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Ice Witch

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Career: Ice Witch

You are a member of the female-only sisterhood of sorcerers in Kislev, the Ice Witches, wielding
cold and terrible power drawn from the land itself.

Every year, Ice Witches emerge from the frozen steppes to assess shivering Gospodar girls.
The rare girl demonstrating magical talent is taken away and is unlikely to see her family again.
Barely old enough to be called women, these apprentices-to-be are led into the depths of
Kislev’s cruel winter, and there, they are taught the ways of the Khan-Queens of old. Those who
survive (and many do not) are forever changed: they are cold, aloof, mature well beyond their
years, and very aware of their insignificance beside the might of the Ancient Widow’s glacial

The enigmatic Ice Witches ice be found in the most unlikely places as they quest for
understanding, but most commonly, they wander the frozen oblast, facing Kyazak, the land’s
spirits, and ferocious Greenskins with equal resolve.

The Ice Witches of Kislev are feared and respected throughout the Old World. They are the
darkest winter, the coldest ice, and the cruellest blizzard, and few can bear their presence for
long. They are in touch with the wintry spirits of the land and the frozen flows of magic surging
through it; thus, they work hard to preserve the old ways and ancient places, keen to ensure
their pristine magic remains unsullied and pure.
Ice Witch Advance Scheme
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel

⚔️ ➕ 🛡️ ➕ ➕ 💀

Career Path

➕ Apprentice Witch - Brass 1

Skills: Channelling, Consume Alcohol,
Cool, Endurance, Intimidate, Language
(Magick), Lore (Local), Outdoor Survival
Talents: Instinctive Diction, Petty Magic,
Strider (Steppe), Read/Write
Trappings: Quarterstaff, Heavy Winter
Clothing, Flask of Kvas

⚔️ Ice Maiden - Brass 3

Skills: Dodge, Gossip, Intuition, Lore (Ley
Lines), Melee (Basic), Perception
Talents: Arcane Magic (Ice), Menacing,
Second Sight, Immunity (Cold)
Trappings: Fur Coat, Inner Coldness

💀 Ice Witch - Silver 2

Skills: Charm, Evaluate, Leadership, Lore
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Fearsome,
Magical Sense, Fast Hands
Trappings: Ley Line, Apprentice Witch

🛡️ Ice Witch Ancient - Silver 4

Skills: Lore (Politics), Lore (Geography)
Talents: Acute Sense (Any), Iron Will, Luck,
Trappings: Magic item, Political Connections

Petty Magic of the Steppes

Practitioners of Petty Magic from the frozen country of Kislev may add the following spells to the
list of learnable Petty Magic spells:

CN: 0
Range: Touch
Target: Special
Duration: Willpower Bonus Minutes
The air in the immediate drops to freezing, and your touch leaves a gleaming frost behind.
During the duration of this spell you may remove one Bleeding Condition from a touched target.

Winter Walk
CN: 0
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower Minutes
WInter spirits grant you passage. You have no difficulty moving through blizzards, snow drifts,
icy surfaces, and similar.

The Lore of Ice

In the frozen north of Kislev, the Ice Witches tap into the leylines that underlie this world,
drawing out unstructured magic and channelling it into their spells. Targets afflicted by spells
from the Lore of Ice are chilled to the bone, slowed, and potentially frozen solid. You may assign
+1 Fatigued Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only
ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time. In areas of intense
cold, such as Kislev during the winter, add +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with the Lore of

Ingredients: Ice witches use a variety of natural and foraged ingredients, including charms and
sculpted pieces of ice, soil, freshly fallen snow, gathered from the land. Ingredients cost a spell’s
CN in brass pennies, instead of silver shillings, to purchase. Alternatively, an Ice Witch may
forage for ingredients, using the Outdoor Survival skill. A successful foraging roll receives 1 +
SL ingredients, as described under Gathering Food and Herbs on page 127.
Biting Wind
CN: 6
Range: Willpower yards
Target: Special
Duration: Instant
You channel a mighty flow of magic into a howling gale of cold. Select a point on the ground
within Willpower yards. Anyone between you and the selected point is buffeted with chill winds
and shards of ice. This is a magic missile with a Damage of +4. They are also pushed back your
Willpower Bonus in yards and gain the prone condition.

Chill Voice
CN: 3
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower Bonus Minutes
You channel the pitiless chill of the Khan-Queens of old, gaining stature, gravitas, and
fearsomeness. You gain Fear (1). You count as one status tier higher than usual for the
purposes of tests to command, coerce, or intimidate.

Crystal Cloak
CN: 7
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
You form a cloak of crystalline ice around you. For the spell’s duration, gain +Willpower Bonus
Armor Points on all locations. For every +2 SLs, increase this amount by 1 Armor Point. If you
are attacked in melee, your attacker gains +1 Fatigued Condition as cold seeps into their bones.
This does not count toward the limit on Fatigued Conditions caused by the Lore of Ice.

Death Frost
CN: 8
Range: Touch
Target: 1
Duration: Instant
A target that you touch takes a critical wound that cannot be deflected or mitigated, as part of
the target is frozen solid and shattered, breaking bones, tearing flesh, and rupturing blood
vessels. Determine hit location for this critical wound using the Melee (Brawling) test. For every
+2 SL, add 20 to the roll on the critical wound table. Any target slain by this spell is turned into a
statue of ice.
Form of the Frost Fiend
CN: 8
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
You invite the cold spirits of old within you to transform yourself, along with your trappings, into a
shrieking, taloned Frostfiend. Gain the following Creature Traits (see page 338): Armour (2),
Bite (Strength Bonus +1), Fear (1), Horn (Strength Bonus +1), Magical, Size (Large), Weapon
(Strength Bonus +2). While this spell is in place, you retain your mind, but you may not
communicate in anything other than howls, cannot cast spells, and cannot wield weapons. You
may voluntarily end this spell.

CN: 10
Range: You
Target: AoE (Willpower yards)
Duration: 1 day
You channel a mighty stream of cold which flows through the depths of the land. In a circle of
Willpower yards radius centered on you, a heavy frost immediately crusts over every surface.
The intense drop in temperature damages all caught within. This is a magic missile with a
Damage of +4 that targets everyone in the area of effect. Then, while this spell is active, anyone
attempting to traverse the area on foot without the Arcane Magic (Ice) Talent must make a
Challenging (+0) Athletics Test. Failure means they may move only at walking speed. After
one minute, all water in the area freezes.

CN: 9
Range: Willpower yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
Duration: Instant
You unleash a storm of diamond-hard ice shards at the target. This is a magic missile with a
Damage of +8 that may target any number of enemies within the area of effect. For every +2
SLs, you may choose a target in the AoE; that target instead suffers a hit with a Damage of +11.

Shoika’s Call
CN: 8
Range: Willpower Yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards)
Duration: 6 Rounds
You call out to the Ancient Widow, and cause massive tendrils of ice to erupt from the ground.
Everyone in the Area of Effect gains one Entangled condition with Strength equal to your
Intelligence. At the end of each round, all targets within the AoE that have the Entangled
condition are gripped painfully by the tendrils of ice. They suffer a hit with Damage equal to your
Willpower Bonus, handled like a magic missile.

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