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Basic concepts
Directed graph
The following directed graph has 5 vertices and 8 edges. This graph G
can be defined as G = (V, E), where V = {A,B,C,D,E} and E = {(A,B),
(A,C) (B, E), (B,D), (D, A), (D, E),(C,D),(D,D)}.
Directed Graph
Undirected graph
Undirected Graph
Representation of Graphs
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Graph data structure is www.eduengineering.net
represented using the following
1. Adjacency Matrix
2. Adjacency List
Adjacency Matrix
Adjacency list
Adjacency List
Graph traversals
Applications of graphs
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1. Social network graphs www.eduengineering.net
tweet or not to tweet. Graphs that
represent who knows whom, who communicates with whom, who
influences whom, or other relationships in social structures. An
example is the twitter graph of who follows whom.
2. Graphs in epidemiology: Vertices represent individuals and
directed edges to view the transfer of an infectious disease
from one individual to another. Analyzing such graphs has become
an important component in understanding and controlling the
spread of diseases.
3. Protein-protein interactions graphs: Vertices represent proteins
and edges represent interactions between them that carry out
some biological function in the cell. These graphs can be used
to, for example, study molecular pathway—chains of molecular
interactions in a cellular process.
4. Network packet traffic graphs: Vertices are IP (Internet
protocol) addresses and edges are the packets that flow between
them. Such graphs are used for analyzing network security,
studying the spread of worms, and tracking criminal or non-
criminal activity.
5. Neural networks: Vertices represent neurons and edges are the
synapses between them. Neural networks are used to understand
how our brain works and how connections change when we learn.
The human brain has about 1011 neurons and close to 1015
As in the example given above, DFS algorithm traverses from S to A to D to G to E to B first, then to F
and lastly to C. It employs the following rules.
Rule 1 − Visit the adjacent unvisited vertex. Mark it as visited. Display it. Push it in a stack.
Rule 2 − If no adjacent vertex is found, pop up a vertex from the stack. (It will pop up all the
vertices from the stack, which do not have adjacent vertices.)
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We choose B, mark it as visited and
put onto the stack. Here B does not
have any unvisited adjacent node. So,
we pop B from the stack.
We check the stack top for return to
the previous node and check if it has
any unvisited nodes. Here, we
find D to be on the top of the stack.
Only unvisited adjacent node is
from D is C now. So we visit C, mark it
as visited and put it onto the stack.
Pseudocode of DFS
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DFS(G, u) from www.eduengineering.net
u.visited = true
for each v ∈ G.Adj[u]
if v.visited == false
init() {
For each u ∈ G
u.visited = false
For each u ∈ G
DFS(G, u)
As in the example given above, BFS algorithm traverses from A to B to E to F first then to C and G
lastly to D. It employs the following rules.
Rule 1 − Visit the adjacent unvisited vertex. Mark it as visited. Display it. Insert it in a queue.
Rule 2 − If no adjacent vertex is found, remove the first vertex from the queue.
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Step Traversal
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Next, the unvisited adjacent node
from S is B. We mark it as visited and
enqueue it.
Next, the unvisited adjacent node
from S is C. We mark it as visited and
enqueue it.
Now, S is left with no unvisited
adjacent nodes. So, we dequeue and
find A.
From A we have D as
unvisited adjacent node. We
mark it as visited and
enqueue it.
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BFS pseudocode
create a queue Q
while Q is non-empty
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stack STACK
void DFS(int source) {
for all neighbours X of source that are not visited:
for all edges e:
first = one end point of e
second = other end point of e
Bi Connectivity Graph
An undirected graph is said to be a biconnected graph, if there are two vertex-disjoint paths
between any two vertices are present. In other words, we can say that there is a cycle between any
two vertices.
We can say that a graph G is a bi-connected graph if it is connected, and there are no articulation
points or cut vertex are present in the graph.
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To solve this problem, we will use www.eduengineering.net
the DFS traversal. Using DFS, we will try to find if there is any
articulation point is present or not. We also check whether all vertices are visited by the DFS or not,
if not we can say that the graph is not connected.
Prim’s Algorithm
Prim's algorithm is a minimum spanning tree algorithm that takes a graph as input and finds the
subset of the edges of that graph which
form a tree that includes every vertex
has the minimum sum of weights among all the trees that can be formed from the graph
Choose a vertex
Choose the nearest edge not yet in the solution, if there are multiple choices, choose one at random
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Kruskal Algorithm
Kruskal's algorithm is a minimum spanning tree algorithm that takes a graph as input and finds the
subset of the edges of that graph which
form a tree that includes every vertex
has the minimum sum of weights among all the trees that can be formed from the graph
How Kruskal's algorithm works
It falls under a class of algorithms called greedy algorithms that find the local optimum in the hopes
of finding a global optimum.
We start from the edges with the lowest weight and keep adding edges until we reach our goal.
The steps for implementing Kruskal's algorithm are as follows:
1. Sort all the edges from low weight to high
2. Take the edge with the lowest weight and add it to the spanning tree. If adding the edge
created a cycle, then reject this edge.
3. Keep adding edges until we reach all vertices.
Choose the edge with the least weight, if there are more than 1, choose anyone
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Choose the next shortest edge that doesn't create a cycle and add it
Choose the next shortest edge that doesn't create a cycle and add it
The shortest path problem is about finding a path between vertices in a graph such that the total
sum of the edges weights is minimum.
Bellman Algorithm
Bellman Ford algorithm helps us find the shortest path from a vertex to all other vertices of a
weighted graph.
It is similar to Dijkstra's algorithm but it can work with graphs in which edges can have negative
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How Bellman Ford's algorithmfrom
works www.eduengineering.net
Bellman Ford algorithm works by overestimating the length of the path from the starting vertex to
all other vertices. Then it iteratively relaxes those estimates by finding new paths that are shorter
than the previously overestimated paths.
By doing this repeatedly for all vertices, we can guarantee that the result is optimized.
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Time Complexity
Dijkstra Algorithm
Dijkstra's algorithm allows us to find the shortest path between any two vertices of a graph.
It differs from the minimum spanning tree because the shortest distance between two vertices
might not include all the vertices of the graph.
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Each subpath is the shortest path
Djikstra used this property in the opposite direction i.e we overestimate the distance of each vertex
from the starting vertex. Then we visit each node and its neighbors to find the shortest subpath to
those neighbors.
The algorithm uses a greedy approach in the sense that we find the next best solution hoping that
the end result is the best solution for the whole problem.
Choose a starting vertex and assign infinity path values to all other devices
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If the path length of the adjacent vertex is lesser than new path length, don't update it
After each iteration, we pick the unvisited vertex with the least path length. So we choose 5 before 7
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Notice how the rightmost vertex has its path length updated twice
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Dijkstra's Algorithm Complexity
Time Complexity: O(E Log V)
where, E is the number of edges and V is the number of vertices.
Space Complexity: O(V)
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm is an algorithm for finding the shortest path between all the pairs of
vertices in a weighted graph. This algorithm works for both the directed and undirected weighted
graphs. But, it does not work for the graphs with negative cycles (where the sum of the edges in a
cycle is negative).
A weighted graph is a graph in which each edge has a numerical value associated with it.
Floyd-Warhshall algorithm is also called as Floyd's algorithm, Roy-Floyd algorithm, Roy-Warshall
algorithm, or WFI algorithm.
This algorithm follows the dynamic programming approach to find the shortest paths.
Initial graph
Follow the steps below to find the shortest path between all the pairs of vertices.
1. Create a matrix A0 of dimension n*n where n is the number of vertices. The row and the
column are indexed as i and j respectively. i and j are the vertices of the graph.
Each cell A[i][j] is filled with the distance from the ith vertex to the jth vertex. If there is no
path from ith vertex to jth vertex, the cell is left as infinity.
Fill each cell with the distance between ith and jth vertex
2. Now, create a matrix A1 using matrix A0. The elements in the first column and the first row
are left as they are. The remaining cells are filled in the following way.
Let k be the intermediate vertex in the shortest path from source to destination. In this
step, k is the first vertex. A[i][j] is filled with (A[i][k] + A[k][j]) if (A[i][j] > A[i][k] + A[k][j]).
That is, if the direct distance from the source to the destination is greater than the path
through the vertex k, then the cell is filled with A[i][k] + A[k][j].
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In this step, k is vertexfrom www.eduengineering.net
1. We calculate the distance from source vertex to destination vertex
through this vertex
k. Calcula
te the distance from the source vertex to destination vertex through this vertex k
For example: For A1[2, 4], the direct distance from vertex 2 to 4 is 4 and the sum of the
distance from vertex 2 to 4 through vertex (ie. from vertex 2 to 1 and from vertex 1 to 4) is 7.
Since 4 < 7, A0[2, 4] is filled with 4.
3. Similarly, A2 is created using A1. The elements in the second column and the second row are
left as they are.
In this step, k is the second vertex (i.e. vertex 2). The remaining steps are the same as in step
2. Calcula
te the distance from the source vertex to destination vertex through this vertex 2
e the distance from the source vertex to destination vertex through this
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vertex C
alculate the distance from the source vertex to destination vertex through this vertex 4
5. A4 gives the shortest path between each pair of vertices.
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
n = no of vertices
A = matrix of dimension n*n
for k = 1 to n
for i = 1 to n
for j = 1 to n
Ak[i, j] = min (Ak-1[i, j], Ak-1[i, k] + Ak-1[k, j])
return A
Time Complexity
There are three loops. Each loop has constant complexities. So, the time complexity of the Floyd-
Warshall algorithm is O(n3).
Network Flow
Flow Network is a directed graph that is used for modeling material Flow. There are two different
vertices; one is a source which produces material at some steady rate, and another one is sink which
consumes the content at the same constant speed. The flow of the material at any mark in the
system is the rate at which the element moves.
Some real-life problems like the flow of liquids through pipes, the current through wires and delivery
of goods can be modelled using flow networks.
Definition: A Flow Network is a directed graph G = (V, E) such that
1. For each edge (u, v) ∈ E, we associate a nonnegative weight capacity c (u, v) ≥ 0.If (u, v) ∉ E,
we assume that c (u, v) = 0.
2. There are two distinguishing points, the source s, and the sink t;
3. For every vertex v ∈ V, there is a path from s to t containing v.
Let G = (V, E) be a flow network. Let s be the source of the network, and let t be the sink. A flow in G
is a real-valued function f: V x V→R such that the following properties hold:
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o Capacity Constraint: For all u, v ∈ V, we need f (u, v) ≤ c (u, v).
o Skew Symmetry: For all u, v ∈ V, we need f (u, v) = - f (u, v).
o Flow Conservation: For all u ∈ V-{s, t}, we need
The quantity f (u, v), which can be positive or negative, is known as the net flow from vertex u to
vertex v. In the maximum-flow problem, we are given a flow network G with source s and sink t, and
we wish to find a flow of maximum value from s to t.
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Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm from www.eduengineering.net
Initially, the flow of value is 0. Find some augmenting Path p and increase flow f on each edge of p by
residual Capacity cf (p). When no augmenting path exists, flow f is a maximum flow.
1. Initialize flow f to 0
2. while there exists an augmenting path p
3. do argument flow f along p
4. Return f
1. for each edge (u, v) ∈ E [G]
2. do f [u, v] ← 0
3. f [u, v] ← 0
4. while there exists a path p from s to t in the residual network Gf.
5. do cf (p)←min?{ Cf (u,v):(u,v)is on p}
6. for each edge (u, v) in p
7. do f [u, v] ← f [u, v] + cf (p)
8. f [u, v] ←-f[u,v]
Example: Each Directed Edge is labeled with capacity. Use the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to find the
maximum flow.
Solution: The left side of each part shows the residual network Gf with a shaded augmenting path
p,and the right side of each part shows the net flow f.
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When the maximum match is found, we cannot add another edge. If one edge is added to the
maximum matched graph, it is no longer a matching. For a bipartite graph, there can be more than
one maximum matching is possible.
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