Patrón Amigurumi
Patrón Amigurumi
Patrón Amigurumi
Pair of 2.75mm single point knitting needles – I use LYKKE Driftwood 25cm length ones
17.5 rows and 15 stitches over 5cm (2in) with 2.75mm needles
Pair 2 x black 5mm black toy safety eyes with metal washer-type backs - This is the website for the eyes -
I use uncarded toy filling out of preference but for such a small project any toy filling and yarn snippings
Scissors and yarn-sewing needle, 12-14 coloured stitch markers (see page 3)
PLUS: If you want to add wire into the limbs and body you’ll need three 10 inches long x 22 gauge ones
(see NOTE on page 3) - This is the website for the wires
dec = decrease
k2tog/ k3tog = knit two together/ knit three together
. I cast on with Cable Cast On Method
. I sew all my seams with a single strand p2tog/ p3tog = purl two together/ purl three together
of mohair RH/LH = right hand/ left hand RS/WS = right side/ wrong side
- The Wires I used for this project were lengths of florists’ ‘stub’ st/ sts =stitch/ stitches
wire – I bought a bundle of 20 x 10 inches long x 22 gauge ones from skpo = slip one stitch, knit next stitch, pass slipped stitch over knit stitch to decrease by
Etsy and they are perfect – length-wise, strength-wise and malleable
one stitch
enough to bend and shape my doll.
kfb = knit into front then into back of stitch to increase by one stitch
pfb = purl into front then knit into back of stitch to increase by one stitch
m1= with RH needle point pick up the horizontal bar in between stitches, put onto LH
HEAD Row 10. inc) Kfb, k9, kfb, k1, kfb, k9, kfb - 27sts
Beginning at the Nose Row 11. Purl
With yarn A and cast on 5 sts for Nose Seam
Work short rows to shape Forehead as follows:
Row 1. Purl
Short Row 1. K20, W+Tk
Row 2. inc) [Kfb, k1] twice, kfb - 8sts
Short Row 2. P13, W+Tp
Rows 3, 5 & 7. Purl
Short Row 3. K12, W+Tk
Row 4. inc) Kfb, k3, m1, k3, kfb - 11sts
Short Row 4. P11, W+Tp
Row 6. inc) Kfb, k3, kfb, k1, kfb, k3, kfb - 15sts
Short Row 5. K10, W+Tk
Row 8. inc) Kfb twice, [k3, kfb] twice, k3, kfb twice - 21sts
Short Row 6. P9, W+Tp
Row 9. Purl PM (Place Marker) on first and last stitch for Left & Right Nose
Short Row 7. K8, W+Tk
Markers (orange)
Short Row 8. P7, W+Tp
Work short rows to shape Fox’ Left Muzzle Short Row 9. K6, W+Tk
Short row 1. K7, W+Tk (Wrap and Turn knit, see page 4) Short Row 10. P5, W+Tp
Short row 2. P7 Short Row 11. K16 to end of row
Short row 3. K6, W+Tk
Row 12. Purl PM on first and last stitch for Left & Right Neck Markers
Short row 4. P4, W+Tp (NOTE: this is correct) (Wrap and Turn purl, see page 4)
Row 13. K11 PM on last stitch (11th stitch) for Left Ear Front Marker, knit next 6
Short row 5. K3, W+Tk
sts PM on last stitch (6th stitch) for Right Ear Front Marker, k10 to end of row
Short row 6. P2, W+Tp
Row 14. Purl
Short row 7. inc) K6, kfb, k1, kfb, k9 to end of row
Row 15. dec) K8, skpo, k7, k2tog, k8 – 25sts
Work short rows to shape Fox’ Right Muzzle Row 16. Purl
Short row 1. P7, W+Tp Row 17. dec) K7 PM on last stitch for Left Ear Back Marker, knit next 2 sts, skpo,
Short row 2. K7 k3, k2tog, k3 PM on last stitch for Right Ear Back Marker, k6 to end of row - 23sts
Short row 3. P6, W+Tp Row 18. Purl
Short row 4. K4, W+Tk Row 19. dec) K8, skpo, k3, k2tog, k8 – 21sts
Short row 5. P3, W+Tp Row 20. Purl
Short row 6. K2, W+Tk
Short row 7. P20 to end of row (23sts)
Fox Doll page 7 Fox Doll page 8
FIG. 2
Fox Doll page 9 Fox Doll page 10
Work short rows to shape the Belly, Left-Side Row 28. dec) K2tog, k1, k2tog - 3sts
Short Row 1 K7, W+Tk Row 29. P3, Turn
Short Row 2 P7 Row 30. dec) K3tog, fasten off for Belly Point.
Short Row 3 K6, W+Tk
Belly, Left-Side
Short Row 4 P6
WS facing, rejoin yarn to 6 sts for Left-Side Belly, continue as follows:
Short Row 5 K5, W+Tk
Rows 23-25. Beginning with a purl row work three rows stocking stitch
Short Row 6 P5
Row 26. dec) K2, k2tog, k2 - 5sts
Row 14. dec) K8, skpo, k1, k2tog, k8 to end of row - 19sts
Row 27. P5, Turn
Work short rows to shape the Belly, Right-Side Row 28. dec) K2tog, k1, k2tog - 3sts
Short Row 1 P7, W+Tp Row 29. P3, Turn
Short Row 2 K7 Row 30. dec) K3tog, fasten off for Belly Point.
Short Row 3 P6, W+Tp
Short Row 4 K6
Return the Back Cast-off Edge
Short Row 5 P5, W+Tp
RS and fox’s Back facing you, with yarn A pick up and knit 15 stitches into the
Short Row 6 K5
cast-off edge from your right to your left
Rows 15-17. Beginning with a purl row work three rows stocking stitch Row 1. P10, Turn so knit-side faces
Row 18. inc) K5, kfb 9 times, k5 to end of row - 28sts Row 2. inc) Kfb, k3, kfb, Turn so purl-side faces – 7 Tail sts
Rows 19-21. Beginning with a purl row work three rows stocking stitch
You’ll now continue to work on just 6 Tail sts as follows:
Row 22. dec) K6, cast off next 16 sts for Back, knit next 5 sts to end – 12sts
Row 3. inc) Cast on 4 sts for Right-Side Tail Underside, purl all 11 Tail sts
NOTE: You should have two sets of 6 sts either side of the 16 cast-off stitches Row 4. inc) Cast on 4 sts for Left-Side Tail Underside, knit all 15 Tail sts
– these 2 sets of 6 sts are the Left and Right Belly sts
NOTE: Slip the two sets of 5 sts either side of the 15 Tail sts onto small safety pins
Belly, Right-Side or lockable stitch markers (Blue)
Row 23. P6, Turn (flip work over so that Knit Side faces)
Row 5. P15 Tail sts
Row 24. K6
Row 6. inc) Kfb, k13, kfb – 17 Tail sts
Row 25. P6, Turn
Row 7. P17
Row 26. dec) K2, k2tog, k2 - 5sts
Row 8. inc) Kfb, k15, kfb – 19sts
Row 27. P5, Turn
Fox Doll page 11 Fox Doll page 12
Rows 9-15. Beginning with a purl row work seven rows stocking stitch
Row 16. dec) K2tog, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog – 17sts
Row 17. Purl
Rows 18-27. dec) Repeat last 2 rows five times – 7sts
Cut yarn A, join yarn B for the Tail Tip, continue as follows:
Row 28. dec) K2tog, k3, k2tog – 5sts
Rows 29 & 31. Purl SEAM
Row 30. dec) K2tog, k1, k2tog – 3sts
Row 32. dec) K3tog, fasten off for Tail Point. A
Before working on the Chin, Hind Legs and Ears, join the Head and Body B
Seams as follows: NOSE &
Join Head Back Seam
RS together, working on one side at a time, match the cast-off edge from Head
Back Seam to Head Back Rows Ends and work back-stitch to join the Head Back MARKERS
Seam Cast-Off Edge to the row ends at the back of the head. – See Fig. 3, join
dotted line A to dotted line B
When both head back seams, one each side of the head, have been sewn turn to
BELLY SEAM over the sharp ends and then wrap/ wind a length of yarn around and
around to enclose the bent ends and make safe the sharp points.
When all is safe from sharp points you can thread up your yarn needle and
BELLY POINTS pass the end around and around the loop created when you bent the end of
the wire and fully secure the yarn end by threading it through the
yarn-wrapped bundle. See Page 28 for an illustrated how-to
FIG. 4
Fox Doll page 15 Fox Doll page 16
With the Belly Seam facing you, begin at fox’s Left Neck Marker and with yarn
B pick up and knit 4 sts along row ends from left neck marker to the Belly
Seam/ Front Marker; pick up and knit a stitch at the marker; then from the
marker pick up and knit 4 sts along row ends to fox’s Right Neck Marker. - See
Figs. 6 & 7, pick up from A to B to C – 9sts
Remove Both Neck Markers and remaining Front Marker
Row 1. Purl
Row 2. inc) Kfb, knit to last st, kfb – 11sts
Rows 3-6. inc) Repeat last 2 rows twice – 15sts
Row 7. Purl
Row 8. dec) K3, skpo, k5, k2tog, k3 to end of row – 13sts MARKER
Row 9. Purl
Row 10. dec) K3, skpo, k3, k2tog, k3 to end of row – 11sts
Row 11. Purl
Row 12. dec) K3, skpo, k1, k2tog, k3 to end of row – 9sts
Row 13. dec) P2tog, purl to last 2 sts, p2tog – 7sts
Row 14. dec) K1, skpo, k1, k2tog, k1 to end of row – 5sts
Row 15. dec) P2tog, p1, p2tog – 3sts
Row 16. dec) K3tog, fasten off for Chin Point.
FIG. 6
Stuff the Nose and Head – not too much, just enough to enhance the shape.
Stuff the body - if you’ve added wire add stuffing around the wire.
Add Eyes
Insert the eyes in place and secure them with the backs. - See Fig. 8 on next
FIG. 7
Fox Doll page 17 Fox Doll page 18
FIG. 8
FIG. 9
NOTE: I like to use a strand of mohair or fine or thread to sew this delicate
FIG. 10
Fox Doll page 21 Fox Doll page 22
Row 1. Purl
Row 2. inc) Cast on 6 sts for Hind Leg Back, k6, k2tog, k3 to end - 10sts - See Fig 12
Rows 3-7. Beginning with a purl row work five rows stocking stitch
*Row 8. inc) K4, k2tog, k4 to end of row – 9sts
Rows 9-11. Beginning with a purl row work three rows stocking stitch
Row 12. dec) [K1, k2tog] three times – 6sts
Row 13. Purl
Cut yarn A, join yarn C continue as follows:
Row 14. inc) [K2, kfb] twice - 8sts
Rows 15-17. Beginning with a purl row work three rows stocking stitch
Row 18. dec) K3, k2tog, k3 to end – 7sts
FIG. 11
Rows 19-21. Beginning with a purl row work three rows stocking stitch
Row 22. inc) K2, kfb three times, k2 - 10sts
Rows 23-25. Beginning with a purl row work three rows stocking stitch
Row 26. inc) K4, kfb twice, k4 - 12sts
Row 27. Purl
Row 28. inc) K5, kfb twice, k5 - 14sts
Row 29. Purl
Row 30. dec) K2tog 7 times - 7sts
Cast off all 7 Paw Sole sts purlwise. **
FIG. 12
Fox Doll page 23 Fox Doll page 24
FIG. 13
NOTE: IF you do choose to add wire then it’s best to have just one or two A Bit More About the Wires
lengths of wire per both legs – these will pass from the one hind leg, through As you can see in Fig. 16 I used two wires for the legs, for extra strength,
the space in the body near the tail and pass into the other hind leg. whereas I used only one in the tail/ body/ head.
There are more detailed images on the next page for Right Leg Seam.
Ref. Figs. 17 & 18 Bend over the end, then bind the sharp end with yarn,
passing the yarn through the loop created at the bend before threading
the needle and yarn through the bundled-up/ wrapped yarn to secure it.
FIG. 15
Right Hind Leg
Slip the remaining 5 sts of their holder and onto a knitting needle ready to knit
across, rejoin yarn A to continue working on the 5 Right Hind Leg sts as follows:
Row 1. Knit
Row 2. inc) Cast on 6 sts for Hind Leg Back, p6, p2tog, p3 to end - 10sts - See Fig
Rows 3-6. Work four rows stocking stitch
Continue as Left Hind Leg from * to **.
FIG. 16
Fox Doll page 27 Fox Doll page 28
FIG. 18
FIG. 17
The Ears are knitted independently from the body and sewn onto the head
Row 1. Purl
Inner Ear
With Back/ RS of the Outer Ear facing, with yarn D pick up and knit 11 sts all
across the Outer Ear Cast-On Edge from your right to your left.
Rows 1-5. Beginning with a purl row work five rows stocking stitch
WS together fold the Inner Ear Cast-Off Edge in half and mattress stitch to
Carefully and neatly join the Inner Ear to the Outer Ear so that it tucks neatly
FIG. 22
Fox Doll page 31 Fox Doll page 32
FIG. 23
FIG. 24
FIG. 26
Fox Doll page 33 Fox Doll page 34
ARMS NOTE: If you do choose to add wire then it’s best to have a single length of
The Arms (forelegs) are knitted independently and sewn onto the body wire for both arms; pass one of the wires taken from the bundle through the
Make 2 alike body – in at one Arm Placement Marker, through the body and out at the
NOTE: If you’d rather Fox have Fingers then please go to Pages 37 & 38 other Arm Placement Marker. - See Figs 27 & 28.
With yarn A cast on 5 sts. Join Arm to Body
Row 1. inc) K2, kfb, k2 - 6sts Find the centre of the Arm Cast-On Edge and match it to the Arm Placement
Row 2. Purl Marker, hold in place with a stitch then mattress stitch all around the cast-on
Row 3. inc) K1, kfb, k2, kfb, k1 – 8sts edge joining the top of the arm to the body. - See Figs 29, 30 & 31.
Row 4. Purl Remove the Arm Placement Markers.
Row 5. inc) K2, kfb, k2, kfb, k2 – 10sts
PM at each end of last purl row for Shoulder Markers SHOULDER
Rows 6-12. Beginning with a purl row work seven rows stocking stitch MARKERS
Row 13. dec) K1, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k1 - 8sts
Row 14. Purl
Cut yarn A, join yarn C, continue as follows:
Row 15. dec) K1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1 - 6sts
Row 16-22. Beginning with a purl row work seven rows stocking stitch
Row 23. dec) K1, k2tog, k1, k2tog - 4sts RIGHT ARM
Row 24. Purl MARKER
Cut yarn, thread end through all 4 Hand (paw) sts.
FIG. 30
FIG. 28
FIG. 29 FIG. 31
Fox Doll page 37 Fox Doll page 38
Second Finger
Rejoin yarn to 6 sts on knitting needle
Row 28. P2, Turn (flip work over so knit-side faces)
Row 29. K2, Turn
Row 30. P2, Turn
Row 31. dec) K2tog, Fasten off.
Third Finger
*Rejoin yarn to 4 sts on knitting needle
Row 28. P2, Turn (flip work over so knit-side faces)
Row 29. K2, Turn
Row 30. P2, Turn
Row 31. dec) K2tog, Fasten off.**
Fourth Finger
Repeat from * to ** for final two stitches (final finger, for a total of 4
FIG. 32
Fox Doll page 39 Fox Doll page 40
With a length of yarn C or dark brown yarn or thread work
embroidered straight stitches work a ‘V’ either side of the Nose then
work smaller straight stitches to fill in the nose a little.
Work a single thread embroidered line for a mouth dividing it in the
centre by working a small upward/ vertical embroidered line from the
centre of the mouth to the nose.
For the detail around the eyes, with yarn D work a simple detail around
the eye – similar to embroidering single Lazy Daisy Petal that sits
beneath the toy eye. - See Fig. 35
FIG. 33 FIG. 34
FIG. 35
Fox Doll - SWEATER page 42
Designed to fit Fox Doll Pattern
17.5 rows and 15 stitches over 5cm (2in) with 2.75mm needles
2.75mm single point knitting needles
Row 13. inc) K5, kfb, k1, kfb, k2, kfb, k1, kfb, k5, kfb, k1, kfb, k2, kfb, k1,
kfb, k5 - 39sts
Row 15. inc) K6, kfb, k1, kfb, k4, kfb, k1, kfb, k7, kfb, k1, kfb, k4, kfb, k1,
kfb, k6 - 47sts
Row 17. inc) K7, kfb, k1, kfb, k6, kfb, k1, kfb, k9, kfb, k1, kfb, k6, kfb, k1,
Right Sleeve Row 21. inc) P7, pfb, Turn – 9 Left Back sts
Row 18. K23, Turn (flip work over so purl-side faces) Rows 22-31. Work ten rows stocking stitch on 9 left back sts
Continue to work on 16 Right Sleeve sts as follows: Row 32. [K1, p1] 4 times, k1
Row 19. P16, Turn so knit-side faces Row 33. [P1, k1] 4 times, p1
Rows 20-31. Work 12 rows stocking stitch on 16 right sleeve sts Rows 34-35. Repeat last 2 rows once
Row 32. dec) K2tog, k5, k2tog, k5, k2tog – 13sts Cast off in rib all 9 Left Back sts.
Row 33. [P1, k1] 6 times, p1
Row 34. [K1, p1] 6 times, k1
Rejoin yarn to first set 11 sts on right-hand needle ready to purl across, con-
Rows 35-38. Repeat last 2 rows twice
tinue as follows:
Cast off in rib all 13 Right Sleeve Cuff sts.
Row 19. P11, Turn
Left Sleeve Continue to work on 11 Front sts as follows:
Rejoin yarn to 32 sts on right-hand needle ready to knit across, continue as follows: Row 20. inc) Kfb, k9, kfb – 13 Front sts
Row 18. inc) Kfb, k7, kfb, k16, Turn (flip work over so purl-side faces) Row 21. P13, Turn
Continue to work on 16 Left Sleeve sts as follows: Row 22. inc) Kfb, k11, kfb – 15 Front sts
Row 19. P16, Turn so knit-side faces Rows 23-31. Beginning with a purl row work nine rows stocking stitch on 15
Rows 20-31. Work 12 rows stocking stitch on 16 left sleeve sts front sts
Row 32. dec) K2tog, k5, k2tog, k5, k2tog – 13sts Row 32. [K1, p1] 7 times, k1
Row 33. [P1, k1] 6 times, p1 Row 33. [P1, k1] 7 times, p1
Row 34. [K1, p1] 6 times, k1 Rows 34-35. Repeat last 2 rows once
Rows 35-38. Repeat last 2 rows twice Cast off in rib all 15 Front sts.
Cast off in rib all 13 Left Sleeve Cuff sts.
Right Back
Left Back Rejoin yarn to 7 sts on right-hand needle ready to knit across, continue as
Rejoin yarn to 7 sts on right-hand needle ready to knit across, continue as follows: follows:
Row 18. Knit Continue to work on 7 Right -Back sts as follows:
Continue to work on 7 Left -Back sts as follows: Row 19. inc) Pfb, p6 – 8sts
Row 19. inc) P6, pfb, Turn – 8 Left Back sts Row 20. Knit
Row 20. Knit Row 21. inc) Pfb, p7 – 9sts
Fox Doll - SWEATER page 45 Fox Doll - SWEATER page 46
Trousers Trace the Trouser Templates on pages 45 and 46 and cut one Left Leg, one
Right Leg, two Pocket Linings and one Waistband from the felt, making two
One piece of GREY (or colour of your choice) wool felt 1mm thick x 20cm x 20cm 1. Working on one Leg at a time, fold where it says ‘Fold’ then match the Inside
Sewing thread in a shade to match the felt Leg Edges together. Either hand- or machine-sew along the Inside Leg Seam,
This is the website for the felt - Paper & String Etsy Shop allowing for a 3mm seam allowance. Do both legs.
2. Turn one leg out to RS.
3. Place the right-side-out leg inside the inside-out leg, matching the inside leg
seams and matching the Left Front to Right Front Edges (A to B) ; Left Back
and Right Back Edges (C to D). Either hand- or machine-sew along the Front
Seam; hand- or machine-sew along the Back Seam, allowing for a 3mm seam
allowance and leaving open the space for the tail.
4. Turn the trouser to the WS.
5. Working on one pocket at a time, lay the pocket lining over the cut you made
for the pocket and over-sew by hand all around the pocket lining edge joining
the lining to the trouser, making sure the over-sew stitches cannot be seen on
the right side of the trouser. Do both pocket linings. See Figs. 1 & 2
6. Turn the trouser to the RS.
7. Turn up a 6mm hem at the ends of the legs and, if you wish, work a neat line
of stitches around the upper edge to hold the fold in place.
8. Match the two short edges of the Waistband, join with a 3mm seam
allowance then fold the waistband over along the length, making sure the seam
is on the inside of the fold.
9. Work a running/ gathering stitch around the top of the Trouser Waist Edge
and gather up until the circumference is the same at the waistband. See Fig. 3
10. Fit the waistband over the gathered edge and neatly sew in place, the
waistband seam should align with the seam at the back of the trouser. See Fig. 4
Fox Doll - TROUSERS page 49 Fox Doll - TROUSERS page 50
print at 100% CUT ONE WAISTBAND
Fox Doll - TROUSERS page 51 Fox Doll - TROUSERS page 52
Please also remember that this pattern, like all of my patterns, is copyrighted.
This prohibits copying or reproducing any of its writing content for your own profit.
However if you want to sell what you’ve made from any of my patterns then that is
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