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Power System Stabilizers Design For Multimachine Power Systems Using Local Measurements

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Power System Stabilizers Design for Multimachine

Power Systems Using Local Measurements
Ajit Kumar

Abstract—In this paper, a technique for designing fixed param- with all shaft dynamics disabled], agree closely with P-Vr
eter decentralized power system stabilizers (PSSs) for intercon- TF [ with all rotor shaft dynamics disabled].
nected power systems is proposed. In the proposed method, local It is also shown that for the purpose of phase compensation,
information available at each machine in the multimachine en-
the method of residue also agree closely with the P-Vr phase
vironment, is used to tune parameters of PSS. Conventional de-
sign techniques such as P-Vr frequency response approaches, and response. However, this formulation of PSS design is not
the method of residues are based on complete system information, adequate for very large interconnected power systems. In [10],
wherein phase angles of residues are consistent with the P-Vr phase a decentralized PSS design technique is presented using local
response and can be used with confidence for design purposes. It plant information; wherein, system dynamics of the th machine
is shown that magnitude and phase information of the proposed in a multimachine system is linearized by taking secondary
GEP TF agrees closely with that of P-Vr TF and yields a robust bus voltage of the step-up transformer as reference. However,
stabilizer. Nonlinear simulation and eigenvalue analysis show the
efficacy of the proposed stabilizer to damp out the interarea and owing to aforestated premise, magnitude and phase response of
local modes of oscillations effectively over a wide range of oper- the modified GEP TF differ markedly from P-Vr TF synthesized
ating conditions. Superiority of the proposed approach over the in [12]. Recently in [11], a phase compensation method for PSS
conventional approaches is demonstrated with simulation studies design is described for machine in a multimachine system,
on two widely used multimachine systems. by varying external reactance of generator connected to infinite
Index Terms—Eigenvalue, multimachine systems, power system bus. Authors have introduced a synthetic system, wherein
dynamic stability, power system stabilizer, small signal stability. the maximum value of external reactance is determined by
the lowest desired values for interarea frequencies, while the
minimum is set by the step-up transformer of generating unit.
I. INTRODUCTION However, this optimization routine is fairly time consuming

I N the absence of natural damping, power systems can expe- for large interconnected network, particularly under various
rience low-frequency dynamic problem due to increased ef- generation dispatch conditions.
forts to transfer electric power over vast geographical and elec- Lam et al. [4] pointed out that the expression for calculating
trical distances. Auxiliary controller called power system sta- the frequency response of GEP TF of a given generator in a mul-
bilizer (PSS) provides additional damping to the synchronous timachine environment has two components; the first compo-
generator rotor oscillations by modulating the generator excita- nent depends only on the associated generator, while the second
tion. PSS design has been well studied in the literature over the component depends on the external network. Attributed by diag-
past few decades [1]–[11], [17], [18], [22]. onal dominance of network admittance matrix, the second com-
The basis of PSS design was presented in the classic paper ponent is largely unaffected by the dynamics of the generators
by deMello et al. [1] for a single machine infinite bus (SMIB) in the external network [4]. More importantly, phase responses
system. In this approach, phase-compensation of the transfer of the second component are usually leading and render lesser
function (GEP(s)) (i.e., the ratio of electrical torque developed gain of GEP TF over the range of oscillation frequencies.
on the shaft of the generator and the voltage reference input to The method in this paper advances the PSS design technique
the AVR) is provided by the PSS transfer function. of [10], using local plant information by incorporating external
A theoretical analysis by Lam et al. [4] showed that in reactance originating from generating unit step-up transformer.
the multimachine environment, GEP TF computed for SMIB Thus as aforementioned, phase response of GEP TF of the
system is adequate for PSS design. Investigation in prior works proposed method—incorporating external network—adds
by Gibbard [9], Gurrala [10], and Marco [11] are motivated phase lead to the phase response obtained from [10] and is in
by frequency analysis cited in [4]. Gibbard [9] observes that close agreement with phase response of P-Vr TF [12], which is
the phase response of GEPSDD [measured TF from voltage obtained by complete system information. Additionally, gain
reference to the terminal voltage , of GEP TF of the proposed method is lesser than [10], and is
also in close agreement with gain of P-Vr TF [12]. Thus, the
proposed method provides information of critical PSS gain
Manuscript received November 27, 2014; revised March 10, 2015, May 05,
2015, and July 01, 2015; accepted July 14, 2015. Paper no. TPWRS-01629- ( ) more accurately and higher than[10]; while P-Vr design
2014. technique does not provide any information regarding .
The author is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute In essence, the main contribution of this paper is to determine
of Science, Bangalore 560012, India (e-mail: ajit.kum01@gmail.com).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
relatively truthful value of phase lead compensation and
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. than [10] for designing PSS using local measurements. The
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2015.2460260 PSS designed using proposed technique have shown improved

0885-8950 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


damping performance when compared to the PSS designed in

[7], [10], and [12], under wide range of operating conditions
To illustrate the feasibility of the proposed method, results
are presented on two IEEE test systems: 1) 3-generator 9-bus
system; and 2) 14-generator 59-bus system.
The remainder of the paper is arranged as follows. The
following section presents the mathematical model of SMIB
system. Proposed approach is described in Section III. Robust-
ness assessment of the proposed method is given in Section IV.
The results are presented and analyzed in Section V. The paper
concludes in Section VI with a brief summary of the findings
in the current work and identification of avenues for future
investigations. Fig. 1. (a) Single machine in a connected network. (b) Proposed equivalent
representation of single machine.
A dynamic mathematical modelling of the power system
is needed to figure out its small and large signal stability be-
haviour. Primary constituents of the power system is comprised
of synchronous generator, transmission lines, automatic voltage
regulator (AVR), etc. The dynamic equations of IEEE Model
1.0 for a synchronous generator equipped with a static exciter,
are given as follows:
Fig. 2. Phasor diagram of equivalent system shown in Fig. 1(b).

where .
The stator equations in the algebraic form are given as where , , and .
is the power factor angle at the high voltage bus w.r.t .
The authoritative linearized model of SMIB system, formally
The variables used above employ conventional notations [13], known as Heffron-Phillip's model ( -constant), was introduced
[14]. The rotor angle with respect to the high voltage bus of first in [15]. Recently, a modified Heffron-Phillip's model
transformer ( ) is denoted as . The angle (G-constant [10]) has been proposed for interconnected power
and voltage are given in (7) and (8), respectively [3]: systems. Accordingly, we follow the line of investigation used
in [10] (i.e., to replace stiff bus voltage phasor of SMIB system
(7) with a non-stiff secondary bus voltage phasor of step-up
transformer), for establishing a linearized model of a single
machine in a multimachine environment using local informa-
tion. Firstly, we consider two lossless ( ) transmission
lines having reactance , and terminal voltage
Here, , , and can be evaluated from the secondary bus and respectively (see Fig. 3). Stator currents and
of the step-up transformer[10]. Intonation for and are given are given as
in (9) and (10), respectively:
(9) (13)

where ;
and .
Locally procurable data ( ) for the trans- (14)
mission line originating from the secondary bus of step-up trans-
where .
former [shown in Fig. 1(a)] are put to evaluate and (i.e.,
Posterior little algebraic manipulations (13) and (14) can be
(see Fig. 2), they are given as
rewritten as
(11) (15)
(12) (16)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


the step-up transformer, so as for . Moreover, this additional

( and ) dynamic information in comparison to and
(used in [10]) is expected to yield relatively robust plant
model [4].
Next, we turn our attention to linearization. For a detailed
discussion on linear model of SMIB system, reader is referred
to [13]. Kirchhoff's Voltage law between the generator terminal
and the infinite bus in a synchronously rotating Kron's reference
frame is used to achieve network machine interface and is given
Fig. 3. Single machine infinite bus system.


where .
The subscripts and refer to the and axis respectively
in Kron's reference frame, and and refers to the and axis,
respectively, in Park's reference frame. In the preceding works
[10] and [16], wherein infinite bus is replaced with a
non-stiff bus for designing PSS and a nonlinear voltage
regulator for interconnected power systems, respectively. In the
same spirit, in this work we will examine quid pro quo of
with the equivalent bus for designing PSS. The modified
equation, after replacing with is given as

Fig. 4. Linearized model of a single machine in a connected network.
-constants [given in (23)] are evaluated using (1)–(6) and
(22) for a lossless network ( ) on the stator side, by lin-
where earization of the th machine. In essence, constants to are
analogous to the classical HP constants to [15], while
to represents the non-stiffness property of the equiv-
alent bus . It must be pointed out at the very outset that,
as in the preceding work [10], to can also be obtained
in real time by locally measured data. Reader is referred to [1],
(17) for a detail discussion regarding computation of constants to
for a systems with transmission loss:

Observe that (15) and (16) represents stator currents of SMIB

system with a single equivalent bus of voltage phasor and
reactance :




Thus, for lossless transmission lines emanating from sec-
ondary bus of the step-up transformer to the external network where .
[see Fig. 1(a)], its equivalent bus voltage magnitude and The linearized scheme of the proposed model of a single ma-
reactance are given in (18) and (19), respectively. The chine in a connected network is shown in Fig. 4. The linearized
angle difference between the rotor angle and the equivalent state equations for each generator in a connected network has
bus , denoted as , is given in (20). It is noteworthy to the form
mention that the angle is obtained from local quantification
of power and voltage measurements at the secondary bus of (24)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 5. Electromechanical and exciter modes loci with pole residues shown in black arrow limited by cyan dots ( : Nominal operating condition).

overcompensation is often preferred due to its damping perfor-
mance—ignoring the gain modification of lead compensation
[17]. Its associated risks in PSS tuning are 1) negative synchro-
nizing torque component and 2) faster instability of susceptible
modes, leading to a much reduced gain margin. Additionally,
a prerequisite [18] of phase lag to nullify overcompensation at
frequency below 0.5 Hz for case C will be less than case A. Re-
lated to Fig. 5, note that in contrast with case A, exciter mode
of case C is much closer to case E. Observe that EM mode for
where .
nominal operating condition, shown in square ( ), of the plant
The matrices , , and can be easily obtained from the
model proposed in [10] (i.e., case A) is in the left half of the
linearized model shown in Fig. 4.
-plane; while for case C, it is in the right half and is in the
IV. ROBUSTNESS ASSESSMENT close proximity of case E. Stein[19] posited that “unstable sys-
tems are quantifiably and fundamentally more difficult to con-
In this section, we will examine the robustness of the pro-
trol than stable systems”; under this premise, case C plant model
posed plant model for SMIB power system. As an SMIB system
is more difficult to control than case A:
qualitatively reveal important outlook of the behavior of a mul-
timachine system and is very relevant in interpreting the general (25)
concepts of power systems stability [1]. Data of system ren-
dered in [13] is put to use here. Nominal real power input of Next, a mixed sensitivity—control effort optimization and
the machine , and line reactance of the system as shown output disturbance rejection—based robust damping con-
in Fig. 3 is 1.0 p.u. and 0.3 p.u., respectively. For the discussed troller is designed for all three cases, to analyze the closed
plant model, five different cases A-E are shown in Table I; for loop performance with additional pole-placement constraints
the sake of brevity, we only present results of cases A, C, and (shown in Fig. 5) expressed as linear matrix inequalities (LMIs).
E and are shown in blue, red, and black color, respectively. It Weighting low-pass filter, , for output disturbance rejec-
is to be observed that case A is tantamount to the plant model tion and a high-pass filter, , to optimize the control effort
proposed in [10]. in the high frequency range, are given in (25) for an mixed
The loci of the exciter and electromechanical (EM) modes sensitivity design [20].
(poles) are plotted in Fig. 5 by varying from 0.4 p.u. to Damping controllers for cases A, B, C, and E are designed at
1.3 p.u. in steps of 0.05 p.u. Additionally, pole residues of the the nominal operating condition. Change in closed-loop transfer
transfer function ( ), associated with cases function ( ), due to the fractional change in open-loop
A, C, and E are depicted as black-colored arrows and limited plant transfer function ( ) is given as
by cyan-colored dots. Related to Fig. 5, angle and moduli of the
EM mode sensitivity for cases A-E are rendered in Table I, for (26)
three different operating conditions. It must be mentioned that
the highest moduli of EM modes corresponds to case A for all where is sensitivity and is complementary sensitivity of the
operating conditions (for similar findings, refer to [11]). Note closed-loop plant.
that for PSS design, the ideal phase compensation (IPC)—en- For the nominal operating condition bode magnitude plot,
ables departure angle of EM mode for the compensated system of the ratio of, the change in closed-loop transfer function and
equal to 180 —for the EM mode of case A is higher than cases the fractional change in open-loop transfer function ( ), is
C and E across all operating conditions. However, phase lead shown in Fig. 6. It is evident that the closed-loop plant variation
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 8. Single line diagram of 9-bus, 3-machine system.

Fig. 6. Close loop plant variation with fractional change in open loop plant
of single machine system at the nominal operating condition.

Fig. 9. Phase characteristics of GEP(s) (9-bus, 3-machine system). Proposed:

––– Gen-1, – – Gen-3; [10]: ––– Gen-1, – – Gen-3.

Fig. 7. Closed loop poles of SMIB system.

with controller designed for case A is much higher than con-

troller designed for cases B and C.
Eigenvalues of open loop plant and closed-loop plants with
controllers designed for cases A, C, and E are shown in Fig. 7,
by varying real power input ( ) from 0.6 p.u. to 1.1 p.u and
transmission line reactance ( ) from 0.3 p.u. to 0.4 p.u., to Fig. 10. Root locus of Gen2 and Gen-3. –––: Proposed; – – –: [10].
reckon one or more lines outage. It is seen that over a wide range
of operating conditions, rotor mode with case C controller is
fairly damped than case A controller, thus enhancing the small- of operating conditions are shown in Fig. 12, in black dots. It
signal stability of SMIB power system. can be seen that the damping of the two low frequency oscilla-
tory modes decreases in steps from 35%–245% of the nominal
Uncompensated phase plot of GEP(s), obtained from the
A. Three-Machine System proposed model and the model presented in [10], for Gen-1 and
For the plant model discussed in Section III, PSS is designed Gen-3 are shown in Fig. 9, at the nominal loading condition.
for a 9-bus and 3-machine power system shown in Fig. 8. Data As seen in the figure, similar to the SMIB case elucidated in
of this system is taken from [21], wherein exciter is replaced Section IV, a higher phase lead compensation for the plant
by a static exciter with a time constant of 0.05 and high gain model [10] is required to meet the IPC for all the three gen-
of 200. A range of operating conditions is generated by varying erators (Gen-2 not shown). Therefore, a comparatively [10]
system loads from 35%–245% of the nominal loading condi- lesser phase lead compensations of 24 and 30 are selected for
tion [6]. The nominal and heavy loading conditions are given in Gen-1 and Gen-2 respectively with center frequency 3.5 Hz,
Table II. Open-loop poles of the system for the considered range while for Gen-3, an equal phase lead compensation of 86 with
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The root locus plots of Gen-2 and Gen-3 for–proposed and

[10]–plant models are shown in Fig. 10. Moduli and angle of
EM modes residue ( and , respectively) for all gen-
erators and data of a single stage ( ; ) lead-lag com-
pensator (see (27)) is given in Table III.
The participation factor method indicates that the optimum
locations for installing PSSs are Gen-2 and Gen-3. However,
a detail study to address PSS siting problem using proposed
plant model is under investigation. In contrast with [10], moduli
of EM mode residue ( ) of all the three generators clearly
indicates that Gen-3 is the most optimum location of installing
PSS than Gen-2, while a lower value of shows that PSS
at Gen-1 will be ineffective.
In [7], a particle swarm optimization (PSO) based PSS is
Fig. 11. of Gen-2 and Gen-3 for a step change in of at Gen-2 designed for Gen-2 and Gen-3. To demonstrate local mode
and at Gen-3.
damping performance [5], an equal and opposite mechanical
torque disturbance of 0.1 p.u. and are applied at
Gen-2 and Gen-3, respectively. Fig. 11 shows the slip speed
w.r.t. center of inertia (COI) ( ) of Gen-1, Gen-2, and
Gen-3 with PSS of Gen-1 not in service, at a loading condition
adapted from [7] (see Table II). It is evident that with the
proposed PSS speed oscillations are well damped than that of
PSO-PSS and PSS proposed in [10].
System poles with PSS data given in Table III are shown in
Fig. 12, for a wide range of operating conditions (35%–245%
of nominal). As seen, damping of rotor oscillatory modes with
the proposed PSS (red color) is markedly better than [10] (blue
color). Fig. 13 shows terminal voltage , and
field voltage of Gen-3 following a to
ground fault at bus 7 for 10-ms duration at heavy loading con-
dition. Observe that the rotor oscillations for all the three gen-
erators with the proposed PSS are relatively well damped when
Fig. 12. Open-loop and close-loop poles of 9-bus 3-machine system ( : 35% compared with [10].
and : 245% of nominal loading). Clearing times in advance of which the system loses synchro-
nism for a to ground fault are given in Table IV(A). Note that,
TABLE II with the proposed PSS (shown in boldface), there is a remark-
LOADING CONDITIONS (P.U.) FOR 9-BUS, 3-MACHINE SYSTEM able improvement in the clearing time.

B. Fourteen-Machine System
Simplified model of the southern and eastern Australian net-
work shown in Fig. 14 has been endorsed as an IEEE benchmark
for stability studies. Attributed by closely coupled areas 1 and
2 it has three interarea modes as well as ten local-area modes.
In [12], a detailed description of the test system including exci-
tation system, network, machine, and P-Vr PSS parameters are
center frequency 4.1 Hz is selected to enable departure angle given including six different operating conditions. P-Vr PSS is
at the pole close to 180 : designed for each generator—which is in fact equivalent rep-
resentation of identical power station of 2 to 12 units. In [8],
design of PSSs for identical units in a multigenerator station is
(27) discussed to ensure that intra-station, local, and exciter modes
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Fig. 14. IEEE 14-generator 59-bus test system.

Fig. 13. Heavy loading: System responses of Gen 3 for a fault for 10 ms
duration at bus 7. –––: Proposed; – – –: [10].


Fig. 15. GEP and P-Vr characteristics of Gen-9 for all the six cases, in p.u. on
the machine rating (–––: Proposed; –––: [10]).

TF. Additionally, it is shown that for the purpose of phase com-

are well damped. In [22], a modal 2-channel PSS structure is pensation, residue angles agree closely with the P-Vr phase re-
designed to damp the aggregate modes and intraplant oscilla- sponse and can be used with confidence for design purposes.
tions of nearly symmetric multigenerator power plants. Here, Thus, it is worth mentioning that GEP TF of the proposed plant
proposed PSS is designed for equivalent generators using the model is relatively more adequate for the PSS design than plant
plant model discussed in Section III. model discussed in [10].
Firstly in Fig. 15, we present the magnitude and phase char- Stabilizer gain is selected by following “tuning condition”
acteristics of the synthesized (best fit of six cases) P-Vr TF and described in [2], i.e., for the operating condition with highest
GEP TFs obtained by the proposed method and [10] (shown loop gain. Time constants of the PSS for Gen-9 (see Table V)
in red and blue color, respectively), for Gen-9 for all cases. As are designed for case-3 such that the compensated phase lag at
seen, over the modal frequency range of interest 1 to 12 rad/s, the central frequency 7 rad/s are 20.1 and 89 at 22 rad/s, while
phase responses of the proposed GEP TFs are much closer to compensated phase lag of 5.3 at 7 rad/s and 16.8 at 22 rad/s
synthesized P-Vr than that of GEP TFs obtained in [10]. Un- are observed for the synthesized P-Vr TF.
like [10], for each case, the magnitude and phase plots of the Next, in Fig. 16, we display the root locus plot of Gen-9 for
proposed method is nearly matching P-Vr TF (see [12, p. 19]). case-6 such that the critical PSS gain ( ) is minimum among
In a related prior work, Gibbard et al. [9] observe that mea- all six cases, with a washout time constant of 7.5 s; wherein
sured [2] phase response of the GEPSDD TF calculated from a gain (14.4) is selected for the proposed PSS at the damping
, generally agree closely with that of the P-Vr ratio ( ) 0.2. From the root locus, it is observed that of
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Fig. 17. Close-loop poles of 59-bus system for all the six cases ( : All PSS in
service, : Four PSSs are OFF).

Fig. 16. Root locus of Gen-9 for case 6, 14-generator 59-bus system ( –––:
Proposed; –––: [10]).

the proposed plant model is 51, while for an equal phase com-
pensation, for the method proposed in[10] is 36. Note that
for the proposed method is closer to the plant instability
gain 49 (47 with all PSS in service). Minimum values of
across all six operating conditions for each generator are given
in Table V. Observe that in comparison to [10], evaluated
using proposed method is reasonably closer to instability gain
of plant.
Related to the above discussion, we consider a contingency
scenario by taking transmission line 18–20 out of service for
maintenance purpose. Oscillatory behavior of plant is observed
when PSS gain of Gen-3 is increased to 21 (with all PSS in
service). Note that posterior to the structural change, is
14 and 22 for Gen-3 for the plant model discussed in [10] and
Section III, respectively.
In order to demonstrate robust performance over a wide range
of operating conditions, eigenvalues of 59-bus system are pre-
Fig. 18. Case 2: Slip speed of GEN 3, 6, 9, and 14 and field voltage response
sented in Fig. 17, for 726 different operating scenarios by dis- of GEN 14; for a step change in at GEN-14, lasting for 100 ms
abling four PSS from each area, wherein proposed and P-Vr and then returning to the original value. PSS of GEN 3, 6, and 9 are OFF.
PSS are shown red and blue color, respectively. The overall
performance of the P-Vr PSS is not satisfactory as the system
becomes highly oscillatory under several operating conditions To visualize this, slip speed ( ) responses of Gen 3, 6, 9, and
when compared with proposed PSS. 14 and field voltage ( ) response of GEN 14 are presented in
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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