UCL Menu of Services 8-3-2023
UCL Menu of Services 8-3-2023
UCL Menu of Services 8-3-2023
Questions about Secured Party Creditor and/or the SPC DONE W U Process –
Free, unless highly excessive and involved with “way” too many questions. However, in
90% of cases, most people interested in the SPC do not have as many questions
because most are answered in long form videos on our website under the “WEBINAR
REPLAY” and “SPC TRUST AUDIO” sections. $0.00 Always FREE.
(FREE) Deprogramming Video Series Join the e-mail announcement list and in your
inbox you will receive a link to hours of free video’s that bring you on a journey showing
you what is really going on. $0.00 ALWAYS FREE
(1.) UCL’S Secured Party Creditor / SPC DONE WITH U process (All secured party
paperwork and filed: Security Agreement, Hold Harmless, Copyright, Trust w/ EIN and
bank account, UCC-1, Legal Notice & Demand, etc.) explained in detail above. Currently
$1650 per individual via physical mail or on occasion meet in pers. For those outside USA
- Canadians, Australians, UK, etc. it’s $1750.
(2.) Credit Repair & Credit Improvement. Is your credit score lousy? Are there old
charge-offs, late payments and multiple inquiries haunting you? We have a talented
affiliate who can work to get your credit score back on track in 4 to 12 weeks.
Bankruptcy- Yes, we can fix that too (add a little extra time for that). In addition to
removing unwanted blemishes from your credit report we can also give you quotes for
ways of improving your credit score in order to position you for substantial car loans,
mortgages and even trade lines. $1500 for basic credit repair, quotes given for other
options as well.
(3.) LLC DONE WITH U. Set up the BEST LLC or Corporation, with all the mental
filters, considerations, and questions you need to determine, in the order of what you
need to think through first – in order to set up your entity the best possible way for you.
Included is learning how to have your Trust own the LLC or Corporation, as well as
other privacy strategies to reduce your risk of litigation and so forth. We used to joke
and call this “The Anonymous LLC method” but nothing is ever totally anonymous,
however you can make sure you owning this company is not even Public in your
jurisdiction. Includes the ability to open up NUMEROUS CORPS all with their own asset
protection corporate veil all for the price of one $1000
assignments that you will do. Adhesion contracts include – bank debt, marriage license,
social security, any civil court or criminal court, etc., and why you should utilize our
experience in order to help you and reasons why you should not try to do it yourself.
(Disclaimer: This is the framework to understand, NOT the Step-by-Step for you to be
able to do it yourself independently of us. This course is for more the intellectual
person, truth seeker, or detailed person who desires to understand WHY it works before
considering, seeing, or doing the process. We do NOT lay out specific paperwork and
show you how to fill it out. Again, this product would be ideal for someone who wants
their very own legal Tutor (Brian) to learn things they previously did not know. You will
have up to 5 or so phone calls, with "homework" in between that you’ll have to study.
Once you've gone over the material in your own time, you'll reach out to us and we will
then consult with you to make sure you have a solid understanding. At that time, we will
"connect the dots" for you regarding the concepts. $3000 stand-alone or $650 if
bundled with other qualifying products/services.
(5.) Release/Removal of your Criminal Record: Clear off your record so it doesn’t
show up on job applications, background checks, and you are no longer obligated to
fulfill the rest of the court order. Set up consult, ask us for details.
(6.) Removal of Liens. Credit Card, Bank, Taxes, Criminal Judgments, Civil Judgments,
Divorce, IRS, Taxes, or of any kind – check with us if using a few of our services in
sequence can remove your liens! (for ex: 1. SPC DONE W U, 2. TDA verification 3.
IRS/Tax Consultation/review 4. Discharge/Hire us for the full thing [does not apply to
Mortgage liens UNLESS Commercial, NOT Residential]
(7.) Empower Yourself Pack: “EYP” the official UCL "law library" of cool finds and
educational material and resources to comb through, particularly if you do not know where
to start, are one who loves to study and watch videos before bed, or one looking to take
advantage of any of the specific “how to” resources listed in the pack. Combine with SPC
DONE W U and get $500 discount. (bundle price total: $3650 for SPC & EYP). Click the
video link above to see the walk-through tutorial video. On one hand, I am very proud of
the research and efforts that go into this library, but on the other hand, I do not want
anyone to get the impression that it will teach you to do you own discharges – that is not
the case as discharging as an SPC is a more complex and involved process. $2500
$2400 for Fall 2023. $2000 if bundled with certain other services.
(10.) REVIEW YOUR PAST SPC PROCESS to check for accuracy: For FREE you
can click this link (https://understandcontractlawandyouwin.com/wp-
content/uploads/2021/06/SPC-DONE-WITH-U-APPLICATION.pdf or simply navigate
properly from our website) and see the list of items we use in the correct SPC process,
if you have any docs that are not here or do not have docs that are here, it is safe to
determine officially, that your spc process in the past was not the same one we use that
we are confident with. we can discuss verbally the list of documents you’ve done and
compare. $350
(11.) LICENSING BOARD MARK DISCHARGE Have you gotten a derogatory mark for
unprofessional conduct for your medical, dental, chiropractic, cosmetic, drivers, or other
“licensing” “safety” “regulatory” board of any kind, between challenging jurisdiction, use
of HJR-192 and Discharge; we can make those records become null and void. If
concerning Chiropractic licenses, there are actually more than one approach as well.
Start with item #(13.) REMEDY REVIEW.
(12.) VERIFY YOUR TDA (Treasury Direct Account): Did you do any SPC, Redemption,
Common Law, or Sovereign process on your own? With another company? Would you
like to know for sure your TDA is set up and ready to go for any discharges? Do you
wonder why the attempted setoffs or discharged in the past did not work? The Treasury
department will discard your bond submission for any incorrect detail and they don't tell
you if it was accepted one way or the other. We have the knowledge and connections to
verify your TDA within approximately 14 days. $300; which is also credited towards any
future costs of discharging any contract, obligation, debt, or account with us, if used within
the next 12 months.
(13.) BACKGROUND REPORT: Perhaps you are concerned you may have had some
issues in the past that you are not sure are cleared up? We can usually check to see if
you have an Outstanding Warrants, Hidden Liens, or other THINGS YOU WOULD HAVE
NO IDEA ABOUT unless you checked. For $300 we can run a Sweep to see what
comes up on computers when government officials look you up. No discounts
because it costs us money to look it up.
(14.) REMEDY REVIEW / TORT CLAIM / LAWSUITS: This is our #1 forte. We can do all
types of cases anything from helping ex-prisoners get compensation for being wrongfully
imprisoned, to toxic mold exposure, to any medical case you see advertised on attorney
TV commercials – we can also do anything. We have a vast worldwide network. This is
where 90% of your focus should be on as it has by far the highest pay off. If it does not
apply to you, think about it for any friends, if you know anyone it could be BIG and life-
changing for the both of you. (Price: do Evaluation first $500, we only take a small
number of cases per year so that we can be sure we use enough detail and persistence
to WIN all cases we take on.)
(15.) CAR ACCIDENT? Tell all your friends - Call UCL instead of 411 PAIN! Deal with
us as we walk you thru every thought and action to get paid the highest amount possible
on your claim. We can show you how you don’t need a lawyer and how to get the
maximum money from the insurance companies. (Typical Testimonial: Whiplash case,
the first offer was $1500 and we did not agree to it and we pushed back and instead we
get $50,000 to $75,000.) Must do the “Statement of Claim”/Victim Impact Statement
product below as a prerequisite to review any paperwork and discuss and analyze if
you merit an expert suggesting to Tyler to consider your case.
(17.) TOXIC MOLD EXPOSURE LAWSUIT – Have you been exposed to toxic mold in a
living or work environment? We guarantee we can get 10x more money than with a
dumb lawyer. One of my clients decided to hire a lawyer and after 2 ½ years he got
$25,000. Meanwhile my mold claim specialist has done $300,000 to $1 Million for years
and years. Disclaimer: Please read and follow: DO NOT assume we want your case
just because you’ve been exposed to mold, as most instances are from your own doing.
It must be the property owners responsibility that was neglected in order for them to be
liable. Everyone has mold buildup in their shower, that is your responsibility to clean and
fix. We are only talking about where mold was embedded into the walls and is deeply
rooted into the structure of the home, and only when the home is owned by the landlord,
not you. If it’s owned by you, well, we aren’t going to help you sue yourself. Use
common sense, hopefully we do not get 100 calls a week from anyone who has had
mold build up in their shower from their own neglect, if that is you, we will laugh you off
the phone please be sane about this! (Also, if you were in a hotel for 1 day and realized
it had mold before you packed up and moved, there really isn’t anything you can do as
you realized it and left. When that happens, just negotiate your free night and move on
to bigger and better issues.) OK hopefully those of you who contact us have more
significant cases that actually MERIT $300,000 to $1 Million. Must do the “Statement
of Claim” product below as a prerequisite to review any paperwork and discuss and
analyze if you Merit an expert suggesting to Tyler to consider your case.
(18.) STATEMENT OF CLAIM / VICTIM STATEMENT. This is the first step to having
ANY claim evaluation reviewed by UCL and our experts; to first of all just SEE if we can
and will partner with you by taking your case in order to pursue monetary award and/or
restraining order(s), etc. We have a guide and a coach that can work with you to ensure
that you write a precise and detailed statement. This is important because the team that
reviews your statement will want to see certain things to determine if they would like to
make you an offer and take the case for partnership. $300.
(19.) FREE SPEECH - BIG TECH LAWSUIT: Has Twitter and “Big Brother” violated your
first amendment right to free speech? Was anything deleted from your account? With all
the new evidence pouring out of Twitter its proven that the government and their big tech
partners have been in cahoots to usurp the constitution, silence your opinion and taken
direct action to violate your rights. Now we can guarantee a win for conspiracy to violate
your rights both by the government and non-government actors, working together. Why
not sue for damages and send the filthy communist/globalist friends a message at the
same time? We are here to support you and put you in a position to do just that. Starting
point is #17- the Victim Impact statement.
Forced injections or forced vaccinations against you or your children, or any of your
friends. Call and inquire about pursuing a lawsuit.
(21.) COVID MANDATE CASES: Forced weekly testing, forced quarantine, and forced
mask-wearing without any forced vaccination issue goes into this category. Fired
because you refused to take the experimental injection they like to call a "vaccine", or
you didn't want to wear some mask that doesn't work anyway? Let's sue and get you
compensated. Call for details. Even if you don’t apply, you probably know some friends
or co-workers you can refer. Most cases are not being challenged; our pleadings are too
strong, quick settlements is one positive expectation. All MUST first do the Statement
of Claim / Victim Statement product mentioned above, before doing anything further.
(24.) IRS/Tax Case Consultation: Problems or large fines/bills from the IRS or any
State/City? Or Canadian Revenue, or equivalent anywhere in the world? Let us help you
work it out and perhaps get it discharged. We can even win in such a way that the IRS
desists from bothering you! $1200 for up to 3 Consultations and document review.
(25.) LAND PATENT Evaluation: First send us the list of items we need to see in order
to find out if it can be done. Before we say “Yes” and enroll you into the Land Patent
process, we ask that you allow us to review your request and talk about the goals and
details of the parcel and any/all issues related to it. Removal of city or county tax
registration so that your parcel/land will not be on the list of which properties to expect or
collect property taxes from. In addition, you will have complete sovereignty over your own
property like your own nation-state as the end product. If you are free of liens or can
become free of liens, then you can remove off the property tax rolls and obtain a Land
Patent, and even get International Courts recognizing such. No mortgages can exist
however; you would need to remove your mortgage in order for this to work. $500, which
may be applied if you proceed within 90 days. Fee is applied to your land patent process*
(26.) FREE COVID RELIEF MONEY to Business Owners with 10 or more employees.
Money from the Biden Admin and Congress, part of the Trillions of new money to “throw
at” the covid problem. You get free money that the owner of the business can pocket
without needing to use on any business expense. Free money (not a loan), that you DO
NOT have to pay back. To start, set up consult for $300 for further details, but this only
applies to Business Owners with 10+ employees. Also, worth paying to hear more details
in case you want to make money referring other people and earn commissions for the
people you refer. If bundled with other products, we give 10 free of these consults per
month, to clients who’ve buy 2 or more products.
(27.) Set up a new Trust, Church (Ministry), Private Foundation or PMA (Private
Membership Association) – Do you need to set up a Trust, or Church/Ministry, without
wanting to bother to do any of the typing, or doc preparation yourself? Although we
encourage you to do it yourself with a template, we’ll charge you between $500 to
$1000 per extra Trust you need set up, if you are already an established client. (Just a
miscellaneous consultation? $350)
(28.) Transfer Car, Boat, Plane into a Trust Although we encourage you to do it
yourself with a template, we’ll charge you between $500 to $750 to show you how to
transfer the item into a trust, if you are already an established client.
(30.) INEFFECTIVE PROCESSES One needs to know how to avoid the pitfalls and
failures that can become really serious, leading to criminal charges for those who follow
the wrong “teachers”. Instead, protect yourself! Learn what doesn’t work so you don’t
fall flat on your face! 70 page ebook of all the “Ineffective Processes”, contrasted with a
process that is working (S.P.C.). Before following some other process that you are not
sure of, you should probably go through all this first to protect and warn yourself from
the experiments of others. New to the idea of “SPC Discharge”? Just start with an intro
and getting your feet wet with the idea, because there are quite a lot of misconceptions,
such as people thinking you can “setoff” and “pay” things with a secret special account...
70 Page eBook $300 solo or bundle together with a consult (usually $300) at $450
at half price.
(31.) U.S. SUPREME COURT EDU: Within the U.S. Constitution, at Article III, Section I, it
clearly states: “The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme
Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and
establish.” and then in Section II, “The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and
equity, arising under this Constitution...”, The United States Supreme Court is talked about
in the news and by scholars every single day. And we just read “...to all cases…”. So
where is the guru teaching us how to get our cases into the U.S. Supreme Court? Instead,
the discussion is sorely missing in the self-help law, common law, redemption, Discharge,
Jurisdictional Challenges, and SPC conversations for most. In fact, most people are being
led astray by intentional disinformation in order to chase down non-existent remedies and
rabbit holes (“Equity”, “Setoffs”, etc.) yet no one talks about winning at the U.S. Supreme
Court, and no blog talk or youtuber is even talking about doing so. Do we even need to
explain why the US Supreme Court is so important? We shouldn’t have to! Yet no one talks
about it, probably, for the very reason that no one other than us was ever able to get
petitions accepted and rules in our favor. So how does the court work, and how do you get
into the court? We’ll go into all that in this course. In addition, we’ll lead you to some really
kick-ass history lessons that’ll be bound to hopefully change your entire perspectives and
ambitions of what you are fighting to win in your court battles. Come, fully learn and
understand the history of the balance of power of the court, and all of the due process
decisions they’ve made that you need to be aware of. And most importantly of all,
when/how is the time to shoot to take a case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and the
long (or shorter) journey we can show you how to get there. BRAND NEW PRODUCT –
BETA TEST PHASE $3000 for first 5 people. ($1500 for the first 3 people)
(32.) NEW: Credit Repair & Credit Improvement. Is your credit score lousy? Are there old
charge-offs, late payments and multiple inquiries haunting you? We have a talented affiliate
who can work to get your credit score back on track in 4 to 12 weeks. Bankruptcy- Yes, we can
fix that too (add a little extra time for that). In addition to removing unwanted blemishes from
your credit report we can also give you quotes for ways of improving your credit score in order
to position you for substantial car loans, mortgages and even trade lines. $1500 for basic
credit repair, quotes given for other options as well.
(33.) CREDIT EDU online guide: For many SPC’s, you’ll not care about your STRAWMAN’s
Credit if you plan to distance yourself from the SSN. But if you chose to continue using it, which
is still acceptable to us, then why not use it to your advantage. Fix your credit today so you can
refinance and get better rates, or get more loans and credit cards, or to get approved for leases,
etc. If you’d like to learn to master the direction of your credit repair goals and be invited to a
program by an outside contractor that can fix all derogatory items on your credit report. A 9 page
PDF, of Tyler’s concise yet valuable “cheat sheet” to remind you what to prioritize and what/when
to do actions to improve your credit profile and credit scores. A prerequisite to starting any credit
repair. $300
(35.) LINES OF CREDIT (Personal and Business) Evaluation: Some people are
confused as to what would be the better path – building up personal credit or business
credit – which is best? We can get into that and carefully explain to you the pros and cons
of each, or why you may wish to focus on both. We have connections and tips and tricks,
from our own members experiences in the real world. As well as trade secrets to
strategically maximize your personal and business lines of credit goals. One of our mentors
got $5 Million to fund a Motion Picture film that he is now in the process of making out in
California. Anything is possible! Set your possibilities higher. $400
(38.) THE BATTLE FOR THE FUTURE OF THE REPUBLIC. Despite what we do here to
make an impact on a few people’s lives personally, the real battle is to save the Republic
and Stop the Great Reset by any legal means possible. If you don’t have all your time free
to fight full time to continue to work to save our freedoms, in this discussion, you’ll be able to
discuss with Tyler ideas/ways to convert your life into an activist battling for the future of the
Republic and to Preserve the original Constitutionally-bound sound government from being
taken over. Resist and push back against the Great Reset. Tyler has plethora of creative
ideas he is confident about you can make moves to get more of your time back so that you
can be involved. Business opp, even normal job opp’s are discussed as well as no limit to
the ideas we’ll discuss, including anti-Lockdown activism ideas, ideas on what Constitution-
al Amendments to propose once a Supermajority in both Houses of Congress is obtained.
By Special Request.
Put the total amount of cash in a normal envelope, write your name, phone number and best time to
reach you (mention your time zone). Put donation into a US Mail Flat Rate Priority Mail envelope
(overnight NOT necessary unless the total amount is over $3,000- if so, overnight with a tracking
number needed). Pay for the postage at the counter. The receipt will have a tracking number. (FedEx,
UPS, DHL or US Post Office are all fine).
Call or text us with the tracking number which we will accept as the donation and we will get you
started immediately. Do not send a photo of your receipt because it may not come through on our
end, punch it in manually and then give us time to acknowledge it. (If you’re doing the SPC process
take home with you SIX (6) certified mail receipts and SIX return receipt postcards).
Send to:
UCL Trust
c/o 2805 East Oakland Park Blvd. #321
Ft. Lauderdale, FL [33306]