Miami Beach City Manager Alina Hudak Resignation Letter
Miami Beach City Manager Alina Hudak Resignation Letter
Miami Beach City Manager Alina Hudak Resignation Letter
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
It has been one of my greatest career achievements to serve as the City Manager of this
beautiful, historic and global destination.
When I was appointed Manager in April 2021, the City was still in the throes of the COVID-
19 response. Financially, we had many unknowns. We were struggling and fighting for every
penny of federal funding. We were vaccinating, testing and simultaneously dealing with
high-impact weekends on our streets. Many labor issues had been pending, contracts had
been on hold and construction projects had been suspended. Our workforce was not only
battling the spread of COVID-19 at home and at work, but it was also taking on special
response projects in addition to the day-to-day responsibilities. Marked by uncertainty and
anxiety, this was a difficult time for everyone.
We have faced other challenges in the last few years as well, including the coordination of
one of our largest disaster responses following the horrific collapse of the Champlain
Towers South condominium in neighboring Surfside. We also had our own infrastructure
emergencies and storm activations. The month of March and Memorial Day weekends
challenged us and our resources for multiple years. The collective "we" stabilized the City
allowing it to continuously thrive. Millions of dollars in capital projects and
groundbreakings are regular occurrences once again, and our public safety data shows
violent crime has significantly decreased.
Today, I am proud to leave a City that is financially sound and in the best position it has
been in a long time. Reserves are stronger than ever in Miami Beach history. Our bond
ratings are outstanding, and our two most recent general obligation bonds are on track to
change the face of our City dramatically as our tourism-based economy and brand continue
to grow.
As many of you know, I am happiest when I am out in the field and on the streets with our
many employees as they deliver direct services. To all of them from our First Responders
to our Code Officers, Park Rangers, Parking Enforcement Officers, Public Works and
Sanitation crews every employee who is out every day and night - I'm sincerely grateful
for your selfless service. Our over 2,000 employees embody the true definition of public
service. They have been the highlight of my city leadership.
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and ploy in our vibrant, tropical,
historic community.
To our dedicated and accomplished leadership team, I am indebted for your commitment,
creativity and willingness to take on any task that I have asked of you.
I want to take a special moment to thank my colleagues and fellow charter officers, City
Attorney Rafael Paz and City Clerk Ralph Granado. They too have been instrumental in the
success that we have enjoyed.
To my very small, but mighty, senior team and all who work in the City Manager's Office,
THANK YOU. Your dedication, loyalty and work ethic are much appreciated and valued. It
has been my honor to serve with all of you. You are not just my professional colleagues, but
forever my extended family.
There is always much more to be done. The day-to-day operation of the City is challenging
enough without all the ambitious projects we have pending over the next five years. I am
confident the team I am leaving in place will provide continuity and outstanding support for
our next City Manager.
To each of you current and past elected officials, thank you for your support, leadership and
friendship. I want to express my most sincere appreciation, respect and affection for our
beloved City, its residents and businesses.
I will always love Miami Beach as much as my Cuban refugee family did so many years ago
when we first enjoyed its beautiful beaches and the ocean breeze. Public service is a noble
and aspirational profession. I continue to live by the core values that my parents instilled in
me service, integrity, honor, respect, humility and hard work. I leave you with my favorite
quote from President Theodore Roosevelt's speech, Man in the Arena:
"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man
stumbles, or where the doer of deed could have done them better, the credit belongs to the
man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who
strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort
without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows great
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical,
historic community.