrating key components such as solar
panels, battery energy storage, sensors, and microcontrollers. The simulation is carried out using
Proteus software, enabling the replication of real-world charging scenarios indicated by a motor
and the evaluation of system performance. Sensors, including the LM35 temperature sensor,
voltage sensor, and current sensor, are employed to monitor the battery's condition during
charging. The Arduino microcontroller facilitates data acquisition, processing, and display of
temperature, current, and voltage values on an LCD screen. Additionally, security features such
as a password-based authentication system and an infrared (IR) sensor for vehicle proximity
detection are implemented to ensure safe and controlled charging operations.
The results of the simulation and a prototype which showcase the successful functioning of the
smart charging station. Real-time data on temperature, current, and voltage provide valuable
insights into the charging process, enabling users to monitor the battery's health. The password-
based authentication system ensures only authorized vehicles can access the charging station,
enhancing security and preventing unauthorized usage. The integration of an IR sensor enables
the detection of nearby vehicles, promoting safety by maintaining a minimum distance during
charging and key authentication for the users only. Overall, the simulation demonstrates the
feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed smart charging station, validating its potential as a
sustainable solution for EV charging. The hardware results of smart charging station prototype
are displayed through the Blynk app. The value of the voltage, current, temperature, humidity,
location as longitude and latitude are displayed in the Blynk app. The results that are obtained as
voltage of 13.2 volts, current of 0.8 amps, temperature to be 30 degrees, humidity is 26%, and
the value of longitude and latitude.
EVS Electrical Vehicles
IOT Internet Of Things
SOH State Of Health
SOC State Of Charge
CS Charge Station
WPT Wireless Power Transfer
BEVS Battery Electrical Vehicles
ICES Internal Combustion System
V2G Vehicle To Grid
ADC Analog To Digital
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
DC Direct Current
GND Ground
DMA Direct Memory Access
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
I2C Inter- Integrated Circuit
NC Normally Closed
GPIO General Purpose Input/ Output
IR Infra Red
FOV Field Of Vision
EMI Electro Magnetic Interface
OBU On Board Unit
Abstract iv
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction. 02
1.2 Literature Survey. 03
1.3 Motivation. 09
1.4 Objectives of the project. 10
1.5 Brief methodology 10
1.6 Organization of the Report 11
Chapter 2
2.1 Prerequisites required 13
2.2 Arduino 14
2.2.1 Arduino UNO board 15
2.2.2 Pin details of Arduino 16
2.2.3 Arduino Architecture 17
2.3 Embedded C 18
2.4 Hardware components 19
2.4.1 Node MCU (wi-fi model) 19
2.4.2 Relay 21
2.4.3 DC motor 23
2.4.4 Temperature Sensor 24
2.4.5 IR sensor 25
2.4.6 Voltage Sensors 26
2.4.7 Current sensor 27
2.4.8 Buzzer 28
2.4.9 Keypad 29
2.4.10 Buck Booster Converter 30
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
4.1 Proteus Software 41
4.2 Circuit 43
4.3 Components in Simulation 43
4.4 Connections 45
4.5 Simulations Process 46
4.6 Simulations Results 47
Chapter 5
5.1 Hardware Model 50
5.2 Blynk App 50
5.3 Results 53
Chapter 6
6.1 Conclusion 55
6.2 Future scope 55
References 57
List of Figures Page No
2.7: DC motor 23
2.9: IR sensor 27
2.12: Buzzer 28
2.13: Keypad 30
Smart Charging Station for Electrical Vehicles Using Solar 2022-
Introduction to Smart Charging Station
1.1 Introduction
Smart EV charging stations that use solar energy have grown significantly in popularity and
development over the past several years. The way electric vehicles are fueled and charged has been
revolutionized by these cutting-edge charging solutions, combine solar energy production with intelligent
charging infrastructure. Combining the benefits of clean energy production and practical EV charging, a
smart solar-powered charging station for electric vehicles (EVs) provides both of these advantages.
Utilizing solar energy to effectively and intelligently charge electric vehicles is it is intended to enable
sustainable transportation. Solar panels and charging infrastructure make up the two primary parts of a
smart solar- powered EV charging station. The solar panels gather sunlight and transform it into electrical
energy. They are often mounted on a rooftop or other open area nearby. The infrastructure for electric
vehicle charging is then run on this energy. The infrastructure for charging includes connections or
charging stations that work with various EV models. These charging stations have communication and
cognitive characteristics that enable them to connect with the vehicles and efficiently control the charging
The Internet of Things (IoT) be used in this project to create a real-time charging and monitoring system
for electric vehicles. The IoT technology offers a strong and integrated network of devices that facilitates
effective data exchange, communication, and control between various charging system components. The
suggested system is designed to address the main issues with EV charging, including the scarcity of
charging stations, the unpredictability of charging times, and resource efficiency. The system offers real-
time monitoring capabilities, intelligent charging algorithms, and IoT technologies to maximize efficiency,
improve user experience, and guarantee the security and dependability of the charging process. Although it
is not long-term viable, cars are nonetheless connected to the charging stations via charging cords. It has
been used in numerous applications over the past few years, ranging from home appliances to medical
implants. The charging station is positioned underneath the car to charge the EV power gearbox.
Researchers have been working on EV technology deployment for the past few years. Particularly IPWT
has a lot of benefits, such its directionality in power transfer. Additionally, throughout time, the gearbox
efficiency has greatly increased. The system's efficiency is already approach 96%, but this greatly depends
on the alignment of the transmitter and receiver loops.
This work makes a contribution by outlining a cutting-edge method for location-based car charging. Based
on the activated sensors under the wheels, the charger employs a sensor array to determine the position of
1.3 Motivation
The idea is motivated by the growing demand for innovative charging ideas for the electric vehicles. Since,
the battery plays a major role in charging to monitor that battery and charging station is key to avoid
accidental mishaps. If the monitoring of the charging is not provided, any one can access the station and
can charge the vehicle, to avoid this the idea is to develop a key authentication charging system. As
charging a electric vehicle it is important to monitor the voltage and current in the charging station to avoid
the major accidents. Monitoring the temperature and the humidity is also a major problem because during
the charging if any mischievous action is carried out then the temperature of the battery increases and leads
to explosion of the battery so the idea is to develop the temperature and humidity monitoring system and to
display them on the Blynk app.
Overall, the motivation behind solar-powered smart charging stations for electric vehicles is their
capacity to support environmental sustainability, provide energy independence, offer cost savings,
contribute to grid stabilization, and leverage technological advancements in the renewable energy and
transportation sectors.
The voltage sensor as in Figure 1.1 monitor the voltage of up to 25V DC and the current sensor monitor the
current of up to 5A. The temperature sensor monitor the temperature of the battery so that it decide the
performance of the battery.
The outputs of the current sensor, voltage sensor, and temp sensor are analog in nature and need to convert
that analog output from the sensor into digital format, and for that, are going to use inbuilt ADC of the
controller is 10-bit and 13-channel ADC.
This information from sensors is processed in the controller and displayed on blynk.A Keypad system is
used for security purpose for monitoring of EV charging for vehicles & IR sensor for avoiding collision
between vehicles so charging. Also, this information is transferred to NodeMCU for uploading that
information on the cloud. NodeMCU is having inbuilt Wi-Fi. Also, this information is accessed in an
android app.
2.2 Arduino
To get started with Arduino and use the Arduino Uno board, there are a few prerequisites. So considering:
Basic Electronics Knowledge: It's helpful to have a basic understanding of electronics concepts like voltage,
current, resistance, and components such as resistors, capacitors, LEDs, and sensors. This knowledge aid in
connecting and interfacing different electronic components with the Arduino Uno.
1. Programming Fundamentals: Arduino programming uses a variant of the C++ programming
language, it's not essential to be an expert programmer. However, having a basic understanding of
programming concepts like variables, loops, conditional statements, and functions greatly assist in
writing code for the Arduino.
2. Arduino IDE: The Arduino Uno requires the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to
write, compile, and upload code to the board. The IDE is available for free and supports Windows,
macOS, and Linux operating systems. By downloading the IDE from the official Arduino website
and install it on computer.
3. USB Cable: Need a USB cable to connect the Arduino Uno to the computer. The Arduino Uno
utilizes a standard USB Type-B connector, so make sure the cable is computable.
4. Arduino Uno Board: Of course, need an Arduino Uno board itself. purchase an official Arduino Uno
board or compatible clones from various online or offline retailers. Ensure that the have the physical
board available for experimentation.
5. Documentation and Resources: Arduino has extensive documentation, tutorials, and examples
available on their official website. These resources help understand the basics, explore different
projects, and troubleshoot issues along the way. Familiarize with the official Arduino documentation
and other online resources to enhance the learning experience.
2.2.1 Arduino Uno board
The Arduino Uno board is a popular and widely used development board in the Arduino
ecosystem. It is designed to be beginner-friendly, versatile, and suitable for a wide range of electronic
projects. However some key details about the Arduino Uno board:
1. Microcontroller: The Arduino Uno is based on the ATmega328P microcontroller, an 8-bit AVR
microcontroller. It operates at a clock speed of 16 MHz and has 32KB of flash memory for storing
code, 2KB of SRAM for variables and data, and 1KB of EEPROM for non-volatile storage.
2. Digital Input/Output Pins: The Uno board features a total of 14 digital input/output pins (marked
as digital pins 0 to 13). These pins be configured as either inputs or outputs and be used for reading
digital signals or controlling external devices such as LEDs, motors, sensors, and more.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Page
Smart Charging Station for Electrical Vehicles Using Solar 2022-
5. Power Options: The Arduino Uno as in f Figure 2.1 be powered in multiple ways. It be powered
through the USB connection from a computer or by using an external power supply connected to the
DC power jack. Additionally, the board has a Vin pin that accept a regulated voltage between 7V
and 12V, be used as an alternative power input.
6. Reset Button: The Uno board has a reset button that be pressed to restart the program running on
the microcontroller. This button is useful when want to upload new code or restart the program
7. Compatibility: The Arduino Uno is compatible with a wide range of shields and expansion boards,
be easily stacked on top of the Uno to add specific functionalities like Wi-Fi connectivity, motor
control, LCD displays, and more. This expandability allows to extend the capabilities of the board
for different project requirements.
2.3 Embedded C
Embedded C refers to the subset of the C programming language that is specifically used for
programming embedded systems. It is a variant of the C language that is tailored to the requirements and
constraints of embedded systems, are computer systems designed to perform specific tasks and are
typically embedded within other devices or machinery. Embedded C programming involves writing code to
control and interact with the hardware components of an embedded system, such as microcontrollers,
sensors, actuators, and communication interfaces. It requires a deep understanding of the hardware
architecture, low- level programming concepts, and the ability to write efficient and optimized code.
2.4.3 DC Motor
A DC (Direct Current) motor is an electrical device that converts electrical energy into mechanical
energy. It operates on the principle of electromagnetism and is commonly used in various applications,
ranging from small electronic devices to large industrial machinery. An introduction to DC motors.
A DC motor as in Figure 2.7, also known as a direct current motor, is a type of electrical device that
uses direct current to generate a magnetic field that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. A
magnetic field is produced in the stator of a DC motor when it is energized. Magnets on the rotor are drawn
to and drawn away by the field, rotates the rotor. The commutator, is connected to brushes and the power
source, supplies current to the motor's wire winding in order to keep the rotor turning continuously.
2.4.8 Buzzer
A beeper or buzzer as in Figure 2.12, for example, might be electromechanical, piezoelectric, or
mechanical in design. The signal is converted from audio to sound as its primary function. It is often
powered by DC voltage and used in timers, alarm clocks, printers, computers, and other electronic
equipment. It may produce a variety of sounds, including alarm, music, bell, and siren, according on the
varied designs. It has two pins: a positive pin and a negative pin. The '+' sign or a longer terminal is used to
indicate this's positive terminal. so the positive terminal is shown by the '+'symbol or long terminal and is
connected to the GND terminal, the negative terminal is represented by the '-'symbol or short terminal.
Block diagram, Methodology and Design
This chapter includes the design part of the project, block diagram and methodology.
3.1 Block diagram
The block diagram as in Figure 3.1 consists of solar panel, buck booster, battery, DHT sensor, voltage
sensor, current sensor, relay, Arduino, GPS, wi-fi module, dc motor, key authentication, IR sensor, buzzer
and blynk app through cloud.
3.2 Methodology
The methodology for implementing a smart charging station project involves several steps to ensure a
systematic and efficient development process. The general outline below provides a structured approach to
guide the project from planning to deployment, with a focus on key aspects such as project requirements,
system design, hardware setup, software programming, sensor integration, user interface implementation,
communication and networking, testing and debugging, documentation, and maintenance/upgrades.
Additionally, the proposed methodology incorporates specific components and features like current,
voltage, and temperature sensors, a keypad system, NodeMCU with cloud connectivity, and an Android
app for remote access.
System Design:
The system design phase involves creating a comprehensive architecture and block diagram that
outlines the different components, sensors, and their interconnections. This includes determining
the necessary hardware requirements, such as selecting the appropriate Arduino board, sensors,
communication modules, and display units. Planning the software structure is also crucial,
including defining the main control algorithm, sensor data processing, user interface
implementation, and communication protocols.
Hardware Setup:
Once the system design is finalized, the next step is to assemble the hardware components based on
the established architecture. This involves connecting sensors, relays, display units, and other
peripherals to the Arduino board following the circuit diagram. Ensuring proper power supply and
wiring connections is essential to maintain the stability and functionality of the charging station.
By integrating these components and functionalities, the proposed system enables real-time monitoring,
4.4 Connections
The specific pin connections between the Arduino board and the voltage sensor, current sensor, IR
sensor, DC motor, relay, and ESP8266 module may vary depending on the exact models and configurations
of the components used. However, to provide general overview of the typical pin connections for these
1. Voltage Sensor:
VCC (Power): Connect to the 5V pin on the Arduino board.
GND (Ground): Connect to the GND pin on the Arduino board.
OUT (Output): Connect to any analog input pin on the Arduino board (e.g., A0, A1, A2).
Current sensor:
VCC (Power): Connect to the 5V pin on the Arduino board.
Figure 4.4: LED showing the voltage, current and temp values
Overall, the simulation as in Figure 4.4 results demonstrate the successful integration and functioning
of the various components within the Smart Charging Station for Electric Vehicles project. The system
effectively harnesses solar power for charging, monitors battery temperature, ensures user authentication,
and maintains safety through vehicle proximity detection.
The Figure 5.1 shows the hardware model of the charging station uses ardiuno and detects the
voltage temp and current in the charging station. The correct key is pressed then that particular relay is got
activated and that particular charging port is got activated and supply is got.
5.3 Results
The hardware results are shown in the Figure 5.4 Blynk app using the Wi-Fi interface.
6.1 Conclusion
The implementation of a smart charging station project utilizing Arduino and a range of sensors brings
about numerous advantages and functionalities. Through the integration of comprehensive sensors such as
current, voltage, and temperature sensors, the charging station becomes capable of effectively monitoring
and regulating the charging process, ensuring optimal battery conditions and charging safety. The
utilization of an Arduino board as the central controller facilitates data processing, control algorithms, and
seamless integration with other components. By incorporating a user interface like Blynk, users can easily
access real- time information, monitor the charging station, and make necessary adjustments to the settings.
The inclusion of additional features like a keypad system for security and an IR sensor for collision
avoidance further enhances the safety and convenience of the charging process. Furthermore, the
integration of cloud connectivity through NodeMCU and an Android app enables users to remotely monitor
and control the charging station, access historical data, and receive notifications. In summary, a smart
charging station project offers an intelligent and user-friendly solution that improves the efficiency, safety,
and monitoring capabilities of electric vehicle charging. Finally, it is important to note that the smart
charging station is built using Arduino, which detects voltage and current and displays the information on
the Blynk app through key authentication.